
2348 lines
55 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// DOOM main program (D_DoomMain) and game loop (D_DoomLoop),
// plus functions to determine game mode (shareware, registered),
// parse command line parameters, configure game parameters (turbo),
// and call the startup functions.
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#define mkdir(a,b) _mkdir (a)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef unix
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "doomerrors.h"
#include "d_gui.h"
#include "m_alloc.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "f_wipe.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "i_sound.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "wi_stuff.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "d_dehacked.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "b_bot.h" //Added by MC:
#include "stats.h"
#include "a_doomglobal.h"
#include "gameconfigfile.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "decallib.h"
#include "r_polymost.h"
2006-05-14 14:30:13 +00:00
#include "version.h"
#include "v_text.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
extern void M_RestoreMode ();
extern void M_SetDefaultMode ();
extern void R_ExecuteSetViewSize ();
extern void G_NewInit ();
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
void D_CheckNetGame ();
void D_ProcessEvents ();
void G_BuildTiccmd (ticcmd_t* cmd);
void D_DoAdvanceDemo ();
void D_AddFile (const char *file);
void D_AddWildFile (const char *pattern);
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
void D_DoomLoop ();
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
static const char *BaseFileSearch (const char *file, const char *ext, bool lookfirstinprogdir=false);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, turbo)
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, crosshair)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, freelook)
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, m_pitch)
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, m_yaw)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, invertmouse)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, lookstrafe)
extern gameinfo_t SharewareGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t RegisteredGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t RetailGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t CommercialGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t HereticGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t HereticSWGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t HexenGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t HexenDKGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t StrifeGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t StrifeTeaserGameInfo;
extern gameinfo_t StrifeTeaser2GameInfo;
extern int testingmode;
extern BOOL setmodeneeded;
extern BOOL netdemo;
extern int NewWidth, NewHeight, NewBits, DisplayBits;
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, st_scale)
extern BOOL gameisdead;
extern bool demorecording;
extern bool M_DemoNoPlay; // [RH] if true, then skip any demos in the loop
May 3, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed doom.x, heretic.x and strife.x from the SVN repository. These are generated files. - Fixed: A_PainDie has to check whether a valid target exists before calling IsFriend. - Fixed: FDecalLib::FindAnimator needs a signed counter to work properly. May 1, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Added support for game specific pickup messages, if only to be able to define Raven's invulnerability item in DECORATE. - Removed A_TreeDeath because it is no longer used. - Fixed: When picking up a PowerupGiver for an active powerup the blend color and the duration were transferred to a temorary item and never took effect. They have to be trnasferred to the newly created powerup item before trying to give it to the player, not afterward. - Made the colormap of the InvulnerabilitySphere item specific. The base power class still needs to have its color adjusted per game though and since Raven's invulnerability item is used in both Hexen and Heretic it can't define its own colormap/blend. - Separated the invulnerability colormaps from the game being played and made them item specific. They can also be specified as regular blend colors in DECORATE now. - Converted a_hereticarmor.cpp and most of a_doomartifacts.cpp, a_hereticartifacts.cpp and a_heretickeys.cpp to DECORATE. - Changed the Soulsphere to be a real health item with the Dehacked modifications made in d_dehacked.cpp as for most other items which need to be adjusted. - Added IF_BIGPOWERUP flag to AInventory to expose the RESPAWN_SUPER dmflag to DECORATE. Also removed the now obsolete ShouldRespawn methods from AInvulnerabilitySphere and ABlurSphere. - Converted a_splashes.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted most of a_debris.cpp to DECORATE. SVN r73 (trunk)
2006-05-03 14:54:48 +00:00
extern bool insave;
extern cycle_t WallCycles, PlaneCycles, MaskedCycles, WallScanCycles;
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
CVAR (Int, fraglimit, 0, CVAR_SERVERINFO);
CVAR (Float, timelimit, 0.f, CVAR_SERVERINFO);
CVAR (Int, wipetype, 1, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
bool DrawFSHUD; // [RH] Draw fullscreen HUD?
wadlist_t *wadfiles; // [RH] remove limit on # of loaded wads
BOOL devparm; // started game with -devparm
char *D_DrawIcon; // [RH] Patch name of icon to draw on next refresh
int NoWipe; // [RH] Allow wipe? (Needs to be set each time)
BOOL singletics = false; // debug flag to cancel adaptiveness
char startmap[8];
BOOL autostart;
BOOL advancedemo;
FILE *debugfile;
event_t events[MAXEVENTS];
int eventhead;
int eventtail;
gamestate_t wipegamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN; // can be -1 to force a wipe
bool PageBlank;
FTexture *Page;
FTexture *Advisory;
cycle_t FrameCycles;
const char *IWADTypeNames[NUM_IWAD_TYPES] =
"DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution",
"DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment",
"Hexen: Beyond Heretic",
"Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel",
"DOOM 2: Hell on Earth",
"Heretic Shareware",
"Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders",
"DOOM Shareware",
"The Ultimate DOOM",
"DOOM Registered",
"Strife: Quest for the Sigil",
"Strife: Teaser (Old Version)",
"Strife: Teaser (New Version)"
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
static wadlist_t **wadtail = &wadfiles;
static int demosequence;
static int pagetic;
static const char *IWADNames[] =
"doomu.wad", // Hack from original Linux version. Not necessary, but I threw it in anyway.
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// D_ProcessEvents
// Send all the events of the given timestamp down the responder chain.
// Events are asynchronous inputs generally generated by the game user.
// Events can be discarded if no responder claims them
void D_ProcessEvents (void)
event_t *ev;
// [RH] If testing mode, do not accept input until test is over
if (testingmode)
if (testingmode == 1)
M_SetDefaultMode ();
else if (testingmode <= I_GetTime(false))
M_RestoreMode ();
for (; eventtail != eventhead ; eventtail = (eventtail+1)&(MAXEVENTS-1))
ev = &events[eventtail];
if (C_Responder (ev))
continue; // console ate the event
if (M_Responder (ev))
continue; // menu ate the event
if (testpolymost)
Polymost_Responder (ev);
G_Responder (ev);
// D_PostEvent
// Called by the I/O functions when input is detected.
void D_PostEvent (const event_t *ev)
events[eventhead] = *ev;
if (ev->type == EV_Mouse && !testpolymost && !paused && menuactive == MENU_Off &&
ConsoleState != c_down && ConsoleState != c_falling)
if (Button_Mlook.bDown || freelook)
int look = int(ev->y * m_pitch * mouse_sensitivity * 16.0);
if (invertmouse)
look = -look;
G_AddViewPitch (look);
events[eventhead].y = 0;
if (!Button_Strafe.bDown && !lookstrafe)
G_AddViewAngle (int(ev->x * m_yaw * mouse_sensitivity * 8.0));
events[eventhead].x = 0;
if ((events[eventhead].x | events[eventhead].y) == 0)
eventhead = (eventhead+1)&(MAXEVENTS-1);
// CVAR dmflags
// In case DF_NO_FREELOOK was changed, reinitialize the sky
// map. (If no freelook, then no need to stretch the sky.)
if (sky1texture != 0)
R_InitSkyMap ();
if (self & DF_NO_FREELOOK)
// If nofov is set, force everybody to the arbitrator's FOV.
