/* wildmidi_lib.c Midi Wavetable Processing library Copyright (C) Chris Ison 2001-2014 Copyright (C) Bret Curtis 2013-2014 This file is part of WildMIDI. WildMIDI is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify the player under the terms of the GNU General Public License and you can redistribute and/or modify the library under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the licenses, or(at your option) any later version. WildMIDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WildMIDI. If not, see . */ //#include "config.h" #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "wm_error.h" #include "file_io.h" #include "reverb.h" #include "gus_pat.h" #include "wildmidi_lib.h" #include "critsec.h" #define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(c) ((c) == '/' || (c) == '\\') #ifdef _WIN32 #define HAS_DRIVE_SPEC(f) ((f)[0] && ((f)[1] == ':')) #else #define HAS_DRIVE_SPEC(f) (0) #endif #define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(f) (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR((f)[0]) || HAS_DRIVE_SPEC((f))) /* * ========================= * Global Data and Data Structs * ========================= */ #define MEM_CHUNK 8192 static int WM_Initialized = 0; static signed short int WM_MasterVolume = 948; static unsigned short int WM_MixerOptions = 0; static char WM_Version[] = "WildMidi Processing Library"; unsigned short int _WM_SampleRate; static struct _patch *patch[128]; static float reverb_room_width = 16.875f; static float reverb_room_length = 22.5f; static float reverb_listen_posx = 8.4375f; static float reverb_listen_posy = 16.875f; static int fix_release = 0; static int auto_amp = 0; static int auto_amp_with_amp = 0; static FCriticalSection patch_lock; struct _channel { unsigned char bank; struct _patch *patch; unsigned char hold; unsigned char volume; unsigned char pressure; unsigned char expression; signed char balance; signed char pan; signed short int left_adjust; signed short int right_adjust; signed short int pitch; signed short int pitch_range; signed long int pitch_adjust; unsigned short reg_data; unsigned char reg_non; unsigned char isdrum; }; #define HOLD_OFF 0x02 struct _note { unsigned short noteid; unsigned char velocity; struct _patch *patch; struct _sample *sample; unsigned long int sample_pos; unsigned long int sample_inc; signed long int env_inc; unsigned char env; signed long int env_level; unsigned char modes; unsigned char hold; unsigned char active; struct _note *replay; struct _note *next; unsigned long int vol_lvl; unsigned char is_off; }; struct _miditrack { unsigned long int length; unsigned long int ptr; unsigned long int delta; unsigned char running_event; unsigned char EOT; }; struct _mdi_patches { struct _patch *patch; struct _mdi_patch *next; }; struct _event_data { unsigned char channel; unsigned long int data; }; struct _mdi { _mdi() { samples_to_mix = 0; midi_master_vol = 0; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); tmp_info = NULL; memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel)); note = NULL; memset(note_table, 0, sizeof(note_table)); patches = NULL; patch_count = 0; amp = 0; mix_buffer = NULL; mix_buffer_size = NULL; reverb = NULL; } FCriticalSection lock; unsigned long int samples_to_mix; unsigned short midi_master_vol; struct _WM_Info info; struct _WM_Info *tmp_info; struct _channel channel[16]; struct _note *note; struct _note note_table[2][16][128]; struct _patch **patches; unsigned long int patch_count; signed short int amp; signed int *mix_buffer; unsigned long int mix_buffer_size; struct _rvb *reverb; }; #define FPBITS 10 #define FPMASK ((1L<> 1); int j; int sign; double ck; double x, x_inc, xz; double z[35]; double *gptr, *t; gauss_lock.Enter(); if (gauss_table) { gauss_lock.Leave(); return; } newt_coeffs[0][0] = 1; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { newt_coeffs[i][0] = 1; newt_coeffs[i][i] = 1; if (i > 1) { newt_coeffs[i][0] = newt_coeffs[i - 1][0] / i; newt_coeffs[i][i] = newt_coeffs[i - 1][0] / i; } for (j = 1; j < i; j++) { newt_coeffs[i][j] = newt_coeffs[i - 1][j - 1] + newt_coeffs[i - 1][j]; if (i > 1) newt_coeffs[i][j] /= i; } z[i] = i / (4 * M_PI); } for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) for (j = 0, sign = (int)pow(-1., i); j <= i; j++, sign *= -1) newt_coeffs[i][j] *= sign; t = (double*)malloc((1<first_sample) { tmp_sample = patch[i]->first_sample->next; free(patch[i]->first_sample->data); free(patch[i]->first_sample); patch[i]->first_sample = tmp_sample; } free(patch[i]->filename); tmp_patch = patch[i]->next; free(patch[i]); patch[i] = tmp_patch; } } patch_lock.Leave(); } /* wm_strdup -- adds extra space for appending up to 4 chars */ static char *wm_strdup (const char *str) { size_t l = strlen(str) + 5; char *d = (char *) malloc(l * sizeof(char)); if (d) { strcpy(d, str); return d; } return NULL; } static inline int wm_isdigit(int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } #define TOKEN_CNT_INC 8 static char** WM_LC_Tokenize_Line(char *line_data) { int line_length = strlen(line_data); int token_data_length = 0; int line_ofs = 0; int token_start = 0; char **token_data = NULL; int token_count = 0; bool in_quotes = false; if (line_length == 0) return NULL; do { /* ignore everything after # */ if (line_data[line_ofs] == '#') { break; } if (line_data[line_ofs] == '"') { in_quotes = !in_quotes; } else if (!in_quotes && ((line_data[line_ofs] == ' ') || (line_data[line_ofs] == '\t'))) { /* whitespace means we aren't in a token */ if (token_start) { token_start = 0; line_data[line_ofs] = '\0'; } } else { if (!token_start) { /* the start of a token in the line */ token_start = 1; if (token_count >= token_data_length) { token_data_length += TOKEN_CNT_INC; token_data = (char**)realloc(token_data, token_data_length * sizeof(char *)); if (token_data == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM,"to parse config", errno); return NULL; } } token_data[token_count] = &line_data[line_ofs]; token_count++; } } line_ofs++; } while (line_ofs != line_length); /* if we have found some tokens then add a null token to the end */ if (token_count) { if (token_count >= token_data_length) { token_data = (char**)realloc(token_data, ((token_count + 1) * sizeof(char *))); } token_data[token_count] = NULL; } return token_data; } static int WM_LoadConfig(const char *config_file) { unsigned long int config_size = 0; char *config_buffer = NULL; const char *dir_end = NULL; char *config_dir = NULL; unsigned long int config_ptr = 0; unsigned long int line_start_ptr = 0; unsigned short int patchid = 0; struct _patch * tmp_patch; char **line_tokens = NULL; int token_count = 0; config_buffer = (char *) _WM_BufferFile(config_file, &config_size, true); if (!config_buffer) { WM_FreePatches(); return -1; } // This part was rewritten because the original depended on a header that was GPL'd. dir_end = strrchr(config_file, '/'); #ifdef _WIN32 const char *dir_end2 = strrchr(config_file, '\\'); if (dir_end2 > dir_end) dir_end = dir_end2; #endif if (dir_end) { config_dir = (char*)malloc((dir_end - config_file + 2)); if (config_dir == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, "to parse config", errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_buffer); return -1; } strncpy(config_dir, config_file, (dir_end - config_file + 1)); config_dir[dir_end - config_file + 1] = '\0'; } config_ptr = 0; line_start_ptr = 0; /* handle files without a newline at the end: this relies on * _WM_BufferFile() allocating the buffer with one extra byte */ config_buffer[config_size] = '\n'; while (config_ptr <= config_size) { if (config_buffer[config_ptr] == '\r' || config_buffer[config_ptr] == '\n') { config_buffer[config_ptr] = '\0'; if (config_ptr != line_start_ptr) { line_tokens = WM_LC_Tokenize_Line(&config_buffer[line_start_ptr]); if (line_tokens) { if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "dir") == 0) { free(config_dir); if (!line_tokens[1]) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(missing name in dir line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } else if (!