// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #include #include #include #define USE_WINDOWS_DWORD #include "i_input.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "d_gui.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "win32iface.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "templates.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "rawinput.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DEFAULT_DEADZONE 0.25f #define STATUS_SWITCH_TIME 3 #define VID_PLAY_COM 0x0b43 #define PID_EMS_USB2_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER 0x0003 #define VID_GREENASIA 0x0e8f #define PID_DRAGON_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER 0x0003 #define PID_PANTHERLORD_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER 0x0029 #define VID_PERSONAL_COMMUNICATION_SYSTEMS 0x0810 #define PID_TWIN_USB_VIBRATION_GAMEPAD 0x0001 #define STATUS_DISCONNECTED 0xFF #define STATUS_DIGITAL 0x41 #define STATUS_ANALOG 0x73 // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EAdapterType { ADAPTER_EMSUSB2, ADAPTER_DragonPlus, ADAPTER_PantherLord, ADAPTER_TwinUSB, ADAPTER_Unknown }; struct FAdapterHandle { HANDLE Handle; EAdapterType Type; int ControllerNumber; FString DeviceID; }; class FRawPS2Controller : public IJoystickConfig { public: FRawPS2Controller(HANDLE handle, EAdapterType type, int sequence, int controller, FString devid); ~FRawPS2Controller(); bool ProcessInput(RAWHID *raw, int code); void AddAxes(float axes[NUM_JOYAXIS]); bool IsConnected() { return Connected; } // IJoystickConfig interface FString GetName(); float GetSensitivity(); virtual void SetSensitivity(float scale); int GetNumAxes(); float GetAxisDeadZone(int axis); EJoyAxis GetAxisMap(int axis); const char *GetAxisName(int axis); float GetAxisScale(int axis); void SetAxisDeadZone(int axis, float deadzone); void SetAxisMap(int axis, EJoyAxis gameaxis); void SetAxisScale(int axis, float scale); bool IsSensitivityDefault(); bool IsAxisDeadZoneDefault(int axis); bool IsAxisMapDefault(int axis); bool IsAxisScaleDefault(int axis); void SetDefaultConfig(); FString GetIdentifier(); protected: struct AxisInfo { float Value; float DeadZone; float Multiplier; EJoyAxis GameAxis; BYTE ButtonValue; }; struct DefaultAxisConfig { EJoyAxis GameAxis; float Multiplier; }; enum { AXIS_ThumbLX, AXIS_ThumbLY, AXIS_ThumbRX, AXIS_ThumbRY, NUM_AXES }; HANDLE Handle; FString DeviceID; int ControllerNumber; int Sequence; DWORD DisconnectCount; EAdapterType Type; float Multiplier; AxisInfo Axes[NUM_AXES]; static DefaultAxisConfig DefaultAxes[NUM_AXES]; WORD LastButtons; bool Connected; bool Marked; bool Active; void Attached(); void Detached(); void NeutralInput(); static void ProcessThumbstick(int value, AxisInfo *axis, int base); friend class FRawPS2Manager; }; class FRawPS2Manager : public FJoystickCollection { public: FRawPS2Manager(); ~FRawPS2Manager(); bool GetDevice(); bool ProcessRawInput(RAWINPUT *raw, int code); void AddAxes(float axes[NUM_JOYAXIS]); void GetDevices(TArray &sticks); IJoystickConfig *Rescan(); protected: TArray Devices; bool Registered; void DoRegister(); FRawPS2Controller *EnumDevices(); static int STACK_ARGS DeviceSort(const void *a, const void *b); }; // Each entry is an offset to the corresponding data field in the // adapter's data packet. Some of these fields are optional and are // assigned negative values if the adapter does not include them. struct PS2Descriptor { const char *AdapterName; BYTE PacketSize; SBYTE ControllerNumber; SBYTE ControllerStatus; BYTE LeftX; BYTE LeftY; BYTE RightX; BYTE RightY; SBYTE DPadHat; BYTE DPadButtonsNibble:1; SBYTE DPadButtons:7; // up, right, down, left BYTE ButtonSet1:7; // triangle, circle, cross, square BYTE ButtonSet1Nibble:1; BYTE ButtonSet2:7; // L2, R2, L1, R1 BYTE ButtonSet2Nibble:1; BYTE ButtonSet3:7; // select, start, lthumb, rthumb BYTE ButtonSet3Nibble:1; }; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- extern HWND Window; // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, joy_ps2raw, true, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOINITCALL) { I_StartupRawPS2(); event_t ev = { EV_DeviceChange }; D_PostEvent(&ev); } // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static