/* ** p_saveg.cpp ** Code for serializing the world state in an archive ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2016 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2005-2016 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "i_system.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_spec.h" // State. #include "d_player.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "r_data/r_interpolate.h" #include "po_man.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "p_terrain.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "r_utility.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "r_renderer.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "events.h" #include "p_destructible.h" #include "fragglescript/t_script.h" //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, line_t &line, line_t *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("flags", line.flags, def->flags) ("activation", line.activation, def->activation) ("special", line.special, def->special) ("alpha", line.alpha, def->alpha) .Args("args", line.args, def->args, line.special) ("portalindex", line.portalindex, def->portalindex) ("locknumber", line.locknumber, def->locknumber) ("health", line.health, def->health) // Unless the map loader is changed the sidedef references will not change between map loads so there's no need to save them. //.Array("sides", line.sidedef, 2) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, side_t::part &part, side_t::part *def) { if (arc.canSkip() && def != nullptr && !memcmp(&part, def, sizeof(part))) { return arc; } if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("xoffset", part.xOffset, def->xOffset) ("yoffset", part.yOffset, def->yOffset) ("xscale", part.xScale, def->xScale) ("yscale", part.yScale, def->yScale) ("texture", part.texture, def->texture) ("interpolation", part.interpolation) ("flags", part.flags, def->flags) ("color1", part.SpecialColors[0], def->SpecialColors[0]) ("color2", part.SpecialColors[1], def->SpecialColors[1]) ("addcolor", part.AdditiveColor, def->AdditiveColor) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, side_t &side, side_t *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc.Array("textures", side.textures, def->textures, 3, true) ("light", side.Light, def->Light) ("flags", side.Flags, def->Flags) // These also remain identical across map loads //("leftside", side.LeftSide) //("rightside", side.RightSide) //("index", side.Index) ("attacheddecals", side.AttachedDecals) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FLinkedSector &ls, FLinkedSector *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("sector", ls.Sector) ("type", ls.Type) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //============================================================================ // // Save a sector portal for savegames. // //============================================================================ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FColormap &port, FColormap *def) { if (arc.canSkip() && def != nullptr && port == *def) { return arc; } if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("lightcolor", port.LightColor) ("fadecolor", port.FadeColor) ("desaturation", port.Desaturation) ("fogdensity", port.FogDensity) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, sector_t::splane &p, sector_t::splane *def) { if (arc.canSkip() && def != nullptr && !memcmp(&p, def, sizeof(p))) { return arc; } if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("xoffs", p.xform.xOffs, def->xform.xOffs) ("yoffs", p.xform.yOffs, def->xform.yOffs) ("xscale", p.xform.xScale, def->xform.xScale) ("yscale", p.xform.yScale, def->xform.yScale) ("angle", p.xform.Angle, def->xform.Angle) ("baseyoffs", p.xform.baseyOffs, def->xform.baseyOffs) ("baseangle", p.xform.baseAngle, def->xform.baseAngle) ("flags", p.Flags, def->Flags) ("light", p.Light, def->Light) ("texture", p.Texture, def->Texture) ("texz", p.TexZ, def->TexZ) ("alpha", p.alpha, def->alpha) ("glowcolor", p.GlowColor, def->GlowColor) ("glowheight", p.GlowHeight, def->GlowHeight) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, secplane_t &p, secplane_t *def) { if (arc.canSkip() && def != nullptr && !memcmp(&p, def, sizeof(p))) { return arc; } if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { Serialize(arc, "normal", p.normal, def ? &def->normal : nullptr); Serialize(arc, "d", p.D, def ? &def->D : nullptr); arc.EndObject(); if (arc.isReading() && p.normal.Z != 0) { p.negiC = -1 / p.normal.Z; } } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, sector_t &p, sector_t *def) { // save the Scroll data here because it's a lot easier to handle a default. // Just