======================= foo_dumb part ================================= 2007-01-26 23:42 UTC - kode54 - Added CPUID specialization for it_filter() so I can release it. 2007-01-26 22:50 UTC - kode54 - Moved IT S70-2 effects alongside the rest of S7x so they all trigger after paired notes. - Integrated note on/cut ramping with volume transition ramping to reduce setup/cleanup overhead of calling render_playing and the resampler functions for single samples. - Note on/cut ramping scaled from 7 sample logarithmic and 256 sample linear to .75ms and 5ms respectively, both linear. - Integrated the pattern looping changes from DUMB 0.9.3, since a few files seemed to be broken. The XM-only features still needed to be flagged for XM so they won't break MOD. - Implemented SSE replacement for it_filter() which is actually twice as fast. 2007-01-24 09:37 UTC - kode54 - Version is now 2007-01-24 08:34 UTC - kode54 - Implemented 669 running effects correctly. 2007-01-23 17:42 UTC - kode54 - Fixed IT reader decompression to support compression+delta on files created with 2.15 or newer. 2007-01-22 18:54 UTC - kode54 - Implemented 669 running effects, nasty stuff. 2007-01-22 16:40 UTC - kode54 - Fixed MOD loading step in case any files fall through another loader first. (if asked twice.mod) 2007-01-21 19:47 UTC - kode54 - Implemented crappy fixed end of sample volume ramping. 2007-01-21 17:43 UTC - kode54 - XM reader now ignores sample header length, as Sk@le Tracker fills this with nonsense. 2007-01-21 14:21 UTC - kode54 - Fixed a bug in IT renderer / get_true_pan that caused it to crash on IT files with instruments enabled upon hitting an invalid instrument change. 2006-12-26 06:41 UTC - kode54 - Fixed sample rate reporting for when extra dynamic info is turned off. 2006-11-01 00:50 UTC - kode54 - Resamplers now return immediately if the fixed point delta is zero. - IT renderer now cuts existing notes when it reaches a note where the instrument references an invalid sample. (jumping under trees.it) - Version is now 2006-10-14 08:33 UTC - kode54 - IT renderer pattern loop processor now resets the rows played to clear table per channel regardless of whether order changed since last loop start was initiated. This is correct, since two pattern loop starts in a row means that a loop will never jump to the first loop point. 2006-10-12 06:28 UTC - kode54 - STM reader checks for more values after the song name, reports the correct order list size, and ignores samples which are shorter than four bytes or have a default volume of zero. 2006-10-08 03:51 UTC - kode54 - Added CP437 graphics to text conversion functions. 2006-10-07 05:24 UTC - kode54 - Simplified volume ramping update code, reducing the size of the resampler code considerably. - Bumped the volume ramping precision to 24 bits of fraction precision, which is needed by Sweetsin.xm. - Moved sample rate reporting to dynamic info as requested by Peter, since it's not a property of the files themselves, but user configurable. - Version is now 2006-10-07 03:42 UTC - kode54 - Changed DSMF sample loader to ignore unknown flags instead of blowing an error. 2006-09-25 17:39 UTC - kode54 - Added hack to MOD loader for when sample start is specified in bytes instead of words. 2006-09-19 15:05 UTC - kode54 - Shuffled finetune calculation into the correct position, immediately applied as delta is calculated from note. - Promoted IT_SAMPLE finetune property to signed short as char is insufficient for full semitone range. (+/- 256) - Changed resampler to use full 64-bit comparison for todo variable range checking which should hopefully eliminate any further problems with pitch slides which go out of range. - Version is now 0.9.8 2006-06-16 19:10 UTC - kode54 - Fixed MOD loader FLT8 handler so it halves the order list after it's allocated and loaded. - Unified renderer and loop restarting for playback and seeking, and made seeking abortable. 2006-06-16 09:12 UTC - kode54 - Fixed PSM subsong info reporting. 2006-06-15 21:23 UTC - kode54 - Added finetune property to IT_SAMPLE, modified ASY, MOD, MTM, old PSM, and XM to use it instead of adjusting the C5 speed, so that finetune effect overrides rather than compounding sample finetune. 2006-06-10 18:10 UTC - kode54 - Fixed volume ramping. 2006-06-09 16:48 UTC - kode54 - Ported most of DUMB 0.9.3 over, except for the conflicting pattern loop change 2006-06-03 02:13 UTC - kode54 - Implemented ASYLUM Music Format support. 2006-06-02 22:06 UTC - kode54 - Fixed finite looping for speed 0 and global volume 0 triggers. - Reset loop count when seeking backwards. 2006-06-02 21:20 UTC - kode54 - IT renderer now supports pattern jump and break to row on the same row. (coffee-blues 3.mod) - Version is now 2006-06-02 20:25 UTC - kode54 - Empty pattern scanner now returns the correct value for completely empty pattern structures, and also checks for lists of empty rows. 2006-06-01 00:47 UTC - kode54 - STM reader reads effects properly now. 2006-05-31 23:15 UTC - kode54 - Implemented STM support. - Version is now 2006-05-31 20:12 UTC - kode54 - Finished implementing working fading support. 2006-05-31 19:09 UTC - kode54 - Implemented fading support. 2006-05-31 18:31 UTC - kode54 - Removed context dialog from resources. 2006-05-30 03:57 UTC - kode54 - IT reader works around a broken file that has several of the instruments offset by two bytes from their indicated file offsets. Since the hack only checks for offset by two null bytes, it also assumes that the two bytes it can't read from the end are also zero. (bz_ult9.it) - IT reader treats null instrument/sample/pattern offsets as empty items. (flight2.it, sherri.it) 2006-05-30 00:04 UTC - kode54 - XM reader now truncates instrument envelope lengths to 12, and performs some basic envelope loop checking, similar to Open ModPlug Tracker. (revive_nimnone.xm) 2006-05-27 22:40 UTC - kode54 - S3M reader defaults to maximum (128) global volume when the header value is either zero or greater than 64. (darkness2.s3m) 2006-05-23 00:06 UTC - kode54 - Changed module format load order priority to check all signatures before attempting MOD now, and then only 15 sample module for MOD/MDZ. This should hopefully cut back on problems with N formats renamed to MOD. - Version is now 2006-05-22 21:44 UTC - kode54 - XM reader now supports up to 256 instruments, even though FT2 only supports up to 128. ModPlug Tracker again. (no_utndgs2.xm) - g_open_module now supports other files misnamed as .MOD (hilse.mod .it) 2006-05-22 18:43 UTC - kode54 - XM reader now ignores when instrument header contains a sample header size of 0, when it should be 0x28. (neptune_*.xm) - S3M reader was using the incorrect index into component for sample packing when reading sample data. Was using n, should have been m. 2006-05-22 17:26 UTC - kode54 - IT renderer may have a bug with its time_lost / loop handling. Switchover from sustain loop would compound time_lost onto itself for every note-off. I'm not sure if this crap is even doing the right thing, especially in the case of a sample with a sustain loop, but no main loop. Working around for now by zeroing time_lost after note-off. (hall8.it) - S3M reader ignores effects outside of 1-25 range so nothing can hit internal effects which are XM or PTM only. (N4.S3M) - IT reader now supports ModPlug Tracker extensions for up to 4000 samples and mapping them with instruments. (hallowe.it.it) - XM reader now supports instrument vibrato 4, random. Yet another ModPlug extension. (hcw-st.xm) 2006-05-21 02:11 UTC - kode54 - S3M reader correctly reads all 24 bits of the sample memory segment offset, fixing at least one file with >1MB of sample data (d-t-x_x.s3m) - XM reader stops reading instruments when it has at least one valid instrument and encounters an error, fixing at least one file with too high instrument count in the header (drx-chri.xm) - IT reader ignores instrument header signatures, since there seem to be files with bad signatures on unused/filler instruments (dsouls.it) - MOD reader can now be restricted to handling 31 sample files with legal/known signatures only, so frontend can fall back on restricted MOD loading for files with incorrect extensions (dreamer_0g.s3m) - Version is now 2006-05-20 xx:xx UTC - kode54 - Modified silence skipping to hack around some "S L O W" effects crap and a misused break to row effect 2006-03-27 07:51 UTC - kode54 - Changed RIFF AMFF loader to ignore one unknown sample flag and be a little more flexible with the INST chunk handler - Version is now 2005-11-07 05:00 UTC - kode54 - Added generic RIFF module handler and AM/AMFF format readers - Added J2B unpacker - Version is now 0.9.7 2005-10-13 09:02 UTC - kode54 - Implemented XM format v1.02 and v1.03 support - Arpeggio fix for FastTracker 2 bug, I think 2005-06-04 00:59 UTC - kode54 - Implemented ADPCM4 in S3M reader - Moved ADPCM4 unpacking code to its own function in itread.c, declared in internal/it.h - Version is now 2005-06-01 00:23 UTC - kode54 - Added safety check to MOD ADPCM4 unpacking code, in case of odd lengths - Implemented ADPCM4 in XM reader - Implemented ADPCM4 in IT reader - Version is now 2005-05-29 16:49 UTC - kode54 - Implemented support for modplug packed samples in MOD reader (meh) - Version is now 2005-05-20 06:08 UTC - kode54 - UMX handler now ignores file type (SpaceMarines.umx, Starseek.umx report "s3m" but contain IT) - UMX stops at the first matching resource (Kran32.umx, contains two Music entries for the same block of data) - Version is now 0.9.6 2005-01-27 21:02 UTC - kode54 - Quick bug fix for Repeat One, seek() should be clearing eof flag - Version is now 2005-01-17 16:25 UTC - kode54 - XM pattern loader is now more lenient with truncated pattern data - Version is now 2005-01-12 20:19 UTC - kode54 - Added .mod/.mdz check to track indexer in case of MOD with "PSM " in song name :) - Version is now 2005-01-12 19:11 UTC - kode54 - Fixed a bug in 669 loader - Moved .mod/.mdz loading ahead of header checks, in case of song titles which trick one of the loader conditions 2004-10-29 02:47 UTC - kode54 - Touched up .mod sample truncation handling again - Version is now 2004-10-21 06:02 UTC - kode54 - Fixed a division by zero case in dumb_resample, which resulted from a sample with zero C5 speed - Version is now 2004-10-18 04:50 UTC - kode54 - Corrected 669 tempo and speed handling, although the tone portamento still seems to be a bit off - Reenabled down ramping, always using 1/512s logarithmic decay - Version is now 2004-10-17 06:25 UTC - kode54 - Disabled the down ramping code, as the old click remover seems to behave better in more places 2004-10-17 00:26 UTC - kode54 - Added file remaining hack to skip remaining but unused patterns in Iguana's demo MODs - Modified MOD buffered reader and sample data loader to avoid unnecessary dumbfile calls when size of operation is zero - Version is now 2004-10-16 23:22 UTC - kode54 - Changed sample truncation behavior in MOD and 669 to be consistent - Added support for a couple of obscure MOD signatures used by some PC demo, just to support their delta samples natively - Version is now 2004-10-16 19:44 UTC - kode54 - 669 loader is lenient with truncated sample data - MTM reader is lenient with track numbers which are out of range - Version is now 0.9.5 2004-10-16 18:50 UTC - kode54 - Overhauled volume ramping to an acceptable state - Tweaked XM amiga vibrato a bit, should be more correct now 2004-10-14 21:58 UTC - kode54 - Set sample offset has memory even in MOD - Version is now 0.9.4 2004-10-12 06:14 UTC - kode54 - Tweaked around with volume ramping crap some more. Still a mess, still nowhere near perfect. Bleh. - Added per-sample resampling quality limits - Added auto chip sample detection 2004-10-10 07:23 UTC - kode54 - Implemented volume change ramping as well... Holy shit, what a fucking mess. 2004-10-09 23:50 UTC - kode54 - Implemented volume ramping - XM channel volume/envelopes/panning should not be reset when instrument change is paired with note-off 2004-10-06 22:08 UTC - kode54 - Fixed volume swing - Fixed logarithmic vibrato so it only activates on XM w/ Amiga frequency table - Version is now 2004-10-06 06:21 UTC - kode54 - Added NSMS signature for 4ch 31s module - Changed MOD sample change behavior again, in a way that doesn't break Intro-Music.mod - Version is now 2004-10-06 01:23 UTC - kode54 - Sample offset is no longer reapplied during pattern breaks - Version is now 2004-10-05 23:57 UTC - kode54 - MOD/XM pattern break effect >63 breaks to row 0 2004-10-05 23:34 UTC - kode54 - Implemented FastTracker 2 logarithmic vibrato - Implemented FastTracker 2 ramp up/down and square wave forms... Maybe it would be faster if I calculated that crap instead of using tables. 2004-10-05 19:38 UTC - kode54 - Implemented instrument random volume and panning variation, but maybe the offset should be a member of IT_CHANNEL instead of IT_PLAYING... 2004-10-05 19:03 UTC - kode54 - Panbrello position persists for the life of the voice, depth is the same, but is reset to zero if channel panning is changed 2004-10-05 18:49 UTC - kode54 - Fixed pitch-pan with negative separation level - Changed instrument envelope control 2004-10-04 14:25 UTC - kode54 - Damn, glissando control was broken, couldn't turn it off - Wow, hole in the MTM comment reader. It's still ugly, though. - Version is now 2004-10-04 13:27 UTC - kode54 - Undid last NNA changes, the real problem was with NNA control effects carrying when they shouldn't - Version is now 2004-10-04 11:09 UTC - kode54 - Fixed a possible bug with finetune, which should not be applied twice - Implemented glissando - Implemented PTM note slides, what a bitch, and just for two files! - Version is now 2004-10-04 05:36 UTC - kode54 - Old PSM support - MTM support - MOD/XM S8x effect support, if it's supposed to be there - Changed several readers to use stack buffers for dynamic strings, instead of malloc - Fixed reading IT info from UMX archives. Whoops. - Initialized counter variable properly in get_tracks() function. Whoops again. - Removed length probe from dumb_read_it(). Jeez, what a slowdown even when not mixing and resampling... - Version is now 0.9.3 2004-10-02 17:09 UTC - kode54 - Added dynamic speed, tempo, channels, and channels_max info - Version is now 2004-10-02 16:49 UTC - kode54 - Added hack around XM speed zero to set its row played bit, for crap which scans it later outside of renderer... 2004-10-02 16:15 UTC - kode54 - Increased global volume silence check to 12 seconds - Forced restart position to match start order, for a few annoying files, so they stop. Gee. 2004-10-02 15:04 UTC - kode54 - Meh, extended some NNA behavior so channel volume settings affect NNA voices correctly - This appears to be the limit of channel effects on NNA voices, I hope 2004-10-02 14:28 UTC - kode54 - Added pattern delay/loop checking to pattern silence checker - Silent pattern trimmer now trims only patterns which also contain delays/loops - Trimmer also produces a single-row empty pattern instead of a 0-row pattern, which would hang - Amended XM effect translation to support mod parameter, currently only affects Fxx speed effect 2004-10-01 16:20 UTC - kode54 - Added dynamic info junk - Version is now 2004-10-01 15:50 UTC - kode54 - Fixed played bit setting on completing a pattern loop - Removed insane level of loop bit checking because combined with the above breaks Jos-Dr4k.xm - Fixed S3M sample length/loop fields for stereo/16-bit samples in files created by IMAGO Orpheus 2004-10-01 12:38 UTC - kode54 - Extended subsong scanner to check every row in each order 2004-09-30 14:39 UTC - kode54 - Removed most checkpoint list building for a speedup - Added note off to silence allowance list - Version is now 2004-09-29 18:10 UTC - kode54 - Removed ID3v1 from tag checks - Blarg, bug fix in track_indexer for PSMs with APE tags, VC is retarded - Version is now 2004-09-27 11:36 UTC - kode54 - Added configuration for subsong scanning - Added finite looping options, will trigger either on global volume, speed zero, or just plain looping - Fixed note portamento in the same row as note off - Changed S3M reader to truncate loops that end past the length of the sample instead of disabling the loop - Changed S3M reader to eliminate duplicate patterns which reference the same file offset - Version is now 2004-09-27 08:21 UTC - kode54 - Extended PSM reader to support multiple subsongs - Added a playable orders scanner - Changed context menu system to indicate initial pattern or subsong depending on format 2004-09-22 22:13 UTC - kode54 - CRAP! My quick signature check broke PSM support - Added extension check to MOD reader so no unknown types hit it - Version is now 2004-09-22 01:41 UTC - kode54 - Changed S3M loader to ignore samples with zero length before checking for signature - Added top-level signature checks for all formats other than MOD so invalid files don't become 15s MOD - Version is now 2004-09-21 21:44 UTC - kode54 - Fixed MOD 8xx effect scale 2004-09-21 18:16 UTC - kode54 - Holy fucking shit, PSM support! - Fixed instrument w/o note so it always resets 2004-09-21 00:55 UTC - kode54 - Initialize sample variables to zero for MOD/XM files with retrigger commands before any actual note data - Changed global volume cutoff to try the callback every 5 seconds of global silence - Changed resampler to assume todo values less than zero are actually integer overflow, which works fine for portamento to really low pitch levels. It should never be negative anyway. - Version is now 2004-09-19 15:31 UTC - kode54 - S3M reader now disposes of effects unsupported by Scream Tracker 3. Some people are just too l33t to use the effects column only for effects. - Swapped PTM portamento effect directions. Whoever wrote PTMFORM.DOC must have been on drugs or something. - Corrected MOD/S3M (PTM?) behavior when the sample is changed on a playing channel without a new note - Version is now 2004-09-18 01:10 UTC - kode54 - Corrected speed change command so it only calls speed zero callback on XM files and not MOD files - Version is now 2004-09-17 23:43 UTC - kode54 - Corrected finetune effect, allowed for future finetune tweaking 2004-09-17 20:57 UTC - kode54 - Fixed panbrello, now it really is correct - Implemented finetune effect - Fixed 669 effect 3, I think 2004-09-17 18:29 UTC - kode54 - Fixed song message handler in ReadDUH 2004-09-17 17:41 UTC - kode54 - Spoony 669 support 2004-09-17 10:45 UTC - kode54 - Implemented IT panbrello effect, hopefully 2004-09-17 09:18 UTC - kode54 - Implemented S3M Xxx panning bug for surround modes - Added OKT extension, since it is handled by the MOD reader 2004-09-16 11:54 UTC - kode54 - Fixed S3M panning command. Others probably need proper translation as well. - Version is now 2004-09-16 11:34 UTC - kode54 - Lovely, had to fix loop checking behavior when parsing through an empty pattern with no event list - Fixed seek() to invoke open2() properly, whoops. 