- everything compiles again, now to make it work again with all menu widgets 100% scripted.

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Oelckers 2017-02-12 01:18:49 +01:00
parent 2a5b26c27c
commit ee1217c8c7
10 changed files with 640 additions and 1529 deletions

View file

@ -279,308 +279,3 @@ void DListMenu::Drawer ()
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DMenuItemBase, true, false)
bool DMenuItemBase::CheckCoordinate(int x, int y)
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::Ticker()
void DMenuItemBase::Drawer(bool selected)
bool DMenuItemBase::Selectable()
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTextureID tex)
if (tex.isNull())
if ((DMenu::MenuTime%8) < 6)
screen->DrawText(ConFont, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection,
(mXpos + xofs - 160) * CleanXfac + screen->GetWidth() / 2,
(mYpos + yofs - 100) * CleanYfac + screen->GetHeight() / 2,
DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac,
DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac,
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(tex), mXpos + xofs, mYpos + yofs, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
bool DMenuItemBase::Activate()
return false; // cannot be activated
FName DMenuItemBase::GetAction(int *pparam)
return mAction;
bool DMenuItemBase::SetString(int i, const char *s)
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::GetString(int i, char *s, int len)
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::SetValue(int i, int value)
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::GetValue(int i, int *pvalue)
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::Enable(bool on)
mEnabled = on;
bool DMenuItemBase::MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
return false;
ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(self->MenuEvent(key, fromcontroller));
bool DMenuItemBase::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::CheckHotkey(int c)
return false;
int DMenuItemBase::GetWidth()
return 0;
// static patch
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemStaticPatch_, false, false)
DListMenuItemStaticPatch_::DListMenuItemStaticPatch_(int x, int y, FTextureID patch, bool centered)
: DMenuItemBase(x, y)
mTexture = patch;
mCentered = centered;
void DListMenuItemStaticPatch_::Drawer(bool selected)
if (!mTexture.Exists())
int x = mXpos;
FTexture *tex = TexMan(mTexture);
if (mYpos >= 0)
if (mCentered) x -= tex->GetScaledWidth()/2;
screen->DrawTexture (tex, x, mYpos, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = (mXpos - 160) * CleanXfac + (SCREENWIDTH>>1);
if (mCentered) x -= (tex->GetScaledWidth()*CleanXfac)/2;
screen->DrawTexture (tex, x, -mYpos*CleanYfac, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
// static text
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemStaticText_, false, false)
DListMenuItemStaticText_::DListMenuItemStaticText_(int x, int y, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, bool centered)
: DMenuItemBase(x, y)
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mColor = color;
mCentered = centered;
void DListMenuItemStaticText_::Drawer(bool selected)
if (mText.IsNotEmpty())
const char *text = mText;
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
if (mYpos >= 0)
int x = mXpos;
if (mCentered) x -= mFont->StringWidth(text)/2;
screen->DrawText(mFont, mColor, x, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = (mXpos - 160) * CleanXfac + (SCREENWIDTH>>1);
if (mCentered) x -= (mFont->StringWidth(text)*CleanXfac)/2;
screen->DrawText (mFont, mColor, x, -mYpos*CleanYfac, text, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
// base class for selectable items
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemSelectable_, false, false)
DListMenuItemSelectable_::DListMenuItemSelectable_(int x, int y, int height, FName action, int param)
: DMenuItemBase(x, y, action)
mHeight = height;
mParam = param;
mHotkey = 0;
bool DListMenuItemSelectable_::CheckCoordinate(int x, int y)
return mEnabled && y >= mYpos && y < mYpos + mHeight; // no x check here
bool DListMenuItemSelectable_::Selectable()
return mEnabled;
bool DListMenuItemSelectable_::Activate()
M_SetMenu(mAction, mParam);
return true;
FName DListMenuItemSelectable_::GetAction(int *pparam)
if (pparam != NULL) *pparam = mParam;
return mAction;
bool DListMenuItemSelectable_::CheckHotkey(int c)
return c == tolower(mHotkey);
bool DListMenuItemSelectable_::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
if (type == DMenu::MOUSE_Release)
if (NULL != DMenu::CurrentMenu && DMenu::CurrentMenu->MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, true))
return true;
return false;
// text item
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemText_, false, false)
DListMenuItemText_::DListMenuItemText_(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, EColorRange color2, FName child, int param)
: DListMenuItemSelectable_(x, y, height, child, param)
mText = ncopystring(text);
mFont = font;
mColor = color;
mColorSelected = color2;
mHotkey = hotkey;
void DListMenuItemText_::OnDestroy()
if (mText != NULL)
delete [] mText;
void DListMenuItemText_::Drawer(bool selected)
const char *text = mText;
if (text != NULL)
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected ? mColorSelected : mColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int DListMenuItemText_::GetWidth()
const char *text = mText;
if (text != NULL)
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
return mFont->StringWidth(text);
return 1;
// patch item
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemPatch_, false, false)
DListMenuItemPatch_::DListMenuItemPatch_(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTextureID patch, FName child, int param)
: DListMenuItemSelectable_(x, y, height, child, param)
mHotkey = hotkey;
mTexture = patch;
void DListMenuItemPatch_::Drawer(bool selected)
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(mTexture), mXpos, mYpos, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int DListMenuItemPatch_::GetWidth()
return mTexture.isValid()
? TexMan[mTexture]->GetScaledWidth()
: 0;

