/* ** conversationmenu.txt ** The Strife dialogue display ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010-2017 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ struct StrifeDialogueNode native version("2.4") { native Class<Actor> DropType; native int ThisNodeNum; native int ItemCheckNode; native Class<Actor> SpeakerType; native String SpeakerName; native Sound SpeakerVoice; native String Backdrop; native String Dialogue; native String Goodbye; native StrifeDialogueReply Children; native Name MenuClassName; native String UserData; } // FStrifeDialogueReply holds responses the player can give to the NPC struct StrifeDialogueReply native version("2.4") { native StrifeDialogueReply Next; native Class<Actor> GiveType; native int ActionSpecial; native int Args[5]; native int PrintAmount; native String Reply; native String QuickYes; native String QuickNo; native String LogString; native int NextNode; // index into StrifeDialogues native int LogNumber; native bool NeedsGold; native bool ShouldSkipReply(PlayerInfo player); } class ConversationMenu : Menu { String mSpeaker; BrokenLines mDialogueLines; Array<String> mResponseLines; Array<uint> mResponses; bool mShowGold; bool mHasBackdrop; bool mConfineTextToBackdrop; StrifeDialogueNode mCurNode; int mYpos; PlayerInfo mPlayer; int mSelection; int ConversationPauseTic; int LineHeight; int ReplyLineHeight; Font displayFont; int speechDisplayWidth; int displayWidth; int displayHeight; int fontScale; int refwidth; int refheight; Array<double> ypositions; int SpeechWidth; int ReplyWidth; native static void SendConversationReply(int node, int reply); const NUM_RANDOM_LINES = 10; const NUM_RANDOM_GOODBYES = 3; //============================================================================= // // returns the y position of the replies box for positioning the terminal response. // //============================================================================= virtual int Init(StrifeDialogueNode CurNode, PlayerInfo player, int activereply) { mCurNode = CurNode; mPlayer = player; mShowGold = false; ConversationPauseTic = gametic + 20; DontDim = true; let tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture (CurNode.Backdrop, TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); mHasBackdrop = tex.isValid(); DontBlur = !mHasBackdrop; if (!generic_ui && !dlg_vgafont) { displayFont = SmallFont; displayWidth = CleanWidth; displayHeight = CleanHeight; fontScale = CleanXfac; refwidth = 320; refheight = 200; ReplyWidth = 320-50-10; SpeechWidth = screen.GetWidth()/CleanXfac - 24*2; ReplyLineHeight = LineHeight = displayFont.GetHeight(); mConfineTextToBackdrop = false; speechDisplayWidth = displayWidth; } else { displayFont = NewSmallFont; fontScale = (CleanXfac+1) / 2; refwidth = 640; refheight = 400; ReplyWidth = 640-100-20; displayWidth = screen.GetWidth() / fontScale; displayHeight = screen.GetHeight() / fontScale; let aspect = Screen.GetAspectRatio(); if (!mHasBackdrop || aspect <= 1.3334) { SpeechWidth = screen.GetWidth()/fontScale - (24*3 * CleanXfac / fontScale); mConfineTextToBackdrop = false; speechDisplayWidth = displayWidth; } else { speechDisplayWidth = int(Screen.GetHeight() * 1.3333 / fontScale); SpeechWidth = speechDisplayWidth - (24*3 * CleanXfac / fontScale); mConfineTextToBackdrop = true; } LineHeight = displayFont.GetHeight() + 2; ReplyLineHeight = LineHeight * fontScale / CleanYfac; } FormatSpeakerMessage(); return FormatReplies(activereply); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= virtual int FormatReplies(int activereply) { mSelection = -1; StrifeDialogueReply reply; int r = -1; int i = 1,j; for (reply = mCurNode.Children; reply != NULL; reply = reply.Next) { r++; if (reply.ShouldSkipReply(mPlayer)) { continue; } if (activereply == r) mSelection = i - 1; mShowGold |= reply.NeedsGold; let ReplyText = Stringtable.Localize(reply.Reply); if (reply.NeedsGold) { ReplyText.AppendFormat(" %s", Stringtable.Localize("$TXT_TRADE")); let amount = String.Format("%u", reply.PrintAmount); ReplyText.Replace("%u", amount); } let ReplyLines = displayFont.BreakLines (ReplyText, ReplyWidth); mResponses.Push(mResponseLines.Size()); for (j = 0; j < ReplyLines.Count(); ++j) { mResponseLines.Push(ReplyLines.StringAt(j)); } ++i; ReplyLines.Destroy(); } if (mSelection == -1) { mSelection = r < activereply ? r + 1 : 0; } let goodbyestr = mCurNode.Goodbye; if (goodbyestr.Length() == 0) { goodbyestr = String.Format("$TXT_RANDOMGOODBYE_%d", Random[RandomSpeech](1, NUM_RANDOM_GOODBYES)); } else if (goodbyestr.Left(7) == "RANDOM_") { goodbyestr = String.Format("$TXT_%s_%02d", goodbyestr, Random[RandomSpeech](1, NUM_RANDOM_LINES)); } goodbyestr = Stringtable.Localize(goodbyestr); if (goodbyestr.Length() == 0 || goodbyestr.Left(1) == "$") goodbyestr = "Bye."; mResponses.Push(mResponseLines.Size()); mResponseLines.Push(goodbyestr); // Determine