
1181 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// BSP traversal, handling of LineSegs for rendering.
// This file contains some code from the Build Engine.
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "m_alloc.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "r_things.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
// State.
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
int WallMost (short *mostbuf, const secplane_t &plane);
seg_t* curline;
side_t* sidedef;
line_t* linedef;
sector_t* frontsector;
sector_t* backsector;
// killough 4/7/98: indicates doors closed wrt automap bugfix:
int doorclosed;
bool r_fakingunderwater;
extern bool rw_prepped;
extern bool rw_havehigh, rw_havelow;
extern int rw_floorstat, rw_ceilstat;
extern bool rw_mustmarkfloor, rw_mustmarkceiling;
extern short walltop[MAXWIDTH]; // [RH] record max extents of wall
extern short wallbottom[MAXWIDTH];
extern short wallupper[MAXWIDTH];
extern short walllower[MAXWIDTH];
fixed_t rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2;
fixed_t rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2;
fixed_t rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2;
fixed_t rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2;
unsigned int MaxDrawSegs;
drawseg_t *drawsegs;
drawseg_t* firstdrawseg;
drawseg_t* ds_p;
unsigned int FirstInterestingDrawseg;
TArray<size_t> InterestingDrawsegs;
fixed_t WallTX1, WallTX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in view space
fixed_t WallTY1, WallTY2; // y coords at left, right of wall in view space
fixed_t WallCX1, WallCX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in camera space
fixed_t WallCY1, WallCY2; // y coords at left, right of wall in camera space
int WallSX1, WallSX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in screen space
fixed_t WallSZ1, WallSZ2; // depth at left, right of wall in screen space
float WallDepthOrg, WallDepthScale;
float WallUoverZorg, WallUoverZstep;
float WallInvZorg, WallInvZstep;
static BYTE FakeSide;
int WindowLeft, WindowRight;
WORD MirrorFlags;
seg_t *ActiveWallMirror;
TArray<size_t> WallMirrors;
CVAR (Bool, r_drawflat, false, 0) // [RH] Don't texture segs?
void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop);
// R_ClearDrawSegs
void R_ClearDrawSegs (void)
if (drawsegs == NULL)
MaxDrawSegs = 256; // [RH] Default. Increased as needed.
firstdrawseg = drawsegs = (drawseg_t *)M_Malloc (MaxDrawSegs * sizeof(drawseg_t));
FirstInterestingDrawseg = 0;
InterestingDrawsegs.Clear ();
ds_p = drawsegs;
// ClipWallSegment
// Clips the given range of columns
// and includes it in the new clip list.
// 1/11/98 killough: Since a type "short" is sufficient, we
// should use it, since smaller arrays fit better in cache.
typedef struct {
short first, last; // killough
} cliprange_t;
// newend is one past the last valid seg
static cliprange_t *newend;
static cliprange_t solidsegs[MAXWIDTH/2+2];
// R_ClipWallSegment
// Clips the given range of columns, possibly including it in the clip list.
// Handles both windows (e.g. LineDefs with upper and lower textures) and
// solid walls (e.g. single sided LineDefs [middle texture]) that entirely
// block the view.
void R_ClipWallSegment (int first, int last, bool solid)
cliprange_t *next, *start;
int i, j;
// Find the first range that touches the range
// (adjacent pixels are touching).
start = solidsegs;
while (start->last < first)
if (first < start->first)
if (last <= start->first)
// Post is entirely visible (above start).
R_StoreWallRange (first, last);
// Insert a new clippost for solid walls.
if (solid)
if (last == start->first)
start->first = first;
next = newend;
while (next != start)
*next = *(next-1);
next->first = first;
next->last = last;
// There is a fragment above *start.
R_StoreWallRange (first, start->first);
// Adjust the clip size for solid walls
if (solid)
start->first = first;
// Bottom contained in start?
if (last <= start->last)
next = start;
while (last >= (next+1)->first)
// There is a fragment between two posts.
R_StoreWallRange (next->last, (next+1)->first);
if (last <= next->last)
// Bottom is contained in next.
last = next->last;
goto crunch;
// There is a fragment after *next.