writing out the full array can massively inflate the archive for no gain. DVector2 scroll = { 0,0 }, nul = { 0,0 }; if (arc.isWriting() && level.Scrolls.Size() > 0) scroll = level.Scrolls[p.sectornum]; if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("floorplane", p.floorplane, def->floorplane) ("ceilingplane", p.ceilingplane, def->ceilingplane) ("lightlevel", p.lightlevel, def->lightlevel) ("special", p.special, def->special) ("seqtype", p.seqType, def->seqType) ("seqname", p.SeqName, def->SeqName) ("friction", p.friction, def->friction) ("movefactor", p.movefactor, def->movefactor) ("stairlock", p.stairlock, def->stairlock) ("prevsec", p.prevsec, def->prevsec) ("nextsec", p.nextsec, def->nextsec) .Array("planes", p.planes, def->planes, 2, true) // These cannot change during play. //("heightsec", p.heightsec) //("bottommap", p.bottommap) //("midmap", p.midmap) //("topmap", p.topmap) ("damageamount", p.damageamount, def->damageamount) ("damageinterval", p.damageinterval, def->damageinterval) ("leakydamage", p.leakydamage, def->leakydamage) ("damagetype", p.damagetype, def->damagetype) ("sky", p.sky, def->sky) ("moreflags", p.MoreFlags, def->MoreFlags) ("flags", p.Flags, def->Flags) .Array("portals", p.Portals, def->Portals, 2, true) ("zonenumber", p.ZoneNumber, def->ZoneNumber) .Array("interpolations", p.interpolations, 4, true) ("soundtarget", p.SoundTarget) ("secacttarget", p.SecActTarget) ("floordata", p.floordata) ("ceilingdata", p.ceilingdata) ("lightingdata", p.lightingdata) ("fakefloor_sectors", p.e->FakeFloor.Sectors) ("midtexf_lines", p.e->Midtex.Floor.AttachedLines) ("midtexf_sectors", p.e->Midtex.Floor.AttachedSectors) ("midtexc_lines", p.e->Midtex.Ceiling.AttachedLines) ("midtexc_sectors", p.e->Midtex.Ceiling.AttachedSectors) ("linked_floor", p.e->Linked.Floor.Sectors) ("linked_ceiling", p.e->Linked.Ceiling.Sectors) ("colormap", p.Colormap, def->Colormap) .Array("specialcolors", p.SpecialColors, def->SpecialColors, 5, true) .Array("additivecolors", p.AdditiveColors, def->AdditiveColors, 5, true) ("gravity", p.gravity, def->gravity) .Terrain("floorterrain", p.terrainnum[0], &def->terrainnum[0]) .Terrain("ceilingterrain", p.terrainnum[1], &def->terrainnum[1]) ("scrolls", scroll, nul) ("healthfloor", p.healthfloor, def->healthfloor) ("healthceiling", p.healthceiling, def->healthceiling) ("health3d", p.health3d, def->health3d) // GZDoom exclusive: .Array("reflect", p.reflect, def->reflect, 2, true) .EndObject(); if (arc.isReading() && !scroll.isZero()) { if (level.Scrolls.Size() == 0) { level.Scrolls.Resize(level.sectors.Size()); memset(&level.Scrolls[0], 0, sizeof(level.Scrolls[0])*level.Scrolls.Size()); level.Scrolls[p.sectornum] = scroll; } } } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // RecalculateDrawnSubsectors // // In case the subsector data is unusable this function tries to reconstruct // if from the linedefs' ML_MAPPED info. // //========================================================================== void RecalculateDrawnSubsectors() { for (auto &sub : level.subsectors) { for (unsigned int j = 0; jflags & ML_MAPPED)) { sub.flags |= SSECMF_DRAWN; } } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &SerializeSubsectors(FSerializer &arc, const char *key) { uint8_t by; const char *str; auto numsubsectors = level.subsectors.Size(); if (arc.isWriting()) { TArray encoded(1 + (numsubsectors + 5) / 6); int p = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numsubsectors; i += 6) { by = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (i + j < numsubsectors && (level.subsectors[i + j].flags & SSECMF_DRAWN)) { by |= (1 << j); } } if (by < 10) by += '0'; else if (by < 36) by += 'A' - 10; else if (by < 62) by += 'a' - 36; else if (by == 62) by = '-'; else if (by == 63) by = '+'; encoded[p++] = by; } encoded[p] = 0; str = &encoded[0]; if (arc.BeginArray(key)) { auto numvertexes = level.vertexes.Size(); arc(nullptr, numvertexes) (nullptr, numsubsectors) .StringPtr(nullptr, str) .EndArray(); } } else { int num_verts, num_subs; bool success = false; if (arc.BeginArray(key)) { arc(nullptr, num_verts) (nullptr, num_subs) .StringPtr(nullptr, str) .EndArray(); if (num_verts == (int)level.vertexes.Size() && num_subs == (int)numsubsectors) { success = true; int sub = 0; for (int i = 0; str[i] != 0; i++) { by = str[i]; if (by >= '0' && by <= '9') by -= '0'; else if (by >= 'A' && by <= 'Z') by -= 'A' - 10; else if (by >= 'a' && by <= 'z') by -= 'a' - 36; else if (by == '-') by = 62; else if (by == '+') by = 63; else { success = false; break; } for (int s = 0; s < 6; s++) { if (sub + s < (int)numsubsectors && (by & (1 << s))) { level.subsectors[sub + s].flags |= SSECMF_DRAWN; } } sub += 6; } } if (!success) { RecalculateDrawnSubsectors(); } } } return arc; } //============================================================================ // // Save a line portal for savegames. // //============================================================================ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FLinePortal &port, FLinePortal *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("origin", port.mOrigin) ("destination", port.mDestination) ("displacement", port.mDisplacement) ("type", port.mType) ("flags", port.mFlags) ("defflags", port.mDefFlags) ("align", port.mAlign) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //============================================================================ // // Save a sector portal for savegames. // //============================================================================ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FSectorPortal &port, FSectorPortal *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("type", port.mType) ("flags", port.mFlags) ("partner", port.mPartner) ("plane", port.mPlane) ("origin", port.mOrigin) ("destination", port.mDestination) ("displacement", port.mDisplacement) ("planez", port.mPlaneZ) ("skybox", port.mSkybox) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //============================================================================ // // one polyobject. // //============================================================================ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FPolyObj &poly, FPolyObj *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { DAngle angle = poly.Angle; DVector2 delta = poly.StartSpot.pos; arc("angle", angle) ("pos", delta) ("interpolation", poly.interpolation) ("blocked", poly.bBlocked) ("hasportals", poly.bHasPortals) ("specialdata", poly.specialdata) .EndObject(); if (arc.isReading()) { poly.RotatePolyobj(angle, true); delta -= poly.StartSpot.pos; poly.MovePolyobj(delta, true); } } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, ReverbContainer *&c, ReverbContainer **def) { int id = (arc.isReading() || c == nullptr) ? 0 : c->ID; Serialize(arc, key, id, nullptr); if (arc.isReading()) { c = S_FindEnvironment(id); } return arc; } FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, zone_t &z, zone_t *def) { return Serialize(arc, key, z.Environment, nullptr); } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveSounds // //========================================================================== void P_SerializeSounds(FSerializer &arc) { S_SerializeSounds(arc); DSeqNode::SerializeSequences (arc); const char *name = NULL; uint8_t order; float musvol = level.MusicVolume; if (arc.isWriting()) { order = S_GetMusic(&name); } arc.StringPtr("musicname", name) ("musicorder", order) ("musicvolume", musvol); if (arc.isReading()) { if (!S_ChangeMusic(name, order)) if (level.cdtrack == 0 || !S_ChangeCDMusic(level.cdtrack, level.cdid)) S_ChangeMusic(level.Music, level.musicorder); level.SetMusicVolume(musvol); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void CopyPlayer(player_t *dst, player_t *src, const char *name); static void ReadOnePlayer(FSerializer &arc, bool skipload); static void ReadMultiplePlayers(FSerializer &arc, int numPlayers, int numPlayersNow, bool skipload); static void SpawnExtraPlayers(); //========================================================================== // // P_ArchivePlayers // //========================================================================== void P_SerializePlayers(FSerializer &arc, bool skipload) { int numPlayers, numPlayersNow; int i; // Count the number of players present right now. for (numPlayersNow = 0, i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { ++numPlayersNow; } } if (arc.isWriting()) { // Record the number of players in this save. arc("numplayers", numPlayersNow); if (arc.BeginArray("players")) { // Record each player's name, followed by their data. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { if (arc.BeginObject(nullptr)) { const char *n = players[i].userinfo.GetName(); arc.StringPtr("playername", n); players[i].Serialize(arc); arc.EndObject(); } } } arc.EndArray(); } } else { arc("numplayers", numPlayers); if (arc.BeginArray("players")) { // If there is only one player in the game, they go to the // first player present, no matter what their name. if (numPlayers == 1) { ReadOnePlayer(arc, skipload); } else { ReadMultiplePlayers(arc, numPlayers, numPlayersNow, skipload); } arc.EndArray(); } if (!skipload && numPlayersNow > numPlayers) { SpawnExtraPlayers(); } // Redo pitch limits, since the spawned player has them at 0. players[consoleplayer].SendPitchLimits(); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static