if ((self & DF_NO_FOV) && consoleplayer == Net_Arbitrator)
BYTE fov;
Net_WriteByte (DEM_FOV);
// If the game is started with DF_NO_FOV set, the arbitrator's
// DesiredFOV will not be set when this callback is run, so
// be sure not to transmit a 0 FOV.
fov = (BYTE)players[consoleplayer].DesiredFOV;
if (fov == 0)
fov = 90;
Net_WriteByte (fov);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nohealth, dmflags, DF_NO_HEALTH);
CVAR (Flag, sv_noitems, dmflags, DF_NO_ITEMS);
CVAR (Flag, sv_weaponstay, dmflags, DF_WEAPONS_STAY);
CVAR (Flag, sv_falldamage, dmflags, DF_FORCE_FALLINGHX);
CVAR (Flag, sv_oldfalldamage, dmflags, DF_FORCE_FALLINGZD);
CVAR (Flag, sv_samelevel, dmflags, DF_SAME_LEVEL);
CVAR (Flag, sv_spawnfarthest, dmflags, DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST);
CVAR (Flag, sv_forcerespawn, dmflags, DF_FORCE_RESPAWN);
CVAR (Flag, sv_noarmor, dmflags, DF_NO_ARMOR);
CVAR (Flag, sv_noexit, dmflags, DF_NO_EXIT);
CVAR (Flag, sv_infiniteammo, dmflags, DF_INFINITE_AMMO);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nomonsters, dmflags, DF_NO_MONSTERS);
CVAR (Flag, sv_monsterrespawn, dmflags, DF_MONSTERS_RESPAWN);
CVAR (Flag, sv_itemrespawn, dmflags, DF_ITEMS_RESPAWN);
CVAR (Flag, sv_fastmonsters, dmflags, DF_FAST_MONSTERS);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nojump, dmflags, DF_NO_JUMP);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nofreelook, dmflags, DF_NO_FREELOOK);
CVAR (Flag, sv_respawnsuper, dmflags, DF_RESPAWN_SUPER);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nofov, dmflags, DF_NO_FOV);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
CVAR (Flag, sv_noweaponspawn, dmflags, DF_NO_COOP_WEAPON_SPAWN);
2006-05-14 14:30:13 +00:00
CVAR (Flag, sv_nocrouch, dmflags, DF_NO_CROUCH);
// CVAR dmflags2
// [RH] From Skull Tag. Some of these were already done as separate cvars
// (such as bfgaiming), but I collected them here like Skull Tag does.
CVAR (Int, dmflags2, 0, CVAR_SERVERINFO);
CVAR (Flag, sv_weapondrop, dmflags2, DF2_YES_WEAPONDROP);
CVAR (Flag, sv_nobfgaim, dmflags2, DF2_NO_FREEAIMBFG);
CVAR (Flag, sv_respawnprotect, dmflags2, DF2_YES_INVUL);
CVAR (Flag, sv_barrelrespawn, dmflags2, DF2_BARRELS_RESPAWN);
// CVAR compatflags
int i_compatflags; // internal compatflags composed from the compatflags CVAR and MAPINFO settings
if (level.info == NULL) i_compatflags = self;
else i_compatflags = (self & ~level.info->compatmask) | (level.info->compatflags & level.info->compatmask);
CVAR (Flag, compat_shortTex, compatflags, COMPATF_SHORTTEX);
CVAR (Flag, compat_stairs, compatflags, COMPATF_STAIRINDEX);
CVAR (Flag, compat_limitpain, compatflags, COMPATF_LIMITPAIN);
CVAR (Flag, compat_silentpickup,compatflags, COMPATF_SILENTPICKUP);
CVAR (Flag, compat_nopassover, compatflags, COMPATF_NO_PASSMOBJ);
CVAR (Flag, compat_soundslots, compatflags, COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE);
CVAR (Flag, compat_wallrun, compatflags, COMPATF_WALLRUN);
CVAR (Flag, compat_notossdrops, compatflags, COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS);
CVAR (Flag, compat_useblocking, compatflags, COMPATF_USEBLOCKING);
CVAR (Flag, compat_nodoorlight, compatflags, COMPATF_NODOORLIGHT);
CVAR (Flag, compat_ravenscroll, compatflags, COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL);
CVAR (Flag, compat_soundtarget, compatflags, COMPATF_SOUNDTARGET);
CVAR (Flag, compat_dehhealth, compatflags, COMPATF_DEHHEALTH);
2006-04-24 14:26:06 +00:00
CVAR (Flag, compat_trace, compatflags, COMPATF_TRACE);
CVAR (Flag, compat_dropoff, compatflags, COMPATF_DROPOFF);
// D_Display
// Draw current display, possibly wiping it from the previous
void D_Display (bool screenshot)
bool wipe;
if (nodrawers)
return; // for comparative timing / profiling
cycle_t cycles = 0;
clock (cycles);
if (players[consoleplayer].camera == NULL)
players[consoleplayer].camera = players[consoleplayer].mo;
if (viewactive)
R_SetFOV (players[consoleplayer].camera && players[consoleplayer].camera->player ?
players[consoleplayer].camera->player->FOV : 90.f);
// [RH] change the screen mode if needed
if (setmodeneeded)
// Change screen mode.
if (V_SetResolution (NewWidth, NewHeight, NewBits))
// Recalculate various view parameters.
setsizeneeded = true;
// Let the status bar know the screen size changed
if (StatusBar != NULL)
StatusBar->ScreenSizeChanged ();
// Refresh the console.
C_NewModeAdjust ();
// Reload crosshair if transitioned to a different size
crosshair.Callback ();
RenderTarget = screen;
// change the view size if needed
if (setsizeneeded && StatusBar != NULL)
R_ExecuteSetViewSize ();
setmodeneeded = false;
if (screen->Lock (screenshot))
SB_state = screen->GetPageCount ();
BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
// [RH] Allow temporarily disabling wipes
if (NoWipe)
BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
wipe = false;
wipegamestate = gamestate;
else if (gamestate != wipegamestate && gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE && gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL)
{ // save the current screen if about to wipe
BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
wipe = true;
if (wipegamestate != GS_FORCEWIPEFADE)
wipe_StartScreen (wipetype);
wipe_StartScreen (wipe_Fade);
wipegamestate = gamestate;
wipe = false;
if (testpolymost)
switch (gamestate)
C_DrawConsole ();
M_Drawer ();
if (!screenshot)
screen->Update ();
case GS_LEVEL:
if (!gametic)
R_RefreshViewBorder ();
R_RenderActorView (players[consoleplayer].mo);
R_DetailDouble (); // [RH] Apply detail mode expansion
// [RH] Let cameras draw onto textures that were visible this frame.
