
1916 lines
34 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* =======================================================================
* The collision model. Slaps "boxes" through the world and checks if
* they collide with the world model, entities or other boxes.
* =======================================================================
#include <stdint.h>
#include "header/common.h"
typedef struct
cplane_t *plane;
int children[2]; /* negative numbers are leafs */
} cnode_t;
typedef struct
cplane_t *plane;
mapsurface_t *surface;
} cbrushside_t;
typedef struct
int contents;
int cluster;
int area;
unsigned short firstleafbrush;
unsigned short numleafbrushes;
} cleaf_t;
typedef struct
int contents;
int numsides;
int firstbrushside;
int checkcount; /* to avoid repeated testings */
} cbrush_t;
typedef struct
int numareaportals;
int firstareaportal;
int floodnum; /* if two areas have equal floodnums, they are connected */
int floodvalid;
} carea_t;
byte *cmod_base;
byte map_visibility[MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY];
// DG: is casted to int32_t* in SV_FatPVS() so align accordingly
static YQ2_ALIGNAS_TYPE(int32_t) byte pvsrow[MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8];
byte phsrow[MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8];
carea_t map_areas[MAX_MAP_AREAS];
cbrush_t map_brushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES];
cbrushside_t map_brushsides[MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES];
char map_name[MAX_QPATH];
char map_entitystring[MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING];
cbrush_t *box_brush;
cleaf_t *box_leaf;
cleaf_t map_leafs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
cmodel_t map_cmodels[MAX_MAP_MODELS];
cnode_t map_nodes[MAX_MAP_NODES+6]; /* extra for box hull */
cplane_t *box_planes;
cplane_t map_planes[MAX_MAP_PLANES+6]; /* extra for box hull */
cvar_t *map_noareas;
dareaportal_t map_areaportals[MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS];
dvis_t *map_vis = (dvis_t *)map_visibility;
int box_headnode;
int checkcount;
int emptyleaf, solidleaf;
int floodvalid;
float *leaf_mins, *leaf_maxs;
int leaf_count, leaf_maxcount;
int *leaf_list;
int leaf_topnode;
int numareaportals;
int numareas = 1;
int numbrushes;
int numbrushsides;
int numclusters = 1;
int numcmodels;
int numentitychars;
int numleafbrushes;
int numleafs = 1; /* allow leaf funcs to be called without a map */
int numnodes;
int numplanes;
int numtexinfo;
int numvisibility;
int trace_contents;
mapsurface_t map_surfaces[MAX_MAP_TEXINFO];
mapsurface_t nullsurface;
qboolean portalopen[MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS];
qboolean trace_ispoint; /* optimized case */
trace_t trace_trace;
unsigned short map_leafbrushes[MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES];
vec3_t trace_start, trace_end;
vec3_t trace_mins, trace_maxs;
vec3_t trace_extents;
int c_pointcontents;
int c_traces, c_brush_traces;
/* 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy */
#define DIST_EPSILON (0.03125f)
FloodArea_r(carea_t *area, int floodnum)
int i;
dareaportal_t *p;
if (area->floodvalid == floodvalid)
if (area->floodnum == floodnum)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "FloodArea_r: reflooded");
area->floodnum = floodnum;
area->floodvalid = floodvalid;
p = &map_areaportals[area->firstareaportal];
for (i = 0; i < area->numareaportals; i++, p++)
if (portalopen[LittleLong(p->portalnum)])
FloodArea_r(&map_areas[LittleLong(p->otherarea)], floodnum);
int i;
carea_t *area;
int floodnum;
/* all current floods are now invalid */
floodnum = 0;
/* area 0 is not used */
for (i = 1; i < numareas; i++)
area = &map_areas[i];
