/* ** doomspund.cpp ** ** Game dependent part of the sound engine. ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2002-2019 Christoph Oelckers ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "i_system.h" #include "i_sound.h" #include "i_music.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "s_playlist.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "gi.h" #include "po_man.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "vm.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "s_music.h" // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- FBoolCVar noisedebug("noise", false, 0); // [RH] Print sound debugging info? static FString LastLocalSndInfo; static FString LastLocalSndSeq; void S_AddLocalSndInfo(int lump); class DoomSoundEngine : public SoundEngine { // client specific parts of the sound engine go in this class. void CalcPosVel(int type, const void* source, const float pt[3], int channum, int chanflags, FSoundID soundid, FVector3* pos, FVector3* vel, FSoundChan *) override; bool ValidatePosVel(int sourcetype, const void* source, const FVector3& pos, const FVector3& vel); TArray ReadSound(int lumpnum); int PickReplacement(int refid); FSoundID ResolveSound(const void *ent, int type, FSoundID soundid, float &attenuation) override; void CacheSound(sfxinfo_t* sfx) override; void StopChannel(FSoundChan* chan) override; int AddSoundLump(const char* logicalname, int lump, int CurrentPitchMask, int resid = -1, int nearlimit = 2) override { auto ndx = SoundEngine::AddSoundLump(logicalname, lump, CurrentPitchMask, resid, nearlimit); S_sfx[ndx].UserData.Resize(1); S_sfx[ndx].UserData[0] = 0; return ndx; } bool CheckSoundLimit(sfxinfo_t* sfx, const FVector3& pos, int near_limit, float limit_range, int sourcetype, const void* actor, int channel, float attenuation) override { if (sourcetype != SOURCE_Actor) actor = nullptr; //ZDoom did this. return SoundEngine::CheckSoundLimit(sfx, pos, near_limit, limit_range, sourcetype, actor, channel, attenuation); } public: DoomSoundEngine() = default; void NoiseDebug(void); void PrintSoundList(); }; //========================================================================== // // S_Init // // Initializes sound stuff, including volume. Sets channels, SFX and // music volume, allocates channel buffer, and sets S_sfx lookup. //========================================================================== void S_Init() { // Must be up before I_InitSound. if (!soundEngine) { soundEngine = new DoomSoundEngine; } I_InitSound(); I_InitMusic(); // Heretic and Hexen have sound curve lookup tables. Doom does not. int curvelump = Wads.CheckNumForName("SNDCURVE"); TArray curve; if (curvelump >= 0) { curve = Wads.ReadLumpIntoArray(curvelump); } soundEngine->Init(curve); } //========================================================================== // // S_Shutdown // //========================================================================== void S_Shutdown() { S_StopMusic(true); SN_StopAllSequences(); if (soundEngine) { soundEngine->Shutdown(); delete soundEngine; soundEngine = nullptr; } mus_playing.LastSong = ""; // If this isn't reset here, the song would attempt to resume at the most inpopportune time... if (GSnd != nullptr) { I_CloseSound(); } } //========================================================================== // // S_Start // // Per level startup code. Kills playing sounds at start of level // and starts new music. //========================================================================== void S_Start() { if (GSnd && soundEngine) { // kill all playing sounds at start of level (trust me - a good idea) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); // Check for local sound definitions. Only reload if they differ // from the previous ones. FString LocalSndInfo; FString LocalSndSeq; // To be certain better check whether level is valid! if (level.info) { LocalSndInfo = level.info->SoundInfo; LocalSndSeq = level.info->SndSeq; } bool parse_ss = false; // This level uses a different local SNDINFO if (LastLocalSndInfo.CompareNoCase(LocalSndInfo) != 0 || !level.info) { soundEngine->UnloadAllSounds(); // Parse the global SNDINFO S_ParseSndInfo(true); if (LocalSndInfo.IsNotEmpty()) { // Now parse the local SNDINFO int j = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndInfo, true); if (j >= 0) S_AddLocalSndInfo(j); } // Also reload the SNDSEQ if the SNDINFO was replaced! parse_ss = true; } else if (LastLocalSndSeq.CompareNoCase(LocalSndSeq) != 0) { parse_ss = true; } if (parse_ss) { S_ParseSndSeq(LocalSndSeq.IsNotEmpty() ? Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndSeq, true) : -1); } LastLocalSndInfo = LocalSndInfo; LastLocalSndSeq = LocalSndSeq; } } //========================================================================== // // S_PrecacheLevel // // Like R_PrecacheLevel, but for sounds. // //========================================================================== void S_PrecacheLevel() { if (GSnd) { soundEngine->MarkAllUnused(); AActor* actor; TThinkerIterator iterator; // Precache all sounds known to be used by the currently spawned actors. while ((actor = iterator.Next()) != nullptr) { IFVIRTUALPTR(actor, AActor, MarkPrecacheSounds) { VMValue params[1] = { actor }; VMCall(func, params, 1, nullptr, 0); } } for (auto snd : gameinfo.PrecachedSounds) { soundEngine->MarkUsed(snd); } // Precache all extra sounds requested by this map. for (auto snd : level.info->PrecacheSounds) { soundEngine->MarkUsed(snd); } soundEngine->CacheMarkedSounds(); } } //========================================================================== // // S_InitData // //========================================================================== void S_InitData() { LastLocalSndInfo = LastLocalSndSeq = ""; S_ParseSndInfo(false); S_ParseSndSeq(-1); } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound - Unpositioned version // //========================================================================== void S_SoundPitch(int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation, float pitch, float startTime) { soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation, 0, pitch); } void S_Sound(int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation) { soundEngine->StartSound (SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation, 0, 0.f); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DObject, S_Sound) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_SOUND(id); PARAM_INT(channel); PARAM_FLOAT(volume); PARAM_FLOAT(attn); PARAM_FLOAT(pitch); PARAM_FLOAT(startTime); S_SoundPitch(channel & 7, EChanFlags::FromInt(channel & ~7), id, static_cast(volume), static_cast(attn), static_cast(pitch), static_cast(startTime)); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DObject, S_StartSound) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_SOUND(id); PARAM_INT(channel); PARAM_INT(flags); PARAM_FLOAT(volume); PARAM_FLOAT(attn); PARAM_FLOAT(pitch); PARAM_FLOAT(startTime); S_SoundPitch(channel, EChanFlags::FromInt(flags), id, static_cast(volume), static_cast(attn), static_cast(pitch), static_cast(startTime)); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void DoomSoundEngine::CacheSound(sfxinfo_t* sfx) { if (!(sfx->UserData[0] & SND_PlayerReserve)) SoundEngine::CacheSound(sfx); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FSoundID DoomSoundEngine::ResolveSound(const void * ent, int type, FSoundID soundid, float &attenuation) { auto sfx = &S_sfx[soundid]; if (sfx->UserData[0] & SND_PlayerReserve) { AActor *src; if (type != SOURCE_Actor) src = nullptr; else src = (AActor*)ent; return S_FindSkinnedSound(src, soundid); } return SoundEngine::ResolveSound(ent, type, soundid, attenuation); } //========================================================================== // // Common checking code for the actor sound functions // //========================================================================== static bool VerifyActorSound(AActor* ent, FSoundID& sound_id, int& channel, EChanFlags flags) { if (ent == nullptr || ent->ObjectFlags & OF_EuthanizeMe || ent->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT) return false; if ((flags & CHANF_MAYBE_LOCAL) && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_SILENTPICKUP)) { if (!soundEngine->isListener(ent)) { return false; } } if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) { // For people who just can't play without a silent BFG. channel = CHAN_WEAPON; } return true; } //========================================================================== // // Common checking code for the actor sound functions // //========================================================================== void DoomSoundEngine::StopChannel(FSoundChan* chan) { if (chan && chan->SysChannel != NULL && !(chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_EVICTED) && chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor) { chan->Source = NULL; } SoundEngine::StopChannel(chan); } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound - An actor is source // //========================================================================== void S_SoundPitchActor(AActor *ent, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation, float pitch, float startTime) { if (VerifyActorSound(ent, sound_id, channel, flags)) soundEngine->StartSound (SOURCE_Actor, ent, nullptr, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation, 0, pitch, startTime); } void S_Sound(AActor *ent, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation) { S_SoundPitchActor(ent, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation, 0.f); } //========================================================================== // // S_SoundMinMaxDist - An actor is source // // Attenuation is specified as min and max distances, rather