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synced 2025-02-26 21:20:57 +00:00
Fix rendering and parsing of OBJ models
Create a new surface for each 'usemtl' statement in the OBJ file, and fix memory errors caused by TriangulateQuad. Calculate missing normals, and fix incorrect UV coordinates Fix construction of vertex buffer for objects with multiple surfaces Localize curMtl, curSurface, aggSurfFaceCount, and curSurfFaceCount to FOBJModel::Load(), since they are not used anywhere else. Fix parsing of OBJs without UV references Internally, I replaced hashtag line comments with C-style line comments, and I replaced each forward slash with newSideSep. If no UV coordinates are available, add a default vector of (0,0). Also, remove "this->" from ResolveIndex to make the code a bit cleaner, and fix a minor garbage issue I failed to notice earlier (normref would pick up garbage if there was no normal reference). Ensure usemtl statements remain intact It may be a bit inefficient, but I tried modifying the buffer directly, and I got memory corruption errors. In this case, it's a lot better to be safe than sorry.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 490 additions and 334 deletions
@ -23,18 +23,85 @@
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "r_data/models/models_obj.h"
* Load an OBJ model
* @param fn The path to the model file
* @param lumpnum The lump index in the wad collection
* @param buffer The contents of the model file
* @param length The size of the model file
bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length)
FString objName = Wads.GetLumpFullPath(lumpnum);
sc.OpenMem(objName, buffer, length);
Printf("Parsing %s\n", objName.GetChars());
FString objBuf(buffer, length);
// Do some replacements before we parse the OBJ string
// Ensure usemtl statements remain intact
TArray<FString> mtlUsages;
TArray<long> mtlUsageIdxs;
long bpos = 0, nlpos = 0, slashpos = 0;
while (1)
bpos = objBuf.IndexOf("\nusemtl", bpos);
if (bpos == -1) break;
slashpos = objBuf.IndexOf('/', bpos);
nlpos = objBuf.IndexOf('\n', ++bpos);
if (slashpos > nlpos || slashpos == -1)
if (nlpos == -1)
nlpos = objBuf.Len();
FString lineStr(objBuf.GetChars() + bpos, nlpos - bpos);
// Replace forward slashes with percent signs so they aren't parsed as line comments
objBuf.ReplaceChars('/', *newSideSep);
// Substitute broken usemtl statements with old ones
bpos = 0, nlpos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mtlUsages.Size(); i++)
bpos = mtlUsageIdxs[i];
nlpos = objBuf.IndexOf('\n', bpos);
if (nlpos == -1)
nlpos = objBuf.Len();
FString lineStr(objBuf.GetChars() + bpos, nlpos - bpos);
objBuf.Substitute(lineStr, mtlUsages[i]);
// Find each OBJ line comment, and convert each to a C-style line comment
while (1)
bpos = objBuf.IndexOf('#');
if (bpos == -1) break;
objBuf.Remove(bpos, 1);
objBuf.Insert(bpos, "//", 2);
sc.OpenString(objName, objBuf);
//Printf("Parsing %s\n", objName.GetChars());
FTextureID curMtl = FNullTextureID();
OBJSurface *curSurface = nullptr;
int aggSurfFaceCount = 0;
int curSurfFaceCount = 0;
if (sc.Compare("#")) // Line comment
if /*(sc.Compare("#")) // Line comment
sc.Line += 1; // I don't think this does anything, though...
else if (sc.Compare("v")) // Vertex
else if*/ (sc.Compare("v")) // Vertex
@ -58,12 +125,6 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
curMtl = LoadSkin(fn, sc.String);
if (!curMtl.isValid())
// Don't use materials that don't exist
// Most OBJs are sorted by material, but just in case the one we're loading isn't...
// Build surface...