R_StoreWallRange (next->last, last);
if (solid)
// Adjust the clip size.
start->last = last;
if (next != start)
// Remove start+1 to next from the clip list,
// because start now covers their area.
for (i = 1, j = (int)(newend - next); j > 0; i++, j--)
start[i] = next[i];
newend = start+i;
// R_ClearClipSegs
void R_ClearClipSegs (short left, short right)
solidsegs[0].first = -0x7fff; // new short limit -- killough
solidsegs[0].last = left;
solidsegs[1].first = right;
solidsegs[1].last = 0x7fff; // new short limit -- killough
newend = solidsegs+2;
int GetFloorLight (const sector_t *sec)
if (sec->FloorFlags & SECF_ABSLIGHTING)
return sec->FloorLight;
return clamp (sec->lightlevel + (SBYTE)sec->FloorLight, 0, 255);
int GetCeilingLight (const sector_t *sec)
if (sec->CeilingFlags & SECF_ABSLIGHTING)
return sec->CeilingLight;
return clamp (sec->lightlevel + (SBYTE)sec->CeilingLight, 0, 255);
bool CopyPlaneIfValid (secplane_t *dest, const secplane_t *source, const secplane_t *opp)
bool copy = false;
// If the planes do not have matching slopes, then always copy them
// because clipping would require creating new sectors.
if (source->a != dest->a || source->b != dest->b || source->c != dest->c)
copy = true;
else if (opp->a != -dest->a || opp->b != -dest->b || opp->c != -dest->c)
if (source->d < dest->d)
copy = true;
else if (source->d < dest->d && source->d > -opp->d)
copy = true;
if (copy)
*dest = *source;
return copy;
// killough 3/7/98: Hack floor/ceiling heights for deep water etc.
// If player's view height is underneath fake floor, lower the
// drawn ceiling to be just under the floor height, and replace
// the drawn floor and ceiling textures, and light level, with
// the control sector's.
// Similar for ceiling, only reflected.
// killough 4/11/98, 4/13/98: fix bugs, add 'back' parameter
sector_t *R_FakeFlat(sector_t *sec, sector_t *tempsec,
int *floorlightlevel, int *ceilinglightlevel,
BOOL back)
// [RH] allow per-plane lighting
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (sec);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (sec);
FakeSide = FAKED_Center;
if (sec->heightsec && !(sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC))
const sector_t *s = sec->heightsec;
sector_t *heightsec = viewsector->heightsec;
bool underwater = r_fakingunderwater ||
(heightsec && viewz <= heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy));
bool doorunderwater = false;
int diffTex = (s->MoreFlags & SECF_CLIPFAKEPLANES);
// Replace sector being drawn with a copy to be hacked
*tempsec = *sec;
// Replace floor and ceiling height with control sector's heights.
if (diffTex)
if (CopyPlaneIfValid (&tempsec->floorplane, &s->floorplane, &sec->ceilingplane))
tempsec->floorpic = s->floorpic;
else if (s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY)
if (underwater)
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_BelowFloor;
return tempsec;
return sec;
tempsec->floorplane = s->floorplane;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY))
if (diffTex)
if (CopyPlaneIfValid (&tempsec->ceilingplane, &s->ceilingplane, &sec->floorplane))
tempsec->ceilingpic = s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->ceilingplane;
// fixed_t refflorz = s->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
fixed_t refceilz = s->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
// fixed_t orgflorz = sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
fixed_t orgceilz = sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
#if 1
// [RH] Allow viewing underwater areas through doors/windows that
// are underwater but not in a water sector themselves.
