fluidsynth-1.1.2 on Mac OS X

fluidsynth-1.1.2 can be installed in three ways on your Apple computer:

A. Compilation and installation by hand using autotools
- "XcodeTools.mpkg","DevSDK.pkg", "CoreAudioSDK.pkg" packages (The Leopard/Snow Leopard Install DVD)

- Fink installation <http://fink.sourceforge.net>

- libgnugetopt, readline5, libflac8-dev, libsndfile1-dev and glib2-dev  from fink: e.g. "fink install libgnugetopt"

- MIDI Patchbay 1.0.3 <http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/index6.html>

- Optional: JackOSX.0.85*.pkg.zip  <http://www.jackosx.com>

1. Run configure && make:

$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure && make

2. make install as superuser

B. Compilation and installation by hand using cmake
- "XcodeTools.mpkg","DevSDK.pkg", "CoreAudioSDK.pkg" packages (The Leopard/Snow Leopard Install DVD)

- Fink installation <http://fink.sourceforge.net>

- libgnugetopt, readline5, libflac8-dev, libsndfile1-dev, glib2-dev, dbus1.3-dev and cmake  from fink: e.g. "fink install libgnugetopt"

- MIDI Patchbay 1.0.3 <http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/index6.html>

- Optional: JackOSX.0.85*.pkg.zip  <http://www.jackosx.com>

1. Run cmake from the newly-created "build" folder:

$ mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ; make

where "/usr/local" could be replaced by the PREFIX of your choice.

2. make install as superuser

C. Compilation and installation of the fink fluidsynth package

Note: The fink fluidsynth package is currently at version 1.1.1. The update will become available some time after the source tarball for version 1.1.2 becomes 
officially available on http://fluidsynth.sourceforge.net


- "XcodeTools.mpkg","DevSDK.pkg", "CoreAudioSDK.pkg" packages (The Leopard/Snow Leopard Install DVD)

- Fink installation <http://fink.sourceforge.net>

- MIDI Patchbay 1.0.3 <http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/index6.html>

In Terminal.app simply type $ fink install fluidsynth

and the fink fluidsynth package automatically installs its dependencies. 

C. Running fluidsynth

$ fluidsynth -a SOUND_DRIVER -j -m coremidi where the SOUND_DRIVER is either "jack" or "coreaudio" (in order to run the coreaudio sound driver replace the "-a jack -j" options with "-a coreaudio")

In order to run another instance of fluidsynth, open another terminal window:

$ fluidsynth -a SOUND_DRIVER [-j] -m coremidi -p name_of_instance

Connect MIDI I/O devices using MIDI Patchbay 

Ebrahim Mayat <emayat@users.sourceforge.net>
12th August 2010