FCanvasTextureInfo::UpdateAll ();
if (automapactive)
AM_Drawer ();
if (realviewheight == SCREENHEIGHT && viewactive)
StatusBar->Draw (DrawFSHUD ? HUD_Fullscreen : HUD_None);
StatusBar->DrawTopStuff (DrawFSHUD ? HUD_Fullscreen : HUD_None);
StatusBar->Draw (HUD_StatusBar);
StatusBar->DrawTopStuff (HUD_StatusBar);
CT_Drawer ();
WI_Drawer ();
CT_Drawer ();
F_Drawer ();
CT_Drawer ();
D_PageDrawer ();
CT_Drawer ();
// draw pause pic
if (paused && menuactive == MENU_Off)
FTexture *tex;
int x;
tex = TexMan[gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife) ? "M_PAUSE" : "PAUSED"];
x = (SCREENWIDTH - tex->GetWidth()*CleanXfac)/2 +
screen->DrawTexture (tex, x, 4, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
// [RH] Draw icon, if any
if (D_DrawIcon)
int picnum = TexMan.CheckForTexture (D_DrawIcon, FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);
D_DrawIcon = NULL;
if (picnum >= 0)
FTexture *tex = TexMan[picnum];
screen->DrawTexture (tex, 160-tex->GetWidth()/2, 100-tex->GetHeight()/2,
DTA_320x200, true, TAG_DONE);
NoWipe = 10;
NetUpdate (); // send out any new accumulation
if (!wipe || screenshot)
// normal update
C_DrawConsole (); // draw console
M_Drawer (); // menu is drawn even on top of everything
FStat::PrintStat ();
if (!screenshot)
screen->Update (); // page flip or blit buffer
// wipe update
int wipestart, nowtime, tics;
BOOL done;
wipe_EndScreen ();
screen->Unlock ();
wipestart = I_GetTime (false) - 1;
nowtime = I_GetTime (false);
tics = nowtime - wipestart;
} while (!tics);
wipestart = nowtime;
screen->Lock (true);
done = wipe_ScreenWipe (tics);
C_DrawConsole ();
M_Drawer (); // menu is drawn even on top of wipes
screen->Update (); // page flip or blit buffer
} while (!done);
unclock (cycles);
FrameCycles = cycles;
// D_ErrorCleanup ()
// Cleanup after a recoverable error.
void D_ErrorCleanup ()
screen->Unlock ();
bglobal.RemoveAllBots (true);
D_QuitNetGame ();
Net_ClearBuffers ();
G_NewInit ();
singletics = false;
if (demorecording || demoplayback)
G_CheckDemoStatus ();
playeringame[0] = 1;
players[0].playerstate = PST_LIVE;
gameaction = ga_fullconsole;
menuactive = MENU_Off;
May 3, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed doom.x, heretic.x and strife.x from the SVN repository. These are generated files. - Fixed: A_PainDie has to check whether a valid target exists before calling IsFriend. - Fixed: FDecalLib::FindAnimator needs a signed counter to work properly. May 1, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Added support for game specific pickup messages, if only to be able to define Raven's invulnerability item in DECORATE. - Removed A_TreeDeath because it is no longer used. - Fixed: When picking up a PowerupGiver for an active powerup the blend color and the duration were transferred to a temorary item and never took effect. They have to be trnasferred to the newly created powerup item before trying to give it to the player, not afterward. - Made the colormap of the InvulnerabilitySphere item specific. The base power class still needs to have its color adjusted per game though and since Raven's invulnerability item is used in both Hexen and Heretic it can't define its own colormap/blend. - Separated the invulnerability colormaps from the game being played and made them item specific. They can also be specified as regular blend colors in DECORATE now. - Converted a_hereticarmor.cpp and most of a_doomartifacts.cpp, a_hereticartifacts.cpp and a_heretickeys.cpp to DECORATE. - Changed the Soulsphere to be a real health item with the Dehacked modifications made in d_dehacked.cpp as for most other items which need to be adjusted. - Added IF_BIGPOWERUP flag to AInventory to expose the RESPAWN_SUPER dmflag to DECORATE. Also removed the now obsolete ShouldRespawn methods from AInvulnerabilitySphere and ABlurSphere. - Converted a_splashes.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted most of a_debris.cpp to DECORATE. SVN r73 (trunk)
2006-05-03 14:54:48 +00:00
// D_DoomLoop
// Manages timing and IO, calls all ?_Responder, ?_Ticker, and ?_Drawer,
// calls I_GetTime, I_StartFrame, and I_StartTic
void D_DoomLoop ()
int lasttic = 0;
for (;;)
// frame syncronous IO operations
if (gametic > lasttic)
lasttic = gametic;
I_StartFrame ();
// process one or more tics
if (singletics)
I_StartTic ();
DObject::BeginFrame ();
D_ProcessEvents ();
G_BuildTiccmd (&netcmds[consoleplayer][maketic%BACKUPTICS]);
//Added by MC: For some of that bot stuff. The main bot function.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && players[i].isbot && players[i].mo)
players[i].savedyaw = players[i].mo->angle;
players[i].savedpitch = players[i].mo->pitch;
bglobal.Main (maketic%BACKUPTICS);
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && players[i].isbot && players[i].mo)
players[i].mo->angle = players[i].savedyaw;
players[i].mo->pitch = players[i].savedpitch;
if (advancedemo)
D_DoAdvanceDemo ();
C_Ticker ();
M_Ticker ();
G_Ticker ();
DObject::EndFrame ();
Net_NewMakeTic ();
TryRunTics (); // will run at least one tic
// [RH] Use the consoleplayer's camera to update sounds
S_UpdateSounds (players[consoleplayer].camera); // move positional sounds
// Update display, next frame, with current state.
I_StartTic ();
D_Display (false);
catch (CRecoverableError &error)
if (error.GetMessage ())
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "\n%s\n", error.GetMessage());
D_ErrorCleanup ();
// D_PageTicker
void D_PageTicker (void)
if (--pagetic < 0)
D_AdvanceDemo ();
// D_PageDrawer
void D_PageDrawer (void)
if (Page != NULL)
screen->DrawTexture (Page, 0, 0,
DTA_VirtualWidth, Page->GetWidth(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, Page->GetHeight(),
DTA_Masked, false,
screen->FillBorder (NULL);
screen->Clear (0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, 0);
if (!PageBlank)
screen->DrawText (CR_WHITE, 0, 0, "Page graphic goes here", TAG_DONE);
if (Advisory != NULL)
screen->DrawTexture (Advisory, 4, 160, DTA_320x200, true, TAG_DONE);
// D_AdvanceDemo
// Called after each demo or intro demosequence finishes
void D_AdvanceDemo (void)
advancedemo = true;
// D_DoStrifeAdvanceDemo
void D_DoStrifeAdvanceDemo ()
static const char *const fullVoices[6] =
"svox/pro1", "svox/pro2", "svox/pro3", "svox/pro4", "svox/pro5", "svox/pro6"
static const char *const teaserVoices[6] =
"svox/voc91", "svox/voc92", "svox/voc93", "svox/voc94", "svox/voc95", "svox/voc96"
const char *const *voices = gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE ? teaserVoices : fullVoices;
const char *pagename = NULL;
gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
PageBlank = false;
switch (demosequence)
case 0:
pagetic = 6 * TICRATE;
pagename = "TITLEPIC";
if (Wads.CheckNumForName ("d_logo", ns_music) < 0)
{ // strife0.wad does not have d_logo
S_StartMusic ("");
S_StartMusic ("d_logo");
C_HideConsole ();
case 1:
// [RH] Strife fades to black and then to the Rogue logo, but
// I think it looks better if it doesn't fade.
pagetic = 10 * TICRATE/35;
pagename = ""; // PANEL0, but strife0.wad doesn't have it, so don't use it.
