mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 08:51:56 +00:00
- Added texture packing to D3DFB so that textures that are temporally related
can share the same hardware texture. This greatly reduces the number of DrawPrimitive calls that need to be made when drawing text (or any 2D graphics in general), so now hardware text is much faster than software text all around. (As an example, one scenario went from 315 fps to over 1635 fps for hardware, compared to 540 fps for software.) SVN r687 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 679 additions and 108 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
January 9, 2008
- Added texture packing to D3DFB so that textures that are temporally related
can share the same hardware texture. This greatly reduces the number of
DrawPrimitive calls that need to be made when drawing text (or any 2D
graphics in general), so now hardware text is much faster than software text
all around. (As an example, one scenario went from 315 fps to over 1635 fps
for hardware, compared to 540 fps for software.)
- Fixed: The mouse was being grabbed in windowed mode again.
- Modified M_DrawFrame() and R_DrawTopBorder() so that they call FlatFill() to
draw the edges of the frames. This at least seems a bit faster for hardware
@ -949,12 +949,12 @@ void FBaseStatusBar::DrSmallNumberOuter (int val, int x, int y, bool center) con
void FBaseStatusBar::RefreshBackground () const
int x, x2, y, i, ratio;
int x, x2, y, ratio;
if (SCREENWIDTH > 320)
x = !(ratio & 3) || !Scaled ? ST_X : SCREENWIDTH*(48-BaseRatioSizes[ratio][3])/(48*2);
x = (!(ratio & 3) || !Scaled) ? ST_X : SCREENWIDTH*(48-BaseRatioSizes[ratio][3])/(48*2);
if (x > 0)
y = x == ST_X ? ST_Y : ::ST_Y;
@ -966,15 +966,11 @@ void FBaseStatusBar::RefreshBackground () const
if (setblocks >= 10)
const gameborder_t *border = gameinfo.border;
FTexture *p;
for (i = x - border->size; i > -border->size; i -= border->size)
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan[border->b], i, y, TAG_DONE);
for (i = x2; i < SCREENWIDTH; i += border->size)
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan[border->b], i, y, TAG_DONE);
p = TexMan[border->b];
screen->FlatFill(0, y, x, y + p->GetHeight(), p, true);
screen->FlatFill(x2, y, SCREENWIDTH, y + p->GetHeight(), p, true);
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ public:
virtual FTextureFormat GetFormat();
// Returns a native 3D representation of the texture
FNativeTexture *GetNative();
FNativeTexture *GetNative(bool wrapping);
// Frees the native 3D representation of the texture
void KillNative();
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void FRemapTable::UpdateNative()
FNativeTexture *FRemapTable::GetNative()
FNativePalette *FRemapTable::GetNative()
if (Native == NULL)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct FRemapTable
void MakeIdentity();
void KillNative();
void UpdateNative();
FNativeTexture *GetNative();
FNativePalette *GetNative();
bool IsIdentity() const;
void Serialize(FArchive &ar);
void AddIndexRange(int start, int end, int pal1, int pal2);
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct FRemapTable
BYTE *Remap; // For the software renderer
PalEntry *Palette; // The ideal palette this maps to
FNativeTexture *Native; // The Palette stored in a HW texture
FNativePalette *Native; // The Palette stored in a HW texture
int NumEntries; // # of elements in this table (usually 256)
@ -405,17 +405,25 @@ void FTexture::FlipNonSquareBlockRemap (BYTE *dst, const BYTE *src, int x, int y
FNativeTexture *FTexture::GetNative()
FNativeTexture *FTexture::GetNative(bool wrapping)
if (Native != NULL)
if (CheckModified())
if (!Native->CheckWrapping(wrapping))
{ // Texture's wrapping mode is not compatible.
