
822 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "g_level.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define SHADE2LIGHT(s) (clamp (160-2*(s), 0, 255))
#define SHADE2LIGHT(s) (clamp (255-2*s, 0, 255))
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// bit 0: 1 = parallaxing, 0 = not "P"
// bit 1: 1 = groudraw, 0 = not
// bit 2: 1 = swap x&y, 0 = not "F"
// bit 3: 1 = double smooshiness "E"
// bit 4: 1 = x-flip "F"
// bit 5: 1 = y-flip "F"
// bit 6: 1 = Align texture to first wall of sector "R"
// bits 7-8: "T"
// 00 = normal floors
// 01 = masked floors
// 10 = transluscent masked floors
// 11 = reverse transluscent masked floors
// bits 9-15: reserved
//40 bytes
typedef struct
SWORD wallptr, wallnum;
SDWORD ceilingz, floorz;
SWORD ceilingstat, floorstat;
SWORD ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
SBYTE ceilingshade;
BYTE ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning;
SWORD floorpicnum, floorheinum;
SBYTE floorshade;
BYTE floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning;
BYTE visibility, filler;
SWORD lotag, hitag, extra;
} sectortype;
// bit 0: 1 = Blocking wall (use with clipmove, getzrange) "B"
// bit 1: 1 = bottoms of invisible walls swapped, 0 = not "2"
// bit 2: 1 = align picture on bottom (for doors), 0 = top "O"
// bit 3: 1 = x-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 4: 1 = masking wall, 0 = not "M"
// bit 5: 1 = 1-way wall, 0 = not "1"
// bit 6: 1 = Blocking wall (use with hitscan / cliptype 1) "H"
// bit 7: 1 = Transluscence, 0 = not "T"
// bit 8: 1 = y-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 9: 1 = Transluscence reversing, 0 = normal "T"
// bits 10-15: reserved
//32 bytes
typedef struct
SDWORD x, y;
SWORD point2, nextwall, nextsector, cstat;
SWORD picnum, overpicnum;
SBYTE shade;
BYTE pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning;
SWORD lotag, hitag, extra;
} walltype;
// bit 0: 1 = Blocking sprite (use with clipmove, getzrange) "B"
// bit 1: 1 = transluscence, 0 = normal "T"
// bit 2: 1 = x-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 3: 1 = y-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bits 5-4: 00 = FACE sprite (default) "R"
// 01 = WALL sprite (like masked walls)
// 10 = FLOOR sprite (parallel to ceilings&floors)
// bit 6: 1 = 1-sided sprite, 0 = normal "1"
// bit 7: 1 = Real centered centering, 0 = foot center "C"
// bit 8: 1 = Blocking sprite (use with hitscan / cliptype 1) "H"
// bit 9: 1 = Transluscence reversing, 0 = normal "T"
// bits 10-14: reserved
// bit 15: 1 = Invisible sprite, 0 = not invisible
//44 bytes
typedef struct
SDWORD x, y, z;
SWORD cstat, picnum;
SBYTE shade;
BYTE pal, clipdist, filler;
BYTE xrepeat, yrepeat;
SBYTE xoffset, yoffset;
SWORD sectnum, statnum;
SWORD ang, owner, xvel, yvel, zvel;
SWORD lotag, hitag, extra;
} spritetype;
struct SlopeWork
walltype *wal;
walltype *wal2;
long dx, dy, i, x[3], y[3], z[3];
long heinum;
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
void P_AdjustLine (line_t *line);
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static bool P_LoadBloodMap (BYTE *data, size_t len, FMapThing **sprites, int *numsprites);
static void LoadSectors (sectortype *bsectors);
static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsectors);
static int LoadSprites (spritetype *sprites, int numsprites, sectortype *bsectors, FMapThing *mapthings);
static vertex_t *FindVertex (fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
static void CreateStartSpot (fixed_t *pos, FMapThing *start);
static void CalcPlane (SlopeWork &slope, secplane_t &plane);
static void Decrypt (void *to, const void *from, int len, int key);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
bool P_IsBuildMap(MapData *map)
DWORD len = map->Size(ML_LABEL);
if (len < 4) return false;
BYTE *data = new BYTE[len];
map->Read(ML_LABEL, data);
// Check for a Blood map.
