// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __D_PLAYER_H__ #define __D_PLAYER_H__ // Finally, for odd reasons, the player input // is buffered within the player data struct, // as commands per game tick. #include "d_ticcmd.h" #include "a_artifacts.h" // The player data structure depends on a number // of other structs: items (internal inventory), // animation states (closely tied to the sprites // used to represent them, unfortunately). #include "p_pspr.h" // In addition, the player is just a special // case of the generic moving object/actor. #include "actor.h" #include "d_netinf.h" //Added by MC: #include "b_bot.h" enum { APMETA_BASE = 0x95000, APMETA_DisplayName, // display name (used in menus etc.) APMETA_SoundClass, // sound class APMETA_ColorRange, // skin color range APMETA_InvulMode, APMETA_HealingRadius, APMETA_Hexenarmor0, APMETA_Hexenarmor1, APMETA_Hexenarmor2, APMETA_Hexenarmor3, APMETA_Hexenarmor4, }; class player_s; class APlayerPawn : public AActor { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (APlayerPawn, AActor) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: virtual void Serialize (FArchive &arc); virtual void Tick(); virtual void AddInventory (AInventory *item); virtual void RemoveInventory (AInventory *item); virtual bool UseInventory (AInventory *item); virtual void PlayIdle (); virtual void PlayRunning (); virtual void ThrowPoisonBag (); virtual void TweakSpeeds (int &forwardmove, int &sidemove); virtual void MorphPlayerThink (); virtual void ActivateMorphWeapon (); virtual AWeapon *PickNewWeapon (const PClass *ammotype); virtual AWeapon *BestWeapon (const PClass *ammotype); virtual void GiveDeathmatchInventory (); virtual void FilterCoopRespawnInventory (APlayerPawn *oldplayer); void GiveDefaultInventory (); void PlayAttacking (); void PlayAttacking2 (); const char *GetSoundClass (); enum EInvulState { INVUL_Start, INVUL_Active, INVUL_Stop, INVUL_GetAlpha }; void BeginPlay (); void Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor); int crouchsprite; int MaxHealth; int RunHealth; AInventory *InvFirst; // first inventory item displayed on inventory bar AInventory *InvSel; // selected inventory item // [GRB] Player class properties fixed_t JumpZ; fixed_t ViewHeight; fixed_t ForwardMove1, ForwardMove2; fixed_t SideMove1, SideMove2; int ScoreIcon; int SpawnMask; FNameNoInit MorphWeapon; fixed_t AttackZOffset; // attack height, relative to player center bool UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool splash); bool ResetAirSupply (); int GetMaxHealth() const; }; class APlayerChunk : public APlayerPawn { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (APlayerChunk, APlayerPawn) }; // // Player states. // typedef enum { PST_LIVE, // Playing or camping. PST_DEAD, // Dead on the ground, view follows killer. PST_REBORN, // Ready to restart/respawn??? PST_ENTER // [BC] Entered the game } playerstate_t; // // Player internal flags, for cheats and debug. // typedef enum { CF_NOCLIP = 1, // No clipping, walk through barriers. CF_GODMODE = 2, // No damage, no health loss. CF_NOMOMENTUM = 4, // Not really a cheat, just a debug aid. CF_NOTARGET = 8, // [RH] Monsters don't target CF_FLY = 16, // [RH] Flying player CF_CHASECAM = 32, // [RH] Put camera behind player CF_FROZEN = 64, // [RH] Don't let the player move CF_REVERTPLEASE = 128, // [RH] Stick camera in player's head if (s)he moves CF_STEPLEFT = 512, // [RH] Play left footstep sound next time CF_FRIGHTENING = 1024, // [RH] Scare monsters away CF_INSTANTWEAPSWITCH= 2048, // [RH] Switch weapons instantly CF_TOTALLYFROZEN = 4096, // [RH] All players can do is press +use CF_PREDICTING = 8192, // [RH] Player movement is being predicted CF_WEAPONREADY = 16384, // [RH] Weapon is in the ready state, so bob it when walking CF_TIMEFREEZE = 32768, // Player has an active time freezer CF_DRAIN = 65536, // Player owns a drain powerup CF_REGENERATION = 0x20000, // Player owns a regeneration artifact CF_HIGHJUMP = 0x40000, // more Skulltag flags. Implemetation not guaranteed though. ;) CF_REFLECTION = 0x80000, CF_PROSPERITY = 0x100000, CF_DOUBLEFIRINGSPEED= 0x200000, } cheat_t; #define WPIECE1 1 #define WPIECE2 2 #define WPIECE3 4 #define WP_NOCHANGE ((AWeapon*)~0) // // Extended player object info: player_t // class player_s { public: player_s(); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void FixPointers (const DObject *obj, DObject *replacement); void SetLogNumber (int num); void SetLogText (const char *text); APlayerPawn *mo; BYTE playerstate; ticcmd_t