// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: none // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include "templates.h" #include "version.h" #include "m_alloc.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "d_protocol.h" #include "d_netinf.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "m_crc32.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "p_tick.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "wi_stuff.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "r_data.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "b_bot.h" //Added by MC: #include "sbar.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "m_png.h" #include "gi.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "a_artifacts.h" #include "r_translate.h" #include #include "g_hub.h" static FRandom pr_dmspawn ("DMSpawn"); const int SAVEPICWIDTH = 216; const int SAVEPICHEIGHT = 162; bool G_CheckDemoStatus (void); void G_ReadDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player); void G_WriteDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player, int buf); void G_PlayerReborn (int player); void G_DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot); void G_DoNewGame (void); void G_DoLoadGame (void); void G_DoPlayDemo (void); void G_DoCompleted (void); void G_DoVictory (void); void G_DoWorldDone (void); void G_DoSaveGame (bool okForQuicksave); void G_DoAutoSave (); FIntCVar gameskill ("skill", 2, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_LATCH); CVAR (Int, deathmatch, 0, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_LATCH); CVAR (Bool, chasedemo, false, 0); CVAR (Bool, storesavepic, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) gameaction_t gameaction; gamestate_t gamestate = GS_STARTUP; int paused; bool sendpause; // send a pause event next tic bool sendsave; // send a save event next tic bool sendturn180; // [RH] send a 180 degree turn next tic bool usergame; // ok to save / end game bool insave; // Game is saving - used to block exit commands bool timingdemo; // if true, exit with report on completion bool nodrawers; // for comparative timing purposes bool noblit; // for comparative timing purposes bool viewactive; bool netgame; // only true if packets are broadcast bool multiplayer; player_t players[MAXPLAYERS]; bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS]; DWORD playerswiping; int consoleplayer; // player taking events int gametic; CVAR(Bool, demo_compress, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG); char demoname[256]; bool demorecording; bool demoplayback; bool netdemo; bool demonew; // [RH] Only used around G_InitNew for demos int demover; BYTE* demobuffer; BYTE* demo_p; BYTE* democompspot; BYTE* demobodyspot; size_t maxdemosize; BYTE* zdemformend; // end of FORM ZDEM chunk BYTE* zdembodyend; // end of ZDEM BODY chunk bool singledemo; // quit after playing a demo from cmdline bool precache = true; // if true, load all graphics at start wbstartstruct_t wminfo; // parms for world map / intermission short consistancy[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS]; BYTE* savebuffer; #define MAXPLMOVE (forwardmove[1]) #define TURBOTHRESHOLD 12800 float normforwardmove[2] = {0x19, 0x32}; // [RH] For setting turbo from console float normsidemove[2] = {0x18, 0x28}; // [RH] Ditto fixed_t forwardmove[2], sidemove[2]; fixed_t angleturn[4] = {640, 1280, 320, 320}; // + slow turn fixed_t flyspeed[2] = {1*256, 3*256}; int lookspeed[2] = {450, 512}; #define SLOWTURNTICS 6 CVAR (Bool, cl_run, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always run? CVAR (Bool, invertmouse, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Invert mouse look down/up? CVAR (Bool, freelook, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always mlook? CVAR (Bool, lookstrafe, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always strafe with mouse? CVAR (Float, m_pitch, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Mouse speeds CVAR (Float, m_yaw, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR (Float, m_forward, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR (Float, m_side, 2.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) int turnheld; // for accelerative turning // mouse values are used once int mousex; int mousey; FString savegamefile; char savedescription[SAVESTRINGSIZE]; // [RH] Name of screenshot file to generate (usually NULL) FString shotfile; AActor* bodyque[BODYQUESIZE]; int bodyqueslot; void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (void); FString savename; FString BackupSaveName; bool SendLand; const AInventory *SendItemUse, *SendItemDrop; EXTERN_CVAR (Int, team) CVAR (Bool, teamplay, false, CVAR_SERVERINFO) // [RH] Allow turbo setting anytime during game CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, turbo, 100.f, 0) { if (self < 10.f) { self = 10.f; } else if (self > 256.f) { self = 256.f; } else { float scale = self * 0.01f; forwardmove[0] = (int)(normforwardmove[0]*scale); forwardmove[1] = (int)(normforwardmove[1]*scale); sidemove[0] = (int)(normsidemove[0]*scale); sidemove[1] = (int)(normsidemove[1]*scale); } } CCMD (turnspeeds) { if (argv.argc() == 1) { Printf ("Current turn speeds: %d %d %d %d\n", angleturn[0], angleturn[1], angleturn[2], angleturn[3]); } else { int i; for (i = 1; i <= 4 && i < argv.argc(); ++i) { angleturn[i-1] = atoi (argv[i]); } if (i <= 2) { angleturn[1] = angleturn[0] * 2; } if (i <= 3) { angleturn[2] = angleturn[0] / 2; } if (i <= 4) { angleturn[3] = angleturn[2]; } } } CCMD (slot) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { int slot = atoi (argv[1]); if (slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS) { SendItemUse = LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].PickWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]); } } } CCMD (centerview) { Net_WriteByte (DEM_CENTERVIEW); } CCMD(crouch) { Net_WriteByte(DEM_CROUCH); } CCMD (land) { SendLand = true; } CCMD (pause) { sendpause = true; } CCMD (turn180) { sendturn180 = true; } CCMD (weapnext) { SendItemUse = PickNextWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]); } CCMD (weapprev) { SendItemUse = PickPrevWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]); } CCMD (invnext) { AInventory *next; if (who == NULL) return; if (who->InvSel != NULL) { if ((next = who->InvSel->NextInv()) != NULL) { who->InvSel = next; } else { // Select the first item in the inventory if (!