View file

@ -1150,16 +1150,377 @@ DEFINE_FIELD(FOptionMenuSettings, mLinespacing)
struct IJoystickConfig;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemStaticText(const char *name, bool v);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderVar(const char *name, int index, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemCommand(const char * label, FName cmd);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemOption(const char * label, FName cmd, FName values, FBaseCVar *graycheck, bool center);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu(const char *label, IJoystickConfig *joy);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemJoyMap(const char *label, int axis, FName values, bool center);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoySensitivity(const char * label, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyScale(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemInverter(const char *label, int axis, int center);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyDeadZone(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemStaticText(const char *name, bool v)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemStaticText");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(name), v };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderVar(const char *name, int index, double min, double max, double step, int showval)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemSliderVar");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(name), index, min, max, step, showval };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemCommand(const char * label, FName cmd)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemCommand");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), cmd.GetIndex() };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemOption(const char * label, FName cmd, FName values, FBaseCVar *graycheck, bool center)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemOption");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), cmd.GetIndex(), values.GetIndex(), graycheck, center };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu(const char *label, IJoystickConfig *joy)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), joy };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemJoyMap(const char *label, int axis, FName values, bool center)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemJoyMap");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), axis, values.GetIndex(), center };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoySensitivity(const char * label, double min, double max, double step, int showval)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuSliderJoySensitivity");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), min, max, step, showval };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyScale(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuSliderJoyScale");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), min, max, step, showval };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemInverter(const char *label, int axis, int center)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemInverter");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), axis, center };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyDeadZone(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuSliderJoyDeadZone");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), min, max, step, showval };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemSubmenu(const char *label, FName cmd, int center)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemSubmenu");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), cmd.GetIndex(), center };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemControl(const char *label, FName cmd, FKeyBindings *bindings)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("OptionMenuItemControl");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, FString(label), cmd.GetIndex(), bindings };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemPatch(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTextureID tex, FName command, int param)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("ListMenuItemPatch");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, x, y, height, tex.GetIndex(), hotkey, command.GetIndex(), param };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("InitDirect", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemText(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const char *text, FFont *font, PalEntry color1, PalEntry color2, FName command, int param)
auto c = PClass::FindClass("ListMenuItemText");
auto p = c->CreateNew();
VMValue params[] = { p, x, y, height, hotkey, text, font, int(color1.d), int(color2.d), command.GetIndex(), param };
auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->Symbols.FindSymbol("InitDirect", false));
GlobalVMStack.Call(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
return (DMenuItemBase*)p;
bool DMenuItemBase::CheckCoordinate(int x, int y)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, CheckCoordinate)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, x, y };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::Ticker()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Ticker)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0, nullptr);
void DMenuItemBase::Drawer(bool selected)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Ticker)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, selected };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0, nullptr);
bool DMenuItemBase::Selectable()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Selectable)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::Activate()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Activate)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
FName DMenuItemBase::GetAction(int *pparam)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, GetAction)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval[2];
VMReturn ret[2]; ret[0].IntAt(&retval[0]); ret[1].IntAt(&retval[1]);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), ret, 2, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return NAME_None;
bool DMenuItemBase::SetString(int i, const char *s)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, SetString)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, i, FString(s) };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::GetString(int i, char *s, int len)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, GetString)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, i };
int retval;
FString retstr;
VMReturn ret[2]; ret[0].IntAt(&retval); ret[1].StringAt(&retstr);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), ret, 2, nullptr);
strncpy(s, retstr, len);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::SetValue(int i, int value)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, SetValue)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, i, value };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::GetValue(int i, int *pvalue)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, GetValue)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval[2];
VMReturn ret[2]; ret[0].IntAt(&retval[0]); ret[1].IntAt(&retval[1]);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), ret, 2, nullptr);
*pvalue = retval[1];
return !!retval[0];
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::Enable(bool on)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Enable)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, on };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0, nullptr);
bool DMenuItemBase::MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, MenuEvent)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, mkey, fromcontroller };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, MouseEvent)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, x, y };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool DMenuItemBase::CheckHotkey(int c)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, CheckHotkey)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, c };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return !!retval;
return false;
int DMenuItemBase::GetWidth()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, GetWidth)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return retval;
return false;
int DMenuItemBase::GetIndent()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, GetIndent)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return retval;
return false;
int DMenuItemBase::Draw(DOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
IFVIRTUAL(DMenuItemBase, Draw)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, desc, y, indent, selected };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1, nullptr);
return retval;
return false;
void DMenuItemBase::DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTextureID tex)
if (tex.isNull())
if ((DMenu::MenuTime % 8) < 6)
screen->DrawText(ConFont, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection,
(mXpos + xofs - 160) * CleanXfac + screen->GetWidth() / 2,
(mYpos + yofs - 100) * CleanYfac + screen->GetHeight() / 2,
DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac,
DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac,
screen->DrawTexture(TexMan(tex), mXpos + xofs, mYpos + yofs, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemSubmenu(const char *label, FName cmd, int center);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemControl(const char *label, FName cmd, FKeyBindings *bindings);

