mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:02:26 +00:00
- backported all new scaling and rotation options for the 2D drawer from Raze.
With proper scaling and viewport support, things should become a lot easier now. The 2D drawer now also can rotate content by arbitrary angles.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 346 additions and 86 deletions
@ -401,10 +401,6 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddTexture(FGameTexture* img, DrawParms& parms)
double xscale = parms.destwidth / parms.texwidth;
double yscale = parms.destheight / parms.texheight;
double x = parms.x - parms.left * xscale;
double y = parms.y - parms.top * yscale;
double w = parms.destwidth;
double h = parms.destheight;
double u1, v1, u2, v2;
PalEntry vertexcolor;
@ -414,9 +410,15 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddTexture(FGameTexture* img, DrawParms& parms)
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mTexture = img;
if (img->isWarped()) dg.mFlags |= DTF_Wrap;
if (parms.indexed) dg.mFlags |= DTF_Indexed;
dg.mTranslationId = 0;
SetStyle(img, parms, vertexcolor, dg);
if (parms.indexed)
dg.mLightLevel = vertexcolor.Luminance();
vertexcolor = 0xffffffff;
if (!img->isHardwareCanvas() && parms.TranslationId != -1)
@ -427,44 +429,94 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddTexture(FGameTexture* img, DrawParms& parms)
u2 = parms.srcx + parms.srcwidth;
v2 = parms.srcy + parms.srcheight;
if (parms.flipX)
std::swap(u1, u2);
if (parms.flipY)
std::swap(v1, v2);
// This is crap. Only kept for backwards compatibility with scripts that may have used it.
// Note that this only works for unflipped full textures.
if (parms.windowleft > 0 || parms.windowright < parms.texwidth)
if (parms.flipX)
double wi = std::min(parms.windowright, parms.texwidth);
x += parms.windowleft * xscale;
w -= (parms.texwidth - wi + parms.windowleft) * xscale;
u1 = float(u1 + parms.windowleft / parms.texwidth);
u2 = float(u2 - (parms.texwidth - wi) / parms.texwidth);
std::swap(u1, u2);
if (x < (double)parms.lclip || y < (double)parms.uclip || x + w >(double)parms.rclip || y + h >(double)parms.dclip)
if (parms.flipY)
std::swap(v1, v2);
if (parms.rotateangle == 0)
double x = parms.x - parms.left * xscale;
double y = parms.y - parms.top * yscale;
double w = parms.destwidth;
double h = parms.destheight;
// This is crap. Only kept for backwards compatibility with scripts that may have used it.
// Note that this only works for unflipped and unrotated full textures.
if (parms.windowleft > 0 || parms.windowright < parms.texwidth)
double wi = std::min(parms.windowright, parms.texwidth);
x += parms.windowleft * xscale;
w -= (parms.texwidth - wi + parms.windowleft) * xscale;
u1 = float(u1 + parms.windowleft / parms.texwidth);
u2 = float(u2 - (parms.texwidth - wi) / parms.texwidth);
if (x < (double)parms.lclip || y < (double)parms.uclip || x + w >(double)parms.rclip || y + h >(double)parms.dclip)
dg.mScissor[0] = parms.lclip;
dg.mScissor[1] = parms.uclip;
dg.mScissor[2] = parms.rclip;
dg.mScissor[3] = parms.dclip;
dg.mFlags |= DTF_Scissor;
memset(dg.mScissor, 0, sizeof(dg.mScissor));
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
TwoDVertex* ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(x, y, 0, u1, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x, y + h, 0, u1, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y, 0, u2, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y + h, 0, u2, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
double radang = parms.rotateangle * (pi::pi() / 180.);
double cosang = cos(radang);
double sinang = sin(radang);
double xd1 = -parms.left;
double yd1 = -parms.top;
double xd2 = xd1 + parms.texwidth;
double yd2 = yd1 + parms.texheight;
double x1 = parms.x + xscale * (xd1 * cosang + yd1 * sinang);
double y1 = parms.y - yscale * (xd1 * sinang - yd1 * cosang);
double x2 = parms.x + xscale * (xd1 * cosang + yd2 * sinang);
double y2 = parms.y - yscale * (xd1 * sinang - yd2 * cosang);
double x3 = parms.x + xscale * (xd2 * cosang + yd1 * sinang);
double y3 = parms.y - yscale * (xd2 * sinang - yd1 * cosang);
double x4 = parms.x + xscale * (xd2 * cosang + yd2 * sinang);
double y4 = parms.y - yscale * (xd2 * sinang - yd2 * cosang);
dg.mScissor[0] = parms.lclip;
dg.mScissor[1] = parms.uclip;
dg.mScissor[2] = parms.rclip;
dg.mScissor[3] = parms.dclip;
dg.mFlags |= DTF_Scissor;
memset(dg.mScissor, 0, sizeof(dg.mScissor));
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
TwoDVertex *ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(x, y, 0, u1, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x, y + h, 0, u1, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y, 0, u2, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y + h, 0, u2, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
