
1268 lines
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Raw Normal View History

struct FCheckPosition
// in
native Actor thing;
native Vector3 pos;
// out
native Sector cursector;
native double floorz;
native double ceilingz;
native double dropoffz;
native TextureID floorpic;
native int floorterrain;
native Sector floorsector;
native TextureID ceilingpic;
native Sector ceilingsector;
native bool touchmidtex;
native bool abovemidtex;
native bool floatok;
native bool FromPMove;
native line ceilingline;
native Actor stepthing;
native bool DoRipping;
native bool portalstep;
native int portalgroup;
native int PushTime;
// These are internal helpers to properly initialize an object of this type.
private native void _Constructor();
private native void _Destructor();
native void ClearLastRipped();
struct FLineTraceData
enum ETraceResult
2018-11-02 05:14:02 +00:00
native Actor HitActor;
native Line HitLine;
native Sector HitSector;
native F3DFloor Hit3DFloor;
native TextureID HitTexture;
native Vector3 HitLocation;
native Vector3 HitDir;
native double Distance;
native int NumPortals;
native int LineSide;
native int LinePart;
native int SectorPlane;
native int HitType;
2017-01-13 21:13:03 +00:00
struct LinkContext
voidptr sector_list; // really msecnode but that's not exported yet.
voidptr render_list;
class Actor : Thinker native
const DEFAULT_HEALTH = 1000;
2016-11-18 20:34:06 +00:00
const ONFLOORZ = -2147483648.0;
const ONCEILINGZ = 2147483647.0;
const TELEFRAG_DAMAGE = 1000000;
const MinVel = 1./65536;
const LARGE_MASS = 10000000; // not INT_MAX on purpose
const ORIG_FRICTION = (0xE800/65536.); // original value
const ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR = (2048/65536.); // original value
2018-11-24 08:33:03 +00:00
2016-11-18 20:34:06 +00:00
// flags are not defined here, the native fields for those get synthesized from the internal tables.
// for some comments on these fields, see their native representations in actor.h.
native readonly Actor snext; // next in sector list.
native PlayerInfo Player;
native readonly vector3 Pos;
native vector3 Prev;
native double spriteAngle;
native double spriteRotation;
native double VisibleStartAngle;
native double VisibleStartPitch;
native double VisibleEndAngle;
native double VisibleEndPitch;
native double Angle;
native double Pitch;
native double Roll;
native vector3 Vel;
native double Speed;
native double FloatSpeed;
native SpriteID sprite;
native uint8 frame;
native vector2 Scale;
native TextureID picnum;
native double Alpha;
native readonly color fillcolor; // must be set with SetShade to initialize correctly.
native Sector CurSector;
native double CeilingZ;
native double FloorZ;
native double DropoffZ;
native Sector floorsector;
native TextureID floorpic;
native int floorterrain;
native Sector ceilingsector;
native TextureID ceilingpic;
native double Height;
native readonly double Radius;
native readonly double RenderRadius;
native double projectilepassheight;
native int tics;
native readonly State CurState;
native readonly int Damage;
native int projectilekickback;
native int special1;
native int special2;
native double specialf1;
native double specialf2;
native int weaponspecial;
native int Health;
native uint8 movedir;
native int8 visdir;
native int16 movecount;
native int16 strafecount;
native Actor Target;
native Actor Master;
native Actor Tracer;
native Actor LastHeard;
native Actor LastEnemy;
native Actor LastLookActor;
native int ReactionTime;
native int Threshold;
native readonly int DefThreshold;
native vector3 SpawnPoint;
native uint16 SpawnAngle;
native int StartHealth;
native uint8 WeaveIndexXY;
native uint8 WeaveIndexZ;
native int skillrespawncount;
native int Args[5];
native int Mass;
native int Special;
native readonly int TID;
native readonly int TIDtoHate;
native readonly int WaterLevel;
native int Score;
native int Accuracy;
native int Stamina;
native double MeleeRange;
native int PainThreshold;
native double Gravity;
native double FloorClip;
native name DamageType;
native name DamageTypeReceived;
native uint8 FloatBobPhase;
native double FloatBobStrength;
native int RipperLevel;
native int RipLevelMin;
native int RipLevelMax;
native name Species;
native Actor Alternative;
native Actor goal;
native uint8 MinMissileChance;
native int8 LastLookPlayerNumber;
native uint SpawnFlags;
native double meleethreshold;
native double maxtargetrange;
native double bouncefactor;
native double wallbouncefactor;
native int bouncecount;
native double friction;
native int FastChaseStrafeCount;
native double pushfactor;
native int lastpush;
native int activationtype;
native int lastbump;
native int DesignatedTeam;
native Actor BlockingMobj;
2017-01-12 23:35:56 +00:00
native Line BlockingLine;
native Sector Blocking3DFloor;
native Sector BlockingCeiling;
native Sector BlockingFloor;
native int PoisonDamage;
native name PoisonDamageType;
native int PoisonDuration;
native int PoisonPeriod;
native int PoisonDamageReceived;
native name PoisonDamageTypeReceived;
native int PoisonDurationReceived;
native int PoisonPeriodReceived;
native Actor Poisoner;
native Inventory Inv;
native uint8 smokecounter;
native uint8 FriendPlayer;
native uint Translation;
native sound AttackSound;
native sound DeathSound;
native sound SeeSound;
native sound PainSound;
native sound ActiveSound;
native sound UseSound;
native sound BounceSound;
native sound WallBounceSound;
native sound CrushPainSound;
native double MaxDropoffHeight;
native double MaxStepHeight;
native int16 PainChance;
native name PainType;
native name DeathType;
native double DamageFactor;
native double DamageMultiply;
native Class<Actor> TelefogSourceType;
native Class<Actor> TelefogDestType;
native readonly State SpawnState;
native readonly State SeeState;
native State MeleeState;
native State MissileState;
native voidptr /*DecalBase*/ DecalGenerator;
2017-01-13 18:29:54 +00:00
native uint8 fountaincolor;
native double CameraHeight; // Height of camera when used as such
2017-08-28 02:07:32 +00:00
native double CameraFOV;
native double RadiusDamageFactor; // Radius damage factor
native double SelfDamageFactor;
native double StealthAlpha;
native int WoundHealth; // Health needed to enter wound state
native readonly color BloodColor;
native readonly int BloodTranslation;
native int RenderHidden;
native int RenderRequired;
native readonly int FriendlySeeBlocks;
native readonly int SpawnTime;
2018-12-01 16:03:58 +00:00
private native int InventoryID; // internal counter.
