define any new ones of its own, I'm pre-emptively renaming the SNDEAX lump
to REVERBS to remove any possible misunderstanding that this is something
that requires EAX hardware support. (Ideally, it would have been REVERBDEF,
but that's 10 characters long.) The eaxedit console command has also been
renamed to reverbedit for the same reason.
- Fixed: The Palette part of FRemapTable was not initialized with alpha values
other than 0. I'm not sure if it would be better to fix this in the game
palette that it copies from or not, but right now, they get set
unconditionally to 255.
SVN r983 (trunk)
so that using the same flag multiple times will not have unexpected results.
- sbarinfo update #21
* Added: sigil image type to correctly draw the sigil's icon.
* Added: Strife inventory bar style. This is the only style that is radically
different from the others. First of all it changes the SELECTBO to be
INVCURS and draws it before the icons. Each box is changed to have a width
of 35 pixels instead of 31 pixels. And the INVCURS graphic is drawn at
(x-6, y-2).
* Added: whennnotzero flag to drawnumber which will cause it to draw nothing if
the value is 0.
* Fixed: New mugshot code would not leave the god state when it was supposed to
enter the rampage state.
* Fixed: The ouch state was mostly broken.
SVN r981 (trunk)
- Added: hasweaponpiece command to check for custom weapon pieces.
- Added: usessecondaryammo command to check if the current weapon has a second
ammo type.
- Most of SBarInfo's mugshot scripting can be used with the default Doom status
- Fixed: By default drawmugshot would never come out of normal god mode state.
In addition the state change to and from god mode was not quite as responsive
as the original code.
SVN r980 (trunk)
of type MiscPatch with the same name.
- Added UDMF line trigger types MonsterUse and MonsterPush.
- Separated skill and class filter bits from FMapThing::flags so that
UDMF can define up to 16 of each. Also separated easy/baby and
hard/nightmare and changed default MAPINFO definitions.
- Changed: Crosshair drawing uses the current player class's default health instead
of 100 to calculate the color for the crosshair.
- Added SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE flag plus Sector_ChangeFlags to set it. Also separated
all user settable flags from MoreFlags into their own Flags variable.
SVN r964 (trunk)
- Separated mapthing2_t into mapthinghexen_t and the internal FMapThing so
that it is easier to add new features in the UDMF map format.
- Added some initial code to read UDMF maps.
SVN r956 (trunk)
- Simplified the DrawGraphic function in sbarinfo_display.cpp
- Added xOffset, yOffset, and alpha to every drawing function in
sbarinfo_display.cpp. So Strife popups can be handeled better and allow for
other effects (translucent bars?). I'm thinking about making a struct for
these five (also x and y) arguments so that the argument lists don't become a
- Changed DRAWIMAGE in sbarinfo_display.cpp to not use so many calls to
- DrawKeyBar wasn't using screen->DrawTexture.
- Added a Fade transition for popups. It takes two args fade in rate and fade
out rate. Both are floats (1.0 = 1 tic to complete 0.5 = 2 tics to complete
and so on).
- Added a translucency arg to statusbars. 1.0 = opaque and 0.0 = invisible.
SVN r939 (trunk)
it never freed. I'm not sure it's a good assumption that 9 characters is
always long enough, either, since you can have longer file names than that
inside a zip.
- Fixed: DSBarInfo::DrawGem() crashed if chain or gem was NULL.
SVN r929 (trunk)
before sending it to Channel::getReverbProperties().
- Fixed: The earthquake effect did not play its sound as an actual looping
sound. I'm a bit surprised this only recently started causing problems.
SVN r923 (trunk)
- Added support for defining composite textures in HIRESTEX. It is not fully tested
and right now can't do much more than the old TEXTUREx method.
- Added a few NULL pointer checks to the texture code.
- Made duplicate class names in DECORATE non-fatal. There is really no stability
concern here and the worst that can happen is that the wrong actor is spawned.
This was a constant hassle when testing with WADs that contain duplicate resources.
SVN r905 (trunk)
- Fixed: SBarInfo tried to calculate scaled offsets on unscaled status bars.
- Added: createpopup to SBarInfo. No we don't have custom popups yet. It only
defines the transition effect. Currently none or slideinbottom.