where the top of the reply list should be positioned. mYpos = MIN (140, 192 - mResponseLines.Size() * ReplyLineHeight); i = 44 + mResponseLines.Size() * ReplyLineHeight; if (mYpos - 100 < i - screen.GetHeight() / CleanYfac / 2) { mYpos = i - screen.GetHeight() / CleanYfac / 2 + 100; } if (mSelection >= mResponses.Size()) { mSelection = mResponses.Size() - 1; } return mYpos; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= virtual void FormatSpeakerMessage() { // Format the speaker's message. String toSay = mCurNode.Dialogue; if (toSay.Left(7) == "RANDOM_") { let dlgtext = String.Format("$TXT_%s_%02d", toSay, random[RandomSpeech](1, NUM_RANDOM_LINES)); toSay = Stringtable.Localize(dlgtext); if (toSay.Left(1) == "$") toSay = Stringtable.Localize("$TXT_GOAWAY"); } else { // handle string table replacement toSay = Stringtable.Localize(toSay); } if (toSay.Length() == 0) { toSay = "."; } mDialogueLines = displayFont.BreakLines(toSay, SpeechWidth); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void OnDestroy() { if (mDialogueLines != null) mDialogueLines.Destroy(); SetMusicVolume (Level.MusicVolume); Super.OnDestroy(); } protected int GetReplyNum() { // This is needed because mSelection represents the replies currently being displayed which will // not match up with what's supposed to be selected if there are any hidden/skipped replies. [FishyClockwork] let reply = mCurNode.Children; int replynum = mSelection; for (int i = 0; i <= mSelection && reply != null; reply = reply.Next) { if (reply.ShouldSkipReply(mPlayer)) replynum++; else i++; } return replynum; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller) { if (demoplayback) { // During demo playback, don't let the user do anything besides close this menu. if (mkey == MKEY_Back) { Close(); return true; } return false; } if (mkey == MKEY_Up) { if (--mSelection < 0) mSelection = mResponses.Size() - 1; return true; } else if (mkey == MKEY_Down) { if (++mSelection >= mResponses.Size()) mSelection = 0; return true; } else if (mkey == MKEY_Back) { SendConversationReply(-1, GetReplyNum()); Close(); return true; } else if (mkey == MKEY_Enter) { int replynum = GetReplyNum(); if (mSelection >= mResponses.Size()) { SendConversationReply(-2, replynum); } else { // Send dialogue and reply numbers across the wire. SendConversationReply(mCurNode.ThisNodeNum, replynum); } Close(); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) { int sel = -1; int fh = LineHeight; // convert x/y from screen to virtual coordinates, according to CleanX/Yfac use in DrawTexture x = ((x - (screen.GetWidth() / 2)) / fontScale) + refWidth/2; if (x >= 24 && x <= refWidth-24) { for (int i = 0; i < ypositions.Size()-1; i++) { if (y > ypositions[i] && y <= ypositions[i+1]) { sel = i; break; } } } mSelection = sel; if (type == MOUSE_Release) { return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, true); } return true; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool OnUIEvent(UIEvent ev) { if (demoplayback) { // No interaction during demo playback return false; } if (ev.type == UIEvent.Type_Char && ev.KeyChar >= 48 && ev.KeyChar <= 57) { // Activate an item of type numberedmore (dialogue only) mSelection = ev.KeyChar == 48 ? 9 : ev.KeyChar - 49; return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, false); } return Super.OnUIEvent(ev); } //============================================================================ // // Draw the backdrop, returns true if the text background should be dimmed // //============================================================================ virtual bool DrawBackdrop() { let tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture (mCurNode.Backdrop, TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); if (tex.isValid()) { screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 0, 0, DTA_320x200, true); return false; } return true; } //============================================================================ // // Draw the speaker text // //============================================================================ virtual void DrawSpeakerText(bool dimbg) { String speakerName; int linesize = LineHeight * fontScale; int cnt = mDialogueLines.Count(); // Who is talking to you? if (mCurNode.SpeakerName.Length() > 0) { speakerName = Stringtable.Localize(mCurNode.SpeakerName); } else { speakerName = players[consoleplayer].ConversationNPC.GetTag("$TXT_PERSON"); } // Dim the screen behind the dialogue (but only if there is no backdrop). if (dimbg) { int x = 14 * screen.GetWidth() / 320; int y = 13 * screen.GetHeight() / 200; int w = 294 * screen.GetWidth() / 320; int h = linesize * cnt + 6 * CleanYfac; if (speakerName.Length() > 0) h += linesize * 3 / 2; screen.Dim(0, 0.45f, x, y, w, h); } int x = 16 * screen.GetWidth() / 320; int y = 16 * screen.GetHeight() / 200; if (speakerName.Length() > 