if (curSurface == nullptr)
@ -74,17 +135,6 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
if (curSurfFaceCount > 0)
// Search for existing surface with current material
for(size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
if (surfaces[i].skin == curMtl)
curSurface = &surfaces[i];
surfExists = true;
// Add previous surface
curSurface->numFaces = curSurfFaceCount;
curSurface->faceStart = aggSurfFaceCount;
@ -115,7 +165,7 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
face.sideCount = 3;
if (sc.GetString())
if (!sc.Compare("f"))
if (!sc.Compare("f") && FString(sc.String).IndexOfAny("-0123456789") == 0)
sides[3] = sc.String;
face.sideCount += 1;
@ -132,9 +182,8 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
// No valid materials detected
if (curSurface == nullptr)
{ // No valid materials detected
FTextureID dummyMtl = LoadSkin("", "-NOFLAT-"); // Built-in to GZDoom
curSurface = new OBJSurface(dummyMtl);
@ -143,6 +192,11 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
delete curSurface;
if (uvs.Size() == 0)
{ // Needed so that OBJs without UVs can work
uvs.Push(FVector2(0.0, 0.0));
Printf("%d vertices\n", verts.Size());
Printf("%d normals\n", norms.Size());
@ -152,10 +206,6 @@ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length
mLumpNum = lumpnum;
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
return true;
@ -199,19 +249,30 @@ void FOBJModel::ParseFaceSide(const FString &sideStr, OBJFace &face, int sidx)
OBJFaceSide side;
int origIdx;
if (sideStr.IndexOf("/") >= 0)
if (sideStr.IndexOf(newSideSep) >= 0)
TArray<FString> sides = sideStr.Split("/");
TArray<FString> sides = sideStr.Split(newSideSep, FString::TOK_KEEPEMPTY);
if (sides[0].Len() > 0)
origIdx = atoi(sides[0].GetChars());
side.vertref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VertexIndex);
sc.ScriptError("Vertex reference is not optional!");
if (sides[1].Len() > 0)
origIdx = atoi(sides[1].GetChars());
side.uvref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::UVIndex);
side.uvref = -1;
if (sides.Size() > 2)
if (sides[2].Len() > 0)
@ -219,14 +280,22 @@ void FOBJModel::ParseFaceSide(const FString &sideStr, OBJFace &face, int sidx)
origIdx = atoi(sides[2].GetChars());
side.normref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VNormalIndex);
side.normref = -1;
side.normref = -1;
origIdx = atoi(sideStr.GetChars());
side.vertref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VertexIndex);
side.normref = 0;
side.uvref = 0;
side.normref = -1;
side.uvref = -1;
face.sides[sidx] = side;
@ -241,68 +310,137 @@ int FOBJModel::ResolveIndex(int origIndex, FaceElement el)
if (el == FaceElement::VertexIndex)
return this->verts.Size() + origIndex; // origIndex is negative
return verts.Size() + origIndex; // origIndex is negative
else if (el == FaceElement::UVIndex)
return this->uvs.Size() + origIndex;
return uvs.Size() + origIndex;
else if (el == FaceElement::VNormalIndex)
return this->norms.Size() + origIndex;
return norms.Size() + origIndex;
return -1;
void FOBJModel::BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer *renderer)
if (GetVertexBuffer(renderer))
unsigned int vbufsize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
surfaces[i].vbStart = vbufsize;
vbufsize += surfaces[i].numTris * 3;
auto vbuf = renderer->CreateVertexBuffer(false,true);
SetVertexBuffer(renderer, vbuf);
FModelVertex *vertptr = vbuf->LockVertexBuffer(vbufsize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < surfaces[i].numTris; j++)
for (size_t side = 0; side < 3; side++)
FModelVertex *mdv = vertptr +
side + j * 3 + // Current surface and previous triangles
surfaces[i].vbStart; // Previous surfaces
OBJFaceSide &curSide = surfaces[i].tris[j].sides[side];
int vidx = curSide.vertref;
int uvidx = (curSide.uvref >= 0 && curSide.uvref < uvs.Size()) ? curSide.uvref : 0;
int nidx = curSide.normref;
mdv->Set(verts[vidx].X, verts[vidx].Y, verts[vidx].Z, uvs[uvidx].X, uvs[uvidx].Y * -1);
if (nidx >= 0 && nidx < norms.Size())
mdv->SetNormal(norms[nidx].X, norms[nidx].Y, norms[nidx].Z);
// https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Calculating_a_Surface_Normal
// Find other sides of triangle
int nextSidx = side + 1;
if (nextSidx >= 3) nextSidx -= 3;
int lastSidx = side + 2;
if (lastSidx >= 3) lastSidx -= 3;
OBJFaceSide &nextSide = surfaces[i].tris[j].sides[nextSidx];
OBJFaceSide &lastSide = surfaces[i].tris[j].sides[lastSidx];
// Cross-multiply the U-vector and V-vector
FVector3 uvec = verts[nextSide.vertref] - verts[curSide.vertref];
FVector3 vvec = verts[lastSide.vertref] - verts[curSide.vertref];
FVector3 nvec = uvec ^ vvec;
mdv->SetNormal(nvec.X, nvec.Y, nvec.Z);
void FOBJModel::ConstructSurfaceTris(OBJSurface &surf)
int triCount = 0;
size_t start = surf.faceStart;
size_t end = start + surf.numFaces;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++)
triCount += faces[i].sideCount - 2;
surf.numTris = triCount;
surf.tris = new OBJFace[triCount];
for (size_t i = start, triIdx = 0; i < end; i++, triIdx++)
surf.tris[triIdx].sideCount = 3;
if (faces[i].sideCount == 3)
memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx].sides, faces[i].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
else if (faces[i].sideCount == 4) // Triangulate face
OBJFace *triangulated = new OBJFace[2];
TriangulateQuad(faces[i], triangulated);
memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx].sides, triangulated[0].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx+1].sides, triangulated[1].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
delete[] triangulated;
triIdx += 1; // Filling out two faces
return 0;
void FOBJModel::TriangulateQuad(const OBJFace &quad, OBJFace *tris)
// if (quad.sides < 3 || quad.sides > 4) exception
// if (quad.sides == 3) return &quad;
tris[0].sideCount = 3;
tris[1].sideCount = 3;
int tsidx[2][3] = {{0, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tris[0].sides[i].vertref = quad.sides[i].vertref;
tris[1].sides[i].vertref = quad.sides[i+1].vertref;
tris[0].sides[i].uvref = quad.sides[i].uvref;
tris[1].sides[i].uvref = quad.sides[i+1].uvref;
tris[0].sides[i].normref = quad.sides[i].normref;
tris[1].sides[i].normref = quad.sides[i+1].normref;
void FOBJModel::ConstructSurfaceTris(OBJSurface *surf)
int triCount = 0;
size_t start = surf->faceStart;
size_t end = start + surf->numFaces;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
triCount += (faces[i].sideCount > 3) ? 2 : 1;
surf->numTris = triCount;
surf->tris = new OBJFace[triCount];
int quadCount = 0;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++)
surf->tris[i+quadCount].sideCount = 3;
if (faces[i].sideCount == 3)
memcpy(surf->tris[i+quadCount].sides, faces[i].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
else if (faces[i].sideCount == 4)
OBJFace *triangulated = new OBJFace[2];
TriangulateQuad(faces[i], triangulated);
memcpy(surf->tris[i+quadCount].sides, triangulated->sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
memcpy(surf->tris[i+quadCount+1].sides, (triangulated+1)->sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3);
delete[] triangulated;
quadCount += 1;
tris[j].sides[i].vertref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].vertref;
tris[j].sides[i].uvref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].uvref;
tris[j].sides[i].normref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].normref;
@ -312,33 +450,58 @@ int FOBJModel::FindFrame(const char* name)
return 0; // OBJs are not animated.