PageBlank = true;
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "bishop/active", 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 2:
pagetic = 4 * TICRATE;
pagename = "RGELOGO";
case 3:
pagetic = 7 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL1";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[0], 1, ATTN_NORM);
S_StartMusic ("d_intro");
case 4:
pagetic = 9 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL2";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[1], 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 5:
pagetic = 12 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL3";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[2], 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 6:
pagetic = 11 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL4";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[3], 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 7:
pagetic = 10 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL5";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[4], 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 8:
pagetic = 16 * TICRATE;
pagename = "PANEL6";
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, voices[5], 1, ATTN_NORM);
case 9:
pagetic = 6 * TICRATE;
pagename = "vellogo";
wipegamestate = GS_FORCEWIPEFADE;
case 10:
pagetic = 12 * TICRATE;
pagename = "CREDIT";
wipegamestate = GS_FORCEWIPEFADE;
if (demosequence++ > 10)
demosequence = 0;
if (demosequence == 9 && !(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
demosequence = 10;
if (pagename)
if (Page != NULL)
Page->Unload ();
Page = NULL;
if (pagename[0])
Page = TexMan[pagename];
// D_DoAdvanceDemo
void D_DoAdvanceDemo (void)
static char demoname[8] = "DEMO1";
static int democount = 0;
static int pagecount;
const char *pagename = NULL;
V_SetBlend (0,0,0,0);
players[consoleplayer].playerstate = PST_LIVE; // not reborn
advancedemo = false;
usergame = false; // no save / end game here
paused = 0;
gameaction = ga_nothing;
// [RH] If you want something more dynamic for your title, create a map
// and name it TITLEMAP. That map will be loaded and used as the title.
MapData * map = P_OpenMapData("TITLEMAP");
if (map != NULL)
G_InitNew ("TITLEMAP", true);
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
D_DoStrifeAdvanceDemo ();
switch (demosequence)
case 3:
if (gameinfo.advisoryTime)
Advisory = TexMan["ADVISOR"];
demosequence = 1;
pagetic = (int)(gameinfo.advisoryTime * TICRATE);
// fall through to case 1 if no advisory notice
case 1:
Advisory = NULL;
if (!M_DemoNoPlay)
BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
sprintf (demoname + 4, "%d", democount);
if (Wads.CheckNumForName (demoname) < 0)
demosequence = 0;
democount = 0;
// falls through to case 0 below
G_DeferedPlayDemo (demoname);
demosequence = 2;
case 0:
gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
pagename = gameinfo.titlePage;
pagetic = (int)(gameinfo.titleTime * TICRATE);
S_StartMusic (gameinfo.titleMusic);
demosequence = 3;
pagecount = 0;
C_HideConsole ();
case 2:
pagetic = (int)(gameinfo.pageTime * TICRATE);
gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
if (pagecount == 0)
pagename = gameinfo.creditPage1;
pagename = gameinfo.creditPage2;
pagecount ^= 1;
demosequence = 1;
if (pagename)
if (Page != NULL)
Page->Unload ();
Page = TexMan[pagename];
// D_StartTitle
void D_StartTitle (void)
gameaction = ga_nothing;
demosequence = -1;
D_AdvanceDemo ();
// Cmd_Endgame
// [RH] Quit the current game and go to fullscreen console
CCMD (endgame)
if (!netgame)
gameaction = ga_fullconsole;
demosequence = -1;
// D_AddFile
void D_AddFile (const char *file)
if (file == NULL)
if (!FileExists (file))
const char *f = BaseFileSearch (file, ".wad");
if (f == NULL)
Printf ("Can't find '%s'\n", file);
file = f;
wadlist_t *wad = (wadlist_t *)M_Malloc (sizeof(*wad) + strlen(file));
*wadtail = wad;
wad->next = NULL;
strcpy (wad->name, file);
wadtail = &wad->next;
// D_AddWildFile
void D_AddWildFile (const char *value)
const char *wadfile = BaseFileSearch (value, ".wad");
if (wadfile != NULL)
D_AddFile (wadfile);
{ // Try pattern matching
findstate_t findstate;
char path[PATH_MAX];
char *sep;
void *handle = I_FindFirst (value, &findstate);
strcpy (path, value);
sep = strrchr (path, '/');
if (sep == NULL)
sep = strrchr (path, '\\');
#ifdef _WIN32
if (sep == NULL && path[1] == ':')
sep = path + 1;
if (handle != ((void *)-1))
if (sep == NULL)
D_AddFile (I_FindName (&findstate));
strcpy (sep+1, I_FindName (&findstate));
D_AddFile (path);
} while (I_FindNext (handle, &findstate) == 0);
I_FindClose (handle);
// D_AddConfigWads
// Adds all files in the specified config file section.
void D_AddConfigWads (const char *section)
if (GameConfig->SetSection (section))
const char *key;
const char *value;
FConfigFile::Position pos;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0)
// D_AddWildFile resets GameConfig's position, so remember it
GameConfig->GetPosition (pos);
D_AddWildFile (value);
// Reset GameConfig's position to get next wad
GameConfig->SetPosition (pos);
// D_AddDirectory
// Add all .wad files in a directory. Does not descend into subdirectories.
static void D_AddDirectory (const char *dir)
char curdir[PATH_MAX];
if (getcwd (curdir, PATH_MAX))
char skindir[PATH_MAX];
findstate_t findstate;
void *handle;
size_t stuffstart;
stuffstart = strlen (dir);
memcpy (skindir, dir, stuffstart*sizeof(*dir));
skindir[stuffstart] = 0;
if (skindir[stuffstart-1] == '/')
skindir[--stuffstart] = 0;
if (!chdir (skindir))
skindir[stuffstart++] = '/';
if ((handle = I_FindFirst ("*.wad", &findstate)) != (void *)-1)
if (!(I_FindAttr (&findstate) & FA_DIREC))
strcpy (skindir + stuffstart, I_FindName (&findstate));
D_AddFile (skindir);
} while (I_FindNext (handle, &findstate) == 0);
I_FindClose (handle);
chdir (curdir);
// SetIWAD
// Sets parameters for the game using the specified IWAD.
