#ifndef __A_ARTIFACTS_H__ #define __A_ARTIFACTS_H__ #include "a_pickups.h" class player_t; // A powerup is a pseudo-inventory item that applies an effect to its // owner while it is present. class APowerup : public AInventory { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerup, AInventory) public: virtual void Tick (); virtual void Destroy (); virtual bool HandlePickup (AInventory *item); virtual AInventory *CreateCopy (AActor *other); virtual AInventory *CreateTossable (); virtual void Serialize (FArchive &arc); virtual void OwnerDied (); virtual bool GetNoTeleportFreeze(); virtual PalEntry GetBlend (); virtual bool DrawPowerup (int x, int y); int EffectTics; PalEntry BlendColor; FNameNoInit Mode; double Strength; protected: virtual void InitEffect (); virtual void DoEffect (); virtual void EndEffect (); friend void EndAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item); friend void InitAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item); }; class PClassPowerupGiver: public PClassInventory { DECLARE_CLASS(PClassPowerupGiver, PClassInventory) protected: public: virtual void ReplaceClassRef(PClass *oldclass, PClass *newclass); }; // An artifact is an item that gives the player a powerup when activated. class APowerupGiver : public AInventory { DECLARE_CLASS_WITH_META (APowerupGiver, AInventory, PClassPowerupGiver) public: virtual bool Use (bool pickup); virtual void Serialize (FArchive &arc); PClassActor *PowerupType; int EffectTics; // Non-0 to override the powerup's default tics PalEntry BlendColor; // Non-0 to override the powerup's default blend FNameNoInit Mode; // Meaning depends on powerup - used for Invulnerability and Invisibility double Strength; // Meaning depends on powerup - currently used only by Invisibility }; class APowerInvulnerable : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerInvulnerable, APowerup) protected: void InitEffect (); void DoEffect (); void EndEffect (); int AlterWeaponSprite (visstyle_t *vis); }; class APowerStrength : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerStrength, APowerup) public: PalEntry GetBlend (); protected: void InitEffect (); void Tick (); bool HandlePickup (AInventory *item); }; class APowerInvisibility : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerInvisibility, APowerup) protected: bool HandlePickup (AInventory *item); void InitEffect (); void DoEffect (); void EndEffect (); int AlterWeaponSprite (visstyle_t *vis); // FRenderStyle OwnersNormalStyle; // fixed_t OwnersNormalAlpha; }; class APowerIronFeet : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerIronFeet, APowerup) public: void AbsorbDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage); void DoEffect (); }; class APowerMask : public APowerIronFeet { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerMask, APowerIronFeet) public: void AbsorbDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage); void DoEffect (); }; class APowerLightAmp : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerLightAmp, APowerup) protected: void DoEffect (); void EndEffect (); }; class APowerTorch : public APowerLightAmp { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerTorch, APowerLightAmp) public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc); protected: void DoEffect (); int NewTorch, NewTorchDelta; }; class APowerFlight : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerFlight, APowerup) public: bool DrawPowerup (int x, int y); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); protected: void InitEffect (); void Tick (); void EndEffect (); bool HitCenterFrame; }; class APowerWeaponLevel2 : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerWeaponLevel2, APowerup) protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); }; class APowerSpeed : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerSpeed, APowerup) protected: void DoEffect (); void Serialize(FArchive &arc); double GetSpeedFactor(); public: int SpeedFlags; }; #define PSF_NOTRAIL 1 class APowerMinotaur : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerMinotaur, APowerup) }; class APowerScanner : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerScanner, APowerup) }; class APowerTargeter : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerTargeter, APowerup) protected: void InitEffect (); void DoEffect (); void EndEffect (); void PositionAccuracy (); void Travelled (); bool HandlePickup(AInventory *item); }; class APowerFrightener : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerFrightener, APowerup) protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); }; class APowerBuddha : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS (APowerBuddha, APowerup) protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); }; class APowerTimeFreezer : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerTimeFreezer, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect( ); void DoEffect( ); void EndEffect( ); }; class APowerDamage : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerDamage, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); virtual void ModifyDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage, bool passive); }; class APowerProtection : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerProtection, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); virtual void ModifyDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage, bool passive); }; class APowerDrain : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerDrain, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect( ); void EndEffect( ); }; class APowerRegeneration : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerRegeneration, APowerup ) protected: void DoEffect(); }; class APowerHighJump : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerHighJump, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect( ); void EndEffect( ); }; class APowerDoubleFiringSpeed : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerDoubleFiringSpeed, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect( ); void EndEffect( ); }; class APowerInfiniteAmmo : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerInfiniteAmmo, APowerup ) protected: void InitEffect( ); void EndEffect( ); }; class APowerMorph : public APowerup { DECLARE_CLASS( APowerMorph, APowerup ) public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void SetNoCallUndoMorph() { bNoCallUndoMorph = true; } FNameNoInit PlayerClass, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash; int MorphStyle; protected: void InitEffect (); void EndEffect (); // Variables player_t *Player; bool bNoCallUndoMorph; // Because P_UndoPlayerMorph() can call EndEffect recursively }; #endif //__A_ARTIFACTS_H__