/******************************** * B_Think.c * * Description: * * Movement/Roaming code for * * the bot's * *********************************/ #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "d_ticcmd.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "gi.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "d_event.h" enum dirtype_t { DI_EAST, DI_NORTHEAST, DI_NORTH, DI_NORTHWEST, DI_WEST, DI_SOUTHWEST, DI_SOUTH, DI_SOUTHEAST, DI_NODIR, NUMDIRS }; static FRandom pr_botopendoor ("BotOpenDoor"); static FRandom pr_bottrywalk ("BotTryWalk"); static FRandom pr_botnewchasedir ("BotNewChaseDir"); // borrow some tables from p_enemy.cpp extern dirtype_t opposite[9]; extern dirtype_t diags[4]; extern fixed_t xspeed[8]; extern fixed_t yspeed[8]; extern TArray spechit; //Called while the bot moves after its player->dest mobj //which can be a weapon/enemy/item whatever. void FCajunMaster::Roam (AActor *actor, ticcmd_t *cmd) { int delta; if (Reachable(actor, actor->player->dest)) { // Straight towards it. actor->player->angle = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, actor->player->dest->x, actor->player->dest->y); } else if (actor->movedir < 8) // turn towards movement direction if not there yet { actor->player->angle &= (angle_t)(7<<29); delta = actor->player->angle - (actor->movedir << 29); if (delta > 0) actor->player->angle -= ANG45; else if (delta < 0) actor->player->angle += ANG45; } // chase towards destination. if (--actor->movecount < 0 || !Move (actor, cmd)) { NewChaseDir (actor, cmd); } } bool FCajunMaster::Move (AActor *actor, ticcmd_t *cmd) { fixed_t tryx, tryy; bool try_ok; int good; if (actor->movedir == DI_NODIR) return false; if ((unsigned)actor->movedir >= 8) I_Error ("Weird bot movedir!"); tryx = actor->x + 8*xspeed[actor->movedir]; tryy = actor->y + 8*yspeed[actor->movedir]; try_ok = CleanAhead (actor, tryx, tryy, cmd); if (!try_ok) //Anything blocking that could be opened etc.. { if (!spechit.Size ()) return false; actor->movedir = DI_NODIR; good = 0; line_t *ld; while (spechit.Pop (ld)) { bool tryit = true; if (ld->special == Door_LockedRaise && !P_CheckKeys (actor, ld->args[3], false)) tryit = false; else if (ld->special == Generic_Door && !P_CheckKeys (actor, ld->args[4], false)) tryit = false; if (tryit && (P_TestActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Use) || P_TestActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Push))) { good |= ld == actor->BlockingLine ? 1 : 2; } } if (good && ((pr_botopendoor() >= 203) ^ (good & 1))) { cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USE; cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN; return true; } else return false; } else //Move forward. cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN; return true; } bool FCajunMaster::TryWalk (AActor *actor, ticcmd_t *cmd) { if (!Move (actor, cmd)) return false; actor->movecount = pr_bottrywalk() & 60; return true; } void FCajunMaster::NewChaseDir (AActor *actor, ticcmd_t *cmd) { fixed_t deltax; fixed_t deltay; dirtype_t d[3]; int tdir; dirtype_t olddir; dirtype_t turnaround; if (!actor->player->dest) { #ifndef BOT_RELEASE_COMPILE Printf ("Bot tried move without destination\n"); #endif return; } olddir = (dirtype_t)actor->movedir; turnaround = opposite[olddir]; deltax = actor->player->dest->x - actor->x; deltay = actor->player->dest->y - actor->y; if (deltax > 10*FRACUNIT) d[1] = DI_EAST; else if (deltax < -10*FRACUNIT) d[1] = DI_WEST; else d[1] = DI_NODIR; if (deltay < -10*FRACUNIT) d[2] = DI_SOUTH; else if (deltay > 10*FRACUNIT) d[2] = DI_NORTH; else d[2] = DI_NODIR; // try direct route if (d[1] != DI_NODIR && d[2] != DI_NODIR) { actor->movedir = diags[((deltay<0)<<1)+(deltax>0)]; if (actor->movedir != turnaround && TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } // try other directions if (pr_botnewchasedir() > 200 || abs(deltay)>abs(deltax)) { tdir=d[1]; d[1]=d[2]; d[2]=(dirtype_t)tdir; } if (d[1]==turnaround) d[1]=DI_NODIR; if (d[2]==turnaround) d[2]=DI_NODIR; if (d[1]!=DI_NODIR) { actor->movedir = d[1]; if (TryWalk (actor, cmd)) return; } if (d[2]!