// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id: s_sound.c,v 1.3 1998/01/05 16:26:08 pekangas Exp $ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // // DESCRIPTION: none // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include "m_alloc.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "i_sound.h" #include "i_music.h" #include "i_cd.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "s_playlist.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "vectors.h" #include "gi.h" #include "templates.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "timidity/timidity.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef NeXT // NeXT doesn't need a binary flag in open call #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #define SELECT_ATTEN(a) ((a)==ATTN_NONE ? 0 : (a)==ATTN_STATIC ? 3 : 1) #ifndef FIXED2FLOAT #define FIXED2FLOAT(f) (((float)(f))/(float)65536) #endif #define NORM_PITCH 128 #define NORM_PRIORITY 64 #define NORM_SEP 0 #define S_PITCH_PERTURB 1 #define S_STEREO_SWING 0.75 // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- struct MusPlayingInfo { FString name; void *handle; int baseorder; bool loop; }; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- extern float S_GetMusicVolume (const char *music); // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static fixed_t P_AproxDistance2(fixed_t *listener, fixed_t x, fixed_t y); static void S_StartSound(fixed_t *pt, AActor *mover, int channel, int sound_id, float volume, float attenuation); static bool S_CheckSoundLimit(sfxinfo_t *sfx, float pos[3], int NearLimit); static void S_ActivatePlayList(bool goBack); static void CalcPosVel(fixed_t *pt, AActor *mover, int constz, float pos[3], float vel[3]); // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static bool MusicPaused; // whether music is paused static MusPlayingInfo mus_playing; // music currently being played static FString LastSong; // last music that was played static FPlayList *PlayList; // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- int sfx_empty; FSoundChan *Channels; FSoundChan *FreeChannels; int S_RolloffType; float S_MinDistance; float S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor; BYTE *S_SoundCurve; int S_SoundCurveSize; CVAR (Bool, snd_surround, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // [RH] Use surround sounds? FBoolCVar noisedebug ("noise", false, 0); // [RH] Print sound debugging info? CVAR (Int, snd_channels, 32, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // number of channels available CVAR (Bool, snd_flipstereo, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // P_AproxDistance2 // //========================================================================== static fixed_t P_AproxDistance2 (fixed_t *listener, fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { // calculate the distance to sound origin // and clip it if necessary if (listener) { fixed_t adx = abs (listener[0] - x); fixed_t ady = abs (listener[1] - y); // From _GG1_ p.428. Appox. eucledian distance fast. return adx + ady - ((adx < ady ? adx : ady)>>1); } else return 0; } static fixed_t P_AproxDistance2 (AActor *listener, fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { return listener ? P_AproxDistance2 (&listener->x, x, y) : 0; } //========================================================================== // // S_NoiseDebug // // [RH] Print sound debug info. Called by status bar. //========================================================================== void S_NoiseDebug (void) { FSoundChan *chan; fixed_t ox, oy, oz; int y, color; y = 32 * CleanYfac; screen->DrawText (CR_YELLOW, 0, y, "*** SOUND DEBUG INFO ***", TAG_DONE); y += 8; screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 0, y, "name", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 70, y, "x", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 120, y, "y", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 170, y, "z", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 220, y, "vol", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 250, y, "dist", TAG_DONE); screen->DrawText (CR_GOLD, 290, y, "chan", TAG_DONE); y += 8; if (Channels == NULL) { return; } // Display the last channel first. for (chan = Channels; chan->NextChan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { } while (y < SCREENHEIGHT - 16) { char temp[16]; fixed_t *origin = chan->Pt; if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_IS3D)) { ox = players[consoleplayer].camera->x; oy = players[consoleplayer].camera->y; oz = players[consoleplayer].camera->z; } else if (origin) { ox = origin[0]; oy = origin[1]; oz = origin[2]; } else { ox = chan->X; oy = chan->Y; oz = chan->Z; } color = (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP) ? CR_BROWN : CR_GREY; Wads.GetLumpName (temp, chan->SfxInfo->lumpnum); temp[8] = 0; screen->DrawText (color, 0, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%d", ox >> FRACBITS); screen->DrawText (color, 70, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%d", oy >> FRACBITS); screen->DrawText (color, 120, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%d", oz >> FRACBITS); screen->DrawText (color, 170, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%g", chan->Volume); screen->DrawText (color, 220, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%d", P_AproxDistance2 (players[consoleplayer].camera, ox, oy) / FRACUNIT); screen->DrawText (color, 250, y, temp, TAG_DONE); sprintf (temp, "%d", chan->EntChannel); screen->DrawText (color, 290, y, temp, TAG_DONE); y += 8; if (chan->PrevChan == &Channels) { break; } chan = (FSoundChan *)((size_t)chan->PrevChan - myoffsetof(FSoundChan, NextChan)); } BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount (); } static FString LastLocalSndInfo; static FString LastLocalSndSeq; void S_AddLocalSndInfo(int lump); //========================================================================== // // S_Init // // Initializes sound stuff, including volume. Sets channels, SFX and // music volume, allocates channel buffer, and sets S_sfx lookup. //========================================================================== void S_Init () { int curvelump; atterm (S_Shutdown); // remove old data (S_Init can be called multiple times!) if (S_SoundCurve != NULL) { delete[] S_SoundCurve; } // Heretic and Hexen have sound curve lookup tables. Doom does not. curvelump = Wads.CheckNumForName ("SNDCURVE"); if (curvelump >= 0) { S_SoundCurveSize = Wads.LumpLength (curvelump); S_SoundCurve = new BYTE[S_SoundCurveSize]; Wads.ReadLump(curvelump, S_SoundCurve); } // Free all channels for use. while (Channels != NULL) { S_ReturnChannel(Channels); } // no sounds are playing, and they are not paused MusicPaused = false; } //========================================================================== // // S_InitData // //========================================================================== void S_InitData () { LastLocalSndInfo = LastLocalSndSeq = ""; S_ParseSndInfo (); S_ParseSndSeq (-1); S_ParseReverbDef (); } //========================================================================== // // S_Shutdown // //========================================================================== void S_Shutdown () { FSoundChan *chan, *next; if (GSnd != NULL) { while (Channels != NULL) { GSnd->StopSound(Channels); } GSnd->UpdateSounds(); } else { for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = next) { next = chan->NextChan; delete chan; } Channels = NULL; } for (chan = FreeChannels; chan != NULL; chan = next) { next = chan->NextChan; delete chan; } FreeChannels = NULL; if (S_SoundCurve != NULL) { delete[] S_SoundCurve; S_SoundCurve = NULL; } if (PlayList != NULL) { delete PlayList; PlayList = NULL; } } //========================================================================== // // S_Start // // Per level startup code. Kills playing sounds at start of level // and starts new music. //========================================================================== void S_Start () { if (GSnd) { // kill all playing sounds at start of level (trust me - a good idea) S_StopAllChannels(); // Check for local sound definitions. Only reload if they differ // from the previous ones. const char *LocalSndInfo; const char *LocalSndSeq; // To be certain better check whether level is valid! if (level.info && level.info->soundinfo) { LocalSndInfo = level.info->soundinfo; } else { LocalSndInfo = ""; } if (level.info && level.info->sndseq) { LocalSndSeq = level.info->sndseq; } else { LocalSndSeq = ""; } bool parse_ss = false; // This level uses a different local SNDINFO if (LastLocalSndInfo.CompareNoCase(LocalSndInfo) != 0 || !level.info) { // First delete the old sound list for(unsigned i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); i++) { GSnd->UnloadSound(&S_sfx[i]); } // Parse the global SNDINFO S_ParseSndInfo(); if (*LocalSndInfo) { // Now parse the local SNDINFO int j = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndInfo, true); if (j>=0) S_AddLocalSndInfo(j); } // Also reload the SNDSEQ if the SNDINFO was replaced! parse_ss = true; } else if (LastLocalSndSeq.CompareNoCase(LocalSndSeq) != 0) { parse_ss = true; } if (parse_ss) { S_ParseSndSeq(*LocalSndSeq? Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndSeq, true) : -1); } else LastLocalSndInfo = LocalSndInfo; LastLocalSndSeq = LocalSndSeq; } // stop the old music if it has been paused. // This ensures that the new music is started from the beginning // if it's the same as the last one and it has been paused. if (MusicPaused) S_StopMusic(true); // start new music for the level MusicPaused = false; // [RH] This is a lot simpler now. if (!savegamerestore) { if (level.cdtrack == 0 || !S_ChangeCDMusic (level.cdtrack, level.cdid)) S_ChangeMusic (level.music, level.musicorder); } } //========================================================================== // // S_PrecacheLevel // // Like R_PrecacheLevel, but for sounds. // //========================================================================== void S_PrecacheLevel () { unsigned int i; if (GSnd) { for (i = 0; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i) { S_sfx[i].bUsed = false; } AActor *actor; TThinkerIterator iterator; while ( (actor = iterator.Next ()) != NULL ) { S_sfx[actor->SeeSound].bUsed = true; S_sfx[actor->AttackSound].bUsed = true; S_sfx[actor->PainSound].bUsed = true; S_sfx[actor->DeathSound].bUsed = true; S_sfx[actor->ActiveSound].bUsed = true; S_sfx[actor->UseSound].bUsed = true; } for (i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i) { if (S_sfx[i].bUsed) { S_CacheSound (&S_sfx[i]); } } for (i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i) { if (!S_sfx[i].bUsed && S_sfx[i].link == sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { GSnd->UnloadSound (&S_sfx[i]); } } } } //========================================================================== // // S_CacheSound // //========================================================================== void S_CacheSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx) { if (GSnd) { if (sfx->bPlayerReserve) { return; } else if (sfx->bRandomHeader) { S_CacheRandomSound (sfx); } else { while (sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { sfx = &S_sfx[sfx->link]; } sfx->bUsed = true; GSnd->LoadSound (sfx); } } } //========================================================================== // // S_GetChannel // // Returns a free channel for the system sound interface. // //========================================================================== FSoundChan *S_GetChannel(void *syschan) { FSoundChan *chan; if (FreeChannels != NULL) { chan = FreeChannels; S_UnlinkChannel(chan); } else { chan = new FSoundChan; memset(chan, 0, sizeof(*chan)); } S_LinkChannel(chan, &Channels); chan->SysChannel = syschan; return chan; } //========================================================================== // // S_ReturnChannel // // Returns a channel to the free pool. // //========================================================================== void S_ReturnChannel(FSoundChan *chan) { if (chan->Mover != NULL) { chan->Mover->SoundChans &= ~(1 << chan->EntChannel); } S_UnlinkChannel(chan); memset(chan, 0, sizeof(*chan)); S_LinkChannel(chan, &FreeChannels); } //========================================================================== // // S_UnlinkChannel // //========================================================================== void S_UnlinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan) { *(chan->PrevChan) = chan->NextChan; if (chan->NextChan != NULL) { chan->NextChan->PrevChan = chan->PrevChan; } } //========================================================================== // // S_LinkChannel // //========================================================================== void S_LinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan, FSoundChan **head) { chan->NextChan = *head; if (chan->NextChan != NULL) { chan->NextChan->PrevChan = &chan->NextChan; } *head = chan; chan->PrevChan = head; } // [RH] Split S_StartSoundAtVolume into multiple parts so that sounds can // be specified both by id and by name. Also borrowed some stuff from // Hexen and parameters from Quake. //========================================================================== // // CalcPosVel // // Calculates a sound's position and velocity for 3D sounds. //========================================================================= void CalcPosVel (fixed_t *pt, AActor *mover, int constz, float pos[3], float vel[3]) { if (mover != NULL) { vel[0] = FIXED2FLOAT(mover->momx) * TICRATE; vel[1] = FIXED2FLOAT(mover->momz) * TICRATE; vel[2] = FIXED2FLOAT(mover->momy) * TICRATE; } else { vel[0] = vel[1] = vel[2] = 0.f; } pos[0] = FIXED2FLOAT (pt[0]); pos[2] = FIXED2FLOAT (pt[1]); if (constz) { pos[1] = FIXED2FLOAT(players[consoleplayer].camera->z); vel[1] = 