// Only works if you cannot see the top surface of any deep water
// sectors at the same time.
if (back && !r_fakingunderwater && curline->frontsector->heightsec == NULL)
if (rw_frontcz1 <= s->floorplane.ZatPoint (curline->v1->x, curline->v1->y) &&
rw_frontcz2 <= s->floorplane.ZatPoint (curline->v2->x, curline->v2->y))
// Check that the window is actually visible
for (int z = WallSX1; z < WallSX2; ++z)
if (floorclip[z] > ceilingclip[z])
doorunderwater = true;
r_fakingunderwater = true;
if (underwater || doorunderwater)
tempsec->floorplane = sec->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->ceilingplane.ChangeHeight (-1);
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
// killough 11/98: prevent sudden light changes from non-water sectors:
if ((underwater && !back) || doorunderwater)
{ // head-below-floor hack
tempsec->floorpic = diffTex ? sec->floorpic : s->floorpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = s->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = s->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = s->floor_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = s->floor_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = s->floor_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_angle = s->base_floor_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_yoffs = s->base_floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->ceilingplane.ChangeHeight (-1);
if (s->ceilingpic == skyflatnum)
tempsec->floorplane = tempsec->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->floorplane.ChangeHeight (+1);
tempsec->ceilingpic = tempsec->floorpic;
tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = tempsec->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = tempsec->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_xscale = tempsec->floor_xscale;
tempsec->ceiling_yscale = tempsec->floor_yscale;
tempsec->ceiling_angle = tempsec->floor_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = tempsec->base_floor_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = tempsec->base_floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceilingpic = diffTex ? s->floorpic : s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = s->ceiling_xoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = s->ceiling_yoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_xscale = s->ceiling_xscale;
tempsec->ceiling_yscale = s->ceiling_yscale;
tempsec->ceiling_angle = s->ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = s->base_ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = s->base_ceiling_yoffs;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_BelowFloor;
else if (heightsec && viewz >= heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) &&
orgceilz > refceilz && !(s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY))
{ // Above-ceiling hack
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane = s->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->floorplane.ChangeHeight (+1);
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
tempsec->ceilingpic = diffTex ? sec->ceilingpic : s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->floorpic = s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = s->ceiling_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = s->ceiling_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = tempsec->ceiling_xscale = s->ceiling_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = tempsec->ceiling_yscale = s->ceiling_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = tempsec->ceiling_angle = s->ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_angle = tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = s->base_ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_yoffs = tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = s->base_ceiling_yoffs;
if (s->floorpic != skyflatnum)
tempsec->ceilingplane = sec->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorpic = s->floorpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = s->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = s->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = s->floor_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = s->floor_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = s->floor_angle;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_AboveCeiling;
sec = tempsec; // Use other sector
return sec;
// R_AddLine
// Clips the given segment
// and adds any visible pieces to the line list.
void R_AddLine (seg_t *line)
static sector_t tempsec; // killough 3/8/98: ceiling/water hack
bool solid;
fixed_t tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;
curline = line;
// [RH] Color if not texturing line
dc_color = (((int)(line - segs) * 8) + 4) & 255;
tx1 = line->v1->x - viewx;
tx2 = line->v2->x - viewx;
ty1 = line->v1->y - viewy;
ty2 = line->v2->y - viewy;
// Reject lines not facing viewer
if (DMulScale32 (ty1, tx1-tx2, tx1, ty2-ty1) >= 0)
WallTX1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewsin, -ty1, viewcos);
WallTX2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewsin, -ty2, viewcos);
WallTY1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewtancos, ty1, viewtansin);