(config_dir = wm_strdup(line_tokens[1]))) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, "to parse config", errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } if (!IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(config_dir[strlen(config_dir) - 1])) { config_dir[strlen(config_dir) + 1] = '\0'; config_dir[strlen(config_dir)] = '/'; } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "source") == 0) { char *new_config = NULL; if (!line_tokens[1]) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(missing name in source line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } else if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(line_tokens[1]) && config_dir) { new_config = (char*)malloc( strlen(config_dir) + strlen(line_tokens[1]) + 1); if (new_config == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, "to parse config", errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } strcpy(new_config, config_dir); strcpy(&new_config[strlen(config_dir)], line_tokens[1]); } else { if (!(new_config = wm_strdup(line_tokens[1]))) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, "to parse config", errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } } if (WM_LoadConfig(new_config) == -1) { free(new_config); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); free(config_dir); return -1; } free(new_config); } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "bank") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in bank line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } patchid = (atoi(line_tokens[1]) & 0xFF) << 8; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "drumset") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in drumset line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } patchid = ((atoi(line_tokens[1]) & 0xFF) << 8) | 0x80; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "reverb_room_width") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in reverb_room_width line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } reverb_room_width = (float) atof(line_tokens[1]); if (reverb_room_width < 1.0f) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_room_width < 1 meter, setting to minimum of 1 meter)", 0); reverb_room_width = 1.0f; } else if (reverb_room_width > 100.0f) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_room_width > 100 meters, setting to maximum of 100 meters)", 0); reverb_room_width = 100.0f; } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "reverb_room_length") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in reverb_room_length line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } reverb_room_length = (float) atof(line_tokens[1]); if (reverb_room_length < 1.0f) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_room_length < 1 meter, setting to minimum of 1 meter)", 0); reverb_room_length = 1.0f; } else if (reverb_room_length > 100.0f) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_room_length > 100 meters, setting to maximum of 100 meters)", 0); reverb_room_length = 100.0f; } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "reverb_listener_posx") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in reverb_listen_posx line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } reverb_listen_posx = (float) atof(line_tokens[1]); if ((reverb_listen_posx > reverb_room_width) || (reverb_listen_posx < 0.0f)) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_listen_posx set outside of room)", 0); reverb_listen_posx = reverb_room_width / 2.0f; } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "reverb_listener_posy") == 0) { if (!line_tokens[1] || !wm_isdigit(line_tokens[1][0])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in reverb_listen_posy line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } reverb_listen_posy = (float) atof(line_tokens[1]); if ((reverb_listen_posy > reverb_room_width) || (reverb_listen_posy < 0.0f)) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(reverb_listen_posy set outside of room)", 0); reverb_listen_posy = reverb_room_length * 0.75f; } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "guspat_editor_author_cant_read_so_fix_release_time_for_me") == 0) { fix_release = 1; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "auto_amp") == 0) { auto_amp = 1; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[0], "auto_amp_with_amp") == 0) { auto_amp = 1; auto_amp_with_amp = 1; } else if (wm_isdigit(line_tokens[0][0])) { patchid = (patchid & 0xFF80) | (atoi(line_tokens[0]) & 0x7F); if (patch[(patchid & 0x7F)] == NULL) { patch[(patchid & 0x7F)] = (struct _patch*)malloc( sizeof(struct _patch)); if (patch[(patchid & 0x7F)] == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, NULL, errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } tmp_patch = patch[(patchid & 0x7F)]; tmp_patch->patchid = patchid; tmp_patch->filename = NULL; tmp_patch->amp = 1024; tmp_patch->note = 0; tmp_patch->next = NULL; tmp_patch->first_sample = NULL; tmp_patch->loaded = 0; tmp_patch->inuse_count = 0; } else { tmp_patch = patch[(patchid & 0x7F)]; if (tmp_patch->patchid == patchid) { free(tmp_patch->filename); tmp_patch->filename = NULL; tmp_patch->amp = 1024; tmp_patch->note = 0; } else { if (tmp_patch->next) { while (tmp_patch->next) { if (tmp_patch->next->patchid == patchid) break; tmp_patch = tmp_patch->next; } if (tmp_patch->next == NULL) { if ((tmp_patch->next = (struct _patch*)malloc( sizeof(struct _patch))) == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, NULL, 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } tmp_patch = tmp_patch->next; tmp_patch->patchid = patchid; tmp_patch->filename = NULL; tmp_patch->amp = 1024; tmp_patch->note = 0; tmp_patch->next = NULL; tmp_patch->first_sample = NULL; tmp_patch->loaded = 0; tmp_patch->inuse_count = 0; } else { tmp_patch = tmp_patch->next; free(tmp_patch->filename); tmp_patch->filename = NULL; tmp_patch->amp = 1024; tmp_patch->note = 0; } } else { tmp_patch->next = (struct _patch*)malloc( sizeof(struct _patch)); if (tmp_patch->next == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, NULL, errno); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } tmp_patch = tmp_patch->next; tmp_patch->patchid = patchid; tmp_patch->filename = NULL; tmp_patch->amp = 1024; tmp_patch->note = 0; tmp_patch->next = NULL; tmp_patch->first_sample = NULL; tmp_patch->loaded = 0; tmp_patch->inuse_count = 0; } } } if (!line_tokens[1]) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(missing name in patch line)", 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } else if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(line_tokens[1]) && config_dir) { tmp_patch->filename = (char*)malloc( strlen(config_dir) + strlen(line_tokens[1]) + 5); if (tmp_patch->filename == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, NULL, 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } strcpy(tmp_patch->filename, config_dir); strcat(tmp_patch->filename, line_tokens[1]); } else { if (!