# FluidSynth - A Software Synthesizer # # Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Peter Hanappe and others. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA # CMake based build system. Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.1.0 ) # because of CMAKE_C_STANDARD if(POLICY CMP0075) cmake_policy(SET CMP0075 NEW) endif() if(POLICY CMP0091) cmake_policy(SET CMP0091 NEW) endif() project ( FluidSynth C CXX ) list( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_admin ) # FluidSynth package name set ( PACKAGE "fluidsynth" ) # FluidSynth package version set ( FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MAJOR 2 ) set ( FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MINOR 2 ) set ( FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MICRO 2 ) set ( VERSION "${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MAJOR}.${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MINOR}.${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MICRO}" ) set ( FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION "\"${VERSION}\"" ) # libfluidsynth - Library version # *** NOTICE *** # Update library version upon each release (follow these steps in order) # if any source code changes: REVISION++ # if any interfaces added/removed/changed: REVISION=0 # if any interfaces removed/changed (compatibility broken): CURRENT++ # if any interfaces have been added: AGE++ # if any interfaces have been removed/changed (compatibility broken): AGE=0 # This is not exactly the same algorithm as the libtool one, but the results are the same. set ( LIB_VERSION_CURRENT 3 ) set ( LIB_VERSION_AGE 0 ) set ( LIB_VERSION_REVISION 2 ) set ( LIB_VERSION_INFO "${LIB_VERSION_CURRENT}.${LIB_VERSION_AGE}.${LIB_VERSION_REVISION}" ) # Options disabled by default option ( enable-coverage "enable gcov code coverage" off ) option ( enable-debug "enable debugging (default=no)" off ) option ( enable-floats "enable type float instead of double for DSP samples" off ) option ( enable-fpe-check "enable Floating Point Exception checks and debug messages" off ) option ( enable-portaudio "compile PortAudio support" off ) option ( enable-profiling "profile the dsp code" off ) option ( enable-trap-on-fpe "enable SIGFPE trap on Floating Point Exceptions" off ) option ( enable-ubsan "compile and link against UBSan (for debugging fluidsynth internals)" off ) # Options enabled by default option ( enable-aufile "compile support for sound file output" on ) option ( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build a shared object or DLL" on ) option ( enable-dbus "compile DBUS support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-ipv6 "enable ipv6 support" on ) option ( enable-jack "compile JACK support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-ladspa "enable LADSPA effect units" on ) option ( enable-libinstpatch "use libinstpatch (if available) to load DLS and GIG files" on ) option ( enable-libsndfile "compile libsndfile support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-midishare "compile MidiShare support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-opensles "compile OpenSLES support (if it is available)" off ) option ( enable-oboe "compile Oboe support (requires OpenSLES and/or AAudio)" off ) option ( enable-network "enable network support (requires BSD sockets)" on ) option ( enable-oss "compile OSS support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-dsound "compile DirectSound support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-wasapi "compile Windows WASAPI support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-waveout "compile Windows WaveOut support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-winmidi "compile Windows MIDI support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-sdl2 "compile SDL2 audio support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-pkgconfig "use pkg-config to locate fluidsynth's (mostly optional) dependencies" on ) option ( enable-pulseaudio "compile PulseAudio support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-readline "compile readline lib line editing (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-threads "enable multi-threading support (such as parallel voice synthesis)" on ) # Platform specific options if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux|FreeBSD|DragonFly" ) option ( enable-lash "compile LASH support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-alsa "compile ALSA support (if it is available)" on ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux|FreeBSD|DragonFly" ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux" ) option ( enable-systemd "compile systemd support (if it is available)" on ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux" ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Darwin" ) option ( enable-coreaudio "compile CoreAudio support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-coremidi "compile CoreMIDI support (if it is available)" on ) option ( enable-framework "create a Mac OSX style FluidSynth.framework" on ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Darwin" ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "OS2" ) option ( enable-dart "compile DART support (if it is available)" on ) set ( enable-ipv6 off ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "OS2" ) # Initialize the library directory name suffix. if (NOT MINGW AND NOT MSVC AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD|DragonFly") if ( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8 ) set ( _init_lib_suffix "64" ) else ( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8 ) set ( _init_lib_suffix "" ) endif ( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8 ) else () set ( _init_lib_suffix "" ) endif() set ( LIB_SUFFIX ${_init_lib_suffix} CACHE STRING "library directory name suffix (32/64/nothing)" ) mark_as_advanced ( LIB_SUFFIX ) # the default C standard to use for all targets set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 90) # the default C++ standard to use for all targets set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 98) # whether to use gnu extensions set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # Compile with position independent code if the user requested a shared lib, i.e. no PIC if static requested. # This is cmakes default behavior, but here it's explicitly required due to the use of libfluidsynth-OBJ as object library, # which would otherwise always be compiled without PIC. if ( NOT CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ) set ( CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS} ) endif ( NOT CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ) # the default global visibility level for all target # no visibility support on OS2 if ( NOT OS2 ) set ( CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden ) endif ( NOT OS2 ) # enforce visibility control for all types of cmake targets if ( POLICY CMP0063 ) cmake_policy ( SET CMP0063 NEW ) endif ( POLICY CMP0063 ) # Default install directory names include ( DefaultDirs ) # Basic C library checks include ( CheckCCompilerFlag ) include ( CheckSTDC ) include ( CheckIncludeFile ) include ( CheckSymbolExists ) include ( CheckTypeSize ) check_include_file ( string.h HAVE_STRING_H ) check_include_file ( stdlib.h HAVE_STDLIB_H ) check_include_file ( stdio.h HAVE_STDIO_H ) check_include_file ( math.h HAVE_MATH_H ) check_include_file ( errno.h HAVE_ERRNO_H ) check_include_file ( stdarg.h HAVE_STDARG_H ) check_include_file ( unistd.h HAVE_UNISTD_H ) check_include_file ( sys/mman.h HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H ) check_include_file ( sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H ) check_include_file ( sys/time.h HAVE_SYS_TIME_H ) check_include_file ( sys/stat.h HAVE_SYS_STAT_H ) check_include_file ( fcntl.h HAVE_FCNTL_H ) check_include_file ( sys/socket.h HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H ) check_include_file ( netinet/in.h HAVE_NETINET_IN_H ) check_include_file ( netinet/tcp.h HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H ) check_include_file ( arpa/inet.h HAVE_ARPA_INET_H ) check_include_file ( limits.h HAVE_LIMITS_H ) check_include_file ( pthread.h HAVE_PTHREAD_H ) check_include_file ( signal.h HAVE_SIGNAL_H ) check_include_file ( getopt.h HAVE_GETOPT_H ) check_include_file ( stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_type_size ( "long long" LONG_LONG ) if ( NOT HAVE_LONG_LONG AND NOT MSVC) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Your compiler does not support intrinsic type 'long long'. Unable to compile fluidsynth." ) endif () include ( TestInline ) include ( TestVLA ) include ( TestBigEndian ) test_big_endian ( WORDS_BIGENDIAN ) unset ( LIBFLUID_CPPFLAGS CACHE ) unset ( LIBFLUID_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( FLUID_CPPFLAGS CACHE ) unset ( FLUID_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( ENABLE_UBSAN CACHE ) if ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel" ) if ( NOT APPLE AND NOT OS2 AND NOT EMSCRIPTEN ) set ( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed" ) set ( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--no-undefined" ) endif ( NOT APPLE AND NOT OS2 AND NOT EMSCRIPTEN ) # define some warning flags set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unused-parameter -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror=implicit-function-declaration" ) check_c_compiler_flag ( "-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types" HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPES ) if ( HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPES ) set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types" ) endif ( HAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPES ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-parameter" ) # prepend to build type specific flags, to allow users to override set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}" ) if ( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel" ) # icc needs the restrict flag to recognize C99 restrict pointers set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -restrict" ) else () # not intel # gcc and clang support bad function cast and alignment warnings; add them as well. set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align" ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wcast-align" ) if ( enable-ubsan ) set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address,undefined ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address,undefined ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) set ( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address,undefined ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) set ( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address,undefined ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) set ( ENABLE_UBSAN 1 ) endif ( enable-ubsan ) if ( enable-coverage ) if ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) include ( CodeCoverage ) set ( CODE_COVERAGE_VERBOSE TRUE ) append_coverage_compiler_flags() setup_target_for_coverage_gcovr_html ( NAME coverage EXECUTABLE ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -C $ --output-on-failure DEPENDENCIES check ) set ( ENABLE_COVERAGE 1 ) else() message ( SEND_ERROR "Code Coverage is currently only supported for GNU Compiler (GCC)" ) endif() endif () endif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel" ) endif ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel" ) # Windows unset ( WINDOWS_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( DSOUND_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( WASAPI_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( WAVEOUT_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( WINMIDI_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( MINGW32 CACHE ) if ( WIN32 ) include ( CheckIncludeFiles ) # We have to set _WIN32_WINNT to make sure CMake gets correct results when probing for functions. # windows-version is supposed to be non-official variable that can be used to tweak the Windows target version. # Its value defaults to the Windows Version we are compiling for. if ( NOT windows-version ) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 10) # Windows 10 set ( windows-version "0x0A00" ) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 6.3) # Windows 8.1 set ( windows-version "0x0603" ) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 6.2) # Windows 8 set ( windows-version "0x0602" ) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 6.1) # Windows 7 set ( windows-version "0x0601" ) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 6.0) # Windows Vista set ( windows-version "0x0600" ) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION EQUAL 5.1) # Windows XP set ( windows-version "0x0501" ) else() set ( windows-version "0x0400" ) endif() endif () message ( STATUS "Targeting Windows Version ${windows-version}" ) add_definitions ( -D _WIN32_WINNT=${windows-version} ) add_definitions ( -D WINVER=${windows-version} ) list ( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS "-DWINVER=${windows-version}" ) list ( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS "-D_WIN32_WINNT=${windows-version}" ) # Check presence of MS include files check_include_file ( windows.h HAVE_WINDOWS_H ) check_include_file ( io.h HAVE_IO_H ) check_include_file ( dsound.h HAVE_DSOUND_H ) check_include_files ( "windows.h;mmsystem.h" HAVE_MMSYSTEM_H ) check_include_files ( "mmdeviceapi.h;audioclient.h" HAVE_WASAPI_HEADERS ) check_include_file ( objbase.h HAVE_OBJBASE_H ) if ( enable-network ) set ( WINDOWS_LIBS "${WINDOWS_LIBS};ws2_32" ) endif ( enable-network ) if ( enable-dsound AND HAVE_DSOUND_H ) set ( WINDOWS_LIBS "${WINDOWS_LIBS};dsound;ksuser" ) set ( DSOUND_SUPPORT 1 ) endif () if ( enable-winmidi AND HAVE_MMSYSTEM_H ) set ( WINDOWS_LIBS "${WINDOWS_LIBS};winmm" ) set ( WINMIDI_SUPPORT 1 ) endif () if ( enable-waveout AND HAVE_MMSYSTEM_H ) set ( WINDOWS_LIBS "${WINDOWS_LIBS};winmm;ksuser" ) set ( WAVEOUT_SUPPORT 1 ) endif () if ( enable-wasapi AND HAVE_WASAPI_HEADERS AND HAVE_OBJBASE_H) set ( WINDOWS_LIBS "${WINDOWS_LIBS};ole32" ) set ( WASAPI_SUPPORT 1 ) endif () set ( LIBFLUID_CPPFLAGS "-DFLUIDSYNTH_DLL_EXPORTS" ) set ( FLUID_CPPFLAGS "-DFLUIDSYNTH_NOT_A_DLL" ) if ( NOT MSVC ) # only set debug postfix if not MSVS building set ( CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "_debug" ) endif ( NOT MSVC ) # MinGW compiler (a Windows GCC port) if ( MINGW ) set ( MINGW32 1 ) add_compile_options ( -mms-bitfields ) endif ( MINGW ) else ( WIN32 ) # Check PThreads, but not in Windows find_package ( Threads REQUIRED ) set ( LIBFLUID_LIBS "m" ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ) endif ( WIN32 ) # IBM OS/2 unset ( DART_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( DART_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( DART_INCLUDE_DIRS CACHE ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "OS2" ) set ( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Zbin-files" ) set ( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Zbin-files" ) if ( enable-dart ) check_include_files ( "os2.h;os2me.h" HAVE_DART_H ) set ( DART_SUPPORT ${HAVE_DART_H} ) unset ( DART_INCLUDE_DIRS CACHE ) endif ( enable-dart ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "OS2" ) # Solaris / SunOS if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "SunOS" ) set ( FLUID_LIBS "${FLUID_LIBS};nsl;socket" ) set ( LIBFLUID_LIBS "${LIBFLUID_LIBS};nsl;socket" ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "SunOS" ) # Apple Mac OSX unset ( COREAUDIO_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( COREAUDIO_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( COREMIDI_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( COREMIDI_LIBS CACHE ) unset ( DARWIN CACHE ) unset ( MACOSX_FRAMEWORK CACHE ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Darwin" ) set ( DARWIN 1 ) set ( CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} ) if ( enable-coreaudio ) check_include_file ( CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h COREAUDIO_FOUND ) if ( COREAUDIO_FOUND ) set ( COREAUDIO_SUPPORT ${COREAUDIO_FOUND} ) set ( COREAUDIO_LIBS "-Wl,-framework,CoreAudio,-framework,AudioUnit" ) endif ( COREAUDIO_FOUND ) endif ( enable-coreaudio ) if ( enable-coremidi ) check_include_file ( CoreMIDI/MIDIServices.h COREMIDI_FOUND ) if ( COREMIDI_FOUND ) set ( COREMIDI_SUPPORT ${COREMIDI_FOUND} ) set ( COREMIDI_LIBS "-Wl,-framework,CoreMIDI,-framework,CoreServices" ) endif ( COREMIDI_FOUND ) endif ( enable-coremidi ) if ( enable-framework ) set ( MACOSX_FRAMEWORK 1 ) endif ( enable-framework ) endif ( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Darwin" ) unset ( NETWORK_SUPPORT ) if ( enable-network ) set ( NETWORK_SUPPORT 1 ) endif ( enable-network ) unset ( WITH_FLOAT CACHE ) if ( enable-floats ) set ( WITH_FLOAT 1 ) endif ( enable-floats ) unset ( WITH_PROFILING CACHE ) if ( enable-profiling ) set ( WITH_PROFILING 1 ) if ( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" ) set ( OPT_FLAGS "-Rpass=loop-vectorize" ) # -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize" ) elseif ( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel" ) set ( OPT_FLAGS "-qopt-report=3" ) elseif ( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" ) set ( OPT_FLAGS "" ) endif ( ) set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${OPT_FLAGS}" ) if ( CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.6.0" ) find_program( CLANG_TIDY NAMES "clang-tidy" DOC "Path to clang-tidy executable" ) if ( CLANG_TIDY ) message ( STATUS "Found clang-tidy at ${CLANG_TIDY}" ) execute_process ( COMMAND ${CLANG_TIDY} "--version" ) set ( CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY ${CLANG_TIDY} ) endif ( CLANG_TIDY ) endif ( CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.6.0" ) endif ( enable-profiling ) unset ( ENABLE_TRAPONFPE CACHE ) unset ( TRAP_ON_FPE CACHE ) if ( enable-trap-on-fpe AND NOT APPLE AND NOT WIN32 ) set ( ENABLE_TRAPONFPE 1 ) set ( TRAP_ON_FPE 1 ) endif ( enable-trap-on-fpe AND NOT APPLE AND NOT WIN32 ) unset ( ENABLE_FPECHECK CACHE ) unset ( FPE_CHECK CACHE ) if ( enable-fpe-check AND NOT APPLE AND NOT WIN32 ) set ( ENABLE_FPECHECK 1 ) set ( FPE_CHECK 1 ) endif ( enable-fpe-check AND NOT APPLE AND NOT WIN32 ) if ( enable-debug ) set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Choose the build type, options: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel" FORCE ) endif ( enable-debug ) if ( NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ) set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo" CACHE STRING "Choose the build type, options: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel" FORCE ) endif ( NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ) unset ( ENABLE_DEBUG CACHE ) if ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug" ) set ( ENABLE_DEBUG 1 ) add_definitions(-DDEBUG) # -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG) # for additional C++ STL container debugging endif ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug" ) # Additional targets to perform clang-format/clang-tidy # Get all project files file(GLOB_RECURSE ALL_SOURCE_FILES LIST_DIRECTORIES false ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.