(who->Inventory->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR)) { who->InvSel = who->Inventory->NextInv(); } else { who->InvSel = who->Inventory; } } } who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE; } CCMD (invprev) { AInventory *item, *newitem; if (who == NULL) return; if (who->InvSel != NULL) { if ((item = who->InvSel->PrevInv()) != NULL) { who->InvSel = item; } else { // Select the last item in the inventory item = who->InvSel; while ((newitem = item->NextInv()) != NULL) { item = newitem; } who->InvSel = item; } } who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE; } CCMD (invuseall) { SendItemUse = (const AInventory *)1; } CCMD (invuse) { if (players[consoleplayer].inventorytics == 0 || gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { if (players[consoleplayer].mo) SendItemUse = players[consoleplayer].mo->InvSel; } players[consoleplayer].inventorytics = 0; } CCMD (use) { if (argv.argc() > 1 && who != NULL) { SendItemUse = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1])); } } CCMD (invdrop) { if (players[consoleplayer].mo) SendItemDrop = players[consoleplayer].mo->InvSel; } CCMD (drop) { if (argv.argc() > 1 && who != NULL) { SendItemDrop = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1])); } } CCMD (useflechette) { // Select from one of arti_poisonbag1-3, whichever the player has static const ENamedName bagnames[3] = { NAME_ArtiPoisonBag1, NAME_ArtiPoisonBag2, NAME_ArtiPoisonBag3 }; int i, j; if (who == NULL) return; if (who->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (NAME_ClericPlayer))) i = 0; else if (who->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (NAME_MagePlayer))) i = 1; else i = 2; for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { AInventory *item; if ( (item = who->FindInventory (bagnames[(i+j)%3])) ) { SendItemUse = item; break; } } } CCMD (select) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { AInventory *item = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1])); if (item != NULL) { who->InvSel = item; } } who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE; } // // G_BuildTiccmd // Builds a ticcmd from all of the available inputs // or reads it from the demo buffer. // If recording a demo, write it out // void G_BuildTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd) { int strafe; int speed; int forward; int side; int fly; ticcmd_t *base; base = I_BaseTiccmd (); // empty, or external driver *cmd = *base; cmd->consistancy = consistancy[consoleplayer][(maketic/ticdup)%BACKUPTICS]; strafe = Button_Strafe.bDown; speed = Button_Speed.bDown ^ (int)cl_run; forward = side = fly = 0; // [RH] only use two stage accelerative turning on the keyboard // and not the joystick, since we treat the joystick as // the analog device it is. if (Button_Left.bDown || Button_Right.bDown) turnheld += ticdup; else turnheld = 0; // let movement keys cancel each other out if (strafe) { if (Button_Right.bDown) side += sidemove[speed]; if (Button_Left.bDown) side -= sidemove[speed]; } else { int tspeed = speed; if (turnheld < SLOWTURNTICS) tspeed *= 2; // slow turn if (Button_Right.bDown) { G_AddViewAngle (angleturn[tspeed]); LocalKeyboardTurner = true; } if (Button_Left.bDown) { G_AddViewAngle (-angleturn[tspeed]); LocalKeyboardTurner = true; } } if (Button_LookUp.bDown) G_AddViewPitch (lookspeed[speed]); if (Button_LookDown.bDown) G_AddViewPitch (-lookspeed[speed]); if (Button_MoveUp.bDown) fly += flyspeed[speed]; if (Button_MoveDown.bDown) fly -= flyspeed[speed]; if (Button_Klook.bDown) { if (Button_Forward.bDown) G_AddViewPitch (lookspeed[speed]); if (Button_Back.bDown) G_AddViewPitch (-lookspeed[speed]); } else { if (Button_Forward.bDown) forward += forwardmove[speed]; if (Button_Back.bDown) forward -= forwardmove[speed]; } if (Button_MoveRight.bDown) side += sidemove[speed]; if (Button_MoveLeft.bDown) side -= sidemove[speed]; // buttons if (Button_Attack.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_ATTACK; if (Button_AltAttack.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_ALTATTACK; if (Button_Use.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USE; if (Button_Jump.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_JUMP; if (Button_Crouch.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_DUCK; // [RH] Scale joystick moves to full range of allowed speeds if (JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_PITCH] != 0) { G_AddViewPitch (int((JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_PITCH] * 2048) / 256)); LocalKeyboardTurner = true; } if (JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_YAW] != 0) { G_AddViewAngle (int((-1280 * JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_YAW]) / 256)); LocalKeyboardTurner = true; } side += int((MAXPLMOVE * JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_SIDE]) / 256); forward += int((JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_FORWARD] * MAXPLMOVE) / 256); fly += int(JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_UP] * 8); if (!Button_Mlook.bDown && !freelook) { forward += (int)((float)mousey * m_forward); } cmd->ucmd.pitch = LocalViewPitch >> 16; if (SendLand) { SendLand = false; fly = -32768; } if (strafe || lookstrafe) side += (int)((float)mousex * m_side); mousex = mousey = 0; if (forward > MAXPLMOVE) forward = MAXPLMOVE; else if (forward < -MAXPLMOVE) forward = -MAXPLMOVE; if (side > MAXPLMOVE) side = MAXPLMOVE; else if (side < -MAXPLMOVE) side = -MAXPLMOVE; cmd->ucmd.forwardmove += forward; cmd->ucmd.sidemove += side; cmd->ucmd.yaw = LocalViewAngle >> 16; cmd->ucmd.upmove = fly; LocalViewAngle = 0; LocalViewPitch = 0; // special buttons if (sendturn180) { sendturn180 = false; cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_TURN180; } if (sendpause) { sendpause = false; Net_WriteByte (DEM_PAUSE); } if (sendsave) { sendsave = false; Net_WriteByte (DEM_SAVEGAME); Net_WriteString (savegamefile); Net_WriteString (savedescription); savegamefile = ""; } if (SendItemUse == (const AInventory *)1) { Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVUSEALL); SendItemUse = NULL; } else if (SendItemUse != NULL) { Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVUSE); Net_WriteLong (SendItemUse->InventoryID); SendItemUse = NULL; } if (SendItemDrop != NULL) { Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVDROP); Net_WriteLong (SendItemDrop->InventoryID); SendItemDrop = NULL; } cmd->ucmd.forwardmove <<= 8; cmd->ucmd.sidemove <<= 8; } //[Graf Zahl] This really helps if the mouse update rate can't be increased! CVAR (Bool, smooth_mouse, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) void G_AddViewPitch (int look) { if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { return; } look <<= 16; if (!level.IsFreelookAllowed()) { LocalViewPitch = 0; } else if (look > 0) { // Avoid overflowing if (LocalViewPitch + look <= LocalViewPitch) { LocalViewPitch = 0x78000000; } else { LocalViewPitch = MIN(LocalViewPitch + look, 0x78000000); } } else if (look < 0) { // Avoid overflowing if (LocalViewPitch + look >= LocalViewPitch) { LocalViewPitch = -0x78000000; } else { LocalViewPitch = MAX(LocalViewPitch + look, -0x78000000); } } if (look != 0) { LocalKeyboardTurner = smooth_mouse; } } void G_AddViewAngle (int yaw) { if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { return; } LocalViewAngle -= yaw << 16; if (yaw != 0) { LocalKeyboardTurner = smooth_mouse; } } CVAR (Bool, bot_allowspy, false, 0) // [RH] Spy mode has been separated into two console commands. // One goes forward; the other goes backward. static void ChangeSpy (bool forward) { // If you're not in a level, then you can't spy. if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) { return; } // If not viewing through a player, return your eyes to your own head. if (players[consoleplayer].camera->player == NULL) { players[consoleplayer].camera = players[consoleplayer].mo; return; } // Otherwise, cycle to the next player. bool checkTeam = !demoplayback && deathmatch; int pnum = players[consoleplayer].camera->player - players; int step = forward ? 1 : -1; do { pnum += step; pnum &= MAXPLAYERS-1; if (playeringame[pnum] && (!checkTeam || players[pnum].mo->IsTeammate (players[consoleplayer].mo) || (bot_allowspy && players[pnum].isbot))) { break; } } while (pnum != consoleplayer); players[consoleplayer].camera = players[pnum].mo; S_UpdateSounds(players[consoleplayer].camera); StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[pnum]); if (demoplayback || multiplayer) { StatusBar->ShowPlayerName (); } } CCMD (spynext) { // allow spy mode changes even during the demo ChangeSpy (true); } CCMD (spyprev) { // allow spy mode changes even during the demo ChangeSpy (false); } // // G_Responder // Get info needed to make ticcmd_ts for the players. // bool G_Responder (event_t *ev) { // any other key pops up menu if in demos // [RH] But only if the key isn't bound to a "special" command if (gameaction == ga_nothing && (demoplayback || gamestate == GS_DEMOSCREEN || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)) { const char *cmd = C_GetBinding (ev->data1); if (ev->type == EV_KeyDown) { if (!cmd || ( strnicmp (cmd, "menu_", 5) && stricmp (cmd, "toggleconsole") && stricmp (cmd, "sizeup") && stricmp (cmd, "sizedown") && stricmp (cmd, "togglemap") && stricmp (cmd, "spynext") && stricmp (cmd, "spyprev") && stricmp (cmd, "chase") && stricmp (cmd, "+showscores") && stricmp (cmd, "bumpgamma") && stricmp (cmd, "screenshot"))) { M_StartControlPanel (true); return true; } else { return C_DoKey (ev); } } if (cmd && cmd[0] == '+') return C_DoKey (ev); return false; } if (CT_Responder (ev)) return true; // chat ate the event if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { if (ST_Responder (ev)) return true; // status window ate it if (!viewactive && AM_Responder (ev)) return true; // automap ate it } else if (gamestate == GS_FINALE) { if (F_Responder (ev)) return true; // finale ate the event } switch (ev->type) { case EV_KeyDown: if (C_DoKey (ev)) return true; break; case EV_KeyUp: C_DoKey (ev); break; // [RH] mouse buttons are sent as key up/down events case EV_Mouse: mousex = (int)(ev->x * mouse_sensitivity); mousey = (int)(ev->y * mouse_sensitivity); break; } // [RH] If the view is active, give the automap a chance at // the events *last* so that any bound keys get precedence. if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && viewactive) return AM_Responder (ev); return (ev->type == EV_KeyDown || ev->type == EV_Mouse); } // // G_Ticker // Make ticcmd_ts for the players. // extern FTexture *Page; void G_Ticker () { int i; gamestate_t oldgamestate; // do player reborns if needed for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && (players[i].playerstate == PST_REBORN || players[i].playerstate == PST_ENTER)) { G_DoReborn (i, false); } } if (ToggleFullscreen) { static char toggle_fullscreen[] = "toggle fullscreen"; ToggleFullscreen = false; AddCommandString (toggle_fullscreen); } // do things to change the game state oldgamestate = gamestate; while (gameaction != ga_nothing) { if (gameaction == ga_newgame2) { gameaction = ga_newgame; break; } switch (gameaction) { case ga_loadlevel: G_DoLoadLevel (-1, false); break; case ga_newgame2: // Silence GCC (see above) case ga_newgame: G_DoNewGame (); break; case ga_loadgame: G_DoLoadGame (); break; case ga_savegame: G_DoSaveGame (true); break; case ga_autosave: G_DoAutoSave (); break; case ga_playdemo: G_DoPlayDemo (); break; case ga_completed: G_DoCompleted (); break; case ga_slideshow: F_StartSlideshow (); break; case ga_worlddone: G_DoWorldDone (); break; case ga_screenshot: M_ScreenShot (shotfile); shotfile = ""; gameaction = ga_nothing; break; case ga_fullconsole: C_FullConsole (); gameaction = ga_nothing; break; case ga_togglemap: AM_ToggleMap (); gameaction = ga_nothing; break; case ga_nothing: break; } C_AdjustBottom (); } if (oldgamestate != gamestate) { if (oldgamestate == GS_DEMOSCREEN && Page != NULL) { Page->Unload(); Page = NULL; } else if (oldgamestate == GS_FINALE) { F_EndFinale (); } } // get commands, check consistancy, and build new consistancy check int buf = (gametic/ticdup)%BACKUPTICS; // [RH] Include some random seeds and player stuff in the consistancy // check, not just the player's x position like BOOM. DWORD rngsum = FRandom::StaticSumSeeds (); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { ticcmd_t *cmd = &players[i].cmd; ticcmd_t *newcmd = &netcmds[i][buf]; if ((gametic % ticdup) == 0) { RunNetSpecs (i, buf); } if (demorecording) { G_WriteDemoTiccmd (newcmd, i, buf); } // If the user alt-tabbed away, paused gets set to -1. In this case, // we do not want to read more demo commands until paused is no // longer negative. if (demoplayback && paused >= 0) { G_ReadDemoTiccmd (cmd, i); } else { memcpy (cmd, newcmd, sizeof(ticcmd_t)); } // check for turbo cheats if (cmd->ucmd.forwardmove > TURBOTHRESHOLD && !(gametic&31) && ((gametic>>5)&(MAXPLAYERS-1)) == i ) { Printf ("%s is turbo!\n", players[i].userinfo.netname); } if (netgame && !players[i].isbot && !netdemo && (gametic%ticdup) == 0) { //players[i].inconsistant = 0; if (gametic > BACKUPTICS*ticdup && consistancy[i][buf] != cmd->consistancy) { players[i].inconsistant = gametic - BACKUPTICS*ticdup; } if (players[i].mo) { DWORD sum = rngsum + players[i].mo->x + players[i].mo->y + players[i].mo->z + players[i].mo->angle + players[i].mo->pitch; sum ^= players[i].health; consistancy[i][buf] = sum; } else { consistancy[i][buf] = rngsum; } } } } // do main actions switch (gamestate) { case GS_LEVEL: P_Ticker (); AM_Ticker (); break; case GS_TITLELEVEL: P_Ticker (); break; case GS_INTERMISSION: WI_Ticker (); break; case GS_FINALE: F_Ticker (); break; case GS_DEMOSCREEN: D_PageTicker (); break; case GS_STARTUP: if (gameaction == ga_nothing) { gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE; gameaction = ga_fullconsole; } break; default: break; } } // // PLAYER STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS // also see P_SpawnPlayer in P_Mobj // // // G_PlayerFinishLevel // Called when a player completes a level. // void G_PlayerFinishLevel (int player, EFinishLevelType mode, bool resetinventory) { AInventory *item, *next; player_t *p; p = &players[player]; // Strip all current powers, unless moving in a hub and the power is okay to keep. item = p->mo->Inventory; while (item != NULL) { next = item->Inventory; if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerup))) { if (deathmatch || mode != FINISH_SameHub || !