// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Player related stuff. // Bobbing POV/weapon, movement. // Pending weapon. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "templates.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "gi.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "p_pspr.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "statnums.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "thingdef/thingdef.h" static FRandom pr_skullpop ("SkullPop"); // [RH] # of ticks to complete a turn180 #define TURN180_TICKS ((TICRATE / 4) + 1) // Variables for prediction CVAR (Bool, cl_noprediction, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) static player_t PredictionPlayerBackup; static BYTE PredictionActorBackup[sizeof(AActor)]; static TArray PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup; // [GRB] Custom player classes TArray PlayerClasses; FPlayerClass::FPlayerClass () { Type = NULL; Flags = 0; } FPlayerClass::FPlayerClass (const FPlayerClass &other) { Type = other.Type; Flags = other.Flags; Skins = other.Skins; } FPlayerClass::~FPlayerClass () { } bool FPlayerClass::CheckSkin (int skin) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Skins.Size (); i++) { if (Skins[i] == skin) return true; } return false; } void SetupPlayerClasses () { FPlayerClass newclass; newclass.Flags = 0; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) { newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_HereticPlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_FighterPlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_ClericPlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_MagePlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { newclass.Type = PClass::FindClass (NAME_StrifePlayer); PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); } } CCMD (clearplayerclasses) { if (ParsingKeyConf) { PlayerClasses.Clear (); } } CCMD (addplayerclass) { if (ParsingKeyConf && argv.argc () > 1) { const PClass *ti = PClass::FindClass (argv[1]); if (!ti) { Printf ("Unknown player class '%s'", argv[1]); } else if (!ti->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (APlayerPawn))) { Printf ("Invalid player class '%s'", argv[1]); } else if (ti->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_DisplayName) == NULL) { Printf ("Missing displayname for player class '%s'", argv[1]); } else { FPlayerClass newclass; newclass.Type = ti; newclass.Flags = 0; int arg = 2; while (arg < argv.argc ()) { if (!stricmp (argv[arg], "nomenu")) { newclass.Flags |= PCF_NOMENU; } else { Printf ("Unknown flag '%s' for player class '%s'", argv[arg], argv[1]); } arg++; } PlayerClasses.Push (newclass); } } } CCMD (playerclasses) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); i++) { Printf ("% 3d %s\n", i, PlayerClasses[i].Type->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_DisplayName)); } } // // Movement. // // 16 pixels of bob #define MAXBOB 0x100000 bool onground; // The player_s constructor. Since LogText is not a POD, we cannot just // memset it all to 0. player_s::player_s() : mo(0), playerstate(0), cls(0), DesiredFOV(0), FOV(0), viewz(0), viewheight(0), deltaviewheight(0), bob(0), momx(0), momy(0), centering(0), turnticks(0), oldbuttons(0), attackdown(0), health(0), inventorytics(0), CurrentPlayerClass(0), pieces(0), backpack(0), fragcount(0), lastkilltime(0), multicount(0), spreecount(0), ReadyWeapon(0), PendingWeapon(0), cheats(0), refire(0), inconsistant(0), killcount(0), itemcount(0), secretcount(0), damagecount(0), bonuscount(0), hazardcount(0), poisoncount(0), poisoner(0), attacker(0), extralight(0), morphTics(0), PremorphWeapon(0), chickenPeck(0), jumpTics(0), respawn_time(0), camera(0), air_finished(0), accuracy(0), stamina(0), savedyaw(0), savedpitch(0), angle(0), dest(0), prev(0), enemy(0), missile(0), mate(0), last_mate(0), t_active(0), t_respawn(0), t_strafe(0), t_react(0), t_fight(0), t_roam(0), t_rocket(0), isbot(0), first_shot(0), sleft(0), allround(0), oldx(0), oldy(0), BlendR(0), BlendG(0), BlendB(0), BlendA(0), LogText(), crouching(0), crouchdir(0), crouchfactor(0), crouchoffset(0), crouchviewdelta(0) { memset (&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); memset (&userinfo, 0, sizeof(userinfo)); memset (frags, 0, sizeof(frags)); memset (psprites, 0, sizeof(psprites)); memset (&skill, 0, sizeof(skill)); } // This function supplements the pointer cleanup in dobject.cpp, because // player_s is not derived from DObject. (I tried it, and DestroyScan was // unable to properly determine the player object's type--possibly // because it gets staticly allocated in an array.) // // This function checks all the DObject pointers in a player_s and NULLs any // that match the pointer passed in. If you add any pointers that point to // DObject (or a subclass), add them here too. void player_s::FixPointers (const DObject *old, DObject *rep) { APlayerPawn *replacement = static_cast(rep); if (mo == old) mo = replacement; if (poisoner == old) poisoner = replacement; if (attacker == old) attacker = replacement; if (camera == old) camera = replacement; if (dest == old) dest = replacement; if (prev == old) prev = replacement; if (enemy == old) enemy = replacement; if (missile == old) missile = replacement; if (mate == old) mate = replacement; if (last_mate == old) last_mate = replacement; if (ReadyWeapon == old) ReadyWeapon = static_cast(rep); if (PendingWeapon == old) PendingWeapon = static_cast(rep); } void player_s::SetLogNumber (int num) { char lumpname[16]; int lumpnum; sprintf (lumpname, "LOG%d", num); lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForName (lumpname); if (lumpnum == -1) { // Leave the log message alone if this one doesn't exist. //SetLogText (lumpname); } else { int length=Wads.LumpLength(lumpnum); char *data= new char[length+1]; Wads.ReadLump (lumpnum, data); data[length]=0; SetLogText (data); delete[] data; // Print log text to console AddToConsole(-1, TEXTCOLOR_GOLD); AddToConsole(-1, LogText); AddToConsole(-1, "\n"); } } void player_s::SetLogText (const char *text) { LogText = text; } int player_t::GetSpawnClass() { const PClass * type = PlayerClasses[CurrentPlayerClass].Type; return static_cast(GetDefaultByType(type))->SpawnMask; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn // //=========================================================================== IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (APlayerPawn) DECLARE_POINTER(InvFirst) DECLARE_POINTER(InvSel) END_POINTERS BEGIN_STATELESS_DEFAULTS (APlayerPawn, Any, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnHealth (100) PROP_RadiusFixed (16) PROP_HeightFixed (56) PROP_Mass (100) PROP_PainChance (255) PROP_SpeedFixed (1) PROP_Flags (MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_PICKUP|MF_NOTDMATCH|MF_FRIENDLY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_SLIDE|MF2_PASSMOBJ|MF2_PUSHWALL|MF2_FLOORCLIP|MF2_WINDTHRUST|MF2_TELESTOMP) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_NOBLOCKMONST) PROP_PlayerPawn_AttackZOffset (8) // [GRB] PROP_PlayerPawn_JumpZ (8*FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_ViewHeight (41*FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_ForwardMove1 (FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_ForwardMove2 (FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_SideMove1 (FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_SideMove2 (FRACUNIT) PROP_PlayerPawn_ColorRange (0, 0) PROP_PlayerPawn_SoundClass ("player") PROP_PlayerPawn_MorphWeapon ("None") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (APlayerChunk, Any, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_PASSMOBJ) END_DEFAULTS void APlayerPawn::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << JumpZ << MaxHealth << RunHealth << SpawnMask << ForwardMove1 << ForwardMove2 << SideMove1 << SideMove2 << ScoreIcon << InvFirst << InvSel << MorphWeapon; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: BeginPlay // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); ChangeStatNum (STAT_PLAYER); // Check whether a PWADs normal sprite is to be combined with the base WADs // crouch sprite. In such a case the sprites normally don't match and it is // best to disable the crouch sprite. if (crouchsprite > 0) { // This assumes that player sprites always exist in rotated form and // that the front view is always a separate sprite. So far this is // true for anything that exists. FString normspritename = sprites[SpawnState->sprite.index].name; FString crouchspritename = sprites[crouchsprite].name; int spritenorm = Wads.CheckNumForName(normspritename + "A1", ns_sprites); int spritecrouch = Wads.CheckNumForName(crouchspritename + "A1", ns_sprites); if (spritenorm==-1 || spritecrouch ==-1) { // Sprites do not exist so it is best to disable the crouch sprite. crouchsprite = 0; return; } int wadnorm = Wads.GetLumpFile(spritenorm); int wadcrouch = Wads.GetLumpFile(spritenorm); if (wadnorm > FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM && wadcrouch <= FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM) { // Question: Add an option / disable crouching or do what? crouchsprite = 0; } } } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: Tick // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::Tick() { if (player != NULL && player->mo == this && player->morphTics == 0 && player->playerstate != PST_DEAD) { height = FixedMul(GetDefault()->height, player->crouchfactor); } else { if (health > 0) height = GetDefault()->height; } Super::Tick(); } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: AddInventory // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::AddInventory (AInventory *item) { // Adding inventory to a voodoo doll should add it to the real player instead. if (player != NULL && player->mo != this && player->mo != NULL) { player->mo->AddInventory (item); return; } Super::AddInventory (item); // If nothing is selected, select this item. if (InvSel == NULL && (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR)) { InvSel = item; } } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: RemoveInventory // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::RemoveInventory (AInventory *item) { bool pickWeap = false; // Since voodoo dolls aren't supposed to have an inventory, there should be // no need to redirect them to the real player here as there is with AddInventory. // If the item removed is the selected one, select something else, either the next // item, if there is one, or the previous item. if (player != NULL) { if (InvSel == item) { InvSel = item->NextInv (); if (InvSel == NULL) { InvSel = item->PrevInv (); } } if (InvFirst == item) { InvFirst = item->NextInv (); if (InvFirst == NULL) { InvFirst = item->PrevInv (); } } if (item == player->PendingWeapon) { player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; } if (item == player->ReadyWeapon) { // If the current weapon is removed, clear the refire counter and pick a new one. pickWeap = true; player->ReadyWeapon = NULL; player->refire = 0; } } Super::RemoveInventory (item); if (pickWeap && player->mo == this && player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE) { PickNewWeapon (NULL); } } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: UseInventory // //=========================================================================== bool APlayerPawn::UseInventory (AInventory *item) { const PClass *itemtype = item->GetClass(); if (player->cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN) { // You can't use items if you're totally frozen return false; } if (!Super::UseInventory (item)) { // Heretic and Hexen advance the inventory cursor if the use failed. // Should this behavior be retained? return false; } if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) { S_SoundID (this, CHAN_ITEM, item->UseSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); StatusBar->FlashItem (itemtype); } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: BestWeapon // // Returns the best weapon a player has, possibly restricted to a single // type of ammo. // //=========================================================================== AWeapon *APlayerPawn::BestWeapon (const PClass *ammotype) { AWeapon *bestMatch = NULL; int bestOrder = INT_MAX; AInventory *item; AWeapon *weap; bool tomed = NULL != FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)); // Find the best weapon the player has. for (item = Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory) { if (!item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) continue; weap = static_cast (item); // Don't select it if it's worse than what was already found. if (weap->SelectionOrder > bestOrder) continue; // Don't select it if its primary fire doesn't use the desired ammo. if (ammotype != NULL && (weap->Ammo1 == NULL || weap->Ammo1->GetClass() != ammotype)) continue; // Don't select it if the Tome is active and this isn't the powered-up version. if (tomed && weap->SisterWeapon != NULL && weap->SisterWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP) continue; // Don't select it if it's powered-up and the Tome is not active. if (!tomed && weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP) continue; // Don't select it if there isn't enough ammo to use its primary fire. if (!(weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_AMMO_OPTIONAL) && !weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::PrimaryFire, false)) continue; // This weapon is usable! bestOrder = weap->SelectionOrder; bestMatch = weap; } return bestMatch; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: PickNewWeapon // // Picks a new weapon for this player. Used mostly for running out of ammo, // but it also works when an ACS script explicitly takes the ready weapon // away or the player picks up some ammo they had previously run out of. // //=========================================================================== AWeapon *APlayerPawn::PickNewWeapon (const PClass *ammotype) { AWeapon *best = BestWeapon (ammotype); if (best != NULL) { player->PendingWeapon = best; if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->GetDownState()); } else if (player->PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE) { P_BringUpWeapon (player); } } return best; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: GiveDeathmatchInventory // // Gives players items they should have in addition to their default // inventory when playing deathmatch. (i.e. all keys) // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::GiveDeathmatchInventory() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { if (PClass::m_Types[i]->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AKey))) { AKey *key = (AKey *)GetDefaultByType (PClass::m_Types[i]); if (key->KeyNumber != 0) { key = static_cast(Spawn (PClass::m_Types[i], 0,0,0, NO_REPLACE)); if (!key->TryPickup (this)) { key->Destroy (); } } } } } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: FilterCoopRespawnInventory // // When respawning in coop, this function is called to walk through the dead // player's inventory and modify it according to the current game flags so // that it can be transferred to the new live player. This player currently // has the default inventory, and the oldplayer has the inventory at the time // of death. // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::FilterCoopRespawnInventory (APlayerPawn *oldplayer) { AInventory *item, *next, *defitem; // If we're losing everything, this is really simple. if (dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_INVENTORY) { oldplayer->DestroyAllInventory(); return; } // If we don't want to lose anything, then we don't need to bother checking // the old inventory. if (dmflags & (DF_COOP_LOSE_KEYS | DF_COOP_LOSE_WEAPONS | DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO | DF_COOP_HALVE_AMMO | DF_COOP_LOSE_ARMOR | DF_COOP_LOSE_POWERUPS)) { // Walk through the old player's inventory and destroy or modify // according to dmflags. for (item = oldplayer->Inventory; item != NULL; item = next) { next = item->Inventory; // If this item is part of the default inventory, we never want // to destroy it, although we might want to copy the default // inventory amount. defitem = FindInventory (item->GetClass()); if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_KEYS) && defitem == NULL && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AKey))) { item->Destroy(); } else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_WEAPONS) && defitem == NULL && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { item->Destroy(); } else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_ARMOR) && defitem == NULL && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AArmor))) { item->Destroy(); } else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_POWERUPS) && defitem == NULL && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver))) { item->Destroy(); } else if ((dmflags & (DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO | DF_COOP_HALVE_AMMO)) && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))) { if (defitem == NULL) { if (dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO) { // Do NOT destroy the ammo, because a weapon might reference it. item->Amount = 0; } else if (item->Amount > 1) { item->Amount /= 2; } } else { // When set to lose ammo, you get to keep all your starting ammo. // When set to halve ammo, you won't be left with less than your starting amount. if (dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO) { item->Amount = defitem->Amount; } else if (item->Amount > 1) { item->Amount = MAX(item->Amount / 2, defitem->Amount); } } } } } // Now destroy the default inventory this player is holding and move // over the old player's remaining inventory. DestroyAllInventory(); ObtainInventory (oldplayer); player->ReadyWeapon = NULL; PickNewWeapon (NULL); } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: GetSoundClass // //=========================================================================== const char *APlayerPawn::GetSoundClass () { if (player != NULL && (unsigned int)player->userinfo.skin >= PlayerClasses.Size () && (size_t)player->userinfo.skin < numskins) { return skins[player->userinfo.skin].name; } // [GRB] const char *sclass = GetClass ()->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_SoundClass); return sclass != NULL ? sclass : "player"; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: GetMaxHealth // // only needed because Boom screwed up Dehacked. // //=========================================================================== int APlayerPawn::GetMaxHealth() const { return MaxHealth > 0? MaxHealth : ((i_compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth); } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: UpdateWaterLevel // // Plays surfacing and diving sounds, as appropriate. // //=========================================================================== bool APlayerPawn::UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool splash) { int oldlevel = waterlevel; bool retval = Super::UpdateWaterLevel (oldz, splash); if (player != NULL) { if (oldlevel < 3 && waterlevel == 3) { // Our head just went under. S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*dive", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else if (oldlevel == 3 && waterlevel < 3) { // Our head just came up. if (player->air_finished > level.time) { // We hadn't run out of air yet. S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*surface", 1, ATTN_NORM); } // If we were running out of air, then ResetAirSupply() will play *gasp. } } return retval; } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: ResetAirSupply // // Gives the player a full "tank" of air. If they had previously completely // run out of air, also plays the *gasp sound. Returns true if the player // was drowning. // //=========================================================================== bool APlayerPawn::ResetAirSupply () { bool wasdrowning = (player->air_finished < level.time); if (wasdrowning) { S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*gasp", 1, ATTN_NORM); } player->air_finished = level.time + level.airsupply; return wasdrowning; } //=========================================================================== // // Animations // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::PlayIdle () { if (InStateSequence(state, SeeState)) SetState (SpawnState); } void APlayerPawn::PlayRunning () { if (InStateSequence(state, SpawnState) && SeeState != NULL) SetState (SeeState); } void APlayerPawn::PlayAttacking () { if (MissileState != NULL) SetState (MissileState); } void APlayerPawn::PlayAttacking2 () { if (MeleeState != NULL) SetState (MeleeState); } void APlayerPawn::ThrowPoisonBag () { } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: GiveDefaultInventory // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::GiveDefaultInventory () { // [GRB] Give inventory specified in DECORATE player->health = GetDefault ()->health; // HexenArmor must always be the first