(tmp_patch->filename = wm_strdup(line_tokens[1]))) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, NULL, 0); _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_LOAD, config_file, 0); WM_FreePatches(); free(config_dir); free(line_tokens); free(config_buffer); return -1; } } if (strnicmp( &tmp_patch->filename[strlen(tmp_patch->filename) - 4], ".pat", 4) != 0) { strcat(tmp_patch->filename, ".pat"); } tmp_patch->env[0].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->env[1].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->env[2].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->env[3].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->env[4].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->env[5].set = 0x00; tmp_patch->keep = 0; tmp_patch->remove = 0; token_count = 0; while (line_tokens[token_count]) { if (strnicmp(line_tokens[token_count], "amp=", 4) == 0) { if (!wm_isdigit(line_tokens[token_count][4])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { tmp_patch->amp = (atoi( &line_tokens[token_count][4]) << 10) / 100; } } else if (strnicmp(line_tokens[token_count], "note=", 5) == 0) { if (!wm_isdigit(line_tokens[token_count][5])) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { tmp_patch->note = atoi( &line_tokens[token_count][5]); } } else if (strnicmp(line_tokens[token_count], "env_time", 8) == 0) { if ((!wm_isdigit(line_tokens[token_count][8])) || (!wm_isdigit( line_tokens[token_count][10])) || (line_tokens[token_count][9] != '=')) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { unsigned int env_no = atoi( &line_tokens[token_count][8]); if (env_no > 5) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { tmp_patch->env[env_no].time = (float) atof( &line_tokens[token_count][10]); if ((tmp_patch->env[env_no].time > 45000.0f) || (tmp_patch->env[env_no].time < 1.47f)) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(range error in patch line)", 0); tmp_patch->env[env_no].set &= 0xFE; } else { tmp_patch->env[env_no].set |= 0x01; } } } } else if (strnicmp(line_tokens[token_count], "env_level", 9) == 0) { if ((!wm_isdigit(line_tokens[token_count][9])) || (!wm_isdigit( line_tokens[token_count][11])) || (line_tokens[token_count][10] != '=')) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { unsigned int env_no = atoi( &line_tokens[token_count][9]); if (env_no > 5) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(syntax error in patch line)", 0); } else { tmp_patch->env[env_no].level = (float) atof( &line_tokens[token_count][11]); if ((tmp_patch->env[env_no].level > 1.0f) || (tmp_patch->env[env_no].level < 0.0f)) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(range error in patch line)", 0); tmp_patch->env[env_no].set &= 0xFD; } else { tmp_patch->env[env_no].set |= 0x02; } } } } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[token_count], "keep=loop") == 0) { tmp_patch->keep |= SAMPLE_LOOP; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[token_count], "keep=env") == 0) { tmp_patch->keep |= SAMPLE_ENVELOPE; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[token_count], "remove=sustain") == 0) { tmp_patch->remove |= SAMPLE_SUSTAIN; } else if (stricmp(line_tokens[token_count], "remove=clamped") == 0) { tmp_patch->remove |= SAMPLE_CLAMPED; } token_count++; } } } /* free up tokens */ free(line_tokens); } line_start_ptr = config_ptr + 1; } config_ptr++; } free(config_buffer); free(config_dir); return 0; } /* sample loading */ static int load_sample(struct _patch *sample_patch) { struct _sample *guspat = NULL; struct _sample *tmp_sample = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; /* we only want to try loading the guspat once. */ sample_patch->loaded = 1; if ((guspat = _WM_load_gus_pat(sample_patch->filename, fix_release)) == NULL) { return -1; } if (auto_amp) { signed short int tmp_max = 0; signed short int tmp_min = 0; signed short samp_max = 0; signed short samp_min = 0; tmp_sample = guspat; do { samp_max = 0; samp_min = 0; for (i = 0; i < (tmp_sample->data_length >> 10); i++) { if (tmp_sample->data[i] > samp_max) samp_max = tmp_sample->data[i]; if (tmp_sample->data[i] < samp_min) samp_min = tmp_sample->data[i]; } if (samp_max > tmp_max) tmp_max = samp_max; if (samp_min < tmp_min) tmp_min = samp_min; tmp_sample = tmp_sample->next; } while (tmp_sample); if (auto_amp_with_amp) { if (tmp_max >= -tmp_min) { sample_patch->amp = (sample_patch->amp * ((32767 << 10) / tmp_max)) >> 10; } else { sample_patch->amp = (sample_patch->amp * ((32768 << 10) / -tmp_min)) >> 10; } } else { if (tmp_max >= -tmp_min) { sample_patch->amp = (32767 << 10) / tmp_max; } else { sample_patch->amp = (32768 << 10) / -tmp_min; } } } sample_patch->first_sample = guspat; if (sample_patch->patchid & 0x0080) { if (!(sample_patch->keep & SAMPLE_LOOP)) { do { guspat->modes &= 0xFB; guspat = guspat->next; } while (guspat); } guspat = sample_patch->first_sample; if (!(sample_patch->keep & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE)) { do { guspat->modes &= 0xBF; guspat = guspat->next; } while (guspat); } guspat = sample_patch->first_sample; } if (sample_patch->patchid == 47) { do { if (!(guspat->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP)) { for (i = 3; i < 6; i++) { guspat->env_target[i] = guspat->env_target[2]; guspat->env_rate[i] = guspat->env_rate[2]; } } guspat = guspat->next; } while (guspat); guspat = sample_patch->first_sample; } do { if ((sample_patch->remove & SAMPLE_SUSTAIN) && (guspat->modes & SAMPLE_SUSTAIN)) { guspat->modes ^= SAMPLE_SUSTAIN; } if ((sample_patch->remove & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) && (guspat->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED)) { guspat->modes ^= SAMPLE_CLAMPED; } if (sample_patch->keep & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) { guspat->modes |= SAMPLE_ENVELOPE; } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (guspat->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) { if (sample_patch->env[i].set & 0x02) { guspat->env_target[i] = 16448 * (signed long int) (255.0 * sample_patch->env[i].level); } if (sample_patch->env[i].set & 0x01) { guspat->env_rate[i] = (signed long int) (4194303.0 / ((float) _WM_SampleRate * (sample_patch->env[i].time / 1000.0))); } } else { guspat->env_target[i] = 4194303; guspat->env_rate[i] = (signed long int) (4194303.0 / ((float) _WM_SampleRate * env_time_table[63])); } } guspat = guspat->next; } while (guspat); return 0; } static struct _patch * get_patch_data(unsigned short patchid) { struct _patch *search_patch; patch_lock.Enter(); search_patch = patch[patchid & 0x007F]; if (search_patch == NULL) { patch_lock.Leave(); return NULL; } while (search_patch) { if (search_patch->patchid == patchid) { patch_lock.Leave(); return search_patch; } search_patch = search_patch->next; } if ((patchid >> 8) != 0) { patch_lock.Leave(); return (get_patch_data(patchid & 0x00FF)); } patch_lock.Leave(); return NULL; } static void load_patch(struct _mdi *mdi, unsigned short patchid) { unsigned int i; struct _patch *tmp_patch = NULL; for (i = 0; i < mdi->patch_count; i++) { if (mdi->patches[i]->patchid == patchid) { return; } } tmp_patch = get_patch_data(patchid); if (tmp_patch == NULL) { return; } patch_lock.Enter(); if (!tmp_patch->loaded) { if (load_sample(tmp_patch) == -1) { patch_lock.Leave(); return; } } if (tmp_patch->first_sample == NULL) { patch_lock.Leave(); return; } mdi->patch_count++; mdi->patches = (struct _patch**)realloc(mdi->patches, (sizeof(struct _patch*) * mdi->patch_count)); mdi->patches[mdi->patch_count - 1] = tmp_patch; tmp_patch->inuse_count++; patch_lock.Leave(); } static struct _sample * get_sample_data(struct _patch *sample_patch, unsigned long int freq) { struct _sample *last_sample = NULL; struct _sample *return_sample = NULL; patch_lock.Enter(); if (sample_patch == NULL) { patch_lock.Leave(); return NULL; } if (sample_patch->first_sample == NULL) { patch_lock.Leave(); return NULL; } if (freq == 0) { patch_lock.Leave(); return sample_patch->first_sample; } return_sample = sample_patch->first_sample; last_sample = sample_patch->first_sample; while (last_sample) { if (freq > last_sample->freq_low) { if (freq < last_sample->freq_high) { patch_lock.Leave(); return last_sample; } else { return_sample = last_sample; } } last_sample = last_sample->next; } patch_lock.Leave(); return return_sample; } static void do_note_off_extra(struct _note *nte) { nte->is_off = 0; if (nte->hold) { nte->hold |= HOLD_OFF; } else { if (!