if (area->floodvalid == floodvalid)
continue; /* already flooded into */
FloodArea_r(area, floodnum);
CM_SetAreaPortalState(int portalnum, qboolean open)
if (portalnum > numareaportals)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "areaportal > numareaportals");
portalopen[portalnum] = open;
CM_AreasConnected(int area1, int area2)
if (map_noareas->value)
return true;
if ((area1 > numareas) || (area2 > numareas))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "area > numareas");
if (map_areas[area1].floodnum == map_areas[area2].floodnum)
return true;
return false;
* Writes a length byte followed by a bit vector of all the areas
* that area in the same flood as the area parameter
* This is used by the client refreshes to cull visibility
CM_WriteAreaBits(byte *buffer, int area)
int i;
int floodnum;
int bytes;
bytes = (numareas + 7) >> 3;
if (map_noareas->value)
/* for debugging, send everything */
memset(buffer, 255, bytes);
memset(buffer, 0, bytes);
floodnum = map_areas[area].floodnum;
for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++)
if ((map_areas[i].floodnum == floodnum) || !area)
buffer[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 7);
return bytes;
* Writes the portal state to a savegame file
CM_WritePortalState(FILE *f)
fwrite(portalopen, sizeof(portalopen), 1, f);
* Reads the portal state from a savegame file
* and recalculates the area connections
CM_ReadPortalState(fileHandle_t f)
FS_Read(portalopen, sizeof(portalopen), f);
* Returns true if any leaf under headnode has a cluster that
* is potentially visible
CM_HeadnodeVisible(int nodenum, byte *visbits)
int leafnum1;
int cluster;
cnode_t *node;
if (nodenum < 0)
leafnum1 = -1 - nodenum;
cluster = map_leafs[leafnum1].cluster;
if (cluster == -1)
return false;
if (visbits[cluster >> 3] & (1 << (cluster & 7)))
return true;
return false;
node = &map_nodes[nodenum];
if (CM_HeadnodeVisible(node->children[0], visbits))
return true;
return CM_HeadnodeVisible(node->children[1], visbits);
* Set up the planes and nodes so that the six floats of a bounding box
* can just be stored out and get a proper clipping hull structure.
int i;
int side;
cnode_t *c;
cplane_t *p;
cbrushside_t *s;
box_headnode = numnodes;
box_planes = &map_planes[numplanes];
if ((numnodes + 6 > MAX_MAP_NODES) ||
(numbrushes + 1 > MAX_MAP_BRUSHES) ||
(numleafbrushes + 1 > MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES) ||
(numbrushsides + 6 > MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES) ||
(numplanes + 12 > MAX_MAP_PLANES))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Not enough room for box tree");
box_brush = &map_brushes[numbrushes];
box_brush->numsides = 6;
box_brush->firstbrushside = numbrushsides;
box_brush->contents = CONTENTS_MONSTER;
box_leaf = &map_leafs[numleafs];
box_leaf->contents = CONTENTS_MONSTER;
box_leaf->firstleafbrush = numleafbrushes;
box_leaf->numleafbrushes = 1;
map_leafbrushes[numleafbrushes] = numbrushes;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
side = i & 1;
/* brush sides */
s = &map_brushsides[numbrushsides + i];
s->plane = map_planes + (numplanes + i * 2 + side);
s->surface = &nullsurface;
/* nodes */
c = &map_nodes[box_headnode + i];
c->plane = map_planes + (numplanes + i * 2);
c->children[side] = -1 - emptyleaf;
if (i != 5)
c->children[side ^ 1] = box_headnode + i + 1;
c->children[side ^ 1] = -1 - numleafs;
/* planes */
p = &box_planes[i * 2];
p->type = i >> 1;
p->signbits = 0;
p->normal[i >> 1] = 1;
p = &box_planes[i * 2 + 1];
p->type = 3 + (i >> 1);
p->signbits = 0;
p->normal[i >> 1] = -1;
* To keep everything totally uniform, bounding boxes are turned into
* small BSP trees instead of being compared directly.