[chi] ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.[chi]pp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.[chi]xx ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.hh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.ii ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.[CHI] ) find_program ( ASTYLE "astyle" ) if ( ASTYLE ) add_custom_target( format COMMAND ${ASTYLE} -A1 -xb -j -k3 -p -f -n -U ${ALL_SOURCE_FILES} ) endif(ASTYLE) if(NOT enable-pkgconfig) FIND_LIBRARY( GLIB_LIB NAMES glib glib-2.0 PATH GLIB_LIBRARY_DIR ) FIND_LIBRARY( GTHREAD_LIB NAMES gthread gthread-2.0 PATH GTHREAD_LIBRARY_DIR ) FIND_PATH( GLIBH_DIR glib.h PATH GLIB_INCLUDE_DIR ) FIND_PATH( GLIBCONF_DIR glibconfig.h PATH GLIBCONF_INCLUDE_DIR ) IF( GLIB_LIB MATCHES "GLIB_LIB-NOTFOUND" OR GTHREAD_LIB MATCHES "GTHREAD_LIB-NOTFOUND" OR GLIBH_DIR MATCHES "GLIBH_DIR-NOTFOUND" OR GLIBCONF_DIR MATCHES "GLIBCONF_DIR-NOTFOUND") message( WARNING "Not sure if I found GLIB, continuing anyway.") ENDIF() SET( GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GLIBH_DIR} ${GLIBCONF_DIR} ) SET( GLIB_LIBRARIES ${GLIB_LIB} ${GTHREAD_LIB} ) message( STATUS "GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS: " ${GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) message( STATUS "GLIB_LIBRARIES: " ${GLIB_LIBRARIES} ) else(NOT enable-pkgconfig) find_package ( PkgConfig REQUIRED ) # Mandatory libraries: glib and gthread pkg_check_modules ( GLIB REQUIRED glib-2.0>=2.6.5 gthread-2.0>=2.6.5 ) if ( GLIB_glib-2.0_VERSION AND GLIB_glib-2.0_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.26.0" ) message ( WARNING "Your version of glib is very old. This may cause problems with fluidsynth's sample cache on Windows. Consider updating to glib 2.26 or newer!" ) endif ( GLIB_glib-2.0_VERSION AND GLIB_glib-2.0_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.26.0" ) include ( UnsetPkgConfig ) # Optional features unset ( LIBSNDFILE_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( LIBSNDFILE_HASVORBIS CACHE ) if ( enable-libsndfile ) pkg_check_modules ( LIBSNDFILE sndfile>=1.0.0 ) set ( LIBSNDFILE_SUPPORT ${LIBSNDFILE_FOUND} ) if ( LIBSNDFILE_SUPPORT ) message (DEBUG "LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LIBRARIES: ${LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LIBRARIES}") message (DEBUG "LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LINK_LIBRARIES: ${LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LINK_LIBRARIES}") message (DEBUG "LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS: ${LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS}") message (DEBUG "LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS_OTHER: ${LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS_OTHER}") if ( LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LIBRARIES MATCHES "vorbis" OR LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS MATCHES "vorbis" OR LIBSNDFILE_STATIC_LDFLAGS_OTHER MATCHES "vorbis" ) set ( LIBSNDFILE_HASVORBIS 1 ) else () message ( NOTICE "Seems like libsndfile was compiled without OGG/Vorbis support." ) endif () endif ( LIBSNDFILE_SUPPORT ) else ( enable-libsndfile ) unset_pkg_config ( LIBSNDFILE ) unset_pkg_config ( LIBSNDFILE_VORBIS ) endif ( enable-libsndfile ) unset ( PULSE_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-pulseaudio ) pkg_check_modules ( PULSE libpulse-simple>=0.9.8 ) set ( PULSE_SUPPORT ${PULSE_FOUND} ) else ( enable-pulseaudio ) unset_pkg_config ( PULSE ) endif ( enable-pulseaudio ) unset ( ALSA_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-alsa ) pkg_check_modules ( ALSA alsa>=0.9.1 ) set ( ALSA_SUPPORT ${ALSA_FOUND} ) else ( enable-alsa ) unset_pkg_config ( ALSA ) endif ( enable-alsa ) unset ( PORTAUDIO_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-portaudio ) pkg_check_modules ( PORTAUDIO portaudio-2.0>=19 ) set ( PORTAUDIO_SUPPORT ${PORTAUDIO_FOUND} ) else ( enable-portaudio ) unset_pkg_config ( PORTAUDIO ) endif ( enable-portaudio ) unset ( JACK_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-jack ) pkg_check_modules ( JACK jack ) set ( JACK_SUPPORT ${JACK_FOUND} ) else ( enable-jack ) unset_pkg_config ( JACK ) endif ( enable-jack ) unset ( LASH_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-lash ) pkg_check_modules ( LASH lash-1.0>=0.3 ) if ( LASH_FOUND ) set ( LASH_SUPPORT 1 ) add_definitions ( -DHAVE_LASH ) endif ( LASH_FOUND ) else ( enable-lash ) unset_pkg_config ( LASH ) remove_definitions( -DHAVE_LASH ) endif ( enable-lash ) unset ( SYSTEMD_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-systemd ) pkg_check_modules ( SYSTEMD libsystemd ) set ( SYSTEMD_SUPPORT ${SYSTEMD_FOUND} ) else ( enable-systemd ) unset_pkg_config ( SYSTEMD ) endif ( enable-systemd ) unset ( DBUS_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-dbus ) pkg_check_modules ( DBUS dbus-1>=1.0.0 ) set ( DBUS_SUPPORT ${DBUS_FOUND} ) else ( enable-dbus ) unset_pkg_config ( DBUS ) endif ( enable-dbus ) unset ( LADSPA_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-ladspa ) check_include_file ( ladspa.h LADSPA_SUPPORT ) if ( LADSPA_SUPPORT ) pkg_check_modules ( GMODULE REQUIRED gmodule-2.0>=2.6.5 ) set ( LADSPA 1 ) endif ( LADSPA_SUPPORT ) endif ( enable-ladspa ) unset ( LIBINSTPATCH_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-libinstpatch ) pkg_check_modules ( LIBINSTPATCH libinstpatch-1.0>=1.1.0 ) set ( LIBINSTPATCH_SUPPORT ${LIBINSTPATCH_FOUND} ) endif ( enable-libinstpatch ) unset ( SDL2_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-sdl2 ) pkg_check_modules ( SDL2 sdl2 ) set ( SDL2_SUPPORT ${SDL2_FOUND} ) else ( enable-sdl2 ) unset_pkg_config ( SDL2 ) endif ( enable-sdl2 ) unset ( OBOE_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( OBOE_LIBS CACHE ) if ( enable-oboe ) pkg_check_modules ( OBOE oboe-1.0 ) if ( OBOE_FOUND ) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set ( OBOE_SUPPORT 1 ) set ( OBOE_LIBS ${OBOE_LIBRARIES} ) endif ( OBOE_FOUND ) endif ( enable-oboe ) unset ( WITH_READLINE CACHE ) unset ( READLINE_LIBS CACHE ) if ( enable-readline ) pkg_check_modules ( READLINE readline ) if ( NOT READLINE_FOUND ) find_package ( READLINE ) set ( READLINE_FOUND ${HAVE_READLINE} ) endif ( NOT READLINE_FOUND ) if ( READLINE_FOUND ) set ( WITH_READLINE 1 ) set ( READLINE_LIBS ${READLINE_LIBRARIES} ) endif ( READLINE_FOUND ) endif ( enable-readline ) endif(NOT enable-pkgconfig) unset ( AUFILE_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-aufile ) set ( AUFILE_SUPPORT 1 ) endif ( enable-aufile ) unset ( OSS_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-oss ) find_package ( OSS QUIET ) set ( OSS_SUPPORT ${OSS_FOUND} ) endif ( enable-oss ) unset ( MIDISHARE_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( enable-midishare ) find_package ( MidiShare QUIET ) set ( MIDISHARE_SUPPORT ${MidiShare_FOUND} ) if ( MidiShare_FOUND ) set ( MidiShare_LIBS ${MidiShare_LIBRARIES} ) else ( MidiShare_FOUND ) unset ( MidiShare_LIBS CACHE ) endif ( MidiShare_FOUND ) else ( enable-midishare ) unset ( MidiShare_LIBS CACHE ) endif ( enable-midishare ) unset ( OPENSLES_SUPPORT CACHE ) unset ( OpenSLES_LIBS CACHE ) if ( enable-opensles ) check_include_file ( SLES/OpenSLES.h OPENSLES_SUPPORT ) if ( OPENSLES_SUPPORT ) find_library ( OpenSLES_LIBS OpenSLES ) if ( NOT OpenSLES_LIBS ) unset ( OPENSLES_SUPPORT ) endif ( NOT OpenSLES_LIBS ) endif ( OPENSLES_SUPPORT ) endif ( enable-opensles ) unset ( ENABLE_MIXER_THREADS CACHE ) if ( enable-threads ) set ( ENABLE_MIXER_THREADS 1 ) endif ( enable-threads ) unset ( HAVE_OPENMP CACHE ) find_package ( OpenMP QUIET ) if ( OpenMP_FOUND OR OpenMP_C_FOUND ) message(STATUS "Found OpenMP ${OpenMP_C_SPEC_DATE}") # require at least OMP 4.0 if ( ( NOT OpenMP_C_SPEC_DATE LESS "201307" ) OR NOT ( OpenMP_C_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4.0" ) ) set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_C_FLAGS}" ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}" ) # include dir and library link seems to be required for Xcode 12.5 (issue #917) include_directories ( SYSTEM ${OpenMP_C_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set ( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) set ( LIBFLUID_LIBS "${OpenMP_C_LIBRARIES};${LIBFLUID_LIBS}" ) set ( HAVE_OPENMP 1 ) endif() endif() # manipulate some variables to setup a proper test env set(TEST_SOUNDFONT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sf2/VintageDreamsWaves-v2.sf2") set(TEST_SOUNDFONT_UTF8_1 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sf2/\\xE2\\x96\\xA0VintageDreamsWaves-v2\\xE2\\x96\\xA0.sf2") set(TEST_SOUNDFONT_UTF8_2 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sf2/VìntàgèDrèàmsWàvès-v2.sf2") set(TEST_SOUNDFONT_SF3 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sf2/VintageDreamsWaves-v2.sf3") set(TEST_MIDI_UTF8 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/èmpty.mid") # Make sure to link against libm before checking for math functions below set ( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${LIBFLUID_LIBS};${WINDOWS_LIBS}" ) # Check