// This file contains compatibility wrappers for DECORATE functions with bad parameters or other things that were refactored since the first release. extend class Object { deprecated("2.4") static int GameType() { return gameinfo.gametype; } deprecated("2.4") static void C_MidPrint(string fontname, string textlabel, bool bold = false) { let f = Font.GetFont(fontname); if (f == null) return; return Console.MidPrint(f, textlabel, bold); } } extend class Actor { deprecated("2.3") void A_CustomMissile(class missiletype, double spawnheight = 32, double spawnofs_xy = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, double pitch = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET) { A_SpawnProjectile(missiletype, spawnheight, spawnofs_xy, angle, flags|CMF_BADPITCH, pitch, ptr); } } extend class StateProvider { deprecated("2.3") action void A_FireCustomMissile(class missiletype, double angle = 0, bool useammo = true, double spawnofs_xy = 0, double spawnheight = 0, int flags = 0, double pitch = 0) { A_FireProjectile(missiletype, angle, useammo, spawnofs_xy, spawnheight, flags, -pitch); } }