WallTY2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewtancos, ty2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
int t = 256-WallTX1;
WallTX1 = 256-WallTX2;
WallTX2 = t;
swap (WallTY1, WallTY2);
if (WallTX1 >= -WallTY1)
if (WallTX1 > WallTY1) return; // left edge is off the right side
if (WallTY1 == 0) return;
WallSX1 = (centerxfrac + Scale (WallTX1, centerxfrac, WallTY1)) >> FRACBITS;
if (WallTX1 >= 0) WallSX1 = MIN (viewwidth, WallSX1+1); // fix for signed divide
WallSZ1 = WallTY1;
if (WallTX2 < -WallTY2) return; // wall is off the left side
fixed_t den = WallTX1 - WallTX2 - WallTY2 + WallTY1;
if (den == 0) return;
WallSX1 = 0;
WallSZ1 = WallTY1 + Scale (WallTY2 - WallTY1, WallTX1 + WallTY1, den);
if (WallSZ1 < 32)
if (WallTX2 <= WallTY2)
if (WallTX2 < -WallTY2) return; // right edge is off the left side
if (WallTY2 == 0) return;
WallSX2 = (centerxfrac + Scale (WallTX2, centerxfrac, WallTY2)) >> FRACBITS;
if (WallTX2 >= 0) WallSX2 = MIN (viewwidth, WallSX2+1); // fix for signed divide
WallSZ2 = WallTY2;
if (WallTX1 > WallTY1) return; // wall is off the right side
fixed_t den = WallTY2 - WallTY1 - WallTX2 + WallTX1;
if (den == 0) return;
WallSX2 = viewwidth;
WallSZ2 = WallTY1 + Scale (WallTY2 - WallTY1, WallTX1 - WallTY1, den);
if (WallSZ2 < 32 || WallSX2 <= WallSX1)
if (WallSX1 > WindowRight || WallSX2 < WindowLeft)
if (line->linedef == NULL)
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
v1 = line->linedef->v1;
v2 = line->linedef->v2;
if ((v1 == line->v1 && v2 == line->v2) || (v2 == line->v1 && v1 == line->v2))
{ // The seg is the entire wall.
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
WallUoverZorg = (float)WallTX2 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-WallTY2) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(WallTX2 - WallTX1) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(WallTY1 - WallTY2) * 32.f;
WallUoverZorg = (float)WallTX1 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-WallTY1) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(WallTX1 - WallTX2) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(WallTY2 - WallTY1) * 32.f;
{ // The seg is only part of the wall.
if (line->linedef->sidenum[0] != DWORD(line->sidedef - sides))
swap (v1, v2);
tx1 = v1->x - viewx;
tx2 = v2->x - viewx;
ty1 = v1->y - viewy;
ty2 = v2->y - viewy;
fixed_t fullx1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewsin, -ty1, viewcos);
fixed_t fullx2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewsin, -ty2, viewcos);
fixed_t fully1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewtancos, ty1, viewtansin);
fixed_t fully2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewtancos, ty2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
fullx1 = -fullx1;
fullx2 = -fullx2;
WallUoverZorg = (float)fullx1 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-fully1) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(fullx1 - fullx2) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(fully2 - fully1) * 32.f;
WallDepthScale = WallInvZstep * WallTMapScale2;
WallDepthOrg = -WallUoverZstep * WallTMapScale2;
backsector = line->backsector;
rw_frontcz1 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_frontfz1 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_frontcz2 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_frontfz2 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_mustmarkfloor = rw_mustmarkceiling = false;
rw_havehigh = rw_havelow = false;
// Single sided line?
if (backsector == NULL)
solid = true;
// killough 3/8/98, 4/4/98: hack for invisible ceilings / deep water
backsector = R_FakeFlat (backsector, &tempsec, NULL, NULL, true);
doorclosed = 0; // killough 4/16/98
rw_backcz1 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_backfz1 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_backcz2 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_backfz2 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
// Cannot make these walls solid, because it can result in
// sprite clipping problems for sprites near the wall
if (rw_frontcz1 > rw_backcz1 || rw_frontcz2 > rw_backcz2)
rw_havehigh = true;
WallMost (wallupper, backsector->ceilingplane);
if (rw_frontfz1 < rw_backfz1 || rw_frontfz2 < rw_backfz2)
rw_havelow = true;
WallMost (walllower, backsector->floorplane);
// Closed door.
if ((rw_backcz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_frontfz2) ||
(rw_backfz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backfz2 >= rw_frontcz2))
solid = true;
else if (
(backsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum ||
frontsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum)
// if door is closed because back is shut:
&& rw_backcz1 <= rw_backfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_backfz2
// preserve a kind of transparent door/lift special effect:
&& rw_backcz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backcz2 >= rw_frontcz2
&& ((rw_backfz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backfz2 <= rw_frontfz2) || line->sidedef->bottomtexture != 0))
// killough 1/18/98 -- This function is used to fix the automap bug which
// showed lines behind closed doors simply because the door had a dropoff.
