#ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define USE_WINDOWS_DWORD #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0400 #undef _WIN32_WINNT #endif #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 #endif #include #include #else #include #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #endif #include #include "tempfiles.h" #include "oplsynth/opl_mus_player.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "mus2midi.h" #include "i_sound.h" void I_InitMusicWin32 (); void I_ShutdownMusicWin32 (); extern float relative_volume; // The base music class. Everything is derived from this -------------------- class MusInfo { public: MusInfo () : m_Status(STATE_Stopped) {} virtual ~MusInfo (); virtual void MusicVolumeChanged(); // snd_musicvolume changed virtual void TimidityVolumeChanged(); // timidity_mastervolume changed virtual void Play (bool looping) = 0; virtual void Pause () = 0; virtual void Resume () = 0; virtual void Stop () = 0; virtual bool IsPlaying () = 0; virtual bool IsMIDI () const = 0; virtual bool IsValid () const = 0; virtual bool SetPosition (int order); virtual void Update(); virtual FString GetStats(); enum EState { STATE_Stopped, STATE_Playing, STATE_Paused } m_Status; bool m_Looping; }; #ifdef _WIN32 // A device that provides a WinMM-like MIDI streaming interface ------------- class MIDIDevice { public: MIDIDevice(); virtual ~MIDIDevice(); virtual int Open(void (*callback)(unsigned int, void *, DWORD, DWORD), void *userdata) = 0; virtual void Close() = 0; virtual bool IsOpen() const = 0; virtual int GetTechnology() const = 0; virtual int SetTempo(int tempo) = 0; virtual int SetTimeDiv(int timediv) = 0; virtual int StreamOut(MIDIHDR *data) = 0; virtual int Resume() = 0; virtual void Stop() = 0; virtual int PrepareHeader(MIDIHDR *data) = 0; virtual int UnprepareHeader(MIDIHDR *data) = 0; }; // WinMM implementation of a MIDI output device ----------------------------- class WinMIDIDevice : public MIDIDevice { public: WinMIDIDevice(int dev_id); ~WinMIDIDevice(); int Open(void (*callback)(unsigned int, void *, DWORD, DWORD), void *userdata); void Close(); bool IsOpen() const; int GetTechnology() const; int SetTempo(int tempo); int SetTimeDiv(int timediv); int StreamOut(MIDIHDR *data); int Resume(); void Stop(); int PrepareHeader(MIDIHDR *data); int UnprepareHeader(MIDIHDR *data); protected: static void CALLBACK CallbackFunc(HMIDIOUT, UINT, DWORD_PTR, DWORD, DWORD); HMIDISTRM MidiOut; UINT DeviceID; DWORD SavedVolume; bool VolumeWorks; void (*Callback)(unsigned int, void *, DWORD, DWORD); void *CallbackData; }; // Base class for streaming MUS and MIDI files ------------------------------ class MIDIStreamer : public MusInfo { public: MIDIStreamer(); ~MIDIStreamer(); void MusicVolumeChanged(); void Play(bool looping); void Pause(); void Resume(); void Stop(); bool IsPlaying(); bool IsMIDI() const; bool IsValid() const; void Update(); protected: static DWORD WINAPI PlayerProc (LPVOID lpParameter); static void Callback(UINT uMsg, void *userdata, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2); DWORD PlayerLoop(); void OutputVolume (DWORD volume); int FillBuffer(int buffer_num, int max_events, DWORD max_time); bool ServiceEvent(); int VolumeControllerChange(int channel, int volume); // Virtuals for subclasses to override virtual void CheckCaps(); virtual void DoInitialSetup() = 0; virtual void DoRestart() = 0; virtual bool CheckDone() = 0; virtual DWORD *MakeEvents(DWORD *events, DWORD *max_event_p, DWORD max_time) = 0; enum { MAX_EVENTS = 128 }; enum { SONG_MORE, SONG_DONE, SONG_ERROR }; MIDIDevice *MIDI; HANDLE PlayerThread; HANDLE ExitEvent; HANDLE BufferDoneEvent; DWORD Events[2][MAX_EVENTS*3]; MIDIHDR Buffer[2]; int BufferNum; int EndQueued; bool