// Destroy it and get a new one.
delete Native;
if (CheckModified())
return Native;
return Native;
Native = screen->CreateTexture(this);
Native = screen->CreateTexture(this, wrapping);
return Native;
@ -844,12 +844,12 @@ bool DFrameBuffer::Begin2D (bool copy3d)
return false;
FNativeTexture *DFrameBuffer::CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex)
FNativeTexture *DFrameBuffer::CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping)
return NULL;
FNativeTexture *DFrameBuffer::CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap)
FNativePalette *DFrameBuffer::CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap)
return NULL;
@ -1008,10 +1008,19 @@ void DFrameBuffer::CopyPixelData(BYTE * buffer, int texpitch, int texheight, int
bool FNativeTexture::CheckWrapping(bool wrapping)
return true;
Printf ("CleanXfac: %d\nCleanYfac: %d\n", CleanXfac, CleanYfac);
@ -268,11 +268,27 @@ protected:
DSimpleCanvas() {}
// This class represents a native texture, as opposed to an FTexture.
class FNativeTexture
virtual ~FNativeTexture();
virtual bool Update() = 0;
virtual bool CheckWrapping(bool wrapping);
// This class represents a texture lookup palette.
class FNativePalette
virtual ~FNativePalette();
virtual bool Update() = 0;
// A canvas that represents the actual display. The video code is responsible
// for actually implementing this. Built on top of SimpleCanvas, because it
// needs a system memory buffer when buffered output is enabled.
class FNativeTexture;
class DFrameBuffer : public DSimpleCanvas
DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS (DFrameBuffer, DSimpleCanvas)
@ -332,10 +348,10 @@ public:
// DrawTexture calls after Begin2D use native textures.
// Create a native texture from a game texture.
virtual FNativeTexture *CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex);
virtual FNativeTexture *CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping);
// Create a palette texture from a palette.
virtual FNativeTexture *CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap);
// Create a palette texture from a remap/palette table.
virtual FNativePalette *CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap);
// texture copy functions
virtual void CopyPixelDataRGB(BYTE *buffer, int texpitch, int texheight, int originx, int originy,
@ -370,14 +386,6 @@ private:
DWORD LastMS, LastSec, FrameCount, LastCount, LastTic;
// This class represents a native texture, as opposed to an FTexture.
class FNativeTexture
virtual ~FNativeTexture();
virtual bool Update() = 0;
extern FColorMatcher ColorMatcher;
// This is the screen updated by I_FinishUpdate.
@ -83,31 +83,62 @@
struct D3DFB::PackedTexture
D3DFB::PackingTexture *Owner;
PackedTexture *Next, **Prev;
// Pixels this image covers
RECT Area;
// Texture coordinates for this image
float Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
struct D3DFB::PackingTexture
PackingTexture(D3DFB *fb, int width, int height, D3DFORMAT format);
PackedTexture *GetBestFit(int width, int height, int &area);
void AllocateImage(PackedTexture *box, int width, int height);
PackedTexture *AllocateBox();
void AddEmptyBox(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
void FreeBox(PackedTexture *box);
PackingTexture *Next;
IDirect3DTexture9 *Tex;
PackedTexture *UsedList; // Boxes that contain images
PackedTexture *EmptyList; // Boxes that contain empty space
PackedTexture *FreeList; // Boxes that are just waiting to be used
int Width, Height;
bool OneUse;
class D3DTex : public FNativeTexture
D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb);
D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb, bool wrapping);
FTexture *GameTex;
IDirect3DTexture9 *Tex;
D3DFB::PackedTexture *Box;
D3DTex **Prev;
D3DTex *Next;
// Texture coordinates to use for the lower-right corner, should this
// texture prove to be larger than the game texture it represents.
bool IsGray;
bool Create(IDirect3DDevice9 *D3DDevice);
bool Create(D3DFB *fb, bool wrapping);
bool Update();
bool CheckWrapping(bool wrapping);
D3DFORMAT GetTexFormat();
FTextureFormat ToTexFmt(D3DFORMAT fmt);
class D3DPal : public FNativeTexture
class D3DPal : public FNativePalette
D3DPal(FRemapTable *remap, D3DFB *fb);
@ -181,6 +212,8 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, test2d, true, CVAR_NOINITCALL)
BorderNeedRefresh = SB_state = screen->GetPageCount();
CVAR(Int, d3d_showpacks, 0, 0)
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
D3DFB::D3DFB (int width, int height, bool fullscreen)
@ -220,6 +253,7 @@ D3DFB::D3DFB (int width, int height, bool fullscreen)
ScreenWipe = NULL;
InScene = false;
QuadExtra = new BufferedQuad[MAX_QUAD_BATCH];
Packs = NULL;
Gamma = 1.0;
FlashColor0 = 0;
@ -326,6 +360,7 @@ void D3DFB::FillPresentParameters (D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pp, bool fullscreen, b
bool D3DFB::CreateResources ()
Packs = NULL;
if (!Windowed)
// Remove the window border in fullscreen mode
@ -426,6 +461,12 @@ void D3DFB::ReleaseResources ()
delete ScreenWipe;
ScreenWipe = NULL;
PackingTexture *pack, *next;
for (pack = Packs; pack != NULL; pack = next)
next = pack->Next;
delete pack;
GatheringWipeScreen = false;
@ -747,6 +788,7 @@ void D3DFB::Update ()
if (InScene)
EndBatch(); // Make sure all batched primitives are drawn.