2004-09-16 09:46 UTC - kode54 - CRIKEY! Broke pattern loops on formats other than XM! Fixed now. - Version is now 2004-09-16 06:26 UTC - kode54 - Changed pattern trimmer to report when there's nothing left after trimming - BLAH! Fixed another reference to the global quality level in resample.inc - Version is now 2004-09-16 04:52 UTC - kode54 - Really fixed stupid smart loop checking this time 2004-09-16 02:39 UTC - kode54 - Fixed some static veriable crap in IT compressed sample loaders - Consolidated sigrenderer creation and configuration - Previous loop checking could potentially leak memory - Now compiled with ICL 8 for a decent speed boost 2004-09-15 20:46 UTC - kode54 - Added optional silence trimming 2004-09-15 20:41 UTC - kode54 - The loop checking is now more ludicrous, to fix some annoying modules - Added a zero global volume callback for other annoying modules 2004-09-14 04:57 UTC - kode54 - Added change starting order context menu item - Version is now 2004-09-14 01:56 UTC - kode54 - Fixed 16-bit samples clipping when resampling is set to aliasing - Version is now 2004-09-13 23:17 UTC - kode54 - Fixed PTM note cut command (which behaves like XM) 2004-09-13 22:14 UTC - kode54 - Fixed loop end point for PTM files 2004-09-13 19:53 UTC - kode54 - Fixed sample offset effect for PTM files 2004-09-13 15:30 UTC - kode54 - Fixed an envelope carry related crash by changing the it_retrigger_note portion to handle it in a safer way - Version is now 2004-09-13 15:10 UTC - kode54 - Almost complete PTM support 2004-09-13 09:26 UTC - kode54 - Fixed retriggering when sample finished playing within the retrigger interval, restricted to XM for now - Version is now 2004-09-13 07:36 UTC - kode54 - Quick bugfix to envelope carry, shouldn't be messing with instruments table if not in IT instruments mode 2004-09-13 05:03 UTC - kode54 - Added support for envelope carry. I hope it's correct. - Version is now 2004-09-12 02:51 UTC - kode54 - Added DUH FORMAT tag for all readers except for IT, and TRACKERVERSION for S3M 2004-09-12 02:27 UTC - kode54 - Fixed MOD channel count, wasn't being set properly in readmod.c 2004-09-12 02:16 UTC - kode54 - Fixed translation of XM panning slide effect after reversing IT panning slide 2004-09-11 23:35 UTC - kode54 - Implemented S3M mono/stereo control, but maybe I should also add a flag and disable panning - Implemented IT vibrato/tremolo waveform control 2004-09-10 13:37 UTC - kode54 - Fixed resetting from surround to centered on panning slide/shift - Clipped IT panning shift effect - Version is now 2004-09-10 09:15 UTC - kode54 - Implemented IT S7x effect for NNA commands and per-note envelope toggles - Implemented IT NNA duplicate note checks - Corrected direction of panning slide effect - Version is now 2004-09-10 03:57 UTC - kode54 - Fixed pattern break replaying with a bit array - Fixed F0x-test.xm, sort of 2004-09-09 18:49 UTC - kode54 - Centralized info gathering for mod/s3m/xm 2004-09-08 00:57 UTC - kode54 - Fixed sample quality settings, and resetting settings/callbacks on backwards seeking 2004-09-06 16:23 UTC - kode54 - Changed default rate to 44100Hz, the "standard" default. Hell with AC'97 2004-09-06 13:11 UTC - kode54 - Transferred foo_mod codebase over and modified to use DUMB - Modified DUMB slightly to allow for the as-yet unused start order functionality - What a coincidence, the original latest version number was so similar to DUMB's - Version is now 0.9.2 ========================= dumb part =================================== 2003-11-08 11:20 aegis * src/Makefile.am: fix automake build 2003-09-06 22:41 entheh * include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, make/Makefile.inc, src/helpers/resample.c, src/helpers/resample.inc, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: 8-bit and 16-bit source resamplers created (dest is always 32-bit with 24-bit range). Cubic way faster too - look-up table idea stolen from ModPlugXMMS ;) 2003-09-06 11:11 entheh * src/core/rendsig.c: I did this ages ago. 2003-07-19 03:00 entheh * Makefile.ready, release.txt, include/dumb.h, make/Makefile.inc, src/core/register.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c: Stuff. 2003-07-01 10:12 entheh * include/dumb.h: Support for another compiler suite. 2003-06-19 21:24 entheh * src/helpers/resample.c: Crash bug fixed. 2003-06-19 20:49 entheh * src/it/: itrender.c, reads3m.c: Now we honour IT's pan separation control. 2003-06-19 17:31 entheh * release.txt, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Fixed warnings in the file loaders, and made an IT playback fix. 2003-06-15 19:09 aegis * vc6/: dumbout/dumbout.dsp, dumbplay/dumbplay.dsp, playduh/playduh.dsp: adding project files I missed 2003-06-15 19:08 aegis * release.txt: updating release.txt 2003-06-15 18:40 aegis * configure.in, include/Makefile.am, include/internal/Makefile.am, vc6/dumb.dsw, vc6/dumb2wav/dumb2wav.dsp: include the include/internal directory in distributions, and build allegro examples in VC6 build 2003-06-15 18:36 aegis * examples/dumb2wav.c: add a -l option to specify number of loops 2003-06-12 17:34 aegis * vc6/dumb_static/dumb_static.dsp: build dumbd_static.lib instead of dumb_staticd.lib 2003-06-12 03:19 aegis * vc6/: dumb.dsw, aldumb/aldumb.dsp, dumb/dumb.dsp, dumb2wav/dumb2wav.dsp, dumb_static/dumb_static.dsp: adding projects for dumb_static (compiled with /MT) and dumb2wav 2003-06-12 03:16 aegis * examples/dumb2wav.c: all .wav files are little-endian so get rid of the bigendian option 2003-06-12 02:30 aegis * make/Makefile.am: forgot to add this file... 2003-06-12 02:14 aegis * obj/mingw/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/unix/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/unix/release/tmpfile.txt, src/Makefile.am, src/core/Makefile.am, src/helpers/Makefile.am, src/it/Makefile.am, src/it/itread.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: automake build: include a bunch of extra files in 'make dist' build examples so they actually run copy Makefile.ready to Makefile in the default distribution Makefile.ready: support for SGI cc create output directories in build rather than including them in CVS move some compile flags to the beginning of the compile line Add dumb2wav example SGI LONG_LONG support Fix some issues with the const tag arrays in itread.c and such : ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 2003-06-12 02:13 aegis * Makefile.am, Makefile.ready, configure.in, docs/Makefile.am, examples/Makefile.am, examples/dumb2wav.c, include/dumb.h, lib/djgpp/tmpfile.txt, lib/mingw/tmpfile.txt, lib/msvc/tmpfile.txt, lib/unix/tmpfile.txt, make/Makefile.inc, obj/djgpp/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/djgpp/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw/debug/tmpfile.txt: automake build: include a bunch of extra files in 'make dist' build examples so they actually run copy Makefile.ready to Makefile in the default distribution Makefile.ready: support for SGI cc create output directories in build rather than including them in CVS move some compile flags to the beginning of the compile line Add dumb2wav example SGI LONG_LONG support Fix some issues with the const tag arrays in itread.c and such 2003-06-11 06:29 entheh * include/dumb.h: Should compile with OpenWatcom now. I've yet to look at the project files and decide whether to add them though :) 2003-06-10 14:10 aegis * configure.in: oops, forgot configure.in when committing the automake build 2003-06-07 07:14 entheh * Makefile.ready: Small fix to compiling flags for icc. 2003-06-06 12:26 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c: XM Key Off effect now works the way it should (I hope). 2003-06-05 06:19 aegis * Makefile.ready: fix Makefile.ready so it refers to itself when recursively invoking make 2003-06-04 02:16 aegis * vc6/: dumb.dsp, dumb.dsw, aldumb/aldumb.dsp, dumb/dumb.dsp: finishing VC6 build system 2003-05-29 20:55 aegis * release.txt: updating release.txt 2003-05-29 20:55 aegis * examples/Makefile.am: install examples 2003-05-29 20:37 aegis * Makefile, Makefile.am, Makefile.ready, bootstrap, docs/Makefile.am, examples/Makefile.am, include/Makefile.am, src/Makefile.am, src/core/Makefile.am, src/helpers/Makefile.am, src/it/Makefile.am: initial pass of automake build 2003-05-28 11:56 aegis * vc6/: dumb.dsp, dumb.dsw: updating VC6 project: the sigtypes stuff doesn't compile yet though 2003-05-17 09:33 entheh * Makefile, release.txt, include/dumb.h, src/it/itrender.c: Bugfix: Gxx didn't store effect value when no note was (previously) playing. Also added support for the Intel C compiler for Linux. 2003-04-27 11:49 entheh * make/config.sh: Small fix. Thanks to Sam Hocevar from Debian for pointing this out. 2003-04-25 09:23 entheh * release.txt, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: XM Kxx effect should work better now. 2003-04-24 15:26 entheh * docs/faq.txt, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: DUMB now loads song message and other author data, and these can be retrieved. 2003-04-23 00:14 entheh * release.txt, docs/deprec.txt: Misc commits ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 2003-04-18 03:00 entheh * include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, winamp/in_duh.c: New envelope code. I don't trust it fully yet, but it seems to work. 2003-04-17 16:54 entheh * Makefile, release.txt, include/dumb.h, include/internal/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/core/duhtag.c, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/unload.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c, winamp/in_duh.c: Added a tagging system; using it for the song title. Yay! 2003-04-15 00:13 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: Panning slides! Finally \o/ 2003-04-12 01:01 entheh * Makefile, include/aldumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c: Added al_duh_get_volume(). Not documented yet. 2003-04-12 00:12 entheh * Makefile, todo.txt, src/it/readxm.c: XM files: map_sample[] was uninitialised for instruments with no samples - led to strange noises occasionally. 2003-04-04 08:04 entheh * winamp/in_duh.c: Winamp plug-in improved a bit. 2003-04-03 16:26 entheh * make/config.bat: Huge bugfix! 2003-04-03 12:07 entheh * Makefile: Bug fixed. Example programs will now be installed. 2003-04-03 07:02 entheh * vc6/dumb.dsp: Added the VC6 project file to CVS. 2003-04-03 07:01 entheh * readme.txt: Bah. 2003-04-02 04:55 entheh * Makefile, readme.txt, release.txt: The makefile now works for the Mac. 2003-04-02 04:00 entheh * release.txt: OK, this time it really is ready for release ... 2003-04-02 03:56 entheh * Makefile, licence.txt, readme.txt, release.txt, todo.txt, docs/deprec.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/howto.txt, docs/modplug.txt, examples/dumb.ini, examples/dumbout.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/core/rendsig.