if (*(DWORD *)data == MAKE_ID('B','L','M','\x1a'))
delete[] data;
return true;
numsectors = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 20));
int numwalls;
if (len < 26 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) ||
(numwalls = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 22 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype))),
len < 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)) ||
LittleLong(*(DWORD *)data) != 7 ||
LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 16)) >= 2048)
{ // Can't possibly be a version 7 BUILD map
delete[] data;
return false;
delete[] data;
return true;
// P_LoadBuildMap
bool P_LoadBuildMap (BYTE *data, size_t len, FMapThing **sprites, int *numspr)
if (len < 26)
return false;
// Check for a Blood map.
if (*(DWORD *)data == MAKE_ID('B','L','M','\x1a'))
return P_LoadBloodMap (data, len, sprites, numspr);
numsectors = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 20));
int numwalls;
int numsprites;
if (len < 26 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) ||
(numwalls = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 22 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype))),
len < 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)) ||
LittleLong(*(DWORD *)data) != 7 ||
LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 16)) >= 2048)
{ // Can't possibly be a version 7 BUILD map
return false;
LoadSectors ((sectortype *)(data + 22));
LoadWalls ((walltype *)(data + 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype)), numwalls,
(sectortype *)(data + 22));
numsprites = *(WORD *)(data + 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype));
*sprites = new FMapThing[numsprites + 1];
CreateStartSpot ((fixed_t *)(data + 4), *sprites);
*numspr = 1 + LoadSprites ((spritetype *)(data + 26 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)),
numsprites, (sectortype *)(data + 22), *sprites + 1);
return true;
// P_LoadBloodMap
static bool P_LoadBloodMap (BYTE *data, size_t len, FMapThing **mapthings, int *numspr)
BYTE infoBlock[37];
int mapver = data[5];
DWORD matt;
int numRevisions, numWalls, numsprites, skyLen;
int i;
int k;
if (mapver != 6 && mapver != 7)
return false;
matt = *(DWORD *)(data + 28);
if (matt != 0 &&
matt != MAKE_ID('M','a','t','t') &&
matt != MAKE_ID('t','t','a','M'))
Decrypt (infoBlock, data + 6, 37, 0x7474614d);
memcpy (infoBlock, data + 6, 37);
numRevisions = *(DWORD *)(infoBlock + 27);
numsectors = *(WORD *)(infoBlock + 31);
numWalls = *(WORD *)(infoBlock + 33);
numsprites = *(WORD *)(infoBlock + 35);
skyLen = 2 << *(WORD *)(infoBlock + 16);
if (mapver == 7)
// Version 7 has some extra stuff after the info block. This
// includes a copyright, and I have no idea what the rest of
// it is.
data += 171;
data += 43;
// Skip the sky info.
data += skyLen;
sectortype *bsec = new sectortype[numsectors];
walltype *bwal = new walltype[numWalls];
spritetype *bspr = new spritetype[numsprites];
// Read sectors
k = numRevisions * sizeof(sectortype);
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype), k);
memcpy (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype));
data += sizeof(sectortype);
if (bsec[i].extra > 0) // skip Xsector
data += 60;
// Read walls
k |= 0x7474614d;
for (i = 0; i < numWalls; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype), k);
memcpy (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype));
data += sizeof(walltype);
if (bwal[i].extra > 0) // skip Xwall
data += 24;
// Read sprites
k = (numRevisions * sizeof(spritetype)) | 0x7474614d;
for (i = 0; i < numsprites; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype), k);
memcpy (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype));
data += sizeof(spritetype);
if (bspr[i].extra > 0) // skip Xsprite
data += 56;
// Now convert to Doom format, since we've extracted all the standard
// BUILD info from the map we need. (Sprites are ignored.)