TwoDVertex* ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(x1, y1, 0, u1, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x2, y2, 0, u1, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x3, y3, 0, u2, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x4, y4, 0, u2, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
@ -693,7 +745,7 @@ float F2DDrawer::GetClassicFlatScalarHeight()
return sh;
void F2DDrawer::AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTexture *src, int local_origin, double flatscale)
void F2DDrawer::AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTexture *src, int local_origin, double flatscale, PalEntry color)
float fU1, fU2, fV1, fV2;
@ -789,18 +841,18 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTextu
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
auto ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(left, top, 0, fU1, fV1, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(left, top, 0, fU1, fV1, color); ptr++;
if (local_origin < 4)
ptr->Set(left, bottom, 0, fU1, fV2, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, top, 0, fU2, fV1, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(left, bottom, 0, fU1, fV2, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, top, 0, fU2, fV1, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(left, bottom, 0, fU2, fV1, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, top, 0, fU1, fV2, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(left, bottom, 0, fU2, fV1, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, top, 0, fU1, fV2, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, bottom, 0, fU2, fV2, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, bottom, 0, fU2, fV2, color); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
@ -945,8 +997,12 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddPixel(int x1, int y1, uint32_t color)
void F2DDrawer::Clear()
mIsFirstPass = true;
if (!locked)
mIsFirstPass = true;
screenFade = 1.f;
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ public:
DTF_Wrap = 1,
DTF_Scissor = 2,
DTF_Burn = 4,
DTF_Indexed = 8,
@ -164,6 +165,8 @@ public:
TArray<RenderCommand> mData;
int Width, Height;
bool isIn2D;
bool locked; // prevents clearing of the data so it can be reused multiple times (useful for screen fades)
float screenFade = 1.f;
int fullscreenautoaspect = 0;
int cliptop = -1, clipleft = -1, clipwidth = -1, clipheight = -1;
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ public:
void AddPoly(FGameTexture* img, FVector4 *vt, size_t vtcount, unsigned int *ind, size_t idxcount, int translation, PalEntry color, FRenderStyle style, int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2);
void FillPolygon(int* rx1, int* ry1, int* xb1, int32_t npoints, int picnum, int palette, int shade, int props, const FVector2& xtex, const FVector2& ytex, const FVector2& otex,
int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2);
void AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTexture *src, int local_origin = false, double flatscale = 1.0);
void AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTexture *src, int local_origin = false, double flatscale = 1.0, PalEntry color = 0xffffffff);
void AddColorOnlyQuad(int left, int top, int width, int height, PalEntry color, FRenderStyle *style = nullptr, bool prepend = false);
void ClearScreen(PalEntry color = 0xff000000);
@ -199,6 +202,9 @@ public:
void AddPixel(int x1, int y1, uint32_t color);
void Clear();
void Lock() { locked = true; }
void SetScreenFade(float factor) { screenFade = factor; }
void Unlock() { locked = false; }
int GetWidth() const { return Width; }
int GetHeight() const { return Height; }
void SetSize(int w, int h) { Width = w; Height = h; }
@ -210,6 +216,11 @@ public:
void SetClipRect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
void GetClipRect(int* x, int* y, int* w, int* h);
int DrawCount() const
return mData.Size();
bool mIsFirstPass = true;
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Int, vid_aspect)
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, uiscale)
CVAR(Bool, ui_screenborder_classic_scaling, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
static void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer* drawer, double Width, double Height, double& x, double& y, double& w, double& h,
double vwidth, double vheight, bool vbottom, bool handleaspect);
// Helper for ActiveRatio and CheckRatio. Returns the forced ratio type, or -1 if none.