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/itrender.c: Ready for release! 2003-03-30 12:05 entheh * Makefile, release.txt, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: No longer installing the example programs when on Windows. 2003-03-30 09:01 entheh * Makefile, make/djgpp.inc, make/mingw.inc, make/unix.inc: Fix for BeOS 2003-03-30 08:22 entheh * Makefile, Makefile.dj, Makefile.inc, Makefile.mgw, Makefile.uni, config.bat, config.sh, readme.txt, make/Makefile.inc, make/config.bat, make/config.sh, make/djgpp.inc, make/dumbask.c, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, make/makefile.vc, make/mingw.inc, make/unix.inc, src/misc/dumbask.c, src/misc/runner.c: Makefiles restructured a bit. Should now support BeOS and Mac too :) 2003-03-29 19:45 entheh * Makefile, Makefile.dj, Makefile.inc, Makefile.mgw, Makefile.uni, config.bat, config.sh, fix.bat, fix.sh, makeall.bat, makeall.sh, makecore.bat, makecore.sh, release.txt, examples/dumbout.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/misc/dumbask.c, src/misc/gccver.c: New makefile system! No provision for MSVC yet ... 2003-03-28 06:06 entheh * make/makefile.mgw: -funroll-loops removed from makefiles. 2003-03-28 05:29 entheh * src/helpers/resample.c: Some optimisation. Still needs work! 2003-03-27 04:13 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Pacified valgrind. 2003-03-19 08:42 entheh * examples/dumb.ini, include/dumb.h, src/helpers/clickrem.c, src/helpers/resample.c: Blah, stuff. 2003-03-16 01:13 entheh * licence.txt, readme.txt, release.txt, docs/deprec.txt, docs/duhspecs.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/dumbfull.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/fnptr.txt, docs/howto.txt, docs/modplug.txt, docs/ptr.txt, docs/tutorial.txt, examples/dumbout.c, examples/dumbplay.c, examples/playduh.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, include/internal/aldumb.h, include/internal/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/allegro/datduh.c, src/allegro/datit.c, src/allegro/datmod.c, src/allegro/dats3m.c, src/allegro/datunld.c, src/allegro/datxm.c, src/allegro/packfile.c, src/core/atexit.c, src/core/duhlen.c, src/core/dumbfile.c, src/core/loadduh.c, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/rawsig.c, src/core/readduh.c, src/core/register.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/core/unload.c, src/helpers/clickrem.c, src/helpers/memfile.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/helpers/sampbuf.c, src/helpers/silence.c, src/helpers/stdfile.c, src/it/itload.c, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itorder.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/loadmod.c, src/it/loads3m.c, src/it/loadxm.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/it/xmeffect.c, src/sigtypes/combine.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c, src/sigtypes/sterpan.c, tools/cit.c, winamp/in2.h, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/in_duh.h, winamp/out.h: SHAZZAM! DUMB now has a decent name. :D 2003-03-16 00:36 entheh * src/helpers/clickrem.c: Added a #warning to an evil piece of code 2003-03-15 21:03 entheh * src/helpers/clickrem.c: Click remover now copes with the huge values. 2003-03-15 19:53 entheh * src/: core/rendduh.c, it/itread.c, it/readmod.c, it/reads3m.c, it/readxm.c: 24-bit mixing YAAAAAAAY :D Click remover overflows - will fix that later. 2003-03-15 19:16 entheh * examples/dumbout.c, src/helpers/resample.c: MULSC macro created and tweaked for speed AND precision! Yaaaaay ^~ Thanks for the help Bob :) 2003-03-11 18:41 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Reinstating the vibrato I disabled while playing with valgrind (oops). 2003-03-11 00:02 entheh * src/helpers/resample.c: Resamplers didn't quite Do The Right Thing for click removal. Fixed. 2003-03-10 22:49 entheh * readme.txt, docs/deprec.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/howto.txt, examples/dumbout.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/register.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/helpers/clickrem.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itrender.old.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Resamplers reworked, finally! More to do, but it's bug-free and usable. :) 2003-02-14 01:25 entheh * readme.txt, docs/howto.txt, src/helpers/clickrem.c, src/it/itrender.c: Removed an old #warning (and did some other stuff it seems). 2003-01-26 19:16 entheh * release.txt, docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, src/it/itrender.c: dumb_it_sr_get_channel_state() now provides a more precise pan value. 2003-01-24 19:13 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, src/it/itrender.c: dumb_it_get_state() now returns more precise information on filters. 2003-01-21 06:40 entheh * release.txt, docs/dumb.txt, examples/dumbplay.c, include/aldumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/allegro/packfile.c: Stuff... dumbfile_from_packfile() added, if nothing else. 2003-01-15 19:43 entheh * src/it/readmod.c: Committing what appears to be an MSVC warning pacifier. 2003-01-03 15:28 entheh * include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.mgw, src/core/dumbfile.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: Muted channels supported, more accurate envelopes, several bugs fixed 2003-01-03 15:03 entheh * release.txt, docs/dumb.txt, examples/dumb.ini: Muted channels, and lots of bugs fixed 2002-12-24 06:41 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/core/dumbfile.c, src/it/itrender.c: Fixed some bugs. 2002-12-20 21:51 entheh * src/it/readxm.c: Fixed the bug I thought I fixed just now. 2002-12-20 21:45 entheh * examples/dumb.ini, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/it/readxm.c: Fixed a bug. 2002-12-20 21:07 joe_programmer * src/it/itrender.c: MSVC6 does'nt support C99 - fixed variable declarations 2002-12-20 01:49 entheh * make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, src/it/itrender.c: Filter instability fixed. 2002-12-19 05:35 entheh * readme.txt, release.txt, docs/deprec.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/howto.txt, docs/modplug.txt, examples/dumb.ini, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/xmeffect.c, winamp/in_duh.c: Err... stuff 2002-12-18 17:15 entheh * docs/faq.txt: New stuff in FAQ. 2002-12-18 17:06 entheh * licence.txt, readme.txt, release.txt, docs/deprec.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/fnptr.txt, docs/howto.txt, docs/modplug.txt, docs/ptr.txt, examples/dumbplay.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.lst, src/core/rendduh.c, src/helpers/memfile.c, src/helpers/sampbuf.c, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: XM and MOD support improved, and lots of docs written. 2002-12-17 00:23 entheh * release.txt, examples/dumbplay.c, examples/playit.c, examples/playmod.c, examples/plays3m.c, examples/playxm.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.vc, src/allegro/datmod.c, src/core/loadduh.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/misc/gccver.c: Lots o' little changes. Notably the examples have been combined. 2002-12-16 22:13 entheh * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, make/makefile.vc, src/misc/gccver.c: Improved the makefiles and... stuff. GCC 2.x should be happy now. 2002-12-13 23:25 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Filtered samples now have click removal applied. Yay \o/ 2002-12-12 00:17 entheh * examples/dumb.ini, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.lst, src/helpers/clickrem.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/itrender.c: Click removal! Incomplete though; not applied to filtered samples... 2002-12-09 17:25 entheh * src/it/readxm.c: #warning removed. MSVC might just be happy now. 2002-12-09 17:23 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Fixed some MSVC warnings, probably. 2002-12-07 18:04 entheh * src/core/rendduh.c: Readding file that got removed because I thought I was going to rename it >_< 2002-12-07 17:48 entheh * examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c: Deprecated some stuff, and added some stuff. \o/ 2002-12-01 09:08 entheh * src/it/itrender.c, winamp/in_duh.c: Bugfix in tremor (Ixx) handling. 2002-11-26 06:39 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c: Wow, who'd have thought an XM file could contain that many samples! 2002-11-26 00:20 entheh * examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, examples/playmod.c, examples/plays3m.c, examples/playxm.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: Quite a few bugfixes. 2002-11-22 06:46 entheh * examples/playit.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itorder.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/in_duh.c: Uh... stuff :o 2002-11-18 21:35 entheh * docs/: faq.txt, howto.txt: Addition to the docs. 2002-11-18 05:46 entheh * src/it/itread.c: Bleh. 2002-11-18 05:42 entheh * src/it/itread.c: Added a "duplicate check" to the IT loader... not the kind you're thinking of though :) 2002-11-18 04:32 entheh * examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/it/itrender.c: Extra API functions 2002-11-16 23:17 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: mmm, pie... 2002-11-16 23:04 entheh * release.txt, examples/dumb.ini, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/helpers/memfile.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: FILTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2002-11-01 17:02 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c: DUMB now freezes (correctly I hope) on speed=0 in XM and MOD files. 2002-10-29 09:39 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/core/rawsig.