- Made the first argument of DrawMugShot optional (think of it as an overloaded
function). The use of the first argument is deprecated due to the event of
per player class faces.
- More changes from DrawImage to screen->DrawTexture(). I guess I didn't get
them all just yet.
SVN r897 (trunk)
Chaos Device. This sound is not defined by the other games so it won't
play by default.
for the morph style so that the special behavior of these two items
can be switched on and off.
SVN r890 (trunk)
P_FindFloorCeiling never did that.
- Merged Check_Sides and PIT_CrossLine into A_PainShootSkull.
- Replaced P_BlockLinesIterator with FBlockLinesIterator in all places it was
used. This also allowed to remove all the global variable saving in
- Added a new FBlockLinesIterator class that doesn't need a callback
function because debugging the previous bug proved to be a bit annoying
because it involved a P_BlockLinesIterator loop.
- Fixed: The MBF code to move monsters away from dropoffs did not work as
intended due to some random decisions in P_DoNewChaseDir. When in the
avoiding dropoff mode these are ignored now. This should cure the problem
that monsters hanging over a dropoff tended to drop down.
SVN r887 (trunk)
to handle M4 and 5 in Doom and Heretic.
- Added P_CheckMapData functions and replaced all calls to P_OpenMapData that
only checked for a map's presence with it.
- Added Martin Howe's player statusbar face submission.
- Added an 'adddefaultmap' option for MAPINFO. This is the same as 'defaultmap'
but keeps all existing information in the default and just adds to it. This
is needed because Hexen and Strife set some information in their base
MAPINFO and using 'defaultmap' in a PWAD would override that.
- Fixed: Using MAPINFO's f1 option could cause memory leaks.
- Added option to load lumps by full name to several places:
* Finale texts loaded from a text lump
* Demos
* Local SNDINFOs
* Local SNDSEQs
* Image names in FONTDEFS
* intermission script names
- Changed the STCFN121 handling. The character is not an 'I' but a '|' so
instead of discarding it it should be inserted at position 124.
- Renamed indexfont.fon to indexfont so that I could remove a special case
from V_GetFont that was just added for this one font.
- Added a 'dumpspawnedthings' CVAR that enables a listing of all things in
the map and the actor type they spawned.
SVN r882 (trunk)
- Added: fillzeros flag for drawnumber. When set the string will always have
a length of the specified size and zeros will fill in for the missing places.
If the number is negative the negative sign will take the place of the last
- Added: globalarray type to drawnumber which will display the value in a
global array with the index set to the player's number. Untested.
- Added: isselected command to SBarInfo.
- Fixed: Bi and Tri colored numbers didn't work.
- Fixed: Crash when using nullimage as the last image in drawswitchableimage.
- Applied Graf suggestion to include the y coord when calulating heights to fix
most of the gaps caused by round off errors. At least for now anyways and it
is only applied for drawimage.
- SBarInfo inventory bars have been converted to use screen->DrawTexture()
SVN r881 (trunk)
rather than a generic one, so identifying errors among files that all have
the same lump name no longer involves any degree of guesswork in
determining exactly which file the error occurred in.
- Added a check to S_ParseSndSeq() for SNDSEQ lumps with unterminated final
- Fixed: Parts of s_sndseq.cpp that scan the Sequences array need NULL
pointer checks, in case an improper sequence was encountered during
parsing but not early enough to avoid creating a slot for it in the array.
SVN r874 (trunk)
- Added "Shaded" as a valid parameter for DECORATE's RenderStyle.
- Added Karate Chris's patch for a MAPINFO option making Strife conversations
not halt the game.
- Extended the $limit fix that $alias and $random definitions can have their
own $limit now.
- Fixed: When resolving a linked sound the limit of the current sound was
ignored and the one of the referenced sound being used. This was particularly
noticable when using the chaingun in a group of Zombiemen.
- Added a namespc parameter to FWadCollection::CheckNumForFullName which is
used when a normal lump name has to be looked up and changed all
CheckNumForFullName/CheckNumForName combinations in the source to use
the extended version of CheckNumForFullName only to have consistent
behavior for lump name lookup.