CM_HeadnodeForBox(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
box_planes[0].dist = maxs[0];
box_planes[1].dist = -maxs[0];
box_planes[2].dist = mins[0];
box_planes[3].dist = -mins[0];
box_planes[4].dist = maxs[1];
box_planes[5].dist = -maxs[1];
box_planes[6].dist = mins[1];
box_planes[7].dist = -mins[1];
box_planes[8].dist = maxs[2];
box_planes[9].dist = -maxs[2];
box_planes[10].dist = mins[2];
box_planes[11].dist = -mins[2];
return box_headnode;
CM_PointLeafnum_r(vec3_t p, int num)
float d;
cnode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
while (num >= 0)
node = map_nodes + num;
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
d = p[plane->type] - plane->dist;
d = DotProduct(plane->normal, p) - plane->dist;
if (d < 0)
num = node->children[1];
num = node->children[0];
c_pointcontents++; /* optimize counter */
return -1 - num;
CM_PointLeafnum(vec3_t p)
if (!numplanes)
return 0; /* sound may call this without map loaded */
return CM_PointLeafnum_r(p, 0);
* Fills in a list of all the leafs touched
CM_BoxLeafnums_r(int nodenum)
cplane_t *plane;
cnode_t *node;
int s;
while (1)
if (nodenum < 0)
if (leaf_count >= leaf_maxcount)
leaf_list[leaf_count++] = -1 - nodenum;
node = &map_nodes[nodenum];
plane = node->plane;
s = BOX_ON_PLANE_SIDE(leaf_mins, leaf_maxs, plane);
if (s == 1)
nodenum = node->children[0];
else if (s == 2)
nodenum = node->children[1];
/* go down both */
if (leaf_topnode == -1)
leaf_topnode = nodenum;
nodenum = node->children[1];
CM_BoxLeafnums_headnode(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int *list,
int listsize, int headnode, int *topnode)
leaf_list = list;
leaf_count = 0;
leaf_maxcount = listsize;
leaf_mins = mins;
leaf_maxs = maxs;
leaf_topnode = -1;
if (topnode)
*topnode = leaf_topnode;
return leaf_count;
CM_BoxLeafnums(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int *list, int listsize, int *topnode)
return CM_BoxLeafnums_headnode(mins, maxs, list,
listsize, map_cmodels[0].headnode, topnode);
CM_PointContents(vec3_t p, int headnode)
int l;
if (!numnodes) /* map not loaded */
return 0;
l = CM_PointLeafnum_r(p, headnode);
return map_leafs[l].contents;
* Handles offseting and rotation of the end points for moving and
* rotating entities
CM_TransformedPointContents(vec3_t p, int headnode,
vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles)
vec3_t p_l;
vec3_t temp;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
int l;
/* subtract origin offset */
VectorSubtract(p, origin, p_l);
/* rotate start and end into the models frame of reference */
if ((headnode != box_headnode) &&
(angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2]))
AngleVectors(angles, forward, right, up);
VectorCopy(p_l, temp);
p_l[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward);
p_l[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right);
p_l[2] = DotProduct(temp, up);
l = CM_PointLeafnum_r(p_l, headnode);
return map_leafs[l].contents;
CM_ClipBoxToBrush(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t p1,
vec3_t p2, trace_t *trace, cbrush_t *brush)
int i, j;
cplane_t *plane, *clipplane;
float dist;
float enterfrac, leavefrac;
vec3_t ofs;
float d1, d2;
qboolean getout, startout;
float f;
cbrushside_t *side, *leadside;
enterfrac = -1;
leavefrac = 1;
clipplane = NULL;
if (!brush->numsides)
getout = false;
startout = false;
leadside = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
side = &map_brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
if (!trace_ispoint)
/* general box case
push the plane out
apropriately for mins/maxs */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (plane->normal[j] < 0)
ofs[j] = maxs[j];
ofs[j] = mins[j];
dist = DotProduct(ofs, plane->normal);
dist = plane->dist - dist;
/* special point case */
dist = plane->dist;
d1 = DotProduct(p1, plane->normal) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct(p2, plane->normal) - dist;
if (d2 > 0)
getout = true; /* endpoint is not in solid */
if (d1 > 0)
startout = true;
/* if completely in front of face, no intersection */
if ((d1 > 0) && (d2 >= d1))
if ((d1 <= 0) && (d2 <= 0))
/* crosses face */
if (d1 > d2)
/* enter */
f = (d1 - DIST_EPSILON) / (d1 - d2);
if (f > enterfrac)
enterfrac = f;
clipplane = plane;
leadside = side;
/* leave */
f = (d1 + DIST_EPSILON) / (d1 - d2);
if (f < leavefrac)
leavefrac = f;
if (!startout)
/* original point was inside brush */
trace->startsolid = true;
if (!getout)
trace->allsolid = true;
if (enterfrac < leavefrac)
if ((enterfrac > -1) && (enterfrac < trace->fraction))
if (enterfrac < 0)
enterfrac = 0;
if (clipplane == NULL)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "clipplane was NULL!\n");
trace->fraction = enterfrac;