// It assumes that Doom has already ruled out a door being closed because
// of front-back closure (e.g. front floor is taller than back ceiling).
// This fixes the automap floor height bug -- killough 1/18/98:
// killough 4/7/98: optimize: save result in doorclosed for use in r_segs.c
doorclosed = true;
solid = true;
else if (frontsector->ceilingplane != backsector->ceilingplane ||
frontsector->floorplane != backsector->floorplane)
// Window.
solid = false;
else if (backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel
|| backsector->floorpic != frontsector->floorpic
|| backsector->ceilingpic != frontsector->ceilingpic
|| curline->sidedef->midtexture != 0
// killough 3/7/98: Take flats offsets into account:
|| backsector->floor_xoffs != frontsector->floor_xoffs
|| (backsector->floor_yoffs + backsector->base_floor_yoffs) != (frontsector->floor_yoffs + backsector->base_floor_yoffs)
|| backsector->ceiling_xoffs != frontsector->ceiling_xoffs
|| (backsector->ceiling_yoffs + backsector->base_ceiling_yoffs) != (frontsector->ceiling_yoffs + frontsector->base_ceiling_yoffs)
|| backsector->FloorLight != frontsector->FloorLight
|| backsector->CeilingLight != frontsector->CeilingLight
|| backsector->FloorFlags != frontsector->FloorFlags
|| backsector->CeilingFlags != frontsector->CeilingFlags
// [RH] Also consider colormaps
|| backsector->ColorMap != frontsector->ColorMap
// [RH] and scaling
|| backsector->floor_xscale != frontsector->floor_xscale
|| backsector->floor_yscale != frontsector->floor_yscale
|| backsector->ceiling_xscale != frontsector->ceiling_xscale
|| backsector->ceiling_yscale != frontsector->ceiling_yscale
// [RH] and rotation
|| (backsector->floor_angle + backsector->base_floor_angle) != (frontsector->floor_angle + frontsector->base_floor_angle)
|| (backsector->ceiling_angle + backsector->base_ceiling_angle) != (frontsector->ceiling_angle + frontsector->base_ceiling_angle)
solid = false;
// Reject empty lines used for triggers and special events.
// Identical floor and ceiling on both sides, identical light levels
// on both sides, and no middle texture.
rw_prepped = false;
if (line->linedef->special == Line_Horizon)
// Be aware: Line_Horizon does not work properly with sloped planes
clearbufshort (walltop+WallSX1, WallSX2 - WallSX1, centery);
clearbufshort (wallbottom+WallSX1, WallSX2 - WallSX1, centery);
rw_ceilstat = WallMost (walltop, frontsector->ceilingplane);
rw_floorstat = WallMost (wallbottom, frontsector->floorplane);
// [RH] treat off-screen walls as solid
#if 0 // Maybe later...
if (!solid)
if (rw_ceilstat == 12 && line->sidedef->toptexture != 0)
rw_mustmarkceiling = true;
solid = true;
if (rw_floorstat == 3 && line->sidedef->bottomtexture != 0)
rw_mustmarkfloor = true;
solid = true;
R_ClipWallSegment (WallSX1, WallSX2, solid);
// R_CheckBBox
// Checks BSP node/subtree bounding box.
// Returns true if some part of the bbox might be visible.
extern "C" const int checkcoord[12][4] =
static BOOL R_CheckBBox (fixed_t *bspcoord) // killough 1/28/98: static
int boxx;
int boxy;
int boxpos;
fixed_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
fixed_t rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;
int sx1, sx2;
cliprange_t* start;
// Find the corners of the box
// that define the edges from current viewpoint.