View file

@ -302,257 +302,33 @@ class DMenuItemBase : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DMenuItemBase, DObject)
int mXpos, mYpos;
FName mAction;
FNameNoInit mAction;
bool mEnabled;
DMenuItemBase(int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0, FName action = NAME_None)
mXpos = xpos;
mYpos = ypos;
mAction = action;
mEnabled = true;
virtual bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y);
virtual void Ticker();
virtual void Drawer(bool selected);
virtual bool Selectable();
virtual bool Activate();
virtual FName GetAction(int *pparam);
virtual bool SetString(int i, const char *s);
virtual bool GetString(int i, char *s, int len);
virtual bool SetValue(int i, int value);
virtual bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue);
virtual void Enable(bool on);
virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
virtual bool CheckHotkey(int c);
virtual int GetWidth();
virtual int GetIndent() { return 0; }
virtual int Draw(DOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected) { return indent; }
void DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTextureID tex);
bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y);
void Ticker();
void Drawer(bool selected);
bool Selectable();
bool Activate();
FName GetAction(int *pparam);
bool SetString(int i, const char *s);
bool GetString(int i, char *s, int len);
bool SetValue(int i, int value);
bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue);
void Enable(bool on);
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
bool CheckHotkey(int c);
int GetWidth();
int GetIndent();
int Draw(DOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected);
void OffsetPositionY(int ydelta) { mYpos += ydelta; }
int GetY() { return mYpos; }
int GetX() { return mXpos; }
void SetX(int x) { mXpos = x; }
void DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTextureID tex);
class DListMenuItemStaticPatch_ : public DMenuItemBase
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemStaticPatch_, DMenuItemBase)
FTextureID mTexture;
bool mCentered;
DListMenuItemStaticPatch_() {}
DListMenuItemStaticPatch_(int x, int y, FTextureID patch, bool centered);
void Drawer(bool selected);
class DListMenuItemStaticText_ : public DMenuItemBase
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemStaticText_, DMenuItemBase)
FString mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mColor;
bool mCentered;
DListMenuItemStaticText_() {}
DListMenuItemStaticText_(int x, int y, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, bool centered);
void Drawer(bool selected);
// the player sprite window
class DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_ : public DMenuItemBase
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_, DMenuItemBase)
DListMenuDescriptor *mOwner;
FTexture *mBackdrop;
FRemapTable mRemap;
FPlayerClass *mPlayerClass;
FState *mPlayerState;
int mPlayerTics;
bool mNoportrait;
BYTE mRotation;
BYTE mMode; // 0: automatic (used by class selection), 1: manual (used by player setup)
BYTE mTranslate;
int mSkin;
int mRandomClass;
int mRandomTimer;
int mClassNum;
void SetPlayerClass(int classnum, bool force = false);
bool UpdatePlayerClass();
void UpdateRandomClass();
void UpdateTranslation();
DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_() {}
PDF_ROTATION = 0x10001,
PDF_SKIN = 0x10002,
PDF_CLASS = 0x10003,
PDF_MODE = 0x10004,
PDF_TRANSLATE = 0x10005,
DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_(DListMenuDescriptor *menu, int x, int y, PalEntry c1, PalEntry c2, bool np, FName action);
void OnDestroy() override;
virtual void Ticker();
virtual void Drawer(bool selected);
bool SetValue(int i, int value);
// selectable items
class DListMenuItemSelectable_ : public DMenuItemBase
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemSelectable_, DMenuItemBase)
int mHotkey;
int mHeight;
int mParam;
DListMenuItemSelectable_() {}
DListMenuItemSelectable_(int x, int y, int height, FName childmenu, int mParam = -1);
bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y);
bool Selectable();
bool CheckHotkey(int c);
bool Activate();
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
FName GetAction(int *pparam);
class DListMenuItemText_ : public DListMenuItemSelectable_
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemText_, DListMenuItemSelectable_)
const char *mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mColor;
EColorRange mColorSelected;
DListMenuItemText_() {}
DListMenuItemText_(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, EColorRange color2, FName child, int param = 0);
void OnDestroy() override;
void Drawer(bool selected);
int GetWidth();
class DListMenuItemPatch_ : public DListMenuItemSelectable_
DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuItemPatch_, DListMenuItemSelectable_)
FTextureID mTexture;
DListMenuItemPatch_() {}
DListMenuItemPatch_(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTextureID patch, FName child, int param = 0);
void Drawer(bool selected);
int GetWidth();
// items for the player menu
class DPlayerNameBox_ : public DListMenuItemSelectable_
DECLARE_CLASS(DPlayerNameBox_, DListMenuItemSelectable_)
FString mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mFontColor;
int mFrameSize;
char mPlayerName[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
char mEditName[MAXPLAYERNAME+2];
bool mEntering;
void DrawBorder (int x, int y, int len);
DPlayerNameBox_() {}
DPlayerNameBox_(int x, int y, int height, int frameofs, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, FName action);
bool SetString(int i, const char *s);
bool GetString(int i, char *s, int len);
void Drawer(bool selected);
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
// items for the player menu
class DValueTextItem_ : public DListMenuItemSelectable_
DECLARE_CLASS(DValueTextItem_, DListMenuItemSelectable_)
TArray<FString> mSelections;
FString mText;
int mSelection;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mFontColor;
EColorRange mFontColor2;
DValueTextItem_() {}
DValueTextItem_(int x, int y, int height, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, EColorRange valuecolor, FName action, FName values);
bool SetString(int i, const char *s);
bool SetValue(int i, int value);
bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue);
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
void Drawer(bool selected);
// items for the player menu
class DSliderItem_ : public DListMenuItemSelectable_
DECLARE_CLASS(DSliderItem_, DListMenuItemSelectable_)
FString mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mFontColor;
int mMinrange, mMaxrange;
int mStep;
int mSelection;
void DrawSlider (int x, int y);
DSliderItem_() {}
DSliderItem_(int x, int y, int height, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, FName action, int min, int max, int step);
bool SetValue(int i, int value);
bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue);
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
void Drawer(bool selected);
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
@ -594,36 +370,6 @@ public:
// base class for menu items
class DMenuItemBase : public DMenuItemBase
FString mLabel;
bool mCentered;
void drawLabel(int indent, int y, EColorRange color, bool grayed = false);
DMenuItemBase(const char *text = nullptr, FName action = NAME_None, bool center = false)
: DMenuItemBase(0, 0, action)
mLabel = text;
mCentered = center;
virtual int Draw(DOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected);
virtual bool Selectable();
virtual int GetIndent();
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
@ -762,5 +508,7 @@ DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoySensitivity(const char * label, double
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyScale(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemInverter(const char *label, int axis, int center);
DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuSliderJoyDeadZone(const char *label, int axis, double min, double max, double step, int showval);
DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemPatch(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTextureID tex, FName command, int param);
DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemText(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const char *text, FFont *font, PalEntry color1, PalEntry color2, FName command, int param);