trace->plane = *clipplane;
trace->surface = &(leadside->surface->c);
trace->contents = brush->contents;
CM_TestBoxInBrush(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t p1,
trace_t *trace, cbrush_t *brush)
int i, j;
cplane_t *plane;
float dist;
vec3_t ofs;
float d1;
cbrushside_t *side;
if (!brush->numsides)
for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
side = &map_brushsides[brush->firstbrushside + i];
plane = side->plane;
/* general box case
push the plane out
apropriately for mins/maxs */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (plane->normal[j] < 0)
ofs[j] = maxs[j];
ofs[j] = mins[j];
dist = DotProduct(ofs, plane->normal);
dist = plane->dist - dist;
d1 = DotProduct(p1, plane->normal) - dist;
/* if completely in front of face, no intersection */
if (d1 > 0)
/* inside this brush */
trace->startsolid = trace->allsolid = true;
trace->fraction = 0;
trace->contents = brush->contents;
CM_TraceToLeaf(int leafnum)
int k;
int brushnum;
cleaf_t *leaf;
cbrush_t *b;
leaf = &map_leafs[leafnum];
if (!(leaf->contents & trace_contents))
/* trace line against all brushes in the leaf */
for (k = 0; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++)
brushnum = map_leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &map_brushes[brushnum];
if (b->checkcount == checkcount)
continue; /* already checked this brush in another leaf */
b->checkcount = checkcount;
if (!(b->contents & trace_contents))
CM_ClipBoxToBrush(trace_mins, trace_maxs, trace_start,
trace_end, &trace_trace, b);
if (!trace_trace.fraction)
CM_TestInLeaf(int leafnum)
int k;
int brushnum;
cleaf_t *leaf;
cbrush_t *b;
leaf = &map_leafs[leafnum];
if (!(leaf->contents & trace_contents))
/* trace line against all brushes in the leaf */
for (k = 0; k < leaf->numleafbrushes; k++)
brushnum = map_leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush + k];
b = &map_brushes[brushnum];
if (b->checkcount == checkcount)
continue; /* already checked this brush in another leaf */
b->checkcount = checkcount;
if (!(b->contents & trace_contents))
CM_TestBoxInBrush(trace_mins, trace_maxs, trace_start, &trace_trace, b);
if (!trace_trace.fraction)
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2)
cnode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2, offset;
float frac, frac2;
float idist;
int i;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
if (trace_trace.fraction <= p1f)
return; /* already hit something nearer */
/* if < 0, we are in a leaf node */
if (num < 0)
CM_TraceToLeaf(-1 - num);
/* find the point distances to the seperating plane
and the offset for the size of the box */
node = map_nodes + num;
plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
offset = trace_extents[plane->type];
t1 = DotProduct(plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct(plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
if (trace_ispoint)
offset = 0;
offset = (float)fabs(trace_extents[0] * plane->normal[0]) +
(float)fabs(trace_extents[1] * plane->normal[1]) +
(float)fabs(trace_extents[2] * plane->normal[2]);
/* see which sides we need to consider */
if ((t1 >= offset) && (t2 >= offset))
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2);
if ((t1 < -offset) && (t2 < -offset))
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2);
/* put the crosspoint DIST_EPSILON pixels on the near side */
if (t1 < t2)
idist = 1.0f / (t1 - t2);
side = 1;
frac2 = (t1 + offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
frac = (t1 - offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
else if (t1 > t2)
idist = 1.0 / (t1 - t2);
side = 0;
frac2 = (t1 - offset - DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
frac = (t1 + offset + DIST_EPSILON) * idist;
side = 0;
frac = 1;
frac2 = 0;
/* move up to the node */
if (frac < 0)
frac = 0;
if (frac > 1)
frac = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f) * frac;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
mid[i] = p1[i] + frac * (p2[i] - p1[i]);
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid);
/* go past the node */
if (frac2 < 0)
frac2 = 0;
if (frac2 > 1)
frac2 = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f) * frac2;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
mid[i] = p1[i] + frac2 * (p2[i] - p1[i]);
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(node->children[side ^ 1], midf, p2f, mid, p2);
CM_BoxTrace(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs,
int headnode, int brushmask)
int i;
checkcount++; /* for multi-check avoidance */
c_traces++; /* for statistics, may be zeroed */
/* fill in a default trace */
memset(&trace_trace, 0, sizeof(trace_trace));
trace_trace.fraction = 1;
trace_trace.surface = &(nullsurface.c);
if (!numnodes) /* map not loaded */