meta String Obituary; // Player was killed by this actor
meta String HitObituary; // Player was killed by this actor in melee
meta double DeathHeight; // Height on normal death
meta double BurnHeight; // Height on burning death
meta int GibHealth; // Negative health below which this monster dies an extreme death
meta Sound HowlSound; // Sound being played when electrocuted or poisoned
meta Name BloodType; // Blood replacement type
meta Name BloodType2; // Bloopsplatter replacement type
meta Name BloodType3; // AxeBlood replacement type
meta bool DontHurtShooter;
meta int ExplosionRadius;
meta int ExplosionDamage;
meta int MeleeDamage;
meta Sound MeleeSound;
meta double MissileHeight;
meta Name MissileName;
meta double FastSpeed; // speed in fast mode
Property prefix: none;
Property Obituary: Obituary;
Property HitObituary: HitObituary;
Property MeleeDamage: MeleeDamage;
Property MeleeSound: MeleeSound;
Property MissileHeight: MissileHeight;
Property MissileType: MissileName;
Property DontHurtShooter: DontHurtShooter;
Property ExplosionRadius: ExplosionRadius;
Property ExplosionDamage: ExplosionDamage;
//Property BloodType: BloodType, BloodType2, BloodType3;
Property FastSpeed: FastSpeed;
Property HowlSound: HowlSound;
Property GibHealth: GibHealth;
Property DeathHeight: DeathHeight;
Property BurnHeight: BurnHeight;
property Health: health;
property WoundHealth: WoundHealth;
property ReactionTime: reactiontime;
property PainThreshold: PainThreshold;
property DamageMultiply: DamageMultiply;
property ProjectileKickback: ProjectileKickback;
property Speed: speed;
property FloatSpeed: FloatSpeed;
property Radius: radius;
property RenderRadius: RenderRadius;
property Height: height;
property ProjectilePassHeight: ProjectilePassHeight;
property Mass: mass;
property XScale: ScaleX;
property YScale: ScaleY;
property SeeSound: SeeSound;
property AttackSound: AttackSound;
property BounceSound: BounceSound;
property WallBounceSound: WallBounceSound;
property PainSound: PainSound;
property DeathSound: DeathSound;
property ActiveSound: ActiveSound;
property CrushPainSound: CrushPainSound;
property Alpha: Alpha;
property MaxTargetRange: MaxTargetRange;
property MeleeThreshold: MeleeThreshold;
property MeleeRange: MeleeRange;
property PushFactor: PushFactor;
property BounceCount: BounceCount;
property WeaveIndexXY: WeaveIndexXY;
property WeaveIndexZ: WeaveIndexZ;
property MinMissileChance: MinMissileChance;
property MaxStepHeight: MaxStepHeight;
property MaxDropoffHeight: MaxDropoffHeight;
property PoisonDamageType: PoisonDamageType;
property RadiusDamageFactor: RadiusDamageFactor;
property SelfDamageFactor: SelfDamageFactor;
property StealthAlpha: StealthAlpha;
property CameraHeight: CameraHeight;
2017-08-28 02:07:32 +00:00
property CameraFOV: CameraFOV;
property VSpeed: velz;
property SpriteRotation: SpriteRotation;
property VisibleAngles: VisibleStartAngle, VisibleEndAngle;
property VisiblePitch: VisibleStartPitch, VisibleEndPitch;
property Species: Species;
property Accuracy: accuracy;
property Stamina: stamina;
property TelefogSourceType: TelefogSourceType;
property TelefogDestType: TelefogDestType;
property Ripperlevel: RipperLevel;
property RipLevelMin: RipLevelMin;
property RipLevelMax: RipLevelMax;
property RenderHidden: RenderHidden;
property RenderRequired: RenderRequired;
property FriendlySeeBlocks: FriendlySeeBlocks;
// need some definition work first
//FRenderStyle RenderStyle;
2018-11-24 08:33:03 +00:00
native private int RenderStyle; // This is kept private until its real type has been implemented into the VM. But some code needs to copy this.
//int ConversationRoot; // THe root of the current dialogue
// deprecated things.
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double X;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double Y;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double Z;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double VelX;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double VelY;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double VelZ;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double MomX;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double MomY;
native readonly deprecated("2.3") double MomZ;
native deprecated("2.3") double ScaleX;
native deprecated("2.3") double ScaleY;
//FStrifeDialogueNode *Conversation; // [RH] The dialogue to show when this actor is used.;
Scale 1;
Reactiontime 8;
Radius 20;
RenderRadius 0;
Height 16;
Mass 100;
RenderStyle 'Normal';
Alpha 1;
MinMissileChance 200;
MeleeRange 64 - 20;
MaxDropoffHeight 24;
MaxStepHeight 24;
BounceFactor 0.7;
WallBounceFactor 0.75;
BounceCount -1;
FloatSpeed 4;
FloatBobPhase -1; // randomly initialize by default
FloatBobStrength 1.0;
Gravity 1;
Friction 1;
DamageFactor 1.0; // damage multiplier as target of damage.
DamageMultiply 1.0; // damage multiplier as source of damage.
PushFactor 0.25;
WeaveIndexXY 0;
WeaveIndexZ 16;
DesignatedTeam 255;
PainType "Normal";
DeathType "Normal";
TeleFogSourceType "TeleportFog";
TeleFogDestType 'TeleportFog';
RipperLevel 0;
RipLevelMin 0;
RipLevelMax 0;
DefThreshold 100;
BloodType "Blood", "BloodSplatter", "AxeBlood";
ExplosionDamage 128;
ExplosionRadius -1; // i.e. use ExplosionDamage value
MissileHeight 32;
SpriteAngle 0;
SpriteRotation 0;
StencilColor "00 00 00";
VisibleAngles 0, 0;
VisiblePitch 0, 0;
CameraHeight int.min;
2017-08-28 02:07:32 +00:00
CameraFOV 90.f;
FastSpeed -1;
RadiusDamageFactor 1;
SelfDamageFactor 1;
StealthAlpha 0;
WoundHealth 6;
GibHealth int.min;
DeathHeight -1;
BurnHeight -1;
RenderHidden 0;
RenderRequired 0;
FriendlySeeBlocks 10; // 10 (blocks) * 128 (one map unit block)
// Functions
// 'parked' global functions.
native clearscope static double deltaangle(double ang1, double ang2);
native clearscope static double absangle(double ang1, double ang2);
native clearscope static Vector2 AngleToVector(double angle, double length = 1);
native clearscope static Vector2 RotateVector(Vector2 vec, double angle);
native clearscope static double Normalize180(double ang);
virtual void MarkPrecacheSounds()
bool IsPointerEqual(int ptr_select1, int ptr_select2)
return GetPointer(ptr_select1) == GetPointer(ptr_select2);
clearscope static double BobSin(double fb)
return sin(fb * (180./32)) * 8;
native bool isFrozen();
virtual native void BeginPlay();
virtual native void Activate(Actor activator);
virtual native void Deactivate(Actor activator);
2016-11-23 20:26:59 +00:00
virtual native int DoSpecialDamage (Actor target, int damage, Name damagetype);
virtual native int TakeSpecialDamage (Actor inflictor, Actor source, int damage, Name damagetype);
virtual native void Die(Actor source, Actor inflictor, int dmgflags = 0, Name MeansOfDeath = 'none');
virtual native bool Slam(Actor victim);
virtual native void Touch(Actor toucher);
2018-11-24 08:33:03 +00:00
native void Substitute(Actor replacement);
native ui void DisplayNameTag();
// Called by inventory items to see if this actor is capable of touching them.
