//************************************************************************** //** //** acc.c //** //************************************************************************** // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "token.h" #include "error.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "misc.h" #include "pcode.h" #include "parse.h" #include "strlist.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define VERSION_TEXT "1.40" #define COPYRIGHT_YEARS_TEXT "1995" // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void Init(void); static void DisplayBanner(void); static void DisplayUsage(void); static void OpenDebugFile(char *name); static void ProcessArgs(void); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- boolean acs_BigEndianHost; boolean acs_VerboseMode; boolean acs_DebugMode; FILE *acs_DebugFile; char acs_SourceFileName[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static int ArgCount; static char **ArgVector; static char ObjectFileName[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // main // //========================================================================== int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; ArgCount = argc; ArgVector = argv; DisplayBanner(); Init(); TK_OpenSource(acs_SourceFileName); PC_OpenObject(ObjectFileName, DEFAULT_OBJECT_SIZE, 0); PA_Parse(); PC_CloseObject(); TK_CloseSource(); MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, "\n\"%s\":\n %d line%s (%d included)\n", acs_SourceFileName, tk_Line, tk_Line == 1 ? "" : "s", tk_IncludedLines); MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, " %d function%s\n %d script%s\n", pc_FunctionCount, pc_FunctionCount == 1 ? "" : "s", pa_ScriptCount, pa_ScriptCount == 1 ? "" : "s"); for (i = 0; pa_TypedScriptCounts[i].TypeName; i++) { if (pa_TypedScriptCounts[i].TypeCount > 0) { MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, "%5d %s\n", pa_TypedScriptCounts[i].TypeCount, pa_TypedScriptCounts[i].TypeName); } } MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, " %d global variable%s\n" " %d world variable%s\n" " %d map variable%s\n" " %d global array%s\n" " %d world array%s\n", pa_GlobalVarCount, pa_GlobalVarCount == 1 ? "" : "s", pa_WorldVarCount, pa_WorldVarCount == 1 ? "" : "s", pa_MapVarCount, pa_MapVarCount == 1 ? "" : "s", pa_GlobalArrayCount, pa_GlobalArrayCount == 1 ? "" : "s", pa_WorldArrayCount, pa_WorldArrayCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ); MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, " object \"%s\": %d bytes\n", ObjectFileName, pc_Address); ERR_RemoveErrorFile(); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // DisplayBanner // //========================================================================== static void DisplayBanner(void) { fprintf(stderr, "\nOriginal ACC Version 1.10 by Ben Gokey\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Copyright (c) "COPYRIGHT_YEARS_TEXT " Raven Software, Corp.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This is version "VERSION_TEXT" ("__DATE__")\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This software is not supported by Raven Software or Activision\n"); fprintf(stderr, "ZDoom changes and language extensions by Randy Heit\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Further changes by Brad Carney\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Even more changes by James Bentler\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error reporting improvements and limit expansion by Ty Halderman\n"); } //========================================================================== // // Init // //========================================================================== static void Init(void) { short endianTest = 1; if (*(char *)&endianTest) acs_BigEndianHost = NO; else acs_BigEndianHost = YES; acs_VerboseMode = YES; acs_DebugMode = NO; acs_DebugFile = NULL; TK_Init(); SY_Init(); STR_Init(); ProcessArgs(); MS_Message(MSG_NORMAL, "Host byte order: %s endian\n", acs_BigEndianHost ? "BIG" : "LITTLE"); } //========================================================================== // // ProcessArgs // //========================================================================== static void ProcessArgs(void) { int i; int count; char *text; char option; count = 0; for(i = 1; i < ArgCount; i++) { text = ArgVector[i]; if(*text == '-') { text++; if(*text == 0) { DisplayUsage(); } option = toupper(*text++); switch(option) { case 'D': acs_DebugMode = YES; acs_VerboseMode = YES; if(*text != 0) { OpenDebugFile(text); } break; case 'H': pc_NoShrink = TRUE; pc_HexenCase = TRUE; break; default: DisplayUsage(); break; } continue; } count++; switch(count) { case 1: strcpy(acs_SourceFileName, text); MS_SuggestFileExt(acs_SourceFileName, ".acs"); break; case 2: strcpy(ObjectFileName, text); MS_SuggestFileExt(ObjectFileName, ".o"); break; default: DisplayUsage(); break; } } if(count == 0) { DisplayUsage(); } if(count == 1) { strcpy(ObjectFileName, acs_SourceFileName); MS_StripFileExt(ObjectFileName); MS_SuggestFileExt(ObjectFileName, ".o"); } } //========================================================================== // // DisplayUsage // //========================================================================== static void DisplayUsage(void) { puts("\nUsage: ACC [options] source[.acs] [object[.o]]\n"); puts("-d[file] Output debugging information"); puts("-h Create pcode compatible with Hexen and old ZDooms"); exit(1); } //========================================================================== // // OpenDebugFile // //========================================================================== static void OpenDebugFile(char *name) { if((acs_DebugFile = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) { ERR_Exit(ERR_CANT_OPEN_DBGFILE, NO, "File: \"%s\".", name); } } //========================================================================== // // OptionExists // //========================================================================== /* static boolean OptionExists(char *name) { int i; char *arg; for(i = 1; i < ArgCount; i++) { arg = ArgVector[i]; if(*arg == '-') { arg++; if(MS_StrCmp(name, arg) == 0) { return YES; } } } return NO; } */