cmd; userinfo_t userinfo; // [RH] who is this? const PClass *cls; // class of associated PlayerPawn float DesiredFOV; // desired field of vision float FOV; // current field of vision fixed_t viewz; // focal origin above r.z fixed_t viewheight; // base height above floor for viewz fixed_t deltaviewheight; // squat speed. fixed_t bob; // bounded/scaled total momentum // killough 10/98: used for realistic bobbing (i.e. not simply overall speed) // mo->momx and mo->momy represent true momenta experienced by player. // This only represents the thrust that the player applies himself. // This avoids anomolies with such things as Boom ice and conveyors. fixed_t momx, momy; // killough 10/98 bool centering; BYTE turnticks; short oldbuttons; bool attackdown; int health; // only used between levels, mo->health // is used during levels int inventorytics; BYTE CurrentPlayerClass; // class # for this player instance int pieces; // Fourth Weapon pieces bool backpack; int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; // kills of other players int fragcount; // [RH] Cumulative frags for this player int lastkilltime; // [RH] For multikills BYTE multicount; BYTE spreecount; // [RH] Keep track of killing sprees AWeapon *ReadyWeapon; AWeapon *PendingWeapon; // WP_NOCHANGE if not changing int cheats; // bit flags short refire; // refired shots are less accurate short inconsistant; int killcount, itemcount, secretcount; // for intermission int damagecount, bonuscount;// for screen flashing int hazardcount; // for delayed Strife damage int poisoncount; // screen flash for poison damage AActor *poisoner; // NULL for non-player actors AActor *attacker; // who did damage (NULL for floors) int extralight; // so gun flashes light up areas int fixedcolormap; // can be set to REDCOLORMAP, etc. pspdef_t psprites[NUMPSPRITES]; // view sprites (gun, etc) int morphTics; // player is a chicken/pig if > 0 AWeapon *PremorphWeapon; // ready weapon before morphing int chickenPeck; // chicken peck countdown int jumpTics; // delay the next jump for a moment int respawn_time; // [RH] delay respawning until this tic AActor *camera; // [RH] Whose eyes this player sees through int air_finished; // [RH] Time when you start drowning WORD accuracy, stamina; // [RH] Strife stats FName LastDamageType; // [RH] For damage-specific pain and death sounds //Added by MC: angle_t savedyaw; int savedpitch; angle_t angle; // The wanted angle that the bot try to get every tic. // (used to get a smoth view movement) AActor *dest; // Move Destination. AActor *prev; // Previous move destination. AActor *enemy; // The dead meat. AActor *missile; // A threathing missile that got to be avoided. AActor *mate; // Friend (used for grouping in templay or coop. AActor *last_mate; // If bots mate dissapeared (not if died) that mate is // pointed to by this. Allows bot to roam to it if // necessary. //Skills struct botskill_t skill; //Tickers int t_active; // Open door, lower lift stuff, door must open and // lift must go down before bot does anything // radical like try a stuckmove int t_respawn; int t_strafe; int t_react; int t_fight; int t_roam; int t_rocket; //Misc booleans bool isbot; bool first_shot; // Used for reaction skill. bool sleft; // If false, strafe is right. bool allround; fixed_t oldx; fixed_t oldy; float BlendR; // [RH] Final blending values float BlendG; float BlendB; float BlendA; FString LogText; // [RH] Log for Strife SBYTE crouching; SBYTE crouchdir; fixed_t crouchfactor; fixed_t crouchoffset; fixed_t crouchviewdelta; fixed_t GetDeltaViewHeight() const { return (mo->ViewHeight + crouchviewdelta - viewheight) >> 3; } void Uncrouch() { crouchfactor = FRACUNIT; crouchoffset = 0; crouchdir = 0; crouching = 0; crouchviewdelta = 0; } int GetSpawnClass(); }; typedef player_s player_t; // Bookkeeping on players - state. extern player_s players[MAXPLAYERS]; extern DWORD playerswiping; inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, player_s *&p) { return arc.SerializePointer (players, (BYTE **)&p, sizeof(*players)); } void P_CheckPlayerSprites(); #define CROUCHSPEED (FRACUNIT/12) #define MAX_DN_ANGLE 56 // Max looking down angle #define MAX_UP_ANGLE 32 // Max looking up angle // [GRB] Custom player classes enum { PCF_NOMENU = 1, // Hide in new game menu }; class FPlayerClass { public: FPlayerClass (); FPlayerClass (const FPlayerClass &other); ~FPlayerClass (); bool CheckSkin (int skin); const PClass *Type; DWORD Flags; TArray Skins; }; extern TArray PlayerClasses; #endif // __D_PLAYER_H__