mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 17:01:23 +00:00
- Added Martin Howe's morph system enhancement.
SVN r889 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 497 additions and 195 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
April 8, 2008 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- Added Martin Howe's morph system enhancement.
April 7, 2008 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- Removed PT_EARLYOUT from P_PathTraverse because it wasn't used anywhere.
- Rewrote BlockThingsIterator code not to use callbacks anymore.
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public:
userinfo_t userinfo; // [RH] who is this?
const PClass *cls; // class of associated PlayerPawn
const PClass *cls; // class of associated PlayerPawn
float DesiredFOV; // desired field of vision
float FOV; // current field of vision
@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ public:
pspdef_t psprites[NUMPSPRITES]; // view sprites (gun, etc)
int morphTics; // player is a chicken/pig if > 0
BYTE MorphedPlayerClass; // [MH] (for SBARINFO) class # for this player instance when morphed
int MorphStyle; // which effects to apply for this player instance when morphed
const PClass *MorphExitFlash; // flash to apply when demorphing (cache of value given to P_MorphPlayer)
AWeapon *PremorphWeapon; // ready weapon before morphing
int chickenPeck; // chicken peck countdown
int jumpTics; // delay the next jump for a moment
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ bool AArtiTomeOfPower::Use (bool pickup)
if (Owner->player->morphTics)
{ // Attempt to undo chicken
if (P_UndoPlayerMorph (Owner->player) == false)
if (!P_UndoPlayerMorph (Owner->player))
{ // Failed
P_DamageMobj (Owner, NULL, NULL, 1000000, NAME_Telefrag);
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ bool AArtiTomeOfPower::Use (bool pickup)
{ // Succeeded
Owner->player->morphTics = 0;
Owner->player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
Owner->player->MorphStyle = 0;
Owner->player->MorphExitFlash = NULL;
S_Sound (Owner, CHAN_VOICE, "*evillaugh", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
return true;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ AT_GAME_SET(PigPlayer)
void APigPlayer::MorphPlayerThink ()
if (player->morphTics&15)
if (player->morphTics & 15)
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "m_random.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
static FRandom pr_torch ("Torch");
@ -287,10 +288,27 @@ bool APowerup::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
AInventory *APowerup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Get the effective effect time.
EffectTics = abs (EffectTics);
// Abuse the Owner field to tell the
// InitEffect method who started it;
// this should be cleared afterwards,
// as this powerup instance is not
// properly attached to anything yet.
Owner = other;
// Actually activate the powerup.
InitEffect ();
Owner = NULL;
// Clear the Owner field, unless it was
// changed by the activation, for example,
// if this instance is a morph powerup;
// the flag tells the caller that the
// ownership has changed so that they
// can properly handle the situation.
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_CREATECOPYMOVED))
Owner = NULL;
// All done.
return this;
@ -1704,3 +1722,73 @@ void APowerHighJump::EndEffect( )
// Morph powerup ------------------------------------------------------
PROP_Powerup_EffectTics( MORPHTICS )
// APowerMorph :: Serialize
void APowerMorph::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << PlayerClass << MorphStyle << MorphFlash << UnMorphFlash;
arc << player;
// APowerMorph :: InitEffect
void APowerMorph::InitEffect( )
if (Owner != NULL && Owner->player != NULL && PlayerClass != NAME_None)
player_t *realplayer = Owner->player; // Remember the identity of the player
const PClass *morph_flash = PClass::FindClass (MorphFlash);
const PClass *unmorph_flash = PClass::FindClass (UnMorphFlash);
const PClass *player_class = PClass::FindClass (PlayerClass);
if (P_MorphPlayer(realplayer, player_class, -1/*INDEFINITELY*/, MorphStyle, morph_flash, unmorph_flash))
Owner = realplayer->mo; // Replace the new owner in our owner; safe because we are not attached to anything yet
ItemFlags |= IF_CREATECOPYMOVED; // Let the caller know the "real" owner has changed (to the morphed actor)
player = realplayer; // Store the player identity (morphing clears the unmorphed actor's "player" field)
// APowerMorph :: EndEffect
void APowerMorph::EndEffect( )
if (Owner != NULL && player != NULL)
int savedMorphTics = player->morphTics;
P_UndoPlayerMorph (player);
if (player->morphTics /*failed*/)
// Transfer retry timeout
// to the powerup's timer.
