OptionValue "SpriteclipModes" { 0, "Never" 1, "Smart" 2, "Always" 3, "Smarter" } OptionValue "EnhancedStealth" { 0, "Never" 1, "Infrared only" 2, "Infrared and torch" 3, "Any fixed colormap" } OptionValue "FilterModes" { 0, "None" 1, "None (nearest mipmap)" 5, "None (linear mipmap)" 2, "Linear" 3, "Bilinear" 4, "Trilinear" } OptionValue "TextureFormats" { 0, "RGBA8" 1, "RGB5_A1" 2, "RGBA4" 3, "RGBA2" // [BB] Added modes for texture compression. 4, "COMPR_RGBA" 5, "S3TC_DXT1" 6, "S3TC_DXT3" 7, "S3TC_DXT5" } OptionValue "Anisotropy" { 1, "Off" 2, "2x" 4, "4x" 8, "8x" 16, "16x" } OptionValue "Colormaps" { 0, "Use as palette" 1, "Blend" } OptionValue "LightingModes" { 0, "Standard" 1, "Bright" 2, "Doom" 3, "Dark" 4, "Legacy" 8, "Software" } OptionValue "Precision" { 0, "Speed" 1, "Quality" } OptionValue "Hz" { 0, "Optimal" 60, "60" 70, "70" 72, "72" 75, "75" 85, "85" 100, "100" } OptionValue "BillboardModes" { 0, "Y Axis" 1, "X/Y Axis" } OptionValue "Particles" { 0, "Square" 1, "Round" 2, "Smooth" } OptionValue "HqResizeModes" { 0, "Off" 1, "Scale2x" 2, "Scale3x" 3, "Scale4x" 4, "hq2x" 5, "hq3x" 6, "hq4x" 7, "hq2x MMX" 8, "hq3x MMX" 9, "hq4x MMX" } OptionValue "FogMode" { 0, "Off" 1, "Standard" 2, "Radial" } OptionValue "FuzzStyle" { 0, "Shadow" 1, "Pixel fuzz" 2, "Smooth fuzz" 3, "Swirly fuzz" 4, "Translucent fuzz" 6, "Noise" 7, "Smooth Noise" //5, "Jagged fuzz" I can't see any difference between this and 4 so it's disabled for now. } OptionValue VRMode { 0, "Normal" 1, "Green/Magenta" 2, "Red/Cyan" 9, "Amber/Blue" 5, "Left Eye" 6, "Right Eye" 7, "Quad-buffered" } OptionMenu "GLTextureGLOptions" { Title "TEXTURE OPTIONS" Option "Textures enabled", gl_texture, "YesNo" Option "Texture Filter mode", gl_texture_filter, "FilterModes" Option "Anisotropic filter", gl_texture_filter_anisotropic, "Anisotropy" Option "Texture Format", gl_texture_format, "TextureFormats" Option "Enable hires textures", gl_texture_usehires, "YesNo" Option "High Quality Resize mode", gl_texture_hqresize, "HqResizeModes" Option "Resize textures", gl_texture_hqresize_textures, "OnOff" Option "Resize sprites", gl_texture_hqresize_sprites, "OnOff" Option "Resize fonts", gl_texture_hqresize_fonts, "OnOff" Option "Precache GL textures", gl_precache, "YesNo" Option "Camera textures offscreen", gl_usefb, "OnOff" Option "Trim sprite edges", gl_trimsprites, "OnOff" Option "Sort draw lists by texture", gl_sort_textures, "YesNo" } OptionMenu "GLLightOptions" { Title "DYNAMIC LIGHTS" Option "Dynamic Lights enabled", gl_lights, "YesNo" Option "Enable light definitions", gl_attachedlights, "YesNo" Option "Clip lights", gl_lights_checkside, "YesNo" Option "Lights affect sprites", gl_light_sprites, "YesNo" Option "Lights affect particles", gl_light_particles, "YesNo" Option "Force additive lighting", gl_lights_additive, "YesNo" Slider "Light intensity", gl_lights_intensity, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1 Slider "Light size", gl_lights_size, 0.0, 2.0, 0.1 } OptionMenu "GLPrefOptions" { Title "OPENGL PREFERENCES" Option "Sector light mode", gl_lightmode, "LightingModes" Option "Fog mode", gl_fogmode, "FogMode" Option "Fog forces fullbright", gl_brightfog, "YesNo" Slider "Weapon light strength", gl_weaponlight, 0,32, 2 Option "Environment map on mirrors",gl_mirror_envmap, "OnOff" Option "Enhanced night vision mode",gl_enhanced_nightvision, "OnOff" Option "ENV shows stealth monsters",gl_enhanced_nv_stealth, "EnhancedStealth" Option "Force brightness in fog", gl_spritebrightfog, "OnOff" Option "Adjust sprite clipping", gl_spriteclip, "SpriteclipModes" Option "Smooth sprite edges", gl_sprite_blend, "OnOff" Option "Fuzz Style", gl_fuzztype, "FuzzStyle" Option "Sprite billboard", gl_billboard_mode, "BillboardModes" Option "Particle style", gl_particles_style, "Particles" Slider "Ambient light level", gl_light_ambient, 1.0, 255.0, 5.0 Option "Rendering quality", gl_render_precise, "Precision" Option "Stereo 3D VR", vr_mode, "VRMode" Option "Enable Quad Stereo", vr_enable_quadbuffered, "OnOff" }