/* ** Drawer commands for the RT family of drawers ** Copyright (c) 2016 Magnus Norddahl ** ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages ** arising from the use of this software. ** ** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, ** including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it ** freely, subject to the following restrictions: ** ** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not ** claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software ** in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be ** appreciated but is not required. ** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be ** misrepresented as being the original software. ** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ** */ #pragma once #include "r_draw.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "r_thread.h" #include "r_drawers.h" #ifdef __arm__ #define NO_SSE #endif #ifndef NO_SSE #include #endif struct FSpecialColormap; EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_mipmap) EXTERN_CVAR(Float, r_lod_bias) namespace swrenderer { // Give the compiler a strong hint we want these functions inlined: #ifndef FORCEINLINE #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define FORCEINLINE __forceinline #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define FORCEINLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline #else #define FORCEINLINE inline #endif #endif // Promise compiler we have no aliasing of this pointer #ifndef RESTRICT #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define RESTRICT __restrict #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define RESTRICT __restrict__ #else #define RESTRICT #endif #endif #define DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(name, func, base) \ class name##LLVMCommand : public base \ { \ public: \ using base::base; \ void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override \ { \ WorkerThreadData d = ThreadData(thread); \ Drawers::Instance()->func(&args, &d); \ } \ }; class DrawSpanLLVMCommand : public DrawerCommand { public: DrawSpanLLVMCommand(); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; protected: DrawSpanArgs args; private: inline static bool sampler_setup(const uint32_t * &source, int &xbits, int &ybits, bool mipmapped); }; class DrawSpanMaskedLLVMCommand : public DrawSpanLLVMCommand { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawSpanTranslucentLLVMCommand : public DrawSpanLLVMCommand { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawSpanMaskedTranslucentLLVMCommand : public DrawSpanLLVMCommand { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawSpanAddClampLLVMCommand : public DrawSpanLLVMCommand { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawSpanMaskedAddClampLLVMCommand : public DrawSpanLLVMCommand { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawWall1LLVMCommand : public DrawerCommand { protected: DrawWallArgs args; WorkerThreadData ThreadData(DrawerThread *thread); public: DrawWall1LLVMCommand(); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class DrawColumnLLVMCommand : public DrawerCommand { protected: DrawColumnArgs args; WorkerThreadData ThreadData(DrawerThread *thread); FString DebugInfo() override; public: DrawColumnLLVMCommand(); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; }; class DrawSkyLLVMCommand : public DrawerCommand { protected: DrawSkyArgs args; WorkerThreadData ThreadData(DrawerThread *thread); public: DrawSkyLLVMCommand(uint32_t solid_top, uint32_t solid_bottom); FString DebugInfo() override; }; DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawWallMasked1, mvlinec1, DrawWall1LLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawWallAdd1, tmvline1_add, DrawWall1LLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawWallAddClamp1, tmvline1_addclamp, DrawWall1LLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawWallSubClamp1, tmvline1_subclamp, DrawWall1LLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawWallRevSubClamp1, tmvline1_revsubclamp, DrawWall1LLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnAdd, DrawColumnAdd, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnTranslated, DrawColumnTranslated, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnTlatedAdd, DrawColumnTlatedAdd, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnShaded, DrawColumnShaded, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnAddClamp, DrawColumnAddClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnAddClampTranslated, DrawColumnAddClampTranslated, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnSubClamp, DrawColumnSubClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnSubClampTranslated, DrawColumnSubClampTranslated, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnRevSubClamp, DrawColumnRevSubClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawColumnRevSubClampTranslated, DrawColumnRevSubClampTranslated, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(FillColumn, FillColumn, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(FillColumnAdd, FillColumnAdd, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(FillColumnAddClamp, FillColumnAddClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(FillColumnSubClamp, FillColumnSubClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(FillColumnRevSubClamp, FillColumnRevSubClamp, DrawColumnLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawSingleSky1, DrawSky1, DrawSkyLLVMCommand); DECLARE_DRAW_COMMAND(DrawDoubleSky1, DrawDoubleSky1, DrawSkyLLVMCommand); class DrawFuzzColumnRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _x; int _yl; int _yh; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; int _pitch; int _fuzzpos; int _fuzzviewheight; public: DrawFuzzColumnRGBACommand(); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class FillSpanRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _x1; int _x2; int _y; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; fixed_t _light; int _color; public: FillSpanRGBACommand(); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class DrawFogBoundaryLineRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _y; int _x; int _x2; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; fixed_t _light; ShadeConstants _shade_constants; public: DrawFogBoundaryLineRGBACommand(int y, int x, int x2); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class DrawTiltedSpanRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _x1; int _x2; int _y; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; fixed_t _light; ShadeConstants _shade_constants; FVector3 _plane_sz; FVector3 _plane_su; FVector3 _plane_sv; bool _plane_shade; int _planeshade; float _planelightfloat; fixed_t _pviewx; fixed_t _pviewy; int _xbits; int _ybits; const uint32_t * RESTRICT _source; public: DrawTiltedSpanRGBACommand(int y, int x1, int x2, const FVector3 &plane_sz, const FVector3 &plane_su, const FVector3 &plane_sv, bool plane_shade, int planeshade, float planelightfloat, fixed_t pviewx, fixed_t pviewy); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class DrawColoredSpanRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _y; int _x1; int _x2; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; fixed_t _light; int _color; public: DrawColoredSpanRGBACommand(int y, int x1, int x2); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class FillTransColumnRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { int _x; int _y1; int _y2; int _color; int _a; uint8_t * RESTRICT _destorg; int _pitch; fixed_t _light; public: FillTransColumnRGBACommand(int x, int y1, int y2, int color, int a); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; }; class ApplySpecialColormapRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { uint8_t *buffer; int pitch; int width; int height; int start_red; int start_green; int start_blue; int end_red; int end_green; int end_blue; public: ApplySpecialColormapRGBACommand(FSpecialColormap *colormap, DFrameBuffer *screen); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override { return "ApplySpecialColormapRGBACommand"; } }; template class DrawerBlendCommand : public CommandType { public: void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override { typename CommandType::LoopIterator loop(this, thread); if (!loop) return; BlendMode blend(*this, loop); do { blend.Blend(*this, loop); } while (loop.next()); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class DrawParticleColumnRGBACommand : public DrawerCommand { public: DrawParticleColumnRGBACommand(uint32_t *dest, int dest_y, int pitch, int count, uint32_t fg, uint32_t alpha, uint32_t fracposx); void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) override; FString DebugInfo() override; private: uint32_t *_dest; int _pitch; int _count; uint32_t _fg; uint32_t _alpha; uint32_t _fracposx; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SWTruecolorDrawers : public SWPixelFormatDrawers { public: void DrawWallColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawWallMaskedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawWallAddColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawWallAddClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawWallSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawWallRevSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSingleSkyColumn(uint32_t solid_top, uint32_t solid_bottom) override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(solid_top, solid_bottom); } void DrawDoubleSkyColumn(uint32_t solid_top, uint32_t solid_bottom) override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(solid_top, solid_bottom); } void DrawColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillAddColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillAddClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillRevSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawFuzzColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); R_UpdateFuzzPos(); } void DrawAddColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawTranslatedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawTranslatedAddColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawShadedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawAddClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawAddClampTranslatedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSubClampTranslatedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawRevSubClampColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawRevSubClampTranslatedColumn() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpan() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpanMasked() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpanTranslucent() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpanMaskedTranslucent() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpanAddClamp() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawSpanMaskedAddClamp() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void FillSpan() override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(); } void DrawTiltedSpan(int y, int x1, int x2, const FVector3 &plane_sz, const FVector3 &plane_su, const FVector3 &plane_sv, bool plane_shade, int planeshade, float planelightfloat, fixed_t pviewx, fixed_t pviewy, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap) override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(y, x1, x2, plane_sz, plane_su, plane_sv, plane_shade, planeshade, planelightfloat, pviewx, pviewy); } void DrawColoredSpan(int y, int x1, int x2) override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(y, x1, x2); } void DrawFogBoundaryLine(int y, int x1, int x2) override { DrawerCommandQueue::QueueCommand(y, x1, x2); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pixel shading inline functions: class LightBgra { public: // calculates the light constant passed to the shade_pal_index function FORCEINLINE static uint32_t calc_light_multiplier(dsfixed_t light) { return 256 - (light >> (FRACBITS - 8)); } // Calculates a ARGB8 color for the given palette index and light multiplier FORCEINLINE static uint32_t shade_pal_index_simple(uint32_t index, uint32_t light) { const PalEntry &color = GPalette.BaseColors[index]; uint32_t red = color.r; uint32_t green = color.g; uint32_t blue = color.b; red = red * light / 256; green = green * light / 256; blue = blue * light / 256; return 0xff000000 | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; } // Calculates a ARGB8 color for the given palette index, light multiplier and dynamic colormap FORCEINLINE static uint32_t shade_pal_index(uint32_t index, uint32_t light, const ShadeConstants &constants) { const PalEntry &color = GPalette.BaseColors[index]; uint32_t alpha = color.d & 0xff000000; uint32_t red = color.r; uint32_t green = color.g; uint32_t blue = color.b; if (constants.simple_shade) { red = red * light / 256; green = green * light / 256; blue = blue * light / 256; } else { uint32_t inv_light = 256 - light; uint32_t inv_desaturate = 256 - constants.desaturate; uint32_t intensity = ((red * 77 + green * 143 + blue * 37) >> 8) * constants.desaturate; red = (red * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; green = (green * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; blue = (blue * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; red = (constants.fade_red * inv_light + red * light) / 256; green = (constants.fade_green * inv_light + green * light) / 256; blue = (constants.fade_blue * inv_light + blue * light) / 256; red = (red * constants.light_red) / 256; green = (green * constants.light_green) / 256; blue = (blue * constants.light_blue) / 256; } return alpha | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; } FORCEINLINE static uint32_t shade_bgra_simple(uint32_t color, uint32_t light) { uint32_t red = RPART(color) * light / 256; uint32_t green = GPART(color) * light / 256; uint32_t blue = BPART(color) * light / 256; return 0xff000000 | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; } FORCEINLINE static uint32_t shade_bgra(uint32_t color, uint32_t light, const ShadeConstants &constants) { uint32_t alpha = color & 0xff000000; uint32_t red = (color >> 16) & 0xff; uint32_t green = (color >> 8) & 0xff; uint32_t blue = color & 0xff; if (constants.simple_shade) { red = red * light / 256; green = green * light / 256; blue = blue * light / 256; } else { uint32_t inv_light = 256 - light; uint32_t inv_desaturate = 256 - constants.desaturate; uint32_t intensity = ((red * 77 + green * 143 + blue * 37) >> 8) * constants.desaturate; red = (red * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; green = (green * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; blue = (blue * inv_desaturate + intensity) / 256; red = (constants.fade_red * inv_light + red * light) / 256; green = (constants.fade_green * inv_light + green * light) / 256; blue = (constants.fade_blue * inv_light + blue * light) / 256; red = (red * constants.light_red) / 256; green = (green * constants.light_green) / 256; blue = (blue * constants.light_blue) / 256; } return alpha | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; } }; }