%include { // Allocates a new AST node off the parse state's arena. #define NEW_AST_NODE(type,name) \ ZCC_##type *name = (ZCC_##type *)stat->SyntaxArena.Alloc(sizeof(ZCC_##type)); \ name->SiblingNext = name; \ name->SiblingPrev = name; \ name->NodeType = AST_##type // If a is non-null, appends b to a. Otherwise, sets a to b. #define SAFE_APPEND(a,b) \ if (a == NULL) a = b; else a->AppendSibling(b); } %token_prefix ZCC_ %token_type { ZCCToken } %token_destructor {} // just to avoid a compiler warning %name ZCCParse %extra_argument { ZCCParseState *stat } %syntax_error { FString unexpected, expecting; int i; int stateno = yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx].stateno; unexpected << "Unexpected " << ZCCTokenName(yymajor); // Determine all the terminals that the parser would have accepted at this point // (see yy_find_shift_action). This list can get quite long. Is it worthwhile to // print it when not debugging the grammar, or would that be too confusing to // the average user? if (stateno < YY_SHIFT_MAX && (i = yy_shift_ofst[stateno])!=YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT) { for (int j = 1; j < YYERRORSYMBOL; ++j) { int k = i + j; if (k >= 0 && k < YY_SZ_ACTTAB && yy_lookahead[k] == j) { expecting << (expecting.IsEmpty() ? "Expecting " : " or ") << ZCCTokenName(j); } } } stat->sc.ScriptMessage("%s\n%s\n", unexpected.GetChars(), expecting.GetChars()); } %parse_accept { stat->sc.ScriptMessage("input accepted\n"); } %parse_failure { /**failed = true;*/ } %nonassoc EQ MULEQ DIVEQ MODEQ ADDEQ SUBEQ LSHEQ RSHEQ ANDEQ OREQ XOREQ. %right QUESTION COLON. %left OROR. %left ANDAND. %left EQEQ NEQ APPROXEQ. %left LT GT LTEQ GTEQ LTGTEQ IS. %left DOTDOT. %left OR. /* Note that this is like the Ruby precedence for these */ %left XOR. /* three operators and not the C precedence, since */ %left AND. /* they are higher priority than the comparisons. */ %left LSH RSH. %left SUB ADD. %left MUL DIV MOD CROSSPROD DOTPROD. %left POW. %right UNARY ADDADD SUBSUB. %left DOT LPAREN LBRACKET. %left SCOPE. %type declarator {ZCC_Declarator *} %type declarator_no_fun {ZCC_Declarator *} %type opt_func_body {ZCC_CompoundStmt *} %type function_body {ZCC_CompoundStmt *} main ::= translation_unit(A). { stat->TopNode = A; stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Parse complete\n"); } %type translation_unit {ZCC_TreeNode *} translation_unit(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } translation_unit(X) ::= translation_unit(A) external_declaration(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } translation_unit(X) ::= translation_unit(A) EOF. { X = A; } translation_unit(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; } %type external_declaration {ZCC_TreeNode *} external_declaration(X) ::= class_definition(A). { X = A; } /* Optional bits. */ opt_semicolon ::= . opt_semicolon ::= SEMICOLON. opt_comma ::= . opt_comma ::= COMMA. %type opt_expr{ZCC_Expression *} opt_expr(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } opt_expr(X) ::= expr(A). { X = A; } /************ Class Definition ************/ /* Can only occur at global scope. */ %type class_definition{ZCC_Class *} %type class_head{ZCC_Class *} %type class_innards{ZCC_TreeNode *} %type class_member{ZCC_TreeNode *} %type class_body{ZCC_TreeNode *} class_definition(X) ::= class_head(A) class_body(B). { A->Body = B; X = A; } class_head(X) ::= CLASS dottable_id(A) class_ancestry(B) class_flags(C). { NEW_AST_NODE(Class,head); head->ClassName = A; head->ParentName = B; head->Flags = C.Flags; head->Replaces = C.Replaces; X = head; } %type class_ancestry{ZCC_Identifier *} class_ancestry(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } class_ancestry(X) ::= COLON dottable_id(A). { X = A; } %type class_flags{ClassFlagsBlock} %include { struct ClassFlagsBlock { VM_UWORD Flags; ZCC_Identifier *Replaces; }; } class_flags(X) ::= . { X.Flags = 0; X.Replaces = NULL; } class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) ABSTRACT. { X.Flags = A.Flags | 0/*FIXME*/; X.Replaces = A.Replaces; } class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) NATIVE. { X.Flags = A.Flags | 0/*FIXME*/; X.Replaces = A.Replaces; } class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) REPLACES dottable_id(B). { X.Flags = A.Flags; X.Replaces = B; } /*----- Dottable Identifier -----*/ // This can be either a single identifier or two identifiers connected by a . %type dottable_id{ZCC_Identifier *} dottable_id(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier,id); id->Id = A.Name(); X = id; } dottable_id(X) ::= dottable_id(A) DOT IDENTIFIER(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier,id2); id2->Id = B.Name(); A->AppendSibling(id2); X = A; } /*------ Class Body ------*/ // Body is a list of: // * variable definitions // * function definitions // * enum definitions // * struct definitions // * state definitions // * constants // * defaults class_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON class_innards(A) EOF. { X = A; } class_body(X) ::= LBRACE class_innards(A) RBRACE. { X = A; } class_innards(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } class_innards(X) ::= class_innards(A) class_member(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } %type struct_def{ZCC_Struct *} %type enum_def {ZCC_Enum *} %type states_def {ZCC_States *} %type const_def {ZCC_ConstantDef *} class_member(X) ::= declarator(A). { X = A; } class_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; } class_member(X) ::= struct_def(A). { X = A; } class_member(X) ::= states_def(A). { X = A; } class_member(X) ::= default_def(A). { X = A; } class_member(X) ::= const_def(A). { X = A; } /*----- Struct Definition -----*/ /* Structs can define variables and enums. */ %type struct_body{ZCC_TreeNode *} %type struct_member{ZCC_TreeNode *} struct_def(X) ::= STRUCT IDENTIFIER(A) LBRACE struct_body(B) RBRACE opt_semicolon. { NEW_AST_NODE(Struct,def); def->StructName = A.Name(); def->Body = B; X = def; } struct_body(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; } struct_body(X) ::= struct_member(A). { X = A; } struct_body(X) ::= struct_member(A) struct_body(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } struct_member(X) ::= declarator_no_fun(A). { X = A; } struct_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; } /*----- Enum Definition -----*/ /* Enumerators are lists of named integers. */ %type enum_type {EZCCBuiltinType} %type enum_list {ZCC_EnumNode *} %type enumerator {ZCC_EnumNode *} enum_def(X) ::= ENUM IDENTIFIER(A) enum_type(B) LBRACE enum_list(C) opt_comma RBRACE opt_semicolon. { NEW_AST_NODE(Enum,def); def->EnumName = A.Name(); def->EnumType = B; def->Elements = C; X = def; } enum_type(X) ::= . { X = ZCC_IntAuto; } enum_type(X) ::= COLON int_type(A). { X = A; } enum_list(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; } enum_list(X) ::= enumerator(A). { X = A; } enum_list(X) ::= enum_list(A) COMMA enumerator(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } enumerator(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(EnumNode,node); node->ElemName = A.Name(); node->ElemValue = NULL; X = node; } enumerator(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) EQ expr(B). /* Expression must be constant. */ { NEW_AST_NODE(EnumNode,node); node->ElemName = A.Name(); node->ElemValue = B; X = node; } /************ States ************/ %type states_body {ZCC_StatePart *} %type state_line {ZCC_StatePart *} %type state_label {ZCC_StatePart *} %type state_flow {ZCC_StatePart *} %type state_flow_type {ZCC_StatePart *} %type state_goto_offset {ZCC_Expression *} %type state_action {ZCC_TreeNode *} %type state_call {ZCC_ExprFuncCall *} %include { struct StateOpts { ZCC_Expression *Offset; bool Bright; }; } %type state_opts {StateOpts} states_def(X) ::= STATES scanner_mode LBRACE states_body(A) RBRACE. { NEW_AST_NODE(States,def); def->Body = A; X = def; } /* We use a special scanner mode to allow for sprite names and frame characters * to not be quoted even if they contain special characters. The scanner_mode * nonterminal is used to enter this mode. The scanner automatically leaves it * upon pre-defined conditions. See the comments by FScanner::SetStateMode(). * * Note that rules are reduced *after* one token of lookahead has been * consumed, so this nonterminal must be placed one token before we want it to * take effect. For example, in states_def above, the scanner mode will be * set immediately after LBRACE is consumed, rather than immediately after * STATES is consumed. */ scanner_mode ::= . { stat->sc.SetStateMode(true); } states_body(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } states_body(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; } states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_line(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_label(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_flow(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } state_label(X) ::= NWS(A) COLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(StateLabel, label); label->Label = A.Name(); X = label; } state_flow(X) ::= state_flow_type(A) scanner_mode SEMICOLON. { X = A; } state_flow_type(X) ::= STOP. { NEW_AST_NODE(StateStop, flow); X = flow; } state_flow_type(X) ::= WAIT. { NEW_AST_NODE(StateWait, flow); X = flow; } state_flow_type(X) ::= FAIL. { NEW_AST_NODE(StateFail, flow); X = flow; } state_flow_type(X) ::= LOOP. { NEW_AST_NODE(StateLoop, flow); X = flow; } state_flow_type(X) ::= GOTO dottable_id(A) state_goto_offset(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateGoto, flow); flow->Label = A; flow->Offset = B; X = flow; } state_goto_offset(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } state_goto_offset(X) ::= PLUS expr(A). { X = A; } /* Must evaluate to a non-negative integer constant. */ state_line(X) ::= NWS(A) NWS(B) expr state_opts(C) state_action(D). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateLine, line); const char *sprite = FName(A.Name()).GetChars(); if (strlen(sprite) != 4) { Printf("Sprite name '%s' must be four characters", sprite); } else { memcpy(line->Sprite, sprite, 4); } line->Frames = stat->Strings.Alloc(FName(B.Name()).GetChars()); line->bBright = C.Bright; line->Offset = C.Offset; line->Action = D; X = line; } state_opts(X) ::= . { StateOpts opts; opts.Offset = NULL; opts.Bright = false; X = opts; } state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) BRIGHT. { A.Bright = true; X = A; } state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) OFFSET LPAREN expr(B) COMMA expr(C) RPAREN. { A.Offset = B; B->AppendSibling(C); X = A; } state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) LIGHT LPAREN light_list RPAREN. { X = A; } light_list ::= STRCONST. light_list ::= light_list COMMA STRCONST. /* A state action can be either a compound statement or a single action function call. */ state_action(X) ::= LBRACE statement_list(A) scanner_mode RBRACE. { X = A; } state_action(X) ::= LBRACE error scanner_mode RBRACE. { X = NULL; } state_action(X) ::= state_call(A) scanner_mode SEMICOLON. { X = A; } state_call(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } state_call(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) func_expr_list(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprFuncCall, expr); NEW_AST_NODE(ExprID, func); func->Operation = PEX_ID; func->Identifier = A.Name(); expr->Operation = PEX_FuncCall; expr->Function = func; expr->Parameters = B; X = expr; } /* Definition of a default class instance. */ %type default_def {ZCC_CompoundStmt *} default_def(X) ::= DEFAULT compound_statement(A). { X = A; } /* Type names */ %type int_type {EZCCBuiltinType} %type type_name {ZCC_BasicType *} %type type_name1 {EZCCBuiltinType} %type vector_size {EZCCBuiltinType} int_type(X) ::= SBYTE. { X = ZCC_SInt8; } int_type(X) ::= BYTE. { X = ZCC_UInt8; } int_type(X) ::= SHORT. { X = ZCC_SInt16; } int_type(X) ::= USHORT. { X = ZCC_UInt16; } int_type(X) ::= INT. { X = ZCC_SInt32; } int_type(X) ::= UINT. { X = ZCC_UInt32; } type_name1(X) ::= BOOL. { X = ZCC_Bool; } type_name1(X) ::= int_type(A). { X = A; } type_name1(X) ::= FLOAT. { X = ZCC_FloatAuto; } type_name1(X) ::= DOUBLE. { X = ZCC_Float64; } type_name1(X) ::= STRING. { X = ZCC_String; } type_name1(X) ::= VECTOR vector_size(A). { X = A; } type_name1(X) ::= NAME. { X = ZCC_Name; } type_name(X) ::= type_name1(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type); type->Type = A; type->UserType = NULL; X = type; } type_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class) */ { NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type); NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier, id); type->Type = ZCC_UserType; type->UserType = id; id->Id = A.Name(); X = type; } type_name(X) ::= LBRACKET dottable_id(A) RBRACKET. { NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type); type->Type = ZCC_UserType; type->UserType = A; X = type; } /* Vectors can be 2, 3, or 4 entries long. Default is a 3D vector. * (Well, actually, I'm not sure if 4D ones are going to happen * straight away.) */ vector_size(X) ::= . { X = ZCC_Vector3; } vector_size(X) ::= LT INTCONST(A) GT. { if (A.Int >= 2 && A.Int <= 4) { X = EZCCBuiltinType(ZCC_Vector2 + A.Int - 2); } else { X = ZCC_Vector3; stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Invalid vector size %d\n", A.Int); } } /* Type names can also be used as identifiers in contexts where type names * are not normally allowed. */ %fallback IDENTIFIER SBYTE BYTE SHORT USHORT INT UINT BOOL FLOAT DOUBLE STRING VECTOR NAME. /* Aggregate types */ %type aggregate_type {ZCC_Type *} %type type {ZCC_Type *} %type type_list {ZCC_Type *} %type