void ReadOnePlayer(FSerializer &arc, bool skipload) { int i; const char *name = NULL; bool didIt = false; if (arc.BeginObject(nullptr)) { arc.StringPtr("playername", name); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { if (!didIt) { didIt = true; player_t playerTemp; playerTemp.Serialize(arc); if (!skipload) { // This temp player has undefined pitch limits, so set them to something // that should leave the pitch stored in the savegame intact when // rendering. The real pitch limits will be set by P_SerializePlayers() // via a net command, but that won't be processed in time for a screen // wipe, so we need something here. playerTemp.MaxPitch = playerTemp.MinPitch = playerTemp.mo->Angles.Pitch; CopyPlayer(&players[i], &playerTemp, name); } else { // we need the player actor, so that G_FinishTravel can destroy it later. players[i].mo = playerTemp.mo; } } else { if (players[i].mo != NULL) { players[i].mo->Destroy(); players[i].mo = NULL; } } } } arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static void ReadMultiplePlayers(FSerializer &arc, int numPlayers, int numPlayersNow, bool skipload) { // For two or more players, read each player into a temporary array. int i, j; const char **nametemp = new const char *[numPlayers]; player_t *playertemp = new player_t[numPlayers]; uint8_t *tempPlayerUsed = new uint8_t[numPlayers]; uint8_t playerUsed[MAXPLAYERS]; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { nametemp[i] = NULL; if (arc.BeginObject(nullptr)) { arc.StringPtr("playername", nametemp[i]); playertemp[i].Serialize(arc); arc.EndObject(); } tempPlayerUsed[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { playerUsed[i] = playeringame[i] ? 0 : 2; } if (!skipload) { // Now try to match players from the savegame with players present // based on their names. If two players in the savegame have the // same name, then they are assigned to players in the current game // on a first-come, first-served basis. for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { if (playerUsed[j] == 0 && stricmp(players[j].userinfo.GetName(), nametemp[i]) == 0) { // Found a match, so copy our temp player to the real player Printf("Found player %d (%s) at %d\n", i, nametemp[i], j); CopyPlayer(&players[j], &playertemp[i], nametemp[i]); playerUsed[j] = 1; tempPlayerUsed[i] = 1; break; } } } // Any players that didn't have matching names are assigned to existing // players on a first-come, first-served basis. for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { if (tempPlayerUsed[i] == 0) { for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { if (playerUsed[j] == 0) { Printf("Assigned player %d (%s) to %d (%s)\n", i, nametemp[i], j, players[j].userinfo.GetName()); CopyPlayer(&players[j], &playertemp[i], nametemp[i]); playerUsed[j] = 1; tempPlayerUsed[i] = 1; break; } } } } // Make sure any extra players don't have actors spawned yet. Happens if the players // present now got the same slots as they had in the save, but there are not as many // as there were in the save. for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { if (playerUsed[j] == 0) { if (players[j].mo != NULL) { players[j].mo->Destroy(); players[j].mo = NULL; } } } // Remove any temp players that were not used. Happens if there are fewer players // than there were in the save, and they got shuffled. for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { if (tempPlayerUsed[i] == 0) { playertemp[i].mo->Destroy(); playertemp[i].mo = NULL; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { players[i].mo = playertemp[i].mo; } } delete[] tempPlayerUsed; delete[] playertemp; delete[] nametemp; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void CopyPlayer(player_t *dst, player_t *src, const char *name) { // The userinfo needs to be saved for real players, but it // needs to come from the save for bots. userinfo_t uibackup; userinfo_t uibackup2; uibackup.TransferFrom(dst->userinfo); uibackup2.TransferFrom(src->userinfo); int chasecam = dst->cheats & CF_CHASECAM; // Remember the chasecam setting bool attackdown = dst->attackdown; bool usedown = dst->usedown; *dst = *src; // To avoid memory leaks at this point the userinfo in src must be empty which is taken care of by the TransferFrom call above. dst->cheats |= chasecam; if (dst->Bot != nullptr) { botinfo_t *thebot = bglobal.botinfo; while (thebot && stricmp(name, thebot->name)) { thebot = thebot->next; } if (thebot) { thebot->inuse = BOTINUSE_Yes; } bglobal.botnum++; dst->userinfo.TransferFrom(uibackup2); } else { dst->userinfo.TransferFrom(uibackup); // The player class must come from the save, so that the menu reflects the currently