// Dragon ------------------------------------------------------------------- class Dragon : Actor { Default { Health 640; PainChance 128; Speed 10; Height 65; Mass 0x7fffffff; Monster; +NOGRAVITY +FLOAT +NOBLOOD +BOSS +DONTMORPH +NOTARGET +NOICEDEATH SeeSound "DragonSight"; AttackSound "DragonAttack"; PainSound "DragonPain"; DeathSound "DragonDeath"; ActiveSound "DragonActive"; Obituary "$OB_DRAGON"; } States { Spawn: DRAG D 10 A_Look; Loop; See: DRAG CB 5; DRAG A 5 A_DragonInitFlight; DRAG B 3 A_DragonFlap; DRAG BCCDDCCBBAA 3 A_DragonFlight; Goto See + 3; Pain: DRAG F 10 A_DragonPain; Goto See + 3; Missile: DRAG E 8 A_DragonAttack; Goto See + 3; Death: DRAG G 5 A_Scream; DRAG H 4 A_NoBlocking; DRAG I 4; DRAG J 4 A_DragonCheckCrash; Wait; Crash: DRAG KL 5; DRAG M -1; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // DragonSeek // //============================================================================ private void DragonSeek (double thresh, double turnMax) { double dist; double delta; Actor targ; int i; double bestAngle; double angleToSpot, angleToTarget; Actor mo; targ = tracer; if(targ == null) { return; } double diff = deltaangle(angle, AngleTo(targ)); delta = abs(diff); if (delta > thresh) { delta /= 2; if (delta > turnMax) { delta = turnMax; } } if (diff > 0) { // Turn clockwise angle = angle + delta; } else { // Turn counter clockwise angle = angle - delta; } VelFromAngle(); dist = DistanceBySpeed(targ, Speed); if (pos.z + height < targ.pos.z || targ.pos.z + targ.height < pos.z) { Vel.Z = (targ.pos.z - pos.z) / dist; } if (targ.bShootable && random[DragonSeek]() < 64) { // attack the destination mobj if it's attackable Actor oldTarget; if (absangle(angle, AngleTo(targ)) < 22.5) { oldTarget = target; target = targ; if (CheckMeleeRange ()) { int damage = random[DragonSeek](1, 8) * 10; int newdam = target.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); target.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); A_PlaySound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); } else if (random[DragonSeek]() < 128 && CheckMissileRange()) { SpawnMissile(targ, "DragonFireball"); A_PlaySound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); } target = oldTarget; } } if (dist < 4) { // Hit the target thing if (target && random[DragonSeek]() < 200) { Actor bestActor = null; bestAngle = 360.; angleToTarget = AngleTo(target); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!targ.args[i]) { continue; } ActorIterator iter = ActorIterator.Create(targ.args[i]); mo = iter.Next (); if (mo == null) { continue; } angleToSpot = AngleTo(mo); double diff = absangle(angleToSpot, angleToTarget); if (diff < bestAngle) { bestAngle = diff; bestActor = mo; } } if (bestActor != null) { tracer = bestActor; } } else { // [RH] Don't lock up if the dragon doesn't have any // targs defined for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (targ.args[i] != 0) { break; } } if (i < 5) { do { i = (random[DragonSeek]() >> 2) % 5; } while(!targ.args[i]); ActorIterator iter = ActorIterator.Create(targ.args[i]); tracer = iter.Next (); } } } } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonInitFlight // //============================================================================ void A_DragonInitFlight() { ActorIterator iter = ActorIterator.Create(tid); do { // find the first tid identical to the dragon's tid tracer = iter.Next (); if (tracer == null) { SetState (SpawnState); return; } } while (tracer == self); RemoveFromHash (); } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonFlight // //============================================================================ void A_DragonFlight() { double ang; DragonSeek (4., 8.); if (target) { if(!target.bShootable) { // target died target = null; return; } ang = absangle(angle, AngleTo(target)); if (ang <22.5 && CheckMeleeRange()) { int damage = random[DragonFlight](1, 8) * 8; int newdam = target.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); target.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); A_PlaySound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); } else if (ang <= 20) { SetState (MissileState); A_PlaySound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); } } else { LookForPlayers (true); } } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonFlap // //============================================================================ void A_DragonFlap() { A_DragonFlight(); if (random[DragonFlight]() < 240) { A_PlaySound ("DragonWingflap", CHAN_BODY); } else { PlayActiveSound (); } } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonAttack // //============================================================================ void A_DragonAttack() { SpawnMissile (target, "DragonFireball"); } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonPain // //============================================================================ void A_DragonPain() { A_Pain(); if (!tracer) { // no destination spot yet SetState (SeeState); } } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonCheckCrash // //============================================================================ void A_DragonCheckCrash() { if (pos.z <= floorz) { SetStateLabel ("Crash"); } } } // Dragon Fireball ---------------------------------------------------------- class DragonFireball : Actor { Default { Speed 24; Radius 12; Height 10; Damage 6; DamageType "Fire"; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +ZDOOMADD RenderStyle "Add"; DeathSound "DragonFireballExplode"; } States { Spawn: DRFX ABCDEF 4 Bright; Loop; Death: DRFX GHI 4 Bright; DRFX J 4 Bright A_DragonFX2; DRFX KL 3 Bright; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_DragonFX2 // //============================================================================ void A_DragonFX2() { int delay = 16+(random[DragonFX2]()>>3); for (int i = random[DragonFX2](1, 4); i; i--) { double xo = (random[DragonFX2]() - 128) / 4.; double yo = (random[DragonFX2]() - 128) / 4.; double zo = (random[DragonFX2]() - 128) / 16.; Actor mo = Spawn ("DragonExplosion", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, zo), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.tics = delay + (random[DragonFX2](0, 3)) * i*2; mo.target = target; } } } } // Dragon Fireball Secondary Explosion -------------------------------------- class DragonExplosion : Actor { Default { Radius 8; Height 8; DamageType "Fire"; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOTELEPORT +INVISIBLE +ZDOOMADD RenderStyle "Add"; DeathSound "DragonFireballExplode"; } States { Spawn: CFCF Q 1 Bright; CFCF Q 4 Bright A_UnHideThing; CFCF R 3 Bright A_Scream; CFCF S 4 Bright; CFCF T 3 Bright A_Explode (80, 128, 0); CFCF U 4 Bright; CFCF V 3 Bright; CFCF W 4 Bright; CFCF X 3 Bright; CFCF Y 4 Bright; CFCF Z 3 Bright; Stop; } }