/* ** p_effect.cpp ** Particle effects ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** If particles used real sprites instead of blocks, they could be much ** more useful. */ #include "doomtype.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "actor.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "r_things.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "templates.h" CVAR (Int, cl_rockettrails, 1, CVAR_ARCHIVE); #define FADEFROMTTL(a) (255/(a)) static int grey1, grey2, grey3, grey4, red, green, blue, yellow, black, red1, green1, blue1, yellow1, purple, purple1, white, rblue1, rblue2, rblue3, rblue4, orange, yorange, dred, grey5, maroon1, maroon2; static const struct ColorList { int *color; byte r, g, b; } Colors[] = { {&grey1, 85, 85, 85 }, {&grey2, 171, 171, 171}, {&grey3, 50, 50, 50 }, {&grey4, 210, 210, 210}, {&grey5, 128, 128, 128}, {&red, 255, 0, 0 }, {&green, 0, 200, 0 }, {&blue, 0, 0, 255}, {&yellow, 255, 255, 0 }, {&black, 0, 0, 0 }, {&red1, 255, 127, 127}, {&green1, 127, 255, 127}, {&blue1, 127, 127, 255}, {&yellow1, 255, 255, 180}, {&purple, 120, 0, 160}, {&purple1, 200, 30, 255}, {&white, 255, 255, 255}, {&rblue1, 81, 81, 255}, {&rblue2, 0, 0, 227}, {&rblue3, 0, 0, 130}, {&rblue4, 0, 0, 80 }, {&orange, 255, 120, 0 }, {&yorange, 255, 170, 0 }, {&dred, 80, 0, 0 }, {&maroon1, 154, 49, 49 }, {&maroon2, 125, 24, 24 }, {NULL} }; void P_InitEffects () { const struct ColorList *color = Colors; while (color->color) { *(color->color) = ColorMatcher.Pick (color->r, color->g, color->b); color++; } } void P_ThinkParticles () { int i; particle_t *particle, *prev; i = ActiveParticles; prev = NULL; while (i != NO_PARTICLE) { byte oldtrans; particle = Particles + i; i = particle->tnext; oldtrans = particle->trans; particle->trans -= particle->fade; if (oldtrans < particle->trans || --particle->ttl == 0) { // The particle has expired, so free it memset (particle, 0, sizeof(particle_t)); if (prev) prev->tnext = i; else ActiveParticles = i; particle->tnext = InactiveParticles; InactiveParticles = (int)(particle - Particles); continue; } particle->x += particle->velx; particle->y += particle->vely; particle->z += particle->velz; particle->velx += particle->accx; particle->vely += particle->accy; particle->velz += particle->accz; prev = particle; } } // // P_RunEffects // // Run effects on all actors in the world // void P_RunEffects () { int pnum = int(players[consoleplayer].camera->Sector - sectors) * numsectors; AActor *actor; TThinkerIterator iterator; while ( (actor = iterator.Next ()) ) { if (actor->effects) { // Only run the effect if the actor is potentially visible int rnum = pnum + int(actor->Sector - sectors); if (rejectmatrix == NULL || !(rejectmatrix[rnum>>3] & (1 << (rnum & 7)))) P_RunEffect (actor, actor->effects); } } } // // AddParticle // // Creates a particle with "jitter" // particle_t *JitterParticle (int ttl) { particle_t *particle = NewParticle (); if (particle) { fixed_t *val = &particle->velx; int i; // Set initial velocities for (i = 3; i; i--, val++) *val = (FRACUNIT/4096) * (M_Random () - 128); // Set initial accelerations for (i = 3; i; i--, val++) *val = (FRACUNIT/16384) * (M_Random () - 128); particle->trans = 255; // fully opaque particle->ttl = ttl; particle->fade = FADEFROMTTL(ttl); } return particle; } static void MakeFountain (AActor *actor, int color1, int color2) { particle_t *particle; if (!(level.time & 1)) return; particle = JitterParticle (51); if (particle) { angle_t an = M_Random()<<(24-ANGLETOFINESHIFT); fixed_t out = FixedMul (actor->radius, M_Random()<<8); particle->x = actor->x + FixedMul (out, finecosine[an]); particle->y = actor->y + FixedMul (out, finesine[an]); particle->z = actor->z + actor->height + FRACUNIT; if (out < actor->radius/8) particle->velz += FRACUNIT*10/3; else particle->velz += FRACUNIT*3; particle->accz -= FRACUNIT/11; if (M_Random() < 30) { particle->size = 4; particle->color = color2; } else { particle->size = 6; particle->color = color1; } } } void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects) { angle_t moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,actor->momx,actor->momy); particle_t *particle; int i; if ((effects & FX_ROCKET) && cl_rockettrails) { // Rocket trail fixed_t backx = actor->x - FixedMul (finecosine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2); fixed_t backy = actor->y - FixedMul (finesine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2); fixed_t backz = actor->z - (actor->height>>3) * (actor->momz>>16) + (2*actor->height)/3; angle_t an = (moveangle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; int speed; particle = JitterParticle (3 + (M_Random() & 31)); if (particle) { fixed_t pathdist = M_Random()<<8; particle->x = backx - FixedMul(actor->momx, pathdist); particle->y = backy - FixedMul(actor->momy, pathdist); particle->z = backz - FixedMul(actor->momz, pathdist); speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (FRACUNIT/200); particle->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]); particle->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]); particle->velz -= FRACUNIT/36; particle->accz -= FRACUNIT/20; particle->color = yellow; particle->size = 2; } for (i = 6; i; i--) { particle_t *particle = JitterParticle (3 + (M_Random() & 31)); if (particle) { fixed_t pathdist = M_Random()<<8; particle->x = backx - FixedMul(actor->momx, pathdist); particle->y = backy - FixedMul(actor->momy, pathdist); particle->z = backz - FixedMul(actor->momz, pathdist) + (M_Random() << 10); speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (FRACUNIT/200); particle->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]); particle->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]); particle->velz += FRACUNIT/80; particle->accz += FRACUNIT/40; if (M_Random () & 7) particle->color = grey2; else particle->color = grey1; particle->size = 3; } else break; } } if ((effects & FX_GRENADE) && (cl_rockettrails)) { // Grenade trail P_DrawSplash2 (6, actor->x - FixedMul (finecosine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2), actor->y - FixedMul (finesine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2), actor->z - (actor->height>>3) * (actor->momz>>16) + (2*actor->height)/3, moveangle + ANG180, 2, 2); } if (effects & FX_FOUNTAINMASK) { // Particle fountain static const int *fountainColors[16] = { &black, &black, &red, &red1, &green, &green1, &blue, &blue1, &yellow, &yellow1, &purple, &purple1, &black, &grey3, &grey4, &white }; int color = (effects & FX_FOUNTAINMASK) >> 15; MakeFountain (actor, *fountainColors[color], *fountainColors[color+1]); } if (effects & FX_RESPAWNINVUL) { // Respawn protection static const int *protectColors[2] = { &yellow1, &white }; for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) { particle = JitterParticle (16); if (particle != NULL) { angle_t ang = M_Random () << (32-ANGLETOFINESHIFT-8); particle->x = actor->x + FixedMul (actor->radius, finecosine[ang]); particle->y = actor->y + FixedMul (actor->radius, finesine[ang]); particle->color = *protectColors[M_Random() & 1]; particle->z = actor->z; particle->velz = FRACUNIT; particle->accz = M_Random () << 7; particle->size = 1; if (M_Random () < 128) { // make particle fall from top of actor particle->z += actor->height; particle->velz = -particle->velz; particle->accz = -particle->accz; } } } } } void P_DrawSplash (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, int kind) { int color1, color2; switch (kind) { case 1: // Spark color1 = orange; color2 = yorange; break; default: return; } for (; count; count--) { particle_t *p = JitterParticle (10); angle_t an; if (!p) break; p->size = 2; p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2; p->velz -= M_Random () * 512; p->accz -= FRACUNIT/8; p->accx += (M_Random () - 128) * 8; p->accy += (M_Random () - 128) * 8; p->z = z - M_Random () * 1024; an = (angle + (M_Random() << 21)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; p->x = x + (M_Random () & 15)*finecosine[an]; p->y = y + (M_Random () & 15)*finesine[an]; } } void P_DrawSplash2 (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, int updown, int kind) { int color1, color2, zvel, zspread, zadd; switch (kind) { case 0: // Blood color1 = red; color2 = dred; break; case 1: // Gunshot color1 = grey3; color2 = grey5; break; case 2: // Smoke color1 = grey3; color2 = grey1; break; default: // colorized blood color1 = ColorMatcher.Pick(RPART(kind), GPART(kind), BPART(kind)); color2 = ColorMatcher.Pick(RPART(kind)>>1, GPART(kind)>>1, BPART(kind)>>1); break; } zvel = -128; zspread = updown ? -6000 : 6000; zadd = (updown == 2) ? -128 : 0; for (; count; count--) { particle_t *p = NewParticle (); angle_t an; if (!p) break; p->ttl = 12; p->fade = FADEFROMTTL(12); p->trans = 255; p->size = 4; p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2; p->velz = M_Random () * zvel; p->accz = -FRACUNIT/22; if (kind) { an = (angle + ((M_Random() - 128) << 23)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; p->velx = (M_Random () * finecosine[an]) >> 11; p->vely = (M_Random () * finesine[an]) >> 11; p->accx = p->velx >> 4; p->accy = p->vely >> 4; } p->z = z + (M_Random () + zadd - 128) * zspread; an = (angle + ((M_Random() - 128) << 22)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; p->x = x + ((M_Random () & 31)-15)*finecosine[an]; p->y = y + ((M_Random () & 31)-15)*finesine[an]; } } void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor * source, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color1, int color2, float maxdiff, bool silent) { float length; int steps, i; float deg; vec3_t step, dir, pos, extend; VectorSubtract (end, start, dir); length = VectorLength (dir); steps = (int)(length*0.3333f); if (length) { length = 1 / length; if (!silent) { int sound; // Allow other sounds than 'weapons/railgf'! if (!source->player) sound = source->AttackSound; else if (source->player->ReadyWeapon) sound = source->player->ReadyWeapon->AttackSound; else sound = 0; if (!sound) sound=S_FindSound("weapons/railgf"); // The railgun's sound is special. It gets played from the // point on the slug's trail that is closest to the hearing player. AActor *mo = players[consoleplayer].camera; vec3_t point; float r; float dirz; if (abs(mo->x - FLOAT2FIXED(start[0])) < 20 * FRACUNIT && (mo->y - FLOAT2FIXED(start[1])) < 20 * FRACUNIT) { // This player (probably) fired the railgun S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_WEAPON, sound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { // Only consider sound in 2D (for now, anyway) r = ((start[1] - FIXED2FLOAT(mo->y)) * (-dir[1]) - (start[0] - FIXED2FLOAT(mo->x)) * (dir[0])) * length * length; dirz = dir[2]; dir[2] = 0; VectorMA (start, r, dir, point); dir[2] = dirz; S_SoundID (FLOAT2FIXED(point[0]), FLOAT2FIXED(point[1]), mo->z, CHAN_WEAPON, sound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } else { // line is 0 length, so nothing to do return; } VectorScale2 (dir, length); PerpendicularVector (extend, dir); VectorScale2 (extend, 3); VectorScale (dir, 3, step); if (color1 != -1) { color1 = color1==0? -1: ColorMatcher.Pick(RPART(color1), GPART(color1), BPART(color1)); VectorCopy (start, pos); deg = 270; for (i = steps; i; i--) { particle_t *p = NewParticle (); vec3_t tempvec; if (!p) return; p->trans = 255; p->ttl = 35; p->fade = FADEFROMTTL(35); p->size = 3; RotatePointAroundVector (tempvec, dir, extend, deg); p->velx = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[0])>>4; p->vely = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[1])>>4; p->velz = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[2])>>4; VectorAdd (tempvec, pos, tempvec); deg += 14; if (deg >= 360) deg -= 360; p->x = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[0]); p->y = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[1]); p->z = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec[2]); VectorAdd (pos, step, pos); if (color1==-1) { int rand = M_Random(); if (rand < 155) p->color = rblue2; else if (rand < 188) p->color = rblue1; else if (rand < 222) p->color = rblue3; else p->color = rblue4; } else { p->color = color1; } } } if (color2 != -1) { color2 = color2==0? -1: ColorMatcher.Pick(RPART(color2), GPART(color2), BPART(color2)); vec3_t diff; VectorSet (diff, 0, 0, 0); VectorCopy (start, pos); for (i = steps; i; i--) { particle_t *p = JitterParticle (33); if (!p) return; if (maxdiff > 0) { int rnd = M_Random (); if (rnd & 1) diff[0] = clamp (diff[0] + ((rnd & 8) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff); if (rnd & 2) diff[1] = clamp (diff[1] + ((rnd & 16) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff); if (rnd & 4) diff[2] = clamp (diff[2] + ((rnd & 32) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff); } vec3_t postmp; VectorCopy (pos, postmp); VectorAdd (postmp, diff, postmp); p->size = 2; p->x = FLOAT2FIXED(postmp[0]); p->y = FLOAT2FIXED(postmp[1]); p->z = FLOAT2FIXED(postmp[2]); if (color1 != -1) p->accz -= FRACUNIT/4096; VectorAdd (pos, step, pos); if (color2==-1) { { int rand = M_Random(); if (rand < 85) p->color = grey4; else if (rand < 170) p->color = grey2; else p->color = grey1; } p->color = white; } else { p->color = color2; } } } } void P_DisconnectEffect (AActor *actor) { int i; if (actor == NULL) return; for (i = 64; i; i--) { particle_t *p = JitterParticle (TICRATE*2); if (!p) break; p->x = actor->x + ((M_Random()-128)<<9) * (actor->radius>>FRACBITS); p->y = actor->y + ((M_Random()-128)<<9) * (actor->radius>>FRACBITS); p->z = actor->z + (M_Random()<<8) * (actor->height>>FRACBITS); p->accz -= FRACUNIT/4096; p->color = M_Random() < 128 ? maroon1 : maroon2; p->size = 4; } }