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c: Sample vibrato :D 2002-10-26 07:43 entheh * src/core/rendsig.c: Some more safety; it shouldn't crash on low memory or invalid start order now. 2002-10-26 07:25 entheh * examples/playit.c, include/dumb.h, src/it/itrender.c: Fixed another bug :P 2002-10-26 07:12 entheh * examples/playit.c, src/it/itrender.c: Fixed bug. 2002-10-26 06:56 entheh * todo.txt, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.lst, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/core/rawsig.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/it/itmisc.c, src/it/itrender.c, studio/include/dumbdesk.h, studio/include/guiproc.h, studio/include/guitop.h, studio/src/dumbdesk.c, studio/src/guitop.c, studio/src/main.c: Added some rough & ready start-at-order functionality at short order (no pun intended :) 2002-10-20 05:42 entheh * studio/: font0.bmp, font1.bmp, font2.bmp: Added binary files for DUMB Studio 2002-10-16 07:04 entheh * examples/: dumb.ini, playit.c: Neatened the examples up a bit. 2002-10-16 06:52 entheh * fix.bat, readme.txt, release.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/dumbfull.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/fnptr.txt, docs/howto.txt, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, lib/mingw/tmpfile.txt, lib/mingw32/tmpfile.txt, make/makefile.mgw, obj/mingw/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw32/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw32/release/tmpfile.txt, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Lotsa changes... notably mingw32 changed to mingw, and should be ready for release today. 2002-10-05 01:55 jcugniere * src/it/: reads3m.c, readxm.c: Prevented that silly test.pcm from taking ALL the space on my c: drive ;) 2002-09-27 04:55 entheh * docs/fnptr.txt: Function pointer explanation fleshed out with the whys and wherefores. 2002-09-26 13:03 entheh * src/it/: itrender.c, readxm.c: XM envelopes fixed 2002-09-26 06:31 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c: Improvements to the IT and XM support, tone portamento handling in particular. WARNING: code restructured slightly; bugs possibly introduced in IT support. If your IT file plays wrong yadda yadda yadda. 2002-09-25 04:29 entheh * include/dumb.h, include/internal/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/readduh.c, src/core/register.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/core/unload.c, src/it/itorder.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Change in terminology 2002-09-24 14:14 entheh * src/it/: itrender.c, readxm.c: :o 2002-09-24 04:50 entheh * todo.txt, docs/dumb.txt, include/aldumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c: Small addition to API; added info and proposal to todo.txt. 2002-09-23 03:31 jcugniere * examples/dumb.ini, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.lst, src/it/itorder.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Made non existant patterns be considered as containing 64 empty rows. 2002-09-22 05:49 entheh * src/it/readxm.c: Now we correctly handle the weird case of envelope on but n_nodes = 0 for XM files. 2002-09-20 08:07 entheh * src/it/readmod.c: Panning fixed; error checking cleaned up to some extent. 2002-09-20 02:29 entheh * src/it/: loadmod.c, loadxm.c, readmod.c: Don't Convert Numbers To BCD On Loading. To Do So Would Be DUMB. :P 2002-09-19 01:08 jcugniere * src/core/rendduh.c: fixed compilation problems related to CHAR_BITS and FAST_MID 2002-09-18 09:31 entheh * readme.txt, release.txt, todo.txt, docs/dumb.txt, examples/playmod.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.lst, src/allegro/datmod.c, src/it/loadmod.c, src/it/readmod.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/it/xmeffect.c: First signs of .mod support :D 2002-09-11 19:42 joe_programmer * make/makefile.vc: Fix for MSVC install target 2002-09-08 22:46 entheh * src/it/itrender.c, winamp/in_duh.c: Seeking fixed; Winamp plug-in improved in theory, but it crashes sometimes :x 2002-09-08 10:50 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Seeking should now be quick :) 2002-09-08 09:20 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Bug fixed. Odd that it only affected one IT file. That's uninitialised variables for ya :) 2002-09-08 08:26 entheh * examples/playit.c, include/internal/it.h, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Length of songs now being calculated. Shame it gets it wrong ;) 2002-09-08 07:46 joe_programmer * src/core/rendduh.c: Optimized the convertors 2002-09-08 04:09 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c: _dumb_it_dup_sampinfo() coded - first step towards length calculation and fast seeking 2002-09-06 10:31 entheh * studio/makedat: Datafile makefile updated. 2002-09-06 09:59 entheh * studio/: dumbdesk.c, dumbdesk.h, dumbgui.c, dumbgui.h, dumbmenu.c, guiproc.c, guiproc.h, guitop.c, guitop.h, main.c, main.h, options.c, options.h, subclip.c, subclip.h, include/dumbdesk.h, include/dumbgui.h, include/dumbmenu.h, include/guiproc.h, include/guitop.h, include/main.h, include/options.h, include/subclip.h, src/dumbdesk.c, src/dumbgui.c, src/dumbmenu.c, src/guiproc.c, src/guitop.c, src/main.c, src/options.c, src/subclip.c: Moved studio stuff into subdirs 2002-09-05 14:55 entheh * studio/: dumbdesk.c, dumbmenu.c, guiproc.h: Hmm 2002-09-05 13:06 entheh * studio/dumbmenu.c: The menu module compiles. It isn't used at all though. 2002-09-05 12:58 entheh * studio/dumbmenu.c: Menu module committed; no testing done yet. 2002-09-05 08:03 entheh * studio/: datafile.h, makedat: Created a makefile for building the datafile. (Binary files left out of repository.) 2002-09-04 20:53 entheh * studio/: datafile.h, dumbdesk.c, dumbdesk.h, dumbgui.c, dumbgui.h, guiproc.c, guiproc.h, guitop.c, guitop.h, main.c, main.h, options.c, options.h, subclip.c, subclip.h: DUMB Studio added. Little more than a freaky GUI test so far... 2002-09-04 16:49 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, examples/dumb.ini, examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, examples/plays3m.c, examples/playxm.c, include/internal/it.h, make/makefile.uni: Various changes :o 2002-08-26 02:37 entheh * makeall.sh, makecore.sh: I thought I already fixed this :) 2002-08-16 04:49 entheh * examples/playit.c: Yay 2... 2002-08-16 04:21 entheh * examples/playit.c, make/makefile.uni: Yay... 2002-08-12 02:20 entheh * readme.txt, release.txt, docs/ptr.txt, examples/dumb.ini, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc: A few typos corrected. Not much else. Actually I'm not sure. 2002-08-10 17:44 entheh * readme.txt, release.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/fnptr.txt, docs/ptr.txt: Last commit before 0.8.1 release... 2002-08-10 16:03 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, examples/dumb.ini, include/dumb.h, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, make/makefile.vc, src/it/readxm.c: Another bug fixed; should be ready for a release soon... 2002-08-06 12:57 entheh * docs/howto.txt, examples/dumb.ini, make/makefile.lst, src/allegro/datit.c, src/allegro/dats3m.c, src/allegro/datxm.c, src/it/readxm.c: dumb_register_dat_xm() added (!) Also fixed a Freudian slip in the docs, and added dumb_resampling_quality to howto.txt. 2002-07-30 07:02 entheh * docs/: dumb.txt, howto.txt: Position about null pointers clarified in the docs 2002-07-29 19:02 entheh * src/it/reads3m.c: S3M support made more robust; now handles some buggy files. 2002-07-29 08:28 entheh * make/: makefile.dj, makefile.mgw, makefile.uni: Makefiles updated. 2002-07-29 07:57 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: XM bug relating to invalid instruments fixed. 2002-07-28 17:40 entheh * docs/faq.txt, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.vc, src/it/readxm.c, winamp/gui.c, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/in_duh.h: Winamp plug-in up to date, and plays IT/XM/S3M ;D 2002-07-10 09:17 jcugniere * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c: fixed a bug involving XM's fine volume slide down 2002-06-16 17:59 entheh * release.txt, src/it/readxm.c: Can now load XM files with stereo samples 2002-06-16 02:35 entheh * release.txt, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc: 'make veryclean' fixed in DOS/Windows makefiles. 2002-06-15 17:56 entheh * readme.txt: Another change... 2002-06-15 17:49 entheh * licence.txt, release.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/howto.txt: More changes to the docs. 2002-06-15 17:12 entheh * fix.bat, fix.sh, readme.txt, docs/howto.txt: A few corrections to the docs; fix scripts slightly improved. 2002-06-14 15:13 entheh * fix.bat, fix.sh, make/makefile.vc: Fix to the MSVC makefile 2002-06-14 12:33 entheh * readme.txt, release.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/faq.txt, docs/howto.txt, examples/dumb.ini, examples/playit.c, examples/plays3m.c, examples/playxm.c, include/aldumb.h, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, make/makefile.vc: Last commit before release - everything's working :) 2002-06-14 09:02 entheh * makeall.sh, makecore.sh: Damn, it failed. Oh well, files added back in. 2002-06-14 08:58 entheh * makeall.sh, makecore.sh: Make 'em executable, Phase 1 2002-06-14 08:37 entheh * makeall.sh, makecore.sh, readme.txt: Unix stuff should be ready. Might still change to provide BeOS support though... 2002-06-14 08:18 entheh * readme.txt, docs/faq.txt: Getting there... 2002-06-14 06:45 entheh * release.txt, make/makefile.uni: Updated Unix/BeOS makefile, thanks to networm (he's going in the credits soon :) 2002-06-14 06:10 entheh * makeall.bat, makecore.bat, release.txt, docs/faq.txt, include/dumb.h, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.uni, make/makefile.vc, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c: Endianness fixed, and work on the docs and makefiles preparing for release... 2002-06-14 03:48 jcugniere * src/it/itrender.c: Oops! fixed 2 stupid warnings... 2002-06-13 12:34 jcugniere * src/it/: itrender.c, readxm.c: more stuff on XM volpan 2002-06-12 13:35 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/core/rendduh.c, src/it/itrender.c: Added xm_volslide field for better handling of XM volume slides. 