trigger: paths: include: - '*' exclude: - '.azure/azure-pipelines-mac.yml' - '.azure/azure-pipelines-vcpkg.yml' - '.azure/azure-pipelines-win.yml' - '.circleci/config.yml' - '.github/workflows/linux.yml' - '.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml' - '.cirrus.yml' - '' parameters: - name: UseCache displayName: Use Dependency Cache type: boolean default: true values: - true - false schedules: - cron: "0 0 * * 1" displayName: 'Weekly Monday Midnight build without caching' branches: include: - master always: true variables: ICONV_VERSION: '1.16' # Use recent master libffi, because 3.3 is broken: checking host system type... Invalid configuration `arm-none-linux-eabi': machine `arm-none-linux' not recognized FFI_VERSION: '3.4.2' GETTEXT_VERSION: '0.21' #need to switch to meson build system to use a more recent version GLIB_VERSION: '2.71' GLIB_EXTRAVERSION: '2' OBOE_VERSION: '1.5.0' SNDFILE_VERSION: '1.0.31' INSTPATCH_VERSION: '1.1.6' VORBIS_VERSION: '1.3.7' OGG_VERSION: '1.3.5' OPUS_VERSION: '1.3.1' FLAC_VERSION: '1.3.4' PCRE_VERSION: '8.45' # Android NDK sources and standalone toolchain is put here DEV: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/android-build-root' # This is a symlink pointing to the real Android NDK # Must be the same as $ANDROID_NDK_HOME see: # NDK: '/usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk-bundle' # All the built binaries, libs and their headers will be installed here PREFIX: '$(DEV)/opt/android' # Prevent installing to lib64/ # This becomes important, if you would build on e.g. openSUSE LIBPATH0: '$(PREFIX)/lib' # The path of standalone NDK toolchain # Refer to NDK_TOOLCHAIN: '$(NDK)/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/' # Don't mix up .pc files from your host and build target PKG_CONFIG_PATH: '$(LIBPATH0)/pkgconfig' # setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH alone does not seem to be enough to avoid mixing up with the host, also set PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR: '$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)' # Set Android target API level # when compiling with clang use at least 28 as this makes sure that android provides the posix_spawn functions, so the compilation of gettext will (should) work out of the box # it's probably a bug of gettext, if posix_spawn is not available it replaces it with its own implementation. Autotools of gettext set HAVE_POSIX_SPAWN==0 (which is correct) but for some reason REPLACE_POSIX_SPAWN==0 (which is wrong, as it should be 1). # # NOTE: API 24 is required because it provides fseeko() and ftello() required by libflac ANDROID_API: '24' # Tell configure what flags Android requires. # Turn Wimplicit-function-declaration into errors. Else autotools will be fooled when checking for available functions (that in fact are NOT available) and compilation will fail later on. # Also disable clangs integrated assembler, as the hand written assembly of libffi is not recognized by it, cf. CFLAGS: "-fPIE -fPIC -I$(PREFIX)/include --sysroot=$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot -I$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot/usr/include -Werror=implicit-function-declaration" CXXFLAGS: $(CFLAGS) CPPFLAGS: $(CXXFLAGS) DEBIAN_FRONTEND: 'noninteractive' ARTIFACT_NAME: 'fluidsynth-android$(ANDROID_API)' jobs: - job: Android strategy: matrix: ARM: ARCH: 'arm' ANDROID_ARCH: 'armv7a' ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE: 'armeabi-v7a' ANDROID_TARGET_ABI: "eabi" ANDROID_ABI_MESON: 'arm' # the --target to be used by autotools AUTOTOOLS_TARGET: "$(ARCH)-linux-android$(ANDROID_TARGET_ABI)" AARCH64: ARCH: 'aarch64' ANDROID_ARCH: 'aarch64' ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE: 'arm64-v8a' ANDROID_TARGET_ABI: ANDROID_ABI_MESON: 'aarch64' AUTOTOOLS_TARGET: "$(ARCH)-none-linux-android" i686: ARCH: 'i686' ANDROID_ARCH: 'i686' ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE: 'x86' ANDROID_TARGET_ABI: ANDROID_ABI_MESON: 'x86' AUTOTOOLS_TARGET: "$(ARCH)-pc-linux-android" x86_64: ARCH: 'x86_64' ANDROID_ARCH: 'x86_64' ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE: 'x86_64' ANDROID_TARGET_ABI: ANDROID_ABI_MESON: 'x86_64' AUTOTOOLS_TARGET: "$(ARCH)-pc-linux-android" pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-20.04' steps: - script: | set -ex mkdir -p $(DEV) displayName: 'mkdir $(DEV)' - script: | sudo apt-get update -y displayName: 'Update apt' - script: | set -ex sudo -E apt-get -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install wget tar bzip2 xz-utils ca-certificates displayName: 'apt-get install wget tar' - script: | set -ex wget${ICONV_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf libiconv-${ICONV_VERSION}.tar.gz wget -O libffi-${FFI_VERSION}.tar.gz${FFI_VERSION}/libffi-${FFI_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf libffi-${FFI_VERSION}.tar.gz wget${GETTEXT_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf gettext-${GETTEXT_VERSION}.tar.gz wget${GLIB_VERSION}/glib-${GLIB_VERSION}.