// If true, the item will attempt to be picked up. Useful for things like
// allowing morphs to pick up limited items such as keys while preventing
// them from picking other items up.
virtual bool CanTouchItem(Inventory item)
return true;
// Called by PIT_CheckThing to check if two actors actually can collide.
virtual bool CanCollideWith(Actor other, bool passive)
return true;
// Called by revival/resurrection to check if one can resurrect the other.
// "other" can be null when not passive.
virtual bool CanResurrect(Actor other, bool passive)
return true;
// Called when an actor is to be reflected by a disc of repulsion.
// Returns true to continue normal blast processing.
virtual bool SpecialBlastHandling (Actor source, double strength)
return true;
// This is called before a missile gets exploded.
virtual int SpecialMissileHit (Actor victim)
return -1;
// Called when the player presses 'use' and an actor is found
virtual bool Used(Actor user)
return false;
virtual class<Actor> GetBloodType(int type)
Class<Actor> bloodcls;
if (type == 0)
bloodcls = BloodType;
else if (type == 1)
bloodcls = BloodType2;
else if (type == 2)
bloodcls = BloodType3;
return NULL;
if (bloodcls != NULL)
bloodcls = GetReplacement(bloodcls);
return bloodcls;
virtual int GetGibHealth()
if (GibHealth != int.min)
return -abs(GibHealth);
return -int(GetSpawnHealth() * gameinfo.gibfactor);
virtual double GetDeathHeight()
// [RH] Allow the death height to be overridden using metadata.
double metaheight = -1;
if (DamageType == 'Fire')
metaheight = BurnHeight;
if (metaheight < 0)
metaheight = DeathHeight;
if (metaheight < 0)
return Height * 0.25;
return MAX(metaheight, 0);
virtual String GetObituary(Actor victim, Actor inflictor, Name mod, bool playerattack)
if (mod == 'Telefrag')
else if (mod == 'Melee' && HitObituary.Length() > 0)
return HitObituary;
return Obituary;
virtual int OnDrain(Actor victim, int damage, Name dmgtype)
return damage;
// called on getting a secret, return false to disable default "secret found" message/sound
virtual bool OnGiveSecret(bool printmsg, bool playsound) { return true; }
native virtual bool OkayToSwitchTarget(Actor other);
native static class<Actor> GetReplacement(class<Actor> cls);
native static class<Actor> GetReplacee(class<Actor> cls);
native static int GetSpriteIndex(name sprt);
native clearscope static double GetDefaultSpeed(class<Actor> type);
native static class<Actor> GetSpawnableType(int spawnnum);
native static int ApplyDamageFactors(class<Inventory> itemcls, Name damagetype, int damage, int defdamage);
native void RemoveFromHash();
native void ChangeTid(int newtid);
native static int FindUniqueTid(int start = 0, int limit = 0);
native void SetShade(color col);
native clearscope int GetRenderStyle() const;
native clearscope bool CheckKeys(int locknum, bool remote, bool quiet = false);
protected native void CheckPortalTransition(bool linked = true);
native clearscope string GetTag(string defstr = "") const;
native void SetTag(string defstr = "");
native double GetBobOffset(double frac = 0);
native void ClearCounters();
native bool GiveBody (int num, int max=0);
native bool HitFloor();
2018-11-29 20:49:13 +00:00
native virtual bool Grind(bool items);
native clearscope bool isTeammate(Actor other) const;
native clearscope int PlayerNumber() const;
native void SetFriendPlayer(PlayerInfo player);
native void SoundAlert(Actor target, bool splash = false, double maxdist = 0);
native void ClearBounce();
native TerrainDef GetFloorTerrain();
native bool CheckLocalView(int consoleplayer = -1); // parameter is not used anymore but needed for backward compatibility.
2017-01-12 23:35:56 +00:00
native bool CheckNoDelay();
native bool UpdateWaterLevel (bool splash = true);
native bool IsZeroDamage();
native void ClearInterpolation();
native clearscope Vector3 PosRelative(sector sec) const;
2018-11-24 14:12:30 +00:00
native void RailAttack(FRailParams p);
native void HandleSpawnFlags();
native void ExplodeMissile(line lin = null, Actor target = null, bool onsky = false);
2016-11-23 20:26:59 +00:00
native void RestoreDamage();
native clearscope int SpawnHealth() const;
virtual clearscope int GetMaxHealth(bool withupgrades = false) const // this only exists to make checks for player health easier so they can avoid the type check and just call this method.