static void SetIWAD (const char *iwadpath, EIWADType type)
static const struct
GameMode_t Mode;
const gameinfo_t *Info;
GameMission_t Mission;
} Datas[NUM_IWAD_TYPES] = {
{ commercial, &CommercialGameInfo, pack_tnt }, // Doom2TNT
{ commercial, &CommercialGameInfo, pack_plut }, // Doom2Plutonia
{ commercial, &HexenGameInfo, doom2 }, // Hexen
{ commercial, &HexenDKGameInfo, doom2 }, // HexenDK
{ commercial, &CommercialGameInfo, doom2 }, // Doom2
{ shareware, &HereticSWGameInfo, doom }, // HereticShareware
{ retail, &HereticGameInfo, doom }, // HereticExtended
{ retail, &HereticGameInfo, doom }, // Heretic
{ shareware, &SharewareGameInfo, doom }, // DoomShareware
{ retail, &RetailGameInfo, doom }, // UltimateDoom
{ registered, &RegisteredGameInfo, doom }, // DoomRegistered
{ commercial, &StrifeGameInfo, doom2 }, // Strife
{ commercial, &StrifeTeaserGameInfo, doom2 }, // StrifeTeaser
{ commercial, &StrifeTeaser2GameInfo, doom2 }, // StrifeTeaser2
D_AddFile (iwadpath);
if ((unsigned)type < NUM_IWAD_TYPES)
gamemode = Datas[type].Mode;
gameinfo = *Datas[type].Info;
gamemission = Datas[type].Mission;
if (type == IWAD_HereticExtended)
gameinfo.flags |= GI_MENUHACK_EXTENDED;
gamemode = undetermined;
// ScanIWAD
// Scan the contents of an IWAD to determine which one it is
static EIWADType ScanIWAD (const char *iwad)
static const char checklumps[][8] =
{ 'E','X','T','E','N','D','E','D'},
{ 'S','P','I','D','A','1','D','1' },
#define NUM_CHECKLUMPS (sizeof(checklumps)/8)
int lumpsfound[NUM_CHECKLUMPS];
size_t i;
wadinfo_t header;
FILE *f;
memset (lumpsfound, 0, sizeof(lumpsfound));
if ( (f = fopen (iwad, "rb")) )
fread (&header, sizeof(header), 1, f);
if (header.Magic == IWAD_ID || header.Magic == PWAD_ID)
header.NumLumps = LittleLong(header.NumLumps);
if (0 == fseek (f, LittleLong(header.InfoTableOfs), SEEK_SET))
for (i = 0; i < (size_t)header.NumLumps; i++)
wadlump_t lump;
size_t j;
if (0 == fread (&lump, sizeof(lump), 1, f))
for (j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKLUMPS; j++)
if (strnicmp (lump.Name, checklumps[j], 8) == 0)
fclose (f);
if (lumpsfound[Check_title] && lumpsfound[Check_map60])
return IWAD_HexenDK;
else if (lumpsfound[Check_map33] && lumpsfound[Check_endstrf])
if (lumpsfound[Check_map01])
return IWAD_Strife;
else if (lumpsfound[Check_invcurs])
return IWAD_StrifeTeaser2;
return IWAD_StrifeTeaser;
else if (lumpsfound[Check_map01])
if (lumpsfound[Check_redtnt2])
return IWAD_Doom2TNT;
else if (lumpsfound[Check_cam01])
return IWAD_Doom2Plutonia;
if (lumpsfound[Check_title])
return IWAD_Hexen;
return IWAD_Doom2;
else if (lumpsfound[Check_e1m1])
if (lumpsfound[Check_title])
if (!lumpsfound[Check_e2m1])
return IWAD_HereticShareware;
if (lumpsfound[Check_Extended])
return IWAD_HereticExtended;
return IWAD_Heretic;
for (i = Check_e2m1; i < NUM_CHECKLUMPS; i++)
if (!lumpsfound[i])
return IWAD_DoomShareware;
if (lumpsfound[Check_e4m1])
return IWAD_UltimateDoom;
return IWAD_DoomRegistered;
return NUM_IWAD_TYPES; // Don't know
// CheckIWAD
// Tries to find an IWAD from a set of known IWAD names, and checks the
// contents of each one found to determine which game it belongs to.
// Returns the number of new wads found in this pass (does not count wads
// found from a previous call).
static int CheckIWAD (const char *doomwaddir, WadStuff *wads)
const char *slash;
int i;
int numfound;
numfound = 0;
slash = (doomwaddir[0] && doomwaddir[strlen (doomwaddir)-1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
// Search for a pre-defined IWAD
for (i = IWADNames[0] ? 0 : 1; IWADNames[i]; i++)
if (wads[i].Path.IsEmpty())
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
FString iwad;
iwad.Format ("%s%s%s", doomwaddir, slash, IWADNames[i]);
FixPathSeperator (iwad.LockBuffer());
if (FileExists (iwad))
wads[i].Type = ScanIWAD (iwad);
if (wads[i].Type != NUM_IWAD_TYPES)
wads[i].Path = iwad;
return numfound;
// CheckIWADinEnvDir
// Checks for an IWAD in a directory specified in an environment variable.
static int CheckIWADinEnvDir (const char *envname, WadStuff *wads)
char dir[512];
const char *envdir = getenv (envname);
if (envdir)
strcpy (dir, envdir);
FixPathSeperator (dir);
if (dir[strlen(dir) - 1] != '/')
strcat (dir, "/");
return CheckIWAD (dir, wads);
return false;
// IdentifyVersion
// Tries to find an IWAD in one of four directories under DOS or Win32:
// 1. Current directory
// 2. Executable directory
// 4. $HOME
// Under UNIX OSes, the search path is:
// 1. Current directory
// 3. $HOME/.zdoom
// 4. The share directory defined at compile time (/usr/local/share/zdoom)
// The search path can be altered by editing the IWADSearch.Directories
// section of the config file.
static EIWADType IdentifyVersion (const char *zdoom_wad)
WadStuff wads[sizeof(IWADNames)/sizeof(char *)];
size_t foundwads[NUM_IWAD_TYPES] = { 0 };
const char *iwadparm = Args.CheckValue ("-iwad");
size_t numwads;
int pickwad;
size_t i;
bool iwadparmfound = false;
- Fixed: The names in the Depths array in m_options.cpp were never freed. - Fixed: FDoomEdMap needed a destructor. - Fixed: Decal animators were never freed. - Fixed: Colormaps were never freed. - Fixed: Memory allocated in R_InitTranslationTables() was never freed. - Fixed: R_InitParticles() allocated way more memory than it needed to. (And the particle memory was never freed, either.) - Fixed: FMetaTable::FreeMeta() should use delete[] to free string metadata. - Fixed: FConfigFile::ClearCurrentSection() must cast the entry to a char * before deleting it, because that's the way it was allocated. - Fixed definitions of DeadZombieMan and DeadShotgunGuy in doom/deadthings.txt. Skip_super resets the dropitem list, so having it after "DropItem None" is pointless. - Fixed: Decorate DropItem information was never freed. - Fixed: FinishStates() allocated even 0-entry state arrays. - Fixed: Default actor instances were never freed. - Fixed: FRandomSoundList never freed its sound list. - Fixed: Level and cluster strings read from MAPINFO were never freed. - Fixed: Episode names were never freed. - Fixed: InverseColormap and GoldColormap were never freed. Since they're always allocated, they can just be arrays rather than pointers. - Fixed: FFont destructor never freed any of the character data or the font's name. - Fixed: Fonts were not freed at exit. - Fixed: FStringTable::LoadLanguage() did not call SC_Close(). - Fixed: When using the -iwad parameter, IdentifyVersion() did not release the buffer it created to hold the parameter's path. SVN r88 (trunk)
2006-05-09 03:40:15 +00:00
FString custwad;
if (iwadparm)
