* acsprofile clear - Resets all profiling statistics to 0.
* acsprofile [<sort-function>] [<limit>]:
* <sort-function> is an optional argument that specifies which column to sort on (total, min, max, avg, or runs). The default is total.
* <limit> is an optional argument that specifies how many rows to limit the output to. The default is 10. 0 or less will print every script or function that has at least one run.
SVN r4060 (trunk)
and two new functions, both of which are intended for use in conjunction with SetHUDSize:
* SetHUDClipRect(x, y, width, height[, wrapwidth]) - Set the clipping rectangle for future
HUD messages. If you do not specify <wrapwidth>, the HUD message will be layed out as
normal, but pixels outside the rectangle will not be drawn. If you specify <wrapwidth>,
then the message will be wrapped to that width. Use SetHUDClipRect(0, 0, 0, 0[, 0]) to
reset everything
back to normal.
* SetHUDWrapWidth(wrapwidth) - Sets the wrapping width for future HUD messages without
altering the clipping rectangle. If you set the wrapping width to 0, messages will wrap
to the full width of the HUD, as normal.
* HUDMSG_NOWRAP - A HUDMessage() flag that disables wrapping for one message. It is
functionally equivalent to SetHUDWrapWidth(0x7FFFFFFF), except that it only affects the
message it's attached to.
SVN r3960 (trunk)
be no conflicts with recently-added named arguments for spawnable things on UDMF maps.
- Change the SpawnableThings array into a map, so there is no longer any particular upper limit on an actor's SpawnID. Also fixes a possible exploit, since an actor's SpawnID was never checked to make sure it was within range.
SVN r3959 (trunk)
parameter added to the end of the HudMessage command's existing parameter lists. So for
HUDMSG_PLAIN, it comes after the hold time. For HUDMSG_FADEOUT and HUDMSG_TYPEONE, it comes
after the fade time. And for HUDMSG_FADEINOUT, it comes after the out time.
- Alpha is a fixed point number between 0.0 and 1.0.
- Example:
Without alpha (unchanged from before):
HudMessage(s:"Some text", HUDMSG_PLAIN, 0, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0.5, 0.5, 3.0);
With alpha (alpha is added to the end):
HudMessage(s:"Some text", HUDMSG_PLAIN, 0, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0.5, 0.5, 3.0, 0.5 /* this is the alpha */);
SVN r3825 (trunk)
* HUDMSG_NOTWITH3DVIEW : This message does not appear when the 3D view is active.
* HUDMSG_NOTWITHFULLMAP : This message does not appear when the fullscreen automap is active.
* HUDMSG_NOTWITHOVERLAYMAP : This message does not appear when the overlay automap is active.
These flags may be combined, so for example: HUDMSG_NOTWITHFULLMAP | HUDMSG_NOTWITHOVERLAYMAP
would prevent the message from appearing if any form of automap is active.
- Added HUD message layers, which are ORed into the type field:
* HUDMSG_LAYER_OVERHUD : This is the default and standard behavior. The message appear on
top of most HUD elements. This definition is just included for completeness' sake; you
don't need to explicitly use it.
* HUDMSG_LAYER_UNDERHUD : The message appears underneath other HUD elements, such as the status bar.
* HUDMSG_LAYER_OVERMAP : The message appears on top of the fullscreen automap. At the moment,
this layer is functionally equivalent to using the flags HUDMSG_NOTWITH3DVIEW | HUDMSG_NOTWITHOVERLAYMAP.
However, if Blzut3 decides to implement support for drawing the automap permanently on a
second screen, messages on this layer will move to that screen with the automap and be permanently
visible as long as the map is visible on that other screen.
These are not flags, so for example HUDMSG_LAYER_UNDERHUD | HUDMSG_LAYER_OVERHUD is not valid.
SVN r3821 (trunk)
is more efficient than ThingCount(tid, T_NONE), because it only needs to check for one actor
with the TID and not all of them. It also makes no distinction between dead things and live
things like ThingCount does.