item in the inventory because // it provides player class based protection that should not affect // any other protection item. fixed_t hx[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { hx[i] = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed(APMETA_Hexenarmor0+i); } GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)); AHexenArmor *harmor = FindInventory(); harmor->Slots[4] = hx[0]; harmor->SlotsIncrement[0] = hx[1]; harmor->SlotsIncrement[1] = hx[2]; harmor->SlotsIncrement[2] = hx[3]; harmor->SlotsIncrement[3] = hx[4]; // BasicArmor must come right after that. It should not affect any // other protection item as well but needs to process the damage // before the HexenArmor does. ABasicArmor *barmor = Spawn (0,0,0, NO_REPLACE); barmor->BecomeItem (); barmor->SavePercent = 0; barmor->Amount = 0; AddInventory (barmor); // Now add the items from the DECORATE definition FDropItem *di = GetDropItems(RUNTIME_TYPE(this)); while (di) { const PClass *ti = PClass::FindClass (di->Name); if (ti) { AInventory *item = FindInventory (ti); if (item != NULL) { item->Amount = clamp( item->Amount + (di->amount ? di->amount : ((AInventory *)item->GetDefault ())->Amount), 0, item->MaxAmount); } else { item = static_cast(Spawn (ti, 0,0,0, NO_REPLACE)); item->ItemFlags|=IF_IGNORESKILL; // no skill multiplicators here item->Amount = di->amount; if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon))) { // To allow better control any weapon is emptied of // ammo before being given to the player. static_cast(item)->AmmoGive1 = static_cast(item)->AmmoGive2 = 0; } if (!item->TryPickup(this)) { item->Destroy (); item = NULL; } } if (item != NULL && item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon)) && static_cast(item)->CheckAmmo(AWeapon::EitherFire, false)) { player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = static_cast (item); } } di = di->Next; } } void APlayerPawn::MorphPlayerThink () { } void APlayerPawn::ActivateMorphWeapon () { const PClass *morphweapon = PClass::FindClass (MorphWeapon); player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONTOP; if (morphweapon == NULL || !morphweapon->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { // No weapon at all while morphed! player->ReadyWeapon = NULL; P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, NULL); } else { player->ReadyWeapon = static_cast(player->mo->FindInventory (morphweapon)); if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL) { player->ReadyWeapon = static_cast(player->mo->GiveInventoryType (morphweapon)); } if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->GetReadyState()); } else { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, NULL); } } P_SetPsprite (player, ps_flash, NULL); } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: Die // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor) { Super::Die (source, inflictor); if (player != NULL && player->mo == this) player->bonuscount = 0; if (player != NULL && player->mo != this) { // Make the real player die, too player->mo->Die (source, inflictor); } else { if (player != NULL && (dmflags2 & DF2_YES_WEAPONDROP)) { // Voodoo dolls don't drop weapons AWeapon *weap = player->ReadyWeapon; if (weap != NULL) { AInventory *item; if (weap->SpawnState != NULL && weap->SpawnState != &AActor::States[0] && weap->SpawnState != &AActor::States[AActor::S_NULL]) { item = P_DropItem (this, weap->GetClass(), -1, 256); if (item != NULL) { if (weap->AmmoGive1 && weap->Ammo1) { static_cast(item)->AmmoGive1 = weap->Ammo1->Amount; } if (weap->AmmoGive2 && weap->Ammo2) { static_cast(item)->AmmoGive2 = weap->Ammo2->Amount; } } } else { item = P_DropItem (this, weap->AmmoType1, -1, 256); if (item != NULL) { item->Amount = weap->Ammo1->Amount; } item = P_DropItem (this, weap->AmmoType2, -1, 256); if (item != NULL) { item->Amount = weap->Ammo2->Amount; } } } } if (!multiplayer && (level.flags & LEVEL_DEATHSLIDESHOW)) { F_StartSlideshow (); } } } //=========================================================================== // // APlayerPawn :: TweakSpeeds // //=========================================================================== void APlayerPawn::TweakSpeeds (int &forward, int &side) { // Strife's player can't run when its healh is below 10 if (health <= RunHealth) { forward = clamp(forward, -0x1900, 0x1900); side = clamp(side, -0x1800, 0x1800); } // [GRB] if ((unsigned int)(forward + 0x31ff) < 0x63ff) { forward = FixedMul (forward, ForwardMove1); } else { forward = FixedMul (forward, ForwardMove2); } if ((unsigned int)(side + 0x27ff) < 0x4fff) { side = FixedMul (side, SideMove1); } else { side = FixedMul (side, SideMove2); } if (!player->morphTics && Inventory != NULL) { fixed_t factor = Inventory->GetSpeedFactor (); forward = FixedMul(forward, factor); side = FixedMul(side, factor); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_PlayerScream // // try to find the appropriate death sound and use suitable // replacements if necessary // //=========================================================================== void A_PlayerScream (AActor *self) { int sound = 0; int chan = CHAN_VOICE; if (self->player == NULL || self->DeathSound != 0) { S_SoundID (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); return; } // Handle the different player death screams if ((((level.flags >> 15) | (dmflags)) & (DF_FORCE_FALLINGZD | DF_FORCE_FALLINGHX)) && self->momz <= -39*FRACUNIT) { sound = S_FindSkinnedSound (self, "*splat"); chan = CHAN_BODY; } if (!sound && self->special1<10) { // Wimpy death sound sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*wimpydeath", self->player->LastDamageType); } if (!sound && self->health <= -50) { if (self->health > -100) { // Crazy death sound sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*crazydeath", self->player->LastDamageType); } if (!sound) { // Extreme death sound sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*xdeath", self->player->LastDamageType); if (!sound) { sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*gibbed", self->player->LastDamageType); chan = CHAN_BODY; } } } if (!sound) { // Normal death sound sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*death", self->player->LastDamageType); } if (chan != CHAN_VOICE) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // Stop most playing sounds from this player. // This is mainly to stop *land from messing up *splat. if (i != CHAN_WEAPON && i != CHAN_VOICE) { S_StopSound (self, i); } } } S_SoundID (self, chan, sound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_SkullPop // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_SkullPop (AActor *actor) { APlayerPawn *mo; player_t *player; // [GRB] Parameterized version const PClass *spawntype = NULL; int index = CheckIndex (1, NULL); if (index >= 0) spawntype = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); if (!spawntype || !spawntype->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (APlayerChunk))) { spawntype = PClass::FindClass("BloodySkull"); if (spawntype == NULL) return; } actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; mo = (APlayerPawn *)Spawn (spawntype, actor->x, actor->y, actor->z + 48*FRACUNIT, NO_REPLACE); //mo->target = actor; mo->momx = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9; mo->momy = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9; mo->momz = 2*FRACUNIT + (pr_skullpop() << 6); // Attach player mobj to bloody skull player = actor->player; actor->player = NULL; mo->ObtainInventory (actor); mo->player = player; mo->health = actor->health; mo->angle = actor->angle; if (player != NULL) { player->mo = mo; if (player->camera == actor) { player->camera = mo; } player->damagecount = 32; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_CheckSkullDone // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_CheckPlayerDone (AActor *actor) { if (actor->player == NULL) { actor->Destroy (); } } //=========================================================================== // // P_CheckPlayerSprites // // Here's the place where crouching sprites are handled // This must be called each frame before rendering // //=========================================================================== void P_CheckPlayerSprites() { for(int i=0; imo; if (playeringame[i] && mo != NULL) { int crouchspriteno; fixed_t defscaleY = mo->GetDefault()->scaleY; if (player->userinfo.skin != 0) { defscaleY = skins[player->userinfo.skin].Scale; } // Set the crouch sprite if (player->crouchfactor < FRACUNIT*3/4) { if (mo->sprite == mo->SpawnState->sprite.index || mo->sprite == mo->crouchsprite) { crouchspriteno = mo->crouchsprite; } else if (mo->sprite == skins[player->userinfo.skin].sprite || mo->sprite == skins[player->userinfo.skin].crouchsprite) { crouchspriteno = skins[player->userinfo.skin].crouchsprite; } else { // no sprite -> squash the existing one crouchspriteno = -1; } if (crouchspriteno > 0) { mo->sprite = crouchspriteno; mo->scaleY = defscaleY; } else if (player->playerstate != PST_DEAD) { mo->scaleY = player->crouchfactor < FRACUNIT*3/4 ? defscaleY/2 : defscaleY; } } else // Set the normal sprite { if (mo->sprite == mo->crouchsprite) { mo->sprite = mo->SpawnState->sprite.index; } else if (mo->sprite == skins[player->userinfo.skin].crouchsprite) { mo->sprite = skins[player->userinfo.skin].sprite; } mo->scaleY = defscaleY; } } } } /* ================== = = P_Thrust = = moves the given origin along a given angle = ================== */ void P_SideThrust (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) { angle = (angle - ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; player->mo->momx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]); player->mo->momy += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]); } void P_ForwardThrust (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) { angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; if ((player->mo->waterlevel || (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) && player->mo->pitch != 0) { angle_t pitch = (angle_t)player->mo->pitch >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t zpush = FixedMul (move, finesine[pitch]); if (player->mo->waterlevel && player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && zpush < 0) zpush = 0; player->mo->momz -= zpush; move = FixedMul (move, finecosine[pitch]); } player->mo->momx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]); player->mo->momy += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]); } // // P_Bob // Same as P_Thrust, but only affects bobbing. // // killough 10/98: We apply thrust separately between the real physical player // and the part which affects bobbing. This way, bobbing only comes from player // motion, nothing external, avoiding many problems, e.g. bobbing should not // occur on conveyors, unless the player walks on one, and bobbing should be // reduced at a regular rate, even on ice (where the player coasts). // void P_Bob (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) { angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; player->momx += FixedMul(move,finecosine[angle]); player->momy += FixedMul(move,finesine[angle]); } /* ================== = = P_CalcHeight = = Calculate the walking / running height adjustment = ================== */ void P_CalcHeight (player_t *player) { int angle; fixed_t bob; bool still = false; // Regular movement bobbing // (needs to be calculated for gun swing even if not on ground) // OPTIMIZE: tablify angle // killough 10/98: Make bobbing depend only on player-applied motion. // // Note: don't reduce bobbing here if on ice: if you reduce bobbing here, // it causes bobbing jerkiness when the player moves from ice to non-ice, // and vice-versa. if ((player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && !onground) { player->bob = FRACUNIT / 2; } else { player->bob = DMulScale16 (player->momx, player->momx, player->momy, player->momy); if (player->bob == 0) { still = true; } else { player->bob = FixedMul (player->bob, player->userinfo.MoveBob); if (player->bob > MAXBOB) player->bob = MAXBOB; } } fixed_t defaultviewheight = player->mo->ViewHeight + player->crouchviewdelta; if (player->cheats & CF_NOMOMENTUM) { player->viewz = player->mo->z + defaultviewheight; if (player->viewz > player->mo->ceilingz-4*FRACUNIT) player->viewz = player->mo->ceilingz-4*FRACUNIT; return; } if (still) { if (player->health > 0) { angle = DivScale13 (level.time, 120*TICRATE/35) & FINEMASK; bob = FixedMul (player->userinfo.StillBob, finesine[angle]); } else { bob = 0; } } else { // DivScale 13 because FINEANGLES == (1<<13) angle = DivScale13 (level.time, 20*TICRATE/35) & FINEMASK; bob = FixedMul (player->bob>>(player->mo->waterlevel > 1 ? 2 : 1), finesine[angle]); } // move viewheight if (player->playerstate == PST_LIVE) { player->viewheight += player->deltaviewheight; if (player->viewheight > defaultviewheight) { player->viewheight = defaultviewheight; player->deltaviewheight = 0; } else if (player->viewheight < (defaultviewheight>>1)) { player->viewheight = defaultviewheight>>1; if (player->deltaviewheight <= 0) player->deltaviewheight = 1; } if (player->deltaviewheight) { player->deltaviewheight += FRACUNIT/4; if (!player->deltaviewheight) player->deltaviewheight = 1; } } if (player->morphTics) { bob = 0; } player->viewz = player->mo->z + player->viewheight + bob; if (player->mo->floorclip && player->playerstate != PST_DEAD && player->mo->z <= player->mo->floorz) { player->viewz -= player->mo->floorclip; } if (player->viewz > player->mo->ceilingz - 4*FRACUNIT) { player->viewz = player->mo->ceilingz - 4*FRACUNIT; } if (player->viewz < player->mo->floorz + 4*FRACUNIT) { player->viewz = player->mo->floorz + 4*FRACUNIT; } } /* ================= = = P_MovePlayer = ================= */ CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, sv_aircontrol, 0.00390625f, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSAVE) { level.aircontrol = (fixed_t)(self * 65536.f); G_AirControlChanged (); } void P_MovePlayer (player_t *player) { ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd; APlayerPawn *mo = player->mo; // [RH] 180-degree turn overrides all other yaws if (player->turnticks) { player->turnticks--; mo->angle += (ANGLE_180 / TURN180_TICKS); } else { mo->angle += cmd->ucmd.yaw << 16; } onground = (mo->z <= mo->floorz) || (mo->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ); // killough 10/98: // // We must apply thrust to the player and bobbing separately, to avoid // anomalies. The thrust applied to bobbing is always the same strength on // ice, because the player still "works just as hard" to move, while the // thrust applied to the movement varies with 'movefactor'. if (cmd->ucmd.forwardmove | cmd->ucmd.sidemove) { fixed_t forwardmove, sidemove; int bobfactor; int friction, movefactor; int fm, sm; movefactor = P_GetMoveFactor (mo, &friction); bobfactor = friction < ORIG_FRICTION ? movefactor : ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR; if (!onground && !