@ -1049,13 +1091,509 @@ void D3DFB::SetBlendingRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
/* 2D Stuff */
// D3DFB :: DrawPackedTextures
// DEBUG: Draws the packing textures to the screen, starting with the
// 1-based packnum.
void D3DFB::DrawPackedTextures(int packnum)
D3DCOLOR empty_colors[8] =
0xFFFF9999, 0xFF99FF99, 0xFF9999FF, 0xFFFFFF99,
PackingTexture *pack;
int x = 8, y = 8;
if (packnum <= 0)
pack = Packs;
while (pack != NULL && pack->OneUse)
{ // Skip textures that aren't used as packing containers
pack = pack->Next;
while (pack != NULL && packnum != 1)
if (!pack->OneUse)
{ // Skip textures that aren't used as packing containers
pack = pack->Next;
while (pack != NULL)
if (pack->OneUse)
{ // Skip textures that aren't used as packing containers
pack = pack->Next;
AddColorOnlyQuad(x-1, y-1-LBOffsetI, 258, 258, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,0));
BufferedQuad *quad = &QuadExtra[QuadBatchPos];
FBVERTEX *vert = &VertexData[VertexPos];
if (pack->Format == D3DFMT_L8/* && !tex->IsGray*/)
quad->Flags = BQF_WrapUV | BQF_GamePalette;
quad->ShaderNum = BQS_PalTex;
quad->Flags = BQF_WrapUV;
quad->ShaderNum = BQS_Plain;
quad->SrcBlend = 0;
quad->DestBlend = 0;
quad->Palette = NULL;
quad->Texture = pack;
float x0 = float(x) - 0.5f;
float y0 = float(y) - 0.5f;
float x1 = x0 + 256.f;
float y1 = y0 + 256.f;
vert[0].x = x0;
vert[0].y = y0;
vert[0].z = 0;
vert[0].rhw = 1;
vert[0].color0 = 0;
vert[0].color1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
vert[0].tu = 0;
vert[0].tv = 0;
vert[1].x = x1;
vert[1].y = y0;
vert[1].z = 0;
vert[1].rhw = 1;
vert[1].color0 = 0;
vert[1].color1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
vert[1].tu = 1;
vert[1].tv = 0;
vert[2].x = x1;
vert[2].y = y1;
vert[2].z = 0;
vert[2].rhw = 1;
vert[2].color0 = 0;
vert[2].color1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
vert[2].tu = 1;
vert[2].tv = 1;
vert[3].x = x0;
vert[3].y = y1;
vert[3].z = 0;
vert[3].rhw = 1;
vert[3].color0 = 0;
vert[3].color1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
vert[3].tu = 0;
vert[3].tv = 1;
IndexData[IndexPos ] = VertexPos;
IndexData[IndexPos + 1] = VertexPos + 1;
IndexData[IndexPos + 2] = VertexPos + 2;
IndexData[IndexPos + 3] = VertexPos;
IndexData[IndexPos + 4] = VertexPos + 2;
IndexData[IndexPos + 5] = VertexPos + 3;
VertexPos += 4;
IndexPos += 6;
// Draw entries in the empty list.
PackedTexture *box;
int emptynum;
for (box = pack->EmptyList, emptynum = 0; box != NULL; box = box->Next, emptynum++)
AddColorOnlyQuad(x + box->Area.left, y + box->Area.top - LBOffsetI,
box->Area.right - box->Area.left, box->Area.bottom - box->Area.top,
empty_colors[emptynum & 7]);
x += 256 + 8;
if (x > Width - 256)
x = 8;
y += 256 + 8;
if (y > TrueHeight - 256)
pack = pack->Next;
// D3DFB :: AllocPackedTexture
// Finds space to pack an image inside a packing texture and returns it.