EffectTics = player->morphTics;
// Reload negative morph tics;
// use actual value; it may
// be in use for animation.
player->morphTics = savedMorphTics;
else // unmorph succeeded
player = NULL;
@ -254,9 +254,20 @@ protected:
void EndEffect( );
class APowerMorph : public APowerup
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
FNameNoInit PlayerClass, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash;
int MorphStyle;
class player_s;
void InitEffect ();
void EndEffect ();
// Variables
player_s *player;
#endif //__A_ARTIFACTS_H__
@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
#include "m_random.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
static FRandom pr_morphmonst ("MorphMonster");
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ static FRandom pr_morphmonst ("MorphMonster");
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *p, const PClass *spawntype)
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *p, const PClass *spawntype, int duration, int style, const PClass *enter_flash, const PClass *exit_flash)
AInventory *item;
APlayerPawn *morphed;
@ -77,12 +76,12 @@ bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *p, const PClass *spawntype)
morphed->flags |= actor->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY);
morphed->flags2 |= actor->flags2 & MF2_FLY;
morphed->flags3 |= actor->flags3 & MF3_GHOST;
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn(((enter_flash) ? enter_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog)), actor->x, actor->y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
actor->player = NULL;
actor->flags &= ~(MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE);
actor->flags |= MF_UNMORPHED;
actor->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
p->morphTics = MORPHTICS;
p->morphTics = (duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS;
// [MH] Used by SBARINFO to speed up face drawing
p->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
@ -94,7 +93,9 @@ bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *p, const PClass *spawntype)
p->MorphStyle = style;
p->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog);
p->health = morphed->health;
p->mo = morphed;
p->momx = p->momy = 0;
@ -198,8 +199,12 @@ bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *player, bool force)
mo->flags2 = (mo->flags2 & ~MF2_FLY) | (pmo->flags2 & MF2_FLY);
mo->flags3 = (mo->flags3 & ~MF3_GHOST) | (pmo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST);
const PClass *exit_flash = player->MorphExitFlash;
player->morphTics = 0;
player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
player->MorphStyle = 0;
player->MorphExitFlash = NULL;
player->viewheight = mo->ViewHeight;
AInventory *level2 = mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2));
if (level2 != NULL)
@ -246,8 +251,7 @@ bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *player, bool force)
angle = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (pmo->x + 20*finecosine[angle],
pmo->y + 20*finesine[angle], pmo->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn(exit_flash, pmo->x + 20*finecosine[angle], pmo->y + 20*finesine[angle], pmo->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
beastweap = player->ReadyWeapon;
if (player->PremorphWeapon != NULL)
@ -284,7 +288,7 @@ bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *player, bool force)
bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *spawntype)
bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *spawntype, int duration, int style, const PClass *enter_flash, const PClass *exit_flash)
AMorphedMonster *morphed;
@ -304,7 +308,9 @@ bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *spawntype)
morphed->alpha = actor->alpha;
morphed->RenderStyle = actor->RenderStyle;
morphed->UnmorphTime = level.time + MORPHTICS + pr_morphmonst();
morphed->UnmorphTime = level.time + ((duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS) + pr_morphmonst();
morphed->MorphStyle = style;
morphed->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog);
morphed->FlagsSave = actor->flags & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
//morphed->special = actor->special;
//memcpy (morphed->args, actor->args, sizeof(actor->args));
@ -321,7 +327,7 @@ bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *spawntype)
actor->flags &= ~(MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE);