=DI_NODIR) { actor->movedir = d[2]; if (TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } // there is no direct path to the player, // so pick another direction. if (olddir!=DI_NODIR) { actor->movedir = olddir; if (TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } // randomly determine direction of search if (pr_botnewchasedir()&1) { for ( tdir=DI_EAST; tdir<=DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir++ ) { if (tdir!=turnaround) { actor->movedir = tdir; if (TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } } } else { for ( tdir=DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir != (DI_EAST-1); tdir-- ) { if (tdir!=turnaround) { actor->movedir = tdir; if (TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } } } if (turnaround != DI_NODIR) { actor->movedir = turnaround; if (TryWalk(actor, cmd)) return; } actor->movedir = DI_NODIR; // can not move } // // B_CleanAhead // Check if a place is ok to move towards. // This is also a traverse function for // bots pre-rocket fire (preventing suicide) // bool FCajunMaster::CleanAhead (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, ticcmd_t *cmd) { FCheckPosition tm; if (!SafeCheckPosition (thing, x, y, tm)) return false; // solid wall or thing if (!(thing->flags & MF_NOCLIP) ) { fixed_t maxstep = thing->MaxStepHeight; if (tm.ceilingz - tm.floorz < thing->height) return false; // doesn't fit if (!(thing->flags&MF_MISSILE)) { if(tm.floorz > (thing->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y)+MAXMOVEHEIGHT)) //Too high wall return false; //Jumpable if(tm.floorz>(thing->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y)+thing->MaxStepHeight)) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_JUMP; if ( !(thing->flags & MF_TELEPORT) && tm.ceilingz - thing->z < thing->height) return false; // mobj must lower itself to fit // jump out of water // if((thing->eflags & (MF_UNDERWATER|MF_TOUCHWATER))==(MF_UNDERWATER|MF_TOUCHWATER)) // maxstep=37*FRACUNIT; if ( !(thing->flags & MF_TELEPORT) && (tm.floorz - thing->z > maxstep ) ) return false; // too big a step up if ( !(thing->flags&(MF_DROPOFF|MF_FLOAT)) && tm.floorz - tm.dropoffz > thing->MaxDropOffHeight ) return false; // don't stand over a dropoff } } return true; } #define OKAYRANGE (5*ANGLE_1) //counts *2, when angle is in range, turning is not executed. #define MAXTURN (15*ANGLE_1) //Max degrees turned in one tic. Lower is smother but may cause the bot not getting where it should = crash #define TURNSENS 3 //Higher is smoother but slower turn. void FCajunMaster::TurnToAng (AActor *actor) { int maxturn = MAXTURN; if (actor->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { if (actor->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE) { if (actor->player->t_roam && !actor->player->missile) { //Keep angle that where when shot where decided. return; } } if(actor->player->enemy) if(!actor->player->dest) //happens when running after item in combat situations, or normal, prevents weak turns if(actor->player->ReadyWeapon->ProjectileType == NULL && !(actor->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_MELEEWEAPON)) if(Check_LOS(actor, actor->player->enemy, SHOOTFOV+5*ANGLE_1)) maxturn = 3; } int distance = actor->player->angle - actor->angle; if (abs (distance) < OKAYRANGE && !actor->player->enemy) return; distance /= TURNSENS; if (abs (distance) > maxturn) distance = distance < 0 ? -maxturn : maxturn; actor->angle += distance; } void FCajunMaster::Pitch (AActor *actor, AActor *target) { double aim; double diff; diff = target->z - actor->z; aim = atan (diff / (double)P_AproxDistance (actor->x - target->x, actor->y - target->y)); actor->pitch = -(int)(aim * ANGLE_180/M_PI); } //Checks if a sector is dangerous. bool FCajunMaster::IsDangerous (sector_t *sec) { int special; return sec->damage || sec->special & DAMAGE_MASK || (special = sec->special & 0xff, special == dLight_Strobe_Hurt) || special == dDamage_Hellslime || special == dDamage_Nukage || special == dDamage_End || special == dDamage_SuperHellslime || special == dDamage_LavaWimpy || special == dDamage_LavaHefty || special == dScroll_EastLavaDamage || special == sLight_Strobe_Hurt || special == Damage_InstantDeath || special == sDamage_SuperHellslime; }