LoadSectors (bsec);
LoadWalls (bwal, numWalls, bsec);
*mapthings = new FMapThing[numsprites + 1];
CreateStartSpot ((fixed_t *)infoBlock, *mapthings);
*numspr = 1 + LoadSprites (bspr, numsprites, bsec, *mapthings + 1);
delete[] bsec;
delete[] bwal;
delete[] bspr;
return true;
// LoadSectors
static void LoadSectors (sectortype *bsec)
FDynamicColormap *map = GetSpecialLights (PalEntry (255,255,255), level.fadeto, 0);
sector_t *sec;
char tnam[9];
sec = sectors = new sector_t[numsectors];
memset (sectors, 0, sizeof(sector_t)*numsectors);
for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i, ++bsec, ++sec)
bsec->wallptr = WORD(bsec->wallptr);
bsec->wallnum = WORD(bsec->wallnum);
bsec->ceilingstat = WORD(bsec->ceilingstat);
bsec->floorstat = WORD(bsec->floorstat);
sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor, -(LittleLong(bsec->floorz) << 8));
sec->floorplane.d = -sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
sec->floorplane.c = FRACUNIT;
sec->floorplane.ic = FRACUNIT;
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(bsec->floorpicnum));
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build));
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, (bsec->floorstat & 8) ? FRACUNIT*2 : FRACUNIT);
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, (bsec->floorstat & 8) ? FRACUNIT*2 : FRACUNIT);
sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::floor, (bsec->floorxpanning << FRACBITS) + (32 << FRACBITS));
sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::floor, bsec->floorypanning << FRACBITS);
sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor, SHADE2LIGHT (bsec->floorshade));
sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, SECF_ABSLIGHTING);
sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling, -(LittleLong(bsec->ceilingz) << 8));
sec->ceilingplane.d = sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
sec->ceilingplane.c = -FRACUNIT;
sec->ceilingplane.ic = -FRACUNIT;
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(bsec->ceilingpicnum));
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 1)
sky1texture = sky2texture = sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, skyflatnum);
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, (bsec->ceilingstat & 8) ? FRACUNIT*2 : FRACUNIT);
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, (bsec->ceilingstat & 8) ? FRACUNIT*2 : FRACUNIT);
sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::ceiling, (bsec->ceilingxpanning << FRACBITS) + (32 << FRACBITS));
sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::ceiling, bsec->ceilingypanning << FRACBITS);
sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling, SHADE2LIGHT (bsec->ceilingshade));
sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, SECF_ABSLIGHTING);
sec->lightlevel = (sec->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor) + sec->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling)) / 2;
sec->seqType = -1;
sec->nextsec = -1;
sec->prevsec = -1;
sec->gravity = 1.f;
sec->friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
sec->movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
sec->ColorMap = map;
sec->ZoneNumber = 0xFFFF;
if (bsec->floorstat & 4)
sec->SetAngle(sector_t::floor, ANGLE_90);
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->floorstat & 16)
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->floorstat & 32)
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 4)
sec->SetAngle(sector_t::ceiling, ANGLE_90);
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::ceiling));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 16)
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::ceiling));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 32)
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::ceiling));
// LoadWalls
static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsec)
int i, j;
// Setting numvertexes to the same as numwalls is overly conservative,
// but the extra vertices will be removed during the BSP building pass.