View file

@ -336,87 +336,6 @@ static void ParseListMenuBody(FScanner &sc, DListMenuDescriptor *desc)
desc->mWRight = sc.Number;
else if (sc.Compare("StaticPatch") || sc.Compare("StaticPatchCentered"))
bool centered = sc.Compare("StaticPatchCentered");
int x = sc.Number;
int y = sc.Number;
FTextureID tex = GetMenuTexture(sc.String);
DMenuItemBase *it = new DListMenuItemStaticPatch_(x, y, tex, centered);
else if (sc.Compare("StaticText") || sc.Compare("StaticTextCentered"))
bool centered = sc.Compare("StaticTextCentered");
int x = sc.Number;
int y = sc.Number;
FString label = sc.String;
EColorRange cr = desc->mFontColor;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
cr = V_FindFontColor(sc.String);
if (cr == CR_UNTRANSLATED && !sc.Compare("untranslated")) cr = desc->mFontColor;
DMenuItemBase *it = new DListMenuItemStaticText_(x, y, label, desc->mFont, cr, centered);
else if (sc.Compare("PatchItem"))
FTextureID tex = GetMenuTexture(sc.String);
int hotkey = sc.String[0];
FName action = sc.String;
int param = 0;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
param = sc.Number;
DMenuItemBase *it = new DListMenuItemPatch_(desc->mXpos, desc->mYpos, desc->mLinespacing, hotkey, tex, action, param);
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size()-1;
else if (sc.Compare("TextItem"))
FString text = sc.String;
int hotkey = sc.String[0];
FName action = sc.String;
int param = 0;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
param = sc.Number;
DMenuItemBase *it = new DListMenuItemText_(desc->mXpos, desc->mYpos, desc->mLinespacing, hotkey, text, desc->mFont, desc->mFontColor, desc->mFontColor2, action, param);
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size()-1;
else if (sc.Compare("Font"))
@ -443,88 +362,124 @@ static void ParseListMenuBody(FScanner &sc, DListMenuDescriptor *desc)
desc->mNetgameMessage = sc.String;
else if (sc.Compare("PlayerDisplay"))
bool noportrait = false;
FName action = NAME_None;
int x = sc.Number;
int y = sc.Number;
PalEntry c1 = V_GetColor(nullptr, sc);
PalEntry c2 = V_GetColor(nullptr, sc);
if (sc.CheckString(","))
bool success = false;
FStringf buildname("ListMenuItem%s", sc.String);
PClass *cls = PClass::FindClass(buildname);
if (cls != nullptr && cls->IsDescendantOf("ListMenuItem"))
noportrait = !!sc.Number;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
auto func = dyn_cast<PFunction>(cls->Symbols.FindSymbol("Init", false));
if (func != nullptr && !(func->Variants[0].Flags & (VARF_Protected | VARF_Private))) // skip internal classes which have a protexted init method.
action = sc.String;
auto &args = func->Variants[0].Proto->ArgumentTypes;
TArray<VMValue> params;
int start = 1;
if (args.Size() > 1 && args[1] == NewPointer(PClass::FindClass("ListMenuDescriptor")))
start = 2;
auto TypeCVar = NewPointer(NewNativeStruct("CVar", nullptr));
for (unsigned i = 1; i < args.Size(); i++)
if (args[i] == TypeString)
else if (args[i] == TypeName)
else if (args[i] == TypeColor)
params.Push(V_GetColor(nullptr, sc));
else if (args[i] == TypeFont)
else if (args[i]->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)))
char *endp;
int v = (int)strtoll(sc.String, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != 0)
// special check for font color ranges.
v = V_FindFontColor(sc.String);
if (v == CR_UNTRANSLATED && !sc.Compare("untranslated"))
// todo: check other data types that may get used.
sc.ScriptError("Integer expected, got %s", sc.String);
if (args[i] == TypeBool) v = !!v;
else if (args[i]->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFloat)))
char *endp;
double v = strtod(sc.String, &endp);
if (*endp != 0)
sc.ScriptError("Float expected, got %s", sc.String);
else if (args[i] == TypeCVar)
auto cv = FindCVar(sc.String, nullptr);
if (cv == nullptr && *sc.String)
sc.ScriptError("Unknown CVar %s", sc.String);
sc.ScriptError("Invalid parameter type %s for menu item", args[i]->DescriptiveName());
if (sc.CheckString(","))
if (i == args.Size() - 1)
sc.ScriptError("Too many parameters for %s", cls->TypeName.GetChars());
if (i < args.Size() - 1 && !(func->Variants[0].ArgFlags[i + 1] & VARF_Optional))
sc.ScriptError("Insufficient parameters for %s", cls->TypeName.GetChars());
DMenuItemBase *item = (DMenuItemBase*)cls->CreateNew();
params[0] = item;
GlobalVMStack.Call(func->Variants[0].Implementation, &params[0], params.Size(), nullptr, 0);
if (cls->IsDescendantOf("ListMenuItemSelectable"))
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size() - 1;
success = true;
DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_ *it = new DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_(desc, x, y, c1, c2, noportrait, action);