for C99 float math unset ( HAVE_SINF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( sinf "math.h" HAVE_SINF ) if ( HAVE_SINF ) set ( HAVE_SINF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_SINF ) unset ( HAVE_COSF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( cosf "math.h" HAVE_COSF ) if ( HAVE_COSF ) set ( HAVE_COSF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_COSF ) unset ( HAVE_FABSF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( fabsf "math.h" HAVE_FABSF ) if ( HAVE_FABSF ) set ( HAVE_FABSF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_FABSF ) unset ( HAVE_POWF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( powf "math.h" HAVE_POWF ) if ( HAVE_POWF ) set ( HAVE_POWF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_POWF ) unset ( HAVE_SQRTF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( sqrtf "math.h" HAVE_SQRTF ) if ( HAVE_SQRTF ) set ( HAVE_SQRTF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_SQRTF ) unset ( HAVE_LOGF CACHE ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( logf "math.h" HAVE_LOGF ) if ( HAVE_LOGF ) set ( HAVE_LOGF 1 ) endif ( HAVE_LOGF ) unset ( HAVE_INETNTOP CACHE ) unset ( IPV6_SUPPORT CACHE ) if ( WIN32 ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( inet_ntop "ws2tcpip.h" HAVE_INETNTOP ) else ( WIN32 ) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS ( inet_ntop "arpa/inet.h" HAVE_INETNTOP ) endif ( WIN32 ) if ( enable-ipv6 ) if ( HAVE_INETNTOP ) set ( IPV6_SUPPORT 1 ) endif ( HAVE_INETNTOP ) endif ( enable-ipv6 ) unset ( HAVE_SOCKLEN_T CACHE ) set ( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES_SAVE ${CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES} ) if ( WIN32 ) set ( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "winsock2.h;ws2tcpip.h" ) else ( WIN32 ) set ( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES sys/socket.h ) endif ( WIN32 ) check_type_size ( socklen_t SOCKLEN_T ) set ( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES ${CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES_SAVE} ) if ( HAVE_SOCKLEN_T ) set ( HAVE_SOCKLEN_T 1 ) endif ( HAVE_SOCKLEN_T ) # General configuration file configure_file ( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/config.cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h ) # Setup linker directories NOW, as the command will apply only to targets created after it has been called. link_directories ( ${GLIB_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LASH_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${JACK_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${ALSA_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PULSE_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PORTAUDIO_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBSNDFILE_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${DBUS_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${OBOE_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIBINSTPATCH_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) # required to allow ctest to be called from top-level build directory ENABLE_TESTING() # Process subdirectories add_subdirectory ( src ) add_subdirectory ( test ) add_subdirectory ( doc ) # pkg-config support set ( prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) set ( exec_prefix "\${prefix}" ) if ( IS_ABSOLUTE "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" ) set ( libdir "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" ) else () set ( libdir "\${exec_prefix}/${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" ) endif () if ( IS_ABSOLUTE "${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}" ) set ( includedir "${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}" ) else () set ( includedir "\${prefix}/${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}" ) endif () if ( CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL "3.12.0" OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.12.0" ) # retrieve all the private libs we depend on get_target_property ( LIBS_PRIVATE libfluidsynth INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) # make a copy set ( LIBS_PRIVATE_WITH_PATH ${LIBS_PRIVATE} ) # this matches any path and any flag entries (starting with '-') set ( LIB_LIST_REGEX "(^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$)|(^\-.