- Added ACS function UniqueTID(tid, limit): It returns a new TID that is not currently used by
any actors. It has two modes of operation. If tid is non-zero, then it checks TIDs one-by-one
starting at the given tid until if finds a free one. If tid is zero, then it returns a completely
random TID. If limit is non-zero, then it will only check that many times for a free TID, so
it might not find a free one. If no free TID is found, 0 is returned. If limit is zero, then
the search is effectively unlimited.
SVN r3798 (trunk)
* P_GiveBody() now takes a max parameter so that it can also do the bulk of the work
AHealth::TryPickup() previously did.
* Setting an actor's health to 0 or below with SetActorProperty will now kill the actor
SVN r3438 (trunk)
which should be set for player uses activation but are not.
- Added some developer mode messages for setlinespecial and clearlinespecial.
SVN r3437 (trunk)
- added DECORATE properties for accuracy and stamina.
- Since these changes move properties from player_t to AActor all savegame compatibility code was removed and the min. savegame version bumped.
SVN r3427 (trunk)
destroyed. For example, if a weapon has a sister weapon immediately after it in the inventory
list, they would both be destroyed by the call to destroy the weapon, and ClearInventory
would fail to find anything beyond the sister weapon in the inventory list.
SVN r3413 (trunk)
- Added ACS_Named* function variants of the ACS_* specials that take script names instead of
numbers. As these are functions and not specials, they can only be used from inside ACS.
SVN r3363 (trunk)
you can still use them for automatically executed script types (like open and enter).
- Change the DACSThinker::RunningScripts array into a TMap so that it can catalog the new range
of ACS scripts (up to 32767).
SVN r3359 (trunk)
- Fixed: FadeTo() accepted parameters out of range.
- Fixed: "Enable autosaves" menu option didn't handle all possible values of disableautosave.
SVN r3280 (trunk)
non-zero variables to load. This was fine when all variables defaulted to zero, but map variables
have been able to default to something else for some time now. This meant that if all map
variables were zero when the game was saved, they would be restored to their default values
when the game was loaded.
SVN r3190 (trunk)
- merged all places where secrets are credited into one common function.
- added the Doom64 COUNTSECRET actor flag.
- fixed: AInventory::CreateCopy did not clear the COUNTITEM flag.
- fixed: Dropping an item did not increase the item count but the dropped item could still have the COUNTITEM flag. Now this flag gets cleared when the item gets picked up so that dropped items don't count a second time.
SVN r2826 (trunk)
- fixed: APROP_Invulnerable could only be set and unset but not checked.
- fixed: Two sided polyobjects applied thrust to sctors in a way that did not work.
SVN r2620 (trunk)
- add a GetReplacement method to PClass to clean up some really ugly code
- Who wrote the 'kill' CCMD? The way it checked if two classes were identical was horrendously overcomplicated.
SVN r2601 (trunk)
- fixed: AActor::CanSeek had the check for the visibility of the target actor's alpha reversed.
- added an Alt HUD icon for Hexen's fighter's fist.
SVN r2501 (trunk)
It will use negative indices for this. Currently supported strings are level name, level lump name and
skill name.
- Extended skill definitions so that printable name and image lump name are separate fields so that a
printable name can be specified for Doom, too.
SVN r2294 (trunk)
- Reorganized the SBarInfo code.
- Added interpolate(<speed>) flag to drawnumber, drawbar, and drawgem. The old
way of interpolating the health and armor is depreciated.
- Added: armortype to drawswitchableimage loosely based on Gez's submission.
- As an extension to the previous you can now use comparison operators on
inventory items and armortype in drawswitchableimage.
SVN r2069 (trunk)
SoundSequenceOnActor(int tid, string seqname);
SoundSequenceOnSector(int tag, string seqname, int location);
SoundSequenceOnPolyobj(int polynum, string seqname);
SoundSequenceOnSector takes an extra parameter that specifies where in the
sector the sound comes from (floor, ceiling, interior, or all of it). See
the SECSEQ defines in zdefs.acs.