(item->ItemFlags & IF_HUBPOWER)) { item->Destroy (); } } item = next; } if (p->ReadyWeapon != NULL && p->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags&WIF_POWERED_UP && p->PendingWeapon == p->ReadyWeapon->SisterWeapon) { // Unselect powered up weapons if the unpowered counterpart is pending p->ReadyWeapon=p->PendingWeapon; } p->mo->flags &= ~MF_SHADOW; // cancel invisibility p->mo->RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal; p->mo->alpha = FRACUNIT; p->extralight = 0; // cancel gun flashes p->fixedcolormap = 0; // cancel ir goggles p->damagecount = 0; // no palette changes p->bonuscount = 0; p->poisoncount = 0; p->inventorytics = 0; if (mode != FINISH_SameHub) { // Take away flight and keys (and anything else with IF_INTERHUBSTRIP set) item = p->mo->Inventory; while (item != NULL) { next = item->Inventory; if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INTERHUBSTRIP) { item->Destroy (); } item = next; } } if (mode == FINISH_NoHub && !(level.flags & LEVEL_KEEPFULLINVENTORY)) { // Reduce all owned (visible) inventory to 1 item each for (item = p->mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory) { // There may be depletable items with an amount of 0. // Those need to stay at 0; the rest get dropped to 1. if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR && item->Amount > 1) { item->Amount = 1; } } } if (p->morphTics) { // Undo morph P_UndoPlayerMorph (p, true); } // Clears the entire inventory and gives back the defaults for starting a game if (resetinventory) { AInventory *inv = p->mo->Inventory; while (inv != NULL) { AInventory *next = inv->Inventory; if (!(inv->ItemFlags & IF_UNDROPPABLE)) { inv->Destroy (); } else if (inv->GetClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)) { AHexenArmor *harmor = static_cast (inv); harmor->Slots[3] = harmor->Slots[2] = harmor->Slots[1] = harmor->Slots[0] = 0; } inv = next; } p->ReadyWeapon = NULL; p->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; p->psprites[ps_weapon].state = NULL; p->psprites[ps_flash].state = NULL; p->mo->GiveDefaultInventory(); } } // // G_PlayerReborn // Called after a player dies // almost everything is cleared and initialized // void G_PlayerReborn (int player) { player_t* p; int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; int fragcount; // [RH] Cumulative frags int killcount; int itemcount; int secretcount; int chasecam; BYTE currclass; userinfo_t userinfo; // [RH] Save userinfo botskill_t b_skill;//Added by MC: APlayerPawn *actor; const PClass *cls; FString log; p = &players[player]; memcpy (frags, p->frags, sizeof(frags)); fragcount = p->fragcount; killcount = p->killcount; itemcount = p->itemcount; secretcount = p->secretcount; currclass = p->CurrentPlayerClass; b_skill = p->skill; //Added by MC: memcpy (&userinfo, &p->userinfo, sizeof(userinfo)); actor = p->mo; cls = p->cls; log = p->LogText; chasecam = p->cheats & CF_CHASECAM; // Reset player structure to its defaults p->~player_t(); ::new(p) player_t; memcpy (p->frags, frags, sizeof(p->frags)); p->fragcount = fragcount; p->killcount = killcount; p->itemcount = itemcount; p->secretcount = secretcount; p->CurrentPlayerClass = currclass; memcpy (&p->userinfo, &userinfo, sizeof(userinfo)); p->mo = actor; p->cls = cls; p->LogText = log; p->cheats |= chasecam; p->skill = b_skill; //Added by MC: p->oldbuttons = 255, p->attackdown = true; // don't do anything immediately p->playerstate = PST_LIVE; if (gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL) { actor->GiveDefaultInventory (); p->ReadyWeapon = p->PendingWeapon; } //Added by MC: Init bot structure. if (bglobal.botingame[player]) bglobal.CleanBotstuff (p); else p->isbot = false; // [BC] Handle temporary invulnerability when respawned if ((dmflags2 & DF2_YES_INVUL) && (deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags)) { APowerup *invul = static_cast(actor->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerInvulnerable))); invul->EffectTics = 2*TICRATE; invul->BlendColor = 0; // don't mess with the view actor->effects |= FX_RESPAWNINVUL; // [RH] special effect } } // // G_CheckSpot // Returns false if the player cannot be respawned // at the given mapthing2_t spot // because something is occupying it // bool G_CheckSpot (int playernum, mapthing2_t *mthing) { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t z, oldz; int i; x = mthing->x << FRACBITS; y = mthing->y << FRACBITS; z = mthing->z << FRACBITS; z += P_PointInSector (x, y)->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y); if (!players[playernum].mo) { // first spawn of level, before corpses for (i = 0; i < playernum; i++) if (players[i].mo && players[i].mo->x == x && players[i].mo->y == y) return false; return true; } oldz = players[playernum].mo->z; // [RH] Need to save corpse's z-height players[playernum].mo->z = z; // [RH] Checks are now full 3-D // killough 4/2/98: fix bug where P_CheckPosition() uses a non-solid // corpse to detect collisions with other players in DM starts // // Old code: // if (!P_CheckPosition (players[playernum].mo, x, y)) // return false; players[playernum].mo->flags |= MF_SOLID; i = P_CheckPosition(players[playernum].mo, x, y); players[playernum].mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; players[playernum].mo->z = oldz; // [RH] Restore corpse's height if (!i) return false; return true; } // // G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer // Spawns a player at one of the random death match spots // called at level load and each death // // [RH] Returns the distance of the closest player to the given mapthing2_t. static fixed_t PlayersRangeFromSpot (mapthing2_t *spot) { fixed_t closest = INT_MAX; fixed_t distance; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i] || !players[i].mo || players[i].health <= 0) continue; distance = P_AproxDistance (players[i].mo->x - spot->x * FRACUNIT, players[i].mo->y - spot->y * FRACUNIT); if (distance < closest) closest = distance; } return closest; } // [RH] Select the deathmatch spawn spot farthest