return SpawnHealth();
native void SetDamage(int dmg);
native clearscope double Distance2D(Actor other) const;
native clearscope double Distance3D(Actor other) const;
2018-02-24 20:36:17 +00:00
native clearscope double Distance2DSquared(Actor other) const;
native clearscope double Distance3DSquared(Actor other) const;
native void SetOrigin(vector3 newpos, bool moving);
native void SetXYZ(vector3 newpos);
native clearscope Actor GetPointer(int aaptr);
native double BulletSlope(out FTranslatedLineTarget pLineTarget = null, int aimflags = 0);
2017-04-30 20:16:32 +00:00
native void CheckFakeFloorTriggers (double oldz, bool oldz_has_viewheight = false);
native bool CheckFor3DFloorHit(double z, bool trigger);
native bool CheckFor3DCeilingHit(double z, bool trigger);
native int CheckMonsterUseSpecials();
2016-11-18 20:34:06 +00:00
native bool CheckMissileSpawn(double maxdist);
native bool CheckPosition(Vector2 pos, bool actorsonly = false, FCheckPosition tm = null);
native bool TestMobjLocation();
native static Actor Spawn(class<Actor> type, vector3 pos = (0,0,0), int replace = NO_REPLACE);
native Actor SpawnMissile(Actor dest, class<Actor> type, Actor owner = null);
2016-11-26 23:41:06 +00:00
native Actor SpawnMissileXYZ(Vector3 pos, Actor dest, Class<Actor> type, bool checkspawn = true, Actor owner = null);
2016-11-11 21:14:29 +00:00
native Actor SpawnMissileZ (double z, Actor dest, class<Actor> type);
native Actor SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (double z, class<Actor> type, double angle, double vz, double speed, Actor owner = null, bool checkspawn = true);
2016-11-28 17:36:13 +00:00
native Actor SpawnMissileZAimed (double z, Actor dest, Class<Actor> type);
2016-11-28 10:52:03 +00:00
native Actor SpawnSubMissile(Class<Actor> type, Actor target);
native Actor, Actor SpawnPlayerMissile(class<Actor> type, double angle = 1e37, double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0, out FTranslatedLineTarget pLineTarget = null, bool nofreeaim = false, bool noautoaim = false, int aimflags = 0);
native void SpawnTeleportFog(Vector3 pos, bool beforeTele, bool setTarget);
native Actor RoughMonsterSearch(int distance, bool onlyseekable = false, bool frontonly = false);
native int ApplyDamageFactor(Name damagetype, int damage);
native int GetModifiedDamage(Name damagetype, int damage, bool passive, Actor inflictor = null, Actor source = null, int flags = 0);
2016-11-28 10:52:03 +00:00
native bool CheckBossDeath();
void A_Light(int extralight) { if (player) player.extralight = clamp(extralight, -20, 20); }
void A_Light0() { if (player) player.extralight = 0; }
void A_Light1() { if (player) player.extralight = 1; }
void A_Light2() { if (player) player.extralight = 2; }
void A_LightInverse() { if (player) player.extralight = 0x80000000; }
2016-11-11 22:32:13 +00:00
native Actor OldSpawnMissile(Actor dest, class<Actor> type, Actor owner = null);
native Actor SpawnPuff(class<Actor> pufftype, vector3 pos, double hitdir, double particledir, int updown, int flags = 0, Actor victim = null);
native void SpawnBlood (Vector3 pos1, double dir, int damage);
native void BloodSplatter (Vector3 pos, double hitangle, bool axe = false);
native bool HitWater (sector sec, Vector3 pos, bool checkabove = false, bool alert = true, bool force = false);
native void PlaySpawnSound(Actor missile);
native clearscope bool CountsAsKill() const;
2016-11-07 22:16:25 +00:00
native bool Teleport(Vector3 pos, double angle, int flags);
native void TraceBleed(int damage, Actor missile);
native void TraceBleedAngle(int damage, double angle, double pitch);
native void SetIdle(bool nofunction = false);
native bool CheckMeleeRange();
native bool TriggerPainChance(Name mod, bool forcedPain = false);
2017-01-10 20:31:52 +00:00
native virtual int DamageMobj(Actor inflictor, Actor source, int damage, Name mod, int flags = 0, double angle = 0);
native void PoisonMobj (Actor inflictor, Actor source, int damage, int duration, int period, Name type);
native double AimLineAttack(double angle, double distance, out FTranslatedLineTarget pLineTarget = null, double vrange = 0., int flags = 0, Actor target = null, Actor friender = null);
native Actor, int LineAttack(double angle, double distance, double pitch, int damage, Name damageType, class<Actor> pufftype, int flags = 0, out FTranslatedLineTarget victim = null, double offsetz = 0., double offsetforward = 0., double offsetside = 0.);
native bool LineTrace(double angle, double distance, double pitch, int flags = 0, double offsetz = 0., double offsetforward = 0., double offsetside = 0., out FLineTraceData data = null);
native bool CheckSight(Actor target, int flags = 0);
native bool IsVisible(Actor other, bool allaround, LookExParams params = null);
native bool HitFriend();
2016-11-12 18:16:47 +00:00
native bool MonsterMove();
native SeqNode StartSoundSequenceID (int sequence, int type, int modenum, bool nostop = false);
native SeqNode StartSoundSequence (Name seqname, int modenum);
native void StopSoundSequence();
native void FindFloorCeiling(int flags = 0);
native double, double GetFriction();
native bool, Actor TestMobjZ(bool quick = false);
native static bool InStateSequence(State newstate, State basestate);
bool TryWalk ()
if (!MonsterMove ())
return false;
movecount = random[TryWalk](0, 15);
return true;
native bool TryMove(vector2 newpos, int dropoff, bool missilecheck = false, FCheckPosition tm = null);
native bool CheckMove(vector2 newpos, int flags = 0, FCheckPosition tm = null);
2016-11-12 18:16:47 +00:00
native void NewChaseDir();
native void RandomChaseDir();
2016-11-12 18:16:47 +00:00
native bool CheckMissileRange();
native bool SetState(state st, bool nofunction = false);
clearscope native state FindState(statelabel st, bool exact = false) const;
- fixed: State labels were resolved in the calling function's context instead of the called function one's. This could cause problems with functions that take states as parameters but use them to set them internally instead of passing them through the A_Jump interface back to the caller, like A_Chase or A_LookEx. This required some quite significant refactoring because the entire state resolution logic had been baked into the compiler which turned out to be a major maintenance problem. Fixed this by adding a new builtin type 'statelabel'. This is an opaque identifier representing a state, with the actual data either directly encoded into the number for single label state or an index into a state information table. The state resolution is now the task of the called function as it should always have remained. Note, that this required giving back the 'action' qualifier to most state jumping functions. - refactored most A_Jump checkers to a two stage setup with a pure checker that returns a boolean and a scripted A_Jump wrapper, for some simpler checks the checker function was entirely omitted and calculated inline in the A_Jump function. It is strongly recommended to use the boolean checkers unless using an inline function invocation in a state as they lead to vastly clearer code and offer more flexibility. - let Min() and Max() use the OP_MIN and OP_MAX opcodes. Although these were present, these function were implemented using some grossly inefficient branching tests. - the DECORATE 'state' cast kludge will now actually call ResolveState because a state label is not a state and needs conversion.
2016-11-14 13:12:27 +00:00
bool SetStateLabel(statelabel st, bool nofunction = false) { return SetState(FindState(st), nofunction); }
native action state ResolveState(statelabel st); // this one, unlike FindState, is context aware.