${GLIB_EXTRAVERSION}.tar.xz tar xf glib-${GLIB_VERSION}.${GLIB_EXTRAVERSION}.tar.xz wget -O oboe-${OBOE_VERSION}.tar.gz${OBOE_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf oboe-${OBOE_VERSION}.tar.gz wget${SNDFILE_VERSION}/libsndfile-${SNDFILE_VERSION}.tar.bz2 tar jxf libsndfile-${SNDFILE_VERSION}.tar.bz2 wget -O libinstpatch-${INSTPATCH_VERSION}.tar.gz${INSTPATCH_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf libinstpatch-${INSTPATCH_VERSION}.tar.gz wget${VORBIS_VERSION}/libvorbis-${VORBIS_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf libvorbis-${VORBIS_VERSION}.tar.gz wget${OGG_VERSION}/libogg-${OGG_VERSION}.tar.gz tar zxf libogg-${OGG_VERSION}.tar.gz wget -O flac-${FLAC_VERSION}.tar.gz${FLAC_VERSION}.tar.gz tar xf flac-${FLAC_VERSION}.tar.gz wget -O opus-${OPUS_VERSION}.tar.gz${OPUS_VERSION}.tar.gz tar xf opus-${OPUS_VERSION}.tar.gz wget -O pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}.tar.bz2${PCRE_VERSION}/pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}.tar.bz2/download tar jxf pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}.tar.bz2 cd pcre-${PCRE_VERSION} # CMake checks for existence of strtoq() using the C compiler - and yes, it does exist! # Later on, it's actually used by the C++ compiler, where it does not exist. # Rename the function so CMake won't find it. sed -i 's/strtoq/strtoqqqq/g' CMakeLists.txt displayName: 'Download Dependencies' workingDirectory: $(DEV) - task: Cache@2 inputs: key: '$(ARCH) | $(DEV)/*.tar.*' path: '$(PREFIX)' cacheHitVar: 'CACHE_RESTORED' displayName: 'Cache fluidsynth dependency libraries' condition: and(not(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule')), ${{ parameters.useCache }}) - script: | set -ex sudo apt remove --purge --auto-remove cmake wget -O - 2>/dev/null | gpg --dearmor - | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kitware.gpg >/dev/null sudo apt-add-repository 'deb focal main' displayName: 'Use recent CMake Version' condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) enabled: 'false' - script: | set -ex sudo -E apt-get -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install gettext cmake zlib1g-dev autogen automake autoconf libtool pkg-config autotools-dev build-essential meson ninja-build python3-distutils displayName: 'apt-get install build-tools' condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - script: | set -e # The cross-compile toolchain we use export ANDROID_TARGET=${ARCH}-linux-android${ANDROID_TARGET_ABI} echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ANDROID_TARGET]$ANDROID_TARGET" export ANDROID_TARGET_API=${ANDROID_ARCH}-linux-android${ANDROID_TARGET_ABI}${ANDROID_API} echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ANDROID_TARGET_API]$ANDROID_TARGET_API" # Add the standalone toolchain to the search path. export PATH=$PATH:${PREFIX}/bin:${PREFIX}/lib:${PREFIX}/include:${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH]$PATH" LIBPATH1=$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot/usr/lib LIBPATH2=$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot/usr/lib/$(ARCH)-linux-android$(ANDROID_TARGET_ABI)/$(ANDROID_API) LIBPATH3=$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot/usr/lib/$(ARCH)-linux-android$(ANDROID_TARGET_ABI) export LDFLAGS="-pie -Wl,-rpath-link=${LIBPATH1} -L${LIBPATH1} -Wl,-rpath-link=${LIBPATH2} -L${LIBPATH2} -Wl,-rpath-link=${LIBPATH3} -L${LIBPATH3} -Wl,-rpath-link=${LIBPATH0} -L${LIBPATH0}" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LDFLAGS]$LDFLAGS" # Tell configure what tools to use. export AR=${ANDROID_TARGET}-ar echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AR]$AR" export AS=${ANDROID_TARGET_API}-clang echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AS]$AS" export CC=${ANDROID_TARGET_API}-clang echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CC]$CC" export