/* ** playerdisplay.cpp ** The player display for the player setup and class selection screen ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010-2017 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ //============================================================================= // // the player sprite window // //============================================================================= class ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay : ListMenuItem { ListMenuDescriptor mOwner; TextureID mBackdrop; PlayerClass mPlayerClass; State mPlayerState; int mPlayerTics; bool mNoportrait; int8 mRotation; int8 mMode; // 0: automatic (used by class selection), 1: manual (used by player setup) int8 mTranslate; int mSkin; int mRandomClass; int mRandomTimer; int mClassNum; Color mBaseColor; Color mAddColor; enum EPDFlags { PDF_ROTATION = 0x10001, PDF_SKIN = 0x10002, PDF_CLASS = 0x10003, PDF_MODE = 0x10004, PDF_TRANSLATE = 0x10005, }; //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void Init(ListMenuDescriptor menu, int x, int y, Color c1, Color c2, bool np = false, Name command = 'None' ) { Super.Init(x, y, command); mOwner = menu; mBaseColor = c1; mAddColor = c2; mBackdrop = TexMan.CheckForTexture("B@CKDROP", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // The weird name is to avoid clashes with mods. mPlayerClass = NULL; mPlayerState = NULL; mNoportrait = np; mMode = 0; mRotation = 0; mTranslate = false; mSkin = 0; mRandomClass = 0; mRandomTimer = 0; mClassNum = -1; } private void UpdatePlayer(int classnum) { mPlayerClass = PlayerClasses[classnum]; mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass.Type).SeeState; if (mPlayerState == NULL) { // No see state, so try spawn state. mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass.Type).SpawnState; } mPlayerTics = mPlayerState != NULL ? mPlayerState.Tics : -1; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= private void UpdateRandomClass() { if (--mRandomTimer < 0) { if (++mRandomClass >= PlayerClasses.Size ()) mRandomClass = 0; UpdatePlayer(mRandomClass); mPlayerTics = mPlayerState != NULL ? mPlayerState.Tics : -1; mRandomTimer = 6; // Since the newly displayed class may use a different translation // range than the old one, we need to update the translation, too. Translation.SetPlayerTranslation(TRANSLATION_Players, MAXPLAYERS, consoleplayer, mPlayerClass); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void SetPlayerClass(int classnum, bool force = false) { if (classnum < 0 || classnum >= PlayerClasses.Size ()) { if (mClassNum != -1) { mClassNum = -1; mRandomTimer = 0; UpdateRandomClass(); } } else if (mPlayerClass != PlayerClasses[classnum] || force) { UpdatePlayer(classnum); mClassNum = classnum; } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool UpdatePlayerClass() { if (mOwner && mOwner.mSelectedItem >= 0) { int classnum; Name seltype; [seltype, classnum] = mOwner.mItems[mOwner.mSelectedItem].GetAction(); if (seltype != 'Episodemenu') return false; if (PlayerClasses.Size() == 0) return false; SetPlayerClass(classnum); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool SetValue(int i, int value) { switch (i) { case PDF_MODE: mMode = value; return true; case PDF_ROTATION: mRotation = value; return true; case PDF_TRANSLATE: mTranslate = value; case PDF_CLASS: SetPlayerClass(value, true); break; case PDF_SKIN: mSkin = value; break; } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void Ticker() { if (mClassNum < 0) UpdateRandomClass(); if (mPlayerState != NULL && mPlayerState.Tics != -1 && mPlayerState.NextState != NULL) { if (--mPlayerTics <= 0) { mPlayerState = mPlayerState.NextState; mPlayerTics = mPlayerState.Tics; } } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void Drawer(bool selected) { if (mMode == 0 && !UpdatePlayerClass()) { return; } let playdef = GetDefaultByType((class<PlayerPawn>)(mPlayerClass.Type)); Name portrait = playdef.Portrait; if (portrait != 'None' && !mNoportrait) { TextureID texid = TexMan.CheckForTexture(portrait, TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); screen.DrawTexture (texid, true, mXpos, mYpos, DTA_Clean, true); } else { int x = int(mXpos - 160) * CleanXfac + (screen.GetWidth() >> 1); int y = int(mYpos - 100) * CleanYfac + (screen.GetHeight() >> 1); int r = mBaseColor.r + mAddColor.r; int g = mBaseColor.g + mAddColor.g; int b = mBaseColor.b + mAddColor.b; int m = max(r, g, b); r = r * 255 / m; g = g * 255 / m; b = b * 255 / m; Color c = Color(255, r, g, b); screen.DrawTexture(mBackdrop, false, x, y - 1, DTA_DestWidth, 72 * CleanXfac, DTA_DestHeight, 80 * CleanYfac, DTA_Color, c, DTA_Masked, true); Screen.DrawFrame (x, y, 72*CleanXfac, 80*CleanYfac-1); if (mPlayerState != NULL) { Vector2 Scale; TextureID sprite; bool flip; [sprite, flip, Scale] = mPlayerState.GetSpriteTexture(mRotation, mSkin, playdef.Scale); if (sprite.IsValid()) { int trans = mTranslate? Translation.MakeID(TRANSLATION_Players, MAXPLAYERS) : 0; let tscale = TexMan.GetScaledSize(sprite); Scale.X *= CleanXfac * tscale.X; Scale.Y *= CleanYfac * tscale.Y; screen.DrawTexture (sprite, false, x + 36*CleanXfac, y + 71*CleanYfac, DTA_DestWidthF, Scale.X, DTA_DestHeightF, Scale.Y, DTA_TranslationIndex, trans, DTA_FlipX, flip); } } } } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= class PlayerMenuPlayerDisplay : ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay { void Init(Color c1, Color c2) { Super.Init(null, 0, 0, c1, c2, true, 'none'); } override void Drawer(bool selected) { int x = screen.GetWidth()/2 + NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_X * CleanXfac_1; int y = NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_Y * CleanYfac_1; int r = mBaseColor.r + mAddColor.r; int g = mBaseColor.g + mAddColor.g; int b = mBaseColor.b + mAddColor.b; int m = max(r, g, b); r = r * 255 / m; g = g * 255 / m; b = b * 255 / m; Color c = Color(255, r, g, b); screen.DrawTexture(mBackdrop, false, x, y - 1, DTA_DestWidth, NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_W * CleanXfac_1, DTA_DestHeight, NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_H * CleanYfac_1, DTA_Color, c, DTA_KeepRatio, mNoPortrait, DTA_Masked, true); Screen.DrawFrame (x, y, NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_W*CleanXfac_1, NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_H*CleanYfac_1-1); if (mPlayerState != NULL) { Vector2 Scale; TextureID sprite; bool flip; let playdef = GetDefaultByType((class<PlayerPawn>)(mPlayerClass.Type)); [sprite, flip, Scale] = mPlayerState.GetSpriteTexture(mRotation, mSkin, playdef.Scale); if (sprite.IsValid()) { int trans = mTranslate? Translation.MakeID(TRANSLATION_Players, MAXPLAYERS) : 0; let tscale = TexMan.GetScaledSize(sprite); Scale.X *= CleanXfac_1 * tscale.X; Scale.Y *= CleanYfac_1 * tscale.Y; screen.DrawTexture (sprite, false, x + (NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_W/2) * CleanXfac_1, y + (NewPlayerMenu.PLAYERDISPLAY_H-8) * CleanYfac_1, DTA_DestWidthF, Scale.X, DTA_DestHeightF, Scale.Y, DTA_TranslationIndex, trans, DTA_KeepRatio, mNoPortrait, DTA_FlipX, flip); } } } }