*$)" ) # remove all entries from the list which are specified by path and which already have -l list ( FILTER LIBS_PRIVATE EXCLUDE REGEX ${LIB_LIST_REGEX} ) # include only entries specifed by path list ( FILTER LIBS_PRIVATE_WITH_PATH INCLUDE REGEX ${LIB_LIST_REGEX} ) # prepend the linker flag to all entries except the ones that already have it list ( TRANSFORM LIBS_PRIVATE PREPEND "-l") list ( JOIN LIBS_PRIVATE " " LIBS_PRIVATE_JOINED ) list ( JOIN LIBS_PRIVATE_WITH_PATH " " LIBS_PRIVATE_WITH_PATH_JOINED ) else () set ( LIBS_PRIVATE "" ) set ( LIBS_PRIVATE_WITH_PATH "" ) message ( DEPRECATION "Your version of CMake is old. A complete pkg-config file can not created. Get cmake 3.13.3 or newer." ) endif ( CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL "3.12.0" OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.12.0" ) configure_file ( fluidsynth.pc.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fluidsynth.pc IMMEDIATE @ONLY ) install ( FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fluidsynth.pc DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig ) # Exported targets for cmake: find_package(FluidSynth) # when installed, use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=fluidsynth-prefix;... # to use the build directory directly set the FluidSynth_DIR variable instead. # targets in the build directory export(EXPORT FluidSynthTargets FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FluidSynthTargets.cmake" NAMESPACE FluidSynth:: ) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) write_basic_package_version_file( FluidSynthConfigVersion.cmake VERSION ${LIB_VERSION_INFO} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) configure_file(FluidSynthConfig.cmake.in FluidSynthConfig.cmake @ONLY) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FluidSynthConfig.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FluidSynthConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake/fluidsynth ) # Extra targets for Unix build environments if ( UNIX ) if ( DEFINED FLUID_DAEMON_ENV_FILE) configure_file ( fluidsynth.service.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fluidsynth.service @ONLY ) configure_file ( fluidsynth.conf.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fluidsynth.conf @ONLY ) endif ( DEFINED FLUID_DAEMON_ENV_FILE ) # uninstall custom target configure_file ( "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_admin/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target ( uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") # tarball custom target add_custom_target ( tarball COMMAND mkdir -p ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp -r bindings ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp -r cmake_admin ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp -r doc ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp -r include ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp -r src ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND cp AUTHORS ChangeLog CMakeLists.txt LICENSE ${PACKAGE}.* INSTALL NEWS README* THANKS TODO ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} # COMMAND tar -cj --exclude .svn --exclude Makefile.am -f ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} # COMMAND tar -cz --exclude .svn --exclude Makefile.am -f ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} # COMMAND zip -qr ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.zip ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} -x '*.svn*' -x '*Makefile.am' COMMAND tar -cj --exclude .svn -f ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND tar -cz --exclude .svn -f ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} COMMAND zip -qr ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.zip ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} -x '*.svn*' COMMAND rm -rf ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif ( UNIX ) include ( report ) # CPack support set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "FluidSynth real-time synthesizer" ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "fluidsynth.org" ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/README.md" ) set ( CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE" ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MAJOR} ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MINOR} ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MICRO} ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES "fluidsynth" "FluidSynth CLI" ) # source packages set ( CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR TGZ;TBZ2;ZIP ) set ( CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/.svn/;/build/;~$;.cproject;.project;/.settings/;${CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES}" ) set ( CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}" ) set ( CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES OFF ) # binary packages include ( InstallRequiredSystemLibraries ) set ( CPACK_GENERATOR STGZ;TGZ;TBZ2;ZIP ) set ( CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME ${PACKAGE} ) set ( CPACK_STRIP_FILES ON ) include ( CPack )