actor->flags |= MF_UNMORPHED;
actor->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn(((enter_flash) ? enter_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog)), actor->x, actor->y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
return true;
@ -375,8 +381,9 @@ bool P_UpdateMorphedMonster (AMorphedMonster *beast)
actor->AddToHash ();
beast->UnmorphedMe = NULL;
DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (beast, actor);
const PClass *exit_flash = beast->MorphExitFlash;
beast->Destroy ();
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (beast->x, beast->y, beast->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn(exit_flash, beast->x, beast->y, beast->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
return true;
@ -390,13 +397,17 @@ END_DEFAULTS
int AMorphProjectile::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage)
const PClass *morph_flash = PClass::FindClass (MorphFlash);
const PClass *unmorph_flash = PClass::FindClass (UnMorphFlash);
if (target->player)
P_MorphPlayer (target->player, PClass::FindClass (PlayerClass));
const PClass *player_class = PClass::FindClass (PlayerClass);
P_MorphPlayer (target->player, player_class, Duration, MorphStyle, morph_flash, unmorph_flash);
P_MorphMonster (target, PClass::FindClass (MonsterClass));
const PClass *monster_class = PClass::FindClass (MonsterClass);
P_MorphMonster (target, monster_class, Duration, MorphStyle, morph_flash, unmorph_flash);
return -1;
@ -404,7 +415,7 @@ int AMorphProjectile::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage)
void AMorphProjectile::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << PlayerClass << MonsterClass;
arc << PlayerClass << MonsterClass << Duration << MorphStyle << MorphFlash << UnMorphFlash;
@ -423,7 +434,7 @@ END_DEFAULTS
void AMorphedMonster::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << UnmorphedMe << UnmorphTime << FlagsSave;
arc << UnmorphedMe << UnmorphTime << MorphStyle << MorphExitFlash << FlagsSave;
void AMorphedMonster::Destroy ()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#ifndef __A_MORPH__
#define __A_MORPH__
// Morph style states how morphing affects health and
// other effects in the game; only valid for players.
// Default should be the old Heretic/HeXen behaviour,
// so the (int) value of MORPH_RAVEN *must* be zero.
MORPH_OLDEFFECTS = 0, // Default to old Heretic/HeXen behaviour unless flags given
MORPH_ADDSTAMINA = 1, // Power instead of curse (add stamina instead of limiting to health)
MORPH_FULLHEALTH = 2, // New health semantics (!POWER => MaxHealth of animal, POWER => Normal health behaviour)
class PClass;
class AActor;
class player_s;
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_s *player, const PClass *morphclass, int duration = 0, int style = 0,
const PClass *enter_flash = NULL, const PClass *exit_flash = NULL);
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_s *player, bool force = false);
bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *morphclass, int duration = 0, int style = 0,
const PClass *enter_flash = NULL, const PClass *exit_flash = NULL);
bool P_UpdateMorphedMonster (AActor *actor);
#endif //__A_MORPH__
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "a_strifeglobal.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
static FRandom pr_restore ("RestorePos");
@ -193,10 +194,25 @@ bool P_GiveBody (AActor *actor, int num)
if (player != NULL)
max = static_cast<APlayerPawn*>(actor)->GetMaxHealth() + player->stamina;
if (player->morphTics)
// [MH] First step in predictable generic morph effects
if (player->morphTics)
if (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_FULLHEALTH)
if (!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_ADDSTAMINA))
max -= player->stamina;
else // old health behaviour
if (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_ADDSTAMINA)
max += player->stamina;
// [RH] For Strife: A negative body sets you up with a percentage
// of your full health.
if (num < 0)
@ -1163,6 +1179,8 @@ void AInventory::GiveQuest (AActor *toucher)
bool AInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
AActor *newtoucher = toucher; // in case changed by the powerup
// If HandlePickup() returns true, it will set the IF_PICKUPGOOD flag
// to indicate that this item has been picked up. If the item cannot be
// picked up, then it leaves the flag cleared.