else if (sc.Compare("PlayerNameBox"))
FString text = sc.String;
int ofs = sc.Number;
DMenuItemBase *it = new DPlayerNameBox_(desc->mXpos, desc->mYpos, desc->mLinespacing, ofs, text, desc->mFont, desc->mFontColor, sc.String);
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size()-1;
else if (sc.Compare("ValueText"))
FString text = sc.String;
FName action = sc.String;
FName values;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
if (!success)
values = sc.String;
sc.ScriptError("Unknown keyword '%s'", sc.String);
DMenuItemBase *it = new DValueTextItem_(desc->mXpos, desc->mYpos, desc->mLinespacing, text, desc->mFont, desc->mFontColor, desc->mFontColor2, action, values);
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size()-1;
else if (sc.Compare("Slider"))
FString text = sc.String;
FString action = sc.String;
int min = sc.Number;
int max = sc.Number;
int step = sc.Number;
DMenuItemBase *it = new DSliderItem_(desc->mXpos, desc->mYpos, desc->mLinespacing, text, desc->mFont, desc->mFontColor, action, min, max, step);
desc->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
if (desc->mSelectedItem == -1) desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size()-1;
sc.ScriptError("Unknown keyword '%s'", sc.String);
@ -835,7 +790,7 @@ static void ParseOptionMenuBody(FScanner &sc, DOptionMenuDescriptor *desc)
if (args[i] == TypeBool) v = !!v;
else if (args[i]->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)))
else if (args[i]->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFloat)))
char *endp;
double v = strtod(sc.String, &endp);
@ -1060,12 +1015,11 @@ static void BuildEpisodeMenu()
if (AllEpisodes[i].mPicName.IsNotEmpty())
FTextureID tex = GetMenuTexture(AllEpisodes[i].mPicName);
it = new DListMenuItemPatch_(ld->mXpos, posy, ld->mLinespacing, AllEpisodes[i].mShortcut,
tex, NAME_Skillmenu, i);
it = CreateListMenuItemPatch(ld->mXpos, posy, ld->mLinespacing, AllEpisodes[i].mShortcut, tex, NAME_Skillmenu, i);
it = new DListMenuItemText_(ld->mXpos, posy, ld->mLinespacing, AllEpisodes[i].mShortcut,
it = CreateListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, posy, ld->mLinespacing, AllEpisodes[i].mShortcut,
AllEpisodes[i].mEpisodeName, ld->mFont, ld->mFontColor, ld->mFontColor2, NAME_Skillmenu, i);
@ -1158,7 +1112,7 @@ static void BuildPlayerclassMenu()
if (numclassitems <= 1)
// create a dummy item that auto-chooses the default class.
DListMenuItemText_ *it = new DListMenuItemText_(0, 0, 0, 'p', "player",
auto it = CreateListMenuItemText(0, 0, 0, 'p', "player",
ld->mFont,ld->mFontColor, ld->mFontColor2, NAME_Episodemenu, -1000);
ld->mAutoselect = ld->mItems.Push(it);
success = true;
@ -1184,7 +1138,7 @@ static void BuildPlayerclassMenu()
const char *pname = GetPrintableDisplayName(PlayerClasses[i].Type);
if (pname != nullptr)
DListMenuItemText_ *it = new DListMenuItemText_(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, *pname,
auto it = CreateListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, *pname,
pname, ld->mFont,ld->mFontColor,ld->mFontColor2, NAME_Episodemenu, i);
ld->mYpos += ld->mLinespacing;
@ -1194,7 +1148,7 @@ static void BuildPlayerclassMenu()
if (n > 1 && !gameinfo.norandomplayerclass)
DListMenuItemText_ *it = new DListMenuItemText_(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, 'r',
auto it = CreateListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, 'r',
"$MNU_RANDOM", ld->mFont,ld->mFontColor,ld->mFontColor2, NAME_Episodemenu, -1);
@ -1203,7 +1157,7 @@ static void BuildPlayerclassMenu()
const char *pname = GetPrintableDisplayName(PlayerClasses[0].Type);
if (pname != nullptr)
DListMenuItemText_ *it = new DListMenuItemText_(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, *pname,
auto it = CreateListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, ld->mYpos, ld->mLinespacing, *pname,
pname, ld->mFont,ld->mFontColor,ld->mFontColor2, NAME_Episodemenu, 0);
@ -1464,13 +1418,13 @@ void M_StartupSkillMenu(FGameStartup *gs)
if (skill.PicName.Len() != 0 && pItemText == nullptr)
FTextureID tex = GetMenuTexture(skill.PicName);
li = new DListMenuItemPatch_(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, skill.Shortcut, tex, action, i);
li = CreateListMenuItemPatch(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, skill.Shortcut, tex, action, i);
EColorRange color = (EColorRange)skill.GetTextColor();
if (color == CR_UNTRANSLATED) color = ld->mFontColor;
li = new DListMenuItemText_(x, y, ld->mLinespacing, skill.Shortcut,
li = CreateListMenuItemText(x, y, ld->mLinespacing, skill.Shortcut,
pItemText? *pItemText : skill.MenuName, ld->mFont, color,ld->mFontColor2, action, i);