from everyone. static mapthing2_t *SelectFarthestDeathmatchSpot (size_t selections) { fixed_t bestdistance = 0; mapthing2_t *bestspot = NULL; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < selections; i++) { fixed_t distance = PlayersRangeFromSpot (&deathmatchstarts[i]); if (distance > bestdistance) { bestdistance = distance; bestspot = &deathmatchstarts[i]; } } return bestspot; } // [RH] Select a deathmatch spawn spot at random (original mechanism) static mapthing2_t *SelectRandomDeathmatchSpot (int playernum, unsigned int selections) { unsigned int i, j; for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) { i = pr_dmspawn() % selections; if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &deathmatchstarts[i]) ) { return &deathmatchstarts[i]; } } // [RH] return a spot anyway, since we allow telefragging when a player spawns return &deathmatchstarts[i]; } void G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (int playernum) { unsigned int selections; mapthing2_t *spot; selections = deathmatchstarts.Size (); // [RH] We can get by with just 1 deathmatch start if (selections < 1) I_Error ("No deathmatch starts"); // At level start, none of the players have mobjs attached to them, // so we always use the random deathmatch spawn. During the game, // though, we use whatever dmflags specifies. if ((dmflags & DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST) && players[playernum].mo) spot = SelectFarthestDeathmatchSpot (selections); else spot = SelectRandomDeathmatchSpot (playernum, selections); if (!spot) { // no good spot, so the player will probably get stuck spot = &playerstarts[playernum]; } else { if (playernum < 4) spot->type = playernum+1; else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) spot->type = playernum+4001-4; // [RH] > 4 players else spot->type = playernum+9100-4; } P_SpawnPlayer (spot); } // // G_QueueBody // static void G_QueueBody (AActor *body) { // flush an old corpse if needed int modslot = bodyqueslot%BODYQUESIZE; if (bodyqueslot >= BODYQUESIZE && bodyque[modslot] != NULL) { bodyque[modslot]->Destroy (); } bodyque[modslot] = body; // Copy the player's translation, so that if they change their color later, only // their current body will change and not all their old corpses. if (GetTranslationType(body->Translation) == TRANSLATION_Players || GetTranslationType(body->Translation) == TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra) { *translationtables[TRANSLATION_PlayerCorpses][modslot] = *TranslationToTable(body->Translation); body->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_PlayerCorpses,modslot); } bodyqueslot++; } // // G_DoReborn // void G_DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot) { if (!multiplayer && !(level.flags & LEVEL_ALLOWRESPAWN)) { if (BackupSaveName.Len() > 0 && FileExists (BackupSaveName.GetChars())) { // Load game from the last point it was saved savename = BackupSaveName; gameaction = ga_loadgame; } else { // Reload the level from scratch bool indemo = demoplayback; BackupSaveName = ""; G_InitNew (level.mapname, false); demoplayback = indemo; // gameaction = ga_loadlevel; } } else { // respawn at the start int i; // first disassociate the corpse if (players[playernum].mo) { G_QueueBody (players[playernum].mo); players[playernum].mo->player = NULL; } // spawn at random spot if in death match if (deathmatch) { G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (playernum); return; } if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &playerstarts[playernum]) ) { P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[playernum]); } else { // try to spawn at one of the other players' spots for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &playerstarts[i]) ) { int oldtype = playerstarts[i].type; // fake as other player // [RH] These numbers should be common across all games. Or better yet, not // used at all outside P_SpawnMapThing(). if (playernum < 4 || gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 1; } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 9100 - 4; } else { playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 4001 - 4; } P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[i]); playerstarts[i].type = oldtype; // restore return; } // he's going to be inside something. Too bad. } P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[playernum]); } } } void G_ScreenShot (char *filename) { shotfile = filename; gameaction = ga_screenshot; } // // G_InitFromSavegame // Can be called by the startup code or the menu task. // void G_LoadGame (const char* name) { if (name != NULL) { savename = name; gameaction = ga_loadgame; } } static bool CheckSingleWad (char *name, bool &printRequires, bool printwarn) { if (name == NULL) { return true; } if (Wads.CheckIfWadLoaded (name) < 0) { if (printwarn) { if (!printRequires) { Printf ("This savegame needs these wads:\n%s", name); } else { Printf (", %s", name); } } printRequires = true; delete[] name; return false; } delete[] name; return true; } // Return false if not all the needed wads have been loaded. bool G_CheckSaveGameWads (PNGHandle *png, bool printwarn) { char *text; bool printRequires = false; text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Game WAD"); CheckSingleWad (text, printRequires, printwarn); text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Map WAD"); CheckSingleWad (text, printRequires, printwarn); if (printRequires) { if (printwarn) { Printf ("\n"); } return false; } return true; } static void WriteVars (FILE *file, SDWORD *vars, size_t count, DWORD id) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (vars[i] != 0) break; } if (i < count) { // Find last non-zero var. Anything beyond the last stored variable // will be zeroed at load time. for (j = count-1; j > i; --j) { if (vars[j] != 0) break; } FPNGChunkArchive arc (file, id); for (i = 0; i <= j; ++i) { DWORD var = vars[i]; arc << var; } } } static void ReadVars (PNGHandle *png, SDWORD *vars, size_t count, DWORD id) { size_t len = M_FindPNGChunk (png, id); size_t used = 0; if (len != 0) { DWORD var; size_t i; FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), id, len); used = len / 4; for (i = 0; i < used; ++i) { arc << var; vars[i] = var; } png->File->ResetFilePtr(); } if (used < count) { memset (&vars[used], 0, (count-used)*4); } } static void WriteArrayVars (FILE *file, FWorldGlobalArray *vars, unsigned int count, DWORD id) { unsigned int i, j; // Find the first non-empty array. for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (vars[i].CountUsed() != 0) break; } if (i < count) { // Find last non-empty array. Anything beyond the last stored array // will be emptied at load time. for (j = count-1; j > i; --j) { if (vars[j].CountUsed() != 