const int ButtonKeys[16] = { KEY_PAD_DPAD_UP, KEY_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT, KEY_PAD_DPAD_DOWN, KEY_PAD_DPAD_LEFT, KEY_PAD_Y, // triangle KEY_PAD_B, // circle KEY_PAD_A, // cross KEY_PAD_X, // square KEY_PAD_LTRIGGER, // L2 KEY_PAD_RTRIGGER, // R2 KEY_PAD_LSHOULDER, // L1 KEY_PAD_RSHOULDER, // R1 KEY_PAD_BACK, // select KEY_PAD_START, KEY_PAD_LTHUMB, KEY_PAD_RTHUMB }; static const BYTE HatButtons[16] = { 1, 1+2, 2, 2+4, 4, 4+8, 8, 8+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const PS2Descriptor Descriptors[ADAPTER_Unknown] = { { // ADAPTER_EMS_USB2 "EMS USB2 Adapter", 8, // packet size 0, // controller number 7, // controller status 3, // left x 4, // left y 5, // right x 6, // right y -1, // hat 1, // d-pad buttons nibble 2, // d-pad buttons 1, // buttons 1 0, // buttons 1 nibble 1, // buttons 2 1, // buttons 2 nibble 2, // buttons 3 0, // buttons 3 nibble }, { // ADAPTER_DragonPlus "Dragon+ Adapter", 9, // packet size -1, // controller number -1, // controller status 3, // left x 4, // left y 2, // right x 1, // right y 6, // hat 0, // d-pad buttons nibble -1, // d-pad buttons 6, // buttons 1 1, // buttons 1 nibble 7, // buttons 2 0, // buttons 2 nibble 7, // buttons 3 1, // buttons 3 nibble }, { // ADAPTER_PantherLord // Windows indentifies it as a ga451-USB device, but I call it a PantherLord // because there's a box in the middle of the cable with a PantherLord sticker // on it. "PantherLord Adapter", 9, // packet size -1, // controller number -1, // controller status 4, // left x 5, // left y 3, // right x 2, // right y -1, // hat ... This device has both a hat and d-pad buttons. 0, // d-pad buttons nibble Since buttons are better, we just read those. 8, // d-pad buttons 6, // buttons 1 1, // buttons 1 nibble 7, // buttons 2 0, // buttons 2 nibble 7, // buttons 3 1, // buttons 3 nibble }, { // ADAPTER_TwinUSB "Twin USB Gamepad", 8, // packet size 0, // controller number -1, // controller status 3, // left x 4, // left y 2, // right x 1, // right y 5, // hat 0, // d-pad buttons nibble -1, // d-pad buttons 5, // buttons 1 1, // buttons 1 nibble 6, // buttons 2 0, // buttons 2 nibble 6, // buttons 3 1, // buttons 3 nibble } }; static const char *AxisNames[] = { "Left Thumb X Axis", "Left Thumb Y Axis", "Right Thumb X Axis", "Right Thumb Y Axis", }; FRawPS2Controller::DefaultAxisConfig FRawPS2Controller::DefaultAxes[NUM_AXES] = { // Game axis, multiplier { JOYAXIS_Side, 1 }, // ThumbLX { JOYAXIS_Forward, 1 }, // ThumbLY { JOYAXIS_Yaw, 1 }, // ThumbRX { JOYAXIS_Pitch, 0.75 }, // ThumbRY }; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller - Constructor // // handle: The Raw Input handle for this device // type: The adapter type // sequence: The seqeunce number, for attaching numbers to names // controller: The controller to check, for multi-controller adapters // //========================================================================== FRawPS2Controller::FRawPS2Controller(HANDLE handle, EAdapterType type, int sequence, int controller, FString devid) { Handle = handle; Type = type; ControllerNumber = controller; Sequence = sequence; DeviceID = devid; // The EMS USB2 controller provides attachment status. The others do not. Connected = (Descriptors[type].ControllerStatus < 0); if (Connected) { Attached(); } M_LoadJoystickConfig(this); } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller - Destructor // //========================================================================== FRawPS2Controller::~FRawPS2Controller() { M_SaveJoystickConfig(this); } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: ProcessInput // //========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Controller::ProcessInput(RAWHID *raw, int code) { // w32api has an incompatible definition of bRawData #if __GNUC__ BYTE *rawdata = &raw->bRawData; #else BYTE *rawdata = raw->bRawData; #endif const PS2Descriptor *desc = &Descriptors[Type]; bool digital; // Ensure packet size is what we expect. if (raw->dwSizeHid != desc->PacketSize) { return false; } #if 0 // If this is a multi-controller device, check that this packet // is for the controller we were created for. We probably