// Large images and those that need to wrap always get their own textures.
D3DFB::PackedTexture *D3DFB::AllocPackedTexture(int w, int h, bool wrapping, D3DFORMAT format)
PackingTexture *bestpack;
PackedTexture *bestbox;
int area;
if (w > 256 || h > 256 || wrapping)
{ // Create a new packing texture.
bestpack = new PackingTexture(this, w, h, format);
bestpack->OneUse = true;
bestbox = bestpack->GetBestFit(w, h, area);
{ // Try to find space in an existing packing texture.
int bestarea = INT_MAX;
int bestareaever = w * h;
bestpack = NULL;
bestbox = NULL;
for (PackingTexture *pack = Packs; pack != NULL; pack = pack->Next)
if (pack->Format == format)
PackedTexture *box = pack->GetBestFit(w, h, area);
if (area == bestareaever)
{ // An exact fit! Use it!
bestpack = pack;
bestbox = box;
if (area < bestarea)
bestarea = area;
bestpack = pack;
bestbox = box;
if (bestpack == NULL)
{ // Create a new packing texture.
bestpack = new PackingTexture(this, 256, 256, format);
bestbox = bestpack->GetBestFit(w, h, bestarea);
bestpack->AllocateImage(bestbox, w, h);
return bestbox;
// PackingTexture Constructor
D3DFB::PackingTexture::PackingTexture(D3DFB *fb, int w, int h, D3DFORMAT format)
Tex = NULL;
Format = format;
UsedList = NULL;
EmptyList = NULL;
FreeList = NULL;
OneUse = false;
Width = 0;
Height = 0;
Next = fb->Packs;
fb->Packs = this;
#if 1
if (FAILED(fb->D3DDevice->CreateTexture(w, h, 1, 0, format, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &Tex, NULL)))
{ // Try again, using power-of-2 sizes
int i;
for (i = 1; i < w; i <<= 1) {} w = i;
for (i = 1; i < h; i <<= 1) {} h = i;
if (FAILED(fb->D3DDevice->CreateTexture(w, h, 1, 0, format, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &Tex, NULL)))
Width = w;
Height = h;
// The whole texture is initially empty.
AddEmptyBox(0, 0, w, h);
// PackingTexture Destructor
PackedTexture *box, *next;
for (box = UsedList; box != NULL; box = next)
next = box->Next;
delete box;
for (box = EmptyList; box != NULL; box = next)
next = box->Next;
delete box;
for (box = FreeList; box != NULL; box = next)
next = box->Next;
delete box;
// PackingTexture :: GetBestFit
// Returns the empty box that provides the best fit for the requested
// dimensions, or NULL if none of them are large enough.
D3DFB::PackedTexture *D3DFB::PackingTexture::GetBestFit(int w, int h, int &area)
PackedTexture *box;
int smallestarea = INT_MAX;
PackedTexture *smallestbox = NULL;
for (box = EmptyList; box != NULL; box = box->Next)
int boxw = box->Area.right - box->Area.left;
int boxh = box->Area.bottom - box->Area.top;
if (boxw >= w && boxh >= h)
int boxarea = boxw * boxh;
if (boxarea < smallestarea)
smallestarea = boxarea;
smallestbox = box;
if (boxw == w && boxh == h)
{ // An exact fit! Use it!
area = smallestarea;
return smallestbox;
// PackingTexture :: AllocateImage
// Moves the box from the empty list to the used list, sizing it to the
// requested dimensions and adding additional boxes to the empty list if
// needed.
// The passed box *MUST* be in this packing textures empty list.
void D3DFB::PackingTexture::AllocateImage(D3DFB::PackedTexture *box, int w, int h)
RECT start = box->Area;
box->Area.right = box->Area.left + w;
box->Area.bottom = box->Area.top + h;
box->Left = float(box->Area.left) / Width;
box->Right = float(box->Area.right) / Width;
box->Top = float(box->Area.top) / Height;
box->Bottom = float(box->Area.bottom) / Height;
// Remove it from the empty list.
