/* * This is a simple C99 program that demonstrates the usage of fluid_audio_driver_register() * * There are 3 calls to fluid_audio_driver_register(), i.e. 3 iterations: * First the alsa driver is registered and created, followed by the jack and portaudio driver. * * The usual usecase would be to call fluid_audio_driver_register() only once providing the audio drivers needed during fluidsynth usage. * If necessary however fluid_audio_driver_register() can be called multiple times as demonstrated here. * Therefore the user must make sure to delete all fluid-instances of any kind before making the call to fluid_audio_driver_register(). * Else the behaviour is undefined and the application is likely to crash. */ #include #include int main() { const char *DRV[] = { "alsa", "jack", "portaudio" }; const char *adrivers[2]; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(DRV) / sizeof(DRV[0]); i++) { adrivers[0] = DRV[i]; /* register any other driver you need * * adrivers[X] = "whatever"; */ adrivers[1] = NULL; /* NULL terminate the array */ /* register those audio drivers. Note that at this time no fluidsynth objects are alive! */ int res = fluid_audio_driver_register(adrivers); if(res != FLUID_OK) { puts("adriver reg err"); return -1; } fluid_settings_t *settings = new_fluid_settings(); res = fluid_settings_setstr(settings, "audio.driver", DRV[i]); /* settings API will be refactored to return FLUID_OK|FAILED next major release * returning TRUE or FALSE is deprecated */ #if FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 if(res != FLUID_OK) #else if(res == 0) #endif { puts("audio.driver set err"); return -1; } fluid_synth_t *synth = new_fluid_synth(settings); fluid_audio_driver_t *ad = new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth); /* * ~~~ Do your daily business here ~~~ */ delete_fluid_audio_driver(ad); delete_fluid_synth(synth); delete_fluid_settings(settings); /* everything cleaned up, fluid_audio_driver_register() can be called again if needed */ } return 0; }