/* ** g_level.cpp ** Parses MAPINFO and controls movement between levels ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include "templates.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "m_alloc.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "wi_stuff.h" #include "r_data.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "d_protocol.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "a_lightning.h" #include "m_png.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "version.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "statnums.h" #include "vectors.h" #include "sbarinfo.h" #include "r_translate.h" #include "sbarinfo.h" #include "gi.h" #include "g_hub.h" EXTERN_CVAR (Float, sv_gravity) EXTERN_CVAR (Float, sv_aircontrol) EXTERN_CVAR (Int, disableautosave) // Hey, GCC, these macros better be safe! #define lioffset(x) ((size_t)&((level_info_t*)1)->x - 1) #define cioffset(x) ((size_t)&((cluster_info_t*)1)->x - 1) #define SNAP_ID MAKE_ID('s','n','A','p') #define DSNP_ID MAKE_ID('d','s','N','p') #define VIST_ID MAKE_ID('v','i','S','t') #define ACSD_ID MAKE_ID('a','c','S','d') #define RCLS_ID MAKE_ID('r','c','L','s') #define PCLS_ID MAKE_ID('p','c','L','s') static int FindEndSequence (int type, const char *picname); static void SetEndSequence (char *nextmap, int type); static void InitPlayerClasses (); static void ParseEpisodeInfo (FScanner &sc); static void G_DoParseMapInfo (int lump); static void SetLevelNum (level_info_t *info, int num); static void ClearEpisodes (); static void ClearLevelInfoStrings (level_info_t *linfo); static void ClearClusterInfoStrings (cluster_info_t *cinfo); static void ParseSkill (FScanner &sc); static void G_VerifySkill(); static FRandom pr_classchoice ("RandomPlayerClassChoice"); TArray EndSequences; extern bool timingdemo; // Start time for timing demos int starttime; // ACS variables with world scope SDWORD ACS_WorldVars[NUM_WORLDVARS]; FWorldGlobalArray ACS_WorldArrays[NUM_WORLDVARS]; // ACS variables with global scope SDWORD ACS_GlobalVars[NUM_GLOBALVARS]; FWorldGlobalArray ACS_GlobalArrays[NUM_GLOBALVARS]; extern bool netdemo; extern FString BackupSaveName; bool savegamerestore; extern int mousex, mousey; extern bool sendpause, sendsave, sendturn180, SendLand; extern const AInventory *SendItemUse, *SendItemDrop; void *statcopy; // for statistics driver level_locals_t level; // info about current level static TArray wadclusterinfos; TArray wadlevelinfos; TArray AllSkills; // MAPINFO is parsed slightly differently when the map name is just a number. static bool HexenHack; static char unnamed[] = "Unnamed"; static level_info_t TheDefaultLevelInfo = { "", // mapname 0, // levelnum "", // pname, "", // nextmap "", // secretmap "SKY1", // skypic1 0, // cluster 0, // partime 0, // sucktime 0, // flags NULL, // music unnamed, // level_name "COLORMAP", // fadetable +8, // WallVertLight -8, // WallHorizLight "", // [RC] F1 }; static cluster_info_t TheDefaultClusterInfo = { 0 }; static const char *MapInfoTopLevel[] = { "map", "defaultmap", "clusterdef", "episode", "clearepisodes", "skill", "clearskills", NULL }; enum { MITL_MAP, MITL_DEFAULTMAP, MITL_CLUSTERDEF, MITL_EPISODE, MITL_CLEAREPISODES, MITL_SKILL, MITL_CLEARSKILLS, }; static const char *MapInfoMapLevel[] = { "levelnum", "next", "secretnext", "cluster", "sky1", "sky2", "fade", "outsidefog", "titlepatch", "par", "sucktime", "music", "nointermission", "intermission", "doublesky", "nosoundclipping", "allowmonstertelefrags", "map07special", "baronspecial", "cyberdemonspecial", "spidermastermindspecial", "minotaurspecial", "dsparilspecial", "ironlichspecial", "specialaction_exitlevel", "specialaction_opendoor", "specialaction_lowerfloor", "specialaction_killmonsters", "lightning", "fadetable", "evenlighting", "noautosequences", "forcenoskystretch", "allowfreelook", "nofreelook", "allowjump", "nojump", "fallingdamage", // Hexen falling damage "oldfallingdamage", // Lesser ZDoom falling damage "forcefallingdamage", // Skull Tag compatibility name for oldfallingdamage "strifefallingdamage", // Strife's falling damage is really unforgiving "nofallingdamage", "noallies", "cdtrack", "cdid", "cd_start_track", "cd_end1_track", "cd_end2_track", "cd_end3_track", "cd_intermission_track", "cd_title_track", "warptrans", "vertwallshade", "horizwallshade", "gravity", "aircontrol", "filterstarts", "activateowndeathspecials", "killeractivatesdeathspecials", "missilesactivateimpactlines", "missileshootersactivetimpactlines", "noinventorybar", "deathslideshow", "redirect", "strictmonsteractivation", "laxmonsteractivation", "additive_scrollers", "interpic", "exitpic", "enterpic", "intermusic", "airsupply", "specialaction", "keepfullinventory", "monsterfallingdamage", "nomonsterfallingdamage", "sndseq", "sndinfo", "soundinfo", "clipmidtextures", "wrapmidtextures", "allowcrouch", "nocrouch", "pausemusicinmenus", "compat_shorttex", "compat_stairs", "compat_limitpain", "compat_nopassover", "compat_notossdrops", "compat_useblocking", "compat_nodoorlight", "compat_ravenscroll", "compat_soundtarget", "compat_dehhealth", "compat_trace", "compat_dropoff", "compat_boomscroll", "compat_invisibility", "bordertexture", "f1", // [RC] F1 help "noinfighting", "normalinfighting", "totalinfighting", "infiniteflightpowerup", "noinfiniteflightpowerup", "allowrespawn", "teamdamage", "fogdensity", "outsidefogdensity", "skyfog", "teamplayon", "teamplayoff", NULL }; enum EMIType { MITYPE_EATNEXT, MITYPE_IGNORE, MITYPE_INT, MITYPE_FLOAT, MITYPE_HEX, MITYPE_COLOR, MITYPE_MAPNAME, MITYPE_LUMPNAME, MITYPE_SKY, MITYPE_SETFLAG, MITYPE_CLRFLAG, MITYPE_SCFLAGS, MITYPE_CLUSTER, MITYPE_STRING, MITYPE_MUSIC, MITYPE_RELLIGHT, MITYPE_CLRBYTES, MITYPE_REDIRECT, MITYPE_SPECIALACTION, MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, MITYPE_F1, // [RC] F1 help }; struct MapInfoHandler { EMIType type; QWORD data1, data2; } MapHandlers[] = { { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(levelnum), 0 }, { MITYPE_MAPNAME, lioffset(nextmap), 0 }, { MITYPE_MAPNAME, lioffset(secretmap), 0 }, { MITYPE_CLUSTER, lioffset(cluster), 0 }, { MITYPE_SKY, lioffset(skypic1), lioffset(skyspeed1) }, { MITYPE_SKY, lioffset(skypic2), lioffset(skyspeed2) }, { MITYPE_COLOR, lioffset(fadeto), 0 }, { MITYPE_COLOR, lioffset(outsidefog), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(pname), 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(partime), 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(sucktime), 0 }, { MITYPE_MUSIC, lioffset(music), lioffset(musicorder) }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION, 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_DOUBLESKY, 0 }, { MITYPE_IGNORE, 0, 0 }, // was nosoundclipping { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_MONSTERSTELEFRAG, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_MAP07SPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_BRUISERSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_CYBORGSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_SPIDERSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_MINOTAURSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_SORCERER2SPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_HEADSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, 0, ~LEVEL_SPECACTIONSMASK }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_SPECOPENDOOR, ~LEVEL_SPECACTIONSMASK }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_SPECLOWERFLOOR, ~LEVEL_SPECACTIONSMASK }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_SPECKILLMONSTERS, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_STARTLIGHTNING, 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(fadetable), 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRBYTES, lioffset(WallVertLight), lioffset(WallHorizLight) }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_SNDSEQTOTALCTRL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_FORCENOSKYSTRETCH, 0 }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FREELOOK_YES, ~LEVEL_FREELOOK_NO }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FREELOOK_NO, ~LEVEL_FREELOOK_YES }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_JUMP_YES, ~LEVEL_JUMP_NO }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_JUMP_NO, ~LEVEL_JUMP_YES }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX, ~LEVEL_FALLDMG_ZD }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FALLDMG_ZD, ~LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FALLDMG_ZD, ~LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_FALLDMG_ZD|LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX, 0 }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, 0, ~(LEVEL_FALLDMG_ZD|LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX) }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_NOALLIES, 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(cdtrack), 0 }, { MITYPE_HEX, lioffset(cdid), 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_EATNEXT, 0, 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(WarpTrans), 0 }, { MITYPE_RELLIGHT, lioffset(WallVertLight), 0 }, { MITYPE_RELLIGHT, lioffset(WallHorizLight), 0 }, { MITYPE_FLOAT, lioffset(gravity), 0 }, { MITYPE_FLOAT, lioffset(aircontrol), 