@ -1209,7 +1227,15 @@ bool AInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
return false;
copy->AttachToOwner (toucher);
// Handle owner-changing powerups
if (copy->ItemFlags & IF_CREATECOPYMOVED)
newtoucher = copy->Owner;
copy->Owner = NULL;
copy->ItemFlags &= ~IF_CREATECOPYMOVED;
// Continue onwards with the rest
copy->AttachToOwner (newtoucher);
if (ItemFlags & IF_AUTOACTIVATE)
if (copy->Use (true))
@ -1223,7 +1249,7 @@ bool AInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
return true;
@ -1380,9 +1406,24 @@ bool AHealth::TryPickup (AActor *other)
if (max == 0)
max = static_cast<APlayerPawn*>(other)->GetMaxHealth() + player->stamina;
if (player->morphTics)
// [MH] First step in predictable generic morph effects
if (player->morphTics)
if (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_FULLHEALTH)
if (!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_ADDSTAMINA))
max -= player->stamina;
else // old health behaviour
if (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_ADDSTAMINA)
max += player->stamina;
if (player->health >= max)
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ enum
IF_BIGPOWERUP = 1<<12, // Affected by RESPAWN_SUPER dmflag
IF_KEEPDEPLETED = 1<<13, // Items with this flag are retained even when they run out.
IF_IGNORESKILL = 1<<14, // Ignores any skill related multiplicators when giving this item.
IF_CREATECOPYMOVED = 1<<15 // CreateCopy changed the owner (copy's Owner field holds new owner).
struct vissprite_t;
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ public:
int Kickback;
fixed_t YAdjust; // For viewing the weapon fullscreen
WORD UpSound, ReadySound; // Sounds when coming up and idle
const PClass *SisterWeaponType; // Another weapon to pick up with this one
const PClass *SisterWeaponType; // Another weapon to pick up with this one
const PClass *ProjectileType; // Projectile used by primary attack
const PClass *AltProjectileType; // Projectile used by alternate attack
int SelectionOrder; // Lower-numbered weapons get picked first
@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ struct side_t;
extern void P_SpawnDirt (AActor *actor, fixed_t radius);
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_s *player);
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_s *player, bool force);
bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *morphClass);
bool P_UpdateMorphedMonster (AActor *actor);
class DBaseDecal : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (DBaseDecal, DThinker)
@ -182,7 +174,8 @@ public:
int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
FNameNoInit PlayerClass, MonsterClass;
FNameNoInit PlayerClass, MonsterClass, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash;
int Duration, MorphStyle;
class AMorphedMonster : public AActor
@ -196,7 +189,8 @@ public:
void Destroy ();
TObjPtr<AActor> UnmorphedMe;
int UnmorphTime;
int UnmorphTime, MorphStyle;
const PClass *MorphExitFlash;
DWORD FlagsSave;
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
#include "r_local.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define STEEPSLOPE 46341 // [RH] Minimum floorplane.c value for walking
#define BONUSADD 6
// mapblocks are used to check movement
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ void P_DropWeapon (player_t* player);
void P_FallingDamage (AActor *ent);
void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player);
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *player, bool force=false);
void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player);
void P_UnPredictPlayer ();
@ -430,11 +428,8 @@ extern FBlockNode** blocklinks; // for thing chains
void P_TouchSpecialThing (AActor *special, AActor *toucher);
void P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName mod, int flags=0);
bool P_GiveBody (AActor *actor, int num);
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *player, const PClass *morphClass);
void P_PoisonPlayer (player_t *player, AActor *poisoner, AActor *source, int poison);
void P_PoisonDamage (player_t *player, AActor *source, int damage, bool playPainSound);
@ -3643,6 +3643,8 @@ APlayerPawn *P_SpawnPlayer (mapthing2_t *mthing, bool tempplayer)
p->bonuscount = 0;
p->morphTics = 0;
p->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
p->MorphStyle = 0;
p->MorphExitFlash = NULL;
p->extralight = 0;
p->fixedcolormap = 0;
p->viewheight = mobj->ViewHeight;
@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ player_s::player_s()
@ -2417,6 +2419,8 @@ void player_s::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
<< fixedcolormap
<< morphTics
<< MorphedPlayerClass
<< MorphStyle
<< MorphExitFlash
<< PremorphWeapon
<< chickenPeck
<< jumpTics
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
#include "thingdef.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "r_translate.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
@ -744,6 +745,39 @@ static bool CheckFloatParm(FScanner &sc)
// [MH]
static int ParseMorphStyle (FScanner &sc)
static const char * morphstyles[]={
static const int morphstyle_values[]={
// May be given flags by number...