int ActiveFakeRatio(int width, int height)
@ -187,6 +190,7 @@ void DrawTexture(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture* img, double x, double y, int t
va_start(tags.list, tags_first);
DrawParms parms;
if (!img || !img->isValid()) return;
bool res = ParseDrawTextureTags(drawer, img, x, y, tags_first, tags, &parms, false);
if (!res)
@ -208,6 +212,7 @@ static void DrawTexture(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double y
DrawParms parms;
uint32_t tag = ListGetInt(args);
if (!img || !img->isValid()) return;
bool res = ParseDrawTextureTags(drawer, img, x, y, tag, args, &parms, false);
if (!res) return;
drawer->AddTexture(img, parms);
@ -330,10 +335,19 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Screen, GetClipRect)
static void CalcFullscreenScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, double srcwidth, double srcheight, int autoaspect, DoubleRect &rect)
void CalcFullscreenScale(DrawParms *parms, double srcwidth, double srcheight, int oautoaspect, DoubleRect &rect)
auto GetWidth = [=]() { return drawer->GetWidth(); };
auto GetHeight = [=]() {return drawer->GetHeight(); };
auto GetWidth = [=]() { return parms->viewport.width; };
auto GetHeight = [=]() {return parms->viewport.height; };
int autoaspect = oautoaspect;
if (autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToScreen)
rect.left = rect.top = 0;
rect.width = GetWidth();
rect.height = GetHeight();
double aspect;
if (srcheight == 200) aspect = srcwidth / 240.;
@ -341,23 +355,35 @@ static void CalcFullscreenScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, double srcwidth, double srche
else aspect = srcwidth / srcheight;
rect.left = rect.top = 0;
auto screenratio = ActiveRatio(GetWidth(), GetHeight());
if (autoaspect == 3)
if (autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToFit43 || autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top || autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToFit43Bottom)
if (screenratio >= aspect || aspect < 1.4) autoaspect = 1; // screen is wider than the image -> pillarbox it. 4:3 images must also be pillarboxed if the screen is taller than the image
else if (screenratio > 1.32) autoaspect = 2; // on anything 4:3 and wider crop the sides of the image.
// screen is wider than the image -> pillarbox it. 4:3 images must also be pillarboxed if the screen is taller than the image
if (screenratio >= aspect || aspect < 1.4) autoaspect = FSMode_ScaleToFit;
else if (screenratio > 1.32) autoaspect = FSMode_ScaleToFill; // on anything 4:3 and wider crop the sides of the image.
// special case: Crop image to 4:3 and then letterbox this. This avoids too much cropping on narrow windows.
double width4_3 = srcheight * (4. / 3.);
rect.width = (double)GetWidth() * srcwidth / width4_3;
rect.height = GetHeight() * screenratio * (3. / 4.); // use 4:3 for the image
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height) / 2;
rect.left = -(srcwidth - width4_3) / 2;
switch (oautoaspect)
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height) / 2;
case FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top:
rect.top = 0;
case FSMode_ScaleToFit43Bottom:
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height);
if ((screenratio > aspect) ^ (autoaspect == 2))
if (autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToHeight || (screenratio > aspect) ^ (autoaspect == FSMode_ScaleToFill))
// pillarboxed or vertically cropped (i.e. scale to height)
rect.height = GetHeight();
@ -369,7 +395,18 @@ static void CalcFullscreenScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, double srcwidth, double srche
// letterboxed or horizontally cropped (i.e. scale to width)
rect.width = GetWidth();
rect.height = GetHeight() * screenratio / aspect;
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height) / 2;
switch (oautoaspect)
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height) / 2;
case FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top:
rect.top = 0;
case FSMode_ScaleToFit43Bottom:
rect.top = (GetHeight() - rect.height);
@ -381,8 +418,8 @@ static void CalcFullscreenScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, double srcwidth, double srche
bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer * drawer, DrawParms *parms, FGameTexture *img, double xx, double yy)
auto GetWidth = [=]() { return drawer->GetWidth(); };
auto GetHeight = [=]() {return drawer->GetHeight(); };
auto GetWidth = [=]() { return parms->viewport.width; };
auto GetHeight = [=]() {return parms->viewport.height; };
if (img != NULL)
parms->x = xx;
@ -399,12 +436,17 @@ bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer * drawer, DrawParms *parms, FGameTexture *img, do
if (parms->destwidth == INT_MAX || parms->fortext)
parms->destwidth = img->GetDisplayWidth();
parms->destwidth = parms->texwidth;
if (parms->destheight == INT_MAX || parms->fortext)
parms->destheight = img->GetDisplayHeight();
parms->destheight = parms->texheight;
parms->destwidth *= parms->patchscalex;
parms->destheight *= parms->patchscaley;
if (parms->flipoffsets && parms->flipY) parms->top = parms->texheight - parms->top;
if (parms->flipoffsets && parms->flipX) parms->left = parms->texwidth - parms->left;
switch (parms->cleanmode)
@ -429,13 +471,14 @@ bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer * drawer, DrawParms *parms, FGameTexture *img, do
case DTA_Base:
if (parms->fsscalemode != -1)
if (parms->fsscalemode > 0)
// First calculate the destination rect for an image of the given size and then reposition this object in it.
DoubleRect rect;
CalcFullscreenScale(drawer, parms->virtWidth, parms->virtHeight, parms->fsscalemode, rect);
parms->x = rect.left + parms->x * rect.width / parms->virtWidth;
parms->y = rect.top + parms->y * rect.height / parms->virtHeight;
CalcFullscreenScale(parms, parms->virtWidth, parms->virtHeight, parms->fsscalemode, rect);
double adder = parms->keepratio < 0 ? 0 : parms->keepratio == 0 ? rect.left : 2 * rect.left;
parms->x = parms->viewport.left + adder + parms->x * rect.width / parms->virtWidth;
parms->y = parms->viewport.top + rect.top + parms->y * rect.height / parms->virtHeight;
parms->destwidth = parms->destwidth * rect.width / parms->virtWidth;
parms->destheight = parms->destheight * rect.height / parms->virtHeight;
return false;
@ -446,12 +489,13 @@ bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer * drawer, DrawParms *parms, FGameTexture *img, do
case DTA_FullscreenEx:
DoubleRect rect;
CalcFullscreenScale(drawer, img->GetDisplayWidth(), img->GetDisplayHeight(), parms->fsscalemode, rect);
parms->keepratio = true;
parms->x = rect.left;
parms->y = rect.top;
CalcFullscreenScale(parms, parms->texwidth, parms->texheight, parms->fsscalemode, rect);
parms->keepratio = -1;
parms->x = parms->viewport.left + rect.left;
parms->y = parms->viewport.top + rect.top;
parms->destwidth = rect.width;
parms->destheight = rect.height;
parms->top = parms->left = 0;
return false; // Do not call VirtualToRealCoords for this!
@ -478,9 +522,11 @@ bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer * drawer, DrawParms *parms, FGameTexture *img, do
if (parms->virtWidth != GetWidth() || parms->virtHeight != GetHeight())
VirtualToRealCoords(drawer, parms->x, parms->y, parms->destwidth, parms->destheight,
VirtualToRealCoords(drawer, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), parms->x, parms->y, parms->destwidth, parms->destheight,
parms->virtWidth, parms->virtHeight, parms->virtBottom, !parms->keepratio);
parms->x += parms->viewport.left;
parms->y += parms->viewport.top;
return false;
@ -603,8 +649,8 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
parms->color = 0xffffffff;
//parms->shadowAlpha = 0;
parms->shadowColor = 0;
parms->virtWidth = drawer->GetWidth();
parms->virtHeight = drawer->GetHeight();
parms->virtWidth = INT_MAX; // these need to match the viewport if not explicitly set, but we do not know that yet.