if (viewx <= bspcoord[BOXLEFT])
boxx = 0;
else if (viewx < bspcoord[BOXRIGHT])
boxx = 1;
boxx = 2;
if (viewy >= bspcoord[BOXTOP])
boxy = 0;
else if (viewy > bspcoord[BOXBOTTOM])
boxy = 1;
boxy = 2;
boxpos = (boxy<<2)+boxx;
if (boxpos == 5)
return true;
x1 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][0]] - viewx;
y1 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][1]] - viewy;
x2 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][2]] - viewx;
y2 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][3]] - viewy;
// check clip list for an open space
// Sitting on a line?
if (DMulScale32 (y1, x1-x2, x1, y2-y1) >= 0)
return true;
rx1 = DMulScale20 (x1, viewsin, -y1, viewcos);
rx2 = DMulScale20 (x2, viewsin, -y2, viewcos);
ry1 = DMulScale20 (x1, viewtancos, y1, viewtansin);
ry2 = DMulScale20 (x2, viewtancos, y2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
int t = 256-rx1;
rx1 = 256-rx2;
rx2 = t;
swap (ry1, ry2);
if (rx1 >= -ry1)
if (rx1 > ry1) return false; // left edge is off the right side
if (ry1 == 0) return false;
sx1 = (centerxfrac + Scale (rx1, centerxfrac, ry1)) >> FRACBITS;
if (rx1 >= 0) sx1 = MIN<int> (viewwidth, sx1+1); // fix for signed divide
if (rx2 < -ry2) return false; // wall is off the left side
if (rx1 - rx2 - ry2 + ry1 == 0) return false; // wall does not intersect view volume
sx1 = 0;
if (rx2 <= ry2)
if (rx2 < -ry2) return false; // right edge is off the left side
if (ry2 == 0) return false;
sx2 = (centerxfrac + Scale (rx2, centerxfrac, ry2)) >> FRACBITS;
if (rx2 >= 0) sx2 = MIN<int> (viewwidth, sx2+1); // fix for signed divide
if (rx1 > ry1) return false; // wall is off the right side
if (ry2 - ry1 - rx2 + rx1 == 0) return false; // wall does not intersect view volume
sx2 = viewwidth;
// Find the first clippost that touches the source post
// (adjacent pixels are touching).
// Does not cross a pixel.
if (sx2 <= sx1)
return false;
start = solidsegs;
while (start->last < sx2)
if (sx1 >= start->first && sx2 <= start->last)
// The clippost contains the new span.
return false;
return true;
void R_GetExtraLight (int *light, const secplane_t &plane, FExtraLight *el)
byte *floodcolormap;
int floodlight;
bool flooding;
vertex_t **triangle;
int i, j;
fixed_t diff;
if (el == NULL)
triangle = frontsector->Triangle;
flooding = false;
floodcolormap = basecolormap;
floodlight = *light;
for (i = 0; i < el->NumUsedLights; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
diff = plane.ZatPoint (triangle[j]) - el->Lights[i].Plane.ZatPoint (triangle[j]);
if (diff != 0)
if (diff >= 0)
if (!flooding || el->Lights[i].bFlooder)
if (el->Lights[i].Master == NULL)
basecolormap = floodcolormap;
*light = floodlight;
basecolormap = el->Lights[i].Master->ColorMap->Maps;
*light = el->Lights[i].Master->lightlevel;
if (el->Lights[i].bFlooder)
flooding = true;
floodcolormap = basecolormap;
floodlight = *light;
// R_Subsector
// Determine floor/ceiling planes.
// Add sprites of things in sector.
// Draw one or more line segments.
void R_Subsector (subsector_t *sub)
int count;
seg_t* line;
sector_t tempsec; // killough 3/7/98: deep water hack
int floorlightlevel; // killough 3/16/98: set floor lightlevel
int ceilinglightlevel; // killough 4/11/98
if (sub - subsectors >= (ptrdiff_t)numsubsectors)
I_Error ("R_Subsector: ss %i with numss = %i", sub - subsectors, numsubsectors);
frontsector = sub->sector;
count = sub->numlines;
line = &segs[sub->firstline];
// killough 3/8/98, 4/4/98: Deep water / fake ceiling effect
frontsector = R_FakeFlat(frontsector, &tempsec, &floorlightlevel,
&ceilinglightlevel, false); // killough 4/11/98
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap->Maps;
R_GetExtraLight (&ceilinglightlevel, frontsector->ceilingplane, frontsector->ExtraLights);
// [RH] set foggy flag
foggy = level.fadeto || frontsector->ColorMap->Fade || (level.flags & LEVEL_HASFADETABLE);
r_actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap->Maps;
ceilingplane = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) > viewz ||
frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum ||
(frontsector->CeilingSkyBox != NULL && frontsector->CeilingSkyBox->bAlways) ||
(frontsector->heightsec &&
!(frontsector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) &&
frontsector->heightsec->floorpic == skyflatnum) ?
