// 'None' must always be the first name. xx(None) xx(Null) xx(Super) xx(Object) xx(Actor) xx(Untranslated) xx(Doom) xx(Heretic) xx(Hexen) xx(Strife) xx(Raven) // blood spawning xx(Blood) xx(BloodSplatter) xx(AxeBlood) xx(Spray) // Invulnerability types xx(Ghost) xx(Reflective) // Healingradius types xx(Mana) xx(Armor) // Per-actor sound channels xx(Auto) xx(Weapon) xx(Voice) xx(Item) xx(Body) xx(SoundSlot5) xx(SoundSlot6) xx(SoundSlot7) // Hexen sound sequence names xx(Platform) xx(PlatformMetal) xx(Silence) xx(Lava) xx(Water) xx(Ice) xx(Earth) xx(PlatformMetal2) xx(DoorNormal) xx(DoorHeavy) xx(DoorMetal) xx(DoorCreak) xx(DoorMetal2) xx(Wind) xx(PointPusher) xx(PointPuller) xx(BulletPuff) xx(StrifePuff) xx(MaulerPuff) // Special bosses A_BossDeath knows about xx(Fatso) xx(Arachnotron) xx(BaronOfHell) xx(Cyberdemon) xx(SpiderMastermind) xx(Ironlich) xx(Minotaur) xx(Sorcerer2) // P_SpawnMapThing checks for these as health items (I smell a FIXME) xx(Berserk) xx(Soulsphere) xx(Megasphere) // also counts as armor for P_SpawnMapThing // Standard player classes xx(DoomPlayer) xx(HereticPlayer) xx(StrifePlayer) xx(FighterPlayer) xx(ClericPlayer) xx(MagePlayer) xx(ChexPlayer) xx(ChickenPlayer) xx(PigPlayer) // Flechette names for the different Hexen player classes xx(ArtiPoisonBag1) xx(ArtiPoisonBag2) xx(ArtiPoisonBag3) // Strife quests xx(QuestItem) // Auto-usable health items xx(ArtiHealth) xx(ArtiSuperHealth) xx(MedicalKit) xx(MedPatch) // The Wings of Wrath xx(ArtiFly) // Doom ammo types xx(Clip) xx(Shell) xx(RocketAmmo) xx(Cell) // Hexen Mana xx(Mana1) xx(Mana2) // Hexen's fourth weapons xx(FWeapQuietus) xx(CWeapWraithverge) xx(MWeapBloodscourge) // Ammo and weapon names for the Strife status bar xx(ClipOfBullets) xx(PoisonBolts) xx(ElectricBolts) xx(HEGrenadeRounds) xx(PhosphorusGrenadeRounds) xx(MiniMissiles) xx(EnergyPod) xx(StrifeCrossbow) xx(AssaultGun) xx(FlameThrower) xx(MiniMissileLauncher) xx(StrifeGrenadeLauncher) xx(Mauler) xx(AcolyteBlue) xx(SpectralLightningV1) xx(TeleportDest) xx(TeleportDest2) // Strife's spectres xx(AlienSpectre1) xx(AlienSpectre2) xx(AlienSpectre3) xx(AlienSpectre4) xx(AlienSpectre5) xx(Oracle) xx(Chicken) xx(Pig) // Standard animator names. xx(Spawn) xx(See) xx(Pain) xx(Melee) xx(Missile) xx(Crash) xx(Death) xx(Raise) xx(Wound) xx(Heal) xx(Crush) xx(Yes) xx(No) xx(Greetings) xx(Idle) xx(GenericFreezeDeath) // Compatible death names for the decorate parser. xx(XDeath) xx(Burn) //xx(Ice) // already defined above xx(Disintegrate) xx(Brainexplode) // Weapon animator names. xx(Select) xx(Deselect) xx(Ready) xx(Fire) xx(Hold) xx(AltFire) xx(AltHold) xx(Flash) xx(AltFlash) // State names used by ASwitchableDecoration xx(Active) xx(Inactive) // State names used by ACustomInventory xx(Pickup) xx(Use) xx(Drop) xx(Fist) //xx(Berserk) xx(Chainsaw) xx(Pistol) xx(Shotgun) xx(SSG) xx(Chaingun) xx(Rocket) xx(Plasma) xx(BFG) //xx(Railgun) // Damage types //xx(Fire) already