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && !player->mo->waterlevel) { // [RH] allow very limited movement if not on ground. movefactor = FixedMul (movefactor, level.aircontrol); bobfactor = FixedMul (bobfactor, level.aircontrol); } fm = cmd->ucmd.forwardmove; sm = cmd->ucmd.sidemove; mo->TweakSpeeds (fm, sm); fm = FixedMul (fm, player->mo->Speed); sm = FixedMul (sm, player->mo->Speed); // When crouching speed and bobbing have to be reduced if (player->morphTics==0 && player->crouchfactor != FRACUNIT) { fm = FixedMul(fm, player->crouchfactor); sm = FixedMul(sm, player->crouchfactor); bobfactor = FixedMul(bobfactor, player->crouchfactor); } forwardmove = Scale (fm, movefactor * 35, TICRATE << 8); sidemove = Scale (sm, movefactor * 35, TICRATE << 8); if (forwardmove) { P_Bob (player, mo->angle, (cmd->ucmd.forwardmove * bobfactor) >> 8); P_ForwardThrust (player, mo->angle, forwardmove); } if (sidemove) { P_Bob (player, mo->angle-ANG90, (cmd->ucmd.sidemove * bobfactor) >> 8); P_SideThrust (player, mo->angle, sidemove); } if (debugfile) { fprintf (debugfile, "move player for pl %d%c: (%d,%d,%d) (%d,%d) %d %d w%d [", player-players, player->cheats&CF_PREDICTING?'p':' ', player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z,forwardmove, sidemove, movefactor, friction, player->mo->waterlevel); msecnode_t *n = player->mo->touching_sectorlist; while (n != NULL) { fprintf (debugfile, "%d ", n->m_sector-sectors); n = n->m_tnext; } fprintf (debugfile, "]\n"); } if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING) && (forwardmove|sidemove)) { player->mo->PlayRunning (); } if (player->cheats & CF_REVERTPLEASE) { player->cheats &= ~CF_REVERTPLEASE; player->camera = player->mo; } } } //========================================================================== // // P_FallingDamage // //========================================================================== void P_FallingDamage (AActor *actor) { int damagestyle; int damage; fixed_t mom; damagestyle = ((level.flags >> 15) | (dmflags)) & (DF_FORCE_FALLINGZD | DF_FORCE_FALLINGHX); if (damagestyle == 0) return; mom = abs (actor->momz); // Since Hexen falling damage is stronger than ZDoom's, it takes // precedence. ZDoom falling damage may not be as strong, but it // gets felt sooner. switch (damagestyle) { case DF_FORCE_FALLINGHX: // Hexen falling damage if (mom <= 23*FRACUNIT) { // Not fast enough to hurt return; } if (mom >= 63*FRACUNIT) { // automatic death damage = 1000000; } else { mom = FixedMul (mom, 16*FRACUNIT/23); damage = ((FixedMul (mom, mom) / 10) >> FRACBITS) - 24; if (actor->momz > -39*FRACUNIT && damage > actor->health && actor->health != 1) { // No-death threshold damage = actor->health-1; } } break; case DF_FORCE_FALLINGZD: // ZDoom falling damage if (mom <= 19*FRACUNIT) { // Not fast enough to hurt return; } if (mom >= 84*FRACUNIT) { // automatic death damage = 1000000; } else { damage = ((MulScale23 (mom, mom*11) >> FRACBITS) - 30) / 2; if (damage < 1) { damage = 1; } } break; case DF_FORCE_FALLINGST: // Strife falling damage if (mom <= 20*FRACUNIT) { // Not fast enough to hurt return; } // The minimum amount of damage you take from falling in Strife // is 52. Ouch! damage = mom / 25000; break; default: return; } if (actor->player) { S_Sound (actor, CHAN_AUTO, "*land", 1, ATTN_NORM); P_NoiseAlert (actor, actor, true); if (damage == 1000000 && (actor->player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)) { damage = 999; } } P_DamageMobj (actor, NULL, NULL, damage, NAME_Falling); } //========================================================================== // // P_DeathThink // //========================================================================== void P_DeathThink (player_t *player) { int dir; angle_t delta; int lookDelta; P_MovePsprites (player); onground = (player->mo->z <= player->mo->floorz); if (player->mo->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerChunk))) { // Flying bloody skull or flying ice chunk player->viewheight = 6 * FRACUNIT; player->deltaviewheight = 0; if (onground) { if (player->mo->pitch > -(int)ANGLE_1*19) { lookDelta = (-(int)ANGLE_1*19 - player->mo->pitch) / 8; player->mo->pitch += lookDelta; } } } else if (!(player->mo->flags & MF_ICECORPSE)) { // Fall to ground (if not frozen) player->deltaviewheight = 0; if (player->viewheight > 6*FRACUNIT) { player->viewheight -= FRACUNIT; } if (player->viewheight < 6*FRACUNIT) { player->viewheight = 6*FRACUNIT; } if (player->mo->pitch < 0) { player->mo->pitch += ANGLE_1*3; } else if (player->mo->pitch > 0) { player->mo->pitch -= ANGLE_1*3; } if (abs(player->mo->pitch) < ANGLE_1*3) { player->mo->pitch = 0; } } P_CalcHeight (player); if (player->attacker && player->attacker != player->mo) { // Watch killer dir = P_FaceMobj (player->mo, player->attacker, &delta); if (delta < ANGLE_1*10) { // Looking at killer, so fade damage and poison counters if (player->damagecount) { player->damagecount--; } if (player->poisoncount) { player->poisoncount--; } } delta /= 8; if (delta > ANGLE_1*5) { delta = ANGLE_1*5; } if (dir) { // Turn clockwise player->mo->angle += delta; } else { // Turn counter clockwise player->mo->angle -= delta; } } else { if (player->damagecount) { player->damagecount--; } if (player->poisoncount) { player->poisoncount--; } } if ((player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_USE || ((deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) && (dmflags & DF_FORCE_RESPAWN))) && !