if (sc.CheckNumber())
return sc.Number;
// ... else should be flags by name.
bool gotparen = sc.CheckString("(");
int style = 0;
style |= morphstyle_values[sc.MustMatchString(morphstyles)];
while (sc.CheckString("|"));
if (gotparen)
return style;
// Property parsers
@ -2448,6 +2482,15 @@ static void PlayerHexenArmor (FScanner &sc, APlayerPawn *defaults, Baggage &bag)
static void EggFXPlayerClass (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->PlayerClass = FName(sc.String);
@ -2460,12 +2503,73 @@ static void EggFXMonsterClass (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage
static void EggFXPlayerClass (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
static void EggFXDuration (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetNumber ();
defaults->Duration = sc.Number;
static void EggFXMorphStyle (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
defaults->MorphStyle = ParseMorphStyle(sc);
static void EggFXMorphFlash (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->MorphFlash = FName(sc.String);
static void EggFXUnMorphFlash (FScanner &sc, AMorphProjectile *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->UnMorphFlash = FName(sc.String);
static void PowerMorphPlayerClass (FScanner &sc, APowerMorph *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->PlayerClass = FName(sc.String);
static void PowerMorphMorphStyle (FScanner &sc, APowerMorph *defaults, Baggage &bag)
defaults->MorphStyle = ParseMorphStyle(sc);
static void PowerMorphMorphFlash (FScanner &sc, APowerMorph *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->UnMorphFlash = FName(sc.String);
static void PowerMorphUnMorphFlash (FScanner &sc, APowerMorph *defaults, Baggage &bag)
sc.MustGetString ();
defaults->UnMorphFlash = FName(sc.String);
@ -2501,150 +2605,158 @@ static const ActorProps *APropSearch (const char *str, const ActorProps *props,
#define apf ActorPropFunction
static const ActorProps props[] =
{ "activesound", ActorActiveSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "alpha", ActorAlpha, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "ammo.backpackamount", (apf)AmmoBackpackAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "ammo.backpackmaxamount", (apf)AmmoBackpackMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "ammo.dropamount", (apf)AmmoDropAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "args", ActorArgs, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "armor.maxbonus", (apf)ArmorMaxBonus, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.maxbonusmax", (apf)ArmorMaxBonusMax, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.maxsaveamount", (apf)ArmorMaxSaveAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.saveamount", (apf)ArmorSaveAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "armor.savepercent", (apf)ArmorSavePercent, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "attacksound", ActorAttackSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bloodcolor", ActorBloodColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bloodtype", ActorBloodType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bouncecount", ActorBounceCount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bouncefactor", ActorBounceFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "burn", ActorBurnState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "burnheight", ActorBurnHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "cameraheight", ActorCameraheight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "clearflags", ActorClearFlags, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "conversationid", ActorConversationID, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "crash", ActorCrashState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "crush", ActorCrushState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damage", ActorDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damagefactor", ActorDamageFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damagetype", ActorDamageType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "death", ActorDeathState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "deathheight", ActorDeathHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "deathsound", ActorDeathSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "decal", ActorDecal, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "disintegrate", ActorDisintegrateState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "donthurtshooter", ActorDontHurtShooter, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "dropitem", ActorDropItem, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "explosiondamage", ActorExplosionDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "explosionradius", ActorExplosionRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "fastspeed", ActorFastSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "floatspeed", ActorFloatSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "game", ActorGame, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "gibhealth", ActorGibHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "gravity", ActorGravity, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "heal", ActorHealState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "health", ActorHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "health.lowmessage", (apf)HealthLowMessage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth) },
{ "height", ActorHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "hitobituary", ActorHitObituary, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "howlsound", ActorHowlSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "ice", ActorIceState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "inventory.amount", (apf)InventoryAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.defmaxamount", (apf)InventoryDefMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.givequest", (apf)InventoryGiveQuest, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.icon", (apf)InventoryIcon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.maxamount", (apf)InventoryMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupflash", (apf)InventoryPickupflash, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupmessage", (apf)InventoryPickupmsg, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupsound", (apf)InventoryPickupsound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.respawntics", (apf)InventoryRespawntics, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.usesound", (apf)InventoryUsesound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "mass", ActorMass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxdropoffheight", ActorMaxDropoffHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxstepheight", ActorMaxStepHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxtargetrange", ActorMaxTargetRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "melee", ActorMeleeState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleedamage", ActorMeleeDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleerange", ActorMeleeRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleesound", ActorMeleeSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleethreshold", ActorMeleeThreshold, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "minmissilechance", ActorMinMissileChance, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missile", ActorMissileState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missileheight", ActorMissileHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missiletype", ActorMissileType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "monster", ActorMonster, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "morphprojectile.monsterclass",(apf)EggFXMonsterClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "morphprojectile.playerclass",(apf)EggFXPlayerClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "obituary", ActorObituary, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "pain", ActorPainState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "painchance", ActorPainChance, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "painsound", ActorPainSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "player.attackzoffset", (apf)PlayerAttackZOffset, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.colorrange", (apf)PlayerColorRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.crouchsprite", (apf)PlayerCrouchSprite, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.damagescreencolor", (apf)PlayerDmgScreenColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.displayname", (apf)PlayerDisplayName, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.face", (apf)PlayerFace, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.forwardmove", (apf)PlayerForwardMove, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.healradiustype", (apf)PlayerHealRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.hexenarmor", (apf)PlayerHexenArmor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.invulnerabilitymode", (apf)PlayerInvulMode, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.jumpz", (apf)PlayerJumpZ, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.maxhealth", (apf)PlayerMaxHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.morphweapon", (apf)PlayerMorphWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.runhealth", (apf)PlayerRunHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.scoreicon", (apf)PlayerScoreIcon, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.sidemove", (apf)PlayerSideMove, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.soundclass", (apf)PlayerSoundClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.spawnclass", (apf)PlayerSpawnClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.startitem", (apf)PlayerStartItem, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.viewheight", (apf)PlayerViewHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "poisondamage", ActorPoisonDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "powerup.color", (apf)PowerupColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.duration", (apf)PowerupDuration, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.mode", (apf)PowerupMode, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.type", (apf)PowerupType, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "projectile", ActorProjectile, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "puzzleitem.failmessage", (apf)PuzzleitemFailMsg, RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem) },
{ "puzzleitem.number", (apf)PuzzleitemNumber, RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem) },
{ "radius", ActorRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "radiusdamagefactor", ActorRadiusDamageFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "raise", ActorRaiseState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "reactiontime", ActorReactionTime, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "renderstyle", ActorRenderStyle, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "scale", ActorScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "see", ActorSeeState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "seesound", ActorSeeSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "skip_super", ActorSkipSuper, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "spawn", ActorSpawnState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "spawnid", ActorSpawnID, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "speed", ActorSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "states", ActorStates, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "stencilcolor", ActorStencilColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "tag", ActorTag, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "translation", ActorTranslation, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "vspeed", ActorVSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "weapon.ammogive", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammogive1", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammogive2", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype", (apf)WeaponAmmoType1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype1", (apf)WeaponAmmoType1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype2", (apf)WeaponAmmoType2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse1", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse2", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.kickback", (apf)WeaponKickback, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.readysound", (apf)WeaponReadySound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.selectionorder", (apf)WeaponSelectionOrder, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.sisterweapon", (apf)WeaponSisterWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.upsound", (apf)WeaponUpSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.yadjust", (apf)WeaponYAdjust, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weaponpiece.number", (apf)WPieceValue, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeaponPiece) },
{ "weaponpiece.weapon", (apf)WPieceWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeaponPiece) },