type_list_or_void {ZCC_Type *} %type type_or_array {ZCC_Type *} %type class_restrictor {ZCC_Identifier *} %type array_size{ZCC_Expression *} aggregate_type(X) ::= MAP LT type_or_array(A) COMMA type_or_array(B) GT. /* Hash table */ { NEW_AST_NODE(MapType,map); map->KeyType = A; map->ValueType = B; X = map; } aggregate_type(X) ::= ARRAY LT type_or_array(A) GT. /* TArray */ { NEW_AST_NODE(DynArrayType,arr); arr->ElementType = A; X = arr; } aggregate_type(X) ::= CLASS class_restrictor(A). /* class */ { NEW_AST_NODE(ClassType,cls); cls->Restriction = A; X = cls; } class_restrictor(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } class_restrictor(X) ::= LT dottable_id(A) GT. { X = A; } type(X) ::= type_name(A). { X = A; A->ArraySize = NULL; } type(X) ::= aggregate_type(A). { X = A; A->ArraySize = NULL; } type_or_array(X) ::= type(A). { X = A; } type_or_array(X) ::= type(A) array_size(B). { X = A; A->ArraySize = B; } type_list(X) ::= type_or_array(A). { X = A; }/* A comma-separated list of types */ type_list(X) ::= type_list(A) COMMA type_or_array(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } type_list_or_void(X) ::= VOID. { X = NULL; } type_list_or_void(X) ::= type_list(A). { X = A; } array_size(X) ::= LBRACKET opt_expr(A) RBRACKET. { if (A == NULL) { NEW_AST_NODE(Expression,nil); nil->Operation = PEX_Nil; X = nil; } else { X = A; } } array_size(X) ::= array_size(A) LBRACKET opt_expr(B) RBRACKET. { if (B == NULL) { NEW_AST_NODE(Expression,nil); nil->Operation = PEX_Nil; A->AppendSibling(nil); } else { A->AppendSibling(B); } X = A; } %include { struct VarOrFun { ZCC_VarName *VarNames; ZCC_FuncParamDecl *FuncParams; ZCC_CompoundStmt *FuncBody; ENamedName FuncName; int FuncFlags; }; } %type variables_or_function {VarOrFun} /* Multiple type names are only valid for functions. */ declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C). { if (C.FuncParams == NULL && C.VarNames == NULL) { // An error. A message was already printed. X = NULL; } else if (C.FuncParams != NULL) { // A function NEW_AST_NODE(FuncDeclarator, decl); decl->Type = B; decl->Params = C.FuncParams; decl->Name = C.FuncName; decl->Flags = A | C.FuncFlags; decl->Body = C.FuncBody; X = decl; } else if (B != NULL && B->SiblingNext == B) { // A variable NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl); decl->Type = B; decl->Names = C.VarNames; decl->Flags = A; X = decl; } else { // An invalid if (B == NULL) { stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may not be of type void.\n"); } else { stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may be of only one type.\n"); } X = NULL; } } declarator_no_fun(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type(B) variable_list(C). { NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl); decl->Type = B; decl->Names = C; decl->Flags = A; X = decl; } // Need to split it up like this to avoid parsing conflicts. variables_or_function(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) LPAREN func_params(B) RPAREN func_const(C) opt_func_body(D). /* Function */ { VarOrFun fun; fun.VarNames = NULL; fun.FuncParams = B; fun.FuncFlags = C; fun.FuncName = A.Name(); fun.FuncBody = D; X = fun; } variables_or_function(X) ::= variable_list(A) SEMICOLON. { VarOrFun var; var.VarNames = A; var.FuncParams = NULL; var.FuncFlags = 0; var.FuncName = NAME_None; var.FuncBody = NULL; X = var; } variables_or_function(X) ::= error SEMICOLON. { VarOrFun bad; bad.VarNames = NULL; bad.FuncParams = NULL; bad.FuncFlags = 0; bad.FuncName = NAME_None; bad.FuncBody = NULL; X = bad; } /*----- Variable Names -----*/ %type variable_name{ZCC_VarName *} %type variable_list{ZCC_VarName *} %type decl_flags{int} %type func_const{int} variable_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(VarName,var); var->Name = ENamedName(A.Int); X = var; } variable_list(X) ::= variable_name(A). { X = A; } variable_list(X) ::= variable_list(A) COMMA variable_name(B). { A->AppendSibling(B); X = A; } decl_flags(X) ::= . { X = 0; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) NATIVE. { X = A | ZCC_Native; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) STATIC. { X = A | ZCC_Static; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PRIVATE. { X = A | ZCC_Private; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PROTECTED. { X = A | ZCC_Protected; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) LATENT. { X = A | ZCC_Latent; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) FINAL. { X = A | ZCC_Final; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) META. { X = A | ZCC_Meta; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) ACTION. { X = A | ZCC_Action; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) READONLY. { X = A | ZCC_ReadOnly; } decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) DEPRECATED. { X = A | ZCC_Deprecated; } func_const(X) ::= . { X = 0; } func_const(X) ::= CONST. { X = ZCC_FuncConst; } opt_func_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; } opt_func_body(X) ::= function_body(A). { X = A; } %type func_params {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *} %type func_param_list {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *} %type func_param {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *} %type func_param_flags {int} func_params(X) ::= . /* empty */ { X = NULL; } func_params(X) ::= VOID. { X = NULL; } func_params(X) ::= func_param_list(A). { X = A; } func_param_list(X) ::= func_param(A). { X = A; } func_param_list(X) ::= func_param_list(A) COMMA func_param(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } func_param(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) type(B) IDENTIFIER(C). { NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParamDecl,parm); parm->Type = B; parm->Name = C.Name(); parm->Flags = A; X = parm; } func_param_flags(X) ::= . { X = 0; } func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) IN. { X = A | ZCC_In; } func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OUT. { X = A | ZCC_Out; } func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OPTIONAL. { X = A | ZCC_Optional; } /* Like UnrealScript, a constant's type is implied by its value's type. */ const_def(X) ::= CONST IDENTIFIER(A) EQ expr(B) SEMICOLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(ConstantDef,def); def->Name = A.Name(); def->Value = B; X = def; } /************ Expressions ************/ /* We use default to access a class's default instance. */ %fallback IDENTIFIER DEFAULT. %type expr{ZCC_Expression *} %type primary{ZCC_Expression *} %type unary_expr{ZCC_Expression *} %type constant{ZCC_Expression *} %include { #define UNARY_EXPR(X,T) NEW_AST_NODE(ExprUnary, expr); expr->Operation = T; expr->Operand = X #define BINARY_EXPR(X,Y,T) NEW_AST_NODE(ExprBinary, expr); expr->Operation = T; expr->Left = X; expr->Right = Y } /*----- Primary Expressions -----*/ primary(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprID, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_ID; expr->Identifier = A.Name(); X = expr; } primary(X) ::= SUPER. { NEW_AST_NODE(Expression, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_Super; X = expr; } primary(X) ::= constant(A). { X = A; } primary(X) ::= SELF. { NEW_AST_NODE(Expression, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_Self; X = expr; } primary(X) ::= LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN. { X = A; } primary ::= LPAREN error RPAREN. primary(X) ::= primary(A) LPAREN func_expr_list(B) RPAREN. [DOT] // Function call { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprFuncCall, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_FuncCall; expr->Function = A; expr->Parameters = B; X = expr; } primary(X) ::= primary(A) LBRACKET expr(B) RBRACKET. [DOT] // Array access { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprBinary, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_ArrayAccess; expr->Left = A; expr->Right = B; X = expr; } primary(X) ::= primary(A) DOT IDENTIFIER(B). // Member access { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprMemberAccess, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_MemberAccess; expr->Left = A; expr->Right = ENamedName(B.Int); X = expr; } primary(X) ::= primary(A) ADDADD. /* postfix++ */ { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_PostInc); X = expr; } primary(X) ::= primary(A) SUBSUB. /* postfix-- */ { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_PostDec); X = expr; } primary(X) ::= SCOPE primary(B). { BINARY_EXPR(NULL,B,PEX_Scope); X = expr; } /*----- Unary Expressions -----*/ unary_expr(X) ::= primary(A). { X = A; } unary_expr(X) ::= SUB unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_Negate); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= ADD unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { // Even though this is really a no-op, we still need to make a node for // it so we can type check that it is being applied to something numeric. UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_AntiNegate); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= SUBSUB unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_PreDec); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= ADDADD unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_PreInc); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= TILDE unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_BitNot); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= BANG unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_BoolNot); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= SIZEOF unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_SizeOf); X = expr; } unary_expr(X) ::= ALIGNOF unary_expr(A). [UNARY] { UNARY_EXPR(A,PEX_AlignOf); X = expr; } /* Due to parsing conflicts, C-style casting is not supported. You * must use C++ function call-style casting instead. */ /*----- Binary Expressions -----*/ expr(X) ::= unary_expr(A). { X = A; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) ADD expr(B). /* a + b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Add); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) SUB expr(B). /* a - b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Sub); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) MUL expr(B). /* a * b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Mul); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) DIV expr(B). /* a / b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Div); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) MOD expr(B). /* a % b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Mod); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) POW expr(B). /* a ** b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Pow); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) CROSSPROD expr(B). /* a cross b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_CrossProduct); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) DOTPROD expr(B). /* a dot b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_DotProduct); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) LSH expr(B). /* a << b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_LeftShift); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) RSH expr(B). /* a >> b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_RightShift); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) DOTDOT expr(B). /* a .. b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Concat); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) LT expr(B). /* a < b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_LT); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) GT expr(B). /* a > b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_GT); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) LTEQ expr(B). /* a <= b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_LTEQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) GTEQ expr(B). /* a >= b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_GTEQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) LTGTEQ expr(B). /* a <>= b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_LTGTEQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) IS expr(B). /* a is b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Is); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) EQEQ expr(B). /* a == b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_EQEQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) NEQ expr(B). /* a != b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_NEQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) APPROXEQ expr(B). /* a ~== b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_APREQ); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) AND expr(B). /* a & b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_BitAnd); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) XOR expr(B). /* a ^ b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_BitXor); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) OR expr(B). /* a | b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_BitOr); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) ANDAND expr(B). /* a && b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_BoolAnd); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) OROR expr(B). /* a || b */ { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_BoolOr); X = expr; } expr(X) ::= expr(A) SCOPE expr(B). { BINARY_EXPR(A,B,PEX_Scope); X = expr; } /*----- Trinary Expression -----*/ expr(X) ::= expr(A) QUESTION expr(B) COLON expr(C). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprTrinary, expr); expr->Operation = PEX_Trinary; expr->Test = A; expr->Left = B; expr->Right = C; X = expr; } /************ Expression Lists ***********/ %type expr_list{ZCC_Expression *} expr_list(X) ::= expr(A). { X = A; } expr_list(X) ::= expr_list(A) COMMA expr(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } /*----- Function argument lists -----*/ /* A function expression list can also specify a parameter's name, * but once you do that, all remaining parameters must also be named. * We let higher-level code handle this to keep this file simpler. */ %type func_expr_list{ZCC_FuncParm *} %type named_expr{ZCC_FuncParm *} func_expr_list(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } func_expr_list(X) ::= named_expr(A). { X = A; } func_expr_list(X) ::= func_expr_list(A) COMMA named_expr(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); } named_expr(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) COLON expr(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParm, parm); parm->Value = B; parm->Label = ENamedName(A.Int); X = parm; } named_expr(X) ::= expr(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParm, parm); parm->Value = B; parm->Label = NAME_None; X = parm; } /************ Constants ************/ /* Allow C-like concatenation of adjacent string constants. */ %type string_constant{ZCC_ExprString *} string_constant(X) ::= STRCONST(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprString, strconst); strconst->Operation = PEX_StringConst; strconst->Value = A.String; X = strconst; } string_constant(X) ::= string_constant(A) STRCONST(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprString, strconst); strconst->Operation = PEX_StringConst; strconst->Value = stat->Strings.Alloc(*(A->Value) + *(B.String)); X = strconst; } constant(X) ::= string_constant(A). { X = A; } constant(X) ::= INTCONST(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprInt, intconst); intconst->Operation = PEX_IntConst; intconst->Value = A.Int; X = intconst; } constant(X) ::= FLOATCONST(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExprFloat, floatconst); floatconst->Operation = PEX_FloatConst; floatconst->Value = A.Float; X = floatconst; } /************ Statements ************/ function_body(X) ::= compound_statement(A). { X = A; } %type statement{ZCC_Statement *} statement(X) ::= SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; } statement(X) ::= labeled_statement(A). { X = A; } statement(X) ::= compound_statement(A). { X = A; } statement(X) ::= expression_statement(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; } statement(X) ::= selection_statement(A). { X = A; } statement(X) ::= iteration_statement(A). { X = A; } statement(X) ::= jump_statement(A). { X = A; } statement(X) ::= assign_statement(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; } statement(X) ::= local_var(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; } statement(X) ::= error SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; } /*----- Jump Statements -----*/ %type jump_statement{ZCC_Statement *} jump_statement(A) ::= CONTINUE SEMICOLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(ContinueStmt, stmt); A = stmt; } jump_statement(A) ::= BREAK SEMICOLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(BreakStmt, stmt); A = stmt; } jump_statement(A) ::= RETURN SEMICOLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(ReturnStmt, stmt); stmt->Values = NULL; A = stmt; } jump_statement(A) ::= RETURN expr_list(X) SEMICOLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(ReturnStmt, stmt); stmt->Values = X; A = stmt; } /*----- Compound Statements -----*/ %type compound_statement{ZCC_CompoundStmt *} %type statement_list{ZCC_Statement *} compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE RBRACE. { NEW_AST_NODE(CompoundStmt,stmt); stmt->Content = NULL; X = stmt; } compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE statement_list(A) RBRACE. { NEW_AST_NODE(CompoundStmt,stmt); stmt->Content = A; X = stmt; } compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE error RBRACE. { NEW_AST_NODE(CompoundStmt,stmt); stmt->Content = NULL; X = stmt; } statement_list(X) ::= statement(A). { X = A; } statement_list(X) ::= statement_list(A) statement(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; } /*----- Expression Statements -----*/ %type expression_statement{ZCC_ExpressionStmt *} expression_statement(X) ::= expr(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(ExpressionStmt, stmt); stmt->Expression = A; X = stmt; } /*----- Iteration Statements -----*/ %type