2017-01-13 21:13:03 +00:00
native void LinkToWorld(LinkContext ctx = null);
native void UnlinkFromWorld(out LinkContext ctx = null);
2016-11-07 22:16:25 +00:00
native bool CanSeek(Actor target);
native clearscope double AngleTo(Actor target, bool absolute = false) const;
native void AddZ(double zadd, bool moving = true);
native void SetZ(double z);
native clearscope vector2 Vec2To(Actor other) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec3To(Actor other) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec3Offset(double x, double y, double z, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec3Angle(double length, double angle, double z = 0, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector2 Vec2Angle(double length, double angle, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector2 Vec2Offset(double x, double y, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec2OffsetZ(double x, double y, double atz, bool absolute = false) const;
native void VelIntercept(Actor targ, double speed = -1, bool aimpitch = true, bool oldvel = false);
native void VelFromAngle(double speed = 1e37, double angle = 1e37);
native void Vel3DFromAngle(double speed, double angle, double pitch);
native void Thrust(double speed = 1e37, double angle = 1e37);
native clearscope bool isFriend(Actor other) const;
native clearscope bool isHostile(Actor other) const;
native void AdjustFloorClip();
native clearscope DropItem GetDropItems() const;
native void CopyFriendliness (Actor other, bool changeTarget, bool resetHealth = true);
native bool LookForMonsters();
native bool LookForTid(bool allaround, LookExParams params = null);
native bool LookForEnemies(bool allaround, LookExParams params = null);
native bool LookForPlayers(bool allaround, LookExParams params = null);
native bool TeleportMove(Vector3 pos, bool telefrag, bool modifyactor = true);
native double DistanceBySpeed(Actor other, double speed);
native name GetSpecies();
2016-11-12 18:16:47 +00:00
native void PlayActiveSound();
native void Howl();
native void DrawSplash (int count, double angle, int kind);
native void GiveSecret(bool printmsg = true, bool playsound = true);
native clearscope double GetCameraHeight() const;
native clearscope double GetGravity() const;
// AActor :: GetLevelSpawnTime
// Returns the time when this actor was spawned,
// relative to the current level.
clearscope int GetLevelSpawnTime() const
return SpawnTime - level.totaltime + level.time;
// AActor :: GetAge
// Returns the number of ticks passed since this actor was spawned.
clearscope int GetAge() const
return level.totaltime - SpawnTime;
double AccuracyFactor()
return 1. / (1 << (accuracy * 5 / 100));
protected native void DestroyAllInventory(); // This is not supposed to be called by user code!
native clearscope Inventory FindInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, bool subclass = false) const;
native Inventory GiveInventoryType(class<Inventory> itemtype);
native bool UsePuzzleItem(int PuzzleItemType);
action native void SetCamera(Actor cam, bool revert = false);
2017-11-14 23:42:36 +00:00
native bool Warp(Actor dest, double xofs = 0, double yofs = 0, double zofs = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, double heightoffset = 0, double radiusoffset = 0, double pitch = 0);
// DECORATE compatible functions
native double GetZAt(double px = 0, double py = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, int pick_pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native clearscope int GetSpawnHealth() const;
native double GetCrouchFactor(int ptr = AAPTR_PLAYER1);
native double GetCVar(string cvar);
native double GetCVarString(string cvar);
native int GetPlayerInput(int inputnum, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native int CountProximity(class<Actor> classname, double distance, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native int GetMissileDamage(int mask, int add, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native int OverlayID();
action native double OverlayX(int layer = 0);
action native double OverlayY(int layer = 0);
action native double OverlayAlpha(int layer = 0);
// DECORATE setters - it probably makes more sense to set these values directly now...
void A_SetMass(int newmass) { mass = newmass; }
void A_SetInvulnerable() { bInvulnerable = true; }
void A_UnSetInvulnerable() { bInvulnerable = false; }
void A_SetReflective() { bReflective = true; }
void A_UnSetReflective() { bReflective = false; }
void A_SetReflectiveInvulnerable() { bInvulnerable = true; bReflective = true; }
void A_UnSetReflectiveInvulnerable() { bInvulnerable = false; bReflective = false; }
void A_SetShootable() { bShootable = true; bNonShootable = false; }
void A_UnSetShootable() { bShootable = false; bNonShootable = true; }
void A_NoGravity() { bNoGravity = true; }
void A_Gravity() { bNoGravity = false; Gravity = 1; }
void A_LowGravity() { bNoGravity = false; Gravity = 0.125; }
void A_SetGravity(double newgravity) { gravity = clamp(newgravity, 0., 10.); }
void A_SetFloorClip() { bFloorClip = true; AdjustFloorClip(); }
void A_UnSetFloorClip() { bFloorClip = false; FloorClip = 0; }
void A_HideThing() { bInvisible = true; }
void A_UnHideThing() { bInvisible = false; }
void A_SetArg(int arg, int val) { if (arg >= 0 && arg < 5) args[arg] = val; }
void A_Turn(double turn = 0) { angle += turn; }
void A_SetDamageType(name newdamagetype) { damagetype = newdamagetype; }
void A_SetSolid() { bSolid = true; }
void A_UnsetSolid() { bSolid = false; }
void A_SetFloat() { bFloat = true; }
void A_UnsetFloat() { bFloat = false; }
void A_SetFloatBobPhase(int bob) { if (bob >= 0 && bob <= 63) FloatBobPhase = bob; }
void A_SetRipperLevel(int level) { RipperLevel = level; }
void A_SetRipMin(int minimum) { RipLevelMin = minimum; }
void A_SetRipMax(int maximum) { RipLevelMax = maximum; }
void A_ScreamAndUnblock() { A_Scream(); A_NoBlocking(); }
void A_ActiveAndUnblock() { A_ActiveSound(); A_NoBlocking(); }
2016-11-11 22:32:13 +00:00
// FUNC P_SpawnMissileAngle
// Returns NULL if the missile exploded immediately, otherwise returns
// a mobj_t pointer to the missile.
Actor SpawnMissileAngle (class<Actor> type, double angle, double vz)
2016-11-11 22:32:13 +00:00
return SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (pos.z + 32 + GetBobOffset(), type, angle, vz, GetDefaultSpeed (type));
Actor SpawnMissileAngleZ (double z, class<Actor> type, double angle, double vz)
return SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (z, type, angle, vz, GetDefaultSpeed (type));
void A_SetScale(double scalex, double scaley = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT, bool usezero = false)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (aptr)
aptr.Scale.X = scalex;
aptr.Scale.Y = scaley != 0 || usezero? scaley : scalex; // use scalex here, too, if only one parameter.