than a scalar. // //========================================================================== void S_SoundMinMaxDist(AActor *ent, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float mindist, float maxdist) { if (VerifyActorSound(ent, sound_id, channel, flags)) { FRolloffInfo rolloff; rolloff.RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Linear; rolloff.MinDistance = mindist; rolloff.MaxDistance = maxdist; soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_Actor, ent, nullptr, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, 1, &rolloff); } } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound - A polyobject is source // //========================================================================== void S_Sound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation) { soundEngine->StartSound (SOURCE_Polyobj, poly, nullptr, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation); } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound - A point is source // //========================================================================== void S_Sound(const DVector3 &pos, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation) { // The sound system switches Y and Z around. FVector3 p((float)pos.X, (float)pos.Z, (float)pos.Y); soundEngine->StartSound (SOURCE_Unattached, nullptr, &p, channel, flags, sound_id, volume, attenuation); } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound - An entire sector is source // //========================================================================== void S_Sound (const sector_t *sec, int channel, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation) { soundEngine->StartSound (SOURCE_Sector, sec, nullptr, channel, flags, sfxid, volume, attenuation); } //========================================================================== // // S_PlaySound - Subfunction used by ACS and DECORATE // // Has a local parameter to make the sound audible only to the source // //========================================================================== void S_PlaySoundPitch(AActor *a, int chan, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sid, float vol, float atten, float pitch, float startTime = 0.f) { if (a == nullptr || a->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT) return; if (!(flags & CHANF_LOCAL)) { if (!(flags & CHANF_NOSTOP) || !S_IsActorPlayingSomething(a, chan, sid)) { S_SoundPitchActor(a, chan, flags, sid, vol, atten, pitch, startTime); } } else { if (a->CheckLocalView()) { if (!(flags & CHANF_NOSTOP) || !soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_None, nullptr, chan, sid)) { S_SoundPitch(chan, flags, sid, vol, ATTN_NONE, pitch, startTime); } } } } void S_PlaySound(AActor *a, int chan, EChanFlags flags, FSoundID sid, float vol, float atten) { S_PlaySoundPitch(a, chan, flags, sid, vol, atten, 0.f, 0.f); } void A_StartSound(AActor *self, int soundid, int channel, int flags, double volume, double attenuation, double pitch, double startTime) { S_PlaySoundPitch(self, channel, EChanFlags::FromInt(flags), soundid, (float)volume, (float)attenuation, (float)pitch, (float)startTime); } void A_PlaySound(AActor* self, int soundid, int channel, double volume, int looping, double attenuation, int local, double pitch) { if (looping) channel |= CHANF_LOOP | CHANF_NOSTOP; if (local) channel |= CHANF_LOCAL; A_StartSound(self, soundid, channel & 7, channel & ~7, volume, attenuation, pitch, 0.0f); } //========================================================================== // // S_StopSound // // Stops a sound from a single actor from playing on a specific channel. // //========================================================================== void S_StopSound (AActor *actor, int channel) { soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) ? -1 : channel); } //========================================================================== // // S_StopAllActorSounds // // Stops all sounds on an actor. // //========================================================================== void S_StopActorSounds(AActor *actor, int chanmin, int chanmax) { soundEngine->StopActorSounds(SOURCE_Actor, actor, chanmin, chanmax); } //========================================================================== // // S_StopSound // // Stops a sound from a single sector from playing on a specific channel. // //========================================================================== void S_StopSound (const sector_t *sec, int channel) { soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Sector, sec, (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) ? -1 : channel); } //========================================================================== // // S_StopSound // // Stops a sound from a single polyobject from playing on a specific channel. // //========================================================================== void S_StopSound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel) { soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Polyobj, poly, (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) ? -1 : channel); } //========================================================================== // // S_RelinkSound // // Moves all the sounds from one thing to another. If the destination is // nullptr, then the sound becomes a positioned sound. //========================================================================== void S_RelinkSound (AActor *from, AActor *to) { FVector3 p = from->SoundPos(); soundEngine->RelinkSound(SOURCE_Actor, from, to, !