0.f; } else { pos[1] = FIXED2FLOAT(pt[2]); } } //========================================================================== // // S_StartSound // // 0 attenuation means full volume over whole level // 0Volume, 1.f); if (volume <= 0) return; // When resolving a link we do not want to get the NearLimit of // the referenced sound so some additional checks are required int NearLimit = sfx->NearLimit; // Resolve player sounds, random sounds, and aliases while (sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { if (sfx->bPlayerReserve) { sound_id = S_FindSkinnedSound (mover, sound_id); NearLimit = sfx[sound_id].NearLimit; } else if (sfx->bRandomHeader) { sound_id = S_PickReplacement (sound_id); if (NearLimit < 0) NearLimit = sfx[sound_id].NearLimit; } else { sound_id = sfx->link; if (NearLimit < 0) NearLimit = sfx[sound_id].NearLimit; } sfx = &S_sfx[sound_id]; } // If this is a singular sound, don't play it if it's already playing. if (sfx->bSingular && S_CheckSingular(sound_id)) return; // If this sound doesn't like playing near itself, don't play it if // that's what would happen. if (NearLimit > 0 && pt != NULL && mover != players[consoleplayer].camera && S_CheckSoundLimit(sfx, pos, NearLimit)) return; // Make sure the sound is loaded. if (sfx->data == NULL) { GSnd->LoadSound (sfx); if (sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { sfx = &S_sfx[sfx->link]; } } // The empty sound never plays. if (sfx->lumpnum == sfx_empty) { return; } // Select priority. if (attenuation <= 0 || mover == players[consoleplayer].camera) { basepriority = 40; } else { basepriority = 0; } if (mover != NULL && channel == CHAN_AUTO) { // Select a channel that isn't already playing something. BYTE mask = mover->SoundChans; // Try channel 0 first, then travel from channel 7 down. if ((mask & 1) == 0) { channel = 0; } else { for (channel = 7; channel > 0; --channel, mask <<= 1) { if ((mask & 0x80) == 0) { break; } } if (channel == 0) { // Crap. No free channels. return; } } } // If this actor is already playing something on the selected channel, stop it. if ((mover == NULL && channel != CHAN_AUTO) || (mover != NULL && mover->SoundChans & (1 << channel))) { for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (((mover != NULL && chan->Mover == mover) || (chan->Pt == pt)) && chan->EntChannel == channel) { GSnd->StopSound(chan); break; } } } // Vary the sfx pitches. if (sfx->PitchMask != 0) { pitch = NORM_PITCH - (M_Random()&sfx->PitchMask) + (M_Random()&sfx->PitchMask); } else { pitch = NORM_PITCH; } if (attenuation > 0) { chan = GSnd->StartSound3D (sfx, volume, attenuation, pitch, basepriority, pos, vel, chanflags); chanflags |= CHAN_IS3D; } else { chan = GSnd->StartSound (sfx, volume, pitch, chanflags); chanflags |= CHAN_LISTENERZ; } if (chan != NULL) { chan->SoundID = sound_id; chan->OrgID = org_id; chan->Mover = mover; chan->Pt = pt != NULL ? pt : &chan->X; chan->SfxInfo = sfx; chan->EntChannel = channel; chan->Volume = volume; chan->X = x; chan->Y = y; chan->Z = z; chan->ChanFlags |= chanflags; if (mover != NULL) { mover->SoundChans |= 1 << channel; } } } //========================================================================== // // S_SoundID // //========================================================================== void S_SoundID (int channel, int sound_id, float volume, int attenuation) { S_StartSound ((fixed_t *)NULL, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_SoundID (AActor *ent, int channel, int sound_id, float volume, int attenuation) { if (ent->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT) return; S_StartSound (&ent->x, ent, channel, sound_id, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_SoundID (fixed_t *pt, int channel, int sound_id, float volume, int attenuation) { S_StartSound (pt, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_SoundID (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int channel, int sound_id, float volume, int attenuation) { fixed_t pt[3]; pt[0] = x; pt[1] = y; pt[2] = z; S_StartSound (pt, NULL, channel|CHAN_IMMOBILE, sound_id, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } //========================================================================== // // S_StartNamedSound // //========================================================================== void S_StartNamedSound (AActor *ent, fixed_t *pt, int channel, const char *name, float volume, float attenuation) { int sfx_id; if (name == NULL || (ent != NULL && ent->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT)) { return; } sfx_id = S_FindSound (name); if (sfx_id == 0) DPrintf ("Unknown sound %s\n", name); if (ent) S_StartSound (&ent->x, ent, channel, sfx_id, volume, attenuation); else S_StartSound (pt, NULL, channel, sfx_id, volume, attenuation); } //========================================================================== // // S_Sound // //========================================================================== void S_Sound (int channel, const char *name, float volume, int attenuation) { S_StartNamedSound ((AActor *)NULL, NULL, channel, name, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_Sound (AActor *ent, int channel, const char *name, float volume, int attenuation) { S_StartNamedSound (ent, NULL, channel, name, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_Sound (fixed_t *pt, int channel, const char *name, float volume, int attenuation) { S_StartNamedSound (NULL, pt, channel, name, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } void S_Sound (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, int channel, const char *name, float volume, int attenuation) { fixed_t pt[3]; pt[0] = x; pt[1] = y; S_StartNamedSound (NULL, pt, channel|CHAN_LISTENERZ|CHAN_IMMOBILE, name, volume, SELECT_ATTEN(attenuation)); } //========================================================================== // // S_CheckSingular // // Returns true if a copy of this sound is already playing. // //========================================================================== bool S_CheckSingular(int sound_id) { for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->OrgID == sound_id) { return true; } } return false; } //========================================================================== // // S_CheckSoundLimit // // Limits the number of nearby copies of a sound that can play near // each other. If there are NearLimit instances of this sound already // playing within 256 units of the new sound, the new sound will not // start. // //========================================================================== bool S_CheckSoundLimit(sfxinfo_t *sfx, float pos[3], int NearLimit) { FSoundChan *chan; int count; for (chan = Channels, count = 0; chan != NULL && count < NearLimit; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->SfxInfo == sfx) { double dx = FIXED2FLOAT(chan->Pt[0]) - pos[0]; double dy = FIXED2FLOAT(chan->Pt[1]) - pos[2]; double dz = FIXED2FLOAT(chan->Pt[2]) - pos[1]; if (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz <= 256.0*256.0) { count++; } } } return count >= NearLimit; } //========================================================================== // // S_StopSound // // Stops a sound from a single source playing on a specific channel. //========================================================================== void S_StopSound (fixed_t *pt, int channel) { for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (((pt == NULL && chan->Pt == &chan->X) || chan->Pt == pt) && ((i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) || chan->EntChannel == channel)) { GSnd->StopSound(chan); } } } void S_StopSound (AActor *ent, int channel) { // No need to search every channel if we know it's not playing anything. if (ent != NULL && ent->SoundChans & (1 << channel)) { S_StopSound (&ent->x, channel); } } //========================================================================== // // S_StopAllChannels // //========================================================================== void S_StopAllChannels () { if (GSnd == NULL) { return; } SN_StopAllSequences(); while (Channels != NULL) { GSnd->StopSound(Channels); } GSnd->UpdateSounds(); } //========================================================================== // // S_RelinkSound // // Moves all the sounds from one thing to another. If the destination is // NULL, then the sound becomes a positioned sound. //========================================================================== void S_RelinkSound (AActor *from, AActor *to) { if (from == NULL || GSnd == NULL) return; fixed_t *frompt = &from->x; fixed_t *topt = to ? &to->x : NULL; for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->Pt == frompt) { if (to != NULL || !