0) { screen.DrawText(displayFont, Font.CR_WHITE, x / fontScale, y / fontScale, speakerName, DTA_KeepRatio, !mConfineTextToBackdrop, DTA_VirtualWidth, speechDisplayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight); y += linesize * 3 / 2; } x = 24 * screen.GetWidth() / 320; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { screen.DrawText(displayFont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x / fontScale, y / fontScale, mDialogueLines.StringAt(i), DTA_KeepRatio, !mConfineTextToBackdrop, DTA_VirtualWidth, speechDisplayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight); y += linesize; } } //============================================================================ // // Draw the replies // //============================================================================ virtual void DrawReplies() { // Dim the screen behind the PC's choices. screen.Dim(0, 0.45, (24 - 160) * CleanXfac + screen.GetWidth() / 2, (mYpos - 2 - 100) * CleanYfac + screen.GetHeight() / 2, 272 * CleanXfac, MIN(mResponseLines.Size() * ReplyLineHeight + 4, 200 - mYpos) * CleanYfac); int y = mYpos; int response = 0; ypositions.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mResponseLines.Size(); i++) { int width = displayFont.StringWidth(mResponseLines[i]); int x = 64; double sx = (x - 160.0) * CleanXfac + (screen.GetWidth() * 0.5); double sy = (y - 100.0) * CleanYfac + (screen.GetHeight() * 0.5); ypositions.Push(sy); screen.DrawText(displayFont, Font.CR_GREEN, sx / fontScale, sy / fontScale, mResponseLines[i], DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, displayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight); if (i == mResponses[response]) { String tbuf; response++; tbuf = String.Format("%d.", response); x = 50 - displayFont.StringWidth(tbuf); sx = (x - 160.0) * CleanXfac + (screen.GetWidth() * 0.5); screen.DrawText(displayFont, Font.CR_GREY, sx / fontScale, sy / fontScale, tbuf, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, displayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight); if (response == mSelection + 1) { int colr = ((MenuTime() % 8) < 4) || GetCurrentMenu() != self ? Font.CR_RED : Font.CR_GREY; // custom graphic cursor color Color cursorTexColor; if (colr == Font.CR_RED) cursorTexColor = color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); else if (colr == Font.CR_GREY) cursorTexColor = color(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC); x = (50 + 3 - 160) * CleanXfac + screen.GetWidth() / 2; int yy = (y + ReplyLineHeight / 2 - 5 - 100) * CleanYfac + screen.GetHeight() / 2; // use a custom graphic (intentionally long-named to reduce collision with existing mods), with the ConFont version as the fallback let cursorTex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("graphics/DialogReplyCursor.png", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); if (cursorTex.IsValid()) { screen.DrawTexture(cursorTex, true, x / fontScale, yy / fontScale, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, displayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight); screen.DrawTexture(cursorTex, true, x / fontScale, yy / fontScale, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, displayWidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, displayHeight, DTA_FillColor, cursorTexColor, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, STYLE_AddShaded); } else { screen.DrawText(ConFont, colr, x, yy, "\xd", DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac, DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac); } } } y += ReplyLineHeight; } double sy = (y - 100.0) * CleanYfac + (screen.GetHeight() * 0.5); ypositions.Push(sy); } virtual void DrawGold() { if (mShowGold) { let coin = players[consoleplayer].ConversationPC.FindInventory("Coin"); let icon = GetDefaultByType("Coin").Icon; let goldstr = String.Format("%d", coin != NULL ? coin.Amount : 0); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, Font.CR_GRAY, 21, 191, goldstr, DTA_320x200, true, DTA_FillColor, 0, DTA_Alpha, HR_SHADOW); screen.DrawTexture(icon, false, 3, 190, DTA_320x200, true, DTA_FillColor, 0, DTA_Alpha, HR_SHADOW); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, Font.CR_GRAY, 20, 190, goldstr, DTA_320x200, true); screen.DrawTexture(icon, false, 2, 189, DTA_320x200, true); } } //============================================================================ // // DrawConversationMenu // //============================================================================ override void Drawer() { if (mCurNode == NULL) { Close (); return; } bool dimbg = DrawBackdrop(); DrawSpeakerText(dimbg); DrawReplies(); DrawGold(); } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ override void Ticker() { // [CW] Freeze the game depending on MAPINFO options. if (ConversationPauseTic < gametic && !multiplayer && !Level.no_dlg_freeze) { menuactive = Menu.On; } } }