SVN r1939 (trunk)
A_SetUserVar/SetUserVariable/GetUserVariable now take a variable name
instead of an array index. A_SetUserArray/SetUserArray/GetUserArray
have been added to access elements in user-defined arrays.
SVN r1933 (trunk)
- fixed: When a blasted actor collided with another one this other actor's
DONTBLAST flag was not checked.
- added a global DamageFactor actor property. All damage this actor takes is multiplied
by this factor in addition to damage type specific damage factors.
SVN r1915 (trunk)
- fixed: The BossCube could be blocked by floors and ceiling resulting
in incorrect movement. I changed it so that A_BrainSpit now sets the
MF5_NOINTERACTION flag for anything it spawns that has the MF_NOCLIP
flag. For travelling cubes active collision detection makes no sense
and only causes problems. This should also make the boss brain
work in the other games which previously were excluded by a game mode
check in the movement code.
- fixed: ACS's GetUserVariable did not work for the script activator.
- fixed: Moving floors could be blocked by 2 actors without MF2_PASSMOBJ
overlapping each other (common mapping bug, check Herian 2 MAP30.)
SVN r1891 (trunk)
* Moves the dog sound out of the Doom-specific sounds in SNDINFO to address this,
* Renames the dog actor to MBFHelperDog to prevent name conflicts,
* Adds APROP_Score to CheckActorProperty,
* Completes the randomspawner update (the reason I moved the recursion counter out of
special1 was that I found some projectiles had this set to them, for example in
A_LichAttack, but I forgot to add transfer for them),
* Provides centered sprites for beta plasma balls if this is deemed deserving correction.
SVN r1847 (trunk)
* MBF's dog (definition only, no sprites yet.)
* User variables. There's an array of 10. They can be set and checked in both DECORATE and ACS.
* Made the tag name changeable but eliminated the redundancy of having both the meta property and the individual actor's one. Having one is fully sufficient. TO BE FIXED: Names are case insensitive but this should better be case sensitive. Unfortunately there's currently nothing better than FName to store a string inside an actor without severely complicating matters. Also bumped savegame version to avoid problems with this change.
SVN r1823 (trunk)
* info CCMD to print extended actor information (not fully implemented yet)
* summonmbf CCMD.
* Beta BFG code pointer (but not the related missiles yet.)
* PowerInvisibility enhancements.
* ScoreItem with one significant change: Added a score variable that can be
checked through ACS and DECORATE. The engine itself will do nothing with it.
* Nailgun option for A_Explode.
* A_PrintBold and A_Log.
* A_SetSpecial.
SVN r1819 (trunk)
- Fixed: Even though P_DamageMobj checked an attack's originator
for MF2_NODMGTHRUST the same check was missing from P_RadiusAttack.
- Fixed: A_MinotaurRoam should not assume without check that it was
called by a MinotaurFriend.
- Fixed: The Minotaur declared A_MntrFloorFire which it did not use.
- Fixed: All Spawnspot functions did not check for a spot tid of 0 as
the script's activator.
- Fixed: Friendly monsters ignored team association of their owning
SVN r1770 (trunk)
alive, it now sets the activator to the actor the player is aiming at. I
also noticed that this looked like it was a quick copy'n'paste job from
SetActivator. It returns false if the activator at the end of the function
was the world, but it never sets the activator to the world. I'm not sure
that's the best use of the return value.