numsides = numvertexes = numwalls;
numlines = 0;
sides = new side_t[numsides];
memset (sides, 0, numsides*sizeof(side_t));
vertexes = new vertex_t[numvertexes];
numvertexes = 0;
// First mark each sidedef with the sector it belongs to
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
if (bsec[i].wallptr >= 0)
for (j = 0; j < bsec[i].wallnum; ++j)
sides[j + bsec[i].wallptr].sector = sectors + i;
// Now copy wall properties to their matching sidedefs
for (i = 0; i < numwalls; ++i)
char tnam[9];
FTextureID overpic, pic;
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(walls[i].picnum));
pic = TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build);
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(walls[i].overpicnum));
overpic = TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build);
walls[i].x = LittleLong(walls[i].x);
walls[i].y = LittleLong(walls[i].y);
walls[i].point2 = LittleShort(walls[i].point2);
walls[i].cstat = LittleShort(walls[i].cstat);
walls[i].nextwall = LittleShort(walls[i].nextwall);
walls[i].nextsector = LittleShort(walls[i].nextsector);
sides[i].SetTextureXOffset(walls[i].xpanning << FRACBITS);
sides[i].SetTextureYOffset(walls[i].ypanning << FRACBITS);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::top, pic);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::bottom, pic);
if (walls[i].nextsector < 0 || (walls[i].cstat & 32))
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, pic);
else if (walls[i].cstat & 16)
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, overpic);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
sides[i].TexelLength = walls[i].xrepeat * 8;
sides[i].Flags = WALLF_ABSLIGHTING;
sides[i].RightSide = walls[i].point2;
sides[walls[i].point2].LeftSide = i;
if (walls[i].nextwall >= 0 && walls[i].nextwall <= i)
sides[i].linenum = sides[walls[i].nextwall].linenum;
sides[i].linenum = numlines++;
// Set line properties that Doom doesn't store per-sidedef
lines = new line_t[numlines];
memset (lines, 0, numlines*sizeof(line_t));
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < numwalls; ++i)
if (walls[i].nextwall >= 0 && walls[i].nextwall <= i)
j = sides[i].linenum;
lines[j].sidenum[0] = i;
lines[j].sidenum[1] = walls[i].nextwall;
lines[j].v1 = FindVertex (walls[i].x, walls[i].y);
lines[j].v2 = FindVertex (walls[walls[i].point2].x, walls[walls[i].point2].y);
lines[j].frontsector = sides[i].sector;
lines[j].flags |= ML_WRAP_MIDTEX;
if (walls[i].nextsector >= 0)
lines[j].backsector = sectors + walls[i].nextsector;
lines[j].flags |= ML_TWOSIDED;
lines[j].backsector = NULL;
P_AdjustLine (&lines[j]);
if (walls[i].cstat & 128)
if (walls[i].cstat & 512)
lines[j].Alpha = FRACUNIT/3;
lines[j].Alpha = FRACUNIT*2/3;
if (walls[i].cstat & 1)
lines[j].flags |= ML_BLOCKING;
if (walls[i].nextwall < 0)
if (walls[i].cstat & 4)
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM;
if (walls[i].cstat & 4)
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGTOP;
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM;
if (walls[i].cstat & 64)
lines[j].flags |= ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING;
// Finish setting sector properties that depend on walls
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i, ++bsec)
SlopeWork slope;
slope.wal = &walls[bsec->wallptr];
slope.wal2 = &walls[slope.wal->point2];
slope.dx = slope.wal2->x - slope.wal->x;
slope.dy = slope.wal2->y - slope.wal->y;
slope.i = long (sqrt ((double)(slope.dx*slope.dx+slope.dy*slope.dy))) << 5;
if (slope.i == 0)
if ((bsec->floorstat & 2) && (bsec->floorheinum != 0))
{ // floor is sloped
slope.heinum = -LittleShort(bsec->floorheinum);
slope.z[0] = slope.z[1] = slope.z[2] = -bsec->floorz;
CalcPlane (slope, sectors[i].floorplane);
if ((bsec->ceilingstat & 2) && (bsec->ceilingheinum != 0))
{ // ceiling is sloped
slope.heinum = -LittleShort(bsec->ceilingheinum);
slope.z[0] = slope.z[1] = slope.z[2] = -bsec->ceilingz;
CalcPlane (slope, sectors[i].ceilingplane);
if (bsec->floorstat & 64)
{ // floor is aligned to first wall
R_AlignFlat (sides[bsec->wallptr].linenum,