return trace_trace;
trace_contents = brushmask;
VectorCopy(start, trace_start);
VectorCopy(end, trace_end);
VectorCopy(mins, trace_mins);
VectorCopy(maxs, trace_maxs);
/* check for position test special case */
if ((start[0] == end[0]) && (start[1] == end[1]) && (start[2] == end[2]))
int leafs[1024];
int i, numleafs;
vec3_t c1, c2;
int topnode;
VectorAdd(start, mins, c1);
VectorAdd(start, maxs, c2);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
c1[i] -= 1;
c2[i] += 1;
numleafs = CM_BoxLeafnums_headnode(c1, c2, leafs, 1024,
headnode, &topnode);
for (i = 0; i < numleafs; i++)
if (trace_trace.allsolid)
VectorCopy(start, trace_trace.endpos);
return trace_trace;
/* check for point special case */
if ((mins[0] == 0) && (mins[1] == 0) && (mins[2] == 0) &&
(maxs[0] == 0) && (maxs[1] == 0) && (maxs[2] == 0))
trace_ispoint = true;
trace_ispoint = false;
trace_extents[0] = -mins[0] > maxs[0] ? -mins[0] : maxs[0];
trace_extents[1] = -mins[1] > maxs[1] ? -mins[1] : maxs[1];
trace_extents[2] = -mins[2] > maxs[2] ? -mins[2] : maxs[2];
/* general sweeping through world */
CM_RecursiveHullCheck(headnode, 0, 1, start, end);
if (trace_trace.fraction == 1)
VectorCopy(end, trace_trace.endpos);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
trace_trace.endpos[i] = start[i] + trace_trace.fraction *
(end[i] - start[i]);
return trace_trace;
* Handles offseting and rotation of the end points for moving and
* rotating entities
CM_TransformedBoxTrace(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs,
int headnode, int brushmask, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles)
trace_t trace;
vec3_t start_l, end_l;
vec3_t a;
vec3_t forward, right, up;
vec3_t temp;
qboolean rotated;
/* subtract origin offset */
VectorSubtract(start, origin, start_l);
VectorSubtract(end, origin, end_l);
/* rotate start and end into the models frame of reference */
if ((headnode != box_headnode) &&
(angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2]))
rotated = true;
rotated = false;
if (rotated)
AngleVectors(angles, forward, right, up);
VectorCopy(start_l, temp);
start_l[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward);
start_l[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right);
start_l[2] = DotProduct(temp, up);
VectorCopy(end_l, temp);
end_l[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward);
end_l[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right);
end_l[2] = DotProduct(temp, up);
/* sweep the box through the model */
trace = CM_BoxTrace(start_l, end_l, mins, maxs, headnode, brushmask);
if (rotated && (trace.fraction != 1.0))
VectorNegate(angles, a);
AngleVectors(a, forward, right, up);
VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, temp);
trace.plane.normal[0] = DotProduct(temp, forward);
trace.plane.normal[1] = -DotProduct(temp, right);
trace.plane.normal[2] = DotProduct(temp, up);
trace.endpos[0] = start[0] + trace.fraction * (end[0] - start[0]);
trace.endpos[1] = start[1] + trace.fraction * (end[1] - start[1]);
trace.endpos[2] = start[2] + trace.fraction * (end[2] - start[2]);
return trace;
CMod_LoadSubmodels(lump_t *l)
dmodel_t *in;
cmodel_t *out;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadSubmodels: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map with no models");
if (count > MAX_MAP_MODELS)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many models");
numcmodels = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
out = &map_cmodels[i];
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
/* spread the mins / maxs by a pixel */
out->mins[j] = LittleFloat(in->mins[j]) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat(in->maxs[j]) + 1;
out->origin[j] = LittleFloat(in->origin[j]);
out->headnode = LittleLong(in->headnode);
CMod_LoadSurfaces(lump_t *l)
texinfo_t *in;
mapsurface_t *out;
int i, count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadSurfaces: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map with no surfaces");
if (count > MAX_MAP_TEXINFO)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many surfaces");
numtexinfo = count;
out = map_surfaces;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
Q_strlcpy(out->c.name, in->texture, sizeof(out->c.name));
Q_strlcpy(out->rname, in->texture, sizeof(out->rname));
out->c.flags = LittleLong(in->flags);
out->c.value = LittleLong(in->value);
CMod_LoadNodes(lump_t *l)
dnode_t *in;
int child;
cnode_t *out;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadNodes: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has no nodes");
if (count > MAX_MAP_NODES)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many nodes");
out = map_nodes;