SVN r1760 (trunk)
velocity, and now it's known as such. The actor variables momx/momy/momz
are now known as velx/vely/velz, and the ACS functions GetActorMomX/Y/Z
are now known as GetActorVelX/Y/Z. For compatibility, momx/momy/momz will
continue to work as aliases from DECORATE. The ACS functions, however,
require you to use the new name, since they never saw an official release
SVN r1689 (trunk)
* BUMPSPECIAL flag: actors with this flag will run their special if collided on by a player
* WEAPON.NOAUTOAIM flag, though it is restricted to attacks that spawn a missile (it will not affect autoaim settings for a hitscan or railgun, and that's deliberate)
* A_FireSTGrenade codepointer, extended to be parameterizable
* The grenade (as the default actor for A_FireSTGrenade)
* Protective armors à la RedArmor: they work with a DamageFactor; for example to recreate the RedArmor from Skulltag, copy its code from skulltag.pk3 but remove the "native" keyword and add DamageFactor "Fire" 0.1 to its properties.
SVN r1661 (trunk)
regardless of pain chance.
- Changed screenblocks CVAR to be settable per game.
- Added SpawnSpotForced and SpawnSpotFacingForced ACS functions.
- Added pushfactor actor property.
SVN r1638 (trunk)
the game has finished.
- Added NOBOSSRIP flag. Note: we are now at flags6!
- Added SetSkyScrollSpeed(int skyplane, fixed speed) ACS function.
- Added THRUACTORS flag that disables all actor<->actor collision detection.
- Added DONTSEEKINVISIBLE flag for missiles that can't home in on invisible
- Added SFX_TRANSFERPITCH flag to A_SpawnItemEx.
- Added Ultimate Freedoom IWAD detection.
- Added GetAirSupply and SetAirSupply functions to ACS.
- Fixed: The *surface sound was not played when drowning was switched off
by setting the level's air supply to 0.
SVN r1619 (trunk)
- Removed #pragma warnings from cmdlib.h and fixed the places where they were
still triggered.
These #pragmas were responsible for >90% of the GCC warnings that were not
listed in VC++.
- Fixed one bug in the process: DSeqNode::m_Atten was never adjusted when the
parameter handling of the sound functions for attenuation was changed.
Changed m_Atten to a float and fixed the SNDSEQ parser to set proper values.
Also added the option to specify attenuation with direct values in addition
to the predefined names.
SVN r1583 (trunk)
- Fixed: P_CheckSwitchRange tried to access a line's backsector without
checking if it is valid.
- Fixed: Fast projectile could not be frozen by the Time freezer.
- Added several new ACS functions: GetActorMomX/Y/Z, GetActorViewHeight,
SetActivator, SetActivatorToTarget.
SVN r1578 (trunk)
- Added support for ACS functions that can be defined without recompiling ACC.
- Fixed: The short lump name for embedded files must be cleared so that they
are not found by a normal lump search.
- Added AProp_Notarget actor property.
- Fixed: TraceBleed was missing a NULL pointer check,
- Fixed: P_RandomChaseDir could crash for friendly monsters that belong to
a player which left the game.
- Changed A_PodGrow so that it plays the generator's attack sound instead of
SVN r1575 (trunk)
making a function call in ACS. Now you can print inside functions and
also return values from them for the caller to plug directly into
another string without having to save it to a temporary variable.
SVN r1492 (trunk)
maps in the compatibility list.
- Added compatibility settings for a few more levels in some classic WADs.
- Added spechit overflow workaround for Strain MAP07. This is highly map
specific because the original behavior cannot be restored.
- Added a check for Doom's IWAD levels that forces COMPAT_SHORTTEX for them.
MD5 cannot be used well here because there's many different IWADs with
slightly different levels. This is only done for Doom format levels to
ensure that custom IWADs for ZDoom are not affected.
- fixed: level.flags2 was not reset at level start.
- Fixed: Morph powerups can change the actor picking up the item so
AInventory::CallTryPickup must be able to return the new actor.
- Fixed: ACS's GiveInventory may not assume that a PlayerPawn is still
attached to the player data after an item has been given.
- Added a missing NULL pointer check to DBaseStatusBar::Blendview.
SVN r1405 (trunk)
- fixed: The nextmap and nextsecret CCMDs need to call G_DeferedInitNew instead of G_InitNew.