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_FILTERSTARTS, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_ACTOWNSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_ACTOWNSPECIAL, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_MISSILESACTIVATEIMPACT, 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_MISSILESACTIVATEIMPACT, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_NOINVENTORYBAR, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_DEATHSLIDESHOW, 0 }, { MITYPE_REDIRECT, lioffset(RedirectMap), 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_LAXMONSTERACTIVATION, LEVEL_LAXACTIVATIONMAPINFO }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_LAXMONSTERACTIVATION, LEVEL_LAXACTIVATIONMAPINFO }, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_BOOMSCROLL}, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(exitpic), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(exitpic), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(enterpic), 0 }, { MITYPE_MUSIC, lioffset(intermusic), lioffset(intermusicorder) }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(airsupply), 0 }, { MITYPE_SPECIALACTION, lioffset(specialactions), 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_KEEPFULLINVENTORY, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_MONSTERFALLINGDAMAGE, 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_MONSTERFALLINGDAMAGE, 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(sndseq), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(soundinfo), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(soundinfo), 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_CLIPMIDTEX, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_WRAPMIDTEX, 0 }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_CROUCH_YES, ~LEVEL_CROUCH_NO }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_CROUCH_NO, ~LEVEL_CROUCH_YES }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_PAUSE_MUSIC_IN_MENUS, 0 }, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_SHORTTEX}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_STAIRINDEX}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_LIMITPAIN}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_NO_PASSMOBJ}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_USEBLOCKING}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_NODOORLIGHT}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_SOUNDTARGET}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_DEHHEALTH}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_TRACE}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_DROPOFF}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_BOOMSCROLL}, { MITYPE_COMPATFLAG, COMPATF_INVISIBILITY}, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, lioffset(bordertexture), 0 }, { MITYPE_F1, lioffset(f1), 0, }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_NOINFIGHTING, ~LEVEL_TOTALINFIGHTING }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, 0, ~(LEVEL_NOINFIGHTING|LEVEL_TOTALINFIGHTING)}, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_TOTALINFIGHTING, ~LEVEL_NOINFIGHTING }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_INFINITE_FLIGHT, 0 }, { MITYPE_CLRFLAG, LEVEL_INFINITE_FLIGHT, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, LEVEL_ALLOWRESPAWN, 0 }, { MITYPE_FLOAT, lioffset(teamdamage), 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(fogdensity), 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(outsidefogdensity), 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, lioffset(skyfog), 0 }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYON, ~LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYOFF }, { MITYPE_SCFLAGS, LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYOFF, ~LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYON }, }; static const char *MapInfoClusterLevel[] = { "entertext", "exittext", "music", "flat", "pic", "hub", "cdtrack", "cdid", "entertextislump", "exittextislump", "name", NULL }; MapInfoHandler ClusterHandlers[] = { { MITYPE_STRING, cioffset(entertext), CLUSTER_LOOKUPENTERTEXT }, { MITYPE_STRING, cioffset(exittext), CLUSTER_LOOKUPEXITTEXT }, { MITYPE_MUSIC, cioffset(messagemusic), cioffset(musicorder) }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, cioffset(finaleflat), 0 }, { MITYPE_LUMPNAME, cioffset(finaleflat), CLUSTER_FINALEPIC }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, CLUSTER_HUB, 0 }, { MITYPE_INT, cioffset(cdtrack), 0 }, { MITYPE_HEX, cioffset(cdid), 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, CLUSTER_ENTERTEXTINLUMP, 0 }, { MITYPE_SETFLAG, CLUSTER_EXITTEXTINLUMP, 0 }, { MITYPE_STRING, cioffset(clustername), 0 }, }; static void ParseMapInfoLower (FScanner &sc, MapInfoHandler *handlers, const char *strings[], level_info_t *levelinfo, cluster_info_t *clusterinfo, QWORD levelflags); static int FindWadLevelInfo (const char *name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) if (!strnicmp (name, wadlevelinfos[i].mapname, 8)) return i; return -1; } static int FindWadClusterInfo (int cluster) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadclusterinfos.Size(); i++) if (wadclusterinfos[i].cluster == cluster) return i; return -1; } static void SetLevelDefaults (level_info_t *levelinfo) { memset (levelinfo, 0, sizeof(*levelinfo)); levelinfo->snapshot = NULL; levelinfo->outsidefog = 0xff000000; levelinfo->WallHorizLight = -8; levelinfo->WallVertLight = +8; strncpy (levelinfo->fadetable, "COLORMAP", 8); strcpy (levelinfo->skypic1, "-NOFLAT-"); strcpy (levelinfo->skypic2, "-NOFLAT-"); strcpy (levelinfo->bordertexture, gameinfo.borderFlat); if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { // For maps without a BEHAVIOR, this will be cleared. levelinfo->flags |= LEVEL_LAXMONSTERACTIVATION; } else { levelinfo->flags |= LEVEL_MONSTERFALLINGDAMAGE; } levelinfo->airsupply = 10; } // // G_ParseMapInfo // Parses the MAPINFO lumps of all loaded WADs and generates // data for wadlevelinfos and wadclusterinfos. // void G_ParseMapInfo () { int lump, lastlump = 0; atterm (G_UnloadMapInfo); // Parse the default MAPINFO for the current game. switch (gameinfo.gametype) { case GAME_Doom: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/doomcommon.txt")); switch (gamemission) { case doom: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/doom1.txt")); break; case pack_plut: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/plutonia.txt")); break; case pack_tnt: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/tnt.txt")); break; default: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/doom2.txt")); break; } break; case GAME_Heretic: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/heretic.txt")); break; case GAME_Hexen: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/hexen.txt")); break; case GAME_Strife: G_DoParseMapInfo (Wads.GetNumForFullName ("mapinfo/strife.txt")); break; default: break; } // Parse any extra MAPINFOs. while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("MAPINFO", &lastlump)) != -1) { G_DoParseMapInfo (lump); } EndSequences.ShrinkToFit (); if (EpiDef.numitems == 0) { I_FatalError ("You cannot use clearepisodes in a MAPINFO if you do not define any new episodes after it."); } if (AllSkills.Size()==0) { I_FatalError ("You cannot use clearskills in a MAPINFO if you do not define any new skills after it."); } } static void G_DoParseMapInfo (int lump) { level_info_t defaultinfo; level_info_t *levelinfo; int levelindex; cluster_info_t *clusterinfo; int clusterindex; QWORD levelflags; FScanner sc(lump, Wads.GetLumpFullName(lump)); SetLevelDefaults (&defaultinfo); HexenHack = false; while (sc.GetString ()) { switch (sc.MustMatchString (MapInfoTopLevel)) { case MITL_DEFAULTMAP: if (defaultinfo.music != NULL) delete [] defaultinfo.music; if (defaultinfo.intermusic != NULL) delete [] defaultinfo.intermusic; SetLevelDefaults (&defaultinfo); ParseMapInfoLower (sc, MapHandlers, MapInfoMapLevel, &defaultinfo, NULL, defaultinfo.flags); break; case MITL_MAP: // map levelflags = defaultinfo.flags; sc.MustGetString (); if (IsNum (sc.String)) { // MAPNAME is a number; assume a Hexen wad int map = atoi (sc.String); sprintf (sc.String, "MAP%02d", map); HexenHack = true; // Hexen levels are automatically nointermission, // no auto sound sequences, falling damage, // monsters activate their own specials, and missiles // are always the activators of impact lines. levelflags |= LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION | LEVEL_SNDSEQTOTALCTRL | LEVEL_FALLDMG_HX | LEVEL_ACTOWNSPECIAL | LEVEL_MISSILESACTIVATEIMPACT | LEVEL_INFINITE_FLIGHT; } levelindex = FindWadLevelInfo (sc.String); if (levelindex == -1) { levelindex = wadlevelinfos.Reserve(1); } else { ClearLevelInfoStrings (&wadlevelinfos[levelindex]); } levelinfo = &wadlevelinfos[levelindex]; memcpy (levelinfo, &defaultinfo, sizeof(*levelinfo)); if (levelinfo->music != NULL) { levelinfo->music = copystring (levelinfo->music); } if (levelinfo->intermusic != NULL) { levelinfo->intermusic = copystring (levelinfo->intermusic); } if (HexenHack) { levelinfo->WallHorizLight = levelinfo->WallVertLight = 0; } uppercopy (levelinfo->mapname, sc.String); sc.MustGetString (); if (sc.Compare ("lookup")) { sc.MustGetString (); ReplaceString (&levelinfo->level_name, sc.String); levelflags |= LEVEL_LOOKUPLEVELNAME; } else { ReplaceString (&levelinfo->level_name, sc.String); } // Set up levelnum now so that you can use