// Stubs - I don't know what these do exactly
void FOBJModel::RenderFrame(FModelRenderer *renderer, FTexture * skin, int frameno, int frameno2, double inter, int translation)
for (int i = 0; i < numMtls; i++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
renderer->SetMaterial(skin, false, translation);
GetVertexBuffer(renderer)->SetupFrame(renderer, surf->vindex + frameno * surf->numVertices, surf->vindex + frameno2 * surf->numVertices, surf->numVertices);
renderer->DrawElements(surf->numTriangles * 3, surf->iindex * sizeof(unsigned int));
OBJSurface *surf = &surfaces[i];
FTexture *userSkin = skin;
if (!userSkin)
if (curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[curMDLIndex][i].isValid())
userSkin = TexMan(curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[curMDLIndex][i]);
void FOBJModel::BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer *renderer)
else if (surf->skin.isValid())
userSkin = TexMan(surf->skin);
if (!userSkin) return;
renderer->SetMaterial(userSkin, false, translation);
GetVertexBuffer(renderer)->SetupFrame(renderer, 0, 0, surf->numTris * 3);
renderer->DrawArrays(surf->vbStart, surf->numTris * 3);
void FOBJModel::AddSkins(uint8_t* hitlist)
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
if (curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[curMDLIndex][i].isValid())
hitlist[curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[curMDLIndex][i].GetIndex()] |= FTextureManager::HIT_Flat;
OBJSurface * surf = &surfaces[i];
if (surf->skin.isValid())
hitlist[surf->skin.GetIndex()] |= FTextureManager::HIT_Flat;
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++)
delete[] surfaces[i].tris;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class FOBJModel : public FModel
int mLumpNum;
int numMtls;
const char *newSideSep = "$"; // OBJ side separator is /, which is parsed as a line comment by FScanner if two of them are next to each other.
enum class FaceElement
@ -50,18 +50,15 @@ private:
int sideCount;
OBJFaceSide sides[4];
struct OBJTriangle
int vertref[3];
struct OBJSurface // 1 surface per 'usemtl'
int numTris; // Number of triangulated faces
int numFaces; // Number of faces
int faceStart; // Index of first face in faces array
unsigned int numTris; // Number of triangulated faces
unsigned int numFaces; // Number of faces
unsigned int vbStart; // First index in vertex buffer
unsigned int faceStart; // Index of first face in faces array
OBJFace* tris; // Triangles
FTextureID skin;
OBJSurface(FTextureID skin): numTris(0), numFaces(0), faceStart(0), tris(nullptr), skin(skin) {}
OBJSurface(FTextureID skin): numTris(0), numFaces(0), vbStart(0), faceStart(0), tris(nullptr), skin(skin) {}
TArray<FVector3> verts;
@ -69,20 +66,16 @@ private:
TArray<FVector2> uvs;
TArray<OBJFace> faces;
TArray<OBJSurface> surfaces;
FTextureID curMtl;
OBJSurface* curSurface;
int aggSurfFaceCount;
int curSurfFaceCount;
FScanner sc;
void ParseVector2(TArray<FVector2> &array);
void ParseVector3(TArray<FVector3> &array);
void ParseFaceSide(const FString &side, OBJFace &face, int sidx);
void ConstructSurfaceTris(OBJSurface *surf);
void ConstructSurfaceTris(OBJSurface &surf);
int ResolveIndex(int origIndex, FaceElement el);
void TriangulateQuad(const OBJFace &quad, OBJFace *tris);
FOBJModel(): curSurface(nullptr), aggSurfFaceCount(0), curSurfFaceCount(0) {}
FOBJModel() {}
bool Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length) override;
int FindFrame(const char* name) override;
Reference in a new issue