#ifndef __GL_SWFRAMEBUFFER #define __GL_SWFRAMEBUFFER #ifdef _WIN32 #include "win32iface.h" #include "win32gliface.h" #endif #include "SkylineBinPack.h" #include class FGLDebug; #ifdef _WIN32 class OpenGLSWFrameBuffer : public Win32GLFrameBuffer { typedef Win32GLFrameBuffer Super; DECLARE_CLASS(OpenGLSWFrameBuffer, Win32GLFrameBuffer) #else #include "sdlglvideo.h" class OpenGLFrameBuffer : public SDLGLFB { // typedef SDLGLFB Super; //[C]commented, DECLARE_CLASS defines this in linux DECLARE_CLASS(OpenGLSWFrameBuffer, SDLGLFB) #endif public: explicit OpenGLSWFrameBuffer() {} OpenGLSWFrameBuffer(void *hMonitor, int width, int height, int bits, int refreshHz, bool fullscreen, bool bgra); ~OpenGLSWFrameBuffer(); bool IsValid() override; bool Lock(bool buffered) override; void Unlock() override; void Update() override; PalEntry *GetPalette() override; void GetFlashedPalette(PalEntry palette[256]) override; void UpdatePalette() override; bool SetGamma(float gamma) override; bool SetFlash(PalEntry rgb, int amount) override; void GetFlash(PalEntry &rgb, int &amount) override; int GetPageCount() override; bool IsFullscreen() override; void PaletteChanged() override; int QueryNewPalette() override; void Blank() override; bool PaintToWindow() override; void SetVSync(bool vsync) override; void NewRefreshRate() override; void GetScreenshotBuffer(const uint8_t *&buffer, int &pitch, ESSType &color_type) override; void ReleaseScreenshotBuffer() override; void SetBlendingRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) override; bool Begin2D(bool copy3d) override; void DrawBlendingRect() override; FNativeTexture *CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping) override; FNativePalette *CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap) override; void DrawTextureParms(FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms) override; void Clear(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int palcolor, uint32 color) override; void Dim(PalEntry color, float amount, int x1, int y1, int w, int h) override; void FlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bool local_origin) override; void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int palColor, uint32 realcolor) override; void DrawPixel(int x, int y, int palcolor, uint32 rgbcolor) override; void FillSimplePoly(FTexture *tex, FVector2 *points, int npoints, double originx, double originy, double scalex, double scaley, DAngle rotation, FDynamicColormap *colormap, int lightlevel) override; bool WipeStartScreen(int type) override; void WipeEndScreen() override; bool WipeDo(int ticks) override; void WipeCleanup() override; bool Is8BitMode() override { return false; } int GetTrueHeight() override { return TrueHeight; } private: struct FBVERTEX { float x, y, z, rhw; uint32_t color0, color1; float tu, tv; }; struct BURNVERTEX { float x, y, z, rhw; float tu0, tv0; float tu1, tv1; }; enum { PSCONST_Desaturation, PSCONST_PaletteMod, PSCONST_Weights, PSCONST_Gamma, PSCONST_ScreenSize, NumPSCONST }; struct GammaRamp { uint16_t red[256], green[256], blue[256]; }; struct LTRBRect { int left, top, right, bottom; }; class HWTexture { public: HWTexture() { Buffers[0] = 0; Buffers[1] = 0; } ~HWTexture(); int Texture = 0; int Buffers[2]; int CurrentBuffer = 0; int WrapS = 0; int WrapT = 0; int Format = 0; }; class HWFrameBuffer { public: ~HWFrameBuffer(); int Framebuffer = 0; HWTexture *Texture = nullptr; }; class HWVertexBuffer { public: ~HWVertexBuffer(); FBVERTEX *Lock(); void Unlock(); int VertexArray = 0; int Buffer = 0; int Size = 0; }; class HWIndexBuffer { public: ~HWIndexBuffer(); uint16_t *Lock(); void Unlock(); int Buffer = 0; int Size = 0; private: int LockedOldBinding = 0; }; class HWPixelShader { public: ~HWPixelShader(); int Program = 0; int VertexShader = 0; int FragmentShader = 0; int ConstantLocations[NumPSCONST]; int ImageLocation = -1; int PaletteLocation = -1; int NewScreenLocation = -1; int BurnLocation = -1; }; bool CreateFrameBuffer(const FString &name, int width, int height, HWFrameBuffer **outFramebuffer); bool CreatePixelShader(FString vertexsrc, FString fragmentsrc, const FString &defines, HWPixelShader **outShader); bool