(nte->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE)) { if (nte->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) { nte->modes ^= SAMPLE_LOOP; } nte->env_inc = 0; } else if (nte->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) { if (nte->env < 5) { nte->env = 5; if (nte->env_level > nte->sample->env_target[5]) { nte->env_inc = -nte->sample->env_rate[5]; } else { nte->env_inc = nte->sample->env_rate[5]; } } #if 1 } else if (nte->modes & SAMPLE_SUSTAIN) { if (nte->env < 3) { nte->env = 3; if (nte->env_level > nte->sample->env_target[3]) { nte->env_inc = -nte->sample->env_rate[3]; } else { nte->env_inc = nte->sample->env_rate[3]; } } #endif } else if (nte->env < 4) { nte->env = 4; if (nte->env_level > nte->sample->env_target[4]) { nte->env_inc = -nte->sample->env_rate[4]; } else { nte->env_inc = nte->sample->env_rate[4]; } } } } static void do_note_off(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *nte; unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); nte = &mdi->note_table[0][ch][(data->data >> 8)]; if (!nte->active) nte = &mdi->note_table[1][ch][(data->data >> 8)]; if (!nte->active) { return; } if ((mdi->channel[ch].isdrum) && (!(nte->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP))) { return; } if (nte->env == 0) { nte->is_off = 1; } else { do_note_off_extra(nte); } } static inline unsigned long int get_inc(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _note *nte) { int ch = nte->noteid >> 8; signed long int note_f; unsigned long int freq; if (nte->patch->note != 0) { note_f = nte->patch->note * 100; } else { note_f = (nte->noteid & 0x7f) * 100; } note_f += mdi->channel[ch].pitch_adjust; if (note_f < 0) { note_f = 0; } else if (note_f > 12700) { note_f = 12700; } freq = freq_table[(note_f % 1200)] >> (10 - (note_f / 1200)); return (((freq / ((_WM_SampleRate * 100) / 1024)) * 1024 / nte->sample->inc_div)); } static inline unsigned long int get_volume(struct _mdi *mdi, unsigned char ch, struct _note *nte) { signed long int volume; if (mdi->info.mixer_options & WM_MO_LOG_VOLUME) { volume = (sqr_volume[mdi->channel[ch].volume] * sqr_volume[mdi->channel[ch].expression] * sqr_volume[nte->velocity]) / 1048576; } else { volume = (lin_volume[mdi->channel[ch].volume] * lin_volume[mdi->channel[ch].expression] * lin_volume[nte->velocity]) / 1048576; } volume = volume * nte->patch->amp / 100; return (volume); } static void do_note_on(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *nte; struct _note *prev_nte; struct _note *nte_array; unsigned long int freq = 0; struct _patch *patch; struct _sample *sample; unsigned char ch = data->channel; unsigned char note = (unsigned char)(data->data >> 8); unsigned char velocity = (data->data & 0xFF); if (velocity == 0x00) { do_note_off(mdi, data); return; } MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); if (!mdi->channel[ch].isdrum) { patch = mdi->channel[ch].patch; if (patch == NULL) { return; } freq = freq_table[(note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (note / 12)); } else { patch = get_patch_data(((mdi->channel[ch].bank << 8) | note | 0x80)); if (patch == NULL) { return; } if (patch->note) { freq = freq_table[(patch->note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (patch->note / 12)); } else { freq = freq_table[(note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (note / 12)); } } sample = get_sample_data(patch, (freq / 100)); if (sample == NULL) { return; } nte = &mdi->note_table[0][ch][note]; if (nte->active) { if ((nte->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) && (nte->env < 3) && (!(nte->hold & HOLD_OFF))) return; nte->replay = &mdi->note_table[1][ch][note]; nte->env = 6; nte->env_inc = -nte->sample->env_rate[6]; nte = nte->replay; } else { if (mdi->note_table[1][ch][note].active) { if ((nte->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) && (nte->env < 3) && (!(nte->hold & HOLD_OFF))) return; mdi->note_table[1][ch][note].replay = nte; mdi->note_table[1][ch][note].env = 6; mdi->note_table[1][ch][note].env_inc = -mdi->note_table[1][ch][note].sample->env_rate[6]; } else { nte_array = mdi->note; if (nte_array == NULL) { mdi->note = nte; } else { do { prev_nte = nte_array; nte_array = nte_array->next; } while (nte_array); prev_nte->next = nte; } nte->active = 1; nte->next = NULL; } } nte->noteid = (ch << 8) | note; nte->patch = patch; nte->sample = sample; nte->sample_pos = 0; nte->sample_inc = get_inc(mdi, nte); nte->velocity = velocity; nte->env = 0; nte->env_inc = nte->sample->env_rate[0]; nte->env_level = 0; nte->modes = sample->modes; nte->hold = mdi->channel[ch].hold; nte->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, nte); nte->replay = NULL; nte->is_off = 0; } static void do_aftertouch(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *nte; unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); nte = &mdi->note_table[0][ch][(data->data >> 8)]; if (!nte->active) { nte = &mdi->note_table[1][ch][(data->data >> 8)]; if (!nte->active) { return; } } nte->velocity = data->data & 0xff; nte->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, nte); if (nte->replay) { nte->replay->velocity = data->data & 0xff; nte->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, nte->replay); } } static void do_pan_adjust(struct _mdi *mdi, unsigned char ch) { signed short int pan_adjust = mdi->channel[ch].balance + mdi->channel[ch].pan; signed short int left, right; int amp = 32; if (pan_adjust > 63) { pan_adjust = 63; } else if (pan_adjust < -64) { pan_adjust = -64; } pan_adjust += 64; /* if (mdi->info.mixer_options & WM_MO_LOG_VOLUME) {*/ left = (pan_volume[127 - pan_adjust] * WM_MasterVolume * amp) / 1048576; right = (pan_volume[pan_adjust] * WM_MasterVolume * amp) / 1048576; /* } else { left = (lin_volume[127 - pan_adjust] * WM_MasterVolume * amp) / 1048576; right= (lin_volume[pan_adjust] * WM_MasterVolume * amp) / 1048576; }*/ mdi->channel[ch].left_adjust = left; mdi->channel[ch].right_adjust = right; } static void do_control_bank_select(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].bank = (unsigned char)data->data; } static void do_control_data_entry_course(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; int data_tmp; if ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_non == 0) && (mdi->channel[ch].reg_data == 0x0000)) { /* Pitch Bend Range */ data_tmp = mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range % 100; mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range = short(data->data * 100 + data_tmp); /* printf("Data Entry Course: pitch_range: %i\n\r",mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range);*/ /* printf("Data Entry Course: data %li\n\r",data->data);*/ } } static void do_control_channel_volume(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].volume = (unsigned char)data->data; if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data); if (note_data->replay) note_data->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data->replay); } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_control_channel_balance(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].balance = (signed char)(data->data - 64); do_pan_adjust(mdi, ch); } static void do_control_channel_pan(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].pan = (signed char)(data->data - 64); do_pan_adjust(mdi, ch); } static void do_control_channel_expression(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].expression = (unsigned char)data->data; if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data); if (note_data->replay) note_data->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data->replay); } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_control_data_entry_fine(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; int data_tmp; if ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_non == 0) && (mdi->channel[ch].reg_data == 0x0000)) { /* Pitch Bend Range */ data_tmp = mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range / 100; mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range = short((data_tmp * 100) + data->data); /* printf("Data Entry Fine: pitch_range: %i\n\r",mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range);*/ /* printf("Data Entry Fine: data: %li\n\r", data->data);*/ } } static void do_control_channel_hold(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; if (data->data > 63) { mdi->channel[ch].hold = 1; } else { mdi->channel[ch].hold = 0; if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { if (note_data->hold & HOLD_OFF) { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) { if (note_data->env < 5) { note_data->env = 5; if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[5]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } } } else if (note_data->env < 4) { note_data->env = 4; if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[4]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[4]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[4]; } } } else { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) { note_data->modes ^= SAMPLE_LOOP; } note_data->env_inc = 0; } } note_data->hold = 0x00; } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } } static void do_control_data_increment(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; if ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_non == 0) && (mdi->channel[ch].reg_data == 0x0000)) { /* Pitch Bend Range */ if (mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range < 0x3FFF) mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range++; } } static void do_control_data_decrement(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; if ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_non == 0) && (mdi->channel[ch].reg_data == 0x0000)) { /* Pitch Bend Range */ if (mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range > 0) mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range--; } } static void do_control_non_registered_param(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].reg_non = 1; } static void do_control_registered_param_fine(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].reg_data = (unsigned short) ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_data & 0x3F80) | data->data); mdi->channel[ch].reg_non = 0; } static void do_control_registered_param_course(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].reg_data = (unsigned short) ((mdi->channel[ch].reg_data & 0x7F) | (data->data << 7)); mdi->channel[ch].reg_non = 0; } static void do_control_channel_sound_off(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->active = 0; if (note_data->replay) { note_data->replay = NULL; } } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_control_channel_controllers_off(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; mdi->channel[ch].expression = 127; mdi->channel[ch].pressure = 127; mdi->channel[ch].volume = 100; mdi->channel[ch].pan = 0; mdi->channel[ch].balance = 0; mdi->channel[ch].reg_data = 0xffff; mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range = 200; mdi->channel[ch].pitch = 0; mdi->channel[ch].pitch_adjust = 0; mdi->channel[ch].hold = 0; do_pan_adjust(mdi, ch); if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->sample_inc = get_inc(mdi, note_data); note_data->velocity = 0; note_data->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data); note_data->hold = 0; if (note_data->replay) { note_data->replay->velocity = (unsigned char)data->data; note_data->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data->replay); } } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_control_channel_notes_off(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; if (mdi->channel[ch].isdrum) return; if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { if (!note_data->hold) { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE) { if (note_data->env < 5) { if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[5]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } note_data->env = 5; } } } else { note_data->hold |= HOLD_OFF; } } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_patch(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); if (!mdi->channel[ch].isdrum) { mdi->channel[ch].patch = get_patch_data((unsigned short)(((mdi->channel[ch].bank << 8) | data->data))); } else { mdi->channel[ch].bank = (unsigned char)data->data; } } static void do_channel_pressure(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->velocity = (unsigned char)data->data; note_data->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data); if (note_data->replay) { note_data->replay->velocity = (unsigned char)data->data; note_data->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, ch, note_data->replay); } } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_pitch(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); mdi->channel[ch].pitch = short(data->data - 0x2000); if (mdi->channel[ch].pitch < 0) { mdi->channel[ch].pitch_adjust = mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range * mdi->channel[ch].pitch / 8192; } else { mdi->channel[ch].pitch_adjust = mdi->channel[ch].pitch_range * mdi->channel[ch].pitch / 8191; } if (note_data) { do { if ((note_data->noteid >> 8) == ch) { note_data->sample_inc = get_inc(mdi, note_data); } note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } static void do_sysex_roland_drum_track(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { unsigned char ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__,ch); if (data->data > 0) { mdi->channel[ch].isdrum = 1; mdi->channel[ch].patch = NULL; } else { mdi->channel[ch].isdrum = 0; mdi->channel[ch].patch = get_patch_data(0); } } static void do_sysex_roland_reset(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { mdi->channel[i].bank = 0; if (i != 9) { mdi->channel[i].patch = get_patch_data(0); } else { mdi->channel[i].patch = NULL; } mdi->channel[i].hold = 0; mdi->channel[i].volume = 