2002-06-12 12:54 jcugniere * src/it/: itrender.c, readxm.c: Trying to handle the XM volume column more accurately. 2002-05-30 13:36 entheh * include/internal/dumb.h, src/it/itrender.c: Improvement to the XM support. 2002-05-07 10:49 jcugniere * src/it/itrender.c: one liner to get volume properly initialized with XM files 2002-05-06 17:52 entheh * src/it/itrender.c: Some uninitialised fields fixed for XM files. 2002-05-06 11:37 jcugniere * src/it/: itrender.c, readxm.c: Fixed premature fadeout 2002-05-05 13:10 entheh * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c: More stuff 2002-05-05 11:47 entheh * src/it/: itrender.c, itrender.old.c: Stuff 2002-05-04 13:46 jcugniere * src/it/readxm.c: Removed some fixes from readxm.c, made obsolete by ben's changes in itrender.c 2002-04-21 09:54 entheh * todo.txt, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/readxm.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c: Restructuring of the XM playing core. I've done more harm than good... ostensibly ^_^ (look it up :P) 2002-04-07 03:17 jcugniere * include/internal/it.h, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/it/readxm.c: Fixed a stupid bug in the XM effects conversion. Minor fixes to get more S3Ms to load. 2002-03-26 10:30 jcugniere * include/internal/it.h: Added a new IT_WAS_AN_XM signal flag, and restart_position for XM compat. 2002-03-26 10:27 jcugniere * src/it/readxm.c: All effects are now supported (provided itrender.c implements them ;). But volume effects are still incorrect. 2002-03-26 10:26 jcugniere * src/it/reads3m.c: Added restart_position for XM compatibility. 2002-03-26 10:25 jcugniere * src/it/itrender.c: Modified the behavior of a few things when IT_WAS_AN_XM is set. Hopefully I haven't broken anything for IT files ;) 2002-03-26 10:23 jcugniere * src/it/itread.c: Added restart_position for XM compatibility 2002-03-24 08:38 jcugniere * src/it/readxm.c: Bug fixes. 2002-03-21 11:44 jcugniere * src/it/readxm.c: Some improvments on readxm.c. 2002-03-14 12:50 jcugniere * examples/playxm.c, src/it/loadxm.c, src/it/readxm.c: Added an XM loader (still needs work). 2002-03-14 12:46 jcugniere * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst: Added an XM loader (still needs work). 2002-03-10 12:40 joe_programmer * make/makefile.vc: Fixed Allegro incompatibility 2002-03-03 10:21 joe_programmer * src/it/itrender.c: Fixed some warnings 2002-03-02 16:17 entheh * include/dumb.h: MSVC compile fixed 2002-03-02 13:31 entheh * licence.txt, makeall.bat, makecore.bat, readme.txt, release.txt, include/dumb.h, src/core/dumbfile.c: Hmm, possibly the last commit before release????????? 2002-03-02 12:23 entheh * makeall.bat, makecore.bat: Fixed batch files. 2002-03-02 12:17 entheh * makeall.bat, makecore.bat: Added makeall.bat and makecore.bat, as promised in readme.txt. 2002-03-02 12:10 entheh * readme.txt: readme.txt done. 2002-03-02 10:57 entheh * make/: makefile.dj, makefile.mgw, makefile.uni, makefile.vc: Makefiles updated to allow for building without Allegro. Not tested except DJGPP. 2002-03-02 10:14 entheh * readme.txt, docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h: Some constants added and documented. First signs of content in the readme. 2002-03-02 08:42 entheh * lib/djgpp/tmpfile.txt, lib/mingw32/tmpfile.txt, lib/msvc/tmpfile.txt, lib/unix/tmpfile.txt, obj/djgpp/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/djgpp/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw32/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/mingw32/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/unix/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/unix/release/tmpfile.txt: tmpfile.txt message changed, and some more added. 2002-03-01 21:35 entheh * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst: Detached default sigtype stuff, since that's not to be released. 2002-03-01 21:29 entheh * readme.txt, docs/dumb.txt, docs/dumbfull.txt, docs/howto.txt, docs/ptr.txt, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, src/allegro/datduh.c, src/allegro/datit.c, src/allegro/dats3m.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c: Lots of stuff, mostly work on docs. A few things neatened up. 2002-02-22 21:09 entheh * src/helpers/resample.c: High-quality resamplers are now more accurate, thanks to a LONG_LONG trick that gcc optimises quite nicely for us. 2002-02-22 19:55 entheh * src/helpers/resample.c: New comments at the top of resample.c, and a compiler error fixed. 2002-02-22 19:25 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, docs/tutorial.txt, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/reads3m.c: Dunno what I did, but I'd better commit it :) 2002-02-22 14:42 joe_programmer * src/helpers/resample.c: Volume scaling changed from float to int (hope it works...) 2002-02-17 03:41 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/reads3m.c: A few unresolved issues seen to. 2002-02-16 20:06 tjaden * make/makefile.uni: Updated the Unix makefile (from the Mingw32 makefile) 2002-02-16 15:10 entheh * todo.txt: Stuff added to todo.txt 2002-02-16 13:46 entheh * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, src/helpers/resample.c, src/helpers/silence.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/reads3m.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c: Lots of work on S3M support. Fundamental change; always mix into buffer, never write. Standard sigtypes probably aren't all reprogrammed correctly, but they'll be stripped from the first release. Speaking of which... not too long to wait now, I hope :) 2002-02-06 17:28 entheh * src/: allegro/datit.c, allegro/datunld.c, core/unload.c, helpers/resample.c, it/itload.c, it/itread.c, it/itrender.c, it/itunload.c, it/reads3m.c: S3M support improved upon, but it's not right yet. 2002-02-06 16:43 entheh * make/: makefile.dj, makefile.lst: Makefiles updated slightly. 2002-02-01 23:53 entheh * examples/plays3m.c, include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, src/it/itload.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/loads3m.c, src/it/reads3m.c: Hahaha S3M sounds GREAT! Utterly out of tune, but GREAT! LOL, gotta show this to Louis :) 2002-02-01 10:07 entheh * include/internal/it.h: D'oh! 2002-01-31 14:49 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, src/it/it.c, src/it/itload.c, src/it/itread.c, src/it/itrender.c, src/it/itunload.c: IT modularised, and dumb_it_max_to_mix formalised. S3M soon! 2002-01-30 17:51 entheh * src/it/it.c: Amiga slides now programmed properly. 2002-01-17 15:48 joe_programmer * src/it/it.c: Bug fixes by entheh 2002-01-11 13:21 entheh * winamp/: in_duh.c, in_duh.h, winamp.dsp: Paranoima got the Winamp plug-in up and running. Tx :) 2002-01-11 12:01 entheh * src/it/it.c, winamp/in_duh.c: Winamp plug-in updated to match new API. 2002-01-11 10:58 entheh * examples/playit.c, src/it/it.c: Hmm, how to apply pan and pitch envelopes in instruments that don't exist... I AM SO DUMB oh and windowes sux bcasu it lets yuo get awawy with nullptrs in dos!@~ 2002-01-11 02:09 entheh * src/it/it.c: Pattern loop done. 2002-01-08 16:57 entheh * examples/playit.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/it.c: IT loader was faulty in more ways than one! Fixed now. Only seven effects to go! 2002-01-07 17:05 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, src/it/it.c: Pitch and panning envelopes done, and a bug or two fixed. 2002-01-06 17:17 entheh * src/it/it.c: Note delay done. zasx.it should play perfectly now :) 2002-01-06 00:27 entheh * src/it/it.c: Optimisations and 'damage limitation' in IT playback; NEEDS TESTING. 2002-01-02 02:39 entheh * examples/playit.c, src/it/it.c: Added vibrato :) Also made the IT loading code more robust, as it failed on one of my files. Testers welcome :) 2002-01-01 15:59 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, src/allegro/alplay.c: Fixed a stupid bug in alplay.c. Did something to dumb.txt, apparently... 2001-12-31 20:44 entheh * docs/dumb.txt: Extra info added to docs. 2001-12-31 20:40 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/core/rendduh.c: Additions to the renderer and Allegro player APIs; docs updated. 2001-12-30 17:31 entheh * docs/dumb.txt: Modified docs to describe new dumb_[at]exit() system. 2001-12-30 16:25 entheh * examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, include/dumb.h, include/internal/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, src/core/atexit.c, src/core/main.c, src/core/readduh.c, src/core/register.c: dumb_init() no longer exists. dumb_exit() just calls functions registered by dumb_atexit(). Now to do the docs... 2001-12-27 16:44 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, docs/tutorial.txt, examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, include/dumb.h, src/core/main.c, src/core/register.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/it.c, src/sigtypes/combine.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c, src/sigtypes/sterpan.c: *** CHANGES TO THE API *** docs might not be fully updated. Added tutorial.txt. 2001-12-27 11:33 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, src/it/it.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c: Fixed DJGPP compilation 2001-12-26 22:16 joe_programmer * make/: makefile.dj, makefile.mgw, makefile.vc: More bugs fixed in the makefiles Also fixed up the DJGPP makefile 2001-12-26 22:09 joe_programmer * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc, src/helpers/stdfile.c, src/it/it.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c: Fixed warnings and errors in MSVC compile. Finished MSVC makefile. Fixed Mingw makefile 2001-12-26 21:33 joe_programmer * include/dumb.h, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, src/it/it.