CreateVertexBuffer(int size, HWVertexBuffer **outVertexBuffer); bool CreateIndexBuffer(int size, HWIndexBuffer **outIndexBuffer); bool CreateTexture(const FString &name, int width, int height, int levels, int format, HWTexture **outTexture); void SetGammaRamp(const GammaRamp *ramp); void SetPixelShaderConstantF(int uniformIndex, const float *data, int vec4fcount); void SetHWPixelShader(HWPixelShader *shader); void SetStreamSource(HWVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer); void SetIndices(HWIndexBuffer *indexBuffer); void DrawTriangleFans(int count, const FBVERTEX *vertices); void DrawTriangleFans(int count, const BURNVERTEX *vertices); void DrawPoints(int count, const FBVERTEX *vertices); void DrawLineList(int count); void DrawTriangleList(int minIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex, int primitiveCount); void Present(); static uint32_t ColorARGB(uint32_t a, uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b) { return ((a & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b) & 0xff); } static uint32_t ColorRGBA(uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, uint32_t a) { return ColorARGB(a, r, g, b); } static uint32_t ColorXRGB(uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b) { return ColorARGB(0xff, r, g, b); } static uint32_t ColorValue(float r, float g, float b, float a) { return ColorRGBA((uint32_t)(r * 255.0f), (uint32_t)(g * 255.0f), (uint32_t)(b * 255.0f), (uint32_t)(a * 255.0f)); } // The number of points for the vertex buffer. enum { NUM_VERTS = 10240 }; // The number of indices for the index buffer. enum { NUM_INDEXES = ((NUM_VERTS * 6) / 4) }; // The number of quads we can batch together. enum { MAX_QUAD_BATCH = (NUM_INDEXES / 6) }; // The default size for a texture atlas. enum { DEF_ATLAS_WIDTH = 512 }; enum { DEF_ATLAS_HEIGHT = 512 }; // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Atlas; struct PackedTexture { Atlas *Owner; PackedTexture **Prev, *Next; // Pixels this image covers LTRBRect Area; // Texture coordinates for this image float Left, Top, Right, Bottom; // Texture has extra space on the border? bool Padded; }; struct Atlas { Atlas(OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb, int width, int height, int format); ~Atlas(); PackedTexture *AllocateImage(const Rect &rect, bool padded); void FreeBox(PackedTexture *box); SkylineBinPack Packer; Atlas *Next; HWTexture *Tex; int Format; PackedTexture *UsedList; // Boxes that contain images int Width, Height; bool OneUse; }; class OpenGLTex : public FNativeTexture { public: OpenGLTex(FTexture *tex, OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb, bool wrapping); ~OpenGLTex(); FTexture *GameTex; PackedTexture *Box; OpenGLTex **Prev; OpenGLTex *Next; bool IsGray; bool Create(OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb, bool wrapping); bool Update(); bool CheckWrapping(bool wrapping); int GetTexFormat(); FTextureFormat ToTexFmt(int fmt); }; class OpenGLPal : public FNativePalette { public: OpenGLPal(FRemapTable *remap, OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb); ~OpenGLPal(); OpenGLPal **Prev; OpenGLPal *Next; HWTexture *Tex; uint32_t BorderColor; bool DoColorSkip; bool Update(); FRemapTable *Remap; int RoundedPaletteSize; }; // Flags for a buffered quad enum { BQF_GamePalette = 1, BQF_CustomPalette = 7, BQF_Paletted = 7, BQF_Bilinear = 8, BQF_WrapUV = 16, BQF_InvertSource = 32, BQF_DisableAlphaTest = 64, BQF_Desaturated = 128, }; // Shaders for a buffered quad enum { BQS_PalTex, BQS_Plain, BQS_RedToAlpha, BQS_ColorOnly, BQS_SpecialColormap, BQS_InGameColormap, }; struct PackedTexture; struct Atlas; struct BufferedTris { uint8_t Flags; uint8_t ShaderNum; int BlendOp; int SrcBlend; int DestBlend; uint8_t Desat; OpenGLPal *Palette; HWTexture *Texture; uint16_t NumVerts; // Number of _unique_ vertices used by this set. uint16_t NumTris; // Number of triangles used by this set. void ClearSetup() { Flags = 0; ShaderNum = 0; BlendOp = 0; SrcBlend = 0; DestBlend = 0; } bool IsSameSetup(const BufferedTris &other) const { return Flags == other.Flags && ShaderNum == other.ShaderNum && BlendOp == other.BlendOp && SrcBlend == other.SrcBlend && DestBlend == other.DestBlend; } }; enum { SHADER_NormalColor, SHADER_NormalColorPal, SHADER_NormalColorInv, SHADER_NormalColorPalInv, SHADER_RedToAlpha, SHADER_RedToAlphaInv, SHADER_VertexColor, SHADER_SpecialColormap, SHADER_SpecialColormapPal, SHADER_InGameColormap, SHADER_InGameColormapDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapInv, SHADER_InGameColormapInvDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapPal, SHADER_InGameColormapPalDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapPalInv, SHADER_InGameColormapPalInvDesat, SHADER_BurnWipe, SHADER_GammaCorrection, NUM_SHADERS }; static const char *const ShaderDefines[NUM_SHADERS]; void Flip(); void SetInitialState(); bool CreateResources(); void ReleaseResources(); bool LoadShaders(); bool CreateFBTexture(); bool CreatePaletteTexture(); bool CreateVertexes(); void UploadPalette(); void CalcFullscreenCoords(FBVERTEX verts[4], bool viewarea_only, uint32_t color0, uint32_t color1) const; bool Reset(); HWTexture *CopyCurrentScreen(); void ReleaseDefaultPoolItems(); void KillNativePals(); void KillNativeTexs(); PackedTexture *AllocPackedTexture(int width, int height, bool wrapping, int format); void DrawPackedTextures(int packnum); void DrawLetterbox(int x, int y, int width, int height); void Draw3DPart(bool copy3d); bool SetStyle(OpenGLTex *tex, DrawParms &parms, uint32_t &color0, uint32_t &color1, BufferedTris &quad); static int GetStyleAlpha(int type); static void SetColorOverlay(uint32_t color, float alpha, uint32_t &color0, uint32_t &color1); void AddColorOnlyQuad(int left, int top, int width, int height, uint32_t color); void AddColorOnlyRect(int left, int top, int width, int height, uint32_t color); void CheckQuadBatch(int numtris = 2, int numverts = 4); void BeginQuadBatch(); void EndQuadBatch(); void BeginLineBatch(); void EndLineBatch(); void EndBatch(); // State void EnableAlphaTest(bool enabled); void SetAlphaBlend(int op, int srcblend = 0, int destblend = 0); void SetConstant(int cnum, float r, float g, float b, float a); void SetPixelShader(HWPixelShader *shader); void SetTexture(int tnum, HWTexture *texture); void SetSamplerWrapS(int tnum, int mode); void SetSamplerWrapT(int tnum, int mode); void SetPaletteTexture(HWTexture *texture, int count, uint32_t border_color); template static void SafeRelease(T &x) { if (x != nullptr) { delete x; x = nullptr; } } std::shared_ptr Debug; std::unique_ptr StreamVertexBuffer, StreamVertexBufferBurn; float ShaderConstants[NumPSCONST * 4]; HWPixelShader *CurrentShader = nullptr; HWFrameBuffer *OutputFB = nullptr; bool AlphaTestEnabled = false; bool AlphaBlendEnabled = false; int AlphaBlendOp = 0; int AlphaSrcBlend = 0; int AlphaDestBlend = 0; float Constant[3][4]; uint32_t CurBorderColor; HWPixelShader *CurPixelShader; HWTexture *Texture[5]; int SamplerWrapS[5], SamplerWrapT[5]; PalEntry SourcePalette[256]; uint32_t BorderColor; uint32_t FlashColor0, FlashColor1; PalEntry FlashColor; int FlashAmount; int TrueHeight; int PixelDoubling; float Gamma; bool UpdatePending; bool NeedPalUpdate; bool NeedGammaUpdate; bool VSync; LTRBRect BlendingRect; int In2D; bool InScene; bool GatheringWipeScreen; bool AALines; uint8_t BlockNum; OpenGLPal *Palettes = nullptr; OpenGLTex *Textures = nullptr; Atlas *Atlases = nullptr; HWTexture *FBTexture = nullptr; HWTexture *PaletteTexture = nullptr; HWTexture *ScreenshotTexture = nullptr; HWVertexBuffer *VertexBuffer = nullptr; FBVERTEX *VertexData = nullptr; HWIndexBuffer *IndexBuffer = nullptr; uint16_t *IndexData = nullptr; BufferedTris *QuadExtra = nullptr; int VertexPos; int IndexPos; int QuadBatchPos; enum { BATCH_None, BATCH_Quads, BATCH_Lines } BatchType; HWPixelShader *Shaders[NUM_SHADERS]; HWTexture *InitialWipeScreen = nullptr, *FinalWipeScreen = nullptr; class Wiper { public: virtual ~Wiper(); virtual bool Run(int ticks, OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb) = 0; void DrawScreen(OpenGLSWFrameBuffer *fb, HWTexture *tex, int blendop = 0, uint32_t color0 = 0, uint32_t color1 = 0xFFFFFFF); }; class Wiper_Melt; friend class Wiper_Melt; class Wiper_Burn; friend class Wiper_Burn; class Wiper_Crossfade; friend class Wiper_Crossfade; Wiper *ScreenWipe; }; #endif //__GL_SWFRAMEBUFFER