parms->virtHeight = INT_MAX;
parms->keepratio = false;
parms->style.BlendOp = 255; // Dummy "not set" value
parms->masked = true;
@ -624,6 +670,11 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
parms->monospace = EMonospacing::Off;
parms->spacing = 0;
parms->fsscalemode = -1;
parms->patchscalex = parms->patchscaley = 1;
parms->viewport = { 0,0,drawer->GetWidth(), drawer->GetHeight() };
parms->rotateangle = 0;
parms->flipoffsets = false;
parms->indexed = false;
// Parse the tag list for attributes. (For floating point attributes,
// consider that the C ABI dictates that all floats be promoted to
@ -746,9 +797,18 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
case DTA_FullscreenScale:
intval = ListGetInt(tags);
if (intval >= 0 && intval <= 3)
if (intval >= FSMode_None && intval < FSMode_Max)
parms->fsscalemode = (uint8_t)intval;
parms->fsscalemode = (int8_t)intval;
else if (intval >= FSMode_Predefined && intval < FSMode_Predefined_Max)
static const uint8_t modes[] = { FSMode_ScaleToFit43, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top};
static const uint16_t widths[] = { 320, 320, 640, 640, 320};
static const uint16_t heights[] = { 200, 240, 400, 480, 200};
parms->fsscalemode = modes[intval - FSMode_Predefined];
parms->virtWidth = widths[intval - FSMode_Predefined];
parms->virtHeight = heights[intval - FSMode_Predefined];
@ -821,6 +881,10 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
parms->flipY = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_FlipOffsets:
parms->flipoffsets = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_SrcX:
parms->srcx = ListGetDouble(tags) / img->GetDisplayWidth();
@ -861,6 +925,16 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
parms->left = ListGetDouble(tags);
case DTA_TopLeft:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
if (ListGetInt(tags))
parms->left = 0;
parms->top = 0;
case DTA_CenterOffset:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
@ -871,6 +945,16 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
case DTA_CenterOffsetRel:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
if (ListGetInt(tags))
parms->left = img->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + img->GetDisplayWidth() * 0.5;
parms->top = img->GetDisplayTopOffset() + img->GetDisplayHeight() * 0.5;
case DTA_CenterBottomOffset:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
@ -958,6 +1042,14 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
case DTA_ScaleX:
parms->patchscalex = ListGetDouble(tags);
case DTA_ScaleY:
parms->patchscaley = ListGetDouble(tags);
case DTA_Masked:
parms->masked = ListGetInt(tags);
@ -967,8 +1059,10 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
case DTA_KeepRatio:
// I think this is a terribly misleading name, since it actually turns
// *off* aspect ratio correction.
parms->keepratio = ListGetInt(tags) ? -1 : 0;
case DTA_Pin:
parms->keepratio = ListGetInt(tags);
@ -1012,11 +1106,39 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
parms->burn = true;
case DTA_ViewportX:
parms->viewport.left = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_ViewportY:
parms->viewport.top = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_ViewportWidth:
parms->viewport.width = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_ViewportHeight:
parms->viewport.height = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_Rotate:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
parms->rotateangle = ListGetDouble(tags);
case DTA_Indexed:
parms->indexed = !!ListGetInt(tags);
tag = ListGetInt(tags);
if (parms->virtWidth == INT_MAX) parms->virtWidth = parms->viewport.width;
if (parms->virtHeight == INT_MAX) parms->virtHeight = parms->viewport.height;
auto clipleft = drawer->clipleft;
auto cliptop = drawer->cliptop;
auto clipwidth = drawer->clipwidth;
@ -1084,12 +1206,10 @@ template bool ParseDrawTextureTags<VMVa_List>(F2DDrawer* drawer, FGameTexture *i
void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer *drawer, double &x, double &y, double &w, double &h,
static void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer *drawer, double Width, double Height, double &x, double &y, double &w, double &h,
double vwidth, double vheight, bool vbottom, bool handleaspect)
auto Width = drawer->GetWidth();
auto Height = drawer->GetHeight();
float myratio = handleaspect ? ActiveRatio (Width, Height) : (4.0f / 3.0f);
float myratio = float(handleaspect ? ActiveRatio (Width, Height) : (4.0 / 3.0));
// if 21:9 AR, map to 16:9 for all callers.