*(box->Prev) = box->Next;
if (box->Next != NULL)
box->Next->Prev = box->Prev;
// Add it to the used list.
box->Next = UsedList;
if (box->Next != NULL)
box->Next->Prev = &box->Next;
UsedList = box;
box->Prev = &UsedList;
// If we didn't use the whole box, split the remainder into the empty list.
#if 1
// Split like this:
// +---+------+
// |###| |
// +---+------+
// | |
// | |
// +----------+
// Empirical evidence indicates that this gives the best utilization.
if (box->Area.bottom < start.bottom)
AddEmptyBox(start.left, box->Area.bottom, start.right, start.bottom);
if (box->Area.right < start.right)
AddEmptyBox(box->Area.right, start.top, start.right, box->Area.bottom);
// Split like this:
// +---+------+
// |###| |
// +---+ |
// | | |
// | | |
// +---+------+
if (box->Area.bottom < start.bottom)
AddEmptyBox(start.left, box->Area.bottom, box->Area.right, start.bottom);
if (box->Area.right < start.right)
AddEmptyBox(box->Area.right, start.top, start.right, start.bottom);
// PackingTexture :: AddEmptyBox
// Adds a box with the specified dimensions to the empty list.
void D3DFB::PackingTexture::AddEmptyBox(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
PackedTexture *box = AllocateBox();
box->Area.left = left;
box->Area.top = top;
box->Area.right = right;
box->Area.bottom = bottom;
box->Next = EmptyList;
if (box->Next != NULL)
box->Next->Prev = &box->Next;
box->Prev = &EmptyList;
EmptyList = box;
// PackingTexture :: AllocateBox
// Returns a new PackedTexture box, either by retrieving one off the free
// list or by creating a new one. The box is not linked into a list.
D3DFB::PackedTexture *D3DFB::PackingTexture::AllocateBox()
PackedTexture *box;
if (FreeList != NULL)
box = FreeList;
FreeList = box->Next;
if (box->Next != NULL)
box->Next->Prev = &FreeList;
box = new PackedTexture;
box->Owner = this;
return box;
// PackingTexture :: FreeBox
// Removes a box from its current list and adds it to the empty list,
// updating EmptyArea. If there are no boxes left in the used list, then
// the empty list is replaced with a single box, so the texture can be
// subdivided again.
void D3DFB::PackingTexture::FreeBox(D3DFB::PackedTexture *box)
*(box->Prev) = box->Next;
if (box->Next != NULL)
box->Next->Prev = box->Prev;
box->Next = EmptyList;
box->Prev = &EmptyList;
if (EmptyList != NULL)
EmptyList->Prev = &box->Next;
EmptyList = box;
if (UsedList == NULL)
{ // No more space in use! Move all but this into the free list.
if (box->Next != NULL)
D3DFB::PackedTexture *lastbox;
// Find the last box in the free list.
lastbox = FreeList;
if (lastbox != NULL)
while (lastbox->Next != NULL)
lastbox = lastbox->Next;
// Chain the empty list to the end of the free list.
if (lastbox != NULL)
lastbox->Next = box->Next;
box->Next->Prev = &lastbox->Next;
FreeList = box->Next;
box->Next->Prev = &FreeList;
box->Next = NULL;
// Now this is the only box in the empty list, so it should
// contain the whole texture.
box->Area.left = 0;
box->Area.top = 0;
box->Area.right = Width;
box->Area.bottom = Height;
// D3DTex Constructor
D3DTex::D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb)
D3DTex::D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb, bool wrapping)
// Attach to the texture list for the D3DFB
Next = fb->Textures;
@ -1067,10 +1605,10 @@ D3DTex::D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb)
fb->Textures = this;
GameTex = tex;
Tex = NULL;
Box = NULL;
IsGray = false;
Create(fb, wrapping);
@ -1081,7 +1619,11 @@ D3DTex::D3DTex(FTexture *tex, D3DFB *fb)
if (Box != NULL)
Box = NULL;
// Detach from the texture list
*Prev = Next;
if (Next != NULL)
@ -1095,6 +1637,25 @@ D3DTex::~D3DTex()
// D3DTex :: CheckWrapping
// Returns true if the texture is compatible with the specified wrapping
// mode.