numnodes = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, out++, in++)
out->plane = map_planes + LittleLong(in->planenum);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
child = LittleLong(in->children[j]);
out->children[j] = child;
CMod_LoadBrushes(lump_t *l)
dbrush_t *in;
cbrush_t *out;
int i, count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadBrushes: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count > MAX_MAP_BRUSHES)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many brushes");
out = map_brushes;
numbrushes = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, out++, in++)
out->firstbrushside = LittleLong(in->firstside);
out->numsides = LittleLong(in->numsides);
out->contents = LittleLong(in->contents);
CMod_LoadLeafs(lump_t *l)
int i;
cleaf_t *out;
dleaf_t *in;
int count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadLeafs: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map with no leafs");
/* need to save space for box planes */
if (count > MAX_MAP_PLANES)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many planes");
out = map_leafs;
numleafs = count;
numclusters = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
out->contents = LittleLong(in->contents);
out->cluster = LittleShort(in->cluster);
out->area = LittleShort(in->area);
out->firstleafbrush = LittleShort(in->firstleafbrush);
out->numleafbrushes = LittleShort(in->numleafbrushes);
if (out->cluster >= numclusters)
numclusters = out->cluster + 1;
if (map_leafs[0].contents != CONTENTS_SOLID)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map leaf 0 is not CONTENTS_SOLID");
solidleaf = 0;
emptyleaf = -1;
for (i = 1; i < numleafs; i++)
if (!map_leafs[i].contents)
emptyleaf = i;
if (emptyleaf == -1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map does not have an empty leaf");
CMod_LoadPlanes(lump_t *l)
int i, j;
cplane_t *out;
dplane_t *in;
int count;
int bits;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadPlanes: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map with no planes");
/* need to save space for box planes */
if (count > MAX_MAP_PLANES)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many planes");
out = map_planes;
numplanes = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
bits = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
out->normal[j] = LittleFloat(in->normal[j]);
if (out->normal[j] < 0)
bits |= 1 << j;
out->dist = LittleFloat(in->dist);
out->type = LittleLong(in->type);
out->signbits = bits;
CMod_LoadLeafBrushes(lump_t *l)
int i;
unsigned short *out;
unsigned short *in;
int count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadLeafBrushes: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count < 1)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map with no planes");
/* need to save space for box planes */
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many leafbrushes");
out = map_leafbrushes;
numleafbrushes = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
*out = LittleShort(*in);
CMod_LoadBrushSides(lump_t *l)
int i, j;
cbrushside_t *out;
dbrushside_t *in;
int count;
int num;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadBrushSides: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
/* need to save space for box planes */
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many planes");
out = map_brushsides;
numbrushsides = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
num = LittleShort(in->planenum);
out->plane = &map_planes[num];
j = LittleShort(in->texinfo);
if (j >= numtexinfo)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Bad brushside texinfo");
out->surface = &map_surfaces[j];
CMod_LoadAreas(lump_t *l)
int i;
carea_t *out;
darea_t *in;
int count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadAreas: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count > MAX_MAP_AREAS)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many areas");
out = map_areas;
numareas = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
out->numareaportals = LittleLong(in->numareaportals);
out->firstareaportal = LittleLong(in->firstareaportal);
out->floodvalid = 0;
out->floodnum = 0;
CMod_LoadAreaPortals(lump_t *l)
dareaportal_t *out;
dareaportal_t *in;
int count;
in = (void *)(cmod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Mod_LoadAreaPortals: funny lump size");
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
if (count > MAX_MAP_AREAS)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too many areas");
out = map_areaportals;
numareaportals = count;
memcpy(out, in, sizeof(dareaportal_t) * count);
CMod_LoadVisibility(lump_t *l)
numvisibility = l->filelen;
if (l->filelen > MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too large visibility lump");