{ "wound", ActorWoundState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "woundhealth", ActorWoundHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "xdeath", ActorXDeathState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "xscale", ActorXScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "yscale", ActorYScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "activesound", ActorActiveSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "alpha", ActorAlpha, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "ammo.backpackamount", (apf)AmmoBackpackAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "ammo.backpackmaxamount", (apf)AmmoBackpackMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "ammo.dropamount", (apf)AmmoDropAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) },
{ "args", ActorArgs, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "armor.maxbonus", (apf)ArmorMaxBonus, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.maxbonusmax", (apf)ArmorMaxBonusMax, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.maxsaveamount", (apf)ArmorMaxSaveAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus) },
{ "armor.saveamount", (apf)ArmorSaveAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "armor.savepercent", (apf)ArmorSavePercent, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "attacksound", ActorAttackSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bloodcolor", ActorBloodColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bloodtype", ActorBloodType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bouncecount", ActorBounceCount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "bouncefactor", ActorBounceFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "burn", ActorBurnState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "burnheight", ActorBurnHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "cameraheight", ActorCameraheight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "clearflags", ActorClearFlags, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "conversationid", ActorConversationID, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "crash", ActorCrashState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "crush", ActorCrushState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damage", ActorDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damagefactor", ActorDamageFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "damagetype", ActorDamageType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "death", ActorDeathState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "deathheight", ActorDeathHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "deathsound", ActorDeathSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "decal", ActorDecal, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "disintegrate", ActorDisintegrateState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "donthurtshooter", ActorDontHurtShooter, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "dropitem", ActorDropItem, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "explosiondamage", ActorExplosionDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "explosionradius", ActorExplosionRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "fastspeed", ActorFastSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "floatspeed", ActorFloatSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "game", ActorGame, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "gibhealth", ActorGibHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "gravity", ActorGravity, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "heal", ActorHealState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "health", ActorHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "health.lowmessage", (apf)HealthLowMessage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth) },
{ "height", ActorHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "hitobituary", ActorHitObituary, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "howlsound", ActorHowlSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "ice", ActorIceState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "inventory.amount", (apf)InventoryAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.defmaxamount", (apf)InventoryDefMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.givequest", (apf)InventoryGiveQuest, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.icon", (apf)InventoryIcon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.maxamount", (apf)InventoryMaxAmount, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupflash", (apf)InventoryPickupflash, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupmessage", (apf)InventoryPickupmsg, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.pickupsound", (apf)InventoryPickupsound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.respawntics", (apf)InventoryRespawntics, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "inventory.usesound", (apf)InventoryUsesound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory) },
{ "mass", ActorMass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxdropoffheight", ActorMaxDropoffHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxstepheight", ActorMaxStepHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "maxtargetrange", ActorMaxTargetRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "melee", ActorMeleeState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleedamage", ActorMeleeDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleerange", ActorMeleeRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleesound", ActorMeleeSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "meleethreshold", ActorMeleeThreshold, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "minmissilechance", ActorMinMissileChance, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missile", ActorMissileState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missileheight", ActorMissileHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "missiletype", ActorMissileType, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "monster", ActorMonster, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "morphprojectile.duration", (apf)EggFXDuration, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "morphprojectile.monsterclass", (apf)EggFXMonsterClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "morphprojectile.morphflash", (apf)EggFXMorphFlash, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
// { "morphprojectile.morphstyle", (apf)EggFXMorphStyle, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "morphprojectile.playerclass", (apf)EggFXPlayerClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "morphprojectile.unmorphflash", (apf)EggFXUnMorphFlash, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) },