SVN r865 (trunk)
that the drivers will treat a BackBufferCount of 0 as a request for
double buffering.
- Fixed: Unsetting a cvar did not remove it from the list of tab
- Added "" as a synonym for "nullimage" in SBARINFO.
- Fixed: MAKESAVESIG's stringifier in version.h did not work as expected.
It stringified the passed macro name, not the value of the macro.
- Moved DCajunMaster off the DObject hierarchy.
- Changed DCajunMaster::getspawned into a TArray of FStrings. It was
mysteriously being left pointing to uninitialized memory during the
final GC at exit and crashing.
- Fixed: The code that removed hexdd.wad from the list of IWADs when
hexen.wad was not present did not work.
SVN r861 (trunk)
of status bar face graphics belonging to skins.
SBARINFO update #15
- Fixed: Monospacing fonts wasn't quite correct.
- Fixed: The new mug shot code forgot to use the first arg of drawmugshot (the
one that picks the default sprite prefix).
- Added: lowerHealthCap variable to SBarInfo, which is set to true by default.
- Added: ininventory event to SBarInfo to detect if one or two items are in (or
not in) the player's inventory.
- Added: The ability to print global vars using drawnumber. I need someone to
test it though.
- Added: aspectratio command to detect what the user's aspect ratio is.
- Added: missing spacing argument to drawstring.
- Changed the sbarinfo display routine for drawnumber to not use cmd.value to
store what it is about to display. Now it uses a new variable.
- More conversions from DrawImage to screen->DrawTexture. I think only the
inventory bar drawing functions have to be changed now.
SVN r846 (trunk)
will behave as before, setting it to 1 will create exactly one lighting
and setting it to 2 will terminate lightning for the current level
completely. And it will also work on maps that don't have lightning set
in MAPINFO now.
SVN r837 (trunk)
from a savegame.
- Fixed: side_t::StopInterpolation called setinterpolation instead of
stopinterpolation. Also moved the clearinterpolation call in
P_SetupLevel after the P_FreeLevelData to make absolutely sure that
nothing in there can leave an interpolator behind by accident.
- Applied Linux fixes by Jim.
SBARINFO update by Blzut3:
- Fixed: the playerclass command needed a null pointer check to prevent
crashing on respawn.
- Fixed: Mug Shot states were not reset on respawn.
- Removed keepoffsets flag since apparently it was keeping the offsets by
default. The means that the only thing not affected by the offsets was using
nullimage as a background. Since I wasn't able to get a result I liked I'm
going to say that if you want a black background with high res positioning
you will have to create your own bar image. Maybe I'll fix it some other
- Added: monospacefonts variable which allows for all of the fonts to be
monospaced by a specified character (from their fontset of corse).
- Made SBarInfo recognize the bar names for the Strife popups but they don't
do anything beyond that. The names are: popuplog, popupkeys, and popupstatus.
- Started converting the drawing routine to be more flexable towards high
resolution status bars. (Only did one call so far.)
SVN r835 (trunk)
Since it uses fixed point parameters it can only be used in scripts though.
- Added flags parameters to all wall scroller specials that didn't use
all 5 args.
- Separated scrolling of the 3 different texture parts of a sidedef.
While doing this I did some more restructuring of the sidedef structure
and changed it so that all state changes to sidedefs that affect rendering
have to be made with access functions. This is not of much use to the
software renderer but it allows far easier caching of rendering data
for OpenGL because the only place I need to check is in the access functions.
SVN r832 (trunk)
- Fixed: Heretic linetype translations included the wrong file.
- Removed all 2D sound positioning code from s_sound.cpp. Everything uses
FMOD's 3D engine now.
- Removed all the channel selection code from s_sound.cpp. FMOD has code to
handle this sort of thing, so let's use it.
- Replaced S_StopSoundID() with S_CheckSingular(). There is no longer a limit
on the number of copies of a particular sound that can be playing at once,
aside from Strife's special singular sounds. (Sorry, Heretic and Hexen.)
Consequently, the SNDINFO $limit command is now ignored.
- Removed ATTN_SURROUND, since FMOD Ex doesn't exactly support it, and it
only worked as intended on stereo speakers anyway.