playing one. dst->userinfo.PlayerClassChanged(src->mo->GetInfo()->DisplayName); } // Validate the skin dst->userinfo.SkinNumChanged(R_FindSkin(Skins[dst->userinfo.GetSkin()].Name, dst->CurrentPlayerClass)); // Make sure the player pawn points to the proper player struct. if (dst->mo != nullptr) { dst->mo->player = dst; } // Same for the psprites. DPSprite *pspr = dst->psprites; while (pspr) { pspr->Owner = dst; pspr = pspr->Next; } // Don't let the psprites be destroyed when src is destroyed. src->psprites = nullptr; // These 2 variables may not be overwritten. dst->attackdown = attackdown; dst->usedown = usedown; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static void SpawnExtraPlayers() { // If there are more players now than there were in the savegame, // be sure to spawn the extra players. int i; if (deathmatch) { return; } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo == NULL) { players[i].playerstate = PST_ENTER; P_SpawnPlayer(&level.playerstarts[i], i, (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_PRERAISEWEAPON) ? SPF_WEAPONFULLYUP : 0); } } } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ void G_SerializeLevel(FSerializer &arc, bool hubload) { int i = level.totaltime; if (arc.isWriting()) { arc.Array("checksum", level.md5, 16); } else { // prevent bad things from happening by doing a check on the size of level arrays and the map's entire checksum. // The old code happily tried to load savegames with any mismatch here, often causing meaningless errors // deep down in the deserializer or just a crash if the few insufficient safeguards were not triggered. uint8_t chk[16] = { 0 }; arc.Array("checksum", chk, 16); if (arc.GetSize("linedefs") != level.lines.Size() || arc.GetSize("sidedefs") != level.sides.Size() || arc.GetSize("sectors") != level.sectors.Size() || arc.GetSize("polyobjs") != level.Polyobjects.Size() || memcmp(chk, level.md5, 16)) { I_Error("Savegame is from a different level"); } } arc("saveversion", SaveVersion); if (arc.isReading()) { DThinker::DestroyAllThinkers(); interpolator.ClearInterpolations(); arc.ReadObjects(hubload); } arc("multiplayer", multiplayer); arc("level.flags", level.flags) ("level.flags2", level.flags2) ("level.fadeto", level.fadeto) ("level.found_secrets", level.found_secrets) ("level.found_items", level.found_items) ("level.killed_monsters", level.killed_monsters) ("level.total_secrets", level.total_secrets) ("level.total_items", level.total_items) ("level.total_monsters", level.total_monsters) ("level.gravity", level.gravity) ("level.aircontrol", level.aircontrol) ("level.teamdamage", level.teamdamage) ("level.maptime", level.maptime) ("level.totaltime", i) ("level.skytexture1", level.skytexture1) ("level.skytexture2", level.skytexture2) ("level.fogdensity", level.fogdensity) ("level.outsidefogdensity", level.outsidefogdensity) ("level.skyfog", level.skyfog) ("level.deathsequence", level.deathsequence) ("level.bodyqueslot", level.bodyqueslot) ("level.spawnindex", level.spawnindex) .Array("level.bodyque", level.bodyque, level.BODYQUESIZE) ("level.corpsequeue", level.CorpseQueue) ("level.spotstate", level.SpotState) ("level.fragglethinker", level.FraggleScriptThinker); // Hub transitions must keep the current total time if (!hubload) level.totaltime = i; if (arc.isReading()) { sky1texture = level.skytexture1; sky2texture = level.skytexture2; R_InitSkyMap(); G_AirControlChanged(); } // fixme: This needs to ensure it reads from the correct place. Should be one once there's enough of this code converted to JSON FBehavior::StaticSerializeModuleStates(arc); // The order here is important: First world state, then portal state, then thinkers, and last polyobjects. arc("linedefs", level.lines, level.loadlines); arc("sidedefs", level.sides, level.loadsides); arc("sectors", level.sectors, level.loadsectors); arc("zones", level.Zones); arc("lineportals", level.linePortals); arc("sectorportals", level.sectorPortals); if (arc.isReading()) P_FinalizePortals(); // [ZZ] serialize health groups P_SerializeHealthGroups(arc); // [ZZ] serialize events E_SerializeEvents(arc); DThinker::SerializeThinkers(arc, hubload); arc("polyobjs", level.Polyobjects); SerializeSubsectors(arc, "subsectors"); StatusBar->SerializeMessages(arc); AM_SerializeMarkers(arc); FRemapTable::StaticSerializeTranslations(arc); level.canvasTextureInfo.Serialize(arc); P_SerializePlayers(arc, hubload); P_SerializeSounds(arc); if (arc.isReading()) { for (auto &sec : level.sectors) { P_Recalculate3DFloors(&sec); } for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo != NULL) { FWeaponSlots::SetupWeaponSlots(players[i].mo); } } } AActor::RecreateAllAttachedLights(); InitPortalGroups(&level); }