{ "obituary", ActorObituary, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "pain", ActorPainState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "painchance", ActorPainChance, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "painsound", ActorPainSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "player.attackzoffset", (apf)PlayerAttackZOffset, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.colorrange", (apf)PlayerColorRange, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.crouchsprite", (apf)PlayerCrouchSprite, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.damagescreencolor", (apf)PlayerDmgScreenColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.displayname", (apf)PlayerDisplayName, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.face", (apf)PlayerFace, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.forwardmove", (apf)PlayerForwardMove, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.healradiustype", (apf)PlayerHealRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.hexenarmor", (apf)PlayerHexenArmor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.invulnerabilitymode", (apf)PlayerInvulMode, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.jumpz", (apf)PlayerJumpZ, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.maxhealth", (apf)PlayerMaxHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.morphweapon", (apf)PlayerMorphWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.runhealth", (apf)PlayerRunHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.scoreicon", (apf)PlayerScoreIcon, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.sidemove", (apf)PlayerSideMove, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.soundclass", (apf)PlayerSoundClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.spawnclass", (apf)PlayerSpawnClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.startitem", (apf)PlayerStartItem, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "player.viewheight", (apf)PlayerViewHeight, RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn) },
{ "poisondamage", ActorPoisonDamage, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "powermorph.morphflash", (apf)PowerMorphMorphFlash, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph) },
//{ "powermorph.morphstyle", (apf)PowerMorphMorphStyle, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph) },
{ "powermorph.playerclass", (apf)PowerMorphPlayerClass, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph) },
{ "powermorph.unmorphflash", (apf)PowerMorphUnMorphFlash, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph) },
{ "powerup.color", (apf)PowerupColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.duration", (apf)PowerupDuration, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.mode", (apf)PowerupMode, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "powerup.type", (apf)PowerupType, RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerupGiver) },
{ "projectile", ActorProjectile, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "puzzleitem.failmessage", (apf)PuzzleitemFailMsg, RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem) },
{ "puzzleitem.number", (apf)PuzzleitemNumber, RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem) },
{ "radius", ActorRadius, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "radiusdamagefactor", ActorRadiusDamageFactor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "raise", ActorRaiseState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "reactiontime", ActorReactionTime, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "renderstyle", ActorRenderStyle, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "scale", ActorScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "see", ActorSeeState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "seesound", ActorSeeSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "skip_super", ActorSkipSuper, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "spawn", ActorSpawnState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "spawnid", ActorSpawnID, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "speed", ActorSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "states", ActorStates, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "stencilcolor", ActorStencilColor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "tag", ActorTag, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "translation", ActorTranslation, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "vspeed", ActorVSpeed, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "weapon.ammogive", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammogive1", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammogive2", (apf)WeaponAmmoGive2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype", (apf)WeaponAmmoType1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype1", (apf)WeaponAmmoType1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammotype2", (apf)WeaponAmmoType2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse1", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse1, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.ammouse2", (apf)WeaponAmmoUse2, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.kickback", (apf)WeaponKickback, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.readysound", (apf)WeaponReadySound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.selectionorder", (apf)WeaponSelectionOrder, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.sisterweapon", (apf)WeaponSisterWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.upsound", (apf)WeaponUpSound, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weapon.yadjust", (apf)WeaponYAdjust, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) },
{ "weaponpiece.number", (apf)WPieceValue, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeaponPiece) },
{ "weaponpiece.weapon", (apf)WPieceWeapon, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeaponPiece) },
{ "wound", ActorWoundState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "woundhealth", ActorWoundHealth, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "xdeath", ActorXDeathState, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "xscale", ActorXScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
{ "yscale", ActorYScale, RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) },
// AWeapon:MinAmmo1 and 2 are never used so there is no point in adding them here!
static const ActorProps *is_actorprop (const char *str)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
// SAVESIG should match SAVEVER.
// MINSAVEVER is the minimum level snapshot version that can be loaded.
#define MINSAVEVER 887
#define MINSAVEVER 889
// Never write a savegame with a version lower than what we need
Reference in a new issue