VolumeChanged; bool Restarting; bool InitialPlayback; DWORD NewVolume; int Division; int Tempo; int InitialTempo; BYTE ChannelVolumes[16]; DWORD Volume; }; // MUS file played with a MIDI stream --------------------------------------- class MUSSong2 : public MIDIStreamer { public: MUSSong2 (FILE *file, char *musiccache, int length); ~MUSSong2 (); protected: void DoInitialSetup(); void DoRestart(); bool CheckDone(); DWORD *MakeEvents(DWORD *events, DWORD *max_events_p, DWORD max_time); MUSHeader *MusHeader; BYTE *MusBuffer; BYTE LastVelocity[16]; size_t MusP, MaxMusP; }; // MIDI file played with a MIDI stream -------------------------------------- class MIDISong2 : public MIDIStreamer { public: MIDISong2 (FILE *file, char *musiccache, int length); ~MIDISong2 (); protected: void CheckCaps(); void DoInitialSetup(); void DoRestart(); bool CheckDone(); DWORD *MakeEvents(DWORD *events, DWORD *max_events_p, DWORD max_time); struct TrackInfo; void ProcessInitialMetaEvents (); DWORD *SendCommand (DWORD *event, TrackInfo *track, DWORD delay); TrackInfo *FindNextDue (); void SetTempo(int new_tempo); BYTE *MusHeader; TrackInfo *Tracks; TrackInfo *TrackDue; int NumTracks; int Format; WORD DesignationMask; }; #endif /* _WIN32 */ // Anything supported by FMOD out of the box -------------------------------- class StreamSong : public MusInfo { public: StreamSong (const char *file, int offset, int length); ~StreamSong (); void Play (bool looping); void Pause (); void Resume (); void Stop (); bool IsPlaying (); bool IsMIDI () const { return false; } bool IsValid () const { return m_Stream != NULL; } bool SetPosition (int order); FString GetStats(); protected: StreamSong () : m_Stream(NULL), m_LastPos(0) {} SoundStream *m_Stream; int m_LastPos; }; // MIDI file played with Timidity and possibly streamed through FMOD -------- class TimiditySong : public StreamSong { public: TimiditySong (FILE *file, char * musiccache, int length); ~TimiditySong (); void Play (bool looping); void Stop (); bool IsPlaying (); bool IsValid () const { return CommandLine.Len() > 0; } void TimidityVolumeChanged(); protected: void PrepTimidity (); bool LaunchTimidity (); FTempFileName DiskName; #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE ReadWavePipe; HANDLE WriteWavePipe; HANDLE KillerEvent; HANDLE ChildProcess; bool Validated; bool ValidateTimidity (); #else // _WIN32 int WavePipe[2]; pid_t ChildProcess; #endif FString CommandLine; size_t LoopPos; static bool FillStream (SoundStream *stream, void *buff, int len, void *userdata); #ifdef _WIN32 static const char EventName[]; #endif }; // MUS file played by a software OPL2 synth and streamed through FMOD ------- class OPLMUSSong : public StreamSong { public: OPLMUSSong (FILE *file, char * musiccache, int length); ~OPLMUSSong (); void Play (bool looping); bool IsPlaying (); bool IsValid () const; void ResetChips (); protected: static bool FillStream (SoundStream *stream, void *buff, int len, void *userdata); OPLmusicBlock *Music; }; // CD track/disk played through the multimedia system ----------------------- class CDSong : public MusInfo { public: CDSong (int track, int id); ~CDSong (); void Play (bool looping); void Pause (); void Resume (); void Stop (); bool IsPlaying (); bool IsMIDI () const { return false; } bool IsValid () const { return m_Inited; } protected: CDSong () : m_Inited(false) {} int m_Track; bool m_Inited; }; // CD track on a specific disk played through the multimedia system --------- class CDDAFile : public CDSong { public: CDDAFile (FILE *file, int length); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern MusInfo *currSong; extern int nomusic; EXTERN_CVAR (Float, snd_musicvolume) EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, opl_enable)