0) break; } FPNGChunkArchive arc (file, id); arc.WriteCount (i); arc.WriteCount (j); for (; i <= j; ++i) { arc.WriteCount (vars[i].CountUsed()); FWorldGlobalArray::ConstIterator it(vars[i]); const FWorldGlobalArray::Pair *pair; while (it.NextPair (pair)) { arc.WriteCount (pair->Key); arc.WriteCount (pair->Value); } } } } static void ReadArrayVars (PNGHandle *png, FWorldGlobalArray *vars, size_t count, DWORD id) { size_t len = M_FindPNGChunk (png, id); unsigned int i, k; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vars[i].Clear (); } if (len != 0) { DWORD max, size; FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), id, len); i = arc.ReadCount (); max = arc.ReadCount (); for (; i <= max; ++i) { size = arc.ReadCount (); for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) { SDWORD key, val; key = arc.ReadCount(); val = arc.ReadCount(); vars[i].Insert (key, val); } } png->File->ResetFilePtr(); } } void G_DoLoadGame () { char sigcheck[16]; char *text = NULL; char *map; gameaction = ga_nothing; FILE *stdfile = fopen (savename.GetChars(), "rb"); if (stdfile == NULL) { Printf ("Could not read savegame '%s'\n", savename.GetChars()); return; } PNGHandle *png = M_VerifyPNG (stdfile); if (png == NULL) { fclose (stdfile); Printf ("'%s' is not a valid (PNG) savegame\n", savename.GetChars()); return; } SaveVersion = 0; // Check whether this savegame actually has been created by a compatible engine. // Since there are ZDoom derivates using the exact same savegame format but // with mutual incompatibilities this check simplifies things significantly. char *engine = M_GetPNGText (png, "Engine"); if (engine == NULL || 0 != strcmp (engine, GAMESIG)) { // Make a special case for the message printed for old savegames that don't // have this information. if (engine == NULL) { Printf ("Savegame is from an incompatible version\n"); } else { Printf ("Savegame is from another ZDoom-based engine: %s\n", engine); delete[] engine; } delete png; fclose (stdfile); return; } if (engine != NULL) { delete[] engine; } if (!M_GetPNGText (png, "ZDoom Save Version", sigcheck, 16) || 0 != strncmp (sigcheck, SAVESIG, 9) || // ZDOOMSAVE is the first 9 chars (SaveVersion = atoi (sigcheck+9)) < MINSAVEVER) { Printf ("Savegame is from an incompatible version\n"); delete png; fclose (stdfile); return; } if (!G_CheckSaveGameWads (png, true)) { fclose (stdfile); return; } map = M_GetPNGText (png, "Current Map"); if (map == NULL) { Printf ("Savegame is missing the current map\n"); fclose (stdfile); return; } // Read intermission data for hubs G_ReadHubInfo(png); bglobal.RemoveAllBots (true); text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Important CVARs"); if (text != NULL) { BYTE *vars_p = (BYTE *)text; C_ReadCVars (&vars_p); delete[] text; } // dearchive all the modifications if (M_FindPNGChunk (png, MAKE_ID('p','t','I','c')) == 8) { DWORD time[2]; fread (&time, 8, 1, stdfile); time[0] = BigLong((unsigned int)time[0]); time[1] = BigLong((unsigned int)time[1]); level.time = Scale (time[1], TICRATE, time[0]); } else { // No ptIc chunk so we don't know how long the user was playing level.time = 0; } G_ReadSnapshots (png); FRandom::StaticReadRNGState (png); P_ReadACSDefereds (png); // load a base level savegamerestore = true; // Use the player actors in the savegame bool demoplaybacksave = demoplayback; G_InitNew (map, false); demoplayback = demoplaybacksave; delete[] map; savegamerestore = false; ReadVars (png, ACS_WorldVars, NUM_WORLDVARS, MAKE_ID('w','v','A','r')); ReadVars (png, ACS_GlobalVars, NUM_GLOBALVARS, MAKE_ID('g','v','A','r')); ReadArrayVars (png, ACS_WorldArrays, NUM_WORLDVARS, MAKE_ID('w','a','R','r')); ReadArrayVars (png, ACS_GlobalArrays, NUM_GLOBALVARS, MAKE_ID('g','a','R','r')); NextSkill = -1; if (M_FindPNGChunk (png, MAKE_ID('s','n','X','t')) == 1) { BYTE next; fread (&next, 1, 1, stdfile); NextSkill = next; } if (level.info->snapshot != NULL) { delete level.info->snapshot; level.info->snapshot = NULL; } BackupSaveName = savename; delete png; fclose (stdfile); } // // G_SaveGame // Called by the menu task. // Description is a 24 byte text string // void G_SaveGame (const char *filename, const char *description) { savegamefile = filename; strcpy (savedescription, description); sendsave = true; } FString G_BuildSaveName (const char *prefix, int slot) { FString name; const char *leader; const char *slash = ""; if (NULL != (leader = Args.CheckValue ("-savedir"))) { size_t len = strlen (leader); if (leader[len-1] != '\\' && leader[len-1] != '/') { slash = "/"; } } #ifndef unix else if (Args.CheckParm ("-cdrom")) { leader = CDROM_DIR "/"; } else { leader = progdir; } #else else { leader = ""; } #endif if (slot < 0) { name.Format ("%s%s%s", leader, slash, prefix); } else { name.Format ("%s%s%s%d.zds", leader, slash, prefix, slot); } #ifdef unix if (leader[0] == 0) { name = GetUserFile (name); } #endif return name; } CVAR (Int, autosavenum, 0, CVAR_NOSET|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR (Int, disableautosave, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, autosavecount, 4, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { if (self < 0) self = 0; if (self > 20) self = 20; } extern void P_CalcHeight (player_t *); void G_DoAutoSave () { // Keep up to four autosaves at a time UCVarValue num; const char *readableTime; int count = autosavecount != 0 ? autosavecount : 1; num.Int = (autosavenum + 1) % count; autosavenum.ForceSet (num, CVAR_Int); savegamefile = G_BuildSaveName ("auto", num.Int); readableTime = myasctime (); strcpy (savedescription, "Autosave "); strncpy (savedescription+9, readableTime+4, 12); savedescription[9+12] = 0; G_DoSaveGame (false); } static void PutSaveWads (FILE *file) { const char *name; // Name of IWAD name = Wads.GetWadName (FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM); M_AppendPNGText (file, "Game WAD", name); // Name of wad the map resides in if (Wads.GetLumpFile (level.lumpnum) > 1) { name = Wads.GetWadName (Wads.GetLumpFile (level.lumpnum)); M_AppendPNGText (file, "Map WAD", name); } } static void PutSaveComment (FILE *file) { char comment[256]; const char *readableTime; WORD len; int levelTime; // Get the current date and time readableTime = myasctime (); strncpy (comment, readableTime, 10); strncpy (comment+10, readableTime+19, 5); strncpy (comment+15, readableTime+10, 9); comment[24] = 0; M_AppendPNGText (file, "Creation Time", comment); // Get level name //strcpy (comment, level.level_name); sprintf(comment, "%s - %s", level.mapname, level.level_name); len = (WORD)strlen (comment); comment[len] = '\n'; // Append elapsed time levelTime = level.time / TICRATE; sprintf (comment+len+1, "time: %02d:%02d:%02d", levelTime/3600, (levelTime%3600)/60, levelTime%60); comment[len+16] = 