- Fixed: The names in the Depths array in m_options.cpp were never freed. - Fixed: FDoomEdMap needed a destructor. - Fixed: Decal animators were never freed. - Fixed: Colormaps were never freed. - Fixed: Memory allocated in R_InitTranslationTables() was never freed. - Fixed: R_InitParticles() allocated way more memory than it needed to. (And the particle memory was never freed, either.) - Fixed: FMetaTable::FreeMeta() should use delete[] to free string metadata. - Fixed: FConfigFile::ClearCurrentSection() must cast the entry to a char * before deleting it, because that's the way it was allocated. - Fixed definitions of DeadZombieMan and DeadShotgunGuy in doom/deadthings.txt. Skip_super resets the dropitem list, so having it after "DropItem None" is pointless. - Fixed: Decorate DropItem information was never freed. - Fixed: FinishStates() allocated even 0-entry state arrays. - Fixed: Default actor instances were never freed. - Fixed: FRandomSoundList never freed its sound list. - Fixed: Level and cluster strings read from MAPINFO were never freed. - Fixed: Episode names were never freed. - Fixed: InverseColormap and GoldColormap were never freed. Since they're always allocated, they can just be arrays rather than pointers. - Fixed: FFont destructor never freed any of the character data or the font's name. - Fixed: Fonts were not freed at exit. - Fixed: FStringTable::LoadLanguage() did not call SC_Close(). - Fixed: When using the -iwad parameter, IdentifyVersion() did not release the buffer it created to hold the parameter's path. SVN r88 (trunk)
2006-05-09 03:40:15 +00:00
custwad = iwadparm;
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
FixPathSeperator (custwad.LockBuffer());
if (CheckIWAD (custwad, wads))
{ // -iwad parameter was a directory
iwadparm = NULL;
DefaultExtension (custwad, ".wad");
iwadparm = custwad;
IWADNames[0] = iwadparm;
CheckIWAD ("", wads);
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
if (iwadparm == NULL || wads[0].Path.IsEmpty())
if (GameConfig->SetSection ("IWADSearch.Directories"))
const char *key;
const char *value;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0)
if (*value == '$')
if (stricmp (value + 1, "progdir") == 0)
CheckIWAD (progdir, wads);
CheckIWADinEnvDir (value + 1, wads);
#ifdef unix
else if (*value == '~' && (*(value + 1) == 0 || *(value + 1) == '/'))
FString homepath = GetUserFile (*(value + 1) ? value + 2 : value + 1, true);
CheckIWAD (homepath, wads);
CheckIWAD (value, wads);
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
if (iwadparm != NULL && !wads[0].Path.IsEmpty())
iwadparmfound = true;
for (i = numwads = 0; i < sizeof(IWADNames)/sizeof(char *); i++)
if (!wads[i].Path.IsEmpty())
if (i != numwads)
wads[numwads] = wads[i];
foundwads[wads[numwads].Type] = numwads+1;
if (foundwads[IWAD_HexenDK] && !foundwads[IWAD_Hexen])
{ // Cannot play Hexen DK without Hexen
size_t kill = foundwads[IWAD_HexenDK];
if (kill != numwads)
memmove (&wads[kill-1], &wads[kill], numwads - kill);
if (numwads == 0)
I_FatalError ("Cannot find a game IWAD (doom.wad, doom2.wad, heretic.wad, etc.).\n"
"Did you install ZDoom properly? You can do either of the following:\n"
"1. Place one or more of these wads in the same directory as ZDoom.\n"
"2. Edit your zdoom.ini and add the directories of your iwads\n"
"to the list beneath [IWADSearch.Directories]");
pickwad = 0;
if (!iwadparmfound && numwads > 1 && queryiwad)
pickwad = I_PickIWad (wads, (int)numwads);
if (pickwad < 0)
exit (0);
// zdoom.pk3 must always be the first file loaded and the IWAD second.
D_AddFile (zdoom_wad);
if (wads[pickwad].Type == IWAD_HexenDK)
{ // load hexen.wad before loading hexdd.wad
D_AddFile (wads[foundwads[IWAD_Hexen]-1].Path);
SetIWAD (wads[pickwad].Path, wads[pickwad].Type);
if (wads[pickwad].Type == IWAD_Strife)
{ // Try to load voices.wad along with strife1.wad
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
long lastslash = wads[pickwad].Path.LastIndexOf ('/');
FString path;
if (lastslash == -1)
path = "";// wads[pickwad].Path;
path = FString (wads[pickwad].Path.GetChars(), lastslash + 1);
2006-05-16 02:50:18 +00:00
path += "voices.wad";
D_AddFile (path);
return wads[pickwad].Type;
// BaseFileSearch
// If a file does not exist at <file>, looks for it in the directories
// specified in the config file. Returns the path to the file, if found,
// or NULL if it could not be found.
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
static const char *BaseFileSearch (const char *file, const char *ext, bool lookfirstinprogdir)
static char wad[PATH_MAX];
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
if (lookfirstinprogdir)
sprintf (wad, "%s%s%s", progdir, progdir[strlen (progdir) - 1] != '/' ? "/" : "", file);
if (FileExists (wad))
return wad;
if (FileExists (file))
sprintf (wad, "%s", file);
return wad;
if (GameConfig->SetSection ("FileSearch.Directories"))
const char *key;
const char *value;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0)
const char *dir;
FString homepath;
if (*value == '$')
if (stricmp (value + 1, "progdir") == 0)
dir = progdir;
dir = getenv (value + 1);
#ifdef unix
else if (*value == '~' && (*(value + 1) == 0 || *(value + 1) == '/'))
homepath = GetUserFile (*(value + 1) ? value + 2 : value + 1, true);
dir = homepath;
dir = value;
if (dir != NULL)
sprintf (wad, "%s%s%s", dir, dir[strlen (dir) - 1] != '/' ? "/" : "", file);
if (FileExists (wad))
return wad;
// Retry, this time with a default extension
if (ext != NULL)
FString tmp = file;
DefaultExtension (tmp, ext);
return BaseFileSearch (tmp, NULL);
return NULL;
// ConsiderPatches
// Tries to add any deh/bex patches from the command line.
bool ConsiderPatches (const char *arg, const char *ext)
bool noDef = false;
DArgs *files = Args.GatherFiles (arg, ext, false);
if (files->NumArgs() > 0)
int i;
const char *f;
for (i = 0; i < files->NumArgs(); ++i)
if ( (f = BaseFileSearch (files->GetArg (i), ".deh")) )
DoDehPatch (f, false);
else if ( (f = BaseFileSearch (files->GetArg (i), ".bex")) )
DoDehPatch (f, false);
noDef = true;
delete files;
return noDef;
// D_LoadWadSettings
// Parses any loaded KEYCONF lumps. These are restricted console scripts
// that can only execute the alias, defaultbind, addkeysection,
// addmenukey, weaponsection, and addslotdefault commands.
void D_LoadWadSettings ()
char cmd[4096];
int lump, lastlump = 0;
ParsingKeyConf = true;
while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("KEYCONF", &lastlump)) != -1)
FMemLump data = Wads.ReadLump (lump);
const char *eof = (char *)data.GetMem() + Wads.LumpLength (lump);
const char *conf = (char *)data.GetMem();
while (conf < eof)
size_t i;
// Fetch a line to execute
for (i = 0; conf + i < eof && conf[i] != '\n'; ++i)
cmd[i] = conf[i];
cmd[i] = 0;
conf += i;
if (*conf == '\n')
// Comments begin with //
char *stop = cmd + i - 1;
char *comment = cmd;
int inQuote = 0;
if (*stop == '\r')
*stop-- = 0;
while (comment < stop)
if (*comment == '\"')
inQuote ^= 1;
else if (!inQuote && *comment == '/' && *(comment + 1) == '/')
if (comment == cmd)
{ // Comment at line beginning
else if (comment < stop)
{ // Comment in middle of line
*comment = 0;
AddCommandString (cmd);
ParsingKeyConf = false;
// D_MultiExec
void D_MultiExec (DArgs *list, bool usePullin)
for (int i = 0; i < list->NumArgs(); ++i)
C_ExecFile (list->GetArg (i), usePullin);
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
int p, flags;
char file[PATH_MAX];
char *v;
const char *wad;
DArgs *execFiles;
file[PATH_MAX-1] = 0;
atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);
PClass::StaticInit ();
atterm (C_DeinitConsole);
gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
SetLanguageIDs ();
rngseed = (DWORD)time (NULL);
FRandom::StaticClearRandom ();
M_FindResponseFile ();
M_LoadDefaults (); // load before initing other systems
// [RH] Make sure zdoom.pk3 is always loaded,
// as it contains magic stuff we need.