don't // need to do this, because the multi-controller adapters // send data for each controller to seperate device instances. if (desc->ControllerNumber >= 0 && raw->bRawData[desc->ControllerNumber] != ControllerNumber) { return false; } #endif // Check for disconnected controller if (desc->ControllerStatus >= 0) { if (rawdata[desc->ControllerStatus] == STATUS_DISCONNECTED) { // When you press the Analog button on a controller, the EMS // USB2 will briefly report the controller as disconnected. if (++DisconnectCount < STATUS_SWITCH_TIME) { NeutralInput(); return true; } if (Connected) { Detached(); } return true; } if (!Connected) { Attached(); } } DisconnectCount = 0; if (code == RIM_INPUTSINK) { NeutralInput(); return true; } // Check for digital controller digital = false; if (desc->ControllerStatus >= 0) { // The EMS USB2 is nice enough to actually tell us what type of // controller is attached. digital = (rawdata[desc->ControllerStatus] == STATUS_DIGITAL); } else { // The other adapters don't bother to tell us, but we can still // make an educated guess. In analog mode, the axes center at 0x80. // In digital mode, they center at 0x7F, and the right stick is // fixed at center because it gets translated to presses of the // four face buttons instead. digital = (rawdata[desc->RightX] == 0x7F && rawdata[desc->RightY] == 0x7F); } // Convert axes to floating point and cancel out deadzones. ProcessThumbstick(rawdata[desc->LeftX], &Axes[AXIS_ThumbLX], KEY_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT); ProcessThumbstick(rawdata[desc->LeftY], &Axes[AXIS_ThumbLY], KEY_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN); // If we know we are digital, ignore the right stick. if (digital) { ProcessThumbstick(0x80, &Axes[AXIS_ThumbRX], KEY_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT); ProcessThumbstick(0x80, &Axes[AXIS_ThumbRY], KEY_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN); } else { ProcessThumbstick(rawdata[desc->RightX], &Axes[AXIS_ThumbRX], KEY_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT); ProcessThumbstick(rawdata[desc->RightY], &Axes[AXIS_ThumbRY], KEY_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN); } // Generate events for buttons that have changed. WORD buttons = 0; // If we know we are digital, ignore the D-Pad. if (!digital) { if (desc->DPadButtons >= 0) { buttons = rawdata[desc->DPadButtons] >> (4 * desc->DPadButtonsNibble); } else if (desc->DPadHat >= 0) { buttons = HatButtons[rawdata[desc->DPadHat] & 15]; } } buttons |= ((rawdata[desc->ButtonSet1] >> (4 * desc->ButtonSet1Nibble)) & 15) << 4; buttons |= ((rawdata[desc->ButtonSet2] >> (4 * desc->ButtonSet2Nibble)) & 15) << 8; buttons |= ((rawdata[desc->ButtonSet3] >> (4 * desc->ButtonSet3Nibble)) & 15) << 12; Joy_GenerateButtonEvents(LastButtons, buttons, 16, ButtonKeys); LastButtons = buttons; return true; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: ProcessThumbstick STATIC // // Converts one axis of a thumb stick to floating point, cancels out the // deadzone, and generates button up/down events for that axis. // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::ProcessThumbstick(int value, AxisInfo *axis, int base) { BYTE buttonstate; double axisval; axisval = value * (2.0 / 255) - 1.0; axisval = Joy_RemoveDeadZone(axisval, axis->DeadZone, &buttonstate); Joy_GenerateButtonEvents(axis->ButtonValue, buttonstate, 2, base); axis->ButtonValue = buttonstate; axis->Value = float(axisval); } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: Attached // // This controller was just attached. Set all buttons and axes to 0. // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::Attached() { int i; Connected = true; DisconnectCount = 0; LastButtons = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXES; ++i) { Axes[i].Value = 0; Axes[i].ButtonValue = 0; } UpdateJoystickMenu(this); } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: Detached // // This controller was just detached. Send button ups for buttons that // were pressed the last time we got input from it. // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::Detached() { Connected = false; NeutralInput(); UpdateJoystickMenu(NULL); } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: NeutralInput // // Sets the controller's state to a neutral one. Either because the // controller is disconnected or because we are in the background. // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::NeutralInput() { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXES; ++i) { ProcessThumbstick(0x80, &Axes[i], KEY_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT + i*2); } Joy_GenerateButtonEvents(LastButtons, 0, 16, ButtonKeys); LastButtons = 0; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: AddAxes // // Add the values of each axis to the game axes. // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::AddAxes(float axes[NUM_JOYAXIS]) { // Add to game axes. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_AXES; ++i) { axes[Axes[i].GameAxis] -= float(Axes[i].Value * Multiplier * Axes[i].Multiplier); } } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: SetDefaultConfig // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::SetDefaultConfig() { Multiplier = 1; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_AXES; ++i) { Axes[i].DeadZone = DEFAULT_DEADZONE; Axes[i].GameAxis = DefaultAxes[i].GameAxis; Axes[i].Multiplier = DefaultAxes[i].Multiplier; } } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetIdentifier // //========================================================================== FString FRawPS2Controller::GetIdentifier() { FString id = "PS2:"; id += DeviceID; return id; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetName // //========================================================================== FString FRawPS2Controller::GetName() { FString res = Descriptors[Type].AdapterName; if (Sequence != 0) { res.AppendFormat(" #%d", Sequence); } return res; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetSensitivity // //========================================================================== float FRawPS2Controller::GetSensitivity() { return Multiplier; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: SetSensitivity // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::SetSensitivity(float scale) { Multiplier = scale; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: IsSensitivityDefault // //========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Controller::IsSensitivityDefault() { return Multiplier == 1; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetNumAxes // //========================================================================== int FRawPS2Controller::GetNumAxes() { return NUM_AXES; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetAxisDeadZone // //========================================================================== float FRawPS2Controller::GetAxisDeadZone(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].DeadZone; } return 0; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetAxisMap // //========================================================================== EJoyAxis FRawPS2Controller::GetAxisMap(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].GameAxis; } return JOYAXIS_None; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetAxisName // //========================================================================== const char *FRawPS2Controller::GetAxisName(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return AxisNames[axis]; } return "Invalid"; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: GetAxisScale // //========================================================================== float FRawPS2Controller::GetAxisScale(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].Multiplier; } return 0; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: SetAxisDeadZone // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::SetAxisDeadZone(int axis, float deadzone) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { Axes[axis].DeadZone = clamp(deadzone, 0.f, 1.f); } } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: SetAxisMap // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::SetAxisMap(int axis, EJoyAxis gameaxis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { Axes[axis].GameAxis = (unsigned(gameaxis) < NUM_JOYAXIS) ? gameaxis : JOYAXIS_None; } } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: SetAxisScale // //========================================================================== void FRawPS2Controller::SetAxisScale(int axis, float scale) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { Axes[axis].Multiplier = scale; } } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: IsAxisDeadZoneDefault // //=========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Controller::IsAxisDeadZoneDefault(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].DeadZone == DEFAULT_DEADZONE; } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: IsAxisScaleDefault // //=========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Controller::IsAxisScaleDefault(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].Multiplier == DefaultAxes[axis].Multiplier; } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Controller :: IsAxisMapDefault // //=========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Controller::IsAxisMapDefault(int axis) { if (unsigned(axis) < NUM_AXES) { return Axes[axis].GameAxis == DefaultAxes[axis].GameAxis; } return true; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager - Constructor // //========================================================================== FRawPS2Manager::FRawPS2Manager() { Registered = false; } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager - Destructor // //========================================================================== FRawPS2Manager::~FRawPS2Manager() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Devices.Size(); ++i) { if (Devices[i] != NULL) { delete Devices[i]; } } } //========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: GetDevice // //========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Manager::GetDevice() { RAWINPUTDEVICE rid; if (MyRegisterRawInputDevices == NULL || MyGetRawInputDeviceList == NULL || MyGetRawInputDeviceInfoA == NULL) { return false; } rid.usUsagePage = HID_GENERIC_DESKTOP_PAGE; rid.usUsage = HID_GDP_JOYSTICK; rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_INPUTSINK; rid.hwndTarget = Window; if (!MyRegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid))) { return false; } rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE; rid.hwndTarget = NULL; // Must be NULL for RIDEV_REMOVE. MyRegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid)); EnumDevices(); return true; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: AddAxes // // Adds the state of all attached device axes to the passed array. // //=========================================================================== void FRawPS2Manager::AddAxes(float axes[NUM_JOYAXIS]) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Devices.Size(); ++i) { if (Devices[i]->IsConnected()) { Devices[i]->AddAxes(axes); } } } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: GetJoysticks // // Adds the IJoystick interfaces for each device we created to the sticks // array, if they are detected as connected. // //=========================================================================== void FRawPS2Manager::GetDevices(TArray &sticks) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Devices.Size(); ++i) { if (Devices[i]->IsConnected()) { sticks.Push(Devices[i]); } } } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: ProcessRawInput // //=========================================================================== bool FRawPS2Manager::ProcessRawInput(RAWINPUT *raw, int code) { if (raw->header.dwType != RIM_TYPEHID) { return false; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < Devices.Size(); ++i) { if (Devices[i]->Handle == raw->header.hDevice) { if (Devices[i]->ProcessInput(&raw->data.hid, code)) { return true; } } } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: Rescan // //=========================================================================== IJoystickConfig *FRawPS2Manager::Rescan() { return EnumDevices(); } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: EnumDevices // // Find out what PS2 adaptors we understand are on the system and create // FRawPS2Controller objects for them. May return a pointer to the first new // device found. // //=========================================================================== FRawPS2Controller *FRawPS2Manager::EnumDevices() { UINT nDevices, numDevices; RAWINPUTDEVICELIST *devices; UINT i, j; if (MyGetRawInputDeviceList(NULL, &nDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != 0) { return NULL; } if ((devices = (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST *)malloc(sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) * nDevices)) == NULL) { return NULL; } if ((numDevices = MyGetRawInputDeviceList(devices, &nDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST))) == (UINT)-1) { free(devices); return NULL; } TArray adapters; for (i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i) { if (devices[i].dwType == RIM_TYPEHID) { RID_DEVICE_INFO rdi; UINT cbSize; cbSize = rdi.cbSize = sizeof(rdi); if (MyGetRawInputDeviceInfoA(devices[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &rdi, &cbSize) >= 0) { // All the PS2 adapters report themselves as joysticks. // (By comparison, the 360 controller reports itself as a gamepad.) if (rdi.hid.usUsagePage == HID_GENERIC_DESKTOP_PAGE && rdi.hid.usUsage == HID_GDP_JOYSTICK) { EAdapterType type = ADAPTER_Unknown; // Check vendor and product IDs to see if we know what this is. if (rdi.hid.dwVendorId == VID_PLAY_COM) { if (rdi.hid.dwProductId == PID_EMS_USB2_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) { type = ADAPTER_EMSUSB2; } } else if (rdi.hid.dwVendorId == VID_GREENASIA) { if (rdi.hid.dwProductId == PID_DRAGON_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) { type = ADAPTER_DragonPlus; } else if (rdi.hid.dwProductId == PID_PANTHERLORD_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) { type = ADAPTER_PantherLord; } } else if (rdi.hid.dwVendorId == VID_PERSONAL_COMMUNICATION_SYSTEMS) { if (rdi.hid.dwProductId == PID_TWIN_USB_VIBRATION_GAMEPAD) { type = ADAPTER_TwinUSB; } } if (type != ADAPTER_Unknown) { // Get the device name. Part of this is a path under HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Enum // with \ characters replaced by # characters. It is not a human-friendly name. // The layout for the name string is: // ## // The Device ID has multiple #-seperated parts and uniquely identifies // this device and which USB port it is connected to. char name[256]; UINT namelen = countof(name); char *devid, *devidend; if (MyGetRawInputDeviceInfoA(devices[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, name, &namelen) == (UINT)-1) { // Can't get name. Skip it, since there's stuff in there we need for config. continue; } devid = strchr(name, '#'); if (devid == NULL) { // Should not happen continue; } devidend = strrchr(++devid, '#'); if (devidend != NULL) { *devidend = '\0'; } FAdapterHandle handle = { devices[i].hDevice, type, 0, devid }; // Adapters that support more than one controller have a seperate device // entry for each controller. We can examine the name to determine which // controller this device is for. if (Descriptors[type].ControllerNumber >= 0) { char *col = strstr(devid, "&Col"); if (col != NULL) { // I have no idea if this number is base 16 or base 10. Every // other number in the name is base 16, so I assume this one is // too, but since I don't have anything that goes higher than 02, // I can't be sure. handle.ControllerNumber = strtoul(col + 4, NULL, 16); } } adapters.Push(handle); } } } } } free(devices); // Sort the found devices so that we have a consistant ordering. qsort(&adapters[0], adapters.Size(), sizeof(FAdapterHandle), DeviceSort); // Compare the new list of devices with the one we previously instantiated. // Every device we currently hold is marked 0. Then scan through the new // list and try to find it there, if it's found, it is marked 1. At the end // of this, devices marked 1 existed before and are left alone. Devices // marked 0 are no longer present and should be destroyed. If a device is // present in the new list that we have not yet instantiated, we // instantiate it now. FRawPS2Controller *newone = NULL; EAdapterType lasttype = ADAPTER_Unknown; int sequence = 0; // Resets to 0 or 1 each time the adapter type changes for (j = 0; j < Devices.Size(); ++j) { Devices[j]->Marked = false; } for (i = 0; i < adapters.Size(); ++i) { FAdapterHandle *adapter = &adapters[i]; if (adapter->Type != lasttype) { lasttype = adapter->Type; // Peak ahead. If the next adapter has the same type, use 1. // Otherwise, use 0. (0 means to not append a number to // the device name.) if (i == adapters.Size() - 1 || adapter->Type != adapters[i+1].Type) { sequence = 0; } else { sequence = 1; } } for (j = 0; j < Devices.Size(); ++j) { if (Devices[j]->Handle == adapter->Handle) { Devices[j]->Marked = true; break; } } if (j == Devices.Size()) { // Not found. Add it. FRawPS2Controller *device = new FRawPS2Controller(adapter->Handle, adapter->Type, sequence++, adapter->ControllerNumber, adapter->DeviceID); device->Marked = true; Devices.Push(device); if (newone == NULL) { newone = device; } } } // Remove detached devices and avoid holes in the list. for (i = j = 0; j < Devices.Size(); ++j) { if (!Devices[j]->Marked) { delete Devices[j]; } else { if (i != j) { Devices[i] = Devices[j]; } ++i; } } Devices.Resize(i); DoRegister(); return newone; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: DeviceSort STATIC // // Sorts first by device type, then by ID, then by controller number. // //=========================================================================== int FRawPS2Manager::DeviceSort(const void *a, const void *b) { const FAdapterHandle *ha = (const FAdapterHandle *)a; const FAdapterHandle *hb = (const FAdapterHandle *)b; int lex = ha->Type - hb->Type; if (lex == 0) { // Skip device part of the ID and sort the connection part const char *ca = strchr(ha->DeviceID, '#'); const char *cb = strchr(hb->DeviceID, '#'); const char *ea, *eb; // The last bit looks like a controller number. Strip it out to be safe // if this is a multi-controller adapter. if (ha->ControllerNumber != 0) { ea = strrchr(ca, '&'); eb = strrchr(cb, '&'); } else { ea = strlen(ca) + ca; eb = strlen(cb) + cb; } for (; ca < ea && cb < eb && lex == 0; ++ca, ++cb) { lex = *ca - *cb; } if (lex == 0) { lex = ha->ControllerNumber - hb->ControllerNumber; } } return lex; } //=========================================================================== // // FRawPS2Manager :: DoRegister // // Ensure that we are only listening for input if devices we care about // are attached to the system. // //=========================================================================== void FRawPS2Manager::DoRegister() { RAWINPUTDEVICE rid; rid.usUsagePage = HID_GENERIC_DESKTOP_PAGE; rid.usUsage = HID_GDP_JOYSTICK; if (Devices.Size() == 0) { if (Registered) { rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE; rid.hwndTarget = NULL; if (MyRegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid))) { Registered = false; } } } else { if (!Registered) { rid.dwFlags = RIDEV_INPUTSINK; rid.hwndTarget = Window; if (MyRegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid))) { Registered = true; } } } } //=========================================================================== // // I_StartupRawPS2 // //=========================================================================== void I_StartupRawPS2() { if (!joy_ps2raw || !use_joystick || Args->CheckParm("-nojoy")) { if (JoyDevices[INPUT_RawPS2] != NULL) { delete JoyDevices[INPUT_RawPS2]; JoyDevices[INPUT_RawPS2] = NULL; UpdateJoystickMenu(NULL); } } else { if (JoyDevices[INPUT_RawPS2] == NULL) { FJoystickCollection *joys = new FRawPS2Manager; if (joys->GetDevice()) { JoyDevices[INPUT_RawPS2] = joys; } } } } //=========================================================================== // // I_IsPS2Adapter // // The Data1 part of a DirectInput product GUID contains the device's vendor // and product IDs. Returns true if we know what this device is. // //=========================================================================== bool I_IsPS2Adapter(DWORD vidpid) { return (vidpid == MAKELONG(VID_PLAY_COM, PID_EMS_USB2_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) || vidpid == MAKELONG(VID_GREENASIA, PID_DRAGON_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) || vidpid == MAKELONG(VID_GREENASIA, PID_PANTHERLORD_PS2_CONTROLLER_ADAPTER) || vidpid == MAKELONG(VID_PERSONAL_COMMUNICATION_SYSTEMS, PID_TWIN_USB_VIBRATION_GAMEPAD)); }