100; mdi->channel[i].pressure = 127; mdi->channel[i].expression = 127; mdi->channel[i].balance = 0; mdi->channel[i].pan = 0; mdi->channel[i].left_adjust = 1; mdi->channel[i].right_adjust = 1; mdi->channel[i].pitch = 0; mdi->channel[i].pitch_range = 200; mdi->channel[i].reg_data = 0xFFFF; mdi->channel[i].isdrum = 0; do_pan_adjust(mdi, i); } mdi->channel[9].isdrum = 1; UNUSED(data); /* NOOP, to please the compiler gods */ } static int add_handle(void * handle) { struct _hndl *tmp_handle = NULL; if (first_handle == NULL) { first_handle = (struct _hndl*)malloc(sizeof(struct _hndl)); if (first_handle == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, " to get ram", errno); return -1; } first_handle->handle = handle; first_handle->prev = NULL; first_handle->next = NULL; } else { tmp_handle = first_handle; if (tmp_handle->next) { while (tmp_handle->next) tmp_handle = tmp_handle->next; } tmp_handle->next = (struct _hndl*)malloc(sizeof(struct _hndl)); if (tmp_handle->next == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, " to get ram", errno); return -1; } tmp_handle->next->prev = tmp_handle; tmp_handle = tmp_handle->next; tmp_handle->next = NULL; tmp_handle->handle = handle; } return 0; } static struct _mdi * Init_MDI(void) { struct _mdi *mdi; mdi = new _mdi; mdi->info.copyright = NULL; mdi->info.mixer_options = WM_MixerOptions; load_patch(mdi, 0x0000); mdi->samples_to_mix = 0; mdi->info.current_sample = 0; mdi->info.total_midi_time = 0; mdi->info.approx_total_samples = 0; do_sysex_roland_reset(mdi, NULL); return mdi; } static void freeMDI(struct _mdi *mdi) { struct _sample *tmp_sample; unsigned long int i; if (mdi->patch_count != 0) { patch_lock.Enter(); for (i = 0; i < mdi->patch_count; i++) { mdi->patches[i]->inuse_count--; if (mdi->patches[i]->inuse_count == 0) { /* free samples here */ while (mdi->patches[i]->first_sample) { tmp_sample = mdi->patches[i]->first_sample->next; free(mdi->patches[i]->first_sample->data); free(mdi->patches[i]->first_sample); mdi->patches[i]->first_sample = tmp_sample; } mdi->patches[i]->loaded = 0; } } patch_lock.Leave(); free(mdi->patches); } free(mdi->tmp_info); _WM_free_reverb(mdi->reverb); free(mdi->mix_buffer); free(mdi); } static unsigned long int get_decay_samples(struct _patch *patch, unsigned char note) { struct _sample *sample = NULL; unsigned long int freq = 0; unsigned long int decay_samples = 0; if (patch == NULL) return 0; /* first get the freq we need so we can check the right sample */ if (patch->patchid & 0x80) { /* is a drum patch */ if (patch->note) { freq = freq_table[(patch->note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (patch->note / 12)); } else { freq = freq_table[(note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (note / 12)); } } else { freq = freq_table[(note % 12) * 100] >> (10 - (note / 12)); } /* get the sample */ sample = get_sample_data(patch, (freq / 100)); if (sample == NULL) return 0; if (patch->patchid & 0x80) { float sratedata = ((float) sample->rate / (float) _WM_SampleRate) * (float) (sample->data_length >> 10); decay_samples = (unsigned long int) sratedata; /* printf("Drums (%i / %i) * %lu = %f\n", sample->rate, _WM_SampleRate, (sample->data_length >> 10), sratedata);*/ } else if (sample->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) { decay_samples = (4194303 / sample->env_rate[5]); /* printf("clamped 4194303 / %lu = %lu\n", sample->env_rate[5], decay_samples);*/ } else { decay_samples = ((4194303 - sample->env_target[4]) / sample->env_rate[4]) + (sample->env_target[4] / sample->env_rate[5]); /* printf("NOT clamped ((4194303 - %lu) / %lu) + (%lu / %lu)) = %lu\n", sample->env_target[4], sample->env_rate[4], sample->env_target[4], sample->env_rate[5], decay_samples);*/ } return decay_samples; } static int *WM_Mix_Linear(midi * handle, int * buffer, unsigned long int count) { struct _mdi *mdi = (struct _mdi *)handle; unsigned long int data_pos; signed int premix, left_mix, right_mix; signed int vol_mul; struct _note *note_data = NULL; do { note_data = mdi->note; left_mix = right_mix = 0; if (note_data != NULL) { while (note_data) { /* * =================== * resample the sample * =================== */ data_pos = note_data->sample_pos >> FPBITS; vol_mul = ((note_data->vol_lvl * (note_data->env_level >> 12)) >> FPBITS); premix = (note_data->sample->data[data_pos] + ((note_data->sample->data[data_pos + 1] - note_data->sample->data[data_pos]) * (signed long int) (note_data->sample_pos & FPMASK)>> FPBITS)) * vol_mul / 1024; left_mix += premix * mdi->channel[note_data->noteid >> 8].left_adjust; right_mix += premix * mdi->channel[note_data->noteid >> 8].right_adjust; /* * ======================== * sample position checking * ======================== */ note_data->sample_pos += note_data->sample_inc; if (note_data->sample_pos > note_data->sample->loop_end) { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) { note_data->sample_pos = note_data->sample->loop_start + ((note_data->sample_pos - note_data->sample->loop_start) % note_data->sample->loop_size); } else if (note_data->sample_pos >= note_data->sample->data_length) { if (note_data->replay == NULL) { goto KILL_NOTE; } goto RESTART_NOTE; } } if (note_data->env_inc == 0) { note_data = note_data->next; continue; } note_data->env_level += note_data->env_inc; if (note_data->env_level > 4194304) { note_data->env_level = note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]; } if (((note_data->env_inc < 0) && (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env])) || ((note_data->env_inc > 0) && (note_data->env_level < note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]))) { note_data = note_data->next; continue; } note_data->env_level = note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]; switch (note_data->env) { case 0: #if 0 if (!(note_data->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE)) { note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; } #endif break; case 2: if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_SUSTAIN) { note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; } else if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) { note_data->env = 5; if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[5]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } continue; } break; case 5: if (note_data->env_level == 0) { goto KILL_NOTE; } /* sample release */ if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) note_data->modes ^= SAMPLE_LOOP; note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; case 6: if (note_data->replay != NULL) { RESTART_NOTE: note_data->active = 0; { struct _note *prev_note = NULL; struct _note *nte_array = mdi->note; if (nte_array != note_data) { do { prev_note = nte_array; nte_array = nte_array->next; } while (nte_array != note_data); } if (prev_note) { prev_note->next = note_data->replay; } else { mdi->note = note_data->replay; } note_data->replay->next = note_data->next; note_data = note_data->replay; note_data->active = 1; } } else { KILL_NOTE: note_data->active = 0; { struct _note *prev_note = NULL; struct _note *nte_array = mdi->note; if (nte_array != note_data) { do { prev_note = nte_array; nte_array = nte_array->next; } while ((nte_array != note_data) && (nte_array)); } if (prev_note) { prev_note->next = note_data->next; } else { mdi->note = note_data->next; } note_data = note_data->next; } } continue; } note_data->env++; if (note_data->is_off == 