0; // Write out the comment M_AppendPNGText (file, "Comment", comment); } static void PutSavePic (FILE *file, int width, int height) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || !storesavepic) { M_CreateDummyPNG (file); } else { DCanvas *pic = new DSimpleCanvas (width, height); PalEntry palette[256]; // Take a snapshot of the player's view pic->Lock (); P_CheckPlayerSprites(); R_RenderViewToCanvas (players[consoleplayer].mo, pic, 0, 0, width, height); screen->GetFlashedPalette (palette); M_CreatePNG (file, pic, palette); pic->Unlock (); delete pic; } } void G_DoSaveGame (bool okForQuicksave) { if (demoplayback) { savegamefile = G_BuildSaveName ("demosave.zds", -1); } insave = true; G_SnapshotLevel (); FILE *stdfile = fopen (savegamefile.GetChars(), "wb"); if (stdfile == NULL) { Printf ("Could not create savegame '%s'\n", savegamefile.GetChars()); savegamefile = ""; gameaction = ga_nothing; insave = false; return; } SaveVersion = SAVEVER; PutSavePic (stdfile, SAVEPICWIDTH, SAVEPICHEIGHT); M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Software", "ZDoom " DOTVERSIONSTR); M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Engine", GAMESIG); M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "ZDoom Save Version", SAVESIG); M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Title", savedescription); M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Current Map", level.mapname); PutSaveWads (stdfile); PutSaveComment (stdfile); // Intermission stats for hubs G_WriteHubInfo(stdfile); { BYTE vars[4096], *vars_p; vars_p = vars; C_WriteCVars (&vars_p, CVAR_SERVERINFO); *vars_p = 0; M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Important CVARs", (char *)vars); } if (level.time != 0 || level.maptime != 0) { DWORD time[2] = { BigLong(TICRATE), BigLong(level.time) }; M_AppendPNGChunk (stdfile, MAKE_ID('p','t','I','c'), (BYTE *)&time, 8); } G_WriteSnapshots (stdfile); FRandom::StaticWriteRNGState (stdfile); P_WriteACSDefereds (stdfile); WriteVars (stdfile, ACS_WorldVars, NUM_WORLDVARS, MAKE_ID('w','v','A','r')); WriteVars (stdfile, ACS_GlobalVars, NUM_GLOBALVARS, MAKE_ID('g','v','A','r')); WriteArrayVars (stdfile, ACS_WorldArrays, NUM_WORLDVARS, MAKE_ID('w','a','R','r')); WriteArrayVars (stdfile, ACS_GlobalArrays, NUM_GLOBALVARS, MAKE_ID('g','a','R','r')); if (NextSkill != -1) { BYTE next = NextSkill; M_AppendPNGChunk (stdfile, MAKE_ID('s','n','X','t'), &next, 1); } M_NotifyNewSave (savegamefile.GetChars(), savedescription, okForQuicksave); gameaction = ga_nothing; savedescription[0] = 0; M_FinishPNG (stdfile); fclose (stdfile); // Check whether the file is ok. bool success = false; stdfile = fopen (savegamefile.GetChars(), "rb"); if (stdfile != NULL) { PNGHandle * pngh = M_VerifyPNG(stdfile); if (pngh != NULL) { success=true; delete pngh; } fclose(stdfile); } if (success) Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("GGSAVED")); else Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Save failed\n"); BackupSaveName = savegamefile; savegamefile = ""; // We don't need the snapshot any longer. if (level.info->snapshot != NULL) { delete level.info->snapshot; level.info->snapshot = NULL; } insave = false; } // // DEMO RECORDING // void G_ReadDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player) { int id = DEM_BAD; while (id != DEM_USERCMD && id != DEM_EMPTYUSERCMD) { if (!demorecording && demo_p >= zdembodyend) { // nothing left in the BODY chunk, so end playback. G_CheckDemoStatus (); break; } id = ReadByte (&demo_p); switch (id) { case DEM_STOP: // end of demo stream G_CheckDemoStatus (); break; case DEM_USERCMD: UnpackUserCmd (&cmd->ucmd, &cmd->ucmd, &demo_p); break; case DEM_EMPTYUSERCMD: // leave cmd->ucmd unchanged break; case DEM_DROPPLAYER: { BYTE i = ReadByte (&demo_p); if (i < MAXPLAYERS) { playeringame[i] = false; playerswiping &= ~(1 << i); } } break; default: Net_DoCommand (id, &demo_p, player); break; } } } bool stoprecording; CCMD (stop) { stoprecording = true; } extern BYTE *lenspot; void G_WriteDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player, int buf) { BYTE *specdata; int speclen; if (stoprecording) { // use "stop" console command to end demo recording G_CheckDemoStatus (); if (!netgame) { gameaction = ga_fullconsole; } return; } // [RH] Write any special "ticcmds" for this player to the demo if ((specdata = NetSpecs[player][buf].GetData (&speclen)) && gametic % ticdup == 0) { memcpy (demo_p, specdata, speclen); demo_p += speclen; NetSpecs[player][buf].SetData (NULL, 0); } // [RH] Now write out a "normal" ticcmd. WriteUserCmdMessage (&cmd->ucmd, &players[player].cmd.ucmd, &demo_p); // [RH] Bigger safety margin if (demo_p > demobuffer + maxdemosize - 64) { ptrdiff_t pos = demo_p - demobuffer; ptrdiff_t spot = lenspot - demobuffer; ptrdiff_t comp = democompspot - demobuffer; ptrdiff_t body = demobodyspot - demobuffer; // [RH] Allocate more space for the demo maxdemosize += 0x20000; demobuffer = (BYTE *)M_Realloc (demobuffer, maxdemosize); demo_p = demobuffer + pos; lenspot = demobuffer + spot; democompspot = demobuffer + comp; demobodyspot = demobuffer + body; } } // // G_RecordDemo // void G_RecordDemo (char* name) { char *v; usergame = false; strcpy (demoname, name); FixPathSeperator (demoname); DefaultExtension (demoname, ".lmp"); v = Args.CheckValue ("-maxdemo"); maxdemosize = 0x20000; demobuffer = (BYTE *)M_Malloc (maxdemosize); demorecording = true; } // [RH] Demos are now saved as IFF FORMs. I've also removed support // for earlier ZDEMs since I didn't want to bother supporting // something that probably wasn't used much (if at all). void G_BeginRecording (const char *startmap) { int i; if (startmap == NULL) { startmap = level.mapname; } demo_p = demobuffer; WriteLong (FORM_ID, &demo_p); // Write FORM ID demo_p += 4; // Leave space for len WriteLong (ZDEM_ID, &demo_p); // Write ZDEM ID // Write header chunk StartChunk (ZDHD_ID, &demo_p); WriteWord (DEMOGAMEVERSION, &demo_p); // Write ZDoom version *demo_p++ = 2; // Write minimum version needed to use this demo. *demo_p++ = 3; // (Useful?) for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Write name of map demo was recorded on. { *demo_p++ = startmap[i]; } WriteLong (rngseed, &demo_p); // Write RNG seed *demo_p++ = consoleplayer; FinishChunk (&demo_p); // Write player info chunks for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { StartChunk (UINF_ID, &demo_p); WriteByte ((BYTE)i, &demo_p); D_WriteUserInfoStrings (i, &demo_p); FinishChunk (&demo_p); } } // It is possible to start a "multiplayer" game with only one player, // so checking the number of players when playing back the demo is not // enough. if (multiplayer) { StartChunk (NETD_ID, &demo_p); FinishChunk (&demo_p); } // Write cvars chunk StartChunk (VARS_ID, &demo_p); C_WriteCVars (&demo_p, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_DEMOSAVE); FinishChunk (&demo_p); // Indicate body is compressed StartChunk (COMP_ID, &demo_p); democompspot = demo_p; WriteLong (0, &demo_p); FinishChunk (&demo_p); // Begin BODY chunk StartChunk (BODY_ID, &demo_p); demobodyspot = demo_p; } // // G_PlayDemo // char defdemoname[128]; void G_DeferedPlayDemo (char *name) { strncpy (defdemoname, name, 127); gameaction = ga_playdemo; } CCMD (playdemo) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { G_DeferedPlayDemo (argv[1]); singledemo = true; } } CCMD (timedemo) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { G_TimeDemo (argv[1]); singledemo = true; } } // [RH] Process all the information in a FORM ZDEM // until a BODY chunk is entered. bool G_ProcessIFFDemo (char *mapname) { bool headerHit = false; bool bodyHit = false; int numPlayers = 0; int id, len, i; uLong uncompSize = 0; BYTE *nextchunk; demoplayback = true; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) playeringame[i] = 0; len = ReadLong (&demo_p); zdemformend = demo_p + len + (len & 1); // Check to make sure this is a ZDEM chunk file. // TODO: Support multiple FORM ZDEMs in a CAT. Might be useful. id = ReadLong (&demo_p); if (id != ZDEM_ID) { Printf ("Not a ZDoom demo file!\n"); return true; } // Process all chunks until a BODY chunk is encountered. while (demo_p < zdemformend && !bodyHit) { id = ReadLong (&demo_p); len = ReadLong (&demo_p); nextchunk = demo_p + len + (len & 1); if (nextchunk > zdemformend) { Printf ("Demo is mangled!\n"); return true; } switch (id) { case ZDHD_ID: headerHit = true; demover = ReadWord (&demo_p); // ZDoom version demo was created with if (demover < MINDEMOVERSION) { Printf ("Demo requires an older version of ZDoom!\n"); //return true; } if (ReadWord (&demo_p) > DEMOGAMEVERSION) // Minimum ZDoom version { Printf ("Demo requires a newer version of ZDoom!\n"); return true; } memcpy (mapname, demo_p, 8); // Read map name mapname[8] = 0; demo_p += 8; rngseed = ReadLong (&demo_p); FRandom::StaticClearRandom (); consoleplayer = *demo_p++; break; case VARS_ID: C_ReadCVars (&demo_p); break; case UINF_ID: i = ReadByte (&demo_p); if (!playeringame[i]) { playeringame[i] = 1; numPlayers++; } D_ReadUserInfoStrings (i, &demo_p, false); break; case NETD_ID: multiplayer = true; break; case BODY_ID: bodyHit = true; zdembodyend = demo_p + len; break; case COMP_ID: uncompSize = ReadLong (&demo_p); break; } if (!bodyHit) demo_p = nextchunk; } if (!numPlayers) { Printf ("Demo has no players!\n"); return true; } if (!bodyHit) { zdembodyend = NULL; Printf ("Demo has no BODY chunk!\n"); return true; } if (numPlayers > 1) multiplayer = netgame = netdemo = true; if (uncompSize > 0) { BYTE *uncompressed = new BYTE[uncompSize]; int r = uncompress (uncompressed, &uncompSize, demo_p, zdembodyend - demo_p); if (r != Z_OK) { Printf ("Could not decompress demo!\n"); delete[] uncompressed; return true; } delete[] demobuffer; zdembodyend = uncompressed + uncompSize; demobuffer = demo_p = uncompressed; } return false; } void G_DoPlayDemo (void) { char mapname[9]; int demolump; gameaction = ga_nothing; // [RH] Allow for demos not loaded as lumps demolump = Wads.CheckNumForName (defdemoname); if (demolump >= 0) { int demolen = Wads.LumpLength (demolump); demobuffer = new BYTE[demolen]; Wads.ReadLump (demolump, demobuffer); } else { FixPathSeperator (defdemoname); DefaultExtension (defdemoname, ".lmp"); M_ReadFile (defdemoname, &demobuffer); } demo_p = demobuffer; Printf ("Playing demo %s\n", defdemoname); C_BackupCVars (); // [RH] Save cvars that might be affected by demo if (ReadLong (&demo_p) != FORM_ID) { const char *eek = "Cannot play non-ZDoom demos.\n(They would go out of sync badly.)\n"; if (singledemo) { I_Error (eek); } else { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, eek); gameaction = ga_nothing; } } else if (G_ProcessIFFDemo (mapname)) { gameaction = ga_nothing; demoplayback = false; } else { // don't spend a lot of time in loadlevel precache = false; demonew = true; G_InitNew (mapname, false); C_HideConsole (); demonew = false; precache = true; usergame = false; demoplayback = true; } } // // G_TimeDemo // void G_TimeDemo (char* name) { nodrawers = !!Args.CheckParm ("-nodraw"); noblit = !!Args.CheckParm ("-noblit"); timingdemo = true; singletics = true; strncpy (defdemoname, name, 128); gameaction = ga_playdemo; } /* =================== = = G_CheckDemoStatus = = Called after a death or level completion to allow demos to be cleaned up = Returns true if a new demo loop action will take place =================== */ bool G_CheckDemoStatus (void) { if (!demorecording) { // [RH] Restore the player's userinfo settings. D_SetupUserInfo(); } if (demoplayback) { extern int starttime; int endtime = 0; if (timingdemo) endtime = I_GetTime (false) - starttime; C_RestoreCVars (); // [RH] Restore cvars demo might have changed delete[] demobuffer; demoplayback = false; netdemo = false; netgame = false; multiplayer = false; singletics = false; { int i; for (i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) playeringame[i] = 0; } consoleplayer = 0; players[0].camera = NULL; StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[0]); if (singledemo || timingdemo) { if (timingdemo) { // Trying to get back to a stable state after timing a demo // seems to cause problems. I don't feel like fixing that // right now. I_FatalError ("timed %i gametics in %i realtics (%.1f fps)\n" "(This is not really an error.)", gametic, endtime, (float)gametic/(float)endtime*(float)TICRATE); } else { Printf ("Demo ended.\n"); } gameaction = ga_fullconsole; timingdemo = false; return false; } else { D_AdvanceDemo (); } return true; } if (demorecording) { BYTE *formlen; WriteByte (DEM_STOP, &demo_p); if (demo_compress) { // Now that the entire BODY chunk has been created, replace it with // a compressed version. If the BODY successfully compresses, the // contents of the COMP chunk will be changed to indicate the // uncompressed size of the BODY. uLong len = demo_p - demobodyspot; uLong outlen = (len + len/100 + 12); Byte *compressed = new Byte[outlen]; int r = compress2 (compressed, &outlen, demobodyspot, len, 9); if (r == Z_OK && outlen < len) { formlen = democompspot; WriteLong (len, &democompspot); memcpy (demobodyspot, compressed, outlen); demo_p = demobodyspot + outlen; } delete[] compressed; } FinishChunk (&demo_p); formlen = demobuffer + 4; WriteLong (demo_p - demobuffer - 8, &formlen); M_WriteFile (demoname, demobuffer, demo_p - demobuffer); free (demobuffer); demorecording = false; stoprecording = false; Printf ("Demo %s recorded\n", demoname); } return false; }