void A_SetSpeed(double speed, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (aptr) aptr.Speed = speed;
void A_SetFloatSpeed(double speed, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (aptr) aptr.FloatSpeed = speed;
void A_SetPainThreshold(int threshold, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (aptr) aptr.PainThreshold = threshold;
bool A_SetSpriteAngle(double angle = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (!aptr) return false;
aptr.SpriteAngle = angle;
return true;
bool A_SetSpriteRotation(double angle = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
Actor aptr = GetPointer(ptr);
if (!aptr) return false;
aptr.SpriteRotation = angle;
return true;
deprecated("2.3") void A_FaceConsolePlayer(double MaxTurnAngle = 0) {}
void A_SetSpecial(int spec, int arg0 = 0, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0)
special = spec;
args[0] = arg0;
args[1] = arg1;
args[2] = arg2;
args[3] = arg3;
args[4] = arg4;
void A_ClearTarget()
target = null;
lastheard = null;
lastenemy = null;
void A_ChangeLinkFlags(int blockmap = FLAG_NO_CHANGE, int sector = FLAG_NO_CHANGE)
if (blockmap != FLAG_NO_CHANGE) bNoBlockmap = blockmap;
if (sector != FLAG_NO_CHANGE) bNoSector = sector;
// killough 11/98: kill an object
void A_Die(name damagetype = "none")
DamageMobj(null, null, health, damagetype, DMG_FORCED);
void SpawnDirt (double radius)
static const class<Actor> chunks[] = { "Dirt1", "Dirt2", "Dirt3", "Dirt4", "Dirt5", "Dirt6" };
double zo = random[Dirt]() / 128. + 1;
Vector3 pos = Vec3Angle(radius, random[Dirt]() * (360./256), zo);
Actor mo = Spawn (chunks[random[Dirt](0, 5)], pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo.Vel.Z = random[Dirt]() / 64.;
// A_SinkMobj
// Sink a mobj incrementally into the floor
bool SinkMobj (double speed)
if (Floorclip < Height)
Floorclip += speed;
return false;
return true;
// A_RaiseMobj
// Raise a mobj incrementally from the floor to
bool RaiseMobj (double speed)
// Raise a mobj from the ground
if (Floorclip > 0)
Floorclip -= speed;
if (Floorclip <= 0)
Floorclip = 0;
return true;
return false;
return true;
Actor AimTarget()
FTranslatedLineTarget t;
return t.linetarget;
void RestoreRenderStyle()
bShadow = default.bShadow;
bGhost = default.bGhost;
RenderStyle = default.RenderStyle;
Alpha = default.Alpha;
virtual bool ShouldSpawn()
return true;
native void A_Face(Actor faceto, double max_turn = 0, double max_pitch = 270, double ang_offset = 0, double pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0, double z_ofs = 0);
void A_FaceTarget(double max_turn = 0, double max_pitch = 270, double ang_offset = 0, double pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0, double z_ofs = 0)
A_Face(target, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags, z_ofs);
void A_FaceTracer(double max_turn = 0, double max_pitch = 270, double ang_offset = 0, double pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0, double z_ofs = 0)
A_Face(tracer, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags, z_ofs);
void A_FaceMaster(double max_turn = 0, double max_pitch = 270, double ang_offset = 0, double pitch_offset = 0, int flags = 0, double z_ofs = 0)
A_Face(master, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags, z_ofs);
// Action functions
// Meh, MBF redundant functions. Only for DeHackEd support.
native bool A_LineEffect(int boomspecial = 0, int tag = 0);
// End of MBF redundant functions.
native void A_MonsterRail();
native void A_Pain();
native void A_NoBlocking(bool drop = true);
void A_Fall() { A_NoBlocking(); }
native void A_Look();
2019-01-03 22:43:15 +00:00
native void A_Chase(statelabel melee = '_a_chase_default', statelabel missile = '_a_chase_default', int flags = 0);
native void A_VileChase();
native bool A_CheckForResurrection();
native void A_BossDeath();
bool A_CallSpecial(int special, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0, int arg4=0, int arg5=0)
return Level.ExecuteSpecial(special, self, null, false, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
native void A_FastChase();
native void A_PlayerScream();
native void A_CheckTerrain();
native void A_Wander(int flags = 0);
native void A_Look2();
deprecated("2.3") native void A_BulletAttack();
native void A_WolfAttack(int flags = 0, sound whattoplay = "weapons/pistol", double snipe = 1.0, int maxdamage = 64, int blocksize = 128, int pointblank = 2, int longrange = 4, double runspeed = 160.0, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff");
deprecated("4.3") native clearscope void A_PlaySound(sound whattoplay = "weapons/pistol", int slot = CHAN_BODY, double volume = 1.0, bool looping = false, double attenuation = ATTN_NORM, bool local = false, double pitch = 0.0);
native clearscope void A_StartSound(sound whattoplay, int slot = CHAN_BODY, int flags = 0, double volume = 1.0, double attenuation = ATTN_NORM, double pitch = 0.0, double startTime = 0.0);
native void A_SoundVolume(int slot, double volume);
native void A_SoundPitch(int slot, double pitch);
deprecated("2.3") void A_PlayWeaponSound(sound whattoplay) { A_StartSound(whattoplay, CHAN_WEAPON); }
native void A_StopSound(int slot = CHAN_VOICE); // Bad default but that's what is originally was...
