// The mace itself ---------------------------------------------------------- class Mace : HereticWeapon { Default { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1400; Weapon.AmmoUse 1; Weapon.AmmoGive1 50; Weapon.YAdjust 15; Weapon.AmmoType "MaceAmmo"; Weapon.SisterWeapon "MacePowered"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WPNMACE"; Tag "$TAG_MACE"; } States { Spawn: WMCE A -1; Stop; Ready: MACE A 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: MACE A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: MACE A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: MACE B 4; Hold: MACE CDEF 3 A_FireMacePL1; MACE C 4 A_ReFire; MACE DEFB 4; Goto Ready; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireMacePL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- action void A_FireMacePL1() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null) { if (!weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire)) return; } if (random[MaceAtk]() < 28) { Actor ball = Spawn("MaceFX2", Pos + (0, 0, 28 - Floorclip), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (ball != null) { ball.Vel.Z = 2 - clamp(tan(pitch), -5, 5); ball.target = self; ball.angle = self.angle; ball.AddZ(ball.Vel.Z); ball.VelFromAngle(); ball.Vel += Vel.xy / 2; ball.A_StartSound ("weapons/maceshoot", CHAN_BODY); ball.CheckMissileSpawn (radius); } } else { player.GetPSprite(PSP_WEAPON).x = random[MaceAtk](-2, 1); player.GetPSprite(PSP_WEAPON).y = WEAPONTOP + random[MaceAtk](0, 3); Actor ball = SpawnPlayerMissile("MaceFX1", angle + (random[MaceAtk](-4, 3) * (360. / 256))); if (ball) { ball.special1 = 16; // tics till dropoff } } } } class MacePowered : Mace { Default { +WEAPON.POWERED_UP Weapon.AmmoUse 5; Weapon.AmmoGive 0; Weapon.SisterWeapon "Mace"; Tag "$TAG_MACEP"; } States { Fire: Hold: MACE B 4; MACE D 4 A_FireMacePL2; MACE B 4; MACE A 8 A_ReFire; Goto Ready; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireMacePL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- action void A_FireMacePL2() { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null) { if (!weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire)) return; } Actor mo = SpawnPlayerMissile ("MaceFX4", angle, pLineTarget:t); if (mo) { mo.Vel.xy += Vel.xy; mo.Vel.Z = 2 - clamp(tan(pitch), -5, 5); if (t.linetarget && !t.unlinked) { mo.tracer = t.linetarget; } } A_StartSound ("weapons/maceshoot", CHAN_WEAPON); } } // Mace FX1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class MaceFX1 : Actor { const MAGIC_JUNK = 1234; Default { Radius 8; Height 6; Speed 20; Damage 2; Projectile; +THRUGHOST BounceType "HereticCompat"; SeeSound "weapons/maceshoot"; Obituary "$OB_MPMACE"; } States { Spawn: FX02 AB 4 A_MacePL1Check; Loop; Death: FX02 F 4 BRIGHT A_MaceBallImpact; FX02 GHIJ 4 BRIGHT; Stop; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MacePL1Check // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MacePL1Check() { if (special1 == 0) return; special1 -= 4; if (special1 > 0) return; special1 = 0; bNoGravity = false; Gravity = 1. / 8; // [RH] Avoid some precision loss by scaling the velocity directly double velscale = 7 / Vel.XY.Length(); Vel.XY *= velscale; Vel.Z *= 0.5; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MaceBallImpact // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MaceBallImpact() { if ((health != MAGIC_JUNK) && bInFloat) { // Bounce health = MAGIC_JUNK; Vel.Z *= 0.75; bBounceOnFloors = bBounceOnCeilings = false; SetState (SpawnState); A_StartSound ("weapons/macebounce", CHAN_BODY); } else { // Explode Vel = (0,0,0); bNoGravity = true; Gravity = 1; A_StartSound ("weapons/macehit", CHAN_BODY); } } } // Mace FX2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class MaceFX2 : MaceFX1 { Default { Speed 10; Damage 6; Gravity 0.125; -NOGRAVITY SeeSound ""; } States { Spawn: FX02 CD 4; Loop; Death: FX02 F 4 A_MaceBallImpact2; goto Super::Death+1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MaceBallImpact2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MaceBallImpact2() { if ((pos.Z <= floorz) && HitFloor ()) { // Landed in some sort of liquid Destroy (); return; } if (bInFloat) { if (Vel.Z >= 2) { // Bounce Vel.Z *= 0.75; SetState (SpawnState); Actor tiny = Spawn("MaceFX3", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (tiny != null) { tiny.target = target; tiny.angle = angle + 90.; tiny.VelFromAngle(Vel.Z - 1.); tiny.Vel += (Vel.XY * .5, Vel.Z); tiny.CheckMissileSpawn (radius); } tiny = Spawn("MaceFX3", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (tiny != null) { tiny.target = target; tiny.angle = angle - 90.; tiny.VelFromAngle(Vel.Z - 1.); tiny.Vel += (Vel.XY * .5, Vel.Z); tiny.CheckMissileSpawn (radius); } return; } } Vel = (0,0,0); bNoGravity = true; bBounceOnFloors = bBounceOnCeilings = false; Gravity = 1; } } // Mace FX3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class MaceFX3 : MaceFX1 { Default { Speed 7; Damage 4; -NOGRAVITY; Gravity 0.125; } States { Spawn: FX02 AB 4; Loop; } } // Mace FX4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class MaceFX4 : Actor { Default { Radius 8; Height 6; Speed 7; Damage 18; Gravity 0.125; Projectile; -NOGRAVITY +TELESTOMP +THRUGHOST -NOTELEPORT BounceType "HereticCompat"; SeeSound ""; Obituary "$OB_MPPMACE"; } States { Spawn: FX02 E 99; Loop; Death: FX02 C 4 A_DeathBallImpact; FX02 GHIJ 4 BRIGHT; Stop; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_AutoUseChaosDevice // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private bool AutoUseChaosDevice (PlayerInfo player) { Inventory arti = player.mo.FindInventory("ArtiTeleport"); if (arti != null) { player.mo.UseInventory (arti); player.health = player.mo.health = (player.health+1)/2; return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC DoSpecialDamage // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor target, int damage, Name damagetype) { if (target.bBoss || target.bDontSquash || target.IsTeammate (self.target)) { // Don't allow cheap boss kills and don't instagib teammates return damage; } else if (target.player) { // Player specific checks if (target.player.mo.bInvulnerable) { // Can't hurt invulnerable players return -1; } if (AutoUseChaosDevice (target.player)) { // Player was saved using chaos device return -1; } } return TELEFRAG_DAMAGE; // Something's gonna die } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_DeathBallImpact // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_DeathBallImpact() { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if ((pos.Z <= floorz) && HitFloor ()) { // Landed in some sort of liquid Destroy (); return; } if (bInFloat) { if (Vel.Z >= 2) { // Bounce bool newAngle = false; double ang = 0; if (tracer) { if (!tracer.bShootable) { // Target died tracer = null; } else { // Seek ang = AngleTo(tracer); newAngle = true; } } else { // Find new target ang = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { AimLineAttack (ang, 640., t, 0., ALF_NOFRIENDS|ALF_PORTALRESTRICT, null, target); if (t.linetarget && target != t.linetarget) { tracer = t.linetarget; ang = t.angleFromSource; newAngle = true; break; } ang += 22.5; } } if (newAngle) { angle = ang; VelFromAngle(); } SetState (SpawnState); A_StartSound ("weapons/macestop", CHAN_BODY); return; } } Vel = (0,0,0); bNoGravity = true; Gravity = 1; A_StartSound ("weapons/maceexplode", CHAN_BODY); } } // Mace spawn spot ---------------------------------------------------------- class MaceSpawner : SpecialSpot { Default { +NOSECTOR +NOBLOCKMAP } States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1; TNT1 A -1 A_SpawnSingleItem("Mace", 64, 64, 0); Stop; } }