(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP)) { chan->Pt = topt ? topt : &chan->X; chan->X = frompt[0]; chan->Y = frompt[1]; chan->Z = frompt[2]; chan->Mover = to; } else { GSnd->StopSound(chan); } } } } //========================================================================== // // S_GetSoundPlayingInfo // // Is a sound being played by a specific actor/point? //========================================================================== bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (fixed_t *pt, int sound_id) { if (sound_id > 0) { for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->Pt == pt && chan->OrgID == sound_id) return true; } } return false; } bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (AActor *ent, int sound_id) { return S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (ent ? &ent->x : NULL, sound_id); } //========================================================================== // // S_IsActorPlayingSomething // //========================================================================== bool S_IsActorPlayingSomething (AActor *actor, int channel, int sound_id) { if (actor->SoundChans == 0) { return false; } if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE) { channel = 0; } for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->Pt == &actor->x) { if (channel == 0 || chan->EntChannel == channel) { return sound_id <= 0 || chan->OrgID == sound_id; } } } return false; } //========================================================================== // // S_PauseSound // // Stop music and sound effects, during game PAUSE. //========================================================================== void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic) { if (!notmusic && mus_playing.handle && !MusicPaused) { I_PauseSong (mus_playing.handle); MusicPaused = true; } if (GSnd != NULL) { GSnd->SetSfxPaused (true); } } //========================================================================== // // S_ResumeSound // // Resume music and sound effects, after game PAUSE. //========================================================================== void S_ResumeSound () { if (mus_playing.handle && MusicPaused) { I_ResumeSong (mus_playing.handle); MusicPaused = false; } if (GSnd != NULL) { GSnd->SetSfxPaused (false); } } //========================================================================== // // S_UpdateSounds // // Updates music & sounds //========================================================================== void S_UpdateSounds (void *listener_p) { float pos[3], vel[3]; I_UpdateMusic(); if (GSnd == NULL) return; // [RH] Update music and/or playlist. I_QrySongPlaying() must be called // to attempt to reconnect to broken net streams and to advance the // playlist when the current song finishes. if (mus_playing.handle != NULL && !I_QrySongPlaying(mus_playing.handle) && PlayList) { PlayList->Advance(); S_ActivatePlayList(false); } for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan) { if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_IS3D) { CalcPosVel(chan->Pt, chan->Mover, chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LISTENERZ, pos, vel); GSnd->UpdateSoundParams3D(chan, pos, vel); } } SN_UpdateActiveSequences(); GSnd->UpdateListener(); GSnd->UpdateSounds(); } //========================================================================== // // S_ActivatePlayList // // Plays the next song in the playlist. If no songs in the playlist can be // played, then it is deleted. //========================================================================== void S_ActivatePlayList (bool goBack) { int startpos, pos; startpos = pos = PlayList->GetPosition (); S_StopMusic (true); while (!S_ChangeMusic (PlayList->GetSong (pos), 0, false, true)) { pos = goBack ? PlayList->Backup () : PlayList->Advance (); if (pos == startpos) { delete PlayList; PlayList = NULL; Printf ("Cannot play anything in the playlist.\n"); return; } } } //========================================================================== // // S_ChangeCDMusic // // Starts a CD track as music. //========================================================================== bool S_ChangeCDMusic (int track, unsigned int id, bool looping) { char temp[32]; if (id) { sprintf (temp, ",CD,%d,%x", track, id); } else { sprintf (temp, ",CD,%d", track); } return S_ChangeMusic (temp, 0, looping); } //========================================================================== // // S_StartMusic // // Starts some music with the given name. //========================================================================== bool S_StartMusic (const char *m_id) { return S_ChangeMusic (m_id, 0, false); } //========================================================================== // // S_ChangeMusic // // Starts playing a music, possibly looping. // // [RH] If music is a MOD, starts it at position order. If name is of the // format ",CD,,[cd id]" song is a CD track, and if [cd id] is // specified, it will only be played if the specified CD is in a drive. //========================================================================== TArray musiccache; bool S_ChangeMusic (const char *musicname, int