void A_StopAllSounds() { A_StopSounds(0,0); }
native void A_StopSounds(int chanmin, int chanmax);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_PlaySoundEx(sound whattoplay, name slot, bool looping = false, int attenuation = 0);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_StopSoundEx(name slot);
native clearscope bool IsActorPlayingSound(int channel, Sound snd = 0);
native void A_SeekerMissile(int threshold, int turnmax, int flags = 0, int chance = 50, int distance = 10);
native action state A_Jump(int chance, statelabel label, ...);
native Actor A_SpawnProjectile(class<Actor> missiletype, double spawnheight = 32, double spawnofs_xy = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, double pitch = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET);
native void A_CustomRailgun(int damage, int spawnofs_xy = 0, color color1 = 0, color color2 = 0, int flags = 0, int aim = 0, double maxdiff = 0, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", double spread_xy = 0, double spread_z = 0, double range = 0, int duration = 0, double sparsity = 1.0, double driftspeed = 1.0, class<Actor> spawnclass = null, double spawnofs_z = 0, int spiraloffset = 270, int limit = 0, double veleffect = 3);
native void A_Print(string whattoprint, double time = 0, name fontname = "none");
native void A_PrintBold(string whattoprint, double time = 0, name fontname = "none");
native void A_Log(string whattoprint, bool local = false);
native void A_LogInt(int whattoprint, bool local = false);
native void A_LogFloat(double whattoprint, bool local = false);
native void A_SetTranslucent(double alpha, int style = 0);
native void A_SetRenderStyle(double alpha, int style);
native void A_FadeIn(double reduce = 0.1, int flags = 0);
native void A_FadeOut(double reduce = 0.1, int flags = 1); //bool remove == true
native void A_FadeTo(double target, double amount = 0.1, int flags = 0);
native void A_SpawnDebris(class<Actor> spawntype, bool transfer_translation = false, double mult_h = 1, double mult_v = 1);
native void A_SpawnParticle(color color1, int flags = 0, int lifetime = 35, double size = 1, double angle = 0, double xoff = 0, double yoff = 0, double zoff = 0, double velx = 0, double vely = 0, double velz = 0, double accelx = 0, double accely = 0, double accelz = 0, double startalphaf = 1, double fadestepf = -1, double sizestep = 0);
native void A_ExtChase(bool usemelee, bool usemissile, bool playactive = true, bool nightmarefast = false);
native void A_DropInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = -1);
native void A_SetBlend(color color1, double alpha, int tics, color color2 = 0, double alpha2 = 0.);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_ChangeFlag(string flagname, bool value);
native void A_ChangeCountFlags(int kill = FLAG_NO_CHANGE, int item = FLAG_NO_CHANGE, int secret = FLAG_NO_CHANGE);
native void A_RaiseMaster(int flags = 0);
native void A_RaiseChildren(int flags = 0);
native void A_RaiseSiblings(int flags = 0);
native bool A_RaiseSelf(int flags = 0);
native bool RaiseActor(Actor other, int flags = 0);
native bool CanRaise();
native void Revive();
native void A_Weave(int xspeed, int yspeed, double xdist, double ydist);
- fixed: State labels were resolved in the calling function's context instead of the called function one's. This could cause problems with functions that take states as parameters but use them to set them internally instead of passing them through the A_Jump interface back to the caller, like A_Chase or A_LookEx. This required some quite significant refactoring because the entire state resolution logic had been baked into the compiler which turned out to be a major maintenance problem. Fixed this by adding a new builtin type 'statelabel'. This is an opaque identifier representing a state, with the actual data either directly encoded into the number for single label state or an index into a state information table. The state resolution is now the task of the called function as it should always have remained. Note, that this required giving back the 'action' qualifier to most state jumping functions. - refactored most A_Jump checkers to a two stage setup with a pure checker that returns a boolean and a scripted A_Jump wrapper, for some simpler checks the checker function was entirely omitted and calculated inline in the A_Jump function. It is strongly recommended to use the boolean checkers unless using an inline function invocation in a state as they lead to vastly clearer code and offer more flexibility. - let Min() and Max() use the OP_MIN and OP_MAX opcodes. Although these were present, these function were implemented using some grossly inefficient branching tests. - the DECORATE 'state' cast kludge will now actually call ResolveState because a state label is not a state and needs conversion.
2016-11-14 13:12:27 +00:00
action native state, bool A_Teleport(statelabel teleportstate = null, class<SpecialSpot> targettype = "BossSpot", class<Actor> fogtype = "TeleportFog", int flags = 0, double mindist = 128, double maxdist = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
action native state, bool A_Warp(int ptr_destination, double xofs = 0, double yofs = 0, double zofs = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, statelabel success_state = null, double heightoffset = 0, double radiusoffset = 0, double pitch = 0);
- fixed: State labels were resolved in the calling function's context instead of the called function one's. This could cause problems with functions that take states as parameters but use them to set them internally instead of passing them through the A_Jump interface back to the caller, like A_Chase or A_LookEx. This required some quite significant refactoring because the entire state resolution logic had been baked into the compiler which turned out to be a major maintenance problem. Fixed this by adding a new builtin type 'statelabel'. This is an opaque identifier representing a state, with the actual data either directly encoded into the number for single label state or an index into a state information table. The state resolution is now the task of the called function as it should always have remained. Note, that this required giving back the 'action' qualifier to most state jumping functions. - refactored most A_Jump checkers to a two stage setup with a pure checker that returns a boolean and a scripted A_Jump wrapper, for some simpler checks the checker function was entirely omitted and calculated inline in the A_Jump function. It is strongly recommended to use the boolean checkers unless using an inline function invocation in a state as they lead to vastly clearer code and offer more flexibility. - let Min() and Max() use the OP_MIN and OP_MAX opcodes. Although these were present, these function were implemented using some grossly inefficient branching tests. - the DECORATE 'state' cast kludge will now actually call ResolveState because a state label is not a state and needs conversion.
2016-11-14 13:12:27 +00:00
native void A_CountdownArg(int argnum, statelabel targstate = null);
native state A_MonsterRefire(int chance, statelabel label);
native void A_LookEx(int flags = 0, double minseedist = 0, double maxseedist = 0, double maxheardist = 0, double fov = 0, statelabel label = null);
- fixed: State labels were resolved in the calling function's context instead of the called function one's. This could cause problems with functions that take states as parameters but use them to set them internally instead of passing them through the A_Jump interface back to the caller, like A_Chase or A_LookEx. This required some quite significant refactoring because the entire state resolution logic had been baked into the compiler which turned out to be a major maintenance problem. Fixed this by adding a new builtin type 'statelabel'. This is an opaque identifier representing a state, with the actual data either directly encoded into the number for single label state or an index into a state information table. The state resolution is now the task of the called function as it should always have remained. Note, that this required giving back the 'action' qualifier to most state jumping functions. - refactored most A_Jump checkers to a two stage setup with a pure checker that returns a boolean and a scripted A_Jump wrapper, for some simpler checks the checker function was entirely omitted and calculated inline in the A_Jump function. It is strongly recommended to use the boolean checkers unless using an inline function invocation in a state as they lead to vastly clearer code and offer more flexibility. - let Min() and Max() use the OP_MIN and OP_MAX opcodes. Although these were present, these function were implemented using some grossly inefficient branching tests. - the DECORATE 'state' cast kludge will now actually call ResolveState because a state label is not a state and needs conversion.
