Added full-panning stereo, improvement of channel management, and many other things.
Also, I have implemented an ability to use custom WOPL (for libADLMIDI) and WOPN (for libOPNMIDI) banks from the same path as "soundfonts", but also, in the same environment, the "fm_banks" folder was added for WOPL/WOPN storing purposes.
To toggle usage of embedded or custom bank, I have added togglable booleans. When bank fails to be loaded, the default embedded bank is getting to be used as fallback.
ADLMIDI 1.4.0 2018-10-01
* Implemented a full support for Portamento! (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando]( for a work!)
* Added support for SysEx event handling! (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando]( for a work!)
* Added support for GS way of custom drum channels (through SysEx events)
* Ignore some NRPN events and lsb bank number when using GS standard (after catching of GS Reset SysEx call)
* Added support for CC66-Sostenuto controller (Pedal hold of currently-pressed notes only while CC64 holds also all next notes)
* Added support for CC67-SoftPedal controller (SoftPedal lowers the volume of notes played)
* Fixed correctness of CMF files playing
* Fixed unnecessary overuse of chip channels by blank notes
* Added API to disable specific MIDI tracks or play one of MIDI tracks solo
* Added support for more complex loop (loopStart=XX, loopEnd=0). Where XX - count of loops, or 0 - infinite. Nested loops are supported without of any limits.
* Added working implementation of TMB's velocity offset
* Added support for full-panning stereo option (Thanks to [Christopher Snowhill]( for a work!)
* Fixed inability to play high notes due physical tone frequency out of range on the OPL3 chip
OPNMIDI 1.4.0 2018-10-01
* Implemented a full support for Portamento! (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando]( for a work!)
* Added support for SysEx event handling! (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando]( for a work!)
* Added support for GS way of custom drum channels (through SysEx events)
* Ignore some NRPN events and lsb bank number when using GS standard (after catching of GS Reset SysEx call)
* Added support for CC66-Sostenuto controller (Pedal hold of currently-pressed notes only while CC64 holds also all next notes)
* Added support for CC67-SoftPedal controller (SoftPedal lowers the volume of notes played)
* Resolved a trouble which sometimes makes a junk noise sound and unnecessary overuse of chip channels
* Volume models support taken from libADLMIDI has been adapted to OPN2's chip speficis
* Fixed inability to play high notes due physical tone frequency out of range on the OPN2 chip
* Added support for full-panning stereo option
ADL&OPN Hotfix: re-calculated default banks
The fix on side of measurer of OPL3-BE and OPN2-BE where some instruments getting zero releasing time.
This setup has been a constant source of problems so now I reviewed all uses of FName to make sure that everything that needs to be initialized is done manually.
This also merges the player_t constructor into the class definition as default values.
This was done mainly to reduce the amount of occurences of the word FTexture but it immediately helped detect two small and mostly harmless bugs that were found due to the stricter type checks.
The text input field for the configs have been removed. Instead it will now present a list of soundfonts that are found in specific locations.
For that it will look in the 'soundfont' directories of the FileSearch.Directories entry of the config.
Acceptable file formats here are SF2 and zipped GUS patch sets. These zipped patch sets need to have a timidity.cfg at the root and refer to all containing data by relative path. References to outside files are not allowed here.
It is still possible to refer to sound fonts elsewhere on the hard drive by manually entering a path at the console - but these won't show in the menu and will get lost if one cycles through the list of available options.
Of the available softsynths, FluidSynth will only list SF", Wildmidi will only list GUS patch sets and Timidity++ and GUS will list both.
Please note that although the GUS synth can read SF2, the output appears to be broken die to some old bug.
Testing with Adventures of Square this mostly works, but it is clear that a list of old and deleted CVARs still needs to be added so that any items referring to those can be eliminated as well. Some stuff is still slipping through that refers to features which no longer exist.
Sadly, some mods are truly careless enough to modify the engine internal menus to add their own things, which should have no business whatsoever in there.
As an example, in a D4D version released in May, the Display Options menu is showing quite a bit of outdated content and missing important settings.
- added a '-nocustommenu' command line options. This is for disabling user menus that intentionally or accidentally disable crucial menu features.
- do not allow replacement of the main options menu. This menu contains engine-critical settings and may change at any time when new features get added. For now it will be the only one that gets protected but this may soon be extended to some of its submenus as well.
This is to ensure that the Class pointer can be set right on creation. ZDoom had always depended on handling this lazily which poses some problems for the VM.
So now there is a variadic Create<classtype> function taking care of that, but to ensure that it gets used, direct access to the new operator has been blocked.
This also neccessitated making DArgs a regular object because they get created before the type system is up. Since the few uses of DArgs are easily controllable this wasn't a big issue.
- did a bit of optimization on the bots' decision making whether to pick up a health item or not.
Let's use inline checkers in PType instead of constantly having to do clumsy IsKindOf checks etc. Once complete this also means that the types can be taken out of the class hierarchy, freeing up some common names.
This makes VMValue a real POD type with no hacky overloads and eliminates a lot of destructor code in all places that call a VM function. Due to the way this had to be handled, none of these destructors could be skipped because any value could have been a string.
This required some minor changes in functions that passed a temporary FString into the VM to ensure that the temporary object lives long enough to be handled. The code generator had already been changed to deal with this in a previous commit.
This is easily offset by the code savings and reduced maintenance needs elsewhere.
This method was chosen because it avoids adding variable declarations to the global namespace which would have required a lot more work while polluting the grammar.
This way the global variables can be handled by a small bit of special coding in the struct generator.