#include "actor.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "gi.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "a_strifeglobal.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "thingdef/thingdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "templates.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "farchive.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "portal.h" // Include all the other Strife stuff here to reduce compile time #include "a_acolyte.cpp" #include "a_spectral.cpp" #include "a_alienspectres.cpp" #include "a_coin.cpp" #include "a_crusader.cpp" #include "a_entityboss.cpp" #include "a_inquisitor.cpp" #include "a_loremaster.cpp" //#include "a_macil.cpp" #include "a_oracle.cpp" #include "a_programmer.cpp" #include "a_reaver.cpp" #include "a_rebels.cpp" #include "a_sentinel.cpp" #include "a_stalker.cpp" #include "a_strifeitems.cpp" #include "a_strifeweapons.cpp" #include "a_templar.cpp" #include "a_thingstoblowup.cpp" // Notes so I don't forget them: // Strife does some extra stuff in A_Explode if a player caused the explosion. (probably NoiseAlert) // See the instructions @ 21249. // // Strife's FLOATSPEED is 5 and not 4. // // In P_CheckMissileRange, mobjtypes 53,54,55,56,57,58 shift the distance right 4 bits (some, but not all the acolytes) // mobjtypes 61,63,91 shift it right 1 bit // // When shooting missiles at something, if MF_SHADOW is set, the angle is adjusted with the formula: // angle += pr_spawnmissile.Random2() << 21 // When MF_STRIFEx4000000 is set, the angle is adjusted similarly: // angle += pr_spawnmissile.Random2() << 22 // Note that these numbers are different from those used by all the other Doom engine games. static FRandom pr_gibtosser ("GibTosser"); // Force Field Guard -------------------------------------------------------- void A_RemoveForceField (AActor *); class AForceFieldGuard : public AActor { DECLARE_CLASS (AForceFieldGuard, AActor) public: int TakeSpecialDamage (AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName damagetype); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AForceFieldGuard) int AForceFieldGuard::TakeSpecialDamage (AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName damagetype) { if (inflictor == NULL || !inflictor->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ADegninOre))) { return -1; } return health; } // Kneeling Guy ------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SetShadow) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; self->flags |= MF_STRIFEx8000000|MF_SHADOW; self->RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent; self->Alpha = HR_SHADOW; return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ClearShadow) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; self->flags &= ~(MF_STRIFEx8000000|MF_SHADOW); self->RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal; self->Alpha = 1.; return 0; } static FRandom pr_gethurt ("HurtMe!"); DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_GetHurt) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; self->flags4 |= MF4_INCOMBAT; if ((pr_gethurt() % 5) == 0) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->PainSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); self->health--; } if (self->health <= 0) { self->Die (self->target, self->target); } return 0; } // Klaxon Warning Light ----------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_TurretLook) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; AActor *target; if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION) return 0; self->threshold = 0; target = self->LastHeard; if (target != NULL && target->health > 0 && target->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE && (self->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) != (target->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)) { self->target = target; if ((self->flags & MF_AMBUSH) && !P_CheckSight (self, target)) { return 0; } if (self->SeeSound != 0) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } self->LastHeard = NULL; self->threshold = 10; self->SetState (self->SeeState); } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_KlaxonBlare) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (--self->reactiontime < 0) { self->target = NULL; self->reactiontime = self->GetDefault()->reactiontime; CALL_ACTION(A_TurretLook, self); if (self->target == NULL) { self->SetIdle(); } else { self->reactiontime = 50; } } if (self->reactiontime == 2) { // [RH] Unalert monsters near the alarm and not just those in the same sector as it. P_NoiseAlert (NULL, self, false); } else if (self->reactiontime > 50) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/alarm", 1, ATTN_NORM); } return 0; } // Power Coupling ----------------------------------------------------------- class APowerCoupling : public AActor { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerCoupling, AActor) public: void Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (APowerCoupling) void APowerCoupling::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags) { Super::Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags); int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) if (playeringame[i] && players[i].health > 0) break; if (i == MAXPLAYERS) return; // [RH] In case the player broke it with the dagger, alert the guards now. if (LastHeard != source) { P_NoiseAlert (source, this); } EV_DoDoor (DDoor::doorClose, NULL, players[i].mo, 225, 2., 0, 0, 0); EV_DoFloor (DFloor::floorLowerToHighest, NULL, 44, 1., 0., -1, 0, false); players[i].mo->GiveInventoryType (QuestItemClasses[5]); S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "svox/voc13", 1, ATTN_NORM); players[i].SetLogNumber (13); P_DropItem (this, PClass::FindActor("BrokenPowerCoupling"), -1, 256); Destroy (); } // Gibs for things that bleed ----------------------------------------------- class AMeat : public AActor { DECLARE_CLASS (AMeat, AActor) public: void BeginPlay () { // Strife used mod 19, but there are 20 states. Hmm. SetState (SpawnState + pr_gibtosser() % 20); } }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AMeat) //========================================================================== // // A_TossGib // //========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_TossGib) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; const char *gibtype = (self->flags & MF_NOBLOOD) ? "Junk" : "Meat"; AActor *gib = Spawn (gibtype, self->PosPlusZ(24), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (gib == NULL) { return 0; } gib->Angles.Yaw = pr_gibtosser() * (360 / 256.f); gib->VelFromAngle(pr_gibtosser() & 15); gib->Vel.Z = pr_gibtosser() & 15; return 0; } //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FLoopActiveSound) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (self->ActiveSound != 0 && !(level.time & 7)) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->ActiveSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Countdown) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (--self->reactiontime <= 0) { P_ExplodeMissile (self, NULL, NULL); self->flags &= ~MF_SKULLFLY; } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LoopActiveSound) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (self->ActiveSound != 0 && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (self, CHAN_VOICE, -1)) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE|CHAN_LOOP, self->ActiveSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CheckTerrain) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; sector_t *sec = self->Sector; if (self->Z() == sec->floorplane.ZatPointF(self) && sec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor)) { if (sec->special == Damage_InstantDeath) { P_DamageMobj (self, NULL, NULL, 999, NAME_InstantDeath); } else if (sec->special == Scroll_StrifeCurrent) { int anglespeed = tagManager.GetFirstSectorTag(sec) - 100; double speed = (anglespeed % 10) / 16.; DAngle an = (anglespeed / 10) * (360 / 8.); self->VelFromAngle(an, speed); } } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_ClearSoundTarget // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ClearSoundTarget) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; AActor *actor; self->Sector->SoundTarget = NULL; for (actor = self->Sector->thinglist; actor != NULL; actor = actor->snext) { actor->LastHeard = NULL; } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ItBurnsItBurns) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "human/imonfire", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self->player != NULL && self->player->mo == self) { P_SetPsprite (self->player, ps_weapon, self->FindState("FireHands")); P_SetPsprite (self->player, ps_flash, NULL); self->player->ReadyWeapon = NULL; self->player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; self->player->playerstate = PST_LIVE; self->player->extralight = 3; } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DropFire) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; AActor *drop = Spawn("FireDroplet", self->PosPlusZ(24.), ALLOW_REPLACE); drop->Vel.Z = -1.; P_RadiusAttack (self, self, 64, 64, NAME_Fire, 0); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CrispyPlayer) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (self->player != NULL && self->player->mo == self) { self->player->playerstate = PST_DEAD; P_SetPsprite (self->player, ps_weapon, self->player->psprites[ps_weapon].state + (self->FindState("FireHandsLower") - self->FindState("FireHands"))); } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_HandLower) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; if (self->player != NULL) { pspdef_t *psp = &self->player->psprites[ps_weapon]; psp->sy += 9; if (psp->sy > WEAPONBOTTOM*2) { P_SetPsprite (self->player, ps_weapon, NULL); } if (self->player->extralight > 0) self->player->extralight--; } return 0; }