Add 3D floor planes

This commit is contained in:
Magnus Norddahl 2016-11-16 11:18:40 +01:00
parent 71b4f57058
commit f457f0340c
4 changed files with 162 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -36,7 +36,24 @@ void RenderPolyScene::Render()
if (!r_swtruecolor) // Disable pal rendering for now
// Setup working buffers
void RenderPolyScene::RenderRemainingPlayerSprites()
void RenderPolyScene::ClearBuffers()
@ -45,8 +62,10 @@ void RenderPolyScene::Render()
PolyStencilBuffer::Instance()->Clear(viewwidth, viewheight, 0);
PolySubsectorGBuffer::Instance()->Resize(dc_pitch, viewheight);
NextSubsectorDepth = 0;
// Setup perspective matrix:
void RenderPolyScene::SetupPerspectiveMatrix()
float ratio = WidescreenRatio;
float fovratio = (WidescreenRatio >= 1.3f) ? 1.333333f : ratio;
float fovy = (float)(2 * DAngle::ToDegrees(atan(tan(FieldOfView.Radians() / 2) / fovratio)).Degrees);
@ -57,8 +76,10 @@ void RenderPolyScene::Render()
TriMatrix::swapYZ() *
TriMatrix::translate((float)-ViewPos.X, (float)-ViewPos.Y, (float)-ViewPos.Z);
WorldToClip = TriMatrix::perspective(fovy, ratio, 5.0f, 65535.0f) * worldToView;
void RenderPolyScene::RenderSectors()
if (r_debug_cull)
for (auto it = Cull.PvsSectors.rbegin(); it != Cull.PvsSectors.rend(); ++it)
@ -69,19 +90,6 @@ void RenderPolyScene::Render()
for (auto it = Cull.PvsSectors.begin(); it != Cull.PvsSectors.end(); ++it)
RenderRemainingPlayerSprites(); // To do: should be called by FSoftwareRenderer::DrawRemainingPlayerSprites instead of here
void RenderPolyScene::RenderRemainingPlayerSprites()
void RenderPolyScene::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
@ -93,9 +101,7 @@ void RenderPolyScene::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
if (sub->sector->CenterFloor() != sub->sector->CenterCeiling())
RenderPolyPlane plane;
plane.Render(WorldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, true, Cull.MaxCeilingHeight);
plane.Render(WorldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, false, Cull.MinFloorHeight);
RenderPolyPlane::RenderPlanes(WorldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, Cull.MaxCeilingHeight, Cull.MinFloorHeight);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)

View File

@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ public:
static RenderPolyScene *Instance();
void ClearBuffers();
void SetupPerspectiveMatrix();
void RenderSectors();
void RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub);
void RenderLine(subsector_t *sub, seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector, uint32_t subsectorDepth);

