class ArtiBlastRadius : CustomInventory { Default { +FLOATBOB Inventory.DefMaxAmount; Inventory.PickupFlash "PickupFlash"; +INVENTORY.INVBAR +INVENTORY.FANCYPICKUPSOUND Inventory.Icon "ARTIBLST"; Inventory.PickupSound "misc/p_pkup"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_ARTIBLASTRADIUS"; Tag "$TAG_ARTIBLASTRADIUS"; } States { Spawn: BLST ABCDEFGH 4 Bright; Loop; Use: TNT1 A 0 A_Blast; } } //========================================================================== // // A_Blast is public to Actor // //========================================================================== extend class Actor { /* For reference, the default values: #define BLAST_RADIUS_DIST 255.0 #define BLAST_SPEED 20.0 #define BLAST_FULLSTRENGTH 255 */ //========================================================================== // // AArtiBlastRadius :: BlastActor // //========================================================================== private void BlastActor (Actor victim, double strength, double speed, Class<Actor> blasteffect, bool dontdamage) { if (!victim.SpecialBlastHandling (self, strength)) { return; } double ang = AngleTo(victim); Vector2 move = AngleToVector(ang, speed); victim.Vel.XY = move; // Spawn blast puff ang -= 180.; Vector3 spawnpos = victim.Vec3Offset( (victim.radius + 1) * cos(ang), (victim.radius + 1) * sin(ang), (victim.Height / 2) - victim.Floorclip); Actor mo = Spawn (blasteffect, spawnpos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.Vel.XY = victim.Vel.XY; } if (victim.bMissile) { // [RH] Floor and ceiling huggers should not be blasted vertically. if (!victim.bFloorHugger && !victim.bCeilingHugger) { mo.Vel.Z = victim.Vel.Z = 8; } } else { victim.Vel.Z = 1000. / victim.Mass; } if (victim.player) { // Players handled automatically } else if (!dontdamage) { victim.bBlasted = true; } if (victim.bTouchy) { // Touchy objects die when blasted victim.bArmed = false; // Disarm victim.DamageMobj(self, self,, 'Melee', DMG_FORCED); } } //========================================================================== // // AArtiBlastRadius :: Activate // // Blast all actors away // //========================================================================== action void A_Blast(int blastflags = 0, double strength = 255, double radius = 255, double speed = 20, class<Actor> blasteffect = "BlastEffect", sound blastsound = "BlastRadius") { if (player && (blastflags & BF_USEAMMO) && invoker == player.ReadyWeapon && stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite) { Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null && !weapon.DepleteAmmo(weapon.bAltFire)) { return; } } A_PlaySound (blastsound, CHAN_AUTO); if (!(blastflags & BF_DONTWARN)) { SoundAlert (self); } ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Actor"); Actor mo; while ( (mo = Actor(it.Next ())) ) { if (mo == self || (mo.bBoss && !(blastflags & BF_AFFECTBOSSES)) || mo.bDormant || mo.bDontBlast) { // Not a valid monster: originator, boss, dormant, or otherwise protected continue; } if (mo.bIceCorpse || mo.bCanBlast) { // Let these special cases go } else if (mo.bIsMonster && <= 0) { continue; } else if (!mo.player && !mo.bMissile && !mo.bIsMonster && !mo.bCanBlast && !mo.bTouchy && !mo.bVulnerable) { // Must be monster, player, missile, touchy or vulnerable continue; } if (Distance2D(mo) > radius) { // Out of range continue; } if (mo.CurSector.PortalGroup != CurSector.PortalGroup && !CheckSight(mo)) { // in another region and cannot be seen. continue; } BlastActor (mo, strength, speed, blasteffect, !!(blastflags & BF_NOIMPACTDAMAGE)); } } } // Blast Effect ------------------------------------------------------------- class BlastEffect : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOCLIP +NOTELEPORT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.666; } States { Spawn: RADE ABCDEFGHI 4; Stop; } }