View file

@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
** playerdisplay.cpp
** The player display for the player setup and class selection screen
** Copyright 2010 Christoph Oelckers
** All rights reserved.
** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
** are met:
** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "menu/menu.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "textures/textures.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_, false, false)
DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_(DListMenuDescriptor *menu, int x, int y, PalEntry c1, PalEntry c2, bool np, FName action)
: DMenuItemBase(x, y, action)
mOwner = menu;
FRemapTable *bdremap = translationtables[TRANSLATION_Players][MAXPLAYERS + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
int r = c1.r + c2.r * i / 255;
int g = c1.g + c2.g * i / 255;
int b = c1.b + c2.b * i / 255;
bdremap->Remap[i] = ColorMatcher.Pick (r, g, b);
bdremap->Palette[i] = PalEntry(255, r, g, b);
auto id = TexMan.CheckForTexture("PlayerBackdrop", FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);
mBackdrop = TexMan[id];
mPlayerClass = NULL;
mPlayerState = NULL;
mNoportrait = np;
mMode = 0;
mRotation = 0;
mTranslate = false;
mSkin = 0;
mRandomClass = 0;
mRandomTimer = 0;
mClassNum = -1;
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::OnDestroy()
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::UpdateRandomClass()
if (--mRandomTimer < 0)
if (++mRandomClass >= (int)PlayerClasses.Size ()) mRandomClass = 0;
mPlayerClass = &PlayerClasses[mRandomClass];
mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass->Type)->SeeState;
if (mPlayerState == NULL)
{ // No see state, so try spawn state.
mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass->Type)->SpawnState;
mPlayerTics = mPlayerState != NULL ? mPlayerState->GetTics() : -1;
mRandomTimer = 6;
// Since the newly displayed class may used a different translation
// range than the old one, we need to update the translation, too.
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::UpdateTranslation()
int PlayerColor = players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetColor();
int PlayerSkin = players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetSkin();
int PlayerColorset = players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetColorSet();
if (mPlayerClass != NULL)
PlayerSkin = R_FindSkin (skins[PlayerSkin].name, int(mPlayerClass - &PlayerClasses[0]));
R_GetPlayerTranslation(PlayerColor, GetColorSet(mPlayerClass->Type, PlayerColorset),
&skins[PlayerSkin], translationtables[TRANSLATION_Players][MAXPLAYERS]);
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::SetPlayerClass(int classnum, bool force)
if (classnum < 0 || classnum >= (int)PlayerClasses.Size ())
if (mClassNum != -1)
mClassNum = -1;
mRandomTimer = 0;
else if (mPlayerClass != &PlayerClasses[classnum] || force)
mPlayerClass = &PlayerClasses[classnum];
mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass->Type)->SeeState;
if (mPlayerState == NULL)
{ // No see state, so try spawn state.
mPlayerState = GetDefaultByType (mPlayerClass->Type)->SpawnState;
mPlayerTics = mPlayerState != NULL ? mPlayerState->GetTics() : -1;
mClassNum = classnum;
bool DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::UpdatePlayerClass()
if (mOwner->mSelectedItem >= 0)
int classnum;
FName seltype = mOwner->mItems[mOwner->mSelectedItem]->GetAction(&classnum);
if (seltype != NAME_Episodemenu) return false;
if (PlayerClasses.Size() == 0) return false;
return true;
return false;
bool DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::SetValue(int i, int value)
switch (i)
case PDF_MODE:
mMode = value;
return true;
mRotation = value;
return true;
mTranslate = value;
SetPlayerClass(value, true);
case PDF_SKIN:
mSkin = value;
return false;
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::Ticker()
if (mClassNum < 0) UpdateRandomClass();
if (mPlayerState != NULL && mPlayerState->GetTics () != -1 && mPlayerState->GetNextState () != NULL)
if (--mPlayerTics <= 0)
mPlayerState = mPlayerState->GetNextState();
mPlayerTics = mPlayerState->GetTics();
void DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::Drawer(bool selected)
if (mMode == 0 && !UpdatePlayerClass())
FName portrait = ((APlayerPawn*)GetDefaultByType(mPlayerClass->Type))->Portrait;
if (portrait != NAME_None && !mNoportrait)
FTextureID texid = TexMan.CheckForTexture(portrait.GetChars(), FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);
if (texid.isValid())
FTexture *tex = TexMan(texid);
if (tex != NULL)
screen->DrawTexture (tex, mXpos, mYpos, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = (mXpos - 160) * CleanXfac + (SCREENWIDTH>>1);
int y = (mYpos - 100) * CleanYfac + (SCREENHEIGHT>>1);
screen->DrawTexture(mBackdrop, x, y - 1,
DTA_DestWidth, 72 * CleanXfac,
DTA_DestHeight, 80 * CleanYfac,
DTA_Masked, true,
V_DrawFrame (x, y, 72*CleanXfac, 80*CleanYfac-1);
spriteframe_t *sprframe = NULL;
DVector2 Scale;
if (mPlayerState != NULL)
if (mSkin == 0)
sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprites[mPlayerState->sprite].spriteframes + mPlayerState->GetFrame()];
Scale = GetDefaultByType(mPlayerClass->Type)->Scale;
sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprites[skins[mSkin].sprite].spriteframes + mPlayerState->GetFrame()];
Scale = skins[mSkin].Scale;
if (sprframe != NULL)
FTexture *tex = TexMan(sprframe->Texture[mRotation]);
if (tex != NULL && tex->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null)
int trans = mTranslate? TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Players, MAXPLAYERS) : 0;
screen->DrawTexture (tex,
x + 36*CleanXfac, y + 71*CleanYfac,
DTA_DestWidthF, tex->GetScaledWidthDouble() * CleanXfac * Scale.X,
DTA_DestHeightF, tex->GetScaledHeightDouble() * CleanYfac * Scale.Y,
DTA_TranslationIndex, trans,
DTA_FlipX, sprframe->Flip & (1 << mRotation),