CXX=${ANDROID_TARGET_API}-clang++ echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CXX]$CXX" export LD=ld.lld echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LD]$LD" export STRIP=${ANDROID_TARGET}-strip echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=STRIP]$STRIP" export RANLIB=${ANDROID_TARGET}-ranlib echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=RANLIB]$RANLIB" displayName: 'Set environment variables' - script: | set -ex pushd libiconv-${ICONV_VERSION} ./configure \ --host=${AUTOTOOLS_TARGET} \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --libdir=${LIBPATH0} \ --disable-rpath \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared \ --with-pic \ --disable-maintainer-mode \ --disable-silent-rules \ --disable-gtk-doc \ --disable-introspection \ --disable-nls make -j$((`nproc`+1)) make install popd displayName: 'Compile libiconv' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - script: | set -ex pushd libiconv-${ICONV_VERSION} cat config.log displayName: 'libiconv config.log' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(failed(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - script: | set -ex pushd libffi-${FFI_VERSION} NOCONFIGURE=true autoreconf -v -i # install headers into the conventional ${PREFIX}/include rather than ${PREFIX}/lib/libffi-3.2.1/include. #sed -e '/^includesdir/ s/$(libdir).*$/$(includedir)/' -i include/ #sed -e '/^includedir/ s/=.*$/=@includedir@/' -e 's/^Cflags: -I${includedir}/Cflags:/' -i ./configure --host=${AUTOTOOLS_TARGET} --prefix=${PREFIX} --libdir=${LIBPATH0} --enable-static --disable-shared make -j$((`nproc`+1)) make install popd displayName: 'Compile libffi' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - script: | set -ex pushd gettext-${GETTEXT_VERSION} ./configure \ --host=${AUTOTOOLS_TARGET} \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --libdir=${LIBPATH0} \ --disable-rpath \ --disable-libasprintf \ --disable-java \ --disable-native-java \ --disable-openmp \ --disable-curses \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared \ --with-pic \ --disable-maintainer-mode \ --disable-silent-rules \ --disable-gtk-doc \ --disable-introspection make -j$((`nproc`+1)) make install popd displayName: 'Compile gettext' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'pcre-$(PCRE_VERSION)' cmakeArgs: '-DPCRE_SUPPORT_UNICODE_PROPERTIES=1 -DPCRE_SUPPORT_UTF=1 -DPCRE_BUILD_PCRECPP=0 -DPCRE_BUILD_TESTS=0' - script: | set -ex export PKGCFG=`which pkg-config` pushd glib-${GLIB_VERSION}.${GLIB_EXTRAVERSION} cat << EOF > cross_file.ini [host_machine] system = 'android' cpu_family = '${ANDROID_ABI_MESON}' cpu = '${ANDROID_ARCH}' endian = 'little' [binaries] c = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CC}' cpp = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CXX}' ar = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${AR}' as = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${AS}' ld = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${LD}' strip = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${STRIP}' ranlib = '${NDK_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${RANLIB}' pkgconfig = '${PKGCFG}' [properties] prefix = '${PREFIX}' c_args = '${CFLAGS}' cpp_args = '${CXXFLAGS}' pkg_config_libdir = '${PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR}' c_link_args = '${LDFLAGS}' [project options] libmount = 'disabled' xattr = false selinux = 'disabled' nls = 'disabled' glib_debug = 'disabled' glib_assert = false glib_checks = false libelf = 'disabled' EOF cat cross_file.ini # When CC and CXX are set, then meson detects them as host compiler (not cross compiler), # so they tries to run arm binaries in x86. That's why sanity check is failing, and that's # why we have to use env -i. # And we must explicitly set PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR, because pkg_config_libdir is only recognized by meson >= 0.54 env -i bash -c "export PATH && export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$(PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR) && meson setup build --cross-file cross_file.ini --prefix=$(PREFIX)" ninja -C build ninja -C build install popd displayName: 'Compile glib (meson)' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - script: | pushd glib-${GLIB_VERSION}.