// Entity Nest -------------------------------------------------------------- class EntityNest : Actor { Default { Radius 84; Height 47; +SOLID +NOTDMATCH +FLOORCLIP } States { Spawn: NEST A -1; Stop; } } // Entity Pod --------------------------------------------------------------- class EntityPod : Actor { Default { Radius 25; Height 91; +SOLID +NOTDMATCH SeeSound "misc/gibbed"; } States { Spawn: PODD A 60 A_Look; Loop; See: PODD A 360; PODD B 9 A_NoBlocking; PODD C 9; PODD D 9 A_SpawnEntity; PODD E -1; Stop; } void A_SpawnEntity () { Actor entity = Spawn("EntityBoss", pos + (0,0,70), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (entity != null) { entity.Angle = self.Angle; entity.CopyFriendliness(self, true); entity.Vel.Z = 5; entity.tracer = self; } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- class EntityBoss : SpectralMonster { Default { Health 2500; Painchance 255; Speed 13; Radius 130; Height 200; FloatSpeed 5; Mass 1000; Monster; +SPECIAL +NOGRAVITY +FLOAT +SHADOW +NOTDMATCH +DONTMORPH +NOTARGET +NOBLOCKMONST +INCOMBAT +LOOKALLAROUND +SPECTRAL +NOICEDEATH MinMissileChance 150; RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.5; SeeSound "entity/sight"; AttackSound "entity/melee"; PainSound "entity/pain"; DeathSound "entity/death"; ActiveSound "entity/active"; Obituary "$OB_ENTITY"; } States { Spawn: MNAM A 100; MNAM B 60 Bright; MNAM CDEFGHIJKL 4 Bright; MNAL A 4 Bright A_Look; MNAL B 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; Goto Spawn+12; See: MNAL AB 4 Bright A_Chase; MNAL C 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; MNAL DEF 4 Bright A_Chase; MNAL G 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; MNAL HIJ 4 Bright A_Chase; MNAL K 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; Loop; Melee: MNAL J 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; MNAL I 4 Bright A_CustomMeleeAttack((random[SpectreMelee](0,255)&9)*5); MNAL C 4 Bright; Goto See+2; Missile: MNAL F 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; MNAL I 4 Bright A_EntityAttack; MNAL E 4 Bright; Goto See+10; Pain: MNAL J 2 Bright A_Pain; Goto See+6; Death: MNAL L 7 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; MNAL M 7 Bright A_Scream; MNAL NO 7 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; MNAL P 7 Bright A_SpectreChunkLarge; MNAL Q 64 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; MNAL Q 6 Bright A_EntityDeath; Stop; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- private void A_SpectralMissile (class missilename) { if (target != null) { Actor missile = SpawnMissileXYZ (Pos + (0,0,32), target, missilename, false); if (missile != null) { missile.tracer = target; missile.CheckMissileSpawn(radius); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void A_EntityAttack() { // Apparent Strife bug: Case 5 was unreachable because they used % 5 instead of % 6. // I've fixed that by making case 1 duplicate it, since case 1 did nothing. switch (random[Entity](0, 4)) { case 0: A_SpotLightning(); break; case 2: A_SpectralMissile ("SpectralLightningH3"); break; case 3: A_Spectre3Attack(); break; case 4: A_SpectralMissile ("SpectralLightningBigV2"); break; default: A_SpectralMissile ("SpectralLightningBigBall2"); break; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void A_EntityDeath() { Actor second; double secondRadius = GetDefaultByType("EntitySecond").radius * 2; static const double turns[] = { 0, 90, -90 }; Actor spot = tracer; if (spot == null) spot = self; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double an = Angle + turns[i]; Vector3 pos = spot.Vec3Angle(secondRadius, an, tracer ? 70. : 0.); second = Spawn("EntitySecond", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (second != null) { second.CopyFriendliness(self, true); second.A_FaceTarget(); second.VelFromAngle(i == 0? 4.8828125 : secondRadius * 4., an); } } } } // Second Entity Boss ------------------------------------------------------- class EntitySecond : SpectralMonster { Default { Health 990; Painchance 255; Speed 14; Radius 130; Height 200; FloatSpeed 5; Mass 1000; Monster; +SPECIAL +NOGRAVITY +FLOAT +SHADOW +NOTDMATCH +DONTMORPH +NOBLOCKMONST +INCOMBAT +LOOKALLAROUND +SPECTRAL +NOICEDEATH MinMissileChance 150; RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.25; SeeSound "alienspectre/sight"; AttackSound "alienspectre/blade"; PainSound "alienspectre/pain"; DeathSound "alienspectre/death"; ActiveSound "alienspectre/active"; Obituary "$OB_ENTITY"; } States { Spawn: MNAL R 10 Bright A_Look; Loop; See: MNAL R 5 Bright A_SentinelBob; MNAL ST 5 Bright A_Chase; MNAL U 5 Bright A_SentinelBob; MNAL V 5 Bright A_Chase; MNAL W 5 Bright A_SentinelBob; Loop; Melee: MNAL S 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; MNAL R 4 Bright A_CustomMeleeAttack((random[SpectreMelee](0,255)&9)*5); MNAL T 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; Goto See+1; Missile: MNAL W 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; MNAL U 4 Bright A_SpawnProjectile("SpectralLightningH3",32,0); MNAL V 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; Goto See+4; Pain: MNAL R 2 Bright A_Pain; Goto See; Death: MDTH A 3 Bright A_Scream; MDTH B 3 Bright A_TossGib; MDTH C 3 Bright A_NoBlocking; MDTH DEFGHIJKLMN 3 Bright A_TossGib; MDTH O 3 Bright A_SubEntityDeath; Stop; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void A_SubEntityDeath () { if (CheckBossDeath ()) { Level.ExitLevel(0, false); } } }