View file

@ -55,428 +55,6 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Float, autoaim)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, neverswitchonpickup)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, cl_run)
// Player's name
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DPlayerNameBox_, false, false)
DPlayerNameBox_::DPlayerNameBox_(int x, int y, int height, int frameofs, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, FName action)
: DListMenuItemSelectable_(x, y, height, action)
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mFontColor = color;
mFrameSize = frameofs;
mPlayerName[0] = 0;
mEntering = false;
bool DPlayerNameBox_::SetString(int i, const char *s)
if (i == 0)
strncpy(mPlayerName, s, MAXPLAYERNAME);
mPlayerName[MAXPLAYERNAME] = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool DPlayerNameBox_::GetString(int i, char *s, int len)
if (i == 0)
strncpy(s, mPlayerName, len);
s[len] = 0;
return true;
return false;
// [RH] Width of the border is variable
void DPlayerNameBox_::DrawBorder (int x, int y, int len)
FTexture *left = TexMan[TexMan.CheckForTexture("M_LSLEFT", FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch)];
FTexture *mid = TexMan[TexMan.CheckForTexture("M_LSCNTR", FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch)];
FTexture *right = TexMan[TexMan.CheckForTexture("M_LSRGHT", FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch)];
if (left != NULL && right != NULL && mid != NULL)
int i;
screen->DrawTexture (left, x-8, y+7, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
screen->DrawTexture (mid, x, y+7, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
x += 8;
screen->DrawTexture (right, x, y+7, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
FTexture *slot = TexMan[TexMan.CheckForTexture("M_FSLOT", FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch)];
if (slot != NULL)
screen->DrawTexture (slot, x, y+1, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
screen->Clear(x, y, x + len, y + SmallFont->GetHeight() * 3/2, -1, 0);
void DPlayerNameBox_::Drawer(bool selected)
const char *text = mText;
if (text != NULL)
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : mFontColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
// Draw player name box
int x = mXpos + mFont->StringWidth(text) + 16 + mFrameSize;
DrawBorder (x, mYpos - mFrameSize, MAXPLAYERNAME+1);
if (!mEntering)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x + mFrameSize, mYpos, mPlayerName,
DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
size_t l = strlen(mEditName);
mEditName[l] = SmallFont->GetCursor();
mEditName[l+1] = 0;
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x + mFrameSize, mYpos, mEditName,
DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
mEditName[l] = 0;
bool DPlayerNameBox_::MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
if (mkey == MKEY_Enter)
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/choose", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
strcpy(mEditName, mPlayerName);
mEntering = true;
DMenu *input = new DTextEnterMenu(DMenu::CurrentMenu, mEditName, MAXPLAYERNAME, 2, fromcontroller);
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Input)
strcpy(mPlayerName, mEditName);
mEntering = false;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Abort)
mEntering = false;
return true;
return false;
// items for the player menu
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DValueTextItem_, false, false)
DValueTextItem_::DValueTextItem_(int x, int y, int height, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, EColorRange valuecolor, FName action, FName values)
: DListMenuItemSelectable_(x, y, height, action)
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mFontColor = color;
mFontColor2 = valuecolor;
mSelection = 0;
if (values != NAME_None)
FOptionValues **opt = OptionValues.CheckKey(values);
if (opt != NULL)
for(unsigned i=0;i<(*opt)->mValues.Size(); i++)
SetString(i, (*opt)->mValues[i].Text);
bool DValueTextItem_::SetString(int i, const char *s)
// should actually use the index...
FString str = s;
if (i==0) mSelections.Clear();
return true;
bool DValueTextItem_::SetValue(int i, int value)
if (i == 0)
mSelection = value;
return true;
return false;
bool DValueTextItem_::GetValue(int i, int *pvalue)
if (i == 0)
*pvalue = mSelection;
return true;
return false;
bool DValueTextItem_::MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
if (mSelections.Size() > 1)
if (mkey == MKEY_Left)
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/change", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
if (--mSelection < 0) mSelection = mSelections.Size() - 1;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Right || mkey == MKEY_Enter)
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/change", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
if (++mSelection >= (int)mSelections.Size()) mSelection = 0;
return true;
return (mkey == MKEY_Enter); // needs to eat enter keys so that Activate won't get called
void DValueTextItem_::Drawer(bool selected)
const char *text = mText;
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : mFontColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = mXpos + mFont->StringWidth(text) + 8;
if (mSelections.Size() > 0)
const char *mOptValue = mSelections[mSelection];
if (*mOptValue == '$') mOptValue = GStrings(mOptValue + 1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, mFontColor2, x, mYpos, mOptValue, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
// items for the player menu
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DSliderItem_, false, false)
DSliderItem_::DSliderItem_(int x, int y, int height, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, FName action, int min, int max, int step)
: DListMenuItemSelectable_(x, y, height, action)
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mFontColor = color;
mSelection = 0;
mMinrange = min;
mMaxrange = max;
mStep = step;
bool DSliderItem_::SetValue(int i, int value)
if (i == 0)
mSelection = value;
return true;
return false;
bool DSliderItem_::GetValue(int i, int *pvalue)
if (i == 0)
*pvalue = mSelection;
return true;
return false;
bool DSliderItem_::MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
if (mkey == MKEY_Left)
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/change", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
if ((mSelection -= mStep) < mMinrange) mSelection = mMinrange;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Right || mkey == MKEY_Enter)
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/change", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
if ((mSelection += mStep) > mMaxrange) mSelection = mMaxrange;
return true;
return false;
bool DSliderItem_::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
DListMenu *lm = static_cast<DListMenu*>(DMenu::CurrentMenu);
if (type != DMenu::MOUSE_Click)
if (!lm->CheckFocus(this)) return false;
if (type == DMenu::MOUSE_Release)
int slide_left = SmallFont->StringWidth ("Green") + 8 + mXpos;
int slide_right = slide_left + 12*8; // 12 char cells with 8 pixels each.
if (type == DMenu::MOUSE_Click)
if (x < slide_left || x >= slide_right) return true;
x = clamp(x, slide_left, slide_right);
int v = mMinrange + Scale(x - slide_left, mMaxrange - mMinrange, slide_right - slide_left);
if (v != mSelection)
mSelection = v;
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/change", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
if (type == DMenu::MOUSE_Click)
return true;
void DSliderItem_::DrawSlider (int x, int y)
int range = mMaxrange - mMinrange;
int cur = mSelection - mMinrange;
x = (x - 160) * CleanXfac + screen->GetWidth() / 2;
y = (y - 100) * CleanYfac + screen->GetHeight() / 2;
screen->DrawText (ConFont, CR_WHITE, x, y,
DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac,
DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac,
screen->DrawText (ConFont, CR_ORANGE, x + (5 + (int)((cur * 78) / range)) * CleanXfac, y,
DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac,
DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac,
void DSliderItem_::Drawer(bool selected)
const char *text = mText;
if (*text == '$') text = GStrings(text+1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : mFontColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = SmallFont->StringWidth ("Green") + 8 + mXpos;
int x2 = SmallFont->StringWidth (text) + 8 + mXpos;
DrawSlider (MAX(x2, x), mYpos);
@ -524,6 +102,14 @@ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DPlayerMenu, false, false)
enum EPDFlags
ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_ROTATION = 0x10001,
ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_SKIN = 0x10002,
ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_CLASS = 0x10003,
ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_MODE = 0x10004,
ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_TRANSLATE = 0x10005,
void DPlayerMenu::Init(DMenu *parent, DListMenuDescriptor *desc)
@ -536,14 +122,14 @@ void DPlayerMenu::Init(DMenu *parent, DListMenuDescriptor *desc)
li = GetItem(NAME_Playerdisplay);
if (li != NULL)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_ROTATION, 0);
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_MODE, 1);
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_TRANSLATE, 1);
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_CLASS, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum());
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_ROTATION, 0);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_MODE, 1);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_TRANSLATE, 1);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_CLASS, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum());
if (PlayerClass != NULL && !(GetDefaultByType (PlayerClass->Type)->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN) &&
players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum() != -1)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_SKIN, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetSkin());
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_SKIN, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetSkin());
@ -658,7 +244,7 @@ bool DPlayerMenu::Responder (event_t *ev)
DMenuItemBase *li = GetItem(NAME_Playerdisplay);
if (li != NULL)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_ROTATION, mRotation);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_ROTATION, mRotation);
return true;
@ -812,7 +398,7 @@ void DPlayerMenu::UpdateSkins()
li = GetItem(NAME_Playerdisplay);
if (li != NULL)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_SKIN, skin);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_SKIN, skin);
@ -908,7 +494,7 @@ void DPlayerMenu::ClassChanged (DMenuItemBase *li)
li = GetItem(NAME_Playerdisplay);
if (li != NULL)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_CLASS, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum());
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_CLASS, players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum());
@ -939,7 +525,7 @@ void DPlayerMenu::SkinChanged (DMenuItemBase *li)
li = GetItem(NAME_Playerdisplay);
if (li != NULL)
li->SetValue(DListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_::PDF_SKIN, sel);
li->SetValue(ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay_PDF_SKIN, sel);