(dmflags2 & DF2_NO_RESPAWN)) { if (level.time >= player->respawn_time || ((player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_USE) && !player->isbot)) { player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class player->playerstate = multiplayer ? PST_REBORN : PST_ENTER; if (player->mo->special1 > 2) { player->mo->special1 = 0; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_CrouchMove // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_CrouchMove(player_t * player, int direction) { fixed_t defaultheight = player->mo->GetDefault()->height; fixed_t savedheight = player->mo->height; fixed_t crouchspeed = direction * CROUCHSPEED; fixed_t oldheight = player->viewheight; player->crouchdir = (signed char) direction; player->crouchfactor += crouchspeed; // check whether the move is ok player->mo->height = FixedMul(defaultheight, player->crouchfactor); if (!P_TryMove(player->mo, player->mo->x, player->mo->y, false, false)) { player->mo->height = savedheight; if (direction > 0) { // doesn't fit player->crouchfactor -= crouchspeed; return; } } player->mo->height = savedheight; player->crouchfactor = clamp(player->crouchfactor, FRACUNIT/2, FRACUNIT); player->viewheight = FixedMul(player->mo->ViewHeight, player->crouchfactor); player->crouchviewdelta = player->viewheight - player->mo->ViewHeight; // Check for eyes going above/below fake floor due to crouching motion. P_CheckFakeFloorTriggers(player->mo, player->mo->z + oldheight, true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_PlayerThink // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player) { ticcmd_t *cmd; if (player->mo == NULL) { I_Error ("No player %d start\n", player - players + 1); } if (debugfile && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { fprintf (debugfile, "tic %d for pl %d: (%d, %d, %d, %u) b:%02x p:%d y:%d f:%d s:%d u:%d\n", gametic, player-players, player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, player->mo->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT, player->cmd.ucmd.buttons, player->cmd.ucmd.pitch, player->cmd.ucmd.yaw, player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove, player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove, player->cmd.ucmd.upmove); } // [RH] Zoom the player's FOV if (player->FOV != player->DesiredFOV) { if (fabsf (player->FOV - player->DesiredFOV) < 7.f) { player->FOV = player->DesiredFOV; } else { float zoom = MAX(7.f, fabsf (player->FOV - player->DesiredFOV) * 0.025f); if (player->FOV > player->DesiredFOV) { player->FOV = player->FOV - zoom; } else { player->FOV = player->FOV + zoom; } } } if (player->inventorytics) { player->inventorytics--; } // No-clip cheat if (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP) { player->mo->flags |= MF_NOCLIP; } else { player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOCLIP; } cmd = &player->cmd; if (player->mo->flags & MF_JUSTATTACKED) { // Chainsaw/Gauntlets attack auto forward motion cmd->ucmd.yaw = 0; cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0xc800/2; cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0; player->mo->flags &= ~MF_JUSTATTACKED; } // [RH] Being totally frozen zeros out most input parameters. if (player->cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { cmd->ucmd.buttons = 0; } else { cmd->ucmd.buttons &= BT_USE; } cmd->ucmd.pitch = 0; cmd->ucmd.yaw = 0; cmd->ucmd.roll = 0; cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0; cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0; cmd->ucmd.upmove = 0; player->turnticks = 0; } else if (player->cheats & CF_FROZEN) { cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0; cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0; cmd->ucmd.upmove = 0; } // Handle crouching if (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_JUMP) player->cmd.ucmd.buttons &= ~BT_DUCK; if (player->morphTics == 0 && player->health > 0 && level.IsCrouchingAllowed()) { if (!(player->cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN)) { int crouchdir = player->crouching; if (crouchdir==0) { crouchdir = (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_DUCK)? -1 : 1; } else if (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_DUCK) { player->crouching=0; } if (crouchdir == 1 && player->crouchfactor < FRACUNIT && player->mo->z + player->mo->height < player->mo->ceilingz) { P_CrouchMove(player, 1); } else if (crouchdir == -1 && player->crouchfactor > FRACUNIT/2) { P_CrouchMove(player, -1); } } } else { player->Uncrouch(); } player->crouchoffset = -FixedMul(player->mo->ViewHeight, (FRACUNIT - player->crouchfactor)); if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD) { player->Uncrouch(); P_DeathThink (player); return; } if (player->jumpTics) { player->jumpTics--; } if (player->morphTics && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { player->mo->MorphPlayerThink (); } // [RH] Look up/down stuff if (!level.IsFreelookAllowed()) { player->mo->pitch = 0; } else { int look = cmd->ucmd.pitch << 16; // The player's view pitch is clamped between -32 and +56 degrees, // which translates to about half a screen height up and (more than) // one full screen height down from straight ahead when view panning // is used. if (look) { if (look == -32768 << 16) { // center view player->mo->pitch = 0; } else { player->mo->pitch -= look; if (look > 0) { // look up if (player->mo->pitch < -ANGLE_1*MAX_UP_ANGLE) player->mo->pitch = -ANGLE_1*MAX_UP_ANGLE; } else { // look down if (player->mo->pitch > ANGLE_1*MAX_DN_ANGLE) player->mo->pitch = ANGLE_1*MAX_DN_ANGLE; } } } } // [RH] Check for fast turn around if (cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_TURN180 && !(player->oldbuttons & BT_TURN180)) { player->turnticks = TURN180_TICKS; } // Handle movement if (player->mo->reactiontime) { // Player is frozen player->mo->reactiontime--; } else { P_MovePlayer (player); // [RH] check for jump if (cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_JUMP) { if (player->crouchoffset!=0) { // Jumping while crouching will force an un-crouch but not jump player->crouching = 1; } else if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2) { player->mo->momz = 4*FRACUNIT; } else if (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) { player->mo->momz = 3*FRACUNIT; } else if (level.IsJumpingAllowed() && onground && !player->jumpTics) { fixed_t jumpmomz = player->mo->JumpZ * 35 / TICRATE; // [BC] If the player has the high jump power, double his jump velocity. if ( player->cheats & CF_HIGHJUMP ) jumpmomz *= 2; player->mo->momz += jumpmomz; S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_BODY, "*jump", 1, ATTN_NORM); player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_ONMOBJ; player->jumpTics = 18*TICRATE/35; } } if (cmd->ucmd.upmove == -32768) { // Only land if in the air if ((player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && player->mo->waterlevel < 2) { //player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_FLY; player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; } } else if (cmd->ucmd.upmove != 0) { // Clamp the speed to some reasonable maximum. int magnitude = abs (cmd->ucmd.upmove); if (magnitude > 0x300) { cmd->ucmd.upmove = ksgn (cmd->ucmd.upmove) * 0x300; } if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2 || (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY)) { player->mo->momz = cmd->ucmd.upmove << 9; if (player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { player->mo->flags2 |= MF2_FLY; player->mo->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; if (player->mo->momz <= -39*FRACUNIT) { // Stop falling scream S_StopSound (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE); } } } else if (cmd->ucmd.upmove > 0 && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { AInventory *fly = player->mo->FindInventory (NAME_ArtiFly); if (fly != NULL) { player->mo->UseInventory (fly); } } } } P_CalcHeight (player); if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { if (player->mo->Sector->special || player->mo->Sector->damage) { P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player); } P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player, P_GetThingFloorType (player->mo)); if (player->mo->momz <= -35*FRACUNIT && player->mo->momz >= -40*FRACUNIT && !player->morphTics && player->mo->waterlevel == 0) { int id = S_FindSkinnedSound (player->mo, "*falling"); if (id != 0 && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE, id)) { S_SoundID (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE, id, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } // check for use if ((cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_USE) && !