(compatflags2 & COMPATF2_SOUNDCUTOFF)? &p : nullptr); } //========================================================================== // // S_ChangeSoundVolume // //========================================================================== void S_ChangeActorSoundVolume(AActor *actor, int channel, double dvolume) { soundEngine->ChangeSoundVolume(SOURCE_Actor, actor, (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)? -1 : channel, dvolume); } //========================================================================== // // S_ChangeSoundPitch // //========================================================================== void S_ChangeActorSoundPitch(AActor *actor, int channel, double pitch) { soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel, pitch); } //========================================================================== // // S_GetSoundPlayingInfo // // Is a sound being played by a specific emitter? //========================================================================== bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const AActor *actor, int sound_id) { return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Actor, actor, sound_id); } bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const sector_t *sec, int sound_id) { return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Sector, sec, sound_id); } bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const FPolyObj *poly, int sound_id) { return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Polyobj, poly, sound_id); } //========================================================================== // // S_IsActorPlayingSomething // //========================================================================== int S_IsActorPlayingSomething (AActor *actor, int channel, int sound_id) { if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) { channel = CHAN_AUTO; // checks all channels } return soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel, sound_id); } //========================================================================== // // Sets the internal listener structure // //========================================================================== static void S_SetListener(AActor *listenactor) { SoundListener listener; if (listenactor != nullptr) { listener.angle = (float)listenactor->Angles.Yaw.Radians(); /* listener.velocity.X = listenactor->vel.x * (TICRATE/65536.f); listener.velocity.Y = listenactor->vel.z * (TICRATE/65536.f); listener.velocity.Z = listenactor->vel.y * (TICRATE/65536.f); */ listener.velocity.Zero(); listener.position = listenactor->SoundPos(); listener.underwater = listenactor->waterlevel == 3; assert(level.Zones.Size() > listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber); listener.Environment = level.Zones[listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber].Environment; listener.valid = true; } else { listener.angle = 0; listener.position.Zero(); listener.velocity.Zero(); listener.underwater = false; listener.Environment = nullptr; listener.valid = false; } listener.ListenerObject = listenactor; soundEngine->SetListener(listener); } //========================================================================== // // S_UpdateSounds // // Updates music & sounds //========================================================================== void S_UpdateSounds (AActor *listenactor) { // should never happen S_SetListener(listenactor); SN_UpdateActiveSequences(); soundEngine->UpdateSounds(level.time); } //========================================================================== // // Although saving the sound system's state is supposed to be an engine // feature, the specifics cannot be set up there, this needs to be on the client side. // //========================================================================== static FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FSoundChan &chan, FSoundChan *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("sourcetype", chan.SourceType) ("soundid", chan.SoundID) ("orgid", chan.OrgID) ("volume", chan.Volume) ("distancescale", chan.DistanceScale) ("pitch", chan.Pitch) ("chanflags", chan.ChanFlags) ("entchannel", chan.EntChannel) ("priority", chan.Priority) ("nearlimit", chan.NearLimit) ("starttime", chan.StartTime) ("rolloftype", chan.Rolloff.RolloffType) ("rolloffmin", chan.Rolloff.MinDistance) ("rolloffmax", chan.Rolloff.MaxDistance) ("limitrange", chan.LimitRange); switch (chan.SourceType) { case SOURCE_None: break; case SOURCE_Actor: { AActor* s = (AActor*)chan.Source; arc("actor", s); chan.Source = s; break; } case SOURCE_Sector: { auto s = (sector_t*)chan.Source; arc("sector", s); chan.Source = s; break; } case SOURCE_Polyobj: { auto s = (FPolyObj*)chan.Source; arc("poly", s); chan.Source = s; break; } case SOURCE_Unattached: arc.Array("point", chan.Point, 3); break; default: I_Error("Unknown sound source type %d\n", chan.SourceType); break; } arc.EndObject(); } return arc; } //========================================================================== // // S_SerializeSounds // //========================================================================== void S_SerializeSounds(FSerializer &arc) { FSoundChan *chan; GSnd->Sync(true); if (arc.isWriting()) { // Count channels and accumulate them so we can store them in // reverse order. That way, they will be in the same order when // reloaded later as they are now. TArray chans = soundEngine->AllActiveChannels(); if (chans.Size() > 0 && arc.BeginArray("sounds")) { for (unsigned int i = chans.Size(); i-- != 0; ) { // Replace start time with sample position. uint64_t start = chans[i]->StartTime; chans[i]->StartTime = GSnd ? GSnd->GetPosition(chans[i]) : 0; arc(nullptr, *chans[i]); chans[i]->StartTime = start; } arc.EndArray(); } } else { unsigned int count; soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); if (arc.BeginArray("sounds")) { count = arc.ArraySize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { chan = (FSoundChan*)soundEngine->GetChannel(nullptr); arc(nullptr, *chan); // Sounds always start out evicted when restored from a save. chan->ChanFlags |= CHANF_EVICTED | CHANF_ABSTIME; } arc.EndArray(); } // The two tic delay is to make sure any screenwipes have finished. // This needs to be two because the game is run for one tic before // the wipe so that it can produce a screen to wipe to. So if we // only waited one tic to restart the sounds, they would start // playing before the wipe, and depending on the synchronization // between the main thread and the mixer thread at the time, the // sounds might be heard briefly before pausing for the wipe. soundEngine->SetRestartTime(level.time + 2); } GSnd->Sync(false); GSnd->UpdateSounds(); } //========================================================================== // // S_SetSoundPaused // // Called with state non-zero when the app is active, zero when it isn't. // //========================================================================== void S_SetSoundPaused(int state) { if (state) { if (paused == 0) { S_ResumeSound(true); if (GSnd != nullptr) { GSnd->SetInactive(SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Active); } } } else { if (paused == 0) { S_PauseSound(false, true); if (GSnd != nullptr) { GSnd->SetInactive(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL ? SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Complete : SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Mute); } } } if (!netgame #ifdef _DEBUG && !demoplayback #endif ) { pauseext = !state; } } //========================================================================== // // CalcSectorSoundOrg // // Returns the perceived sound origin for a sector. If the listener is // inside the sector, then the origin is their location. Otherwise, the // origin is from the nearest wall on the sector. // //========================================================================== static void CalcSectorSoundOrg(const DVector3& listenpos, const sector_t* sec, int channum, FVector3& pos) { if (!(i_compatflags & COMPATF_SECTORSOUNDS)) { // Are we inside the sector? If yes, the closest point is the one we're on. if (P_PointInSector(listenpos.X, listenpos.Y) == sec) { pos.X = (float)listenpos.X; pos.Z = (float)listenpos.Y; } else { // Find the closest point on the sector's boundary lines and use // that as the perceived origin of the sound. DVector2 xy; sec->ClosestPoint(listenpos, xy); pos.X = (float)xy.X; pos.Z = (float)xy.Y; } } else { pos.X = float(sec->centerspot.X); pos.Z = float(sec->centerspot.Y); } // Set sound vertical position based on channel. if (channum == CHAN_FLOOR) { pos.Y = (float)MIN(sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), listenpos.Z); } else if (channum == CHAN_CEILING) { pos.Y = (float)MAX(sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), listenpos.Z); } else if (channum == CHAN_INTERIOR) { pos.Y = (float)clamp(listenpos.Z, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos)); } } //========================================================================== // // CalcPolySoundOrg // // Returns the perceived sound origin for a polyobject. This is similar to // CalcSectorSoundOrg, except there is no special case for being "inside" // a polyobject, so the sound literally comes from the polyobject's walls. // Vertical position of the sound always comes from the visible wall. // //========================================================================== static void CalcPolyobjSoundOrg(const DVector3& listenpos, const FPolyObj* poly, FVector3& pos) { side_t* side; sector_t* sec; DVector2 ppos; poly->ClosestPoint(listenpos, ppos, &side); pos.X = (float)ppos.X; pos.Z = (float)ppos.Y; sec = side->sector; pos.Y = (float)clamp(listenpos.Z, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos)); } //========================================================================= // // CalcPosVel // // The game specific part of the sound updater. // //========================================================================= void DoomSoundEngine::CalcPosVel(int type, const void* source, const float pt[3], int channum, int chanflags, FSoundID soundid, FVector3* pos, FVector3* vel, FSoundChan *) { if (pos != nullptr) { DVector3 listenpos; int pgroup; AActor* listener = players[consoleplayer].camera; if (listener != nullptr) { listenpos = listener->Pos(); *pos = listener->SoundPos(); pgroup = listener->Sector->PortalGroup; } else { listenpos.Zero(); pos->Zero(); pgroup = 0; } if (vel) vel->Zero(); // [BL] Moved this case out of the switch statement to make code easier // on static analysis. if (type == SOURCE_Unattached) { sector_t* sec = P_PointInSector(pt[0], pt[2]); DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, sec->PortalGroup); pos->X = pt[0] - (float)disp.X; pos->Y = !(chanflags & CHANF_LISTENERZ) ? pt[1] : (float)listenpos.Z; pos->Z = pt[2] - (float)disp.Y; } else { switch (type) { case SOURCE_None: default: break; case SOURCE_Actor: { auto actor = (AActor*)source; //assert(actor != nullptr); if (actor != nullptr) { DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, actor->Sector->PortalGroup); DVector3 posi = actor->Pos() - disp; *pos = { (float)posi.X, (float)posi.Z, (float)posi.Y }; if (vel) { vel->X = float(actor->Vel.X * TICRATE); vel->Y = float(actor->Vel.Z * TICRATE); vel->Z = float(actor->Vel.Y * TICRATE); } } break; } case SOURCE_Sector: { auto sector = (sector_t*)source; assert(sector != nullptr); if (sector != nullptr) { DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, sector->PortalGroup); if (chanflags & CHANF_AREA) { // listener must be reversely offset to calculate the proper sound origin. CalcSectorSoundOrg(listenpos + disp, sector, channum, *pos); pos->X -= (float)disp.X; pos->Z -= (float)disp.Y; } else { pos->X = (float)(sector->centerspot.X - disp.X); pos->Z = (float)(sector->centerspot.Y - disp.Y); chanflags |= CHANF_LISTENERZ; } } break; } case SOURCE_Polyobj: { auto poly = (FPolyObj*)source; assert(poly != nullptr); if (poly != nullptr) { DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, poly->CenterSubsector->sector->PortalGroup); CalcPolyobjSoundOrg(listenpos + disp, poly, *pos); pos->X -= (float)disp.X; pos->Z -= (float)disp.Y; } break; } } if ((chanflags & CHANF_LISTENERZ) && players[consoleplayer].camera != nullptr) { pos->Y = (float)listenpos.Z; } } } } //========================================================================== // // ValidatePosVel // //========================================================================== inline bool Validate(const float value, const float limit) { return value >= -limit && value <= limit; } static bool Validate(const FVector3& value, const float limit, const char* const name, const AActor* const actor) { const bool valid = Validate(value.X, limit) && Validate(value.Y, limit) && Validate(value.Z, limit); if (!valid) { // Sound position and velocity have Y and Z axes swapped comparing to map coordinate system Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Invalid sound %s " TEXTCOLOR_WHITE "(%f, %f, %f)", name, value.X, value.Z, value.Y); if (actor == nullptr) { Printf("\n"); } else { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED " for actor of class " TEXTCOLOR_WHITE "%s\n", actor->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars()); } } return valid; } bool DoomSoundEngine::ValidatePosVel(int sourcetype, const void* source, const FVector3& pos, const FVector3& vel) { if (sourcetype != SOURCE_Actor) return true; // The actual limit for map coordinates auto actor = (AActor*)source; static const float POSITION_LIMIT = 1024.f * 1024.f; const bool valid = Validate(pos, POSITION_LIMIT, "position", actor); // The maximum velocity is enough to travel through entire map in one tic static const float VELOCITY_LIMIT = 2 * POSITION_LIMIT * TICRATE; return Validate(vel, VELOCITY_LIMIT, "velocity", actor) && valid; } //========================================================================== // // This is to avoid hardscoding the dependency on Wads into the sound engine // //========================================================================== TArray DoomSoundEngine::ReadSound(int lumpnum) { auto wlump = Wads.OpenLumpReader(lumpnum); return wlump.Read(); } //========================================================================== // // S_PickReplacement // // This is overridden to use a synchronized RNG. // //========================================================================== static FRandom pr_randsound("RandSound"); int DoomSoundEngine::PickReplacement(int refid) { while (S_sfx[refid].bRandomHeader) { const FRandomSoundList* list = &S_rnd[S_sfx[refid].link]; refid = list->Choices[pr_randsound(list->Choices.Size())]; } return refid; } //========================================================================== // // S_NoiseDebug // // [RH] Print sound debug info. Called by status bar. //========================================================================== void DoomSoundEngine::NoiseDebug() { FSoundChan* chan; FVector3 listener; FVector3 origin; int y, color; y = 32 * CleanYfac; screen->DrawText(NewConsoleFont, CR_YELLOW, 0, y, "*** SOUND DEBUG INFO ***", TAG_DONE); y += 8; screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 0, y, "name", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 70, y, "x", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 120, y, "y", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 170, y, "z", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 220, y, "vol", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 260, y, "dist", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 300, y, "chan", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 340, y, "pri", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 380, y, "flags", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 460, y, "aud", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 520, y, "pos", TAG_DONE); y += 8; if (Channels == nullptr) { return; } listener = players[consoleplayer].camera->SoundPos(); // Display the oldest channel first. for (chan = Channels; chan->NextChan != nullptr; chan = chan->NextChan) { } while (y < SCREENHEIGHT - 16) { char temp[32]; SoundEngine::CalcPosVel(chan, &origin, nullptr); color = (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_LOOP) ? CR_BROWN : CR_GREY; // Name Wads.GetLumpName (temp, S_sfx[chan->SoundID].lumpnum); temp[8] = 0; screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, y, temp, TAG_DONE); if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_IS3D)) { screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 70, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // X screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 120, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Y screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 170, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Z screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Distance } else { // X coordinate mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.X); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 70, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Y coordinate mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.Z); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 120, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Z coordinate mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.Y); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 170, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Distance if (chan->DistanceScale > 0) { mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", (origin - listener).Length()); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, temp, TAG_DONE); } else { screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, "---", TAG_DONE); } } // Volume mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.2g", chan->Volume); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 220, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Channel mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d", chan->EntChannel); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 300, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Priority mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d", chan->Priority); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 340, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Flags mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%s3%sZ%sU%sM%sN%sA%sL%sE%sV", (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_IS3D) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_LISTENERZ) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_UI) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_MAYBE_LOCAL) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_NOPAUSE) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_AREA) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_LOOP) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_EVICTED) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK, (chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_VIRTUAL) ? TEXTCOLOR_GREEN : TEXTCOLOR_BLACK); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 380, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Audibility mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.4f", GSnd->GetAudibility(chan)); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 460, y, temp, TAG_DONE); // Position mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%u", GSnd->GetPosition(chan)); screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 520, y, temp, TAG_DONE); y += 8; if (chan->PrevChan == &Channels) { break; } chan = (FSoundChan*)((size_t)chan->PrevChan - myoffsetof(FSoundChan, NextChan)); } V_SetBorderNeedRefresh(); } void S_NoiseDebug(void) { static_cast(soundEngine)->NoiseDebug(); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD soundlist // //========================================================================== void DoomSoundEngine::PrintSoundList() { auto &S_sfx = soundEngine->GetSounds(); char lumpname[9]; unsigned int i; lumpname[8] = 0; for (i = 0; i < S_sfx.Size(); i++) { const sfxinfo_t* sfx = &S_sfx[i]; if (sfx->bRandomHeader) { Printf("%3d. %s -> #%d {", i, sfx->name.GetChars(), sfx->link); const FRandomSoundList* list = &S_rnd[sfx->link]; for (auto& me : list->Choices) { Printf(" %s ", S_sfx[me].name.GetChars()); } Printf("}\n"); } else if (sfx->UserData[0] & SND_PlayerReserve) { Printf("%3d. %s <>\n", i, sfx->name.GetChars(), sfx->link); } else if (S_sfx[i].lumpnum != -1) { Wads.GetLumpName(lumpname, sfx->lumpnum); Printf("%3d. %s (%s)\n", i, sfx->name.GetChars(), lumpname); } else if (S_sfx[i].link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { Printf("%3d. %s -> %s\n", i, sfx->name.GetChars(), S_sfx[sfx->link].name.GetChars()); } else { Printf("%3d. %s **not present**\n", i, sfx->name.GetChars()); } Printf(" PitchMask = %d\n", sfx->PitchMask); } } CCMD(soundlist) { static_cast(soundEngine)->PrintSoundList(); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playsound // //========================================================================== CCMD (playsound) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { FSoundID id = argv[1]; if (id == 0) { Printf("'%s' is not a sound\n", argv[1]); } else { S_Sound (CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI, id, 1.f, ATTN_NONE); } } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD loopsound // //========================================================================== CCMD (loopsound) { if (players[consoleplayer].mo != nullptr && !netgame && argv.argc() > 1) { FSoundID id = argv[1]; if (id == 0) { Printf("'%s' is not a sound\n", argv[1]); } else { AActor *icon = Spawn("SpeakerIcon", players[consoleplayer].mo->PosPlusZ(32.), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (icon != nullptr) { S_Sound(icon, CHAN_BODY, CHANF_LOOP, id, 1.f, ATTN_IDLE); } } } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cachesound // //========================================================================== CCMD (cachesound) { if (argv.argc() < 2) { Printf ("Usage: cachesound ...\n"); return; } for (int i = 1; i < argv.argc(); ++i) { FSoundID sfxnum = argv[i]; if (sfxnum != FSoundID(0)) { soundEngine->CacheSound(sfxnum); } } } CCMD(listsoundchannels) { Printf("%s", soundEngine->ListSoundChannels().GetChars()); } // intentionally moved here to keep the s_music include out of the rest of the file. //========================================================================== // // S_PauseSound // // Stop music and sound effects, during game PAUSE. //========================================================================== #include "s_music.h" void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx) { if (!notmusic) { S_PauseMusic(); } if (!notsfx) { soundEngine->SetPaused(true); GSnd->SetSfxPaused (true, 0); } } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DObject, S_PauseSound) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_BOOL(notmusic); PARAM_BOOL(notsfx); S_PauseSound(notmusic, notsfx); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // S_ResumeSound // // Resume music and sound effects, after game PAUSE. //========================================================================== void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx) { S_ResumeMusic(); if (!notsfx) { soundEngine->SetPaused(false); GSnd->SetSfxPaused (false, 0); } } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DObject, S_ResumeSound) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_BOOL(notsfx); S_ResumeSound(notsfx); return 0; } CCMD (snd_status) { GSnd->PrintStatus (); } CCMD (snd_reset) { S_SoundReset(); } CCMD (snd_listdrivers) { GSnd->PrintDriversList (); } ADD_STAT (sound) { return GSnd->GatherStats (); }