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
wad = BaseFileSearch (BASEWAD, NULL, true);
if (wad == NULL)
I_FatalError ("Cannot find " BASEWAD);
I_SetTitleString (IWADTypeNames[IdentifyVersion(wad)]);
GameConfig->DoGameSetup (GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
// [RH] zvox.wad - A wad I had intended to be automatically generated
// from Q2's pak0.pak so the female and cyborg player could have
// voices. I never got around to writing the utility to do it, though.
// And I probably never will now. But I know at least one person uses
// it for something else, so this gets to stay here.
wad = BaseFileSearch ("zvox.wad", NULL);
if (wad)
D_AddFile (wad);
// [RH] Add any .wad files in the skins directory
#ifdef unix
sprintf (file, "%sskins", SHARE_DIR);
sprintf (file, "%sskins", progdir);
D_AddDirectory (file);
const char *home = getenv ("HOME");
if (home)
sprintf (file, "%s%s.zdoom/skins", home,
home[strlen(home)-1] == '/' ? "" : "/");
D_AddDirectory (file);
if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
// Add common (global) wads
D_AddConfigWads ("Global.Autoload");
// Add game-specific wads
sprintf (file, "%s.Autoload", GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
D_AddConfigWads (file);
2006-04-12 01:50:09 +00:00
// Run automatically executed files
execFiles = new DArgs;
GameConfig->AddAutoexec (execFiles, GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
D_MultiExec (execFiles, true);
delete execFiles;
// Run .cfg files at the start of the command line.
execFiles = Args.GatherFiles (NULL, ".cfg", false);
D_MultiExec (execFiles, true);
delete execFiles;
C_ExecCmdLineParams (); // [RH] do all +set commands on the command line
DArgs *files = Args.GatherFiles ("-file", ".wad", true);
2006-04-15 15:00:29 +00:00
DArgs *files1 = Args.GatherFiles (NULL, ".zip", false);
DArgs *files2 = Args.GatherFiles (NULL, ".pk3", false);
if (files->NumArgs() > 0 || files1->NumArgs() > 0 || files2->NumArgs() > 0)
// Check for -file in shareware
if (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE)
I_FatalError ("You cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");
// the files gathered are wadfile/lump names
for (int i = 0; i < files->NumArgs(); i++)
D_AddWildFile (files->GetArg (i));
2006-04-15 15:00:29 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < files1->NumArgs(); i++)
D_AddWildFile (files1->GetArg (i));
for (int i = 0; i < files2->NumArgs(); i++)
D_AddWildFile (files2->GetArg (i));
delete files;
2006-04-15 15:00:29 +00:00
delete files1;
delete files2;
Wads.InitMultipleFiles (&wadfiles);
// [RH] Initialize localizable strings.
GStrings.LoadStrings (false);
// [RH] Moved these up here so that we can do most of our
// startup output in a fullscreen console.
CT_Init ();
I_Init ();
- Fixed: The names in the Depths array in m_options.cpp were never freed. - Fixed: FDoomEdMap needed a destructor. - Fixed: Decal animators were never freed. - Fixed: Colormaps were never freed. - Fixed: Memory allocated in R_InitTranslationTables() was never freed. - Fixed: R_InitParticles() allocated way more memory than it needed to. (And the particle memory was never freed, either.) - Fixed: FMetaTable::FreeMeta() should use delete[] to free string metadata. - Fixed: FConfigFile::ClearCurrentSection() must cast the entry to a char * before deleting it, because that's the way it was allocated. - Fixed definitions of DeadZombieMan and DeadShotgunGuy in doom/deadthings.txt. Skip_super resets the dropitem list, so having it after "DropItem None" is pointless. - Fixed: Decorate DropItem information was never freed. - Fixed: FinishStates() allocated even 0-entry state arrays. - Fixed: Default actor instances were never freed. - Fixed: FRandomSoundList never freed its sound list. - Fixed: Level and cluster strings read from MAPINFO were never freed. - Fixed: Episode names were never freed. - Fixed: InverseColormap and GoldColormap were never freed. Since they're always allocated, they can just be arrays rather than pointers. - Fixed: FFont destructor never freed any of the character data or the font's name. - Fixed: Fonts were not freed at exit. - Fixed: FStringTable::LoadLanguage() did not call SC_Close(). - Fixed: When using the -iwad parameter, IdentifyVersion() did not release the buffer it created to hold the parameter's path. SVN r88 (trunk)
2006-05-09 03:40:15 +00:00
V_Init ();
// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks
FBaseCVar::EnableCallbacks ();
// [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
// insert them into the level and cluster data.
G_MakeEpisodes ();
// [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps
G_ParseMapInfo ();
// [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps
S_ParseSndInfo ();
S_ParseSndEax ();
FActorInfo::StaticInit ();
// [RH] Load custom key and weapon settings from WADs
D_LoadWadSettings ();
FActorInfo::StaticGameSet ();
Printf ("Init DOOM refresh subsystem.\n");
R_Init ();
DecalLibrary.Clear ();
DecalLibrary.ReadAllDecals ();
// [RH] Try adding .deh and .bex files on the command line.
// If there are none, try adding any in the config file.
2006-04-13 22:40:43 +00:00
//if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom)
if (!ConsiderPatches ("-deh", ".deh") &&
!ConsiderPatches ("-bex", ".bex") &&
2006-04-13 22:40:43 +00:00
(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) &&
GameConfig->SetSection ("Doom.DefaultDehacked"))
const char *key;
const char *value;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0 && FileExists (value))
Printf ("Applying patch %s\n", value);
DoDehPatch (value, true);
DoDehPatch (NULL, true); // See if there's a patch in a PWAD
FinishDehPatch (); // Create replacements for dehacked pickups
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
HandleNoSector (); // clear NOSECTOR flag off all actors modified by Dehacked and the BossEye.