// this allows for black bars and stops the stretching of fullscreen images
@ -1129,6 +1249,14 @@ void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer *drawer, double &x, double &y, double &w, dou
void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer* drawer, double& x, double& y, double& w, double& h,
double vwidth, double vheight, bool vbottom, bool handleaspect)
auto Width = drawer->GetWidth();
auto Height = drawer->GetHeight();
VirtualToRealCoords(drawer, Width, Height, x, y, w, h, vwidth, vheight, vbottom, handleaspect);
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Screen, VirtualToRealCoords)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "intrect.h"
// TagItem definitions for DrawTexture. As far as I know, tag lists
// originated on the Amiga.
@ -13,11 +14,38 @@
// uint32_t ti_Data;
// };
#define TAG_DONE (0) /* Used to indicate the end of the Tag list */
#define TAG_END (0) /* Ditto */
/* list pointed to in ti_Data */
enum tags : uint32_t
TAG_DONE = (0), /* Used to indicate the end of the Tag list */
TAG_END = (0), /* Ditto */
/* list pointed to in ti_Data */
#define TAG_USER ((uint32_t)(1u<<30))
TAG_USER = ((uint32_t)(1u << 30))
FSMode_None = 0,
FSMode_ScaleToFit = 1,
FSMode_ScaleToFill = 2,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43 = 3,
FSMode_ScaleToScreen = 4,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top = 5,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43Bottom = 6,
FSMode_ScaleToHeight = 7,
// These all use ScaleToFit43, their purpose is to cut down on verbosity because they imply the virtual screen size.
FSMode_Predefined = 1000,
FSMode_Fit320x200 = 1000,
@ -89,6 +117,19 @@ enum
DTA_ViewportX, // Defines the viewport on the screen that should be rendered to.
DTA_CenterOffsetRel, // Apply texture offsets relative to center, instead of top left. This is standard alignment for Build's 2D content.
DTA_TopLeft, // always align to top left. Added to have a boolean condition for this alignment.
DTA_Pin, // Pin a non-widescreen image to the left/right edge of the screen.
DTA_FlipOffsets, // Flips offsets when using DTA_FlipX and DTA_FlipY, this cannot be automatic due to unexpected behavior with unoffsetted graphics.
DTA_Indexed, // Use an indexed texture combined with the given translation.
@ -154,9 +195,14 @@ struct DrawParms
bool fortext;
bool virtBottom;
bool burn;
bool flipoffsets;
bool indexed;
int8_t fsscalemode;
double srcx, srcy;
double srcwidth, srcheight;
double patchscalex, patchscaley;
double rotateangle;
IntRect viewport;
struct Va_List
@ -187,14 +233,8 @@ int GetUIScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
int GetConScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, uiscale);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scale);
inline int active_con_scaletext(F2DDrawer* drawer, bool newconfont = false)
return newconfont ? GetConScale(drawer, con_scaletext) : GetUIScale(drawer, con_scaletext);
inline int active_con_scale(F2DDrawer *drawer)
return GetConScale(drawer, con_scale);
@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
#include "v_collection.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "renderstyle.h"
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "v_draw.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext);
inline int active_con_scaletext(F2DDrawer* drawer, bool newconfont = false)
return newconfont ? GetConScale(drawer, con_scaletext) : GetUIScale(drawer, con_scaletext);
class player_t;
struct FRemapTable;
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "v_draw.h"
#include "doommenu.h"
#include "sbar.h"
FIntermissionDescriptorList IntermissionDescriptors;
@ -195,6 +195,20 @@ enum DrawTextureTags
DTA_FullscreenEx, // advanced fullscreen control.
DTA_FullscreenScale, // enable DTA_Fullscreen coordinate calculation for placed overlays.
DTA_ViewportX, // Defines the viewport on the screen that should be rendered to.
DTA_CenterOffsetRel, // Apply texture offsets relative to center, instead of top left. This is standard alignment for Build's 2D content.
DTA_TopLeft, // always align to top left. Added to have a boolean condition for this alignment.
DTA_Pin, // Pin a non-widescreen image to the left/right edge of the screen.
DTA_FlipOffsets, // Flips offsets when using DTA_FlipX and DTA_FlipY, this cannot be automatic due to unexpected behavior with unoffsetted graphics.
DTA_Indexed, // Use an indexed texture combined with the given translation.
class Shape2DTransform : Object native
Reference in a new issue