View File

@ -29,6 +29,125 @@
#include "r_poly.h"
#include "r_sky.h" // for skyflatnum
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, r_3dfloors)
void RenderPolyPlane::RenderPlanes(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, double skyCeilingHeight, double skyFloorHeight)
RenderPolyPlane plane;
if (r_3dfloors)
auto frontsector = sub->sector;
auto &ffloors = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors;
// 3D floor floors
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor *fakeFloor = ffloors[i];
if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!fakeFloor->model) continue;
if (fakeFloor->bottom.plane->isSlope()) continue;
//if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_NOSHADE) || (fakeFloor->flags & (FF_RENDERPLANES | FF_RENDERSIDES)))
// R_3D_AddHeight(fakeFloor->top.plane, frontsector);
if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES)) continue;
if (fakeFloor->alpha == 0) continue;
if (fakeFloor->flags & FF_THISINSIDE && fakeFloor->flags & FF_INVERTSECTOR) continue;
double fakeHeight = fakeFloor->top.plane->ZatPoint(frontsector->centerspot);
if (fakeHeight < ViewPos.Z && fakeHeight > frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(frontsector->centerspot))
plane.Render3DFloor(worldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, false, fakeFloor);
// 3D floor ceilings
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor *fakeFloor = ffloors[i];
if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!fakeFloor->model) continue;
if (fakeFloor->top.plane->isSlope()) continue;
//if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_NOSHADE) || (fakeFloor->flags & (FF_RENDERPLANES | FF_RENDERSIDES)))
// R_3D_AddHeight(fakeFloor->bottom.plane, frontsector);
if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES)) continue;
if (fakeFloor->alpha == 0) continue;
if (!(fakeFloor->flags & FF_THISINSIDE) && (fakeFloor->flags & (FF_SWIMMABLE | FF_INVERTSECTOR)) == (FF_SWIMMABLE | FF_INVERTSECTOR)) continue;
double fakeHeight = fakeFloor->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(frontsector->centerspot);
if (fakeHeight > ViewPos.Z && fakeHeight < frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(frontsector->centerspot))
plane.Render3DFloor(worldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, true, fakeFloor);
plane.Render(worldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, true, skyCeilingHeight);
plane.Render(worldToClip, sub, subsectorDepth, false, skyFloorHeight);
void RenderPolyPlane::Render3DFloor(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling, F3DFloor *fakeFloor)
FTextureID picnum = ceiling ? *fakeFloor->bottom.texture : *fakeFloor->top.texture;
FTexture *tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
int lightlevel = 255;
if (fixedlightlev < 0 && sub->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())
lightlist_t *light = P_GetPlaneLight(sub->sector, &sub->sector->ceilingplane, false);
basecolormap = light->extra_colormap;
lightlevel = *light->p_lightlevel;
TriUniforms uniforms;
uniforms.objectToClip = worldToClip;
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(lightlevel / 255.0f * 256.0f);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0 || fixedcolormap)
uniforms.light = 256;
uniforms.flags = 0;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = subsectorDepth;
TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(sub->numlines);
if (!vertices)
if (ceiling)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[sub->numlines - 1 - i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, fakeFloor->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(line->v1));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, fakeFloor->top.plane->ZatPoint(line->v1));
PolyDrawArgs args;
args.uniforms = uniforms;
args.vinput = vertices;
args.vcount = sub->numlines;
args.mode = TriangleDrawMode::Fan;
args.ccw = true;
args.clipleft = 0;
args.cliptop = 0;
args.clipright = viewwidth;
args.clipbottom = viewheight;
args.stenciltestvalue = 0;
args.stencilwritevalue = 1;
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(args, TriDrawVariant::Draw);
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(args, TriDrawVariant::Stencil);
void RenderPolyPlane::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling, double skyHeight)
sector_t *fakesector = sub->sector->heightsec;
@ -96,7 +215,7 @@ void RenderPolyPlane::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uin
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[sub->numlines - 1 - i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
vertices[sub->numlines - 1 - i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
@ -104,7 +223,7 @@ void RenderPolyPlane::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uin
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
vertices[i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
@ -183,17 +302,17 @@ void RenderPolyPlane::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uin
if (ceiling)
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, skyBottomz2);
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, skyBottomz1);
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, skyHeight);
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, skyHeight);
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, skyBottomz2);
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, skyBottomz1);
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, skyHeight);
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, skyHeight);
args.vinput = wallvert;
@ -203,7 +322,7 @@ void RenderPolyPlane::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uin
TriVertex RenderPolyPlane::PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, double height)
TriVertex RenderPolyPlane::PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, double height)
TriVertex v;
v.x = (float)v1->fPos().X;

View File

@ -27,8 +27,10 @@
class RenderPolyPlane
void Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling, double skyHeight);
static void RenderPlanes(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, double skyCeilingHeight, double skyFloorHeight);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, double height);
void Render3DFloor(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling, F3DFloor *fakefloor);
void Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling, double skyHeight);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, double height);