lines[sides[bsec->wallptr].linenum].sidenum[1] == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 64)
{ // ceiling is aligned to first wall
R_AlignFlat (sides[bsec->wallptr].linenum,
lines[sides[bsec->wallptr].linenum].sidenum[1] == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
// LoadSprites
static int LoadSprites (spritetype *sprites, int numsprites, sectortype *bsectors,
FMapThing *mapthings)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numsprites; ++i)
if (sprites[i].cstat & (16|32|32768)) continue;
if (sprites[i].xrepeat == 0 || sprites[i].yrepeat == 0) continue;
mapthings[count].thingid = 0;
mapthings[count].x = (sprites[i].x << 12);
mapthings[count].y = -(sprites[i].y << 12);
mapthings[count].z = (bsectors[sprites[i].sectnum].floorz - sprites[i].z) << 8;
mapthings[count].angle = (((2048-sprites[i].ang) & 2047) * 360) >> 11;
mapthings[count].type = 9988;
mapthings[count].ClassFilter = 0xffff;
mapthings[count].SkillFilter = 0xffff;
mapthings[count].special = 0;
mapthings[count].args[0] = sprites[i].picnum & 255;
mapthings[count].args[1] = sprites[i].picnum >> 8;
mapthings[count].args[2] = sprites[i].xrepeat;
mapthings[count].args[3] = sprites[i].yrepeat;
mapthings[count].args[4] = (sprites[i].cstat & 14) | ((sprites[i].cstat >> 9) & 1);
return count;
// FindVertex
vertex_t *FindVertex (fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
int i;
x <<= 12;
y = -(y << 12);
for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; ++i)
if (vertexes[i].x == x && vertexes[i].y == y)
return &vertexes[i];
vertexes[i].x = x;
vertexes[i].y = y;
return &vertexes[i];
// CreateStartSpot
static void CreateStartSpot (fixed_t *pos, FMapThing *start)
short angle = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(&pos[3]));
FMapThing mt =
0, (LittleLong(pos[0])<<12), ((-LittleLong(pos[1]))<<12), 0,// tid, x, y, z
short(Scale ((2048-angle)&2047, 360, 2048)), 1, // angle, type
7|MTF_SINGLE|224, // flags
// special and args are 0
*start = mt;
// CalcPlane
static void CalcPlane (SlopeWork &slope, secplane_t &plane)
FVector3 pt[3];
long j;
slope.x[0] = slope.wal->x; slope.y[0] = slope.wal->y;
slope.x[1] = slope.wal2->x; slope.y[1] = slope.wal2->y;
if (slope.dx == 0)
slope.x[2] = slope.x[0] + 64;
slope.y[2] = slope.y[0];
slope.x[2] = slope.x[0];
slope.y[2] = slope.y[0] + 64;
j = DMulScale3 (slope.dx, slope.y[2]-slope.wal->y,
-slope.dy, slope.x[2]-slope.wal->x);
slope.z[2] += Scale (slope.heinum, j, slope.i);
pt[0] = FVector3(slope.dx, -slope.dy, 0);
pt[1] = FVector3(slope.x[2] - slope.x[0], slope.y[0] - slope.y[2], (slope.z[2] - slope.z[0]) / 16);
pt[2] = (pt[0] ^ pt[1]).Unit();
if ((pt[2][2] < 0 && plane.c > 0) || (pt[2][2] > 0 && plane.c < 0))
pt[2] = -pt[2];
plane.a = fixed_t(pt[2][0]*65536.f);
plane.b = fixed_t(pt[2][1]*65536.f);
plane.c = fixed_t(pt[2][2]*65536.f);
plane.ic = fixed_t(65536.f/pt[2][2]);
plane.d = -TMulScale8
(plane.a, slope.x[0]<<4, plane.b, (-slope.y[0])<<4, plane.c, slope.z[0]);
// Decrypt
2006-06-15 03:31:19 +00:00
// Note that this is different from the general RFF encryption.
static void Decrypt (void *to_, const void *from_, int len, int key)
BYTE *to = (BYTE *)to_;
const BYTE *from = (const BYTE *)from_;
2006-06-15 03:31:19 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++key)
2006-06-15 03:31:19 +00:00
to[i] = from[i] ^ key;
// Just an actor to make the Build sprites show up. It doesn't do anything
// with them other than display them.
class ACustomSprite : public AActor
DECLARE_CLASS (ACustomSprite, AActor);
void BeginPlay ();
void ACustomSprite::BeginPlay ()
char name[9];
Super::BeginPlay ();
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
mysnprintf (name, countof(name), "BTIL%04d", (args[0] + args[1]*256) & 0xffff);
picnum = TexMan.GetTexture (name, FTexture::TEX_Build);
scaleX = args[2] * (FRACUNIT/64);
scaleY = args[3] * (FRACUNIT/64);
if (args[4] & 2)
RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
if (args[4] & 1)
alpha = TRANSLUC66;
alpha = TRANSLUC33;
if (args[4] & 4)
renderflags |= RF_XFLIP;
if (args[4] & 8)
renderflags |= RF_YFLIP;