Teleport_NewMap specials // to teleport to maps with standard names without needing a levelnum. if (!strnicmp (levelinfo->mapname, "MAP", 3) && levelinfo->mapname[5] == 0) { int mapnum = atoi (levelinfo->mapname + 3); if (mapnum >= 1 && mapnum <= 99) levelinfo->levelnum = mapnum; } else if (levelinfo->mapname[0] == 'E' && levelinfo->mapname[1] >= '0' && levelinfo->mapname[1] <= '9' && levelinfo->mapname[2] == 'M' && levelinfo->mapname[3] >= '0' && levelinfo->mapname[3] <= '9') { int epinum = levelinfo->mapname[1] - '1'; int mapnum = levelinfo->mapname[3] - '0'; levelinfo->levelnum = epinum*10 + mapnum; } ParseMapInfoLower (sc, MapHandlers, MapInfoMapLevel, levelinfo, NULL, levelflags); // When the second sky is -NOFLAT-, make it a copy of the first sky if (strcmp (levelinfo->skypic2, "-NOFLAT-") == 0) { strcpy (levelinfo->skypic2, levelinfo->skypic1); } if (levelinfo->f1 != NULL) { levelinfo->f1 = copystring (levelinfo->f1); } SetLevelNum (levelinfo, levelinfo->levelnum); // Wipe out matching levelnums from other maps. if (levelinfo->pname[0] != 0) { if (TexMan.AddPatch(levelinfo->pname) < 0) { levelinfo->pname[0] = 0; } } break; case MITL_CLUSTERDEF: // clusterdef sc.MustGetNumber (); clusterindex = FindWadClusterInfo (sc.Number); if (clusterindex == -1) { clusterindex = wadclusterinfos.Reserve(1); clusterinfo = &wadclusterinfos[clusterindex]; } else { clusterinfo = &wadclusterinfos[clusterindex]; if (clusterinfo->entertext != NULL) { delete[] clusterinfo->entertext; } if (clusterinfo->exittext != NULL) { delete[] clusterinfo->exittext; } if (clusterinfo->messagemusic != NULL) { delete[] clusterinfo->messagemusic; } if (clusterinfo->clustername != NULL) { delete[] clusterinfo->clustername; } } memset (clusterinfo, 0, sizeof(cluster_info_t)); clusterinfo->cluster = sc.Number; ParseMapInfoLower (sc, ClusterHandlers, MapInfoClusterLevel, NULL, clusterinfo, 0); break; case MITL_EPISODE: ParseEpisodeInfo(sc); break; case MITL_CLEAREPISODES: ClearEpisodes(); break; case MITL_SKILL: ParseSkill(sc); break; case MITL_CLEARSKILLS: AllSkills.Clear(); break; } } if (defaultinfo.music != NULL) { delete [] defaultinfo.music; } if (defaultinfo.intermusic != NULL) { delete [] defaultinfo.intermusic; } } static void ClearLevelInfoStrings(level_info_t *linfo) { if (linfo->music != NULL) { delete[] linfo->music; linfo->music = NULL; } if (linfo->intermusic != NULL) { delete[] linfo->intermusic; linfo->intermusic = NULL; } if (linfo->level_name != NULL) { delete[] linfo->level_name; linfo->level_name = NULL; } for (FSpecialAction *spac = linfo->specialactions; spac != NULL; ) { FSpecialAction *next = spac->Next; delete spac; spac = next; } } static void ClearClusterInfoStrings(cluster_info_t *cinfo) { if (cinfo->exittext != NULL) { delete[] cinfo->exittext; cinfo->exittext = NULL; } if (cinfo->entertext != NULL) { delete[] cinfo->entertext; cinfo->entertext = NULL; } if (cinfo->messagemusic != NULL) { delete[] cinfo->messagemusic; cinfo->messagemusic = NULL; } if (cinfo->clustername != NULL) { delete[] cinfo->clustername; cinfo->clustername = NULL; } } static void ClearEpisodes() { for (int i = 0; i < EpiDef.numitems; ++i) { delete[] const_cast(EpisodeMenu[i].name); EpisodeMenu[i].name = NULL; } EpiDef.numitems = 0; } static void ParseMapInfoLower (FScanner &sc, MapInfoHandler *handlers, const char *strings[], level_info_t *levelinfo, cluster_info_t *clusterinfo, QWORD flags) { int entry; MapInfoHandler *handler; BYTE *info; info = levelinfo ? (BYTE *)levelinfo : (BYTE *)clusterinfo; while (sc.GetString ()) { if (sc.MatchString (MapInfoTopLevel) != -1) { sc.UnGet (); break; } entry = sc.MustMatchString (strings); handler = handlers + entry; switch (handler->type) { case MITYPE_EATNEXT: sc.MustGetString (); break; case MITYPE_IGNORE: break; case MITYPE_INT: sc.MustGetNumber (); *((int *)(info + handler->data1)) = sc.Number; break; case MITYPE_FLOAT: sc.MustGetFloat (); *((float *)(info + handler->data1)) = sc.Float; break; case MITYPE_HEX: sc.MustGetString (); *((int *)(info + handler->data1)) = strtoul (sc.String, NULL, 16); break; case MITYPE_COLOR: sc.MustGetString (); *((DWORD *)(info + handler->data1)) = V_GetColor (NULL, sc.String); break; case MITYPE_REDIRECT: sc.MustGetString (); levelinfo->RedirectType = sc.String; /* if (levelinfo->RedirectType == NULL || !(levelinfo->RedirectType->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)))) { SC_ScriptError ("%s is not an inventory item", sc.String); } */ // Intentional fall-through case MITYPE_MAPNAME: { EndSequence newSeq; bool useseq = false; sc.MustGetString (); if (IsNum (sc.String)) { int map = atoi (sc.String); if (HexenHack) { sprintf (sc.String, "&wt@%02d", map); } else { sprintf (sc.String, "MAP%02d", map); } } if (strnicmp (sc.String, "EndGame", 7) == 0) { int type; switch (sc.String[7]) { case '1': type = END_Pic1; break; case '2': type = END_Pic2; break; case '3': type = END_Bunny; break; case 'C': type = END_Cast; break; case 'W': type = END_Underwater; break; case 'S': type = END_Strife; break; default: type = END_Pic3; break; } newSeq.EndType = type; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endpic")) { sc.MustGetString (); newSeq.EndType = END_Pic; strncpy (newSeq.PicName, sc.String, 8); newSeq.PicName[8] = 0; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endbunny")) { newSeq.EndType = END_Bunny; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endcast")) { newSeq.EndType = END_Cast; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("enddemon")) { newSeq.EndType = END_Demon; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endchess")) { newSeq.EndType = END_Chess; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endunderwater")) { newSeq.EndType = END_Underwater; useseq = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("endbuystrife")) { newSeq.EndType = END_BuyStrife; useseq = true; } else { strncpy ((char *)(info + handler->data1), sc.String, 8); } if (useseq) { int seqnum = FindEndSequence (newSeq.EndType, newSeq.PicName); if (seqnum == -1) { seqnum = (int)EndSequences.Push (newSeq); } strcpy ((char *)(info + handler->data1), "enDSeQ"); *((WORD *)(info + handler->data1 + 6)) = (WORD)seqnum; } break; } case MITYPE_LUMPNAME: sc.MustGetString (); uppercopy ((char *)(info + handler->data1), sc.String); flags |= handler->data2; break; case MITYPE_SKY: sc.MustGetString (); // get texture name; uppercopy ((char *)(info + handler->data1), sc.String); sc.MustGetFloat (); // get scroll speed if (HexenHack) { sc.Float /= 256; } // Sky scroll speed is specified as pixels per tic, but we // want pixels per millisecond. *((float *)(info + handler->data2)) = sc.Float * 35 / 1000; break; case MITYPE_SETFLAG: flags |= handler->data1; flags |= handler->data2; break; case MITYPE_CLRFLAG: flags &= ~handler->data1; flags |= handler->data2; break; case MITYPE_SCFLAGS: flags = (flags & handler->data2) | handler->data1; break; case MITYPE_CLUSTER: sc.MustGetNumber (); *((int *)(info + handler->data1)) = sc.Number; // If this cluster hasn't been defined yet, add it. This is especially needed // for Hexen, because it doesn't have clusterdefs. If we don't do this, every // level on Hexen will sometimes be considered as being on the same hub, // depending on the check done. if (FindWadClusterInfo (sc.Number) == -1) { unsigned int clusterindex = wadclusterinfos.Reserve(1); clusterinfo = &wadclusterinfos[clusterindex]; memset (clusterinfo, 0, sizeof(cluster_info_t)); clusterinfo->cluster = sc.Number; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { clusterinfo->flags |= CLUSTER_HUB; } } break; case MITYPE_STRING: sc.MustGetString (); if (sc.Compare ("lookup")) { flags |= handler->data2; sc.MustGetString (); } ReplaceString ((char **)(info + handler->data1), sc.String); break; case MITYPE_F1: sc.MustGetString (); { char *colon = strchr (sc.String, ':'); if (colon) { *colon = 0; } ReplaceString ((char **)(info + handler->data1), sc.String); } break; case MITYPE_MUSIC: sc.MustGetString (); { char *colon = strchr (sc.String, ':'); if (colon) { *colon = 0; } ReplaceString ((char **)(info + handler->data1), sc.String); *((int *)(info + handler->data2)) = colon ? atoi (colon + 1) : 0; if (levelinfo != NULL) { // Flag the level so that the $MAP command doesn't override this. flags|=LEVEL_MUSICDEFINED; } } break; case MITYPE_RELLIGHT: sc.MustGetNumber (); *((SBYTE *)(info + handler->data1)) = (SBYTE)clamp (sc.Number / 2, -128, 127); break; case MITYPE_CLRBYTES: *((BYTE *)(info + handler->data1)) = 0; *((BYTE *)(info + handler->data2)) = 0; break; case MITYPE_SPECIALACTION: { int FindLineSpecial(const char *str); FSpecialAction **so = (FSpecialAction**)(info + handler->data1); FSpecialAction *sa = new FSpecialAction; sa->Next = *so; *so = sa; sc.SetCMode(true); sc.MustGetString(); sa->Type = FName(sc.String); sc.CheckString(","); sc.MustGetString(); strlwr(sc.String); sa->Action = FindLineSpecial(sc.String); int j = 0; while (j < 5 && sc.CheckString(",")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); sa->Args[j++] = sc.Number; } sc.SetCMode(false); } break; case MITYPE_COMPATFLAG: if (!sc.CheckNumber()) sc.Number = 1; if (levelinfo != NULL) { if (sc.Number) levelinfo->compatflags |= (DWORD)handler->data1; else levelinfo->compatflags &= ~ (DWORD)handler->data1; levelinfo->compatmask |= (DWORD)handler->data1; } break; } } if (levelinfo) { levelinfo->flags = flags; } else { clusterinfo->flags = flags; } } // Episode definitions start with the header "episode " // and then can be followed by any of the following: // // name "Episode name as text" // picname "Picture to display the episode name" // key "Shortcut key for the menu" // noskillmenu // remove static void ParseEpisodeInfo (FScanner &sc) { int i; char map[9]; char *pic = NULL; bool picisgfx = false; // Shut up, GCC!!!! bool remove = false; char key = 0; bool noskill = false; // Get map name sc.MustGetString (); uppercopy (map, sc.String); map[8] = 0; sc.MustGetString (); if (sc.Compare ("teaser")) { sc.MustGetString (); if (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE) { uppercopy (map, sc.String); } sc.MustGetString (); } do { if (sc.Compare ("name")) { sc.MustGetString (); ReplaceString (&pic, sc.String); picisgfx = false; } else if (sc.Compare ("picname")) { sc.MustGetString (); ReplaceString (&pic, sc.String); picisgfx = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("remove")) { remove = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("key")) { sc.MustGetString (); key = sc.String[0]; } else if (sc.Compare("noskillmenu")) { noskill = true; } else { sc.UnGet (); break; } } while (sc.GetString ()); for (i = 0; i < EpiDef.numitems; ++i) { if (strncmp (EpisodeMaps[i], map, 8) == 0) { break; } } if (remove) { // If the remove property is given for an episode, remove it. if (i < EpiDef.numitems) { if (i+1 < EpiDef.numitems) { memmove (&EpisodeMaps[i], &EpisodeMaps[i+1], sizeof(EpisodeMaps[0])*(EpiDef.numitems - i - 1)); memmove (&EpisodeMenu[i], &EpisodeMenu[i+1], sizeof(EpisodeMenu[0])*(EpiDef.numitems - i - 1)); memmove (&EpisodeNoSkill[i], &EpisodeNoSkill[i+1], sizeof(EpisodeNoSkill[0])*(EpiDef.numitems - i - 1)); } EpiDef.numitems--; } } else { if (pic == NULL) { pic = copystring (map); picisgfx = false; } if (i == EpiDef.numitems) { if (EpiDef.numitems == MAX_EPISODES) { i = EpiDef.numitems - 1; } else { i = EpiDef.numitems++; } } else { delete[] const_cast(EpisodeMenu[i].name); } EpisodeMenu[i].name = pic; EpisodeMenu[i].alphaKey = tolower(key); EpisodeMenu[i].fulltext = !picisgfx; EpisodeNoSkill[i] = noskill; strncpy (EpisodeMaps[i], map, 8); } } static int FindEndSequence (int type, const char *picname) { unsigned int i, num; num = EndSequences.Size (); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (EndSequences[i].EndType == type && (type != END_Pic || stricmp (EndSequences[i].PicName, picname) == 0)) { return (int)i; } } return -1; } static void SetEndSequence (char *nextmap, int type) { int seqnum; seqnum = FindEndSequence (type, NULL); if (seqnum == -1) { EndSequence newseq; newseq.EndType = type; memset (newseq.PicName, 0, sizeof(newseq.PicName)); seqnum = (int)EndSequences.Push (newseq); } strcpy (nextmap, "enDSeQ"); *((WORD *)(nextmap + 6)) = (WORD)seqnum; } void G_SetForEndGame (char *nextmap) { if (!strncmp(nextmap, "enDSeQ",6)) return; // If there is already an end sequence please leave it alone!!! if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { SetEndSequence (nextmap, gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE ? END_BuyStrife : END_Strife); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { SetEndSequence (nextmap, END_Chess); } else if (gamemode == commercial) { SetEndSequence (nextmap, END_Cast); } else { // The ExMx games actually have different ends based on the episode, // but I want to keep this simple. SetEndSequence (nextmap, END_Pic1); } } void G_UnloadMapInfo () { unsigned int i; G_ClearSnapshots (); for (i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); ++i) { ClearLevelInfoStrings (&wadlevelinfos[i]); } wadlevelinfos.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < wadclusterinfos.Size(); ++i) { ClearClusterInfoStrings (&wadclusterinfos[i]); } wadclusterinfos.Clear(); ClearEpisodes(); } level_info_t *FindLevelByWarpTrans (int num) { for (unsigned i = wadlevelinfos.Size(); i-- != 0; ) if (wadlevelinfos[i].WarpTrans == num) return &wadlevelinfos[i]; return NULL; } static void zapDefereds (acsdefered_t *def) { while (def) { acsdefered_t *next = def->next; delete def; def = next; } } void P_RemoveDefereds (void) { // Remove any existing defereds for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].defered) { zapDefereds (wadlevelinfos[i].defered); wadlevelinfos[i].defered = NULL; } } } bool CheckWarpTransMap (char mapname[9], bool substitute) { if (mapname[0] == '&' && mapname[1] == 'w' && mapname[2] == 't' && mapname[3] == '@') { level_info_t *lev = FindLevelByWarpTrans (atoi (mapname + 4)); if (lev != NULL) { strncpy (mapname, lev->mapname, 8); mapname[8] = 0; return true; } else if (substitute) { mapname[0] = 'M'; mapname[1] = 'A'; mapname[2] = 'P'; mapname[3] = mapname[4]; mapname[4] = mapname[5]; mapname[5] = 0; } } return false; } // // G_InitNew // Can be called by the startup code or the menu task, // consoleplayer, playeringame[] should be set. // static char d_mapname[256]; static int d_skill=-1; void G_DeferedInitNew (const char *mapname, int newskill) { strncpy (d_mapname, mapname, 8); d_skill = newskill; CheckWarpTransMap (d_mapname, true); gameaction = ga_newgame2; } CCMD (map) { if (netgame) { Printf ("Use "TEXTCOLOR_BOLD"changemap"TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL" instead. "TEXTCOLOR_BOLD"Map" TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL" is for single-player only.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() > 1) { MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(argv[1]); if (map == NULL) Printf ("No map %s\n", argv[1]); else { delete map; G_DeferedInitNew (argv[1]); } } else { Printf ("Usage: map \n"); } } CCMD (open) { if (netgame) { Printf ("You cannot use open in multiplayer games.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() > 1) { sprintf(d_mapname, "file:%s", argv[1]); MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(d_mapname); if (map == NULL) Printf ("No map %s\n", d_mapname); else { delete map; gameaction = ga_newgame2; d_skill = -1; } } else { Printf ("Usage: open \n"); } } void G_NewInit () { int i; G_ClearSnapshots (); SB_state = screen->GetPageCount (); netgame = false; netdemo = false; multiplayer = false; if (demoplayback) { C_RestoreCVars (); demoplayback = false; D_SetupUserInfo (); } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { player_t *p = &players[i]; userinfo_t saved_ui = players[i].userinfo; int chasecam = p->cheats & CF_CHASECAM; p->~player_t(); ::new(p) player_t; players[i].cheats |= chasecam; players[i].playerstate = PST_DEAD; playeringame[i] = 0; players[i].userinfo = saved_ui; } BackupSaveName = ""; consoleplayer = 0; NextSkill = -1; } void G_DoNewGame (void) { G_NewInit (); playeringame[consoleplayer] = 1; if (d_skill != -1) gameskill = d_skill; G_InitNew (d_mapname, false); gameaction = ga_nothing; } void G_InitNew (const char *mapname, bool bTitleLevel) { EGameSpeed oldSpeed; bool wantFast; int i; if (!savegamerestore) { G_ClearSnapshots (); P_RemoveDefereds (); // [RH] Mark all levels as not visited for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) wadlevelinfos[i].flags = wadlevelinfos[i].flags & ~LEVEL_VISITED; } UnlatchCVars (); G_VerifySkill(); UnlatchCVars (); if (paused) { paused = 0; S_ResumeSound (); } if (StatusBar != NULL) { delete StatusBar; StatusBar = NULL; } if (bTitleLevel) { StatusBar = new FBaseStatusBar (0); } else if (SBarInfoScript != NULL) { int cstype = SBarInfoScript->GetGameType(); if(cstype == GAME_Doom) //Did the user specify a "base" { StatusBar = CreateDoomStatusBar (); } else if(cstype == GAME_Heretic) { StatusBar = CreateHereticStatusBar(); } else if(cstype == GAME_Hexen) { StatusBar = CreateHexenStatusBar(); } else if(cstype == GAME_Strife) { StatusBar = CreateStrifeStatusBar(); } else //Use the default, empty or custom. { StatusBar = CreateCustomStatusBar(); } } if (StatusBar == NULL) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { StatusBar = CreateDoomStatusBar (); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) { StatusBar = CreateHereticStatusBar (); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { StatusBar = CreateHexenStatusBar (); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { StatusBar = CreateStrifeStatusBar (); } else { StatusBar = new FBaseStatusBar (0); } } StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[consoleplayer]); StatusBar->NewGame (); setsizeneeded = true; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife || (SBarInfoScript != NULL && SBarInfoScript->GetGameType() == GAME_Strife)) { // Set the initial quest log text for Strife. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { players[i].SetLogText ("Find help"); } } // [RH] If this map doesn't exist, bomb out MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(mapname); if (!map) { I_Error ("Could not find map %s\n", mapname); } delete map; oldSpeed = GameSpeed; wantFast = !!G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_FastMonsters); GameSpeed = wantFast ? SPEED_Fast : SPEED_Normal; if (oldSpeed != GameSpeed) { FActorInfo::StaticSpeedSet (); } if (!savegamerestore) { if (!netgame) { // [RH] Change the random seed for each new single player game rngseed = rngseed*3/2; } FRandom::StaticClearRandom (); memset (ACS_WorldVars, 0, sizeof(ACS_WorldVars)); memset (ACS_GlobalVars, 0, sizeof(ACS_GlobalVars)); for (i = 0; i < NUM_WORLDVARS; ++i) { ACS_WorldArrays[i].Clear (); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_GLOBALVARS; ++i) { ACS_GlobalArrays[i].Clear (); } level.time = 0; level.maptime = 0; level.totaltime = 0; if (!multiplayer || !deathmatch) { InitPlayerClasses (); } // force players to be initialized upon first level load for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) players[i].playerstate = PST_ENTER; // [BC] } usergame = !bTitleLevel; // will be set false if a demo paused = 0; demoplayback = false; automapactive = false; viewactive = true; BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount (); //Added by MC: Initialize bots. if (!deathmatch) { bglobal.Init (); } if (mapname != level.mapname) { strcpy (level.mapname, mapname); } if (bTitleLevel) { gamestate = GS_TITLELEVEL; } else if (gamestate != GS_STARTUP) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; } G_DoLoadLevel (0, false); } // // G_DoCompleted // static char nextlevel[9]; static int startpos; // [RH] Support for multiple starts per level extern int NoWipe; // [RH] Don't wipe when travelling in hubs static bool startkeepfacing; // [RH] Support for keeping your facing angle static bool resetinventory; // Reset the inventory to the player's default for the next level static bool unloading; static bool g_nomonsters; // [RH] The position parameter to these next three functions should // match the first parameter of the single player start spots // that should appear in the next map. void G_ChangeLevel(const char * levelname, int position, bool keepFacing, int nextSkill, bool nointermission, bool resetinv, bool nomonsters) { if (unloading) { Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unloading scripts cannot exit the level again.\n"); return; } strncpy (nextlevel, levelname, 8); nextlevel[8] = 0; if (strncmp(nextlevel, "enDSeQ", 6)) { level_info_t *nextinfo = CheckLevelRedirect (FindLevelInfo (nextlevel)); if (nextinfo) { strncpy(nextlevel, nextinfo->mapname, 8); } } if (nextSkill != -1) NextSkill = nextSkill; g_nomonsters = nomonsters; if (nointermission) level.flags |= LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION; cluster_info_t *thiscluster = FindClusterInfo (level.cluster); cluster_info_t *nextcluster = FindClusterInfo (FindLevelInfo (nextlevel)->cluster); startpos = position; startkeepfacing = keepFacing; gameaction = ga_completed; resetinventory = resetinv; bglobal.End(); //Added by MC: // [RH] Give scripts a chance to do something unloading = true; FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Unloading, NULL, false, 0, true); unloading = false; if (thiscluster && (thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB)) { if ((level.flags & LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION) || (nextcluster == thiscluster)) NoWipe = 35; D_DrawIcon = "TELEICON"; } for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { player_t *player = &players[i]; // Un-crouch all players here. player->Uncrouch(); // If this is co-op, respawn any dead players now so they can // keep their inventory on the next map. if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && player->playerstate == PST_DEAD) { // Copied from the end of P_DeathThink [[ player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class player->playerstate = PST_REBORN; if (player->mo->special1 > 2) { player->mo->special1 = 0; } // ]] G_DoReborn(i, false); } } } } const char *G_GetExitMap() { return level.nextmap; } const char *G_GetSecretExitMap() { const char *nextmap = level.nextmap; if (level.secretmap[0] != 0) { MapData *map = P_OpenMapData(level.secretmap); if (map != NULL) { delete map; nextmap = level.secretmap; } } return nextmap; } void G_ExitLevel (int position, bool keepFacing) { G_ChangeLevel(G_GetExitMap(), position, keepFacing); } void G_SecretExitLevel (int position) { G_ChangeLevel(G_GetSecretExitMap(), position, false); } void G_DoCompleted (void) { int i; gameaction = ga_nothing; if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { strncpy (level.mapname, nextlevel, 8); G_DoLoadLevel (startpos, false); startpos = 0; viewactive = true; return; } // [RH] Mark this level as having been visited if (!(level.flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT)) FindLevelInfo (level.mapname)->flags |= LEVEL_VISITED; if (automapactive) AM_Stop (); wminfo.finished_ep = level.cluster - 1; strncpy (wminfo.lname0, level.info->pname, 8); strncpy (wminfo.current, level.mapname, 8); if (deathmatch && (dmflags & DF_SAME_LEVEL) && !(level.flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT)) { strncpy (wminfo.next, level.mapname, 8); strncpy (wminfo.lname1, level.info->pname, 8); } else { if (strncmp (nextlevel, "enDSeQ", 6) == 0) { strncpy (wminfo.next, nextlevel, 8); wminfo.lname1[0] = 0; } else { level_info_t *nextinfo = FindLevelInfo (nextlevel); strncpy (wminfo.next, nextinfo->mapname, 8); strncpy (wminfo.lname1, nextinfo->pname, 8); } } CheckWarpTransMap (wminfo.next, true); wminfo.next_ep = FindLevelInfo (nextlevel)->cluster - 1; wminfo.maxkills = level.total_monsters; wminfo.maxitems = level.total_items; wminfo.maxsecret = level.total_secrets; wminfo.maxfrags = 0; wminfo.partime = TICRATE * level.partime; wminfo.sucktime = level.sucktime; wminfo.pnum = consoleplayer; wminfo.totaltime = level.totaltime; for (i=0 ; iflags & CLUSTER_HUB)) { if (nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB) { mode = FINISH_NextHub; } else { mode = FINISH_NoHub; } } else { mode = FINISH_SameHub; } // Intermission stats for entire hubs G_LeavingHub(mode, thiscluster, &wminfo); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { // take away appropriate inventory G_PlayerFinishLevel (i, mode, resetinventory); } } if (mode == FINISH_SameHub) { // Remember the level's state for re-entry. G_SnapshotLevel (); } else { // Forget the states of all existing levels. G_ClearSnapshots (); if (mode == FINISH_NextHub) { // Reset world variables for the new hub. memset (ACS_WorldVars, 0, sizeof(ACS_WorldVars)); for (i = 0; i < NUM_WORLDVARS; ++i) { ACS_WorldArrays[i].Clear (); } } // With hub statistics the time should be per hub. // Additionally there is a global time counter now so nothing is missed by changing it //else if (mode == FINISH_NoHub) { // Reset time to zero if not entering/staying in a hub. level.time = 0; } level.maptime = 0; } if (!deathmatch && ((level.flags & LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION) || ((nextcluster == thiscluster) && (thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB)))) { G_WorldDone (); return; } gamestate = GS_INTERMISSION; viewactive = false; automapactive = false; // [RH] If you ever get a statistics driver operational, adapt this. // if (statcopy) // memcpy (statcopy, &wminfo, sizeof(wminfo)); WI_Start (&wminfo); } class DAutosaver : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS (DAutosaver, DThinker) public: void Tick (); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DAutosaver) void DAutosaver::Tick () { Net_WriteByte (DEM_CHECKAUTOSAVE); Destroy (); } // // G_DoLoadLevel // extern gamestate_t wipegamestate; void G_DoLoadLevel (int position, bool autosave) { static int lastposition = 0; gamestate_t oldgs = gamestate; int i; if (NextSkill >= 0) { UCVarValue val; val.Int = NextSkill; gameskill.ForceSet (val, CVAR_Int); NextSkill = -1; } if (position == -1) position = lastposition; else lastposition = position; G_InitLevelLocals (); StatusBar->DetachAllMessages (); // Force 'teamplay' to 'true' if need be. if (level.flags & LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYON) teamplay = true; // Force 'teamplay' to 'false' if need be. if (level.flags & LEVEL_FORCETEAMPLAYOFF) teamplay = false; Printf ( "\n\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36" "\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37\n\n" TEXTCOLOR_BOLD "%s - %s\n\n", level.mapname, level.level_name); if (wipegamestate == GS_LEVEL) wipegamestate = GS_FORCEWIPE; if (gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; } // Set the sky map. // First thing, we have a dummy sky texture name, // a flat. The data is in the WAD only because // we look for an actual index, instead of simply // setting one. skyflatnum = TexMan.GetTexture (gameinfo.SkyFlatName, FTexture::TEX_Flat, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); // DOOM determines the sky texture to be used // depending on the current episode and the game version. // [RH] Fetch sky parameters from level_locals_t. sky1texture = TexMan.GetTexture (level.skypic1, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); sky2texture = TexMan.GetTexture (level.skypic2, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); // [RH] Set up details about sky rendering R_InitSkyMap (); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && (deathmatch || players[i].playerstate == PST_DEAD)) players[i].playerstate = PST_ENTER; // [BC] memset (players[i].frags,0,sizeof(players[i].frags)); if (!