order, bool looping, bool force) { if (!force && PlayList) { // Don't change if a playlist is active return false; } // allow specifying "*" as a placeholder to play the level's default music. if (musicname != NULL && !strcmp(musicname, "*")) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { musicname = level.music; order = level.musicorder; } else { musicname = NULL; } } if (musicname == NULL || musicname[0] == 0) { // Don't choke if the map doesn't have a song attached S_StopMusic (true); return false; } if (!mus_playing.name.IsEmpty() && stricmp (mus_playing.name, musicname) == 0) { if (order != mus_playing.baseorder) { mus_playing.baseorder = (I_SetSongPosition (mus_playing.handle, order) ? order : 0); } return true; } if (strnicmp (musicname, ",CD,", 4) == 0) { int track = strtoul (musicname+4, NULL, 0); const char *more = strchr (musicname+4, ','); unsigned int id = 0; if (more != NULL) { id = strtoul (more+1, NULL, 16); } S_StopMusic (true); mus_playing.handle = I_RegisterCDSong (track, id); } else { int lumpnum = -1; int offset = 0, length = 0; int device = MDEV_DEFAULT; void *handle = NULL; int *devp = MidiDevices.CheckKey(FName(musicname)); if (devp != NULL) device = *devp; // Strip off any leading file:// component. if (strncmp(musicname, "file://", 7) == 0) { musicname += 7; } if (!FileExists (musicname)) { if ((lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (musicname, true, ns_music)) == -1) { if (strstr(musicname, "://") > musicname) { // Looks like a URL; try it as such. handle = I_RegisterURLSong(musicname); if (handle == NULL) { Printf ("Could not open \"%s\"\n", musicname); return false; } } else { Printf ("Music \"%s\" not found\n", musicname); return false; } } if (handle == NULL) { if (!Wads.IsUncompressedFile(lumpnum)) { // We must cache the music data and use it from memory. // shut down old music before reallocating and overwriting the cache! S_StopMusic (true); offset = -1; // this tells the low level code that the music // is being used from memory length = Wads.LumpLength (lumpnum); if (length == 0) { return false; } musiccache.Resize(length); Wads.ReadLump(lumpnum, &musiccache[0]); } else { offset = Wads.GetLumpOffset (lumpnum); length = Wads.LumpLength (lumpnum); if (length == 0) { return false; } } } } // shutdown old music S_StopMusic (true); // Just record it if volume is 0 if (snd_musicvolume <= 0) { mus_playing.loop = looping; mus_playing.name = ""; mus_playing.baseorder = 0; LastSong = musicname; return true; } // load & register it if (handle != NULL) { mus_playing.handle = handle; } else if (offset != -1) { mus_playing.handle = I_RegisterSong (lumpnum != -1 ? Wads.GetWadFullName (Wads.GetLumpFile (lumpnum)) : musicname, NULL, offset, length, device); } else { mus_playing.handle = I_RegisterSong (NULL, &musiccache[0], -1, length, device); } } mus_playing.loop = looping; mus_playing.name = musicname; LastSong = ""; if (mus_playing.handle != 0) { // play it I_PlaySong (mus_playing.handle, looping, S_GetMusicVolume (musicname)); mus_playing.baseorder = (I_SetSongPosition (mus_playing.handle, order) ? order : 0); return true; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // S_RestartMusic // // Must only be called from snd_reset in i_sound.cpp! //========================================================================== void S_RestartMusic () { if (!LastSong.IsEmpty()) { FString song = LastSong; LastSong = ""; S_ChangeMusic (song, mus_playing.baseorder, mus_playing.loop, true); } } //========================================================================== // // S_GetMusic // //========================================================================== int S_GetMusic (char **name) { int order; if (mus_playing.name) { *name = copystring (mus_playing.name); order = mus_playing.baseorder; } else { *name = NULL; order = 0; } return order; } //========================================================================== // // S_StopMusic // //========================================================================== void S_StopMusic (bool force) { // [RH] Don't stop if a playlist is active. if ((force || PlayList == NULL) && !mus_playing.name.IsEmpty()) { if (MusicPaused) I_ResumeSong(mus_playing.handle); I_StopSong(mus_playing.handle); I_UnRegisterSong(mus_playing.handle); LastSong = mus_playing.name; mus_playing.name = ""; mus_playing.handle = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playsound // //========================================================================== CCMD (playsound) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { S_Sound (CHAN_AUTO, argv[1], 