iteration_statement{ZCC_Statement *} // while/until (expr) statement iteration_statement(X) ::= while_or_until(TY) LPAREN expr(EX) RPAREN statement(ST). { NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter); if (TY.Int == ZCC_UNTIL) { // Negate the loop condition UNARY_EXPR(EX,PEX_BoolNot); iter->LoopCondition = expr; } else { iter->LoopCondition = EX; } iter->LoopStatement = ST; iter->LoopBumper = NULL; iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::Start; X = iter; } // do statement while/until (expr) iteration_statement(X) ::= DO statement(ST) while_or_until(TY) LPAREN expr(EX) RPAREN. { NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter); if (TY.Int == ZCC_UNTIL) { // Negate the loop condition UNARY_EXPR(EX,PEX_BoolNot); iter->LoopCondition = expr; } else { iter->LoopCondition = EX; } iter->LoopStatement = ST; iter->LoopBumper = NULL; iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::End; X = iter; } // for (init; cond; bump) statement iteration_statement(X) ::= FOR LPAREN for_init(IN) SEMICOLON opt_expr(EX) SEMICOLON for_bump(DO) RPAREN statement(ST). { NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter); iter->LoopCondition = EX; iter->LoopStatement = ST; iter->LoopBumper = DO; iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::Start; // The initialization expression appears outside the loop // for_init may be NULL if there is no initialization. SAFE_APPEND(IN, iter); // And the whole thing gets wrapped inside a compound statement in case the loop // initializer defined any variables. NEW_AST_NODE(CompoundStmt, wrap); wrap->Content = IN; X = wrap; } while_or_until(X) ::= WHILE. { X.Int = ZCC_WHILE; } while_or_until(X) ::= UNTIL. { X.Int = ZCC_UNTIL; } %type for_init{ZCC_Statement *} for_init(X) ::= local_var(A). { X = A; } for_init(X) ::= for_bump(A). { X = A; } %type for_bump{ZCC_Statement *} for_bump(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } for_bump(X) ::= expression_statement(A). { X = A; } for_bump(X) ::= assign_statement(A). { X = A; } /*----- If Statements -----*/ /* Resolve the shift-reduce conflict here in favor of the shift. * This is the default behavior, but using precedence symbols * lets us do it without warnings. */ %left IF. %left ELSE. %type selection_statement{ZCC_Statement *} %type if_front{ZCC_IfStmt *} selection_statement(X) ::= if_front(A). [IF] { X = A; } selection_statement(X) ::= if_front(A) ELSE statement(B). [ELSE] { A->FalsePath = B; X = A; } if_front(X) ::= IF LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN statement(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(IfStmt,stmt); stmt->Condition = A; stmt->TruePath = B; stmt->FalsePath = NULL; X = stmt; } /*----- Switch Statements -----*/ selection_statement(X) ::= SWITCH LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN statement(B). { NEW_AST_NODE(SwitchStmt,stmt); stmt->Condition = A; stmt->Content = B; X = stmt; } /*----- Case Label "Statements" -----*/ %type labeled_statement{ZCC_CaseStmt *} labeled_statement(X) ::= CASE expr(A) COLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(CaseStmt,stmt); stmt->Condition = A; X = stmt; } labeled_statement(X) ::= DEFAULT COLON. { NEW_AST_NODE(CaseStmt,stmt); stmt->Condition = NULL; X = stmt; } /*----- Assignment Statements -----*/ %type assign_statement{ZCC_AssignStmt *} %type assign_op{int} assign_statement(X) ::= expr_list(A) assign_op(OP) expr_list(B). [EQ] { NEW_AST_NODE(AssignStmt,stmt); stmt->AssignOp = OP; stmt->Dests = A; stmt->Sources = B; X = stmt; } assign_op(X) ::= EQ. { X = ZCC_EQ; } assign_op(X) ::= MULEQ. { X = ZCC_MULEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= DIVEQ. { X = ZCC_DIVEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= MODEQ. { X = ZCC_MODEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= ADDEQ. { X = ZCC_ADDEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= SUBEQ. { X = ZCC_SUBEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= LSHEQ. { X = ZCC_LSHEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= RSHEQ. { X = ZCC_RSHEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= ANDEQ. { X = ZCC_ANDEQ; } assign_op(X) ::= OREQ. { X = ZCC_OREQ; } assign_op(X) ::= XOREQ. { X = ZCC_XOREQ; } /*----- Local Variable Definition "Statements" -----*/ %type local_var{ZCC_LocalVarStmt *} local_var(X) ::= type(A) variable_list(B) var_init(C). { NEW_AST_NODE(LocalVarStmt,vardef); vardef->Type = A; vardef->Vars = B; vardef->Inits = C; X = vardef; } %type var_init{ZCC_Expression *} var_init(X) ::= . { X = NULL; } var_init(X) ::= EQ expr_list(A). { X = A; }