// FIXED ENTITY STRING (by BjossiAlfreds) // // 1. Fixed monster_infantry (6795) that never activates // // His targetname is budbeam3 which is never targeted by any entity. // Changed it to budbeam2, may not be exactly as intended but hopefully // close enough. { "message" "Administration Center" "sounds" "3" "sky" "env5n" "classname" "worldspawn" } { "model" "*1" "message" "Access denied" "targetname" "entdooron" "active" "1" "target" "bluea1" "spawnflags" "2048" "angle" "-1" "classname" "func_door" } { "origin" "-192 1472 448" "_color" "0.502 0.502 0.753" "_angwait" "0" "_wait" "0.01" "light" "25" "classname" "light" } { "model" "*2" "target" "west4area" "angle" "-1" "classname" "func_door" } { "model" "*3" "message" "Locked from the other side..." 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