bool D3DTex::CheckWrapping(bool wrapping)
// If it doesn't need to wrap, then it works.
if (!wrapping)
return true;
// If it needs to wrap, then it can't be packed inside another texture.
return Box->Owner->OneUse;
// D3DTex :: Create
@ -1104,46 +1665,23 @@ D3DTex::~D3DTex()
bool D3DTex::Create(IDirect3DDevice9 *D3DDevice)
bool D3DTex::Create(D3DFB *fb, bool wrapping)
int w, h;
w = GameTex->GetWidth();
h = GameTex->GetHeight();
#if 1
hr = D3DDevice->CreateTexture(w, h, 1, 0,
GetTexFormat(), D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &Tex, NULL);
hr = E_FAIL;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (Box != NULL)
TX = 1;
TY = 1;
{ // Try again, using power-of-2 sizes
int i;
for (i = 1; i < w; i <<= 1) {} w = i;
for (i = 1; i < h; i <<= 1) {} h = i;
hr = D3DDevice->CreateTexture(w, h, 1, 0,
GetTexFormat(), D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &Tex, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
TX = GameTex->GetWidth() / float(w);
TY = GameTex->GetHeight() / float(h);
Box = fb->AllocPackedTexture(GameTex->GetWidth(), GameTex->GetHeight(), wrapping, GetTexFormat());
if (Box == NULL)
return false;
if (!Update())
Tex = NULL;
Box = NULL;
return false;
return true;
@ -1163,23 +1701,22 @@ bool D3DTex::Update()
RECT rect;
assert(Tex != NULL);
assert(Box != NULL);
assert(Box->Owner != NULL);
assert(Box->Owner->Tex != NULL);
assert(GameTex != NULL);
if (FAILED(Tex->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc)))
if (FAILED(Box->Owner->Tex->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc)))
return false;
rect.left = 0;
rect.top = 0;
rect.right = GameTex->GetWidth();
rect.bottom = GameTex->GetHeight();
if (FAILED(Tex->LockRect(0, &lrect, &rect, 0)))
rect = Box->Area;
if (FAILED(Box->Owner->Tex->LockRect(0, &lrect, &rect, 0)))
return false;
GameTex->FillBuffer((BYTE *)lrect.pBits, lrect.Pitch, rect.bottom, ToTexFmt(desc.Format));
GameTex->FillBuffer((BYTE *)lrect.pBits, lrect.Pitch, GameTex->GetHeight(), ToTexFmt(desc.Format));
return true;
@ -1373,10 +1910,10 @@ bool D3DFB::Begin2D(bool copy3d)
FNativeTexture *D3DFB::CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex)
FNativeTexture *D3DFB::CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping)
D3DTex *tex = new D3DTex(gametex, this);
if (tex->Tex == NULL)
D3DTex *tex = new D3DTex(gametex, this, wrapping);
if (tex->Box == NULL)
delete tex;
return NULL;
@ -1392,7 +1929,7 @@ FNativeTexture *D3DFB::CreateTexture(FTexture *gametex)
FNativeTexture *D3DFB::CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap)
FNativePalette *D3DFB::CreatePalette(FRemapTable *remap)
D3DPal *tex = new D3DPal(remap, this);
if (tex->Tex == NULL)
@ -1603,7 +2140,7 @@ void STACK_ARGS D3DFB::DrawTextureV (FTexture *img, int x, int y, uint32 tags_fi
D3DTex *tex = static_cast<D3DTex *>(img->GetNative());
D3DTex *tex = static_cast<D3DTex *>(img->GetNative(false));
if (tex == NULL)
@ -1619,10 +2156,10 @@ void STACK_ARGS D3DFB::DrawTextureV (FTexture *img, int x, int y, uint32 tags_fi
float y0 = float(parms.y) / 65536.f - float(parms.top) * yscale;
float x1 = x0 + float(parms.destwidth) / 65536.f;
float y1 = y0 + float(parms.destheight) / 65536.f;
float u0 = 0.f;
float v0 = 0.f;
float u1 = tex->TX;
float v1 = tex->TY;
float u0 = tex->Box->Left;
float v0 = tex->Box->Top;
float u1 = tex->Box->Right;
float v1 = tex->Box->Bottom;
float uscale = 1.f / (parms.texwidth / u1);
