//=========================================================================== // // Pain Elemental // //=========================================================================== class PainElemental : Actor { Default { Health 400; Radius 31; Height 56; Mass 400; Speed 8; PainChance 128; Monster; +FLOAT +NOGRAVITY SeeSound "pain/sight"; PainSound "pain/pain"; DeathSound "pain/death"; ActiveSound "pain/active"; Tag "$FN_PAIN"; } States { Spawn: PAIN A 10 A_Look; Loop; See: PAIN AABBCC 3 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: PAIN D 5 A_FaceTarget; PAIN E 5 A_FaceTarget; PAIN F 5 BRIGHT A_FaceTarget; PAIN F 0 BRIGHT A_PainAttack; Goto See; Pain: PAIN G 6; PAIN G 6 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: PAIN H 8 BRIGHT; PAIN I 8 BRIGHT A_Scream; PAIN JK 8 BRIGHT; PAIN L 8 BRIGHT A_PainDie; PAIN M 8 BRIGHT; Stop; Raise: PAIN MLKJIH 8; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== extend class Actor { // // A_PainShootSkull // Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target // void A_PainShootSkull(Class<Actor> spawntype, double angle, int flags = 0, int limit = -1) { // Don't spawn if we get massacred. if (DamageType == 'Massacre') return; if (spawntype == null) spawntype = "LostSoul"; // [RH] check to make sure it's not too close to the ceiling if (pos.z + height + 8 > ceilingz) { if (bFloat) { Vel.Z -= 2; bInFloat = true; bVFriction = true; } return; } // [RH] make this optional if (limit < 0 && (Level.compatflags & COMPATF_LIMITPAIN)) limit = 21; if (limit > 0) { // count total number of skulls currently on the level // if there are already 21 skulls on the level, don't spit another one int count = limit; ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create(spawntype); Thinker othink; while ( (othink = it.Next ()) ) { if (--count == 0) return; } } // okay, there's room for another one double otherradius = GetDefaultByType(spawntype).radius; double prestep = 4 + (radius + otherradius) * 1.5; Vector2 move = AngleToVector(angle, prestep); Vector3 spawnpos = pos + (0,0,8); Vector3 destpos = spawnpos + move; Actor other = Spawn(spawntype, spawnpos, ALLOW_REPLACE); // Now check if the spawn is legal. Unlike Boom's hopeless attempt at fixing it, let's do it the same way // P_XYMovement solves the line skipping: Spawn the Lost Soul near the PE's center and then use multiple // smaller steps to get it to its intended position. This will also result in proper clipping, but // it will avoid all the problems of the Boom method, which checked too many lines that weren't even touched // and despite some adjustments never worked with portals. if (other != null) { double maxmove = other.radius - 1; if (maxmove <= 0) maxmove = 16; double xspeed = abs(move.X); double yspeed = abs(move.Y); int steps = 1; if (xspeed > yspeed) { if (xspeed > maxmove) { steps = int(1 + xspeed / maxmove); } } else { if (yspeed > maxmove) { steps = int(1 + yspeed / maxmove); } } Vector2 stepmove = move / steps; bool savedsolid = bSolid; bool savednoteleport = other.bNoTeleport; // make the PE nonsolid for the check and the LS non-teleporting so that P_TryMove doesn't do unwanted things. bSolid = false; other.bNoTeleport = true; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { Vector2 ptry = other.pos.xy + stepmove; double oldangle = other.angle; if (!other.TryMove(ptry, 0)) { // kill it immediately other.ClearCounters(); other.DamageMobj(self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, 'None'); bSolid = savedsolid; other.bNoTeleport = savednoteleport; return; } if (other.pos.xy != ptry) { // If the new position does not match the desired position, the player // must have gone through a portal. // For that we need to adjust the movement vector for the following steps. double anglediff = deltaangle(oldangle, other.angle); if (anglediff != 0) { stepmove = RotateVector(stepmove, anglediff); } } } bSolid = savedsolid; other.bNoTeleport = savednoteleport; // [RH] Lost souls hate the same things as their pain elementals other.CopyFriendliness (self, !(flags & PAF_NOTARGET)); if (!(flags & PAF_NOSKULLATTACK)) { other.A_SkullAttack(); } } } void A_PainAttack(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul", double addangle = 0, int flags = 0, int limit = -1) { if (target) { A_FaceTarget(); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle + addangle, flags, limit); } } void A_DualPainAttack(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul") { if (target) { A_FaceTarget(); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle + 45); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle - 45); } } void A_PainDie(class<Actor> spawntype = "LostSoul") { if (target && IsFriend(target)) { // And I thought you were my friend! bFriendly = false; } A_NoBlocking(); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle + 90); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle + 180); A_PainShootSkull(spawntype, angle + 270); } }