R_FindPlane(frontsector->ceilingplane, // killough 3/8/98
frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum && // killough 10/98
frontsector->sky & PL_SKYFLAT ? frontsector->sky :
ceilinglightlevel + r_actualextralight, // killough 4/11/98
frontsector->ceiling_xoffs, // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->ceiling_yoffs + frontsector->base_ceiling_yoffs,
frontsector->ceiling_angle + frontsector->base_ceiling_angle,
) : NULL;
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap->Maps;
R_GetExtraLight (&floorlightlevel, frontsector->floorplane, frontsector->ExtraLights);
// killough 3/7/98: Add (x,y) offsets to flats, add deep water check
// killough 3/16/98: add floorlightlevel
// killough 10/98: add support for skies transferred from sidedefs
floorplane = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) < viewz || // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum ||
(frontsector->FloorSkyBox != NULL && frontsector->FloorSkyBox->bAlways) ||
(frontsector->heightsec &&
!(frontsector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) &&
frontsector->heightsec->ceilingpic == skyflatnum) ?
frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum && // killough 10/98
frontsector->sky & PL_SKYFLAT ? frontsector->sky :
floorlightlevel + r_actualextralight, // killough 3/16/98
frontsector->floor_xoffs, // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->floor_yoffs + frontsector->base_floor_yoffs,
frontsector->floor_angle + frontsector->base_floor_angle,
) : NULL;
// killough 9/18/98: Fix underwater slowdown, by passing real sector
// instead of fake one. Improve sprite lighting by basing sprite
// lightlevels on floor & ceiling lightlevels in the surrounding area.
// [RH] Handle sprite lighting like Duke 3D: If the ceiling is a sky, sprites are lit by
// it, otherwise they are lit by the floor.
R_AddSprites (sub->sector, frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum ?
ceilinglightlevel : floorlightlevel, FakeSide);
// [RH] Add particles
int shade = LIGHT2SHADE((floorlightlevel + ceilinglightlevel)/2 + r_actualextralight);
for (WORD i = ParticlesInSubsec[(unsigned int)(sub-subsectors)]; i != NO_PARTICLE; i = Particles[i].snext)
R_ProjectParticle (Particles + i, subsectors[sub-subsectors].sector, shade, FakeSide);
if (sub->poly)
{ // Render the polyobj in the subsector first
int polyCount = sub->poly->numsegs;
seg_t **polySeg = sub->poly->segs;
while (polyCount--)
R_AddLine (*polySeg++);
while (count--)
if (!line->bPolySeg)
R_AddLine (line);
// RenderBSPNode
// Renders all subsectors below a given node, traversing subtree recursively.
// Just call with BSP root and -1.
// killough 5/2/98: reformatted, removed tail recursion
void R_RenderBSPNode (void *node)
if (numnodes == 0)
R_Subsector (subsectors);
while (!((size_t)node & 1)) // Keep going until found a subsector
node_t *bsp = (node_t *)node;
// Decide which side the view point is on.
int side = R_PointOnSide (viewx, viewy, bsp);
// Recursively divide front space (toward the viewer).
R_RenderBSPNode (bsp->children[side]);
// Possibly divide back space (away from the viewer).
side ^= 1;
if (!R_CheckBBox (bsp->bbox[side]))
node = bsp->children[side];
R_Subsector ((subsector_t *)((BYTE *)node - 1));