memcpy(map_visibility, cmod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen);
map_vis->numclusters = LittleLong(map_vis->numclusters);
CMod_LoadEntityString(lump_t *l, char *name)
if (sv_entfile->value)
char s[MAX_QPATH];
char *buffer = NULL;
int nameLen, bufLen;
nameLen = strlen(name);
strcpy(s, name);
s[nameLen-3] = 'e'; s[nameLen-2] = 'n'; s[nameLen-1] = 't';
bufLen = FS_LoadFile(s, (void **)&buffer);
if (buffer != NULL && bufLen > 1)
if (bufLen + 1 > sizeof(map_entitystring))
Com_Printf("CMod_LoadEntityString: .ent file %s too large: %i > %lu.\n", s, bufLen, (unsigned long)sizeof(map_entitystring));
Com_Printf ("CMod_LoadEntityString: .ent file %s loaded.\n", s);
numentitychars = bufLen;
memcpy(map_entitystring, buffer, bufLen);
map_entitystring[bufLen] = 0; /* jit entity bug - null terminate the entity string! */
else if (bufLen != -1)
/* If the .ent file is too small, don't load. */
Com_Printf("CMod_LoadEntityString: .ent file %s too small.\n", s);
numentitychars = l->filelen;
if (l->filelen + 1 > sizeof(map_entitystring))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Map has too large entity lump");
memcpy(map_entitystring, cmod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen);
map_entitystring[l->filelen] = 0;
* Loads in the map and all submodels
cmodel_t *
CM_LoadMap(char *name, qboolean clientload, unsigned *checksum)
unsigned *buf;
int i;
dheader_t header;
int length;
static unsigned last_checksum;
map_noareas = Cvar_Get("map_noareas", "0", 0);
if (strcmp(map_name, name) == 0
&& (clientload || !Cvar_VariableValue("flushmap")))
*checksum = last_checksum;
if (!clientload)
memset(portalopen, 0, sizeof(portalopen));
return &map_cmodels[0]; /* still have the right version */
/* free old stuff */
numplanes = 0;
numnodes = 0;
numleafs = 0;
numcmodels = 0;
numvisibility = 0;
numentitychars = 0;
map_entitystring[0] = 0;
map_name[0] = 0;
if (!name[0])
numleafs = 1;
numclusters = 1;
numareas = 1;
*checksum = 0;
return &map_cmodels[0]; /* cinematic servers won't have anything at all */
length = FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buf);
if (!buf)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Couldn't load %s", name);
last_checksum = LittleLong(Com_BlockChecksum(buf, length));
*checksum = last_checksum;
header = *(dheader_t *)buf;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(dheader_t) / 4; i++)
((int *)&header)[i] = LittleLong(((int *)&header)[i]);
if (header.version != BSPVERSION)
"CMod_LoadBrushModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
name, header.version, BSPVERSION);
cmod_base = (byte *)buf;
/* load into heap */
/* From kmquake2: adding an extra parameter for .ent support. */
CMod_LoadEntityString(&header.lumps[LUMP_ENTITIES], name);
memset(portalopen, 0, sizeof(portalopen));
strcpy(map_name, name);
return &map_cmodels[0];
cmodel_t *
CM_InlineModel(char *name)
int num;
if (!name || (name[0] != '*'))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CM_InlineModel: bad name");
num = (int)strtol(name + 1, (char **)NULL, 10);
if ((num < 1) || (num >= numcmodels))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CM_InlineModel: bad number");
return &map_cmodels[num];
return numclusters;
return numcmodels;
char *
return map_entitystring;
CM_LeafContents(int leafnum)
if ((leafnum < 0) || (leafnum >= numleafs))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CM_LeafContents: bad number");
return map_leafs[leafnum].contents;
CM_LeafCluster(int leafnum)
if ((leafnum < 0) || (leafnum >= numleafs))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CM_LeafCluster: bad number");
return map_leafs[leafnum].cluster;
CM_LeafArea(int leafnum)
if ((leafnum < 0) || (leafnum >= numleafs))
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CM_LeafArea: bad number");
return map_leafs[leafnum].area;
CM_DecompressVis(byte *in, byte *out)
int c;
byte *out_p;
int row;
row = (numclusters + 7) >> 3;
out_p = out;
if (!in || !numvisibility)
/* no vis info, so make all visible */
while (row)
*out_p++ = 0xff;
if (*in)
*out_p++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
if ((out_p - out) + c > row)
c = row - (out_p - out);
Com_DPrintf("warning: Vis decompression overrun\n");
while (c)
*out_p++ = 0;
while (out_p - out < row);
byte *
CM_ClusterPVS(int cluster)
if (cluster == -1)
memset(pvsrow, 0, (numclusters + 7) >> 3);
CM_DecompressVis(map_visibility +
LittleLong(map_vis->bitofs[cluster][DVIS_PVS]), pvsrow);
return pvsrow;
byte *
CM_ClusterPHS(int cluster)
if (cluster == -1)
memset(phsrow, 0, (numclusters + 7) >> 3);
CM_DecompressVis(map_visibility +
LittleLong(map_vis->bitofs[cluster][DVIS_PHS]), phsrow);
return phsrow;