(dmflags2 & DF2_YES_KEEPFRAGS) && (alwaysapplydmflags || deathmatch)) players[i].fragcount = 0; } if (g_nomonsters) { level.flags |= LEVEL_NOMONSTERS; } else { level.flags &= ~LEVEL_NOMONSTERS; } P_SetupLevel (level.mapname, position); AM_LevelInit(); // [RH] Start lightning, if MAPINFO tells us to if (level.flags & LEVEL_STARTLIGHTNING) { P_StartLightning (); } gameaction = ga_nothing; // clear cmd building stuff ResetButtonStates (); SendItemUse = NULL; SendItemDrop = NULL; mousex = mousey = 0; sendpause = sendsave = sendturn180 = SendLand = false; LocalViewAngle = 0; LocalViewPitch = 0; paused = 0; //Added by MC: Initialize bots. if (deathmatch) { bglobal.Init (); } if (timingdemo) { static bool firstTime = true; if (firstTime) { starttime = I_GetTime (false); firstTime = false; } } level.starttime = gametic; level.maptime = 0; G_UnSnapshotLevel (!savegamerestore); // [RH] Restore the state of the level. G_FinishTravel (); if (players[consoleplayer].camera == NULL || players[consoleplayer].camera->player != NULL) { // If we are viewing through a player, make sure it is us. players[consoleplayer].camera = players[consoleplayer].mo; } StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[consoleplayer]); P_DoDeferedScripts (); // [RH] Do script actions that were triggered on another map. if (demoplayback || oldgs == GS_STARTUP || oldgs == GS_TITLELEVEL) C_HideConsole (); C_FlushDisplay (); // [RH] Always save the game when entering a new level. if (autosave && !savegamerestore && disableautosave < 1) { DAutosaver GCCNOWARN *dummy = new DAutosaver; } } // // G_WorldDone // void G_WorldDone (void) { cluster_info_t *nextcluster; cluster_info_t *thiscluster; gameaction = ga_worlddone; if (level.flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT) return; thiscluster = FindClusterInfo (level.cluster); if (strncmp (nextlevel, "enDSeQ", 6) == 0) { F_StartFinale (thiscluster->messagemusic, thiscluster->musicorder, thiscluster->cdtrack, thiscluster->cdid, thiscluster->finaleflat, thiscluster->exittext, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_EXITTEXTINLUMP, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPEXITTEXT, true); } else { nextcluster = FindClusterInfo (FindLevelInfo (nextlevel)->cluster); if (nextcluster->cluster != level.cluster && !deathmatch) { // Only start the finale if the next level's cluster is different // than the current one and we're not in deathmatch. if (nextcluster->entertext) { F_StartFinale (nextcluster->messagemusic, nextcluster->musicorder, nextcluster->cdtrack, nextcluster->cdid, nextcluster->finaleflat, nextcluster->entertext, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_ENTERTEXTINLUMP, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPENTERTEXT, false); } else if (thiscluster->exittext) { F_StartFinale (thiscluster->messagemusic, thiscluster->musicorder, thiscluster->cdtrack, nextcluster->cdid, thiscluster->finaleflat, thiscluster->exittext, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_EXITTEXTINLUMP, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPEXITTEXT, false); } } } } void G_DoWorldDone (void) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; if (wminfo.next[0] == 0) { // Don't crash if no next map is given. Just repeat the current one. Printf ("No next map specified.\n"); } else { strncpy (level.mapname, nextlevel, 8); } G_StartTravel (); G_DoLoadLevel (startpos, true); startpos = 0; gameaction = ga_nothing; viewactive = true; } //========================================================================== // // G_StartTravel // // Moves players (and eventually their inventory) to a different statnum, // so they will not be destroyed when switching levels. This only applies // to real players, not voodoo dolls. // //========================================================================== void G_StartTravel () { if (deathmatch) return; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { AActor *pawn = players[i].mo; AInventory *inv; // Only living players travel. Dead ones get a new body on the new level. if (players[i].health > 0) { pawn->UnlinkFromWorld (); P_DelSector_List (); int tid = pawn->tid; // Save TID pawn->RemoveFromHash (); pawn->tid = tid; // Restore TID (but no longer linked into the hash chain) pawn->ChangeStatNum (STAT_TRAVELLING); for (inv = pawn->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { inv->ChangeStatNum (STAT_TRAVELLING); inv->UnlinkFromWorld (); P_DelSector_List (); } } } } } //========================================================================== // // G_FinishTravel // // Moves any travelling players so that they occupy their newly-spawned // copies' locations, destroying the new players in the process (because // they are really fake placeholders to show where the travelling players // should go). // //========================================================================== void G_FinishTravel () { TThinkerIterator it (STAT_TRAVELLING); APlayerPawn *pawn, *pawndup, *oldpawn, *next; AInventory *inv; next = it.Next (); while ( (pawn = next) != NULL) { next = it.Next (); pawn->ChangeStatNum (STAT_PLAYER); pawndup = pawn->player->mo; assert (pawn != pawndup); if (pawndup == NULL) { // Oh no! there was no start for this player! pawn->flags |= MF_NOSECTOR|MF_NOBLOCKMAP; pawn->Destroy (); } else { oldpawn = pawndup; // The player being spawned here is a short lived dummy and // must not start any ENTER script or big problems will happen. P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[pawn->player - players], true); pawndup = pawn->player->mo; if (!startkeepfacing) { pawn->angle = pawndup->angle; pawn->pitch = pawndup->pitch; } pawn->x = pawndup->x; pawn->y = pawndup->y; pawn->z = pawndup->z; pawn->momx = pawndup->momx; pawn->momy = pawndup->momy; pawn->momz = pawndup->momz; pawn->Sector = pawndup->Sector; pawn->floorz = pawndup->floorz; pawn->ceilingz = pawndup->ceilingz; pawn->dropoffz = pawndup->dropoffz; pawn->floorsector = pawndup->floorsector; pawn->floorpic = pawndup->floorpic; pawn->ceilingsector = pawndup->ceilingsector; pawn->ceilingpic = pawndup->ceilingpic; pawn->floorclip = pawndup->floorclip; pawn->waterlevel = pawndup->waterlevel; pawn->target = NULL; pawn->lastenemy = NULL; pawn->player->mo = pawn; DObject::PointerSubstitution (oldpawn, pawn); oldpawn->Destroy(); pawndup->Destroy (); pawn->LinkToWorld (); pawn->AddToHash (); pawn->SetState(pawn->SpawnState); for (inv = pawn->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { inv->ChangeStatNum (STAT_INVENTORY); inv->LinkToWorld (); inv->Travelled (); } if (level.FromSnapshot) { FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Return, pawn, true); } } } } void G_InitLevelLocals () { level_info_t *info; BaseBlendA = 0.0f; // Remove underwater blend effect, if any NormalLight.Maps = realcolormaps; // [BB] Instead of just setting the color, we also have to reset Desaturate and build the lights. NormalLight.ChangeColor (PalEntry (255, 255, 255), 0); level.gravity = sv_gravity * 35/TICRATE; level.aircontrol = (fixed_t)(sv_aircontrol * 65536.f); level.teamdamage = teamdamage; level.flags = 0; info = FindLevelInfo (level.mapname); level.info = info; level.skyspeed1 = info->skyspeed1; level.skyspeed2 = info->skyspeed2; info = (level_info_t *)info; strncpy (level.skypic2, info->skypic2, 8); level.fadeto = info->fadeto; level.cdtrack = info->cdtrack; level.cdid = info->cdid; level.FromSnapshot = false; if (level.fadeto == 0) { R_SetDefaultColormap (info->fadetable); if (strnicmp (info->fadetable, "COLORMAP", 8) != 0) { level.flags |= LEVEL_HASFADETABLE; } /* } else { NormalLight.ChangeFade (level.fadeto); */ } level.airsupply = info->airsupply*TICRATE; level.outsidefog = info->outsidefog; level.WallVertLight = info->WallVertLight; level.WallHorizLight = info->WallHorizLight; if (info->gravity != 0.f) { level.gravity = info->gravity * 35/TICRATE; } if (info->aircontrol != 0.f) { level.aircontrol = (fixed_t)(info->aircontrol * 65536.f); } if (info->teamdamage != 0.f) { level.teamdamage = info->teamdamage; } G_AirControlChanged (); if (info->level_name) { cluster_info_t *clus = FindClusterInfo (info->cluster); level.partime = info->partime; level.sucktime = info->sucktime; level.cluster = info->cluster; level.clusterflags = clus ? clus->flags : 0; level.flags |= info->flags; level.levelnum = info->levelnum; level.music = info->music; level.musicorder = info->musicorder; level.f1 = info->f1; // [RC] And import the f1 name strncpy (level.level_name, info->level_name, 63); G_MaybeLookupLevelName (NULL); strncpy (level.nextmap, info->nextmap, 8); level.nextmap[8] = 0; strncpy (level.secretmap, info->secretmap, 8); level.secretmap[8] = 0; strncpy (level.skypic1, info->skypic1, 8); level.skypic1[8] = 0; if (!level.skypic2[0]) strncpy (level.skypic2, level.skypic1, 8); level.skypic2[8] = 0; } else { level.partime = level.cluster = 0; level.sucktime = 0; strcpy (level.level_name, "Unnamed"); level.nextmap[0] = level.secretmap[0] = 0; level.music = NULL; strcpy (level.skypic1, "SKY1"); strcpy (level.skypic2, "SKY1"); level.flags = 0; level.levelnum = 1; } compatflags.Callback(); NormalLight.ChangeFade (level.fadeto); } bool level_locals_s::IsJumpingAllowed() const { if (level.flags & LEVEL_JUMP_NO) return false; if (level.flags & LEVEL_JUMP_YES) return true; return !(dmflags & DF_NO_JUMP); } bool level_locals_s::IsCrouchingAllowed() const { if (level.flags & LEVEL_CROUCH_NO) return false; if (level.flags & LEVEL_CROUCH_YES) return true; return !(dmflags & DF_NO_CROUCH); } bool level_locals_s::IsFreelookAllowed() const { if (level.flags & LEVEL_FREELOOK_NO) return false; if (level.flags & LEVEL_FREELOOK_YES) return true; return !