## For users - how to compile FluidSynth The latest information on how to compile FluidSynth using the cmake build system can be found in our wiki: https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/wiki/BuildingWithCMake ## For developers - how to add a new feature to the CMake build system Let's explain this issue with an example. We are adding D-Bus support to FluidSynth as an optional feature, conditionally adding source files that require this feature. The first step is to add a macro "option()" to the main CMakeLists.txt file, the one that is located at the fluidsynth root directory. file CMakeLists.txt, line 64: ```cmake option ( enable-dbus "compile DBUS support (if it is available)" on ) ``` Now, let's check if the dbus-1 library and headers are installed, using pkg-config: file CMakeLists.txt, lines 371-377: ```cmake unset ( DBUS_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-dbus ) pkg_check_modules ( DBUS dbus-1>=1.0.0 ) set ( DBUS_SUPPORT ${DBUS_FOUND} ) else ( enable-dbus ) unset_pkg_config ( DBUS ) endif ( enable-dbus ) ``` The first line clears the value of the CMake variable DBUS_SUPPORT. If the value of the option "enable-dbus" is true, then the macro pkg_check_modules() is used to test a package named "dbus-1" with version 1.0.0 or later. This macro automatically defines the variables DBUS_LIBRARIES, DBUS_INCLUDEDIR, DBUS_FOUND and others. The value of the last one is assigned to our variable DBUS_SUPPORT for later use. There is a report to summarize the performed checks and the enabled features after the configuration steps, so let's add a line in this report regarding the D-Bus support. file cmake_admin/report.cmake, lines 14-18: ```cmake if ( DBUS_SUPPORT ) message ( "D-Bus: yes" ) else ( DBUS_SUPPORT ) message ( "D-Bus: no" ) endif ( DBUS_SUPPORT ) ``` The variable DBUS_SUPPORT is available for the CMake files, but we want to make it available to the compilers as well, to conditionally build code using "#ifdef DBUS_SUPPORT". This can be done adding a line to the config.cmake file: file src/config.cmake, lines 22-23: ```c /* Define if D-Bus support is enabled */ #cmakedefine DBUS_SUPPORT @DBUS_SUPPORT@ ``` The file config.cmake will be processed at configure time, producing a header file "config.h" in the build directory with this content, if the dbus support has been enabled and found: ```c /* Define if D-Bus support is enabled */ #define DBUS_SUPPORT 1 ``` Finally, we can add the new source files to the build system for the compiler target with the macro add_library(), and the libraries for the linker target with the macros link_directories() and target_link_libraries(). file src/CMakeLists.txt, lines 57-60 ```cmake if ( DBUS_SUPPORT ) set ( fluid_dbus_SOURCES fluid_rtkit.c fluid_rtkit.h ) include_directories ( ${DBUS_INCLUDEDIR} ${DBUS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) endif ( DBUS_SUPPORT ) ``` file src/CMakeLists.txt, lines 163-197 ```cmake link_directories ( ... ${DBUS_LIBDIR} ${DBUS_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) add_library ( libfluidsynth ... ${fluid_dbus_SOURCES} ... ) ``` file src/CMakeLists.txt, lines 163-197 ```cmake target_link_libraries ( libfluidsynth ... ${DBUS_LIBRARIES} ... ) ```