float vscale = 1.f / (parms.texheight / v1) / yscale;
@ -1666,7 +2203,7 @@ void STACK_ARGS D3DFB::DrawTextureV (FTexture *img, int x, int y, uint32 tags_fi
QuadExtra[QuadBatchPos].Texture = tex;
QuadExtra[QuadBatchPos].Texture = tex->Box->Owner;
if (parms.bilinear)
QuadExtra[QuadBatchPos].Flags |= BQF_Bilinear;
@ -1747,7 +2284,7 @@ void D3DFB::FlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bo
D3DTex *tex = static_cast<D3DTex *>(src->GetNative());
D3DTex *tex = static_cast<D3DTex *>(src->GetNative(true));
if (tex == NULL)
@ -1788,7 +2325,7 @@ void D3DFB::FlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bo
quad->SrcBlend = 0;
quad->DestBlend = 0;
quad->Palette = NULL;
quad->Texture = tex;
quad->Texture = tex->Box->Owner;
vert[0].x = x0;
vert[0].y = y0;
@ -1835,7 +2372,8 @@ void D3DFB::FlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bo
VertexPos += 4;
IndexPos += 6;}
IndexPos += 6;
@ -2384,7 +2922,7 @@ void D3DFB::SetPaletteTexture(IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, int count)
SetTexture(1, texture);
void D3DFB::SetPalTexBilinearConstants(D3DTex *tex)
void D3DFB::SetPalTexBilinearConstants(PackingTexture *tex)
float con[8];
@ -2394,8 +2932,8 @@ void D3DFB::SetPalTexBilinearConstants(D3DTex *tex)
con[0] = tex->GameTex->GetWidth() / tex->TX;
con[1] = tex->GameTex->GetHeight() / tex->TY;
con[0] = float(tex->Width);
con[1] = float(tex->Height);
con[2] = 0;
con[3] = 1 / con[0];
con[4] = 0;
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ public:
void SetVSync (bool vsync);
void SetBlendingRect (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool Begin2D (bool copy3d);
FNativeTexture *CreateTexture (FTexture *gametex);
FNativeTexture *CreatePalette (FRemapTable *remap);
FNativeTexture *CreateTexture (FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping);
FNativePalette *CreatePalette (FRemapTable *remap);
void STACK_ARGS DrawTextureV (FTexture *img, int x, int y, uint32 tag, va_list tags);
void Clear (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int palcolor, uint32 color);
void Dim (PalEntry color, float amount, int x1, int y1, int w, int h);
@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ private:
friend class D3DTex;
friend class D3DPal;
struct PackedTexture;
struct PackingTexture;
FLOAT x, y, z, rhw;
@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ private:
DWORD Group1;
D3DPal *Palette;
D3DTex *Texture;
PackingTexture *Texture;
void SetInitialState();
@ -297,6 +300,8 @@ private:
void ReleaseDefaultPoolItems();
void KillNativePals();
void KillNativeTexs();
PackedTexture *AllocPackedTexture(int width, int height, bool wrapping, D3DFORMAT format);
void DrawPackedTextures(int packnum);
void DrawLetterbox();
void Draw3DPart(bool copy3d);
bool SetStyle(D3DTex *tex, DCanvas::DrawParms &parms, D3DCOLOR &color0, D3DCOLOR &color1, BufferedQuad &quad);
@ -316,7 +321,7 @@ private:
void SetPixelShader(IDirect3DPixelShader9 *shader);
void SetTexture(int tnum, IDirect3DTexture9 *texture);
void SetPaletteTexture(IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, int count);
void SetPalTexBilinearConstants(D3DTex *texture);
void SetPalTexBilinearConstants(PackingTexture *texture);
BOOL AlphaBlendEnabled;
D3DBLEND AlphaSrcBlend;
@ -347,6 +352,7 @@ private:
bool GatheringWipeScreen;
D3DPal *Palettes;
D3DTex *Textures;
PackingTexture *Packs;
IDirect3DDevice9 *D3DDevice;
IDirect3DTexture9 *FBTexture;
Reference in a new issue