FActorInfo::StaticSetActorNums ();
// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
static const char *startupString[5] = {
for (p = 0; p < 5; ++p)
const char *str = GStrings[startupString[p]];
if (str != NULL && str[0] != '\0')
Printf ("%s\n", str);
//Added by MC:
bglobal.getspawned = Args.GatherFiles ("-bots", "", false);
if (bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs() == 0)
delete bglobal.getspawned;
bglobal.getspawned = NULL;
bglobal.spawn_tries = 0;
bglobal.wanted_botnum = bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs();
flags = dmflags;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-nomonsters")) flags |= DF_NO_MONSTERS;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-respawn")) flags |= DF_MONSTERS_RESPAWN;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-fast")) flags |= DF_FAST_MONSTERS;
devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");
if (Args.CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
deathmatch = 1;
else if (Args.CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
deathmatch = 1;
dmflags = flags;
// get skill / episode / map from parms
if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen)
strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");
strcpy (startmap, "&wt@01");
autostart = false;
const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
if (val)
gameskill = val[0] - '1';
autostart = true;
p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - 1)
int ep, map;
if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
ep = 1;
map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
ep = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
map = p < Args.NumArgs() - 2 ? atoi (Args.GetArg(p+2)) : 10;
- Fixed compilation with mingw again. - Added multiple-choice sound sequences. These overcome one of the major deficiences of the Hexen-inherited SNDSEQ system while still being Hexen compatible: Custom door sounds can now use different opening and closing sequences, for both normal and blazing speeds. - Added a serializer for TArray. - Added a countof macro to doomtype.h. See the1's blog to find out why it's implemented the way it is. <http://blogs.msdn.com/the1/articles/210011.aspx> - Added a new method to FRandom for getting random numbers larger than 255, which lets me: - Fixed: SNDSEQ delayrand commands could delay for no more than 255 tics. - Fixed: If you're going to have sector_t.SoundTarget, then they need to be included in the pointer cleanup scans. - Ported back newer name code from 2.1. - Fixed: Using -warp with only one parameter in Doom and Heretic to select a map on episode 1 no longer worked. - New: Loading a multiplayer save now restores the players based on their names rather than on their connection order. Using connection order was sensible when -net was the only way to start a network game, but with -host/-join, it's not so nice. Also, if there aren't enough players in the save, then the extra players will be spawned normally, so you can continue a saved game with more players than you started it with. - Added some new SNDSEQ commands to make it possible to define Heretic's ambient sounds in SNDSEQ: volumerel, volumerand, slot, randomsequence, delayonce, and restart. With these, it is basically possible to obsolete all of the $ambient SNDINFO commands. - Fixed: Sound sequences would only execute one command each time they were ticked. - Fixed: No bounds checking was done on the volume sound sequences played at. - Fixed: The tic parameter to playloop was useless and caused it to act like a redundant playrepeat. I have removed all the logic that caused playloop to play repeating sounds, and now it acts like an infinite sequence of play/delay commands until the sequence is stopped. - Fixed: Sound sequences were ticked every frame, not every tic, so all the delay commands were timed incorrectly and varied depending on your framerate. Since this is useful for restarting looping sounds that got cut off, I have not changed this. Instead, the delay commands now record the tic when execution should resume, not the number of tics left to delay. SVN r57 (trunk)
2006-04-21 01:22:55 +00:00
if (map < 1 || map > 9)
map = ep;
ep = 1;
strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
autostart = true;
//I_Error ("Oh gnos!");
// [RH] Hack to handle +map
p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(Args.GetArg (p+1));
if (map == NULL)
Printf ("Can't find map %s\n", Args.GetArg (p+1));
delete map;
strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
Args.GetArg (p)[0] = '-';
autostart = true;
if (devparm)
Printf (GStrings("D_DEVSTR"));
#ifndef unix
// We do not need to support -cdrom under Unix, because all the files
// that would go to c:\\zdoomdat are already stored in .zdoom inside
// the user's home directory.
if (Args.CheckParm("-cdrom"))
Printf (GStrings("D_CDROM"));
mkdir ("c:\\zdoomdat", 0);
// turbo option // [RH] (now a cvar)
UCVarValue value;
value.String = Args.CheckValue ("-turbo");
if (value.String == NULL)
value.String = "100";
Printf ("turbo scale: %s%%\n", value.String);
turbo.SetGenericRepDefault (value, CVAR_String);
v = Args.CheckValue ("-timer");
if (v)
double time = strtod (v, NULL);
Printf ("Levels will end after %g minute%s.\n", time, time > 1 ? "s" : "");
timelimit = (float)time;
v = Args.CheckValue ("-avg");
if (v)
Printf ("Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");
timelimit = 20.f;
Printf ("Init miscellaneous info.\n");
M_Init ();
Printf ("Init Playloop state.\n");
P_Init ();
Printf ("Setting up sound.\n");
S_Init ();
Printf ("Checking network game status.\n");
D_CheckNetGame ();
// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
// about to begin the game.
FBaseCVar::EnableNoSet ();
// [RH] Print an informative message if -heapsize is used
if (Args.CheckParm ("-heapsize"))
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE "Starting with -heapsize is unnecessary.\n"
TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE "The zone heap is not used anymore.\n");
// [RH] Run any saved commands from the command line or autoexec.cfg now.
gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE;
Net_NewMakeTic ();
DObject::BeginFrame ();
DThinker::RunThinkers ();
DObject::EndFrame ();
gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
// start the apropriate game based on parms
v = Args.CheckValue ("-record");
if (v)
G_RecordDemo (v);
autostart = true;
files = Args.GatherFiles ("-playdemo", ".lmp", false);
if (files->NumArgs() > 0)
singledemo = true; // quit after one demo
G_DeferedPlayDemo (files->GetArg (0));
delete files;
D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
delete files;
v = Args.CheckValue ("-timedemo");
if (v)
G_TimeDemo (v);
D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
v = Args.CheckValue ("-loadgame");
if (v)
strncpy (file, v, sizeof(file)-1);
FixPathSeperator (file);
DefaultExtension (file, ".zds");
G_LoadGame (file);
if (gameaction != ga_loadgame)
BorderNeedRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
if (autostart || netgame)
CheckWarpTransMap (startmap, true);
if (demorecording)
G_BeginRecording (startmap);
G_InitNew (startmap, false);
D_StartTitle (); // start up intro loop
else if (demorecording)
G_BeginRecording (NULL);
atterm (D_QuitNetGame); // killough
D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
// STAT fps
// Displays statistics about rendering times
ADD_STAT (fps, out)
sprintf (out,
"frame=%04.1f ms walls=%04.1f ms planes=%04.1f ms masked=%04.1f ms",
(double)FrameCycles * SecondsPerCycle * 1000,
(double)WallCycles * SecondsPerCycle * 1000,
(double)PlaneCycles * SecondsPerCycle * 1000,
(double)MaskedCycles * SecondsPerCycle * 1000
// STAT wallcycles
// Displays the minimum number of cycles spent drawing walls
static cycle_t bestwallcycles = INT_MAX;
ADD_STAT (wallcycles, out)
if (WallCycles && WallCycles < bestwallcycles)
bestwallcycles = WallCycles;
sprintf (out, "%lu", bestwallcycles);
// CCMD clearwallcycles
// Resets the count of minimum wall drawing cycles
CCMD (clearwallcycles)
bestwallcycles = INT_MAX;
#if 1
// To use these, also uncomment the clock/unclock in wallscan
static cycle_t bestscancycles = INT_MAX;
ADD_STAT (scancycles, out)
if (WallScanCycles && WallScanCycles < bestscancycles)
bestscancycles = WallScanCycles;
sprintf (out, "%lu", bestscancycles);
CCMD (clearscancycles)
bestscancycles = INT_MAX;