1.f, ATTN_NONE); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD idmus // //========================================================================== CCMD (idmus) { level_info_t *info; char *map; int l; if (argv.argc() > 1) { if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) { l = atoi (argv[1]); if (l <= 99) map = CalcMapName (0, l); else { Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_NOMUS")); return; } } else { map = CalcMapName (argv[1][0] - '0', argv[1][1] - '0'); } if ( (info = FindLevelInfo (map)) ) { if (info->music) { S_ChangeMusic (info->music, info->musicorder); Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_MUS")); } } else { Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_NOMUS")); } } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD changemus // //========================================================================== CCMD (changemus) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { if (PlayList) { delete PlayList; PlayList = NULL; } S_ChangeMusic (argv[1], argv.argc() > 2 ? atoi (argv[2]) : 0); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD stopmus // //========================================================================== CCMD (stopmus) { if (PlayList) { delete PlayList; PlayList = NULL; } S_StopMusic (false); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_play // // Plays a specified track, or the entire CD if no track is specified. //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_play) { char musname[16]; if (argv.argc() == 1) strcpy (musname, ",CD,"); else sprintf (musname, ",CD,%d", atoi(argv[1])); S_ChangeMusic (musname, 0, true); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_stop // //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_stop) { CD_Stop (); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_eject // //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_eject) { CD_Eject (); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_close // //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_close) { CD_UnEject (); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_pause // //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_pause) { CD_Pause (); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cd_resume // //========================================================================== CCMD (cd_resume) { CD_Resume (); } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playlist // //========================================================================== CCMD (playlist) { int argc = argv.argc(); if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { Printf ("playlist [|shuffle]\n"); } else { if (PlayList != NULL) { PlayList->ChangeList (argv[1]); } else { PlayList = new FPlayList (argv[1]); } if (PlayList->GetNumSongs () == 0) { delete PlayList; PlayList = NULL; } else { if (argc == 3) { if (stricmp (argv[2], "shuffle") == 0) { PlayList->Shuffle (); } else { PlayList->SetPosition (atoi (argv[2])); } } S_ActivatePlayList (false); } } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playlistpos // //========================================================================== static bool CheckForPlaylist () { if (PlayList == NULL) { Printf ("No playlist is playing.\n"); return false; } return true; } CCMD (playlistpos) { if (CheckForPlaylist() && argv.argc() > 1) { PlayList->SetPosition (atoi (argv[1]) - 1); S_ActivatePlayList (false); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playlistnext // //========================================================================== CCMD (playlistnext) { if (CheckForPlaylist()) { PlayList->Advance (); S_ActivatePlayList (false); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playlistprev // //========================================================================== CCMD (playlistprev) { if (CheckForPlaylist()) { PlayList->Backup (); S_ActivatePlayList (true); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playliststatus // //========================================================================== CCMD (playliststatus) { if (CheckForPlaylist ()) { Printf ("Song %d of %d:\n%s\n", PlayList->GetPosition () + 1, PlayList->GetNumSongs (), PlayList->GetSong (PlayList->GetPosition ())); } } //========================================================================== // // CCMD cachesound // //========================================================================== CCMD (cachesound) { if (argv.argc() < 2) { Printf ("Usage: cachesound ...\n"); return; } for (int i = 1; i < argv.argc(); ++i) { int sfxnum = S_FindSound (argv[i]); if (sfxnum > 0) { S_CacheSound (&S_sfx[sfxnum]); } } }