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c: Fixed Mingw32 makefile Added some temp files so CVS doesn't lose the directory tree 2001-12-26 16:51 joe_programmer * lib/djgpp/tmpfile.txt, lib/mingw32/tmpfile.txt, lib/msvc/tmpfile.txt, obj/djgpp/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/djgpp/release/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/debug/tmpfile.txt, obj/msvc/release/tmpfile.txt: Added some temp files so CVS does'nt lose the directory tree 2001-12-26 09:40 entheh * docs/fnptr.txt: fnptr.txt added. 2001-12-26 09:26 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, include/dumb.h, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/unload.c: A lot of work on the docs, but not finished. Fixed some bugs in make_duh(). 2001-12-22 17:28 entheh * docs/dumb.txt, examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, src/allegro/packfile.c, src/core/dumbfile.c, src/core/file.c, src/helpers/stdfile.c: Provided a stdio file input module, amongst other things. 2001-12-20 05:25 entheh * include/aldumb.h, include/internal/aldumb.h, src/allegro/datduh.c, src/allegro/datit.c, src/allegro/datunld.c, src/allegro/packfile.c, src/it/it.c: register_dat_it() fixed. 2001-12-19 12:12 entheh * src/sigtypes/: combine.c, sample.c, sequence.c, sterpan.c: Removed dumb_errno references from signal types. Dunno how I missed them :o 2001-12-17 08:57 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/it.c: IT files can now be started from somewhere in the middle, and silent samples' positions are advanced. New do_silent_resample() function for this purpose. 2001-12-16 17:45 entheh * include/internal/aldumb.h, src/allegro/datduh.c, src/allegro/packfile.c: Finished what I started ;) 2001-12-16 17:18 entheh * todo.txt, examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dumb.h, include/dumb/file.h, include/internal/allegro/file.h, src/allegro/file.c, src/allegro/packfile.c, src/core/file.c, src/core/loadduh.c, src/core/main.c, src/core/readduh.c, src/it/it.c: More changes - now the port (e.g. Allegro) must actively register its file handlers. As for the IT support, note retrig is now done. 2001-12-16 06:11 entheh * src/it/it.c: Some more IT effects... makefiles still out of date though 2001-12-14 13:32 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/it/it.c: Did Amiga frequency slides =) 2001-12-12 19:24 entheh * todo.txt, examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, include/aldumb.h, include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, include/minalleg.h, include/dumb/file.h, include/internal/dumb.h, include/internal/allegro/file.h, src/combine.c, src/datduh.c, src/getsig.c, src/it.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/register.c, src/render.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, src/sterpan.c, src/unload.c, src/allegro/alplay.c, src/allegro/datduh.c, src/allegro/file.c, src/core/duhlen.c, src/core/loadduh.c, src/core/main.c, src/core/makeduh.c, src/core/readduh.c, src/core/register.c, src/core/rendduh.c, src/core/rendsig.c, src/core/unload.c, src/helpers/resample.c, src/it/it.c, src/sigtypes/combine.c, src/sigtypes/sample.c, src/sigtypes/sequence.c, src/sigtypes/sterpan.c: NEW DIRECTORY STRUCTURE. Please do a new checkout, but WARNING: NO MAKEFILES. However, DUMB is now (almost) separable from Allegro. 2001-12-08 17:09 entheh * src/it.c: Neatened up a bit... possible a bug-fix or two that I don't remember doing... 2001-12-07 21:38 tjaden * make/makefile.uni: Use rm for make clean under Unices 2001-12-07 21:37 tjaden * fix.sh: New fix.sh script 2001-12-07 21:33 entheh * make/: makefile.lnx, makefile.uni: File renamed 2001-12-07 19:54 entheh * examples/unload.c, src/unload.c: Damn, that was DUMB. unload.c was in the wrong place :o 2001-12-07 19:39 entheh * src/it.c: Fixed a bug affecting IT files that don't use instruments. Most noticeable in that tone portamento didn't work. 2001-12-07 13:56 entheh * todo.txt, examples/unload.c, make/makefile.lst, src/combine.c, src/getsig.c, src/it.c, src/llload.c, src/render.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, src/sterpan.c: unload_duh() in separate file; checked usage of free() and other stuff. 2001-12-07 09:55 entheh * todo.txt: Added to todo.txt 2001-12-06 21:00 entheh * todo.txt: Amendment to todo.txt. 2001-12-06 20:12 entheh * docs/dumb.txt: dumb.txt added. 2001-12-06 19:08 entheh * examples/playduh.c, examples/playit.c, make/makefile.lst, src/main.c, winamp/in_duh.c: playit.c added. register_sigtype_*() calls finally moved out of install_dumb(). That means you have to call them yourself! See docs/dumb.txt. 2001-12-06 18:24 entheh * todo.txt, make/makefile.lst, src/it.c: More bugs fixed; DUMB more faithful to IT. Added to todo.txt. 2001-12-06 13:54 entheh * todo.txt, src/it.c: More IT stuff done/fixed/whatever. We have official permission to use sample decompression algorithms, but see todo.txt. 2001-12-05 12:55 entheh * src/: it.c, resample.c: Revamped IT support has caught up with cit.c. It even reproduces a bug in IT itself - the lengthy experimentation payed off :) Also implemented a system to limit the number of samples mixed simultaneously. 2001-12-05 06:33 entheh * src/: it.c, resample.c: More work on the IT support. Some IT files actually sound nice now :) 2001-12-04 19:13 entheh * src/: sample.c, sequence.c: Unused parameter warnings fixed. I now use -W as well as -Wall ;) 2001-12-04 18:59 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/it.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c: IT support revamped. Now you load IT files directly. Not finished though. A few other minor changes. 2001-10-27 08:26 joe_programmer * src/render.c, src/resample.c, tools/citbugs.txt: Entheh's new resampling code 2001-10-25 16:50 joe_programmer * src/resample.c: entheh started a workaround for incorrect multiplication generation code by C compilers. 36 bits were in fact needed when only 32 were provided. The low-pass (linear average) filter is not yet completed. 2001-10-21 15:40 joe_programmer * todo.txt: Added some stuff 2001-10-20 12:19 joe_programmer * tools/citbugs.txt: Updated buglist 2001-09-30 18:11 joe_programmer * todo.txt: Updated todo 2001-09-30 18:06 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Fixes to the loader. Samples are now properly loaded, which akes the int code as good as the float code 2001-09-30 17:00 joe_programmer * todo.txt: Added todo.txt 2001-09-30 10:43 joe_programmer * include/dumb.h, src/combine.c, src/getsig.c, src/render.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, src/sterpan.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/winamp.dsp: Converted all the floating point code to integer math. 30% speed boost! Sounds like crap though. I'll fix that later. 2001-09-26 19:37 joe_programmer * winamp/: config.rc, gui.c, resource.h: Fixes to the plug-in's UI 2001-09-25 19:23 joe_programmer * src/resample.c, winamp/config.rc: Minor changes to the UI 2001-09-25 18:37 joe_programmer * src/resample.c: Sped up the low pass filters 2001-09-25 17:25 joe_programmer * src/resample.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/gui.c, winamp/resource.h: Sped up the quadratic and cubic resamplers 2001-09-25 16:54 joe_programmer * src/resample.c: Added quadratic resampler 2001-09-23 08:19 joe_programmer * src/resample.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/winamp.dsp: Slight changes ot the plug-in presentation 2001-09-22 11:36 joe_programmer * include/minalleg.h, src/resample.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/gui.c, winamp/gui.h, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/resource.h, winamp/winamp.dsp: Plug-in supports threading priority, new plug-in setup option, small speed-up in the cubic resampler 2001-09-17 20:02 joe_programmer * src/resample.c, winamp/config.rc, winamp/gui.c, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/resource.h, winamp/winamp.dsp: Minor speed tweaks. 2001-09-16 18:49 joe_programmer * tools/cit.c: Fixed yet another null dereferencing bug 2001-09-16 12:13 joe_programmer * winamp/: config.rc, gui.c, gui.h, in_duh.c, resource.h: Lots of fixes ot the plugin 2001-09-16 08:52 joe_programmer * tools/cit.c: Fixed yet another null dereferencing bug 2001-09-16 08:49 joe_programmer * winamp/gui.c: Fixes to the plug-in 2001-09-16 08:36 joe_programmer * winamp/in_duh.c: Fixes to the plug-in 2001-09-16 08:32 joe_programmer * winamp/: config.rc, gui.c, gui.h, in_duh.c, in_duh.h, resource.h, winamp.dsp: The plug-in works and is almost done now. Config screen added, seeking also added 2001-09-15 18:10 joe_programmer * winamp/in_duh.h: Forgot to commit a file 2001-09-15 18:08 joe_programmer * winamp/in_duh.c: More fixes to the plug-in 2001-09-15 15:47 joe_programmer * tools/cit.c, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/winamp.dsp: Winamp update: Vis should work 2001-09-15 14:38 joe_programmer * include/minalleg.h, make/makefile.vc, src/main.c, tools/cit.c, winamp/in2.h, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/out.h, winamp/winamp.dsp: Winamp plug-in works! (well, kinda) 2001-09-15 13:29 joe_programmer * make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc, tools/cit.c: Updated makefiles, added drag&drop support to cit 2001-09-15 11:48 joe_programmer * examples/playduh.c, include/dumb.h, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/winamp.dsp: More Winamp changes. Plug-in is almost ready 2001-09-15 09:25 joe_programmer * include/minalleg.h, src/combine.c, src/getsig.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/register.c, src/render.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, src/sterpan.c, winamp/in2.h, winamp/in_duh.c, winamp/minalleg.c, winamp/out.h, winamp/winamp.dsp, winamp/winamp.dsw: Winamp plug-in commit - not finished yet 2001-09-10 02:14 entheh * docs/duhspecs.txt, tools/cit.c: Note Fade and New Note Actions now supported. Argh! I never want to program that again. :P 2001-09-09 14:25 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/render.c: 8-bit bug fixed, but the code hasn't been tested yet. 2001-09-09 13:07 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/play.c, src/render.c: Rendering and audio stream playing are now separated into levels. The rendering level is available in dumb.h. I've removed Bob's changes, so I hope it won't set him back too much :) 2001-09-08 20:23 joe_programmer * src/play.c: Slight change to make winamp plugin easier to write :) 2001-09-07 23:38 entheh * include/dintern.h, src/llload.c, tools/cit.c: The length of a DUH file is now stored, in preparation for Winamp and/or looping support. 