[:Team:] Current development team Tom Moebert Former development team Josh Green Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas David Henningsson [:Idea:] * Samuel Bianchini, Peter Hanappe and Johnathan Lee [:Development:] Many people contributed to FluidSynth, sent suggestions or bug fixes. The project was started by Peter Hanappe who is the main author. Josh Green is the current maintainer. Below you'll find a summary of contributions. * Peter Hanappe. Initiated the project. files: stuck his nose in all files. * Josh Green is the former maintainer and contributed a lot of code directly or indirectly through the Swami and Smurf code base. The SoundFont loader is completely based on his code. He also wrote the alsa sequencer driver. He made many changes and bug fixes, but above all, he's one of the driving forces behind the synthesizer. He also created the current FluidSynth graphic logo with Blender (the blue waves with FluidSynth letters partially submerged). * Markus Nentwig (re-)designed the resonant filter, the chorus, the LADSPA subsystem, the MIDI router, optimized for SSE, made many changes and bug fixes and got the synthesizer to actually work. Most importantly, he used it on stage to make music. * S. Christian Collins did much testing of FluidSynth in regards to EMU10K1 compatibility and provided many synthesis fixes in that regard. * Stephane Letz from Grame wrote most of the MidiShare driver, all of the PortAudio driver, ported iiwusynth to MacOS X, and sent in many fixes. files: iiwu_midishare.c, iiwu_portaudio.c * Antoine Schmitt added the sequencer support, support for sample loading (RAM Sfont), developed the MacroMedia Director Xtra, and send in many many bug reports. Thanks to Antoine, the synthesizer finds its way to multi-media developers. files: in bindings/director/ and iiwu_seq.{c,h}, iiwu_event.{c,h}, iiwu_event_priv.h, iiwu_seqbind.{c,h}, iiwu_ramsfont.{c,h} * Bob Ham added the code for "bank select" MIDI messages and send code to define the synth's ALSA sequencer client name. files: iiwu_midi.c, iiwu_alsa.c, iiwusynth.c, iiwusynth.h. * Tim Goetze sent many patches and implemented the all_notes_off. He also sent his code for the new ALSA driver. files: iiwu_synth.c, iiwu_chan.c, iiwu_voice.c, iiwu_alsa.c * Norbert Schnell from Ircam's jMax Team wrote most of the jMax/FTS interface in a record time. He also pointed me to the technique of using a lookup table for the interpolation coefficients. file: iiwu_fts.c, iiwu_synth.c * The initial alsa driver was based on the jMax alsa driver by Francois Dechelle and his Real-time Team at Ircam (http://www.ircam.fr/jmax). The jMax code was based upon Ardour's alsa_device.cc by Paul Barton-Davis. file: iiwu_alsa.c * Code was borrowed from the glib library to the smurf files. The goal was to make iiwusynth independent from any library for maximum portability. * David Henningsson added code for fast rendering of MIDI files, rewrote the thread safety for 1.1.2, and fixed many bugs. * The midi device uses code from jMax's alsarawmidi.c file and from Smurf's midi_alsaraw.c by Josh Green. file: iiwu_alsa.c * The reverb algorithm was written by Jezar (http://www.dreampoint.co.uk). His code is public domain. The code was translated to C by Peter Hanappe. file: iiwu_synth.c * The original code for the chorus effect was written by Juergen Mueller and sundry contributors. * Bob Ham added LADCCA support. * Ebrahim Mayat made big efforts for compiling and running FluidSynth on MacOS X. He also wrote the README-OSX file. * Martin Uddén's midi package was used. His files are integrated into the iiwu_midi file. Martin Uddén <nanook@lysator.liu.se> file: iiwu_midi.c * Ken Ellinwood send in a patch to add bank offsets to SoundFonts. An adapted version was integrated in the source code. files: fluid_cmd.c, fluidsynth/synth.h, fluid_synth.c. * Some interpolation algorihms were used that were found in the music-dsp archives (http://www.smartelectronix.com/musicdsp). They were written by Joshua Scholar and others. file: iiwu_synth.c * Macros to {increment,decrement} the 64-bit fixed point phase were borrowed from Mozilla's macros to handle the Long-long type (64-bit signed integer type). Mozilla NSPR library, www.mozilla.org. file: iiwu_phase.h * KO Myung-Hun for OS/2 support with Dart audio driver. * Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote the CoreMIDI driver for MacOSX, the CMake based build system, revised the doxygen documentation, sequencer examples, fixes. * Matt Giuca improved the midi player by letting it load midi files from RAM, and by making it handle EOT events. * Growing list of individuals who contributed bug fixes, corrections and minor features: Nicolas Boulicault for ALSA sequencer midi.portname setting. Werner Schweer Dave Philips Anthony Green Jake Commander Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano Raoul Bonisch Sergey Pavlishin Eric Van Buggenhaut Ken Ellinwood Takashi Iwai Bob Ham Gerald Pye Rui Nuno Capela Frieder Bürzele Henri Manson Mihail Zenkov Paul Millar Nick Daly David Hilvert Bernat Arlandis i Mañó Sven Meier Marcus Weseloh