(dmflags & DF_NO_FREELOOK); } char *CalcMapName (int episode, int level) { static char lumpname[9]; if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) { sprintf (lumpname, "MAP%02d", level); } else { lumpname[0] = 'E'; lumpname[1] = '0' + episode; lumpname[2] = 'M'; lumpname[3] = '0' + level; lumpname[4] = 0; } return lumpname; } level_info_t *FindLevelInfo (const char *mapname) { int i; if ((i = FindWadLevelInfo (mapname)) > -1) return &wadlevelinfos[i]; else return &TheDefaultLevelInfo; } level_info_t *FindLevelByNum (int num) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) if (wadlevelinfos[i].levelnum == num) return &wadlevelinfos[i]; return NULL; } level_info_t *CheckLevelRedirect (level_info_t *info) { if (info->RedirectType != NAME_None) { const PClass *type = PClass::FindClass(info->RedirectType); if (type != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo->FindInventory (type)) { // check for actual presence of the map. MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(info->RedirectMap); if (map != NULL) { delete map; return FindLevelInfo(info->RedirectMap); } break; } } } } return NULL; } static void SetLevelNum (level_info_t *info, int num) { // Avoid duplicate levelnums. The level being set always has precedence. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); ++i) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].levelnum == num) wadlevelinfos[i].levelnum = 0; } info->levelnum = num; } cluster_info_t *FindClusterInfo (int cluster) { int i; if ((i = FindWadClusterInfo (cluster)) > -1) return &wadclusterinfos[i]; else return &TheDefaultClusterInfo; } const char *G_MaybeLookupLevelName (level_info_t *ininfo) { level_info_t *info; if (ininfo == NULL) { info = level.info; } else { info = ininfo; } if (info != NULL && info->flags & LEVEL_LOOKUPLEVELNAME) { const char *thename; const char *lookedup; lookedup = GStrings[info->level_name]; if (lookedup == NULL) { thename = info->level_name; } else { char checkstring[32]; // Strip out the header from the localized string if (info->mapname[0] == 'E' && info->mapname[2] == 'M') { sprintf (checkstring, "%s: ", info->mapname); } else if (info->mapname[0] == 'M' && info->mapname[1] == 'A' && info->mapname[2] == 'P') { sprintf (checkstring, "%d: ", atoi(info->mapname + 3)); } thename = strstr (lookedup, checkstring); if (thename == NULL) { thename = lookedup; } else { thename += strlen (checkstring); } } if (ininfo == NULL) { strncpy (level.level_name, thename, 63); } return thename; } return info != NULL ? info->level_name : NULL; } void G_MakeEpisodes () { int i; // Set the default episodes if (EpiDef.numitems == 0) { static const char eps[5][8] = { "E1M1", "E2M1", "E3M1", "E4M1", "E5M1" }; static const char depinames[4][7] = { "M_EPI1", "M_EPI2", "M_EPI3", "M_EPI4" }; static const char depikeys[4] = { 'k', 't', 'i', 't' }; static const char *hepinames[5] = { "MNU_COTD", "MNU_HELLSMAW", "MNU_DOME", "MNU_OSSUARY", "MNU_DEMESNE", }; static const char hepikeys[5] = { 'c', 'h', 'd', 'o', 's' }; if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { // "&wt@01" is a magic name that will become whatever map has // warptrans 1. strcpy (EpisodeMaps[0], "&wt@01"); EpisodeMenu[0].name = copystring ("Hexen"); } else { strcpy (EpisodeMaps[0], "MAP01"); EpisodeMenu[0].name = copystring ("Hell on Earth"); } EpisodeMenu[0].alphaKey = 'h'; EpisodeMenu[0].fulltext = true; EpiDef.numitems = 1; } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { memcpy (EpisodeMaps, eps, 4*8); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { EpisodeMenu[i].name = copystring (depinames[i]); EpisodeMenu[i].fulltext = false; EpisodeMenu[i].alphaKey = depikeys[i]; } if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MENUHACK_RETAIL) { EpiDef.numitems = 4; } else { EpiDef.numitems = 3; } } else { memcpy (EpisodeMaps, eps, 5*8); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { EpisodeMenu[i].name = copystring (hepinames[i]); EpisodeMenu[i].fulltext = true; EpisodeMenu[i].alphaKey = hepikeys[i]; } if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MENUHACK_EXTENDED) { EpiDef.numitems = 5; } else { EpiDef.numitems = 3; } } } } void G_AirControlChanged () { if (level.aircontrol <= 256) { level.airfriction = FRACUNIT; } else { // Friction is inversely proportional to the amount of control float fric = ((float)level.aircontrol/65536.f) * -0.0941f + 1.0004f; level.airfriction = (fixed_t)(fric * 65536.f); } } void G_SerializeLevel (FArchive &arc, bool hubLoad) { int i = level.totaltime; arc << level.flags << level.fadeto << level.found_secrets << level.found_items << level.killed_monsters << level.gravity << level.aircontrol << level.teamdamage << level.maptime << i; // Hub transitions must keep the current total time if (!hubLoad) level.totaltime=i; if (arc.IsStoring ()) { arc.WriteName (level.skypic1); arc.WriteName (level.skypic2); } else { strncpy (level.skypic1, arc.ReadName(), 8); strncpy (level.skypic2, arc.ReadName(), 8); sky1texture = TexMan.GetTexture (level.skypic1, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); sky2texture = TexMan.GetTexture (level.skypic2, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); R_InitSkyMap (); } G_AirControlChanged (); BYTE t; // Does this level have scrollers? if (arc.IsStoring ()) { t = level.Scrolls ? 1 : 0; arc << t; } else { arc << t; if (level.Scrolls) { delete[] level.Scrolls; level.Scrolls = NULL; } if (t) { level.Scrolls = new FSectorScrollValues[numsectors]; memset (level.Scrolls, 0, sizeof(level.Scrolls)*numsectors); } } FBehavior::StaticSerializeModuleStates (arc); P_SerializeThinkers (arc, hubLoad); P_SerializeWorld (arc); P_SerializePolyobjs (arc); P_SerializeSounds (arc); StatusBar->Serialize (arc); SerializeInterpolations (arc); arc << level.total_monsters << level.total_items << level.total_secrets; // Does this level have custom translations? FRemapTable *trans; WORD w; if (arc.IsStoring ()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < translationtables[TRANSLATION_LevelScripted].Size(); ++i) { trans = translationtables[TRANSLATION_LevelScripted][i]; if (trans != NULL && !trans->IsIdentity()) { w = WORD(i); arc << w; trans->Serialize(arc); } } w = 0xffff; arc << w; } else { while (arc << w, w != 0xffff) { trans = translationtables[TRANSLATION_LevelScripted].GetVal(w); if (trans == NULL) { trans = new FRemapTable; translationtables[TRANSLATION_LevelScripted].SetVal(w, trans); } trans->Serialize(arc); } } // This must be saved, too, of course! FCanvasTextureInfo::Serialize (arc); AM_SerializeMarkers(arc); if (!hubLoad) { P_SerializePlayers (arc); } } // Archives the current level void G_SnapshotLevel () { if (level.info->snapshot) delete level.info->snapshot; if (level.info->mapname[0] != 0 || level.info == &TheDefaultLevelInfo) { level.info->snapshotVer = SAVEVER; level.info->snapshot = new FCompressedMemFile; level.info->snapshot->Open (); FArchive arc (*level.info->snapshot); SaveVersion = SAVEVER; G_SerializeLevel (arc, false); } } // Unarchives the current level based on its snapshot // The level should have already been loaded and setup. void G_UnSnapshotLevel (bool hubLoad) { if (level.info->snapshot == NULL) return; if (level.info->mapname[0] != 0 || level.info == &TheDefaultLevelInfo) { SaveVersion = level.info->snapshotVer; level.info->snapshot->Reopen (); FArchive arc (*level.info->snapshot); if (hubLoad) arc.SetHubTravel (); G_SerializeLevel (arc, hubLoad); arc.Close (); level.FromSnapshot = true; TThinkerIterator it; APlayerPawn *pawn, *next; next = it.Next(); while ((pawn = next) != 0) { next = it.Next(); if (pawn->player == NULL || pawn->player->mo == NULL || !playeringame[pawn->player - players]) { int i; // If this isn't the unmorphed original copy of a player, destroy it, because it's extra. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].morphTics && players[i].mo->tracer == pawn) { break; } } if (i == MAXPLAYERS) { pawn->Destroy (); } } } } // No reason to keep the snapshot around once the level's been entered. delete level.info->snapshot; level.info->snapshot = NULL; } void G_ClearSnapshots (void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].snapshot) { delete wadlevelinfos[i].snapshot; wadlevelinfos[i].snapshot = NULL; } } } static void writeMapName (FArchive &arc, const char *name) { BYTE size; if (name[7] != 0) { size = 8; } else { size = (BYTE)strlen (name); } arc << size; arc.Write (name, size); } static void writeSnapShot (FArchive &arc, level_info_t *i) { arc << i->snapshotVer; writeMapName (arc, i->mapname); i->snapshot->Serialize (arc); } void G_WriteSnapshots (FILE *file) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].snapshot) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (file, SNAP_ID); writeSnapShot (arc, (level_info_t *)&wadlevelinfos[i]); } } if (TheDefaultLevelInfo.snapshot != NULL) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (file, DSNP_ID); writeSnapShot(arc, &TheDefaultLevelInfo); } FPNGChunkArchive *arc = NULL; // Write out which levels have been visited for (i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); ++i) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].flags & LEVEL_VISITED) { if (arc == NULL) { arc = new FPNGChunkArchive (file, VIST_ID); } writeMapName (*arc, wadlevelinfos[i].mapname); } } if (arc != NULL) { BYTE zero = 0; *arc << zero; delete arc; } // Store player classes to be used when spawning a random class if (multiplayer) { FPNGChunkArchive arc2 (file, RCLS_ID); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { SBYTE cnum = SinglePlayerClass[i]; arc2 << cnum; } } // Store player classes that are currently in use FPNGChunkArchive arc3 (file, PCLS_ID); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { BYTE pnum; if (playeringame[i]) { pnum = i; arc3 << pnum; arc3.UserWriteClass (players[i].cls); } pnum = 255; arc3 << pnum; } } void G_ReadSnapshots (PNGHandle *png) { DWORD chunkLen; BYTE namelen; char mapname[256]; level_info_t *i; G_ClearSnapshots (); chunkLen = (DWORD)M_FindPNGChunk (png, SNAP_ID); while (chunkLen != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), SNAP_ID, chunkLen); DWORD snapver; arc << snapver; arc << namelen; arc.Read (mapname, namelen); mapname[namelen] = 0; i = FindLevelInfo (mapname); i->snapshotVer = snapver; i->snapshot = new FCompressedMemFile; i->snapshot->Serialize (arc); chunkLen = (DWORD)M_NextPNGChunk (png, SNAP_ID); } chunkLen = (DWORD)M_FindPNGChunk (png, DSNP_ID); if (chunkLen != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), DSNP_ID, chunkLen); DWORD snapver; arc << snapver; arc << namelen; arc.Read (mapname, namelen); TheDefaultLevelInfo.snapshotVer = snapver; TheDefaultLevelInfo.snapshot = new FCompressedMemFile; TheDefaultLevelInfo.snapshot->Serialize (arc); } chunkLen = (DWORD)M_FindPNGChunk (png, VIST_ID); if (chunkLen != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), VIST_ID, chunkLen); arc << namelen; while (namelen != 0) { arc.Read (mapname, namelen); mapname[namelen] = 0; i = FindLevelInfo (mapname); i->flags |= LEVEL_VISITED; arc << namelen; } } chunkLen = (DWORD)M_FindPNGChunk (png, RCLS_ID); if (chunkLen != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), PCLS_ID, chunkLen); SBYTE cnum; for (DWORD j = 0; j < chunkLen; ++j) { arc << cnum; SinglePlayerClass[j] = cnum; } } chunkLen = (DWORD)M_FindPNGChunk (png, PCLS_ID); if (chunkLen != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), RCLS_ID, chunkLen); BYTE pnum; arc << pnum; while (pnum != 255) { arc.UserReadClass (players[pnum].cls); arc << pnum; } } png->File->ResetFilePtr(); } static void writeDefereds (FArchive &arc, level_info_t *i) { writeMapName (arc, i->mapname); arc << i->defered; } void P_WriteACSDefereds (FILE *file) { FPNGChunkArchive *arc = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].defered) { if (arc == NULL) { arc = new FPNGChunkArchive (file, ACSD_ID); } writeDefereds (*arc, (level_info_t *)&wadlevelinfos[i]); } } if (arc != NULL) { // Signal end of defereds BYTE zero = 0; *arc << zero; delete arc; } } void P_ReadACSDefereds (PNGHandle *png) { BYTE namelen; char mapname[256]; size_t chunklen; P_RemoveDefereds (); if ((chunklen = M_FindPNGChunk (png, ACSD_ID)) != 0) { FPNGChunkArchive arc (png->File->GetFile(), ACSD_ID, chunklen); arc << namelen; while (namelen) { arc.Read (mapname, namelen); mapname[namelen] = 0; level_info_t *i = FindLevelInfo (mapname); if (i == NULL) { I_Error ("Unknown map '%s' in savegame", mapname); } arc << i->defered; arc << namelen; } } png->File->ResetFilePtr(); } void level_locals_s::Tick () { // Reset carry sectors if (Scrolls != NULL) { memset (Scrolls, 0, sizeof(*Scrolls)*numsectors); } } void level_locals_s::AddScroller (DScroller *scroller, int secnum) { if (secnum < 0) { return; } if (Scrolls == NULL) { Scrolls = new FSectorScrollValues[numsectors]; memset (Scrolls, 0, sizeof(*Scrolls)*numsectors); } } // Initializes player classes in case they are random. // This gets called at the start of a new game, and the classes // chosen here are used for the remainder of a single-player // or coop game. These are ignored for deathmatch. static void InitPlayerClasses () { if (!savegamerestore) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { SinglePlayerClass[i] = players[i].userinfo.PlayerClass; if (SinglePlayerClass[i] < 0 || !playeringame[i]) { SinglePlayerClass[i] = (pr_classchoice()) % PlayerClasses.Size (); } players[i].cls = NULL; players[i].CurrentPlayerClass = SinglePlayerClass[i]; } } } static void ParseSkill (FScanner &sc) { FSkillInfo skill; skill.AmmoFactor = FRACUNIT; skill.DoubleAmmoFactor = 2*FRACUNIT; skill.DamageFactor = FRACUNIT; skill.FastMonsters = false; skill.DisableCheats = false; skill.EasyBossBrain = false; skill.AutoUseHealth = false; skill.RespawnCounter = 0; skill.RespawnLimit = 0; skill.Aggressiveness = FRACUNIT; skill.SpawnFilter = 0; skill.ACSReturn = AllSkills.Size(); skill.MenuNameIsLump = false; skill.MustConfirm = false; skill.Shortcut = 0; skill.TextColor = ""; sc.MustGetString(); skill.Name = sc.String; while (sc.GetString ()) { if (sc.Compare ("ammofactor")) { sc.MustGetFloat (); skill.AmmoFactor = FLOAT2FIXED(sc.Float); } else if (sc.Compare ("doubleammofactor")) { sc.MustGetFloat (); skill.DoubleAmmoFactor = FLOAT2FIXED(sc.Float); } else if (sc.Compare ("damagefactor")) { sc.MustGetFloat (); skill.DamageFactor = FLOAT2FIXED(sc.Float); } else if (sc.Compare ("fastmonsters")) { skill.FastMonsters = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("disablecheats")) { skill.DisableCheats = true; } else if (sc.Compare ("easybossbrain")) { skill.EasyBossBrain = true; } else if (sc.Compare("autousehealth")) { skill.AutoUseHealth = true; } else if (sc.Compare("respawntime")) { sc.MustGetFloat (); skill.RespawnCounter = int(sc.Float*TICRATE); } else if (sc.Compare("respawnlimit")) { sc.MustGetNumber (); skill.RespawnLimit = sc.Number; } else if (sc.Compare("Aggressiveness")) { sc.MustGetFloat (); skill.Aggressiveness = FRACUNIT - FLOAT2FIXED(clamp(sc.Float, 0,1)); } else if (sc.Compare("SpawnFilter")) { sc.MustGetString (); strlwr(sc.String); if (strstr(sc.String, "easy")) skill.SpawnFilter|=MTF_EASY; if (strstr(sc.String, "normal")) skill.SpawnFilter|=MTF_NORMAL; if (strstr(sc.String, "hard")) skill.SpawnFilter|=MTF_HARD; } else if (sc.Compare("ACSReturn")) { sc.MustGetNumber (); skill.ACSReturn = sc.Number; } else if (sc.Compare("Name")) { sc.MustGetString (); skill.MenuName = sc.String; skill.MenuNameIsLump = false; } else if (sc.Compare("PlayerClassName")) { sc.MustGetString (); FName pc = sc.String; sc.MustGetString (); skill.MenuNamesForPlayerClass[pc]=sc.String; } else if (sc.Compare("PicName")) { sc.MustGetString (); skill.MenuName = sc.String; skill.MenuNameIsLump = true; } else if (sc.Compare("MustConfirm")) { skill.MustConfirm = true; if (sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) { skill.MustConfirmText = sc.String; } } else if (sc.Compare("Key")) { sc.MustGetString(); skill.Shortcut = tolower(sc.String[0]); } else if (sc.Compare("TextColor")) { sc.MustGetString(); skill.TextColor = '['; skill.TextColor << sc.String << ']'; } else { sc.UnGet (); break; } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < AllSkills.Size(); i++) { if (AllSkills[i].Name == skill.Name) { AllSkills[i] = skill; return; } } AllSkills.Push(skill); } int G_SkillProperty(ESkillProperty prop) { if (AllSkills.Size() > 0) { switch(prop) { case SKILLP_AmmoFactor: if (dmflags2 & DF2_YES_DOUBLEAMMO) { return AllSkills[gameskill].DoubleAmmoFactor; } return AllSkills[gameskill].AmmoFactor; case SKILLP_DamageFactor: return AllSkills[gameskill].DamageFactor; case SKILLP_FastMonsters: return AllSkills[gameskill].FastMonsters || (dmflags & DF_FAST_MONSTERS); case SKILLP_Respawn: if (dmflags & DF_MONSTERS_RESPAWN && AllSkills[gameskill].RespawnCounter==0) return TICRATE * (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife ? 12 : 16); return AllSkills[gameskill].RespawnCounter; case SKILLP_RespawnLimit: return AllSkills[gameskill].RespawnLimit; case SKILLP_Aggressiveness: return AllSkills[gameskill].Aggressiveness; case SKILLP_DisableCheats: return AllSkills[gameskill].DisableCheats; case SKILLP_AutoUseHealth: return AllSkills[gameskill].AutoUseHealth; case SKILLP_EasyBossBrain: return AllSkills[gameskill].EasyBossBrain; case SKILLP_SpawnFilter: return AllSkills[gameskill].SpawnFilter; case SKILLP_ACSReturn: return AllSkills[gameskill].ACSReturn; } } return 0; } void G_VerifySkill() { if (gameskill >= (int)AllSkills.Size()) gameskill = AllSkills.Size()-1; else if (gameskill < 0) gameskill = 0; } FSkillInfo &FSkillInfo::operator=(const FSkillInfo &other) { Name = other.Name; AmmoFactor = other.AmmoFactor; DoubleAmmoFactor = other.DoubleAmmoFactor; DamageFactor = other.DamageFactor; FastMonsters = other.FastMonsters; DisableCheats = other.DisableCheats; AutoUseHealth = other.AutoUseHealth; EasyBossBrain = other.EasyBossBrain; RespawnCounter= other.RespawnCounter; RespawnLimit= other.RespawnLimit; Aggressiveness= other.Aggressiveness; SpawnFilter = other.SpawnFilter; ACSReturn = other.ACSReturn; MenuName = other.MenuName; MenuNamesForPlayerClass = other.MenuNamesForPlayerClass; MenuNameIsLump = other.MenuNameIsLump; MustConfirm = other.MustConfirm; MustConfirmText = other.MustConfirmText; Shortcut = other.Shortcut; TextColor = other.TextColor; return *this; } int FSkillInfo::GetTextColor() const { if (TextColor.IsEmpty()) { return CR_UNTRANSLATED; } const BYTE *cp = (const BYTE *)TextColor.GetChars(); int color = V_ParseFontColor(cp, 0, 0); if (color == CR_UNDEFINED) { Printf("Undefined color '%s' in definition of skill %s\n", TextColor.GetChars(), Name.GetChars()); color = CR_UNTRANSLATED; } return color; }