2016-11-14 13:12:27 +00:00
native void A_Recoil(double xyvel);
native int A_RadiusGive(class<Inventory> itemtype, double distance, int flags, int amount = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", double mindist = 0, int limit = 0);
native void A_CustomMeleeAttack(int damage = 0, sound meleesound = "", sound misssound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
native void A_CustomComboAttack(class<Actor> missiletype, double spawnheight, int damage, sound meleesound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
native void A_Burst(class<Actor> chunktype);
native void A_RadiusDamageSelf(int damage = 128, double distance = 128, int flags = 0, class<Actor> flashtype = null);
native int GetRadiusDamage(Actor thing, int damage, int distance, int fulldmgdistance = 0, bool oldradiusdmg = false);
2018-11-24 18:29:52 +00:00
native int RadiusAttack(Actor bombsource, int bombdamage, int bombdistance, Name bombmod = 'none', int flags = RADF_HURTSOURCE, int fulldamagedistance = 0);
native void A_Respawn(int flags = 1);
native void A_RestoreSpecialPosition();
native void A_QueueCorpse();
native void A_DeQueueCorpse();
native void A_ClearLastHeard();
2018-12-04 16:31:25 +00:00
native void A_ClassBossHealth();
native void A_SetAngle(double angle = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_SetPitch(double pitch, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_SetRoll(double roll, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_SetUserVar(name varname, int value);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_SetUserArray(name varname, int index, int value);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_SetUserVarFloat(name varname, double value);
deprecated("2.3") native void A_SetUserArrayFloat(name varname, int index, double value);
native void A_Quake(int intensity, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, sound sfx = "world/quake");
native void A_QuakeEx(int intensityX, int intensityY, int intensityZ, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, sound sfx = "world/quake", int flags = 0, double mulWaveX = 1, double mulWaveY = 1, double mulWaveZ = 1, int falloff = 0, int highpoint = 0, double rollIntensity = 0, double rollWave = 0);
action native void A_SetTics(int tics);
native void A_DamageSelf(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_DamageTarget(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_DamageMaster(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_DamageTracer(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_DamageChildren(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_DamageSiblings(int amount, name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_KillTarget(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_KillMaster(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_KillTracer(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_KillChildren(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_KillSiblings(name damagetype = "none", int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None", int src = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int inflict = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_RemoveTarget(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_RemoveMaster(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_RemoveTracer(int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_RemoveChildren(bool removeall = false, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_RemoveSiblings(bool removeall = false, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_Remove(int removee, int flags = 0, class<Actor> filter = null, name species = "None");
native void A_SetTeleFog(class<Actor> oldpos, class<Actor> newpos);
native void A_SwapTeleFog();
native void A_SetHealth(int health, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_ResetHealth(int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_SetSpecies(name species, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_SetChaseThreshold(int threshold, bool def = false, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native bool A_FaceMovementDirection(double offset = 0, double anglelimit = 0, double pitchlimit = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native int A_ClearOverlays(int sstart = 0, int sstop = 0, bool safety = true);
native bool A_CopySpriteFrame(int from, int to, int flags = 0);
native bool A_SetVisibleRotation(double anglestart = 0, double angleend = 0, double pitchstart = 0, double pitchend = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT);
native void A_SetTranslation(name transname);
2018-03-30 23:06:46 +00:00
native bool A_SetSize(double newradius = -1, double newheight = -1, bool testpos = false);
native void A_SprayDecal(String name, double dist = 172);
2017-02-26 17:46:06 +00:00
native void A_SetMugshotState(String name);
native void A_RearrangePointers(int newtarget, int newmaster = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int newtracer = AAPTR_DEFAULT, int flags=0);
2018-11-26 16:15:40 +00:00
native void A_TransferPointer(int ptr_source, int ptr_recipient, int sourcefield, int recipientfield=AAPTR_DEFAULT, int flags=0);
native void A_CopyFriendliness(int ptr_source = AAPTR_MASTER);
- fixed: State labels were resolved in the calling function's context instead of the called function one's. This could cause problems with functions that take states as parameters but use them to set them internally instead of passing them through the A_Jump interface back to the caller, like A_Chase or A_LookEx. This required some quite significant refactoring because the entire state resolution logic had been baked into the compiler which turned out to be a major maintenance problem. Fixed this by adding a new builtin type 'statelabel'. This is an opaque identifier representing a state, with the actual data either directly encoded into the number for single label state or an index into a state information table. The state resolution is now the task of the called function as it should always have remained. Note, that this required giving back the 'action' qualifier to most state jumping functions. - refactored most A_Jump checkers to a two stage setup with a pure checker that returns a boolean and a scripted A_Jump wrapper, for some simpler checks the checker function was entirely omitted and calculated inline in the A_Jump function. It is strongly recommended to use the boolean checkers unless using an inline function invocation in a state as they lead to vastly clearer code and offer more flexibility. - let Min() and Max() use the OP_MIN and OP_MAX opcodes. Although these were present, these function were implemented using some grossly inefficient branching tests. - the DECORATE 'state' cast kludge will now actually call ResolveState because a state label is not a state and needs conversion.
2016-11-14 13:12:27 +00:00
action native bool A_Overlay(int layer, statelabel start = null, bool nooverride = false);
native void A_WeaponOffset(double wx = 0, double wy = 32, int flags = 0);
action native void A_OverlayOffset(int layer = PSP_WEAPON, double wx = 0, double wy = 32, int flags = 0);
action native void A_OverlayFlags(int layer, int flags, bool set);
action native void A_OverlayAlpha(int layer, double alph);
action native void A_OverlayRenderStyle(int layer, int style);
native bool A_AttachLightDef(Name lightid, Name lightdef);
native bool A_AttachLight(Name lightid, int type, Color lightcolor, int radius1, int radius2, int flags = 0, Vector3 ofs = (0,0,0), double param = 0, double spoti = 10, double spoto = 25, double spotp = 0);
native bool A_RemoveLight(Name lightid);
int ACS_NamedExecute(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0)
return ACS_Execute(-int(script), mapnum, arg1, arg2, arg3);
int ACS_NamedSuspend(name script, int mapnum=0)
return ACS_Suspend(-int(script), mapnum);
int ACS_NamedTerminate(name script, int mapnum=0)
return ACS_Terminate(-int(script), mapnum);
int ACS_NamedLockedExecute(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int lock=0)
return ACS_LockedExecute(-int(script), mapnum, arg1, arg2, lock);
int ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int lock=0)
return ACS_LockedExecuteDoor(-int(script), mapnum, arg1, arg2, lock);
int ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult(name script, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0, int arg4=0)
return ACS_ExecuteWithResult(-int(script), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
int ACS_NamedExecuteAlways(name script, int mapnum=0, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0)
return ACS_ExecuteAlways(-int(script), mapnum, arg1, arg2, arg3);
int ACS_ScriptCall(name script, int arg1=0, int arg2=0, int arg3=0, int arg4=0)
return ACS_ExecuteWithResult(-int(script), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
// Sounds
void A_Scream()
if (DeathSound)
void A_XScream()
A_StartSound(player? Sound("*gibbed") : Sound("misc/gibbed"), CHAN_VOICE);
void A_ActiveSound()
if (ActiveSound)
A_StartSound(ActiveSound, CHAN_VOICE);
2018-11-24 08:33:03 +00:00
// PROC A_CheckSkullDone
void A_CheckPlayerDone()
if (player == NULL) Destroy();
States(Actor, Overlay, Weapon, Item)
TNT1 A -1;
TNT1 A 1;
// Generic freeze death frames. Woo!
#### # 5 A_GenericFreezeDeath;
---- A 1 A_FreezeDeathChunks;
POL5 A -1;
// Internal functions
deprecated("2.3") private native int __decorate_internal_int__(int i);
deprecated("2.3") private native bool __decorate_internal_bool__(bool b);
deprecated("2.3") private native double __decorate_internal_float__(double f);