- Cleaned out ancient crud from i_sound.cpp.
SVN r826 (trunk)
- Added a cheap pitch shifting for underwater environments that should be fairly
close to Duke's. It sounds okay for some sounds, but others like the BFG, where
the timing of the sound actually matters, don't sound good. I shall have to
replace it with a real pitch shifter DSP unit.
SVN r819 (trunk)
- Fixed: ACS SetMugShotState needs to check the StatusBar pointer for the
proper object type.
- Move SBarInfo loading code in d_main.cpp into a static method of DSBarInfo.
- Removed dobject.err from the repository. It only contained a list of compiler
errors for some very old version of dobject.cpp.
- Fixed: A_JumpIfCloser was missing a z-check.
- Added Blzut3's SBARINFO update #13:
- Split sbarinfo.cpp into two files sbarinfo_display.cpp and sbarinfo_parser.cpp
- Rewrote the mug shot system for SBarInfo to allow for scripting and custom
states for different means of death.
- SBarInfo now loads all SBarInfo lumps instead of just the last one. Clashing
status bar definitions will now be cleared before the bar is read.
- Fixed: When using transparency with bars the new drawing method (bg over fg)
didn't work. In the case that the border value is set to 0 it will revert to
the old method (fg over bg).
- Fixed: drawbar lost any high res information it was given.
- Added: ACS command SetMugShotState(str state) which sets the mug shot state
for the activating player.
- Added: keepoffsets flag to drawbar. When set the offsets in the fg image will
also be applied when displaying the bar.
SVN r812 (trunk)
high to pass through two-sided lines, but not ones that were too low.
- Fixed: SBARINFO couldn't detect the extreme death damage type for the
player face animation.
SVN r782 (trunk)
it is 1-based.
- added MF5_DONTRIP flag.
- added CheckActorFloorTexture, CheckActorCeilingTexture and
GetActorLightLevel ACS functions.
- added IF_ADDITIVETIME flag to create powerups that add their duration
to the one of the currently active item of the same type.
- fixed: bouncecount wasn't decreased when bouncing on walls.
- Added MF5_ALWAYSRESPAWN and MF5_NEVERRESPAWN flags that selectively
enable or disable monster respawning regardless of skill setting.
- Prettified deprecated flag handling.
SVN r780 (trunk)
FreshThinkers lists. These thinkers would still be saved in the savegame if
there were other references to them, but they would not go in any thinker
lists when loading the savegame. An easy way to exercise this bug is to
give yourself something new with the console and then save the game right
away without closing the console by using the "save" command. The item
would be stored in the savegame thanks to its presence in the Inventory
list, but it wouldn't be in a thinker list when the game was reloaded
because it was still in the FreshThinkers list when the game was saved.
SVN r763 (trunk)
* When the drawbar code was optimized border was accidently used as how many
pixels to reserve from the background instead of the foreground. I've
reversed how the code works (bg over fg instead of fg over bg).
* Added armorclass to drawnumber.
* Added an interpolateArmor variable which acts just like interpolateHealth
except the effect is applied to armor.
* Added armor flag to drawgem since we can interpolate armor now.
* Added a reverse flag to drawgem.
* Fixed drawgem didn't allow for '|' to separate the flags.
- Fixed: Menu texts for skill definitions unconditionally interpreted
the given text as an index into the string table.
SVN r752 (trunk)
* SBarInfo will also accept a '|' between flags for those who are really
bothered by the indefinite "arguments" in the middle of the statement.
* Added: completeBorder. When set to true SBarInfo will draw the border where
the status bar normally goes.
* Fixed: I forgot to accept TK_None on "base" and "statusbar".
* Fixed: "base" was apparently broken when the SBarInfo init code was moved to
d_main.cpp. Also, if "base Strife" was used then it would not use the
default log message of "find help".
SVN r736 (trunk)
- Sbarinfo optimization: Creating and destroying bar textures every frame is
a relatively expensive operation. We can skip the custom texture entirely
and just draw the bars directly to the screen, using the clipping parameters
for DrawTexture(). This also means bars are no longer limited to the game
palette, and the bar itself has the same resolution as the screen.
SVN r731 (trunk)