(player->oldbuttons & BT_USE)) { P_UseLines (player); } // Morph counter if (player->morphTics) { if (player->chickenPeck) { // Chicken attack counter player->chickenPeck -= 3; } if (!--player->morphTics) { // Attempt to undo the chicken/pig P_UndoPlayerMorph (player); } } // Cycle psprites P_MovePsprites (player); // Other Counters if (player->damagecount) player->damagecount--; if (player->bonuscount) player->bonuscount--; if (player->hazardcount) { player->hazardcount--; if (!(level.time & 31) && player->hazardcount > 16*TICRATE) P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, 5, NAME_Slime); } if (player->poisoncount && !(level.time & 15)) { player->poisoncount -= 5; if (player->poisoncount < 0) { player->poisoncount = 0; } P_PoisonDamage (player, player->poisoner, 1, true); } // [BC] Apply regeneration. if (( level.time & 31 ) == 0 && ( player->cheats & CF_REGENERATION ) && ( player->health )) { if ( P_GiveBody( player->mo, 5 )) { S_Sound(player->mo, CHAN_ITEM, "*regenerate", 1, ATTN_NORM ); } } // Apply degeneration. if (dmflags2 & DF2_YES_DEGENERATION) { if ((gametic % TICRATE) == 0 && player->health > deh.MaxHealth) { if (player->health - 5 < deh.MaxHealth) player->health = deh.MaxHealth; else player->health--; player->mo->health = player->health; } } // Handle air supply if (level.airsupply > 0) { if (player->mo->waterlevel < 3 || (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) || (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)) { player->mo->ResetAirSupply (); } else if (player->air_finished <= level.time && !(level.time & 31)) { P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, 2 + ((level.time-player->air_finished)/TICRATE), NAME_Drowning); } } } // Save buttons player->oldbuttons = cmd->ucmd.buttons; } void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player) { int maxtic; if (cl_noprediction || singletics || demoplayback || player->mo == NULL || player != &players[consoleplayer] || player->playerstate != PST_LIVE || !netgame || /*player->morphTics ||*/ (player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { return; } maxtic = maketic; if (gametic == maxtic) { return; } // Save original values for restoration later PredictionPlayerBackup = *player; AActor *act = player->mo; memcpy (PredictionActorBackup, &act->x, sizeof(AActor)-((BYTE *)&act->x-(BYTE *)act)); act->flags &= ~MF_PICKUP; act->flags2 &= ~MF2_PUSHWALL; player->cheats |= CF_PREDICTING; // The ordering of the touching_sectorlist needs to remain unchanged msecnode_t *mnode = act->touching_sectorlist; PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Clear (); while (mnode != NULL) { PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Push (mnode->m_sector); mnode = mnode->m_tnext; } // Blockmap ordering also needs to stay the same, so unlink the block nodes // without releasing them. (They will be used again in P_UnpredictPlayer). FBlockNode *block = act->BlockNode; while (block != NULL) { if (block->NextActor != NULL) { block->NextActor->PrevActor = block->PrevActor; } *(block->PrevActor) = block->NextActor; block = block->NextBlock; } act->BlockNode = NULL; for (int i = gametic; i < maxtic; ++i) { player->cmd = localcmds[i % LOCALCMDTICS]; P_PlayerThink (player); player->mo->Tick (); } } extern msecnode_t *P_AddSecnode (sector_t *s, AActor *thing, msecnode_t *nextnode); void P_UnPredictPlayer () { player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer]; if (player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING) { AActor *act = player->mo; *player = PredictionPlayerBackup; act->UnlinkFromWorld (); memcpy (&act->x, PredictionActorBackup, sizeof(AActor)-((BYTE *)&act->x-(BYTE *)act)); // Make the sector_list match the player's touching_sectorlist before it got predicted. P_DelSeclist (sector_list); sector_list = NULL; for (unsigned int i = PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Size (); i-- > 0; ) { sector_list = P_AddSecnode (PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup[i], act, sector_list); } // The blockmap ordering needs to remain unchanged, too. Right now, act has the right // pointers, so temporarily set its MF_NOBLOCKMAP flag so that LinkToWorld() does not // mess with them. act->flags |= MF_NOBLOCKMAP; act->LinkToWorld (); act->flags &= ~MF_NOBLOCKMAP; // Now fix the pointers in the blocknode chain FBlockNode *block = act->BlockNode; while (block != NULL) { *(block->PrevActor) = block; if (block->NextActor != NULL) { block->NextActor->PrevActor = &block->NextActor; } block = block->NextBlock; } } } void player_s::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { int i; arc << cls << mo << camera << playerstate << cmd << userinfo << DesiredFOV << FOV << viewz << viewheight << deltaviewheight << bob << momx << momy << centering << health << inventorytics << pieces << backpack << fragcount << spreecount << multicount << lastkilltime << ReadyWeapon << PendingWeapon << cheats << refire << inconsistant << killcount << itemcount << secretcount << damagecount << bonuscount << hazardcount << poisoncount << poisoner << attacker << extralight << fixedcolormap << morphTics << PremorphWeapon << chickenPeck << jumpTics << respawn_time << air_finished << turnticks << oldbuttons << isbot << BlendR << BlendG << BlendB << BlendA << accuracy << stamina << LogText; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) arc << frags[i]; for (i = 0; i < NUMPSPRITES; i++) arc << psprites[i]; arc << CurrentPlayerClass; arc << crouchfactor << crouching << crouchdir << crouchviewdelta; if (isbot) { arc << angle << dest << prev << enemy << missile << mate << last_mate << skill << t_active << t_respawn << t_strafe << t_react << t_fight << t_roam << t_rocket << first_shot << sleft << allround << oldx << oldy; } else { dest = prev = enemy = missile = mate = last_mate = NULL; } if (arc.IsLoading ()) { // If the player reloaded because they pressed +use after dying, we // don't want +use to still be down after the game is loaded. oldbuttons = ~0; } }