${GLIB_EXTRAVERSION} ls -la build cat build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt popd displayName: 'Meson LOG' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeededOrFailed(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'libogg-$(OGG_VERSION)' cmakeArgs: '-DINSTALL_DOCS=0' - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'libvorbis-$(VORBIS_VERSION)' # flac uses c99 macros, but doesnt specify a standard, so we need to do it explicitly. # On i686, they invoke yasm with -fstack-protector-strong flag... turn off asm optimizations. - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'flac-$(FLAC_VERSION)' cmakeArgs: '-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED=1 -DWITH_ASM=0 -DBUILD_CXXLIBS=0 -DBUILD_PROGRAMS=0 -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=0 -DBUILD_DOCS=0 -DINSTALL_MANPAGES=0' # another broken xiph project that doesn't specify the C standard and keeps complaining of you don't have C99 - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'opus-$(OPUS_VERSION)' cmakeArgs: '-DBUILD_PROGRAMS=0 -DOPUS_MAY_HAVE_NEON=1 -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED=1' - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'libsndfile-$(SNDFILE_VERSION)' cmakeArgs: '-DBUILD_PROGRAMS=0 -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=0' - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'oboe-$(OBOE_VERSION)' installCommand: 'cp liboboe.* ${PREFIX}/lib/ && cp -ur ../include/oboe ${PREFIX}/include' - script: | set -ex # create a custom pkgconfig file for oboe to allow fluidsynth to find it cat << EOF > ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}/oboe-1.0.pc prefix=${PREFIX} exec_prefix=\${prefix} libdir=\${prefix}/lib includedir=\${prefix}/include Name: Oboe Description: Oboe library Version: ${OBOE_VERSION} Libs: -L\${libdir} -loboe -landroid -llog Cflags: -I\${includedir} EOF cat ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}/oboe-1.0.pc displayName: 'Create fake oboe.pc' workingDirectory: $(DEV) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')) - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: sourceDir: 'libinstpatch-$(INSTPATCH_VERSION)' # finally, compile fluidsynth - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: workDir: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' sourceDir: '.' condition: succeeded() cmakeArgs: '-Denable-opensles=1 -Denable-floats=1 -Denable-oboe=1 -Denable-dbus=0 -Denable-oss=0' installCommand: '' - script: | set -x export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$(PREFIX)/lib:$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot/usr/lib/$(ARCH)-linux-android$(ANDROID_TARGET_ABI)/$(ANDROID_API) pushd build make -j$((`nproc`+1)) check ldd test/test_sample_cache popd displayName: 'Execute fluidsynth unit test' condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['ARCH'], 'x86_64', 'i686')) enabled: 'false' - script: | set -ex pushd build make install popd displayName: 'Install fluidsynth' - template: cmake-android.yml parameters: workDir: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/doc/android/fluidsynth-assetloader/' sourceDir: '.' condition: succeeded() installCommand: 'cp *.so ${PREFIX}/lib/' - script: | ls -Rg $(PREFIX) displayName: 'Show cross-compiled files in $(PREFIX)' condition: or(succeeded(), failed()) - script: | set -ex # use ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE so libs can be simply copied to the archive contents in src/main/jniLibs mkdir -p $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/lib/$(ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE) cd $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/lib/$(ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE) cp -LR $(PREFIX)/lib/* . ls -Rg . rm -rf *.dll *.alias gettext/ libtextstyle.* *.a *.la rm -f *.so.* mkdir -p $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/include cd $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/include cp -a $(PREFIX)/include/fluidsynth* . displayName: 'Collecting artifacts' - script: | set -ex ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls displayName: 'Verify all libs exist' workingDirectory: '$(PREFIX)/lib' - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publishing Artefacts for Android API$(ANDROID_API) $(ANDROID_ABI_CMAKE)' inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' ArtifactName: '$(ARTIFACT_NAME)' publishLocation: 'Container' - script: | set -ex # as very last step before creating the pipeline cache, remove fluidsynth pushd build make uninstall popd displayName: 'Uninstall fluidsynth'