2001-09-05 19:16 entheh * tools/cit.c: Panning bug fixed. Forgot default sample panning! D'oh! :) 2001-09-05 17:37 entheh * tools/cit.c: Volume envelopes working properly now, and stereo panning bug fixed. 2001-09-05 11:10 entheh * src/play.c, tools/cit.c: Volume envelopes... bleargh, zasx.duh sounds pretty good now :) 2001-09-04 21:12 entheh * make/: makefile.dj, makefile.lst: Makefile update (untested) 2001-09-04 19:46 entheh * tools/cit.c: Portamento in the volume column is done, and handling of 'Compatible Gxx' is in place. 2001-09-04 12:56 entheh * tools/cit.c: Pitch/Pan Separation is done. 2001-09-03 09:24 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/combine.c, src/main.c, src/sterpan.c, tools/cit.c: Stereo sound now works, finally! Not all stereo stuff is implemented though, and it'll suffer from the same bug as the volume (see the citbugs.txt file). 2001-09-02 19:34 entheh * examples/playduh.c, include/dumb.h, src/combine.c, src/getsig.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: COMB signal implemented. This will allow two mono signals to be combined into a stereo one. SPAN (panning), and modifications to cit.c, still to do before any stereo sound will be heard. 2001-08-24 19:01 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/play.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: Support for multiple channels has been added. Adding stereo sound support should be a breeze now, but that'll have to wait for another day. 2001-08-24 14:17 entheh * include/dumb.h, tools/cit.c, tools/citbugs.txt: Dunno what this commit is, but it seems it should've been done a long time ago :) 2001-08-17 18:25 entheh * docs/duhspecs.txt, src/sequence.c, tools/cit.c: A new compression system is in use for the sequences. WARNING: OLDER DUH FILES WILL CAUSE A CRASH. This is the price you pay for using a version of DUMB prior to the first release :) 2001-08-17 12:25 joe_programmer * docs/duhspecs.txt: Proposal for new smaller format 2001-08-17 01:49 entheh * docs/duhspecs.txt: The DUH file format specification is now documented :) 2001-08-16 15:13 joe_programmer * tools/cit.c: Fixed a NULL dereferencing bug 2001-08-16 14:38 entheh * tools/cit.c: Bug fixed (multisample instruments work) and more flow control effects done 2001-08-16 03:33 entheh * src/resample.c, tools/cit.c, tools/citbugs.txt: Wahoo, resampling fixed! Also did something to cit.c and added citbugs.txt. 2001-08-15 22:15 joe_programmer * src/resample.c: Fixed compilation warning 2001-08-15 18:50 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, tools/cit.c: Various stuff... cit.c improved, the sequence signal can now be started halfway through... 2001-08-14 23:32 entheh * tools/cit.c: Yay, volume slides! :-) 2001-08-14 16:06 entheh * tools/cit.c: Some of the effects work! Yay! :-) 2001-08-14 04:32 entheh * tools/cit.c: cit.c has been revamped somewhat. It's a hell of a lot uglier, and has lost some features. However, it is supposedly more faithful to the IT standard. Thank goodness the IT converter is not to be the central attraction :-) 2001-08-13 12:36 entheh * tools/cit.c: cit.c now loads everything in the IT file. It has been adapted to support everything described in the ittech.txt file that comes with Impulse Tracker 2.14. However, the conversion is still as awful as ever :-) 2001-08-11 22:40 entheh * tools/cit.c: Some of the "Damn, I need more information"-style comments in cit.c have been replaced with information on what the stuff really is :D 2001-08-10 21:30 entheh * examples/playduh.c: allegro_exit()/allegro_message() bug partially fixed in playduh.c. Still problems in case of usage(), and failure on allegro_init(). 2001-08-10 20:07 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/sequence.c: Removed the MAX_SAMPLES limitation. STREAM_SIZE can be increased now. 2001-08-10 19:31 entheh * examples/playduh.c, include/dumb.h, src/play.c: A few enhancements to the playback interface. 2001-08-10 10:13 joe_programmer * make/makefile.lst: Added new files 2001-08-10 08:48 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/play.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, tools/cit.c: Looped samples :-) 2001-08-09 11:15 entheh * src/resample.c: Bug fixed! Resampling works 2001-08-09 10:35 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/play.c, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, tools/cit.c: RESAMPLE_PICKUP stuff added, but there's a bug. Trying to fix it... Various other minor changes 2001-08-06 18:06 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/resample.c, src/sample.c, tools/cit.c: Resampling code is in a separate file, and extensive comments have been written for it. cit.c has very limited volume support now. 2001-08-05 10:18 entheh * tools/cit.c: A check in cit.c has gone from ASSERT to if :-) 2001-08-03 23:23 joe_programmer * tools/cit.c: Fix to the it->duh converter 2001-08-03 23:12 entheh * tools/cit.c: Bugfix, another bug has surfaced :/ 2001-08-03 22:39 entheh * examples/playduh.c, include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/datduh.c, src/getsig.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/register.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c, tools/cit.c: CIT (IT Compiler) working, just about. Tut tut, such a name, so suggestive of monopolistic intentions... But anyway, the new ASCII art and credits are at the top of every file! 2001-08-03 11:46 entheh * tools/cit.c: cit.c added. Currently unchanged from Bob's IT loader, except that the header files have been hard-included, and it now compiles as C rather than C++. Oh, and check out the new ASCII art :-) 2001-08-02 17:49 entheh * src/sample.c: Changes to the sample signal so that no special case is required at the end of a sample when resampling. 2001-08-02 14:33 joe_programmer * src/tools/it/: load_it.cpp, modulus.h, typedef.hpp: Added code to load ITs from old IT player. needs a rewrite to work with dumb 2001-08-01 19:33 entheh * include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/play.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: New sequencing format done. 2001-08-01 15:13 entheh * include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/play.c, src/register.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: First signs of signal parameters 2001-07-28 14:40 entheh * include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: Some restructuring... 2001-07-28 11:27 entheh * src/: play.c, sample.c: Resampling fixed 2001-07-28 11:16 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Fixes to the lowpass filter 2001-07-28 10:54 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Attempt at fixing the low-pass filter 2001-07-28 09:53 entheh * examples/playduh.c, src/play.c, src/sample.c: Huh? uh, I don't remember what I did. 2001-07-28 09:44 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Fixes to the low-pass filter 2001-07-28 09:33 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Added a dithering filter 2001-07-28 09:08 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Cubic interpolation, and some form of high-pass filter? 2001-07-27 17:38 joe_programmer * examples/playduh.c: Made the player work in the background 2001-07-27 13:39 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Fixes to the lowpass filter 2001-07-27 12:40 joe_programmer * examples/playduh.c, src/sample.c: Hopefully fixed the crackiling problem in the linear filter. 2001-07-27 12:33 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Fixed the downsampling 2001-07-27 12:21 joe_programmer * src/sample.c: Bug fixed int he resampler 2001-07-27 12:21 joe_programmer * examples/playduh.c, make/makefile.vc, src/sample.c: Added linear resampler and explerimental lowpass filter. Also fixed teh VC makefile 2001-07-25 08:33 entheh * examples/playduh.c, include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/play.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: Yay, for the first time it actually plays MUSIC!!! :D 2001-07-23 12:24 joe_programmer * fix.bat, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.lnx, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc: Fixes to the build scripts 2001-07-23 11:28 joe_programmer * fix.bat, make/makefile.dj, make/makefile.lnx, make/makefile.lst, make/makefile.mgw, make/makefile.vc, src/misc/runner.c: Added makefile system 2001-07-23 10:11 entheh * examples/playduh.c, include/dumb.h, src/getsig.c, src/llload.c, src/main.c, src/play.c, src/register.c, src/sample.c, src/sequence.c: [no log message] 2001-07-21 08:04 entheh * include/: dintern.h, dumb.h.ex: dumb.h.ex added, containing DUMB struct stuff which will not be used for now. Don't wanna lose stuff though :-) dintern.h is now updated with the new signal processing functions. The package compiles. 2001-07-21 06:43 entheh * include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/register.c: Signal-handling functions are improved. 2001-07-20 15:03 joe_programmer * src/Shortcut to src.lnk: Removed file added by error 2001-07-20 14:57 joe_programmer * licence.txt, include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/Shortcut to src.lnk, src/datduh.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c, src/main.c, src/register.c: Initial revision 2001-07-20 14:57 joe_programmer * licence.txt, include/dintern.h, include/dumb.h, src/Shortcut to src.lnk, src/datduh.c, src/llload.c, src/load.c, src/main.c, src/register.c: Initial checkin