1) { do_note_off_extra(note_data); } if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[note_data->env]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[note_data->env]; } note_data = note_data->next; continue; } /* * ========================= * mix the channels together * ========================= */ left_mix /= 1024; right_mix /= 1024; } *buffer++ = left_mix; *buffer++ = right_mix; } while (--count); return buffer; } static int *WM_Mix_Gauss(midi * handle, int * buffer, unsigned long int count) { if (!gauss_table) init_gauss(); struct _mdi *mdi = (struct _mdi *)handle; unsigned long int data_pos; signed int premix, left_mix, right_mix; signed int vol_mul; struct _note *note_data = NULL; signed short int *sptr; double y, xd; double *gptr, *gend; int left, right, temp_n; int ii, jj; do { note_data = mdi->note; left_mix = right_mix = 0; if (note_data != NULL) { while (note_data) { /* * =================== * resample the sample * =================== */ data_pos = note_data->sample_pos >> FPBITS; vol_mul = ((note_data->vol_lvl * (note_data->env_level >> 12)) >> FPBITS); /* check to see if we're near one of the ends */ left = data_pos; right = (note_data->sample->data_length >> FPBITS) - left - 1; temp_n = (right << 1) - 1; if (temp_n <= 0) temp_n = 1; if (temp_n > (left << 1) + 1) temp_n = (left << 1) + 1; /* use Newton if we can't fill the window */ if (temp_n < gauss_n) { xd = note_data->sample_pos & FPMASK; xd /= (1L << FPBITS); xd += temp_n >> 1; y = 0; sptr = note_data->sample->data + (note_data->sample_pos >> FPBITS) - (temp_n >> 1); for (ii = temp_n; ii;) { for (jj = 0; jj <= ii; jj++) y += sptr[jj] * newt_coeffs[ii][jj]; y *= xd - --ii; } y += *sptr; } else { /* otherwise, use Gauss as usual */ y = 0; gptr = &gauss_table[(note_data->sample_pos & FPMASK) * (gauss_n + 1)]; gend = gptr + gauss_n; sptr = note_data->sample->data + (note_data->sample_pos >> FPBITS) - (gauss_n >> 1); do { y += *(sptr++) * *(gptr++); } while (gptr <= gend); } premix = (long) (y * vol_mul / 1024); left_mix += premix * mdi->channel[note_data->noteid >> 8].left_adjust; right_mix += premix * mdi->channel[note_data->noteid >> 8].right_adjust; /* * ======================== * sample position checking * ======================== */ note_data->sample_pos += note_data->sample_inc; if (note_data->sample_pos > note_data->sample->loop_end) { if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) { note_data->sample_pos = note_data->sample->loop_start + ((note_data->sample_pos - note_data->sample->loop_start) % note_data->sample->loop_size); } else if (note_data->sample_pos >= note_data->sample->data_length) { if (note_data->replay == NULL) { goto KILL_NOTE; } goto RESTART_NOTE; } } if (note_data->env_inc == 0) { note_data = note_data->next; continue; } note_data->env_level += note_data->env_inc; if (note_data->env_level > 4194304) { note_data->env_level = note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]; } if ( ((note_data->env_inc < 0) && (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env])) || ((note_data->env_inc > 0) && (note_data->env_level < note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env])) ) { note_data = note_data->next; continue; } note_data->env_level = note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]; switch (note_data->env) { case 0: #if 0 if (!(note_data->modes & SAMPLE_ENVELOPE)) { note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; } #endif break; case 2: if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_SUSTAIN) { note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; } else if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_CLAMPED) { note_data->env = 5; if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[5]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[5]; } continue; } break; case 5: if (note_data->env_level == 0) { goto KILL_NOTE; } /* sample release */ if (note_data->modes & SAMPLE_LOOP) note_data->modes ^= SAMPLE_LOOP; note_data->env_inc = 0; note_data = note_data->next; continue; case 6: if (note_data->replay != NULL) { RESTART_NOTE: note_data->active = 0; { struct _note *prev_note = NULL; struct _note *nte_array = mdi->note; if (nte_array != note_data) { do { prev_note = nte_array; nte_array = nte_array->next; } while (nte_array != note_data); } if (prev_note) { prev_note->next = note_data->replay; } else { mdi->note = note_data->replay; } note_data->replay->next = note_data->next; note_data = note_data->replay; note_data->active = 1; } } else { KILL_NOTE: note_data->active = 0; { struct _note *prev_note = NULL; struct _note *nte_array = mdi->note; if (nte_array != note_data) { do { prev_note = nte_array; nte_array = nte_array->next; } while ((nte_array != note_data) && (nte_array)); } if (prev_note) { prev_note->next = note_data->next; } else { mdi->note = note_data->next; } note_data = note_data->next; } } continue; } note_data->env++; if (note_data->is_off == 1) { do_note_off_extra(note_data); } if (note_data->env_level > note_data->sample->env_target[note_data->env]) { note_data->env_inc = -note_data->sample->env_rate[note_data->env]; } else { note_data->env_inc = note_data->sample->env_rate[note_data->env]; } note_data = note_data->next; continue; } /* * ========================= * mix the channels together * ========================= */ left_mix /= 1024; right_mix /= 1024; } *buffer++ = left_mix; *buffer++ = right_mix; } while (--count); return buffer; } int *WM_Mix(midi *handle, int *buffer, unsigned long count) { if (((struct _mdi *)handle)->info.mixer_options & WM_MO_ENHANCED_RESAMPLING) { return WM_Mix_Gauss(handle, buffer, count); } else { return WM_Mix_Linear(handle, buffer, count); } } /* * ========================= * External Functions * ========================= */ WM_SYMBOL const char * WildMidi_GetString(unsigned short int info) { switch (info) { case WM_GS_VERSION: return WM_Version; } return NULL; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_Init(const char * config_file, unsigned short int rate, unsigned short int options) { if (WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_ALR_INIT, NULL, 0); return -1; } if (config_file == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(NULL config file pointer)", 0); return -1; } WM_InitPatches(); if (WM_LoadConfig(config_file) == -1) { return -1; } if (options & 0x5FF8) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(invalid option)", 0); WM_FreePatches(); return -1; } WM_MixerOptions = options; if (rate < 11025) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(rate out of bounds, range is 11025 - 65535)", 0); WM_FreePatches(); return -1; } _WM_SampleRate = rate; WM_Initialized = 1; return 0; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_GetSampleRate(void) { return _WM_SampleRate; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_MasterVolume(unsigned char master_volume) { struct _mdi *mdi = NULL; struct _hndl * tmp_handle = first_handle; int i = 0; if (!WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_NOT_INIT, NULL, 0); return -1; } if (master_volume > 127) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(master volume out of range, range is 0-127)", 0); return -1; } WM_MasterVolume = lin_volume[master_volume]; if (tmp_handle) { while (tmp_handle) { mdi = (struct _mdi *) tmp_handle->handle; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { do_pan_adjust(mdi, i); } tmp_handle = tmp_handle->next; } } return 0; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_Close(midi * handle) { struct _mdi *mdi = (struct _mdi *) handle; struct _hndl * tmp_handle; if (!WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_NOT_INIT, NULL, 0); return -1; } if (handle == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(NULL handle)", 0); return -1; } if (first_handle == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(no midi's open)", 0); return -1; } mdi->lock.Enter(); if (first_handle->handle == handle) { tmp_handle = first_handle->next; free(first_handle); first_handle = tmp_handle; if (first_handle) first_handle->prev = NULL; } else { tmp_handle = first_handle; while (tmp_handle->handle != handle) { tmp_handle = tmp_handle->next; if (tmp_handle == NULL) { break; } } if (tmp_handle) { tmp_handle->prev->next = tmp_handle->next; if (tmp_handle->next) { tmp_handle->next->prev = tmp_handle->prev; } free(tmp_handle); } } freeMDI(mdi); return 0; } midi *WildMidi_NewMidi() { midi * ret = NULL; if (!WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_NOT_INIT, NULL, 0); return NULL; } ret = Init_MDI(); if (ret) { if (add_handle(ret) != 0) { WildMidi_Close(ret); ret = NULL; } } return ret; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_SetOption(midi * handle, unsigned short int options, unsigned short int setting) { struct _mdi *mdi; int i; if (!WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_NOT_INIT, NULL, 0); return -1; } if (handle == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(NULL handle)", 0); return -1; } mdi = (struct _mdi *) handle; mdi->lock.Enter(); if ((!(options & 0x0007)) || (options & 0xFFF8)) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(invalid option)", 0); mdi->lock.Leave(); return -1; } if (setting & 0xFFF8) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(invalid setting)", 0); mdi->lock.Leave(); return -1; } mdi->info.mixer_options = ((mdi->info.mixer_options & (0x00FF ^ options)) | (options & setting)); if (options & WM_MO_LOG_VOLUME) { struct _note *note_data = mdi->note; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { do_pan_adjust(mdi, i); } if (note_data) { do { note_data->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, (note_data->noteid >> 8), note_data); if (note_data->replay) note_data->replay->vol_lvl = get_volume(mdi, (note_data->noteid >> 8), note_data->replay); note_data = note_data->next; } while (note_data); } } else if (options & WM_MO_REVERB) { _WM_reset_reverb(mdi->reverb); } mdi->lock.Leave(); return 0; } WM_SYMBOL struct _WM_Info * WildMidi_GetInfo(midi * handle) { struct _mdi *mdi = (struct _mdi *) handle; if (!WM_Initialized) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_NOT_INIT, NULL, 0); return NULL; } if (handle == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "(NULL handle)", 0); return NULL; } mdi->lock.Enter(); if (mdi->tmp_info == NULL) { mdi->tmp_info = (struct _WM_Info*)malloc(sizeof(struct _WM_Info)); if (mdi->tmp_info == NULL) { _WM_ERROR(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, WM_ERR_MEM, "to set info", 0); mdi->lock.Leave(); return NULL; } mdi->tmp_info->copyright = NULL; } mdi->tmp_info->current_sample = mdi->info.current_sample; mdi->tmp_info->approx_total_samples = mdi->info.approx_total_samples; mdi->tmp_info->mixer_options = mdi->info.mixer_options; if (mdi->info.copyright) { free(mdi->tmp_info->copyright); mdi->tmp_info->copyright = (char*)malloc(strlen(mdi->info.copyright) + 1); strcpy(mdi->tmp_info->copyright, mdi->info.copyright); } else { mdi->tmp_info->copyright = NULL; } mdi->lock.Leave(); return mdi->tmp_info; } WM_SYMBOL int WildMidi_Shutdown(void) { if (!WM_Initialized) { // No error if trying to shut down an uninitialized device. return 0; } while (first_handle) { /* closes open handle and rotates the handles list. */ WildMidi_Close((struct _mdi *) first_handle->handle); } WM_FreePatches(); free_gauss(); /* reset the globals */ WM_MasterVolume = 948; WM_MixerOptions = 0; fix_release = 0; auto_amp = 0; auto_amp_with_amp = 0; reverb_room_width = 16.875f; reverb_room_length = 22.5f; reverb_listen_posx = 8.4375f; reverb_listen_posy = 16.875f; WM_Initialized = 0; return 0; } WildMidi_Renderer::WildMidi_Renderer() { handle = WildMidi_NewMidi(); } WildMidi_Renderer::~WildMidi_Renderer() { WildMidi_Close((midi *)handle); } void WildMidi_Renderer::ShortEvent(int status, int parm1, int parm2) { _mdi *mdi = (_mdi *)handle; _event_data ev; ev.channel = status & 0x0F; switch ((status & 0xF0) >> 4) // command { case 0x8: ev.data = (parm1 << 8) | parm2; do_note_off(mdi, &ev); break; case 0x9: ev.data = (parm1 << 8) | parm2; do_note_on(mdi, &ev); break; case 0xA: ev.data = (parm1 << 8) | parm2; do_aftertouch(mdi, &ev); break; case 0xC: ev.data = parm1; do_patch(mdi, &ev); break; case 0xD: ev.data = parm1; do_channel_pressure(mdi, &ev); break; case 0xE: ev.data = parm1 | (parm2 << 7); do_pitch(mdi, &ev); break; case 0xB: // Controllers ev.data = parm2; switch (parm1) { case 0: do_control_bank_select(mdi, &ev); break; case 6: do_control_data_entry_course(mdi, &ev); break; // [sic] case 7: do_control_channel_volume(mdi, &ev); break; case 8: do_control_channel_balance(mdi, &ev); break; case 10: do_control_channel_pan(mdi, &ev); break; case 11: do_control_channel_expression(mdi, &ev); break; case 38: do_control_data_entry_fine(mdi, &ev); break; case 64: do_control_channel_hold(mdi, &ev); break; case 96: do_control_data_increment(mdi, &ev); break; case 97: do_control_data_decrement(mdi, &ev); break; case 98: case 99: do_control_non_registered_param(mdi, &ev); break; case 100: do_control_registered_param_fine(mdi, &ev); break; case 101: do_control_registered_param_course(mdi, &ev); break; // [sic] case 120: do_control_channel_sound_off(mdi, &ev); break; case 121: do_control_channel_controllers_off(mdi, &ev); break; case 123: do_control_channel_notes_off(mdi, &ev); break; } } } void WildMidi_Renderer::LongEvent(const char *data, int len) { // Check for Roland SysEx if (len >= 11 && // Must be at least 11 bytes data[len-1] == 0xF7 && // SysEx end data[0] == 0xF0 && // SysEx data[1] == 0x41 && // Roland data[2] == 0x10 && // Device ID, defaults to 0x10 data[3] == 0x42 && // Model ID, 0x42 indicates a GS synth data[4] == 0x12 && // The other end is sending data to us data[5] == 0x40) // We only care about addresses with this first byte { // Calculate checksum int cksum = 0; for (int i = 5; i < len - 2; ++i) { cksum += data[i]; } cksum = 128 - (cksum & 0x7F); if (data[len-2] == cksum) { // Check destination address if (((data[6] & 0xF0) == 0x10) && data[7] == 0x15) { // Roland drum track setting int sysex_ch = data[6] & 0x0F; if (sysex_ch == 0) { sysex_ch = 9; } else if (sysex_ch <= 9) { sysex_ch -= 1; } _event_data ev = { sysex_ch, data[8] }; do_sysex_roland_drum_track((_mdi *)handle, &ev); } else if (data[6] == 0x00 && data[7] == 0x7F && data[8] == 0x00) { // Roland GS reset do_sysex_roland_reset((_mdi *)handle, NULL); } } } } void WildMidi_Renderer::ComputeOutput(float *fbuffer, int len) { _mdi *mdi = (_mdi *)handle; int *buffer = (int *)fbuffer; int *newbuf = WM_Mix(handle, buffer, len); // assert(newbuf - buffer == len); if (mdi->info.mixer_options & WM_MO_REVERB) { _WM_do_reverb(mdi->reverb, buffer, len * 2); } for (; buffer < newbuf; ++buffer) { *(float *)buffer = (float)*buffer / 32768.f; } } void WildMidi_Renderer::LoadInstrument(int bank, int percussion, int instr) { load_patch((_mdi *)handle, (bank << 8) | instr | (percussion ? 0x80 : 0)); } int WildMidi_Renderer::GetVoiceCount() { int count = 0; for (_note *note_data = ((_mdi *)handle)->note; note_data != NULL; note_data = note_data->next) { count++; } return count; }