View file

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ListMenuItemStaticPatch : ListMenuItem
TextureID mTexture;
bool mCentered;
void Init(int x, int y, TextureID patch, bool centered)
void Init(int x, int y, TextureID patch, bool centered = false)
Super.Init(x, y);
mTexture = patch;
@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ class ListMenuItemStaticPatch : ListMenuItem
class ListMenuItemStatucPatchCentered : ListMenuItemStaticPatch
void Init(int x, int y, TextureID patch)
Super.Init(x, y, patch, true);
// static text
@ -111,7 +119,7 @@ class ListMenuItemStaticText : ListMenuItem
int mColor;
bool mCentered;
void Init(int x, int y, String text, Font font, int color, bool centered)
void Init(int x, int y, String text, Font font, int color, bool centered = false)
Super.Init(x, y);
mText = text;
@ -141,6 +149,14 @@ class ListMenuItemStaticText : ListMenuItem
class ListMenuItemStatucTextCentered : ListMenuItemStaticText
void Init(int x, int y, String text, Font font, int color)
Super.Init(x, y, text, font, color, true);
// selectable items
@ -153,7 +169,7 @@ class ListMenuItemSelectable : ListMenuItem
int mHeight;
int mParam;
void Init(int x, int y, int height, Name childmenu, int param = -1)
protected void Init(int x, int y, int height, Name childmenu, int param = -1)
Super.Init(x, y, childmenu);
mHeight = height;
@ -207,21 +223,31 @@ class ListMenuItemSelectable : ListMenuItem
class ListMenuItemText : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemTextItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
String mText;
Font mFont;
int mColor;
int mColorSelected;
void Init(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, String text, Font font, int color, int color2, Name child, int param = 0)
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc, String text, String hotkey, Name child, int param = 0)
Super.Init(desc.mXpos, desc.mYpos, desc.mLinespacing, child, param);
mText = text;
mFont = desc.mFont;
mColor = desc.mFontColor;
mColorSelected = desc.mFontcolor2;
mHotkey = hotkey.CharAt(0);
void InitDirect(int x, int y, int height, String hotkey, String text, Font font, int color, int color2, Name child, int param = 0)
Super.Init(x, y, height, child, param);
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mColor = color;
mColorSelected = color2;
mHotkey = hotkey;
mHotkey = hotkey.CharAt(0);
override void Drawer(bool selected)
@ -241,14 +267,21 @@ class ListMenuItemText : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemPatch : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemPatchItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
TextureID mTexture;
void Init(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, TextureID patch, Name child, int param = 0)
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc, TextureID patch, String hotkey, Name child, int param = 0)
Super.Init(desc.mXpos, desc.mYpos, desc.mLinespacing, child, param);
mHotkey = hotkey.CharAt(0);
mTexture = patch;
void InitDirect(int x, int y, int height, TextureID patch, String hotkey, Name child, int param = 0)
Super.Init(x, y, height, child, param);
mHotkey = hotkey;
mHotkey = hotkey.CharAt(0);
mTexture = patch;

View file

@ -29,17 +29,15 @@ class MenuItemBase : Object native
virtual bool SetValue(int i, int value) { return false; }
virtual bool, int GetValue(int i) { return false, 0; }
virtual void Enable(bool on) { mEnabled = on; }
// this can only be made scripted once all items are converted, because it is called from the colorpicker menu.
native virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);// { return false; }
virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller) { return false; }
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) { return false; }
virtual bool CheckHotkey(int c) { return false; }
virtual int GetWidth() { return 0; }
virtual void OffsetPositionY(int ydelta) { mYpos += ydelta; }
virtual int GetY() { return mYpos; }
virtual int GetX() { return mXpos; }
virtual void SetX(int x) { mXpos = x; }
virtual int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected) { return indent; }
void OffsetPositionY(int ydelta) { mYpos += ydelta; }
int GetY() { return mYpos; }
int GetX() { return mXpos; }
void SetX(int x) { mXpos = x; }

View file

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ListMenuItemPlayerDisplay : ListMenuItem
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor menu, int x, int y, Color c1, Color c2, bool np, Name command)
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor menu, Name command, int x, int y, Color c1, Color c2, bool np = false)
Super.Init(x, y, command);
mOwner = menu;

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
class PlayerNameBox : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemPlayerNameBox : ListMenuItemSelectable
String mText;
Font mFont;
@ -55,6 +55,23 @@ class PlayerNameBox : ListMenuItemSelectable
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc, String text, int frameofs, Name command)
Super.Init(desc.mXpos, desc.mYpos, desc.mLinespacing, command);
mText = text;
mFont = font;
mFontColor = color;
mFrameSize = frameofs;
mPlayerName = "";
mEntering = false;
// Player's name
void Init(int x, int y, int height, int frameofs, String text, Font font, int color, Name command)
Super.Init(x, y, height, command);
@ -197,7 +214,7 @@ class PlayerNameBox : ListMenuItemSelectable
class DValueTextItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemValueText : ListMenuItemSelectable
Array<String> mSelections;
String mText;
@ -212,7 +229,28 @@ class DValueTextItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
void Init(int x, int y, int height, String text, Font font, int color, int valuecolor, Name command, Name values)
void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc, String text, Name command, Name values = 'None')
Super.Init(desc.mXpos, desc.mYpos, desc.mLinespacing, command);
mText = text;
mFont = desc.mFont;
mFontColor = desc.mFontColor;
mFontColor2 = desc.mFontColor2;
mSelection = 0;
let cnt = OptionValues.GetCount(values);
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
SetString(i, OptionValues.GetText(values, i));
// items for the player menu
void InitDirect(int x, int y, int height, String text, Font font, int color, int valuecolor, Name command, Name values)
Super.Init(x, y, height, command);
mText = text;
@ -318,7 +356,7 @@ class DValueTextItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
class DSliderItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
class ListMenuItemSlider : ListMenuItemSelectable
String mText;
Font mFont;
@ -333,7 +371,25 @@ class DSliderItem : ListMenuItemSelectable
void Init(int x, int y, int height, String text, Font font, int color, Name command, int min, int max, int step)
void Init(ListMenuItemDescriptor desc, String text, Name command, int min, int max, int step)
Super.Init(desc.mXpos, desc.mYpos, desc.mLinespacing, command);
mText = text;
mFont = desc.mFont;
mFontColor = desc.mFontColor;
mSelection = 0;
mMinrange = min;
mMaxrange = max;
mStep = step;
// items for the player menu
void InitDirect(int x, int y, int height, String text, Font font, int color, Name command, int min, int max, int step)
Super.Init(x, y, height, command);
mText = text;