- merged MAPINFO branch back into trunk.
SVN r1393 (trunk)
- Fixed: The compatmode CVAR needs CVAR_NOINITCALL so that the compatibility flags don't get reset each start.
- Fixed: compatmode Doom(strict) was missing COMPAT_CROSSDROPOFF
SVN r1376 (trunk)
instead of overwriting the original string. ACS performing this operation
in place caused crashes with RTC-3057.
- fixed: FScriptPosition::Message did not print the message if it was not
a fatal error.
SVN r1313 (trunk)
- Added ClassifyActor(tid) ACS builtin function. This takes a TID and returns
a set of bits describing the actor. If TID is 0, it returns information
about the activator. If there is more than one actor with the given TID,
only the first one is considered. Currently defined bits are:
ACTOR_NONE No actors with this TID exist (only when TID is not 0).
ACTOR_WORLD Activator is the world (only when TID is 0).
ACTOR_PLAYER Actor is a player (includes bots and voodoo dolls).
ACTOR_BOT Actor is a bot.
ACTOR_VOODOODOLL Actor is a voodoo doll.
ACTOR_MONSTER Actor is a monster.
ACTOR_ALIVE Actor is alive (players/monsters only).
ACTOR_DEAD Actor is dead (players/monsters only).
ACTOR_MISSILE Actor is a missile.
ACTOR_GENERIC Actor exists, but no further information is available.
SVN r1310 (trunk)
- Changed WI_drawPercent() when wi_percents is false so that the total
display is optional, and it formats it like Heretic's intermission, with
a slash and a fixed-width right column.
- Font is no longer a property of the screen object. Pass the font to
DrawText and DrawChar directly instead.
- Doom's intermission characters are now collected together as a font
so they can be colorized.
SVN r1294 (trunk)
- Fixed: ThingCountSector and ThingCountNameSector did not remove enough
entries from the stack, and did not put the result in the right slot.
- Fixed: Teleport lines were prioritized over secret lines when deciding what
color to draw them on the automap.
- Fixed: Death-reverting morphs did not remove the morph item from the
player's inventory when death caused the morph to revert.
- Updated fmod_wrap.h for FMOD Ex 4.18.
SVN r1259 (trunk)
the NextState parameter is. The code did some rather unsafe checks with it
to determine its type.
- moved all state related code into a new file: p_states.cpp.
- merged all FindState functions. All the different variations are now inlined
and call the same function to do the real work.
SVN r1243 (trunk)
so that all files are included by a central one instead of compiling
each one separately. This speeds up the compilation process by 25%
when doing a complete rebuild in Visual C.
- Cleaned up more header dependencies.
SVN r1226 (trunk)
automatically used by all inventory classes.
- The previous change made it necessary to replace all TryPickup calls with
another function that just calls TryPickup.
- Fixed: AInventory::TryPickup can change the toucher so this must be reported
to subclasses calling the super function. Changed TryPickup to pass the
toucher pointer by reference.
SVN r1221 (trunk)
buttons are now passed across the network, and there are four new user
buttons specifically for use with this command. Also defined +zoom
and +reload for future implementation.
See http://zdoom.org/files/examples/playerinput.zip for an example.
SVN r1215 (trunk)
- Added DECORATE conversions for Hexen's Fighter weapons by Karate Chris.
- Added aWeaponGiver class to generalize the standing AssaultGun.
- converted a_Strifeweapons.cpp to DECORATE, except for the Sigil.
SVN r1129 (trunk)
redundant ammo multiplication code from P_DropItem and ADehackedPickup::TryPickup.
- Restricted native action function definitions to zdoom.pk3.
SVN r1123 (trunk)
SBARINfO update:
- Added: disablegrin, disableouch, disablepain, and disablerampage flags to
- Fixed: LowerHealthCap did not work properly.
- Fixed: Various bugs I noticed in the fullscreenoffsets code.
SVN r1122 (trunk)