defined above //xx(Ice) //xx(Disintegrate) xx(Drowning) xx(Slime) //xx(Crush) xx(Telefrag) xx(Falling) xx(Suicide) xx(Exit) xx(Railgun) xx(Poison) xx(Electric) xx(BFGSplash) xx(DrainLife) // A weapon like the Sigil that drains your life away. xx(Massacre) // For death by a cheater! //(Melee) already defined above, so don't define it again xx(InstantDeath) // Strife "instant death" xx(PoisonCloud) // makes monsters howl. // Special death name for getting killed excessively. Could be used as // a damage type if you wanted to force an extreme death. xx(Extreme) // Special names for thingdef_exp.cpp xx(Random) xx(Random2) xx(Cos) xx(Sin) xx(Alpha) xx(Angle) xx(Args) xx(CeilingZ) xx(FloorZ) xx(Health) xx(Pitch) xx(Special) xx(TID) xx(TIDtoHate) xx(WaterLevel) xx(X) xx(Y) xx(Z) xx(MomX) xx(MomY) xx(MomZ) xx(Abs) // Various actor names which are used internally xx(MapSpot) xx(PatrolPoint) xx(PatrolSpecial) xx(Communicator) // Textmap properties //xx(X) //xx(Y) xx(Height) //xx(Tid) //xx(Angle) xx(Type) //xx(Special) xx(Arg0) xx(Arg1) xx(Arg2) xx(Arg3) xx(Arg4) xx(Id) xx(V1) xx(V2) xx(Sidefront) xx(Sideback) xx(Offsetx) xx(Offsety) xx(Texturetop) xx(Texturebottom) xx(Texturemiddle) xx(Sector) xx(Heightfloor) xx(Heightceiling) xx(Lightlevel) xx(Texturefloor) xx(Textureceiling) xx(Skill1) xx(Skill2) xx(Skill3) xx(Skill4) xx(Skill5) xx(Skill6) xx(Skill7) xx(Skill8) xx(Skill9) xx(Skill10) xx(Skill11) xx(Skill12) xx(Skill13) xx(Skill14) xx(Skill15) xx(Skill16) xx(Medium) xx(Hard) xx(Ambush) xx(Dormant) xx(Class0) xx(Class1) xx(Class2) xx(Class3) xx(Class4) xx(Class5) xx(Class6) xx(Class7) xx(Class8) xx(Class9) xx(Class10) xx(Class11) xx(Class12) xx(Class13) xx(Class14) xx(Class15) xx(Class16) xx(Single) xx(Coop) xx(Dm) xx(Translucent) xx(Invisible) xx(Friend) xx(Strifeally) xx(Standing) xx(Blocking) xx(Blockmonsters) xx(Twosided) xx(Dontpegtop) xx(Dontpegbottom) xx(Secret) xx(Blocksound) xx(Dontdraw) xx(Mapped) xx(Monsteractivate) xx(Blockplayers) xx(Blockeverything) xx(Zoneboundary) xx(Jumpover) xx(Blockfloating) xx(Clipmidtex) xx(Wrapmidtex) xx(Midtex3d) xx(Checkswitchrange) xx(Firstsideonly) xx(Transparent) xx(Passuse) xx(Repeatspecial) xx(Playercross) xx(Playeruse) xx(Monstercross) xx(Impact) xx(Playerpush) xx(Missilecross) xx(Anycross) xx(Monsteruse) xx(Monsterpush) xx(ZDoom) xx(ZDoomTranslated) xx(Vavoom) xx(Xpanningfloor) xx(Ypanningfloor) xx(Xpanningceiling) xx(Ypanningceiling) xx(Xscalefloor) xx(Yscalefloor) xx(Xscaleceiling) xx(Yscaleceiling) xx(Rotationfloor) xx(Rotationceiling) xx(Lightfloor) xx(Lightceiling) xx(Lightfloorabsolute) xx(Lightceilingabsolute) xx(Gravity) xx(Lightcolor) xx(Fadecolor) xx(Desaturation) xx(Silent) xx(Nofallingdamage) xx(Dropactors) xx(NoRespawn) xx(offsetx_top) xx(offsety_top) xx(offsetx_mid) xx(offsety_mid) xx(offsetx_bottom) xx(offsety_bottom) xx(light) xx(lightabsolute) xx(nofakecontrast) xx(smoothlighting) xx(blockprojectiles) xx(blockuse) xx(Renderstyle)